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Hoppe Brochure Motion-Control

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Heel Control • Trim Control • Roll Damping • Load Moment Control • Dock Control

Tailored Control Systems • Monitoring • Engineering Service
Senime nimi, tendel id enduciisti quis accab illeniminci iistibus evellor epudit eatius acid magnat occuptatem. Lo In order to fulfill operational, economical or safety requirements, crews are
voluptatem qui tem. Ga. Dolorest imusamus, sanimin con vid modiciat et posam ipsapero temporibusam iumqui nus constantly facing the task to monitor and, if required, control the motion
nones volorrorum exerit fuga. Evelest iumque dolestempor re et fugit et omnimin response of their ship or offshore structure. To cope with these challenging
rem qui re aut volumquam netUdae. Corit volupiet que tasks more and more monitoring, control and automation equipment has
Ihilique num, sit as venita quasped modi renia pratese
labo. Itas et. been introduced to the infrastructure of maritime vehicles. Reflecting the
quaspit, comnit eum qui con commolore nescimus, volorio
developments of the past and considering the challenges of the future, the
Facestrum voloraes eicienitat tur, simendi gendusa nsequi occat ut omnis illaborum expliate veni cus que lit
significance of the monitoring and the respective control tasks will become
ndelentur asintio restia cusciat urepro temod magnimpor rento totae mossimu scius, inci andianditis enim quiam
much more complex at a much larger scale.
as etusae dipieni hitata pe namus evel eat quatem vel ipsanto taepudit exeritis audaepercid quatem et laborro di
exerit harum doluptatur sequi ut mo et et etur? Elendic omnitate plautat pore si volestius ulparum. Hoppe Marine has always been dedicated to develop and supply state-of-the-
art, innovate and cost-efficient technologies to support owners and operators
to conquer the challenges arising while undertaking their endeavors on the
oceans. Our motion control portfolio ranges from standard cost-effective to
highly sophisticated tailored systems. Our customers engage us to find the
solution allowing them to accomplishment complex and difficult operations
at sea. We focus on expanding the workability of their fleet. They trust our core
ability to provide reliable measurements and efficient control technology for
the maritime industry since more than six decades.

Over the years, Hoppe Marine has gathered a vast experience related to ship
operations, design and integration of automation systems. The foundation is
an experienced team of naval architects, data scientists, physicists, electrical
and computational engineers. The complexity of our projects and their
innovative character required us to develop and expand these capabilities.
By acquiring FLUME® Stabilization Systems (2010) and INTERING (2017) we
strengthened our position as the world market leader in the design and supply
of passive Roll Damping and Motion Control systems.


About Hoppe 02 Load Moment Control 14

Heel Control 04 Dock Control 15

•• Anti-Heeling 06 Tailored Control Systems 16

•• Blower Anti-Heeling 07 Monitoring 18

Trim Control 08 Engineering Service 20

Roll Damping 10 Hoppe Systems and Components 22

•• Flume® Roll Damping 12

www.hoppe-marine.com •• U-Tank Roll Damping 13

Hoppe is a family owned group of companies with global presence
and activities focused and dedicated to the maritime market. It’s
passion for Technology has been the company’s key of success in
more than six decades with the permanent motivation to deliver
customer-oriented products and services.

Starting with the business idea to deliver precise instruments and

measuring equipment for seagoing vessels (ship speed and power),
Hoppe Bordmesstechnik was founded in 1949 by the German
engineer Dipl.-Ing. Hans Hugo Karl Hoppe. The work life of Hans
Hoppe was characterized by many technical inventions and patents
for on-board measuring systems. After 35 years of successful work
life Hans Hoppe passed away and his colleague Jürgen Haas took
over the company and put things on the right track for the future
of Hoppe. Four years later (1990) Helmut Rohde joined Hoppe as
partner before finally taking over all shares of the company in 1997.
The Hoppe era of the Rohde family business started.

Besides many years of organic growth the Rohde family

established business in further maritime markets to follow the
globalization of the shipbuilding business. In 1997 Hoppe Korea
was established, followed by Hoppe China in 2010 and Hoppe
Singapore in 2017. In parallel, strategic investments were made
with the acquisitions of Meramont Automatyka (Poland), MAIHAK
Marine (Germany), Flume Stabilization (USA) and INTERING
ship stabilization systems (Germany). Combined with many new
inventions and patents Hoppe has established a leading position in
several maritime business areas.

