Suggested Healthcare Goals

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Suggested Healthcare Goals

Improve Operational Effectiveness

Improve the quality of services in a time bound manner
Reduce medication Errors
Improve clinical effectiveness
Improve financial and administrative performance
Reduce readmissions
Enhance member/ patient satisfaction
Use Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Emergency department suggested KPIs

Compliance with CBAHI Standards qualifying criteria for healthcare providers
Quantitative measurements around ER These numbers compared on monthly and YTD
outpatient, admit, basis against the goal set.
Patient Wait Times by Process Step Shows the amount of time a patient must wait
during their visit to the emergency area of the

Arrival to Bed Calculates the amount of time a patient must wait

before they are taken from the waiting room to a

Arrival to Nurse Calculates the amount of time a patient must wait

between their arrival and seeing a nurse.

Arrival to Physician Calculates the amount of time a patient must wait

between their arrival and seeing a physician.

Arrival to Discharge Calculates the total amount of time a patient is in

the emergency room, from the time they arrive to
the time they are discharged.

Number of Rapid Response Vehicles Shows the number of emergency vehicles available
at the facility.
Time Between Symptom Onset & Gauges the amount of time a patient begins
Hospitalization experiencing symptoms and when they were

Number of Trauma Cases Demonstrates the number of trauma cases that

occur in the facility.

Number of Visitors Who Left Without Being Indicates the number of people who were unwilling
Seen to wait to see a physican. May show if more beds or
staff are needed to handle the number of patients
coming in.

Code Response Time Measures the amount of time it takes for staff to
respond to an emergency code in the facility.

Medicine Costs Shows the amount that the organization is spending

on medicines used to treat patients.

Medication Errors Measures the number of times there is an error in

prescribing medication at the facility. Includes when
a mistake is made in the medication, patient, or
dosage and applies to inpatient and outpatient

Referrals Shows number of patients that were referred to

another facility. It may indicate that the facility is
losing revenue to other providers and needs to hire
more specialized employees or acquire new

Patient Follow-Up Measures the number of patients who receive

follow-up after their visit to the facility. This could
be from a physician, nurse, or other staff member
asking about the visit and the patient's

In-Patient Satisfaction With Physician Communicates the level of satisfaction among

patients admitted to the healthcare facility.
Outpatient Satisfaction With Physician Communicates the level of satisfaction among
patients who receive care without being admitted
to a hospital.

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