Transforming The Power Sector in Developing Countries:: Geopolitics, Poverty, and Climate Change in Pakistan
Transforming The Power Sector in Developing Countries:: Geopolitics, Poverty, and Climate Change in Pakistan
Transforming The Power Sector in Developing Countries:: Geopolitics, Poverty, and Climate Change in Pakistan
he 2019 visit of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan to Washington and his
July 22 meeting with US President Donald Trump focused attention—at
least briefly—on both the prospects for peace in Afghanistan and broader
South Asia regional security issues. Energy security is an important aspect of
the geopolitics of the region, and while it is common to focus on India as the
third-largest primary energy user in the world after China and the United States,
Pakistan also is significant, given its growing economy and large population
of 207 million. From a geopolitical standpoint, though, Pakistan takes on more
importance amid rising great power competition, rivalries among China, Russia,
Iran, India, and the United States in the region, and specifically as China expands
its presence through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC).
Pakistan’s politics has been tumultuous with rival parties struggling for power.
Khan’s August 2018 election as prime minister has ushered in a new political era
in Pakistan. His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, which defeated the outgoing
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Pakistan People’s Party for seats in the
legislature, has already faced many challenges, including a slowing economy
and continuing energy crisis.1
Pakistan is a poor country, with a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of
US$1,909 in early 2019,2 and 58 million people lack access to electricity. With
The Global Energy Center promotes growing incomes, population, and urbanization, energy demand is increasing,
energy security by working alongside
government, industry, civil society,
and public stakeholders to devise
1 “A man, no plan: How will Imran Khan govern?,” The Economist, August 2, 2018, https://www.
pragmatic solutions to the geopo-
litical, sustainability, and economic
2 Shahbaz Rana, “Per capita income shrinks 8.2% in PTI first year,” the Express Tribune, May 12,
challenges of the changing global 2019,; “Per
energy landscape capita income hits $1909,” The Daily Star, March 20, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Miner Mohammad Ismail, twenty-five, digs in a coal mine in Choa Saidan Shah, Punjab province, Pakistan, April 29, 2014. Workers at
this mine dig coal with pick axes, break it up and load it onto donkeys to be transported to the surface. Source: REUTERS/Sara Farid
placing pressure on domestic resources. Despite the Pakistan was hit with heavy monsoon rains, reported to have
existence of indigenous natural gas, renewable, and coal been the heaviest in thirty-eight years.3 In 2019, the nation
resources, Pakistan has become more dependent on experienced a record heat wave as the monsoon rains were
imported oil, gas, and—recently—coal resources. Although delayed, with an all-time high temperature of 120 degrees
it is a small emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), unlike India or Fahrenheit recorded June 2-3 in Jacobabad in Sindh
China, Pakistan is likely to increase its greenhouse gas province.4
emissions, depending on the fuel choices and investments
it makes. The turn to embrace coal is an emerging concern Although the international donor and private investment
in the broader Asian context and in the wake of the Paris community has had a substantial engagement with Pakistan’s
Agreement on Climate Change, which Pakistan ratified. energy sector for many years, considerable obstacles remain
Its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) affirmed its in reforming the energy sector and mobilizing critical energy
desire to join the global effort to mitigate and adapt to rising investments. The security environment, especially outside
emissions, including from the power sector that is the leading the Punjab and Sindh provinces, is problematic, and the
source of Pakistan’s emissions. large and pervasive circular debt problem described later
has deterred investors. US-Pakistan relations have been
Poor countries often suffer the most from climate change, strained over Pakistan’s harboring of the Haqqani network,
and Pakistan has long been experiencing the direct effects a Sunni Islamist insurgent group involved in the Afghan war;
of severe climate events like floods and heat waves. In 2018, Trump’s suspension of military and security assistance; and
3 “Pakistan: Floods leave at least six people dead in Lahore,” Al Jazeera, July 4, 2018,
4 “2019 heat wave in India and Pakistan,” Wikipedia, accessed November 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
the enhanced US defense partnership with India. Khan’s visit, Meeting Growing Energy Demand
however, seems to have improved relations between the and Moving to a Cleaner Energy Mix
nations, with the development of a common understanding
of the need for a negotiated peace in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan’s economy over the past five years has been growing
enhanced energy cooperation.5 at more than 4 percent and reached 5.2 percent in 2018.
Although primary energy consumption in 2018 grew by 5
This report is the third country analysis in the Atlantic Council’s percent, primary energy growth has historically lagged behind
“Transforming the Power Sector in Developing Countries” economic growth.6 Between 2007 and 2017, the average rate
series. This series, initiated following the historic Paris accord of primary energy growth was 2.7 percent, compared with a
of 2015, considers the political economy of implementing the 3.8 percent average annual increase in GDP.7
Paris targets and commitments, focusing on the obstacles
and strategies for decarbonization of the important power Pakistan depends principally on oil and gas for over 70
sector. The initial report presented a generic framework percent of its primary energy8 and has become increasingly
and strategic action plan for power-sector transformation, dependent on oil and gas imports. Although Pakistan has
and subsequent reports have applied this approach to both some domestic crude oil production (about 90 thousand
specific countries, such as China and Indonesia, and issues. barrels per day in 2018), this only accounts for 18 percent
This analysis turns to South Asia and attempts to tie together of total oil consumption.9 The growing oil-import bill puts
the geopolitical dimensions of the energy transformation great pressure on budgets and reserves. The International
process with the severe poverty and climate change Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates Pakistan’s 2017-18 oil imports
challenges faced by Pakistan. A separate companion issue at US$14.6 billion, or about a quarter of total estimated
brief examines nearby Bangladesh. current account imports, and 2019-20 imports are expected
to be at least US$17 billion. The depreciation of the Pakistan
rupee in 2018 added an additional burden to the import bill.
CRITICAL CHALLENGES Pakistan has had to turn to gas imports as domestic gas
As a large developing country, Pakistan faces a wide range
of problems, especially related to overcoming poverty
Figure 1: Pakistan: Primary Energy Consumption
and improving the health, education, and employment Pakistan:
2015, 2018Primary Energy
(Millions TonsConsumption
of Oil Equivalent)
opportunities for low-income groups. The energy sector 2015, 2018 (Millions Tons of Oil Equivalent)
is critical to progress in addressing these problems, but 90
inadequate investment, unreliable energy supplies, weak 80
governance, and poor fiscal management of the sector have 70
and transparency; (3) increasing affordability and access; (4) Source: Data drawn from BP Statistical Review of World Energy,
addressing environmental degradation and climate change; 2017 and 2019.
and (5) achieving power-sector financial viability.
