Quality Assurance of Computed and Digital Radiography Systems

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Quality assurance of computed and digital

radiography systems

Article in Radiation Protection Dosimetry · April 2008

DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncn047 · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Colin Walsh Patricia Byrne

St. James's Hospital St. James's Hospital


Anita Dowling Jim F Malone

St. James's Hospital Trinity College Dublin


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Radiation Protection Dosimetry Advance Access published March 4, 2008

Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2008), pp. 1–5 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncn047


C. Walsh1,2, *, D. Gorman1, P. Byrne1, A. Larkin1, A. Dowling1 and J. F. Malone1
Haughton Institute, Dublin 8 & The Adelaide and Meath Hospital incorporating the National Children’s
Hospital, Dublin,
Haughton Institute & St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland

Computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR) are replacing traditional film screen radiography as hospitals move
towards digital imaging and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). Both IPEM and KCARE have recently
published quality assurance and acceptance testing guidelines for DR. In this paper, the performance of a range of CR and
DR systems is compared. Six different manufacturers are included. Particular attention is paid to the performance of the
systems under automatic exposure control (AEC). The patient is simulated using a range of thicknesses of tissue equivalent
material. Image quality assessment was based on detector assessment protocols and includes pixel value measures as well as
subjective assessment using Leeds Test Objects. The protocols for detector assessment cover a broad range of tests and in
general detectors (whether DR or CR) performed satisfactorily. The chief limitation in performing these tests was that not all
systems provided ready access to pixel values. Subjective tests include the use of the Leeds TO20. As part of this work,
suggested reference values are provided to calculate the TO20 image quality factor. One consequence of moving from film
screen to digital technologies is that the dynamic range of digital detectors is much wider, and increased exposures are no
longer evident from changes in image quality. As such, AEC is a key parameter for CR and DR. Dose was measured using a
standard phantom as a basic means of comparing systems. In order to assess the AEC performance, exit doses were also
measured while varying phantom thickness. Signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) were calculated on a number of systems where pixel
values were available. SNR was affected by the selection of acquisition protocol. Comparisons between different technologies
and collation of data will help refine acceptance thresholds and contribute to optimising dose and image quality.

INTRODUCTION exposure dynamic range of such (DR and CR)

systems may have the disadvantage that, if the . . .
Film screen radiography is being replaced by com-
AEC . . . develops a fault or the output calibration
puted radiography (CR) and digital radiography
drifts, the dose increase/decrease may not be ident-
(DR). The digital images produced by these modalities
ified readily. Also, the wide exposure dynamic range
may be linked to PACS bringing in benefits of storage,
means there is significant potential for the initial set-
retrieval and image distribution, as well as image pro-
up of such systems not to be optimised(5).’
cessing to improve image quality. In the case of digital
This paper reviews the performance of a range of
detectors, improvements in detective quantum effi-
CR and DR systems. QA of monitors (soft copy)
ciency may also be achieved with the potential of
performed as part of specific protocols is not
reduced dose, image quality improvements or both.
included in this work. However, monitor function
Any new technology brings with it new challenges
also forms a part of the QA results presented here,
in terms of its control and quality assurance (QA).
where subjective evaluations of image quality are
KCARE(1,2) have developed protocols for both CR
made at a workstation/review monitor. Performance
and DR receptors; IPEM(3) have expanded their X-
under AEC is reviewed for DR systems.
ray system tests to encompass digital technologies;
AAPM have also published a protocol for CR
QA(4). In general, the generators and X-ray tubes in
the radiographic systems used in CR and DR MATERIAL AND METHODS
remain the same as their film screen system counter- Image quality (IQ) assessments based on KCARE
parts and QA of the X-ray tube and generators in protocol(1,2) were performed on 23 (Kodak, AGFA,
digital systems follows the standard methods(3). Fuji) CR systems, and 10 (Philips, Siemens, Mecall)
However, when automatic exposure control (AEC) is DR systems. All systems were less than 3 y in
selected, the X-ray output is linked (directly or service. Leeds Test Objects were used for some of
indirectly) to the detector performance and this the IQ tests. Dose measurements were taken with
must be considered. The Medicines and Healthcare Radcal 6 and 60 cm3 dose chambers, which were
products Regulatory Agency in the UK (MHRA) in calibrated to international standards. For AEC
advice published on the web notes: . . . ‘the wide testing, PMMA was used to simulate a range of
patient thicknesses. High-purity aluminium and
*Corresponding author: [email protected] copper filters were also used in some tests.