The passion for technology is still unbroken and all Hoppe products
are fully designed in Germany by our skilled engineers. This means
that Hoppe has the full technical control over its portfolio and remains
dedicated to quality, accuracy and reliability. With this approach
Hoppe has maintained a very good market reputation ever since.

Being a fully independent family-owned company Hoppe is well

known in the market as a reliable long-term partner. Hoppe
combines decades of engineering know-how, sustainable on-board
experiences with the continuous development of new technologies
and innovations. Based on the strategic product- and service-focus
approach Hoppe is a key player also in the digitalization process
of the marine industry.

02 03
Hoppe is one of the leading suppliers of Heel Control BALLAST mode operation via HMI – touch screen of PLC KEY FEATURES
systems in the maritime industry. The portfolio ranges unit HOMIP or central PC-Station as well as connections
•• Allocated knowledge of Hoppe, Intering and Flume
from cost-effective standard solutions to tailored and to the alarm and monitoring system (IAS/AMS). In
in the design of Heel Control systems
highly sophisticated systems for complex and specialized AUTOMATIC mode the system starts to compensate the
•• Experienced Naval Architects design the optimized
applications. Heel Control systems are designed to keep heel angle when the threshold value exceeds ±0.5 degrees
and cost effective solution for standard and highly
any kind of vessel or offshore structure upright with respect heel. Sophisticated systems, required for loading operations
specialized applications
to the permissible heel angle limit. The righting moment at sea or offshore lifts, are controlled by measuring the
•• Well proven and reliable key components
arising, causing the heel angle, is compensated by shifting actual heel moment generated and adjusting the individual
•• Long reference list in large scale systems with a
ballast water between a set of heeling tank pairs located flow rates. Then the control software offers additional
compensation rate of 10,000 tm/min are supplied
vis-a-vis on starboard and portside within the ship. The operational modes such as ZERO FLOW, FLOW CONTROL
and operate at the highest degree of reliability
water transfer is achieved by utilizing centrifugal, reversible and LOAD MOMENT CONTROL. Unique in the market is
(up to 15 pumps sets or 4 blower units)
propeller, or screw-pumps and even air-blower units. The Hoppe’s ability to combine heel compensation with roll
•• Ice-heeling functionality for ice-breaking and
standard control system offers MANUAL, AUTOMATIC or damping functionalities in the same ballast water tank.
ice-going vessels


•• Reversible propeller, centrifugal, screw pumps

or air-blower
•• Direct start, soft start or frequency controlled
electric motors
•• Electric pressure sensors for remote sounding of
tank content or level switches
•• Inertial Measurement System or inclinometer for
determination of ship’s heel angle
•• Valve Remote Control System to control fluid flow with
pneumatic, hydraulic or electro-hydraulic actuators
•• Valve group for air flow control between 12” to 23”.

04 05
The heel compensation moment is achieved by systems. Three different pump sizes are available for The closed system consists of one or more ballast water to the tank and back to the atmosphere via a silencer.
transferring ballast water or other fluids between the vertical and horizontal installation as well as ex-proof tank pairs which are connected with air-pipes on the top The system has extremely short response times in
heeling tank pairs using reversible propeller, centrifugal execution. The pump performance is selected for and water pipes close to the bottom. The compressed air combination with high compensation rates. Blower
or screw pumps. Hoppe’s reversible axial propeller each individual application by varying the gear set and from the blower unit(s) is used to shift the water between Heel Control systems can be combined with U-Tank
pumps are an in-house design especially suitable for motor type. Flow rates of up to 2,500 m³/h per unit can the tank pairs to generate the compensating moment. Roll Damping Systems and Ice-Heeling operational
bidirectional water shift as required for Heel Control be provided. The direction of the air-flow is controlled by a valve group modes can be provided as additional option.

The PLC unit HOMIP for Blower

The PLC unit HOMIP for
manual or automatic Heel E1 B2
manual or automatic Heel
Control function. Control function.