5 “President Donald J. Trump Wants to Work With Pakistan to Achieve Peace, Stability, and Economic Prosperity in the Region,” the White House, July 22, 2019,
6 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, BP, June 2019,
7 “Pakistan Real GDP Growth,” CEIC, accessed November 2019,
8 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, BP.
9 “Pakistan: Oil production,”, accessed November 2019,; BP Statistical
Review of World Energy 2019, BP.
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
consumption has grown (by 7 percent in 2018) and outpaced Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC). A Central Power
domestic production. Pakistan’s indigenous gas production Purchasing Agency (CPPA), responsible for billing and financial
has stagnated at about 34 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2018, settlements, was separated from NTDC in 2015, heightening
accounting for 80 percent of domestic consumption.10 transparency in power transactions and financial relations.
In the major Karachi electricity market, the main supplier is
Expansion of electricity generation to meet rising demand K-Electric, formerly the Karachi Electric Power Corporation.
and reduce the endemic power blackouts and outages has For several years, K-Electric had been a target of acquisition
been a high priority of the Pakistan government. Installed by China’s Shanghai Electric Company, but the majority
generation capacity has greatly expanded from 23,337 shareholder, the Dubai-based Abraaj Group, collapsed in
megawatts (MW) in 2014 to 33,836 MW in February 2019, and 2019.12 Separately, many privately owned electricity generating
electricity generation increased by 11 percent from 2017 to companies (IPPs) are involved in the thermal, hydro, and
2018.11 Pakistan continues to have a gap, however, of several renewable subsectors and have established a Pakistan
thousand megawatts in the non-summer months when Independent Power Producers Association.
hydropower output is lower and electricity demand is high.
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
It was then-Prime Minister Shahid Abbasi, a former minister of Pakistan aspires to achieve universal electricity access
petroleum from the Pakistan Muslim League, who in his brief by 2030 and priority towns in each province have been
tenure succeeded in establishing the Ministry of Energy, which identified.16 Pakistan’s rural electrification programs are
combined the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources heavily focused on grid expansion by the various regional
and the Power Division of the Ministry of Water and Power, in distribution companies, many of which are constrained
August 2017. It remains to be seen whether this institutional in their ability to finance grid expansion, especially in the
restructuring will improve governance and transparency. remote and sparsely populated areas of Baluchistan and
Given the close relationship between electricity and gas, tribal areas. Decentralized renewable systems are beginning
both indigenous and imported, the creation of a single to be introduced, but not at the same scale as in Bangladesh,
ministry may help achieve better planning and coordination where several dozen nongovernmental organizations
between the oil and gas and power sectors. (NGOs) and private companies are marketing these systems
for household and village applications.
In general, energy policy and governance has been quite
fragmented in Pakistan, involving the Pakistan Ministry Tackling Environmental Degradation
of Finance, the Planning Commission, the provincial and Climate Change
governments, as well as the state energy organizations.
Major decisions on energy policy and investment are usually Pakistan and the South Asia region as a whole face enormous
reviewed and approved by the Economic Coordination environmental challenges due to the geographical and
Committee, chaired by the prime minister. Former Prime ecological situation, population growth, and urban pressures.
Minister Nawaz Sharif tried to improve coordination in the Pakistan’s population is expected to grow to 309 million by
sector through an interagency energy group and brought in 2050.17 As a result, water and energy will become critical to
from abroad a Pakistani with experience working in Western its survival.
companies as his energy adviser. Upon his election as prime
minister, Khan assumed the position of minister of energy Key to Pakistan’s future is the Indus River basin and system,
as well as minister of the interior, but in September 2018 both for irrigation and as a water supply for major urban
he appointed Omar Ayab Khan, also from the PTI party, as centers in the east and south. The basin is subject to regular
minister of energy. The prime minister also created the Task flooding and cyclones. In 2010, Pakistan suffered especially
Force on Energy Reform, which is headed by his energy severe flooding that seriously damaged the electricity system
adviser, Naseem Babar.13 and caused an estimated US$25.3 billion in costs, or 5.4
percent of GDP.18
Increasing Affordability and Access
The Global Climate Risk Index ranks Pakistan as the seventh
As a largely rural country, Pakistan faces major challenges in most affected country during the period 1997-2016, with 141
providing affordable and reliable electricity to its population. severe climate events incurring estimated losses of US$3.8
As mentioned above, 58 million people lack access to billion.19 In Pakistan, these events have included droughts
electricity, and the challenge is particularly acute in rural and heat waves (e.g., 1998-02 and 2014-17) and glacial-lake
areas, where only 54 percent have access.14 Pakistan’s outburst floods in the northern mountains.
progress in expanding access has been slower compared
to some other countries. For example, nearby Bangladesh Pakistan’s initial submission in the run-up to the Paris Climate
boosted its access level to 88 percent in 2017 from 55 Summit, the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
percent in 2010,15 and more recent estimates are as high as (INDC), presents a useful summary of the threats that Pakistan
95 percent. is facing from climate change:
13 “Pakistan to take another $1.4 bln loan to curb power sector arrears,” Reuters, February 15, 2019,
14 Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2019, World Bank, May 2019,
15 Ibid.
16 See: “Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL),” United Nations Development Programme in Pakistan, accessed November 2019,
17 “Pakistan 2050,”, accessed November 2019,; “Bangladesh 2050,”, accessed November 2019,
18 David Eckstein, Vera Künzel, Laura Schäfer, Global Climate Risk Index 2018, German Watch, November 9, 2017,
19 Ibid.
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Many sectors, activities, and target groups are vulnerable in Pakistan has received much attention including front-
to the threats of climate change in Pakistan. These page stories in major Western papers. The shortage of
among others include: increased variability of monsoon; power supplies coupled with a large deficit in collections
rapid recessions of glaciers of Hindu Kush-Karakoram and pervasive circular debt24 has represented a persistent
in the Himalayas; threatening water flows in the Indus political problem stemming back to well before the Sharif and
River System; increased siltation of downstream water Khan governments. At the root of the problem is both high
reservoirs; increased risk of floods and droughts; heat- technical and commercial losses and especially nonpayment
stressed conditions in arid and semi-arid regions leading by the government and its state companies.
to reduced agriculture productivity; intrusion of saline
water in the Indus delta affecting coastal ecology and The issue of losses and inadequate collections is problematic
fishery production, and increased cyclonic activity in the in most of Pakistan’s ten electricity distribution companies,
coastal belt due to high sea surface temperatures.20 which had average losses of 17.95 percent in 2016-17, with
three reporting losses of over 30 percent.25 (See Figure 3.)
