Static and Dynamic Rollover: Joonas Kursu

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Static and Dynamic Rollover

Joonas Kursu
Static Rollover

 Static rollover occurs when the helicopter pivots about one

skid/wheel in contact withthe ground to such an extent that the
helicopter’s Centre of Gravity (C of G) moves beyond the
 Once the static rollover angle is exceeded removal of the
original force causing the roll will not stop the helicopter rolling
 This typically corresponds to a roll angle in excess of 30° for
most helicopters.

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Dynamic Rollover

 Some factor has to first cause the helicopter to roll or pivot

around a skid, or landing gear wheel, until its critical rollover
angle is reached (Helicopter is landing, hovering, taking off)

 Beyond this point, main rotor thrust continues

the roll and recovery is impossible

 If the critical rollover angle is exceeded, the helicopter rolls on

its side regardless of the cyclic corrections made.

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Critical Conditions

For helicopters with counter-clockwise rotor rotation:

 Right side skid/wheel down, since translating tendency adds to
the rollover force.
 Right lateral center of gravity.
 Crosswinds from the left.
 Left yaw inputs.
 The rate of rolling
 High gross weights with thrust (lift)
approximately equal to the weight.

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 Dynamic rollover may also occur if you do not use the proper
landing or takeoff technique or while performing slope

 The skid or wheel contacts a fixed object while hovering

sideward, or if the gear is stuck in ice, soft asphalt, or mud.

 Quickly applying down collective is the most effective way to

stop dynamic rollover from developing.

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 Excessive application of cyclic control into the slope, together

with excessive collective pitch control, can result in the
downslope skid rising sufficiently to exceed lateral cyclic control
limits, and an upslope rolling motion can occur.
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 Keep the roll rates small.
 Slowly raise the downslope skid or wheel to bring the helicopter
level, and then lift off.
 During landing, first touch down on the upslope skid or wheel,
then slowly lower the downslope skid or wheel using combined
movements of cyclic and collective.
 The collective is more effective in controlling the rolling motion
than lateral cyclic, because it reduces the main rotor thrust (lift).
A smooth, moderate collective reduction,
 at a rate less than approximately full up to full down in two
seconds, is adequate to stop the rolling motion.

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 Use a two-step liftoff. Pull in just enough collective pitch control

to be light on the skids and feel for equilibrium, then gently lift
the helicopter into the air.
 Hover high enough especially when practicing sideways or
rearward flight.
 When the wind is coming from the upslope direction, less lateral
cyclic control will be available.
 Tailwind conditions should be avoided when conducting slope
 When the left skid/wheel is upslope, less lateral cyclic control is
available due to the translating tendency of the tail rotor.
 If passengers or cargo are loaded or unloaded, the lateral cyclic
requirement changes.
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 Do not allow the cyclic limits to be reached. If the cyclic control
limit is reached, further lowering of the collective may cause
mast bumping. If this occurs, return to a hover and select a
landing point with a lesser degree of slope.
 During a takeoff from a slope, if the upslope skid/wheel starts to
leave the ground before the downslope skid/wheel, smoothly
and gently lower the collective and check to see if the
downslope skid/wheel is caught on something. Under these
conditions vertical ascent is the only acceptable method of liftoff.
 During flight operations on a floating platform, if the platform is
pitching/rolling while attempting to land or takeoff, the result
could be dynamic rollover.

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