# The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]
IQ tests were performed across the full range of imperfections. Viewing uniformity images is a crude
systems and followed the standard KCARE proto- but useful test. In the case of one of the digital
col. AEC test protocols are less well defined and a systems assessed, the DR plate failed as it was
range of approaches were tested on a subset of the evident from visual inspection that one of the quad-
DR systems in an attempt to find an optimum rants of the detector was displayed at a different
approach. greyscale shading than the other three quadrants.
Subsequent examination by the supplier revealed a
detector fault (which had gone undetected in the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION supplier’s commissioning tests). This test is also of
Detector tests value in assessing CR plates. A batch of CR cas-
settes with intermittently faulty latches (which
In KCARE protocol (Rev 8)(1,2), the following tests allowed the plates to slip out of the cassette) was dis-
are listed under annual QC: dosimetry; dark noise; covered after speckling on uniformity images caused
detector dose indicator consistency; uniformity; blur- by dust particles was observed.
ring and stitching artefacts; limiting spatial resol-
ution (in one quadrant at 458 only); threshold
contrast detail detectability (TCDD). The results of Blurring and stitching artefacts
these tests are described briefly below. The system is tested for any localised distortion or
for stitching artefacts, by imaging mesh test objects
Dosimetry and dark noise (e.g. Leeds Test Objects MS4). Blurring was not
observed in any of the systems tested. In digital
The tube-current exposure time (mA s) needed to systems, the stitching artefact (essentially a cross
produce a range of output exposures is measured through the centre of the image, dividing the image
and recorded. These values are used in later tests to into four quadrants) was evident when the MS4
obtain the appropriate exposure for a given test (e.g. Leeds Test Objects were imaged, but the artefact was
evaluation of TCDD is based on a 4 mGy exposure). processed out in uniformity images and clinical
The exposures are a function of tube and generator images.
Dark noise assesses the level of noise inherent in
the system. No peculiarities were noted in the tests Limiting resolution and TCDD (Huttner and TO20)
on any system: the results form a baseline for Both tests objects are widely used in subjective
ongoing monitoring of performance. assessment of image quality; both suffer from con-
siderable inter- and intra-subjective variability(6,7).
Dose detector index The images may be viewed on machine review moni-
tors, as film prints, or on PACS stations. The assess-
Most CR and DR systems have some form of dose ment takes in the whole imaging chain, as well as
detector index (DDI); essentially this is a numerical some tube performance characteristics ( particularly
value displayed with each exposure that correlates to focal spot size). The Huttner provides a measure of
dose. The KCARE test assesses the consistency of limiting spatial resolution and performance improves
this value for a defined exposure. All systems were with magnification. TO20 contains discs of varying
within specification with coefficient of variation density for assessing threshold contrast. The discs
(CV) ranging from 0 to 5.2%. In the systems where a also vary in size, challenging the spatial resolution
CV of 0% was measured, the resolution of the DDI of the system. TO20 has been identified by Marsh
was found to be poor: in other words a considerable et al.(8) as useful in overall image quality assessment.
variation in dose was required before the value incre- Limiting spatial resolution ranged from 2.8 to 4 lp
mented or decremented. The 0% variation reflects mm21 and 3.15 to 5 lp mm21 for DR review moni-
this poor sensitivity. tors and CR review stations, respectively. PACS
monitors showed 4–4.5 lp mm21 for images
acquired on DR, and 3.15 –5.6 lp mm21 for images
acquired on CR, with the higher values recorded for
This test assesses the uniformity of the recorded the high-resolution CR plates. Limiting spatial resol-
signal from a uniformly exposed (1 mm Cu at tube ution of film prints taken from DR acquired images
head) detector. Full analysis requires access to pixel ranged from 3.55 to 4.5 lp mm21. Limiting spatial
values so that the standard deviation can be resolution should approach the Nyquist p limit; at 458
measured in a given region of interest (ROI). the Nyquist frequency is defined by 2/2p, where p
However, where pixel values are not available a sub- is the pixel pitch(1,2). For the DR systems, p ¼
jective assessment is possible by simply viewing the 0.143 mm and Nyquist frequency is 4.9 lp mm21,
image and looking for non-uniformities and only slightly higher than the results of the QA tests.