While these climate impacts have taken their toll, Pakistan Although estimates vary, the cumulative debts of the power
emits quite small amounts of CO2, i.e., only about 0.6 system, including the shifting circular debt among state gas
percent of global energy CO2 emissions.21 Pakistan’s INDC companies, power distribution companies, independent
reports energy emissions in 2015 of 185.97 metric tons power producers, consumers, and the government’s Central
(MT) out of total emissions of 405 MT. BP estimates that Purchasing Agency, have continued to build up over the
Pakistan’s energy CO2 emissions rose in 2018 to 195.7 MT, years and were estimated to have reached a cumulative level
a 3.8 percent increase over 2017.22 Overall, energy-related of 1.55 trillion Pakistan rupees (abbreviated as Rs and the
CO2 emissions are projected to increase to 898 MT in 2030. amount equivalent to US$11.7 billion) as of June 2018,26 with
Pakistan’s conditional commitment at Paris was, however, to the average tariff of Rs11.70/kilowatt hour (kWh), well below
reduce overall emissions by 20 percent from the projected the determined power supply cost for 2018-19 of Rs15.53/
2030 levels if an estimated investment of $40 billion were kWh.27 Although the early 2019 level was widely reported at
forthcoming for abatement actions in energy, industry, and Rs1.4 trillion, one independent analysis places the “official-
agriculture.23 Meeting this reduction target will require major designed” circular debt at Rs829 billion as of July 2019,
changes in strategy and financing, which will be discussed not including loans of the Syndicated Term Finance Facility,
later in this document. which if added would total about Rs1.8 trillion.28
Achieving Power-Sector Financial Viability The government, with donor support, has sought to reduce
payment arears and has tried to cap the overall level of circular
The establishment of a financially sound power sector in debt. As much as Rs600 billion of this debt has been parked
low-income developing countries is a common problem, in a state holding company, the Power Holding Private Ltd.
and Pakistan is continuing to struggle to reduce losses, (PHPL).29 Private power producers, through the Independent
improve collections, and rationalize tariffs. The power crisis Power Producers Advisory Council (IPPAC), have disputed
20 Pakistan Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan, November 8, 2016, http://www.mocc.
21 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, BP.
22 Ibid.
23 Pakistan’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (PAK-INDC), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, November 4, 2016, https://
24 The IMF describes circular debt as the cash flow shortfall incurred in the power sector from the nonpayment of obligations by consumers, distribution
companies, and the government. Pakistan: IMF Country Report No. 19/212, International Monetary Fund, July 2019,
25 State of the Industry Report 2017, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, 2017,
26 Pakistan’s Power Future: Renewable Energy Provides a More Diverse, Secure and Cost-Effective Alternative, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial
Analysis, December 2018,
27 Ibid.
28 Amjad Hafeez, “Circular Debt in Power Sector of Pakistan: Impacts; Causes and Solutions,” October 2019,
publication/336265271_Circular_Debt_in_Power_Sector_of_Pakistan ImpactsCauses_and_Solutions
29 Drazen Jorgic, “Pakistan says curbing power sector debt, seeks energy investors,” Reuters, January 30, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
the effectiveness of government efforts, highlighting a rising while the reported losses in distribution alone were almost
circular debt, claiming that their share was Rs254 billion in 18 percent, as indicated above. If transmission losses are
2017. These independent power producers have long-term included, the total difference between electricity generated by
power-purchase agreements with government entities that the producers and electricity sold by the regional distribution
have been criticized as too costly with their “take or pay” companies (DISCOs) amounted to 21.6 percent of generation
arrangements and, for renewables, high feed-in tariffs, which in FY2016-17.32 Arrears in the gas sector also have been rising
are designed to promote installation of renewable electricity (to a reported US$1 billion for Sui Northern and Sui Southern
technologies. In 2017, the government decided to move gas companies), and the government increased gas prices by
generally to shorter-term competitively bid tenders (i.e., 200 percent on July 1, 2019.
terms of fifteen years instead of twenty-five to thirty years)
and “take and pay” formulas.30 In summary, the overall cost to Pakistan of the power sector’s
poor economic and financial performance is large. A World
The World Bank and the IMF have reported lower estimated Bank report estimates that the total economic cost of power-
levels of circular debt: the World Bank estimated Rs420 billion, sector distortions in Pakistan was US$17.7 billion in FY15, or
or US$4 billion, by the end of fiscal year (FY)16, or 1 percent about 6.5 percent of GDP stemming from the negative impacts
of GDP; and the IMF, Rs514 billion at the end of 2017.31 What (US$12.9 billion a year) of unreliable electricity to firms and
seems to have occurred is that the government reduced the households.33
budgeted power subsidy (from Rs349 billion in 2012-13 to
Rs118 in 2016-17), and this contributed to a buildup of circular
debt. Besides low tariffs, a major contributing factor to circular
debt is the large transmission and distribution (T&D) losses. This section presents policy directions that Pakistan should
The target for T&D losses for FY2016-17 was 15.3 percent, consider taking to address the above critical challenges. It
takes the general prescriptive approach from the first report
in the series and offers suggestions on specific strategic
priorities for Pakistan. These priorities address the following:
Figure 3: Pakistan: Losses in Electric Distribution
Companies in 2016-17 (GWh) (1) creating a sound policy, legal, and regulatory environment;
(2) developing efficient institutional and market structures;
5000 (3) achieving a cleaner and more resilient generation mix;
4500 (4) expanding electricity access to the poor and rural areas;
4000 (5) collaborating with neighbors on regional electricity and
3500 gas networks and markets; and (6) attracting international
3000 investment and financing.