Ind P2PS Off P2PB E1 Run E2 Off B1 Run B2 Off

F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4

06 07
Trim Control systems are designed to keep the trim of in the forward and aft part of the ship. The control KEY FEATURES COMPONENTS
a RoRo ferry, a floating dock or any kind of ship within system offers MANUAL, AUTOMATIC or BALLAST mode
•• Allocated knowledge of Hoppe, INTERING and FLUME® •• PLC Monitoring and Control unit HOMIP
the predefined permissible limits during loading and operation via HMI – touch screen of PLC unit HOMIP or
in the design of Heel Control systems •• Pressure Sensors for remote sounding of tank content
unloading operations. The correction or adjustment of central PC-Station including connections to IAS/AMS. In
•• Experienced Naval Architects design the most flexible •• Draft Units to determine the trim
the arising trim is achieved by generating a counteracting AUTOMATIC mode the system starts to compensate the
and cost effective solution for standard and highly •• Valve Remote Control system for fluid flow control
moment through the shift of ballast water within the trim angle when the threshold value exceeds ±0.1 meter.
specialized applications, ranging from one pump to •• Centrifugal or reversible propeller pumps, or air-blower
vessel or exchanging ballast water with the surrounding The Trim Control system can be combined with Heel
multiple aggregates units to shift or exchange the ballast water
sea. Typically the system consists of two designated or/and Draft Control systems. Then the control software
•• Well proven and reliable key components
trim tanks, one located in the forward and one in the contains adjustable parameters for automatic switch
•• Combination with Heel and Draught Control systems
aft part of the vessel. The water shift or transfer can be over between the different compensation functions
•• Combination with Load Moment Control
realized with centrifugal or reversible propeller pumps including the automatic selection of suitable tank pairs,
and even air-blower compressors. The trim condition pumps or blower units.
is determined by two draft measurement units located

Operating Mode The PLC unit HOMIP for

manual or automatic Trim
P2 P3 P4 P5
SB SB Control function.

Start List (deg.) Start Trim (deg.)
0.5 ° 0.6 °

F1 F2 F3 F4 AFT


08 *
schematic drawing only 09
As the world market leader in the design and supply of application. In order to verify the performance scaled KEY FEATURES COMPONENTS
passive roll damping tanks Hoppe provides a large variety model tests of the particular tank under realistic
•• Allocated knowledge of Hoppe, INTERING and FLUME® •• HMI – PC-Station
of tailor made solutions for all kinds of merchant ships sea conditions are undertaken. Our more than 3,000
in the design of Roll Damping systems •• PLC Monitoring and Control unit HOMIP
and offshore vessels. Roll damping tanks use a hydro- installations have been proven to be the most effective in
•• Experienced naval architects design practical solutions •• Electric pressure sensors for remote
dynamically controlled flow of liquid within a specially the market for more than 60 years. With the acquisition
suitable for the particular vessel sounding of tank content
designed tank, generally filled with ballast water, to create of FLUME® Stabilization System (present in the market
•• Validation of stabilizer design through scaled tank model •• Inertial Measurement System for determination
a stabilizing moment opposing the wave moment that since 1957) and INTERING (present since 1969) Hoppe
test at state-of-the-art inhouse test facility (Hexapod) of ship’s roll motion
is causing the ship to roll. The amount of stabilizing allocates the experiences of decades of know-how in
•• Investigation of the vessel’s roll behaviour without and •• Valve Remote Control System to
moment created depends on several factors, such as the form of design, data and employees of the former
with stabilizer by using proprietary in-house sea keeping control air or fluid flow
size and location of the roll damping tank, as well as two major players in the passive stabilizer market. In
analysis programs
hull form and loading condition of the particular ship. addition, the company is constantly developing the
•• Precise Monitoring and Control systems ensuring optimum
At Hoppe experienced Naval Architects individually technology further using state-of-the-art simulation and
Roll Damping performance and operational safety
design each roll damping tank for each specific testing equipment.