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Nyquist limit was 4.2 lp mm21 for standard sized printed to film ranged from 0.98 to 1.1. CR images
CR plates and 7.4 lp mm21 for the high-resolution viewed on PACS had IQF(b)s ranging from 0.85 to
plates. Review monitors generally scored lower than 1.05; IQF(b) for CR images printed on film ranged
PACS monitors. Review monitors function simply to from 0.85 to 0.95. The images for these tests were
ensure a proper image has been acquired and are acquired and viewed with a standard clinical
not intended as diagnostic monitors. protocol.
KCARE recommend calculating an image quality
factor (IQF) based on TCDD measures. The IQF is
Automatic exposure control
based on work by Gallacher et al.(9). IQF is calcu-
lated according to Equation (1) and involves com- A key performance indicator for AEC is receptor
parison between the system under test and a dose: this dose should remain constant as patient
reference set of results. thickness varies. Measuring receptor dose in CR
systems is relatively straight forward as the measure-
1X n
HT ðAi Þ Dref 0:5 ment chamber can easily be placed in the bucky tray.
IQF ¼ ð1Þ In DR systems, the detector is often not readily
n i¼1 HTref ðAi Þ D
accessible. In this section, attention is restricted to
DR systems (where receptor dose is more difficult to
where HT(A), threshold contrast detail index values assess directly) and the problem of establishing an
calculated from the image; Href T (A), threshold con- optimum protocol for assessing AEC performance is
trast detail index values calculated from a reference considered.
image of a system known to be in good adjustment; AEC tests for DR systems are summarised in
D, the dose to the image plate, Dref, the dose to the IPEM Report 91(2). However, most tests involve
image plate for the reference image; n, the number recoding milliampere seconds or DDI (and thus do
of details in the test object.(1,2) not directly assess AEC performance) with only
In the KCARE protocol, TO20 images are limited guidelines offered to assess receptor dose
acquired at 70 kVp, with 1 mm Cu in the beam and with varying phantom thickness. Expected values
the appropriate milliampere seconds to deliver are not suggested, and acceptance thresholds allow
4 mGy. However, the look-up table for HT(A) wide variations from baseline for some of the tests.
values is based on 75 kVp, with 1.5 mm Cu in the A repeatability test is described using a standard
beam(10). It was decided to keep the KCARE proto- phantom and an exit dose test, which challenges
col for the tests. As use of the HT(A) values would AEC performance with varying phantom thickness.
introduce an undefined error into the calculation,
the calculation was based on the number of targets
observed in each category and the quality factor was Repeatability
denoted as IQF(b). All images are acquired and A 21 mm Al plate (supplied as standard with the
analysed in the same way (including the reference systems) was mounted at the tube head. The
image) and IQF(b) is simply a comparison factor: measurement chamber was placed on the table or at
the more targets observed, the higher the score for the face of the chest detector. SID (source to image
IQF(b) and the better the system’s contrast perform- distance) was 150 cm for chest detectors and 110 cm
ance. A reference value by taking the median per- for table detectors. All exposures were taken at
formance of 12 CR and DR systems based on 70 kV and with AEC enabled. Six table detectors
reading film printouts has been obtained. The and six chest detectors were assessed. Doses
median (and first quartile) values are shown in measured at the table ranged from 4.0 to 5.5 mGy.
Table 1. Taking each system individually and com- Mean dose was 4.8 mGy (+0.6). At the chest detec-
paring it to the reference system (median value) tor, doses ranged from 4.0 to 6.6 mGy. Mean dose
yielded the following results: for images acquired on was 4.6 mGy (+1.0). This test does not challenge
DR systems and displayed on PACS, IQF(b) ranged AEC function, but provides a useful baseline
from 0.9 to 1.22; IQF(b) of DR acquired images measure that can be compared directly to suppliers’
commissioning tests.
Table 1. Suggested reference values for TO20 for each
target (a–m). Exit dose with varying phantom thickness
Seven table detectors and five chest units were
a b C d e F g h j K l M
assessed. Exposures were under AEC at 70 kV. The
grid was out. SID Table was 110 cm, SID chest was
Median 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 5 8 6 4
150 cm. PMMA of thickness 5– 20 cm (varied in
1st 5 5 5 6 5 4 6 6 5 7 6 4
Quartile 5 cm steps) was placed in the beam. The PMMA
was raised 3–5 cm and the measurement chamber