Strategic Priority: The Pakistan government urgently needs
to develop a comprehensive energy plan and formulate legal
KEL and regulatory measures that tackle critical reforms in the
Total Losses: 17839.60 GWh
parastatal energy companies and power market, enhance
Average Losses: 17.95% revenue collection, create a more favorable environment for
investment, and accelerate efforts to develop its indigenous
Source: Data drawn from the National Electric Power Regulatory renewable energy and gas resource development for its
Authority’s State of Industry Report 2018. energy security, economic growth, and environmental
30 “No more long-term power purchase agreements,” Dawn, December 13, 2017,
31 Pakistan: IMF Country Report No. 18/78, International Monetary Fund, March 2018,
32 Ibid.
33 Fan Zhang, In the Dark: How Much Do the Power Sector Distortions Cost South Asia, World Bank Group, 2018,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Discussion: The creation of a sound, longer-term energy in transmission and distribution are needed to keep up with
policy has been difficult as domestic and external political surging power demands. The economic competitiveness of
and economic pressures buffet the government. The renewables and the potential for distributed gas systems
imperative of addressing short-term energy shortages, the open up new possibilities for a less centralized and more
severe budget and financial constraints, and the dramatic transparent commercial operation of the system.
swings in international energy prices has made it hard to
develop an optimal strategy that balances energy security, Policy makers should now begin to unbundle the system fully
economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Pakistan and move to a bilateral-contracts approach and the introduction
has pursued high-cost, short-term fixes while at the same of third-party access. In Pakistan, the World Bank’s appraisal
time accepting billions in large infrastructure loans, notably report concludes that that “The DISCOs and NTDC are not at
from China, for coal and nuclear plants that are problematic arm’s length from the Power Division of the Ministry of Energy
given the financial difficulties faced by the government and and remain in an entrenched bureaucratic culture.”35 The CPPA
the power sector. Policies to promote domestic renewables proposal to become a market operator, which has been under
and gas development have not received sufficient priority review by the National Energy Regulatory Commission, is a
vis-à-vis projects to develop imported coal and liquefied positive sign, but further restructuring is needed. In its early
natural gas (LNG). days, the Sharif government announced plans to privatize
distribution in the major cities of Faisalabad, Lahore, and
Increasing power-sector revenues is of critical importance, Islamabad, where incomes and affordability are higher, and
especially through tariff rationalization and the reduction initial DISCO privatization was a condition of the previous IMF
of both technical and nontechnical losses in the system. US$6.6 extended fund facility. Political opposition, however,
Pakistan committed to raise tariffs and reduce circular debt kept the Sharif government from pursuing this objective and
in its July 2019 Extended Fund Facility (EFF) agreement with it was abandoned in 2016. Khan has an opportunity to revive
the IMF, and the IMF released the first US$1 billion tranche this process, and in March 2019, the minister of privatization
of the US$6 billion package after Pakistan adjusted tariffs by indicated that nine distribution companies would be included
over 10 percent with further increases planned.34 in the list of state-owned enterprises for privatization along
with several generation companies.36 Although experience in
Developing Efficient Institutional and Market Structures other countries shows that losses can be reduced with proper
metering, billing, and collections systems and investments,
Strategic Priority: The Pakistan government should it is clear that the circular debt overhang and government
restructure the “single-buyer” system and fully unbundle the nonpayment obstacles need to be overcome; and political
power sector while maintaining a priority focus on improving support for strong legal enforcement of collections, including
the revenue and financial position of the sector. The by government entities, and rationalization of tariffs will be
privatization of better-performing distribution companies in essential.
major cities like Lahore, Islamabad, and Faisalabad should
be pursued to improve commercial operations and provide Achieving a Cleaner and Resilient Generation Mix
resources for the government.
Strategic Priority: Pakistan should continue to diversify its
Discussion: Pakistan has the potential to develop a more electricity mix but reorient efforts to accelerate the move to lower
competitive power market, but the highly politicized, single- carbon sources and away from oil and coal by focusing on gas,
buyer system (i.e., one in which transmission is controlled renewables, and increased energy efficiency. It should seek to
by the government), is holding back progress. Although facilitate the private investments needed to meet its 30 percent
private generation has overtaken public-sector generation, renewables target by 2030 and ensure that the transmission
distribution losses are still too high and major investments investments required to integrate these sources into the grid are
34 See: “IMF Executive Board Approves US$6 billion 39-Month EFF Arrangement for Pakistan,” International Monetary Fund, July 3, 2019,
35 Pakistan - First National Transmission Modernization Project, World Bank Group, November 27, 2017,
36 The nine companies include: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited (FESCO); Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO); Lahore Electric Supply
Company (LESCO); Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited (GEPCO); Multan Electric Power Company Limited (MEPCO); Peshawar Electric Supply
Company Limited (PESCO); Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Limited (HESCO); Quetta Electric Supply Company Limited (QESCO); Sukkur Electric
Power Company (SEPCO). Israr Khan, “Govt to privatise 49 public sector concerns,” International The News, March 7, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
37 Pakistan’s Power Future: Renewable Energy Provides a More Diverse, Secure and Cost-Effective Alternative, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial
38 “Electricity Generation Mix of Pakistan (2018),” Power Pakistan, January 22, 2019,
39 Shardul Sharma, “Pakistan Saves Big By Using Imported Gas For Power Generation: Report,” Natural Gas World, July 3, 2018, https://www.naturalgasworld.
40 Shardul Sharma, “Gas-Fired Power Climbs in Pakistan,” Natural Gas World, March 22, 2018,
41 Shardul Sharma, “Pakistan Takes Forward Plan For Third Import Terminal,” Natural Gas World, July 4, 2019,
42 Joseph Murphy, “Pakistan Ditches Lng Tender: Press,” Natural Gas World, October 15, 2019,
43 “GE, CPGHC & HUBCO Achieve Key Milestones to Power Pakistan,” GE, March 27, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Coal: Despite environmental concerns and its Paris NDC compared with 8.4 cents for super-critical coal. Plants such
commitment to reduce projected CO2 emissions, Pakistan is as the China Huanang coal plant at Sahiwal have been given
counting on coal to play a significant role in the nation’s future a power purchase agreement price of 8.36 cents per kWh.46
power mix, with a combination of both coal imports as well These investments create long-term obligations and the coal
as domestic resource development. Pakistan has 6.6 GW of plants may become stranded assets, potentially obsolete
coal plants under construction, with coal capacity additions and weighing on balance sheets as renewable energy costs
totaling 11,353 MW projected for 2025. The Pakistan Vision decrease and the costs of climate change increase.