AR State AR Alarm Setting Log PC Online

AR1 System


slosh slosh
AR Mode enabled


59 % 59 %
234,6 m3 234,6 m3

Roll Periode Ship 9,8 s Eff. Roll Angle Ship 0,1 deg

Level Variation Tank Periode Total Volume Damping

0,11 m ––– s 469,3 m 3

0,0 %

Anti Rolling Mode Ballast Mode ON

Standby Balancing Alarm

Stop AR Ballast Mode Off

10 11
FLUME® is a passive free surface open channel box type system assists the crew in achieving the maximum roll The U-Tank Roll Damping system uses a passive free cross-sectional area of the water duct (Hoppe concepts)
roll damping tank. It has the unique ability to adapt to stabilization. As an add-on, the system can be upgraded surface U-tube type roll damping tank. The stabilizer or by delaying the fluid flow (INTERING concept). Equipped
changes in the vessel’s loading and operating condition. with a designated pump to adjust the liquid level in consists of two wing tanks interconnected via a crossover with a monitoring and control system which automatically
The stabilizers’ natural response period can be adjusted the tank automatically, therefore no interaction of the duct either through or above the double bottom and a closed adjusts the response period of the stabilizer it can be
by a liquid level variation to match the corresponding roll shipboard personal is required. The FLUME® Roll Damping air duct system including remote operated valves. Hoppe operated safely and at maximum efficiency in all operating
period of the ship. Equipped with a Liquid Level and Roll tank is especially suitable for vessels with a very large offers different types of U-Tank Roll Damping systems. conditions. The air-damped U-tank is the most cost effective
Period Indication System that constantly monitors the variance in loading conditions. As it has no moving parts The difference is the control algorithm to adjust the natural solution applicable for vessels with a relatively narrow band
operating condition of the vessel and the stabilizer the maintenance and initial installation cost are relatively low. response period of the stabilizer. The response period of variation in loading condition. For the INTERING system
can be either adjusted by a variation in air damping, the Hoppe provides only maintenance, services and upgrades.

Flume Tk
Roll Period
8.9 s Current
2.04 m
The PLC unit HOMIP for 0.0 deg -0.8 deg The PLC unit HOMIP
AR Tank Roll 9.8 s
Average 8.5 s Optimum 2.00 m
monitoring FLUME® tank Standby
Damping for monitoring and
100 %
liquid level and roll period. control of U-Tank.
1.50 Periode
1.10 –––
ready Alarm Variation
0 slosh reduction
12 11 10 9 8 7 0.11 m
Average Roll Period [s] 456.6 m3 Settings


F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4

12 13
The Load Moment Control (LMC) algorithm considers zero flow operation of the pump. The novel control The Hoppe Dock Control system is a scalable solution The heart of the system is the dock load moment control
the impact of the crane slewing process under a given algorithm was developed for Heerema’s Aegir, a 210 m from manual dock operation (sinkage and lift) to fully system (DLMC). The Dock Control algorithm is based on
load on the vessel’s floating condition. LMC computes deepwater construction vessel for heavy lift and pipe automatic dock operation. The system combines all the determination of the loads and moments introduced
the exact magnitude of counter-acting moment to laying installations. The vessel is equipped with a 4,000 t Hoppe system to fulfill the high technical demands. during operations of a floating dock. The loading computer
keep the crane vessel in the defined floating condition offshore crane with a radius of up to 40 m, located stern •• Central Dock Control station COLOS is used to determine the entire loading condition of
within a narrow window of tolerance. In principle, the offset to starboard. Locating the crane off centre line •• Pumps and Pump control the dock including ship-to-be-docked prior execution of the
“ballast follows the crane” by automatically shifting the to starboard introduced a significantly high overturning •• Deflection monitoring systems docking procedure. The ship-to-be-docked is defined and
required amount of ballast water in-between heeling moment on the vessel that required a sophisticated •• Draught Measurement system intact stability, longitudinal strength and current floating
tanks to compensate the crane’s righting moment. Heel Control system to ensure a safe and economically •• Tank Content Measurement system condition are calculated. During a simulation of the docking
This is achieved by controlling the individual flow, in feasible operation. The application of LMC fulfilled these and sensors procedure COLOS estimates the required ballast operations
a four-quadrant operation, in each heeling tank pair demands and ensured to keep the Aegir upright in all •• Echo sounder and flows in each individual ballast tank in order to
with frequency controlled reversible propeller pumps. operational conditions with +/- 0.5 degrees heel. •• Loading computer undertake the sub-/emergence operation at leveled floating
The LMC mode includes general pump, turbine and •• Hull stress monitoring condition without exceeding the operational limits, such as
•• etc. intact stability, trim, heel and deflection.