Page 3 of 5
was placed on the detector side of the PMMA in test images, acquired at the X-ray system being
order to measure exit dose. With 15 cm PMMA in assessed, offers the possibility of a more objective IQ
the beam, average exit dose is 6.6 mGy at the table test. If this is performed at the PACS workstations
and 6.0 mGy at the chest bucky. Expected receptor the test encompasses the full imaging chain.
dose for digital systems is 3–5 mGy (varies between Our interest is reviewing the potential of employ-
manufacturers). Exit dose will be slightly higher than ing a simple measure to estimate SNR that could be
receptor dose because of attenuation of the table (or incorporated into routine QA work. Software on
covers for chest unit), the distance between the PACS systems allows easy access to pixel values. In
measurement chamber and the image receptor and this experiment, SNR was calculated in a uniform
differences in scatter. Exit doses are reasonably steady image as a simple ratio of mean pixel value and
for each system between 10 and 20 cm phantom standard deviation in a region of interest approxi-
thickness. Doses are plotted and shown in Figure 1. mately 1/3 the size of the image. This technique is
similar to the one used in QA of digital
Signal-to-noise ratio Tests were restricted to two dual detector DR
In addition to assessing individual parts of the systems. Images were acquired as above with
imaging chain (e.g. receptor performance), it is 5– 20 cm PMMA in the beam. SNR values varied
useful to include some IQ measurements that assess from 27 to 39 across a range of clinical protocols
image quality after the image data has passed with PMMA thicknesses of 10–20 cm, but when a
through all stages involved in acquisition, processing machine QA protocol was selected SNR range
and display. Assessing quality of Huttner and TO20 increased to 181–236 (Figure 2). The SNR increase
images on PACS workstations involves a check on was due to a much lower standard deviation in the
the whole chain, but uses a subjective assessment ROI on the QA protocol. As the same phantom was
method. Measuring signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of imaged with the same exposure parameters in each
case it appears likely that additional processing
(smoothing) is being performed on the images
acquired under the QA protocol. This result is also
of interest for the KCARE detector tests and
emphasises the need for caution in selecting acqui-
sition protocols that reflect clinical performance.

Most systems passed IQ detector tests; where failures
occurred, most were detected from visual inspection
Figure 1. Exit dose in mGy with varying PMMA thickness of uniformity images. The paper proposes reference
(cm). values for calculating IQF for CR and DR systems.

Figure 2. Variance in SNR with PMMA thickness (cm). Results 1– 4 were acquired with an abdomen protocol: 1 and 3
were acquired at table detectors; 2 and 4 were acquired at chest detectors. Results 5 and 6 were acquired at a table and
chest detector using a pre-programmed QA protocol.

Page 4 of 5
The problem of assessing AEC is explored, and values 4. AAPM Report No. 93. Acceptance Testing and Quality
for exit dose are established for DR table and chest Control of Photostimulable Storage Phosphor Imaging
detectors. Clinical protocols and particularly quality Systems, Report of AAPM Task Group 10, October
protocols loaded on DR (or CR) systems may bring in (2006).
5. MHRA, Radiation dose issues in digital radiography
different processing features, complicating the task of systems. Available on http://www.mhra.gov.uk/home/
establishing simple, routine image quality tests, which idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=263.
provide assurance of clinical function. 6. Tapiovaara, M. Image quality measurements in radi-
ology, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 117(1–3), 116– 119 (2005).
7. Walsh, C., Dowling, A., Meade, A. and Malone, J.
FUNDING Subjective and objective measures of image quality in
This work was conducted partially within the frame digital fluoroscopy, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 117(1– 3),
of the European Commission 6th Framework 34– 37 (2005).
8. Marsh, D. and Malone, J. Methods and materials for
Programme SENTINEL Contract No FP6 – 012909.
subjective and objective measurements of image quality,
Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 94(1–2), 37–42 (2001).
REFERENCES 9. Gallacher, J., Mackenzie, A., Batchelor, S., Lynch, I.
and Saunders, J. E. Use of a quality index in threshold
1. KCARE. Protocol for the QA of Computed contrast detail detection measurements in television
Radiography Systems, Commissioning and Annual QA fluoroscopy, Br. J. Radiol. 76, 464– 472 (2003).
Tests. Available on http://www.kcare.co.uk/Education/ 10. Coewen, A. R., Haywood, J. M., Workman, A.,
protocols.htm. Coleman, N. J., McArdle, S. and Clarke, O. F. Leeds
2. KCARE. Protocol for the QA of Direct Digital DSF Test Objects, Instruction Manual (University of
Radiography Systems, Commissioning and Annual QA Leeds) (1987).
Tests. Available on http://www.kcare.co.uk/Education/ 11. Van Engen, R., Young, K., Bosmans, H. and Thijssen,
protocols.htm. M. The European Protocol for the Quality Control of
3. IPEM Report 91. Recommended Standards for Routine the physical and technical aspects of mammography
Performance Testing of Diagnostic X-ray Imaging screening, Addendum on Digital Mammography,
Systems, IPEM (2005). version 1.0, (2003).

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