2030 targets installed coal capacity of 19,910 MW by 2030,
representing 19 percent of the projected installed generation Nuclear: Important developments are evident in global
mix.44 Estimates foresee Pakistan’s imports of coal rising from nuclear markets as Russia and China seek to expand their
about 12 million metric tons (mmt) in 2018 to 30 mmt in 2020 political and economic influence in developing regions
and 40 mmt in 2025. Imports will increase to meet the needs through the export and state financing of nuclear power
of two new, large coal plants at Sahiwal and Port Qasim. plants. China and Russia are building over 60 percent of the
nuclear reactors currently under construction in the world
Pakistan is therefore moving rapidly to implement its policy today.47 Pakistan is thus far the only foreign country operating
decision to develop almost from scratch a coal power Chinese commercial nuclear reactors. Chinese nuclear
industry with all the attendant infrastructure requirements for engagement with Pakistan dates to 1993, when the China
import and transport. Although this follows the trend in some National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) began construction
other South and Southeast Asia nations, there are serious of the first of four small Chinese CNP300 nuclear reactors
questions about the viability of this strategy from both at its Chashma complex in central Pakistan, with commercial
economic and environmental standpoints even though both operation in 2000, 2011, 2016, and 2017. As it pursued export
the Sahiwal and Port Qasim coal plants are efficient and use opportunities, China in 2015 began to construct near Karachi
super-critical coal combustion technology.45 In Pakistan, one two of its larger, indigenous-designed Hualong One plants
recent study using data from the energy regulator shows (see (1,000 MW each), the first and only Chinese Generation III
Figure 5) that both renewables and gas are less costly than plants thus far to be built outside China. They are expected
coal (with wind at 4.3 cents per kWh, solar at 5.3 cents, gas to be completed by 2021 and 2022 and will be an important
at around 6 cents, and hydro averaging a little over 8 cents, showcase, together with the four Hualong One plants under
44 “Pakistan — the hottest market for South African coal,” Dawn, February 6, 2018,
45 Super-critical coal plants operate at higher efficiencies than sub-critical plants (about 44 percent thermal efficiency, compared with 33 percent) due to higher
temperatures and pressures and they produce fewer emissions and waste heat. See: Bethel Afework, Jordan Hanania, Kailyn Stenhouse, and Jason Donev,
“Supercritical coal plant,” Energy Education, last updated June 25, 2018,
46 Pakistan’s Power Future: Renewable Energy Provides a More Diverse, Secure and Cost-Effective Alternative, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial
47 For discussion of Chinese and Russian nuclear activities, see: Atlantic Council Task Force on US Nuclear Energy Leadership, US nuclear energy leadership:
Innovation and the strategic global challenge, Atlantic Council, May 20, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
construction and ten planned plants in China.48 CNNC is to 8.6 meters per second in the Sinh corridor and solar
building these units with reported financing from a US$6.5 resource potential, and international companies from many
billion loan in 2014 from the Chinese Export-Import Bank.49 countries are establishing facilities, particularly in the Sindh
A third Hualong One unit for the Chashma complex is at the and Punjab provinces.53 Chinese companies have been
tender stage, but it is unclear whether the financing has been major investors in wind projects, accounting for 397.5 MW,
finalized. Pakistan envisions 8,800 MW of nuclear capacity or 36.8 percent of the new wind power capacity developed
by 2030, providing 20 percent of its electric power.50 in Pakistan between 2014 and 2018.54 In total, 1,500 MW of
wind, solar, and bagasse (a biowaste) had been installed
Although nuclear energy is a small part of Pakistan’s power as of 2017, and NEPRA projected in 2017 that more than
mix, these huge projects create a long-term financial, 3,500 MW of these sources will be added by 2024-25.55
technological, and energy dependency on China and its A July 2019 report of the US Commercial Service indicates
authoritarian system and state companies. They reduce that a 400 MW installation at the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park
transparency in the sector and raise concerns about safety is operating, with expansion planned, and an additional
and security. Pakistan, like India, has not signed the Nuclear twenty-four solar projects of different scale are producing
Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the nation is a member of the 550 MW of power.56 At least six bagasse plants of 201.1 MW
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In 2018, Pakistan are in operation.57 Besides its large hydropower potential,
established a four-year joint program with the IAEA to work Pakistan has many favorable sites for small hydro projects;
on ensuring the safety and security of the new plants.51 The 877 projects are underway and will add to the current
economics of the new plants are still unclear, but given the generation of 128 MW.58
reported size of the loans, it is reasonable to estimate that
the plants in Pakistan will cost about US$4,000 per installed The Khan government has recently announced ambitious
kW, assuming they are completed on schedule. Even with plans to increase the share of renewable energy in total
high capacity factors, they will likely be among the highest power generation to 30 percent by 2030, including wind,
cost power generation units. solar, small hydro, and biomass. The new plans are expected
to expand renewable capacity by as much as 7,000 MW
Renewables: Interest and investment in renewable energy by 2025 to around 20 percent of generation.59 In addition,
have picked up over the past four or five years. However, there is a target to raise the share of large-scale hydro (more
excluding large hydropower capacity, renewables only than 50 MW), currently around one-fourth of the country’s
accounted for 4 percent of Pakistan’s generation in 2018.52 electricity supply, to 30 percent by 2030.60 Reaching 60
As pointed out in the Renewable Readiness Assessment percent renewable and hydro generation by 2030 would be
by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), a tremendous achievement and counter the growing trend of
Pakistan has substantial wind energy potential (i.e., 6.9 fossil-fuel imports.
48 “Nuclear Power in China,” World Nuclear Association, last updated October 2019,
49 “China’s Global Energy Finance: Energy Sources 2016,” Boston University Global Development Policy Center, accessed November 2019,
50 “China ‘to build third Hualong One nuclear reactor’ in Pakistan,” South China Morning Post, November 25, 2017,
51 “Strengthening and Enhancing Capabilities of Pakistan’s National Institutions to Support a Safe, Reliable and Sustainable Nuclear Power Programme,”
International Atomic Energy Agency, accessed November 2019,
52 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, BP.
53 Renewables Readiness Assessment: Pakistan, International Renewable Energy Agency, April 2018,
54 “Chinese equity investments in energy reshape South and Southeast Asia – Greenpeace analysis,” Greenpeace International, July 29, 2019, https://www.
55 State of Industry Report 2017, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority.
56 “Pakistan Country Commercial Guide: Pakistan - Renewable Energy,”, October 7, 2019,
57 Ammara Khan, “35 renewable energy projects completed costing $3.5b,” Technology Times, December 31, 2018,
58 “Pakistan Country Commercial Guide: Pakistan - Renewable Energy,”
59 Faseeh Mangi, “Pakistan plans renewables for a fifth of energy supplies by 2025,” Al Jazeera, July 23, 2019,
60 “Pakistan To Set 30% Plus 30% Renewable Energy Target By 2030,” World Wind Energy Association, April 2, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Fishermen return from their day of fishing at KhuttiKun New Island, Taluka Mirpur Sakro, Thatta District, Sindh province in Pakistan.