14 15
We are constantly engaged by our clients to develop technology leap, which provides high heel compensation REDUCING LASHING FORCES an automatic execution of the simulated operation. In
monitoring and control systems fitting their ambitious rates in an instant at a high accuracy level. Projects with these cases the simulator supervises the execution and
Hoppe Marine has reintroduced FLUME® type passive
projects to realize challenging and complex tasks in the a single crane, located on starboard, off center-line, with optimizes the target values so that operational limits
roll damping tanks to container ships. At present, more
maritime industry. Therefore, Hoppe Marine has been crane lifting capacities up to 4,000 t have been realized to such as trim, heel, deflection and stability requirements
than 50 container vessels ranging from small (2 k TEU)
always expanding its capabilities to meet their customer undertake heavy lifts fast and safely, even at sea. Recently, are fulfilled. The loading computer software including the
to ultra large (20 k TEU) have been equipped with the
requirements. Our ability to respond to these challenges the algorithm has been further enhanced to enable automatic simulator is also available as an office version.
system. Customers benefiting from the technology
by providing cost-efficient and tailored systems makes dock operations of floating, construction and combi docks
are well established liner giants such as MAERSK and
us a reliable partner in the market. We have reintroduced or heavy transport vessels. The load moment is either
innovative niche market operators. The technology CONTROLLING LOAD MOMENTS
FLUME® type roll damping tanks on container ships. measured or predefined in the loading computer. Simulations
has been installed to utilize the positive effect of the
The damped motion response of the vessel results in of the entire sub-/emergence procedure are undertaken Hoppe Marine supplies complex and sophisticated
reduced roll angles and associated accelerations on the
decreased lashing forces and is used to boost container under consideration of the operational limitations, such Heel Control systems which keep ships upright during
magnitude of the lashing forces. The application allows
intake. The development of the Load Moment Control as trim, heel, draft, deflection and intact stability. A Dock construction, heavy lift and offshore installation
to increase cargo intake and to store heavier containers
algorithm has enabled our customer to undertake heavy Operation Computer is automatically executing the operations. For clients, such as Heerema, DEME and
more flexibly. Even for retrofits, the nominal number of
lifts automatically. All our offshore clients, such as simulation considering the hydrodynamic behavior of the Subsea 7, the Load Moment Control (LMC) algorithm has
container tiers and the maximum storable weight of each
Heerema, DEME, EMAS and others, are benefiting from this ballast system and the respective ballast pumps. been developed.
individual container has been increased.
The novel working principle is: “ballast follows the crane”
by generating the exact amount of heel moment required
to counteract the crane’s righting moment. The flow of
For icebreakers and vessels with ice-breaking capabilities each individual heeling pump can be continuously adjusted
Hoppe provides a specialized ice heeling system. The between “zero-flow” and the maximum flow capacity. LMC
blower-driven Heel Control system is utilized to actively ensures a smooth, uninterrupted and safer crane operation
generate a continuous heeling motion from port to at significantly reduced operation time. Hoppe’s advanced
starboard and back. Only the fast reacting and high Heel Control systems are capable to keep the maximum
capacity blower unit is able to generate the required large heel angle below ± 0.5 degrees.
heeling moment in the required short time span.


2 Floating docks and semi-submersible heavy transport,
Hoppe Marine provides onboard software solutions to decommissioning and multi-purpose dock vessels undertake
simulate offshore operations, heavy lifts or automatic sub-/emergence operations to lift marine structures and
loading transfer operations, like the docking of a vessel ships. Hoppe’s Dock Control systems offer automatic
in a floating dock or on a heavy transport vessel. ballast operations. Ballast operations are automatically
The simulators are based on the loading computer undertaken under the control of the loading computer.
infrastructure COLOS. The aim is to support the shipboard Draft, trim, heel, deflections and stability requirements are
personnel with a reliable and realistic tool to undertake controlled to not exceed the operational limits.
the planning of the respective operation. Besides all
standard modules, such as intact and damage stability and
longitudinal strength, special modules for cargo handling
are provided. In addition, hydrodynamic characteristics of The Stability Test system provides the exact actual GM
pumps, hydraulics of the ballast piping, valves and tanks of the vessel by carrying out a Computer Aided Inclining
are implemented in order to ensure realistic simulation Test (CAIT). The required heeling moment is achieved by
results. In combination with Hoppe Marine’s Valve Remote the Hoppe Heel Control system. During the test draught,
Control, Tank Content Measurement, pump control and the heeling tank contents and heel angle are measured by
1  Controlling Load Moments  2  Combined Blower Heel Control and Roll Damping system  3  Loading Computer with Crane Operation Simulation
vast number of the monitoring system, we even offer Hoppe’s tank and draught measuring sensors.
4  Heel Control system with Zero-Flow   5  Draft Measurement, Tank Content Measurement and Valve Remote Control system

