Spinal Injuries: DR Abdelmoniem Saeed
Spinal Injuries: DR Abdelmoniem Saeed
Spinal Injuries: DR Abdelmoniem Saeed
The incidence
40cases per million,
mean age of 40 years old
male-to-female predominance of 4 to 1.
Ocure more frequently on weekends and holidays
Stabbing injuries
aremuch less common, including knives, axes, ice picks, screwdrivers,
and glass fragments.
Anatomical consideration
Spinal Stability
Spinal Stability
Is the ability of the spine to limit displacement under physiologic
loads so as not to damage or irritate the spinal cord or nerve roots
Patients in spinal shock lose all reflex activities below the area of
injury, and lesions cannot be deemed complete until spinal shock has
Anterior Cord Syndrome
from damage to the corticospinal and spinothalamic pathways with
preservation of posterior column function.
is manifested by loss of motor function and pain and temperature
sensation distal to the lesion. Only vibration, position, and crude touch
are preserved.
causes include
direct injury to the anterior spinal cord.
Flexion of the cervical spine may result in cord contusion or bone injury
with secondary cord injury.
thrombosis of the anterior spinal artery can cause ischemic injury to the
anterior cord.
prognosis for recovery of function historically has been poor and
remains so today.6
Central Cord Syndrome
seen in older patients with preexisting cervical spondylosis who
sustain a hyperextension injury.
The majority will have bowel and bladder control, although this may
be impaired in the more severe cases.
It is manifested by
ipsilateral loss of motor function, proprioception, and vibratory sensation,
contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation.
Causes include
penetrating injury the most common.
An injury in this region produces a peripheral nerve injury rather than
a direct injury to the spinal cord.
Patients at High Risk for Cervical Spine Injury
Injury mechanism High speed (>35 mph or 56 kph combined impact) motor vehicle
rupture without fracture can occur in older patients from a direct blow to
the occiput, as in a fall.
predental space,
is the space between the posterior aspect of the anterior arch of C1 and the
anterior border of the odontoid.
Normally should be 3 mm or less in adults when measured on a lateral
radiograph or 2 mm or less on CT images.
Damage if space of >3 mm on a lateral radiograph (2 mm for CT images)
Rupture if space of >5 mm
Ct scan of 34-year-old woman involved in a
motor vehicle crash
Odontoid Fractures
Presented in conscious patients with
Immediate, severe high cervical pain with which may radiate to the occiput
Type II fractures occur at the junction of the odontoid with the body of C2 and
are the most common type of odontoid fracture.
Type III odontoid fractures occur through the superior portion of C2 at the base
of the dens. Both type II and III odontoid fractures are considered unstable
Types of odontoidal Fractures
C-spine X-ray of 40year man involved in RTA
Hangman's Fracture
Is the fracture of both pedicles of C2 resulting in the displace of the body of
C2 to anteriorly on C3
Suicidal hangings do not usually cause associated with the hangman's fracture.
It occur in motor vehicle crashes and diving accidents, where sudden
hyperextension forces are applied in deceleration.
Owing to the large diameter of the spinal canal at the level of C2, even
displacement of C2 on C3 may not cause neurologic injury, and patients may
be neurologically intact
32-year-old man following a head-on collision while
playing football
CT and MRI 19-year-old man involved in a
motorcycle crash.
Burst Fracture
Result from direct axial load, with fragments displacing in all
The spinal cord may be injured if a fragment enters the spinal canal.
The "teardrop
is the anteroinferior portion of the vertebral body that is separated and displaced from the
remaining portion of the vertebral body.
The height of the avulsed fragment usually exceeds its width
is an unstable
ED Stabilization
Neurologic Examination