Construction of the roads as part of the wind energy project has made the sea more accessible for them to fish and make a better
living. Source: Flickr/Asian Development Bank
Pakistan has been moving to further its investments in Expanding Electricity Access to Poor and Rural Areas
hydropower, which has long been a pillar of the electricity
system, accounting for between 25 percent and 30 percent Strategic Priority: Pakistan should develop a high-priority
of nationwide generation, depending on water availability. program to support private entrepreneurial and NGO
Pakistan’s installed hydro capacity reached 9,389 MW in efforts to commercialize solar power systems in rural areas
2018 with the commissioning of the 108 MW Golen Gol 2, the and ensure high standards for reliability and service. They
1,410 MW Tarbela Fourth Extension, and the 969 MW Neelum should encourage banks to lend for these projects as well
Jhelum projects. Work is beginning on the large World Bank- as facilitate cooperation between solar system providers
funded 4,320 MW Dasu project, which has experienced and the regional distribution companies, especially on
major delays due to land issues, and the government has technology interface issues for minigrids and microgrids.
announced an 800 MW Mohmand Dam project on the Pakistan should consider the adaptation of the Bangladesh
Swat river in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Pakistan is Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) public-
experiencing historically low water flows, and the potential for private partnership model, which has been so successful
further climate impacts may affect this important subsector, in mobilizing over $500 million in donor funding for wide-
despite the value of the projects in terms of increasing water spread installation by private organizations of off-grid solar
storage and management capacity.61 photovoltaic systems.
61 Elizabeth Ingram, “Hydro activity in Pakistan: Looking back at 2018 and forward into 2019,” Hydro Review, January 2, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Discussion: Pakistan is taking steps to introduce solar power on the openness and willingness of international petroleum
to rural villages. The World Bank has approved a new project, companies to be involved in the upstream development.
the Sindh Solar Energy Project, that will finance 200,000 solar Turkmenistan has, however, moved ahead to develop the field
home systems and larger grid-connected units.62 Pakistan itself and expand production to 40 bcm by 2025.63 With the
needs to tap private entrepreneurial talent in developing continuing conflict in Afghanistan, there are clearly risks to
these programs and ensure that sound technical standards the project. The Taliban have stated assurances of protecting
are adopted. It can learn from other experiences in South the pipeline despite the history of fighting to control Farah, a
Asia and East Africa, where substantial commercialization of western province and city adjacent to Herat, near the Iranian
both solar home systems and minigrids is occurring. border where the pipeline will traverse.64 The pipeline will
also pass through Quetta in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province,
Collaborating with Neighbors on Regional Electricity where militant and terrorist groups operate, thereby adding to
and Gas Networks and Markets pipeline security risks. The outcome of ongoing negotiations
among the Taliban and the Afghan government, with US,
Strategic Priority: Pakistan should continue to pursue Chinese, and Russian involvement, will likely be critical to
diversification of its electricity and gas imports from Central the project’s fate and the attitude of India toward continued
Asia, promoting peaceful relationships and advancing participation.
economic development while resisting Iranian pressure to
expand electricity and gas import from Iran. Another long-pursued project is the CASA-1000 high-voltage,
direct current (HVDC) electricity transmission line that will
Discussion: Attempts at energy cooperation in South Asia bring seasonably available hydropower from Tajikistan and
have been a challenge given the conflicts and historical the Kyrgyz Republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan. The
legacies. A few signs of progress are emerging, however, World Bank is the major financier, but additional funders
as Pakistan pursues overland imports of electricity and gas include the Islamic Development Bank, the European Bank
in addition to its major focus on maritime imports of LNG for Reconstruction and Development, the United Kingdom,
and coal for power. and the United States. Although construction began in
May 2016, progress has been slow, especially in Tajikistan
Pakistan has long been eyeing the potential for electricity and contracts. The main components of the project include:
gas imports from Central Asia. For more than a decade, the
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline • 500 kilovolt (kV) alternating current (AC) line from
and the CASA-1000 electric transmission line projects have Datka (in the Kyrgyz Republic) to substation Sugd (477
been pursued to bring gas from Turkmenistan and hydro- kilometers, or 296 miles, away, in Tajikistan);
generated power from Tajikistan and Central Asia. Turkmengas
leads the TAPI consortium, which includes the Afghan Gas • 1,300 MW AC-DC converter station at Sangtuda
Corp., Pakistan’s Interstate Gas System Ltd., and India’s state- (Tajikistan);
owned Gail. Construction started on the 1,840 km, $10 billion
project in Turkmenistan in December 2015 and in Afghanistan • 750 km HVDC line from Sangtuda to Nowshera
in February 2018. It will supply 33 bcm of gas from the large (Pakistan); and
Galkynysh gas field in Turkmenistan to the border with India, with
Pakistan and India taking up to 14 bcm each and Afghanistan 5 • 1,300-megawatt DC-AC converter station at Nowshera.65
bcm. Commercial contracts are under negotiation among the
four companies, with possible financial closure by the end of Power purchase agreements have been completed between
2020. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been a major the participating national transmission companies, and
supporter of the project, but Chinese and South Korean banks commercial operations are expected to begin in 2022.
are financing the development of the Galkynysh field and the
processing plants. The United States has consistently taken The ADB did not support CASA-1000, instead pursuing
the position that the project’s commercial viability depends the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) project—a
62 “Solar Energy to Help Meet Pakistan’s Power Demand,” Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, October 24, 2018,
63 “Turkmenistan in process of TAPI gas pipeline construction,” AzerNews, August 14, 2018,
64 Catherine Putz, “TAPI Moves Into Afghanistan, Taliban Promise to Protect the Project,” the Diplomat, February 27, 2018,
65 “About CASA-1000: Realizing the CASA-1000 Vision,” CASA-1000, accessed November 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
500 kilovolt (kV) electricity transmission project that would emphasis should be on attracting private capital, and the
use the same route as the TAPI pipeline and potentially government should be more careful in assuming external
would allow larger power flows than CASA-1000. The TAP state loans from China and other sources that exacerbate
framework agreement was signed in May 2018 and has two the public debt position and increase CO2 emissions. The
main phases: the first phase—to be completed by 2021— gas and renewable energy subsectors should be given
will use the existing infrastructure under the ADB-financed highest priority since they are both economically viable and
Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan can attract private equity and debt financing. With growing
(TUTAP) power interconnection project, which aims to export energy demands from rapid urbanization, greater attention
power from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The should be given to improving energy efficiency, especially
second phase—to be completed by 2022—will transfer power through building envelope, appliance, and HVAC system
from Turkmenistan through the border of Serhetabad (in standards, and incentives for building owners to invest in
Turkmenistan) and Torghundy into Herat, Kandahar, and Spin modern energy-management systems. Improvement in
Boldak in Afghanistan, and export to Chaman and Quetta in the transparency, professional capability, and credibility of
Pakistan.66 NEPRA will be increasingly important to assuring sound and
sustainable financial investments in the sector.