16 17
As a system provider with a high degree of vertical to the marine industry demands. Constant enhancement TANK CONTENT MEASUREMENT LASHING FORCES
integration and component competence Hoppe provides of the equipment and high quality standards ensure the
The system continuously monitors the contents and The Cargo Safety module is an add-on based on Hoppe’s
onboard proven hardware and sensors for the monitoring fulfillment of the highest market standards to meet the
temperatures of ballast, cargo, fuel oil, and other liquids Inertial Measurement unit (HOSIM), allowing to monitor
of major parameters required for the control of the motion market demands for smart and integrated sensors. All our
tanks. The electric pressure type sensors are a special lashing forces at any predefined point on a solid body.
response of any kind of floating object. All solutions are monitoring equipment is dedicated to accuracy, reliability
in-house design for marine applications, reliable, accurate The system allows the crew to freely set points of interest
in-house designed or sourced from reliable partners tailored and ease of operation for onboard use.
and at highest levels protected against medium ingress where critical levels of acceleration and respective lashing
and corrosion. forces arise onboard of any kind of vessel.


The Electronic Inclinometer consists of an embedded senor The system measures and monitors the vessel’s draught
(sensor and computer in one common box) with interface condition continuously. It determines the draught values
ports and a bridge display unit according to IMO Annex precisely at perpendiculars and draught marks. The standard
23 stipulations. The sensor allows real-time high sampled configuration includes four electric pressure sensors.
motion data to sufficiently measure the heeling at sea.


TRIMCON is a satellite-based system for the real time
HOSIM is a highly-accurate inertial measurement unit monitoring of a ship’s dynamic trim, heading and speed
for the determination of roll and pitch angle, associated in longitudinal and athwart direction. The system assists
periods, as well as trim and list. The information provided by the Nautical Officers with precise information on actual
HOSIM can be used by subsequent systems or by nautical pitch angle and dynamic trim, and monitors the ships’
staff to better evaluate questions regarding cargo safety, fore and aft relative motion with high accuracy during
ship performance and general ship safety. maneuvering (Conning).


Based on the “hose water level” principle the system Load cells are used to determine the moments causing the
measures deflection and torsion. It is a hydraulic system vessel to change its floating condition (trim, heel and draft).
– filled with water – with electric pressure sensors With the help of these measurements the exact amount
distributed in longitudinal and transverse direction of of counteracting ballast moment can be determined to
the particular object. For example, for floating docks the automatically compensate variations in trim, heel and draft
system is installed below the pontoon deck. during loading operations.


With radar sensors the relative position between emerged The loading computer software package COLOS is used
objects can be measured. The sensors are distributed to calculate the loading condition of any kind of vessel or
in longitudinal and transverse direction of the floating offshore structure based on a theoretical model. COLOS
device. The system is used for launching platforms, allows the determination of the floating condition, intact
heavy transport vessels or floating docks to assist the and damage stability, longitudinal strength and special
determination of the exact position of the dock piece modules, such as cargo handling and simulation of
before undertaking the ballast operation. dock operations. The software can access interfaces to
consider external data for calculation and monitoring.

18 19
Over the years, Hoppe Marine has gathered extensive and computational engineers. We offer scaled model SCALED MODEL TESTS CONSULTING & DATA ANALYSIS
knowledge in regards to ship design, ship theory, tests on a state-of-the-art 6 degrees-of-freedom (DOF)
Hoppe operates a very sophisticated facility to conduct During daily operations ship owners and their crews are
estimation of seakeeping behavior and simulation of motion platform, numerical motion response analysis,
any kind of sloshing or other moving objects model tests. faced with a variety of optimisation, motion response and
fluid dynamics. The complexity of our projects and their computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations and
The test field is equipped with a state-of-the-art Mistral cargo handling issues. In most cases these problems can
innovative character required us to develop and expand optimizations, engineering consulting, data analysis,
Hexapod (2017), a high precision six DOF force and moment be resolved based on their practical experience. However,
these capabilities. Nowadays, our clients demand our sea trial attendance and surveys undertaken by our
sensor, different motion sensors, resistance probes and a very often expert know-how in the area of ship theory,
expert knowledge and trust us to provide third party experts. The Marine Hydrodynamics team supports
high resolution camera system to track fluid or solid object seakeeping, intact and damage stability, pump and crane
opinions. Given the tremendous background in ship all departments within Hoppe in dealing with all naval
movement. In day-to-day business the setup is mainly used operation, as well as automation and system integration
operation, the related innovative automation products architectural challenges encountered. In addition, we
to validate the performance of FLUME type, INTERING type
is required. Hoppe employs an experienced team of
and the practical system integration know-how, it assist and/or advise our clients, yards, design offices
or U-Tube stabilizers. In addition, Hoppe is offering its model Naval Architects, former nautical officers, physicists,
was a logical step for us to offer this expertise as an and end-users on integrating our equipment during the
test expertise to clients to investigate any arising problems data scientists, computational engineers and electrical
engineering service to our customers. The engineering development of a vessel or during conversions and
in respect to marine engineering or naval architecture, such engineers to advise their clients in regards to any kind
portfolio is focused on Hoppe Marine’s core capabilities retrofits of existing designs. Outside the supporting role,
as sloshing issues of swimming pools, moon pools and LNG- of operational and theoretical problem related to the
Motion Control, Fluid Management and Ship Performance. we constantly develop our numerical, analytical and test
tanks. Furthermore, critical stowage issues of e. g. explosive maritime industry. The service is based on the profound
The foundation is an experienced team of naval procedures to support the creation of innovative products
materials and sensitive equipment can be evaluated. knowledge of how to provide reliable data for the
architects, marine engineers, data scientists, physicists ready for the future.
evaluation. Decreasing risk factors arising from excessive
roll motion for cargo, humans and the ship itself are our
specialty. However, our clients also rely on us to optimize
On a daily basis Hoppe’s experienced Naval Architects are the sailing condition of their vessel in order to decrease
working with a variety of seakeeping tools to evaluate the the overall fuel consumption. Our aim is to provide the
motion characteristics of any kind of vessel type in regards customer with a solid basis for their decision making
to any kind of maritime-related problem. The tool set process and assist them for achieving the best technical
ranges from cost-effective and quick 1-DOF roll response solution to their problem. We are focused on increasing
estimations to complex and detailed RANSE-based 6 workability, flexibility, cargo intake and safety.
DOF motion solvers in the time domain. If necessary,
the entire spectrum of available numerical techniques
can be applied to determine the motion behaviour of the
marine object at sea. The results are post-processed Hoppe Marine offers its skilled Naval Architects and
to derive the probability of the motion response in the experienced Trial Engineers to attend the vessel in
respective sea state. The basis is an extensive database order to evaluate the problem during actual operational
of worldwide scatter diagrams in irregular seas. conditions. Our trial team will be equipped with a reliable
and precise set of portable data acquisition equipment to
gather the required input for the analysis. An interface to
a variety of external data sources can be accessed. We
Hoppe has heavily expanded its capabilities to numerically conduct dedicated testing procedures that allow profound
evaluate and solve problems related to fluid dynamics. The comparisons of the outcomes on bord with design and
logical steps perfectly complement the vast experience engineering data or with simulations and predictions
gained in system integration and automation. A team of made beforehand. One of our most cost-effective
computational engineers applies commercial and open source solutions is the portable Maihak shaft power meter
state-of-the-art empirical, potential or RANSE CFD solvers in used to acquire a reliable measurement of the power
day-to-day business to support the design and engineering consumption during sea trials of propulsion systems.
of our products and systems. In addition, Hoppe offers its Via such an analysis potential fuel savings can be made
CFD expertise to its clients to undertake studies to resolve visible. As a third party consultant Hoppe offers these
practical issues arising during the operation of vessels. services also for systems of other vendors.