Another factor in the regional equation is, of course, Iran. That
nation has proclaimed its desire to be a regional electricity Discussion: Although the recent slowdown in Pakistan’s
hub with exports to the Caucasus through Armenia and economy has raised concerns, the energy sector continues to
Azerbaijan, and to Central Asia through Turkmenistan, and attract considerable interest from private and state investors,
directly to Turkey, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran’s power donors, and international financial institutions (IFIs). Prime
exports generated US$3.37 billion in revenue between attention has focused on the expansion of Chinese financing
September 2013 and May 2017, according to a Pakistan for infrastructure, including energy, under the BRI. Substantial
press report citing Iran’s Energy Ministry, with Iraq ranking international criticism, including disparaging comments
as the largest market (1,400 MW per year).67 Although Iran’s on China’s “debt trap” diplomacy, lack of transparency,
electricity exports to Afghanistan and Pakistan are presently and state-dominated nonmarket approach from senior US
only about 130 MW, Iran has indicated its readiness to administration and congressional leaders, has been aimed
provide as much as 3,000 MW to Pakistan.68 The current at China’s US$62 billion CPEC program to construct roads,
confrontation with the United States—and US sanctions on mines, power plants, ports, and other infrastructure. The
Iran—pose a problem for Pakistan’s pursuit of this option as official CPEC website as of July 2019 contained fifteen
well as Pakistan’s long-delayed import of natural gas from Iran. priority energy projects involving over 11,000 MW of new
The latter project, which dates over a decade, envisioned the capacity, US$16 billion in estimated investment, several
completion of an 8 bcm pipeline. Although Iran has finished coal mines, and two major high-voltage transmission lines.70
its segment, Pakistan has not proceeded with its leg due to These projects do not include the more than US$6 billion of
US pressure and sanctions, and Iran has threatened to take financing for the nuclear plants that China is building near
the issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.69 Karachi and planned for Chasma or the ongoing US$10 billion
port development at Gwadar in Baluchistan, which China
Attracting Domestic and International has leased for forty-three years and which may become
Investment and Financing important for future oil and coal imports. There has also been
speculation that China intends to use Gwadar port for its
Strategic Priority: Pakistan needs to step up its efforts to naval expansion, especially in light of China’s agreement to
improve the financial position of its power sector, reduce sell Pakistan eight submarines.71 China is sending thousands
quasi-fiscal deficits, and increase the efficiency of the state of workers to Pakistan for these projects, posing a challenge
energy companies if it is to attract the capital and financing for Pakistan security officials. The Sahiwal coal-fired power
needed to meet the growing electricity demands. The plant was commissioned in May 2017 after being constructed
66 “Power Interconnection Project to Strengthen Power Trade Between Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan,” Asian Development Bank, February 28, 2018,
67 “Iran to increase electricity export to Pakistan, Afghanistan,” the Nation, April 9, 2018,
68 Abhishek G. Bhaya, “Analysis: Iran emerges as regional electricity hub with Pakistan Afghanistan export plans,” CGTN, April 8, 2018,
69 “Islamabad May Halt Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Project Due To U.S. Sanctions,” Radio Farda, May 12, 2019,
70 “CPEC-Energy Priority Projects,” China Pakistan Economic Corridor, accessed November 2019,
71 Maria Abi-Habib, “China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Plan in Pakistan Takes a Military Turn,” New York Times, December 19, 2018,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
in twenty-two months. The Pakistan government allocated international coal financing. The Overseas Development
US$1.71 billion in the 2017-18 budget for CPEC projects. Institute’s June 2019 report estimated that Group of Twenty
(G20) countries provided coal financing and subsidies
Significant vehicles for Chinese government energy of US$16 billion during 2016-17, with China and Japan
finance include the two so-called policy banks—the China accounting for 87 percent of this amount. Pakistan received
Development Bank and the Chinese Export-Import Bank. A US$3.975 billion from China during this period.77 Boston
Boston University dashboard that tracks energy financing University’s China’s Global Energy Finance tracker indicates
from these institutions reports US$19.098 billion in Chinese that coal was a major part of the US$3.3 billion in Chinese
energy loans from these banks to Pakistan during 2014-18, funding from the Chinese Development Bank and Chinese
mainly for nuclear, coal, and hydro projects.72 Export-Import Bank during 2017.78 The contradiction of
China seeking to reduce coal’s role domestically through
This major borrowing comes at a time when Pakistan is already the substitution of gas, renewables, and nuclear and its
facing an elevated current account deficit and a ballooning aggressive support for overseas coal plants is quite stark
external public debt estimated by the IMF at US$105.8 billion in and reflects the political influence of the large Chinese state
March 2019.73 Public and public-guaranteed debt is projected industrial companies.
by the IMF to increase to US$234 billion in 2019-20,74 in
part driven by the CPEC-related outflows (loan repayments This trend in encouraging coal use is alarming in terms of
and profit repatriation). Pakistan’s current Chinese debt is both global efforts to combat climate change and reduce CO2
estimated to be US$15 billion in public loans and US$6.7 emissions and in terms of Pakistan’s future policy direction.
billion in commercial finance obligations.75 This weakening Chinese officials indicate that they are just responding to the
external financial position will be a major challenge and desires of the country officials that view coal as the least-
require significant external resource mobilization to meet the cost option. The evidence increasingly (see Figure 5) shows,
debt-service obligations, as the IMF pointed out in approving however, that renewables and gas are competitive and
the US$6 billion EFF. Pakistan officials have argued that certainly less expensive if environmental, health, water, and
official debt to China is limited since many of the projects other factors are considered.
involve commercial loans and foreign direct investment by
Chinese companies, and official debt is only a small portion Chinese support for overseas coal projects contrasts with
of the overall national debt of US$100 billion and the annual the position of the IFIs, which are supporting hydro, gas,
investment program of the government.76 and other renewable energy projects. For example, the
World Bank is a major donor in Pakistan and is supporting a
International criticism of Chinese actions goes beyond US$425 million National Transmission Modernization project,
the long-term financial dependency aspects and political a Tarbela Fourth Extension Hydro project of US$390 million
ramifications of these projects to include the environmental (which provides additional funding to the original US$840
and climate change impacts of its lending for coal projects million Tarbela extension loan), a US$588.4 million Dasu
and the weak environmental standards in the hydro and Hydro Stage 1 project, and a US$100 million Sindh Solar
other projects. Pakistan has been a major focus of Chinese Energy Project.
72 “China’s Global Energy Finance: Energy Sources 2016,” Boston University Global Development Policy Center.
73 “Pakistan External Debt,” CEIC, accessed November 2019,
74 “IMF Executive Board Approves US$6 billion 39-Month EFF Arrangement for Pakistan,” International Monetary Fund, July 3, 2019,
75 State Department Acting Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia Alice Wells, “A Conversation with Ambassador Alice Wells on the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor,” public conversation, event at the Wilson Center, Washington, DC, November 21, 2019,
76 Raghuvir Srinivasan, “Worries over Pakistan debt to China are overstated: Imran Khan’s adviser,” the Hindu, May 2, 2019,
77 G20 coal subsidies: Tracking government support to a fading industry, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the International Institute for Sustainable
Development, and Oil Change International, June 2019,
78 China’s Global Energy Finance: Energy Sources 2016,” Boston University Global Development Policy Center.
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
The new Gomal Zam Dam generates 17.4 MW of power, enough energy to supply electricity to 39,000 households.
Source: Flickr/US Embassy Pakistan
Although the Asian Development Bank did finance the investors over many decades. This assistance has helped
US$900 million Jamshoro coal plant in Pakistan, over the finance both human and physical infrastructure from hydro
objections of the Obama Administration and other countries, facilities to thermal power plants, electricity distribution
it has since focused on noncoal projects in transmission, improvement, rural electrification, and more recently wind
distribution, renewable energy, and energy efficiency.79 Over projects and transmission investments in Pakistan’s Sindh
the period 2005-17, ADB provided US$6.2 billion for energy province. Since 2011 alone, USAID-financed projects have
in Pakistan, accounting for 28 percent of its operations in the added over 3,500 MW of electricity to Pakistan’s national
country.80 grid. This includes 1,049 MW of generation capacity from new
and rehabilitated hydro and thermal power plants and 2,505
Of the bilateral donors active in the sector, the US government, MW of transmission and distribution capacity. Improving the
through the US Agency for International Development performance of the distribution companies also has been a
(USAID), Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), central focus of USAID programs, helping to realize through
and the US Department of Energy, has provided energy loss-reduction efforts 212 MW in distribution capacity and the
assistance and financial support to the power sector and US recovery of over US$429 million in revenue.81
79 Pakistan: ADB’s Support to Pakistan Energy Sector (2005–2017), Asian Development Bank, January 2019,
80 “ADB Support Key to Strengthen Pakistan’s Energy Sector: Independent Evaluation,” Asian Development Bank, February 12, 2019,
81 “Pakistan: Energy,” United States Agency for International Development, last updated November 20, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
Although Pakistan, with its favorable renewable resource Pakistan’s power-sector diversification program concentrates
potential and feed-in tariff policies, has been relatively on expanding coal generation from both imported and
successful in attracting project financing from both private domestic sources. The planned scale-up of coal generation
and public sources, it will need to further improve the from almost nothing a few years ago is very troubling and
investment climate if it is to realize the new, ambitious targets adds to international concerns that countries, especially in
of the Khan government. An important aspect will be the Asia, are not seriously implementing their Paris agreement
implementation of a major renewable energy auction system commitments to mitigate CO2 emissions.
that has become the global norm, as they move away from
rigid feed-in tariffs. These efforts should be coordinated with United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres, in
broader power-sector restructuring, and plans are developing his closing remarks at the UN Climate Conference in New
to allow direct sales of power from renewable generators to York on September 23, 2019, called for countries to stop
industrial consumers. Investment in transmission capacity building coal plants after 2020.83 Although this call is highly
will be critical and the World Bank and others are working aspirational and not very realistic in terms of Pakistan’s
with the government to consider options for both siting and situation, Pakistan’s leaders would be wise to reorient their
financing. Opening up some transmission projects to private policies away from coal and greatly ramp up their renewable
investors is certainly an option that should be evaluated. energy, energy efficiency, and gas and LNG development
efforts, as the new Khan government targets seem to
suggest. Improving the financial viability of the power
CONCLUSION sector and ameliorating the circular debt problem are vitally
South Asia, with its rapidly growing energy sector, is poised important to attracting the needed investment for projects
to play an expanding role in global energy markets and and establishing credible power off-take agreements.
geopolitics. This issue brief has focused on Pakistan, which
faces challenges in meeting rising energy demands and Pakistan can build on the success it has had in attracting
addressing security, poverty, and climate change issues. investment in wind and solar development to complement
The intensifying great power competition among the United its large hydro development program and ensure that
States, China, and Russia is playing out in this region, and investments in transmission are made to accommodate this
the energy sector is one critical arena. The United States expansion. International financial institutions and US and
has long-standing strategic interests in the region, given US European donors should continue to encourage this direction
investment in aiding a peaceful and viable Afghanistan as while raising with high-level Chinese officials the issue of
well as mitigating tensions and potential conflict between the its aggressive coal project financing. Given the growing
nuclear states of Pakistan and India. China is expanding its climate change impacts of storms and stresses on water
influence in the region and has made Pakistan a top focus of resources, it is critical for Pakistan to elevate both mitigation
its Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Pakistan Economic and adaptation in its policies and budget and investment
Corridor, with its heavy investment in electric power and priorities.
infrastructure projects.
Dr. Robert F. Ichord, Jr. is a senior fellow with the Atlantic
Energy is critically important to raising Pakistan’s per capita Council Global Energy Center and author of the center’s
income levels and achieving universal electricity access is an “Transforming the Power Sector in Developing Countries”
important objective. Faced with rising energy demands from series. Dr. Ichord served from 2011 to 2015 as deputy
increasing urbanization, incomes, and population, Pakistan assistant secretary for energy transformation in the US State
has increased its reliance on fossil fuel imports despite Department’s Energy Resources Bureau, where he advanced
the fact that, according to the US Geological Survey, it has US interests in sustainable energy development, electricity
petroleum resources of 164 million barrels of oil and 24.6 sector and market reform, nuclear safety, and renewable
trillion cubic feet of natural gas.82 Although this paper has not energy and energy efficiency.
discussed the upstream oil and gas sector, Pakistan should
consider ways to further investment in domestic exploration
and development of these resources.
82 Christopher J. Schen et al., “Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, 2017,” United States Geological Survey,
83 “Secretary-General’s remarks at closing of Climate Action Summit [as delivered],” United Nations, September 23, 2019,
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
ISSU E B RIEF Geopolitics, poverty, and climate change in Pakistan
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