20 21
Heel Control and Power and
Electronic Devices Valve-Actuator-Combinations Motion Sensors Trim units Level Sensors Performance Meter

Electronic Inclinometer

Inertial Measuring unit

Shaft Power Meter

Inclination Sensor
(electro hydraulic)

propeller pump

(electric BUS)

Fuel Counter
I/O Modules


GPS Sensor

Blower unit


HCG 4011




Load ME 10:24:13 Inclinometer Motion Performance
Power 20347 kW Load 45.2 % Heel Angle -6.5° Peak to Peak 14.1°

+Y -Y
RPM 78.0 rpm Torque 2491 kNm
Max Ampl. PORT -14.7° Max Ampl. STBD 14.6°
Heavy run conditions for 0s Roll Period 4.3s Max Peak t. Peak 29.2°

Load % 1.62 %
- 45 45 +
Heavy Run Light Run

50 30 30
15 15
n [%]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
5 0 5
History Load

F1 F2 F3 F4
-X F1 F2 F3 F4

Valve Remote Control · · · · · ·

Tank Content Measurement · · · · · ·
Fluid Management

Ballast Management · · · · · · · · · ·
Bunker Management · · · · · · ·
Draught Measurement · · · · · ·
Dynamic Draught Measurement · · · · · · · ·

Heel Control · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Trim Control · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Motion Control

FLUME® Roll Damping · · · · · · · ·

U-Tank Roll Damping · · · · · · · ·
Load Moment Control · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Dock Control · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Maihak Shaft Power Meter · · ·

Ship Performance

Fuel Consumption Measurement · · · ·

Trim and Motion Measurement · · ·
Performance Monitoring · · · · · · · ·

22 23


Fluid Management Valve Remote Control • Tank Content Measurement • Bunker Management
Ballast Water Management • Draught Measurement
Heel Control • Trim Control • Roll Damping • Load Moment Control • Dock Control
Tailored Control Systems • Monitoring • Engineering Service
Dynamic Draught Measurement • Sensor Toolbox HOSET

•• Valve Remote Control Motion Control

•• Tank Content •• Heel Control
Measurement •• Trim Control
•• Bunker Management •• Roll Damping
•• Ballast Water •• Load Moment Control
Management •• Dock Control
•• Draught Measurement •• Tailored Control
•• Dynamic Draught Systems
Measurement •• Monitoring
•• Sensor Toolbox HOSET •• Engineering Service


•• Maihak Shaft Maihak Shaft Power Meter • Fuel Consumption Measurement
Dynamic Draught, Trim and Motion Measurement • Performance Monitoring
Technical Support • Spare Parts • On Board Service • Retrofit • Service 4.0
Predictive Maintenance and Self-Validation • Fleet Data Quality • Analysis Catalog
•• Technical Support
Fleet Data Quality • Analysis Catalog Hoppe Global Service Points

Power Meter •• Spare Parts

•• Fuel Consumption •• On Board Service
Measurement •• Retrofit
•• Dynamic Draught, •• Service 4.0
Trim and Motion •• Predictive Maintenance
Measurement  and Self-Validation
•• Performance •• Fleet Data Quality
Monitoring •• Analysis Catalog
•• Fleet Data Quality •• Hoppe Global
•• Analysis Catalog Service Points

www.hoppe-marine.com www.hoppe-marine.com

24 25

Germany Singapore
Hoppe Marine GmbH Hoppe Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Kieler Straße 318 18 Boon Lay Way # 04-93
22525 Hamburg 609966 Singapore

Tel. +49 (0)40 561 949 - 0 Tel. +65 67 17 48 88

[email protected] [email protected]

China Republic of Korea

Hoppe China Co., Ltd. Hoppe Korea Co., Ltd.
German Center, Room 708, No 485-3, Gu Pyeong-Dong,
Tower 1, 88 Keyuan Road Sa Ha-Gu
201203 Shanghai Pudong 604-866 Busan

Tel. +86 21 50 278 040 Tel. +82 51 4 035 851

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