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Of Your Favourite Food You Saw in The Video

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Student: Lisette Cifuentes

Level: A1
Date: March 1, 2019
Topic: Present Simple

Punto de partida

1. Please watch the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q793ho7TtAA - write ten

of your favourite food you saw in the video.

Egg Pizza

Hamburger Strawberry

Milk Hot Dog

Apple Bread



1. Present simple

¿When do we use present simple?

Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones, emociones y
deseos permanentes:

 I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); London is a large city (hecho general)

Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:

 You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros:

 Your exam starts at 09.00.

Para referirse al futuro, detrás de algunas conjunciones: after, when, before, as soon as, until:

 He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

2. What is the structure:

Affirmative Interrogat Negative

I think ¿Do I think? I do not think
You think ¿Do You think? Yo do not think
He thinks ¿Does He think? He does not think
She thinks ¿Does she think? She does not think
It thinks ¿Does It think? It does not think
We think ¿Do We think? We do not think
They think ¿Do They think? They do not think

Notas sobre la tercera persona del singular del "simple present"

En la tercera persona del singular, el verbo siempre termina en -s:

 he wants
 she needs
 he gives
 she thinks

Para las formas negativa e interrogativa, se emplea DOES (= tercera persona del auxiliar 'DO') + el
infinitivo del verbo.

 He wants ice cream

 Does he want strawberry?
 He does not want vanilla.

Verbos que terminan en -y: en la tercera persona del singular, se cambia la -y por -ies:

 fly -->
 flies, cry --> cries

Excepción: cuando una vocal precede a la -y:

 play --> plays

 pray --> prays

Añadimos -es a los verbos que terminan en:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch:

 he passes
 she catches
 he fixes
3. such a: ( Like, Sleep, Play, Work, Get up, Go to school, Get home, Do homework and so on)

 + I like to eat hod dog

 - She does not like slepp
 ¿Does he like swim?

 + he play in the park

 - He does not play in the park
 ¿Does he play in the park?

Desarrollo de la habilidad

1. Complete the sentence. Use a word from the box.

Cream - sandwich – sushi – French

1. I love ice cream.

2. I hate French fries.

3. Donna's favorite lunch is a club sandwich.

4. I like shrimp suchi.

2. Grammar

Use the following to answer questions 9-14: Look at the chart. Complete the sentence. Use like,
likes, don't like, or doesn't like.

5. Beth does salmon and dumplings.

6. Jae-won likes spaghetti, but he does not onions.

7. Emi does not like beef, but she like lasagna.

8. Emi and Beth hate chicken.

9. Jae-won and Emi do not tuna.

10. Beth like chicken and soup.

3. Use the following to answer questions 10-15: Complete the conversation. Use do, does, don't,
or doesn't.

15. Do you like Japanese food? B Yes, I Do.

16. Does Wendy like sushi? B Yes, she Does.

17. Do your brother like noodles? B No, he Do not.

18. Do Pete and Dora like beef? B Yes, they Do.

19. Do you and Ana like pizza? B No, we Do not.

20. Do your friends like seafood? B No, they Do not.

4. Reading Use the following to answer questions 21-26: Read the text. Answer the question with
information from the text.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Birthday
Hi Carlos,

I think eating out for my birthday is a great idea. But which restaurant? It’s difficult to say because
the people in my family like different kinds of food. My brother likes beef and chicken, but my
sister doesn't. She likes seafood and vegetables. My father likes heavy food: meat, spaghetti, and
potatoes. My mother doesn't like beef, but she likes chicken. She also likes vegetables. And I like
vegetables, too. And I love Japanese and Korean food. My favorite foods are sushi and kimchi!
Maybe we can have pizza. My brother, sister, and parents all like pizza! I like pizza, too! How
about that good Italian restaurant on Fourth Street? Let me know!


21. What kinds of food does Ken's brother like?

The Ken brother likes beff and chiquen

22. Does Ken's sister like beef?

No, she doesn´t like beff

23. What kind of food does Ken's sister like?

The Ken´s sister like seafood and vegetables

24. Does Ken's father like spaghetti?

Yes, the father like spaghetti

25. Do Ken and his mother like vegetables?

Yes, she like vegetables

26. What are Ken's favorite foods?

Ken´s like Japanese and Korean food. My favorite foods are sushi and kimchi! Maybe we can
have pizza


Write a paragraph about you. Answer the following questions:

 What vegetables do you like?

I like cauliflower, cob and lettuce
 What vegetables don't you like?
I do not like carrot
 What kinds of meat do you like?
I like chicken
 What kinds of meat don't you like?
I do not like fisch
 What kinds of seafood do you like?
I like shrimp
 What kinds of seafood don't you like?
I do not like octopus and snail

Write a paragraph about a friend. Answer the following questions:

 What's your friend's name?

My friend´s name is Samuel
 What kinds of restaurants does he/she like? (Mexican? Chinese?)
He does like to eat Mexican
 What is his/her favorite food?
He like food Spaghetti
 What is his/her favorite vegetable?
He like vegetable favororite is spinach
Write a paragraph about you. Answer the following questions: What vegetables do you like? What
vegetables don't you like? What kinds of meat do you like? What kinds of meat don't you like?
What kinds of seafood do you like? What kinds of seafood don't you like? . Write a paragraph
about a friend. Answer the following questions: What's your friend's name? What kinds of
restaurants does he/she like? (Mexican? Chinese?) What is his/her favorite food? What is his/her
favorite vegetable? Speaking. Talk about food. Answer the following questions: What kinds of
foreign food do you like? (Mexican? Chinese? etc.) What is your favorite food? What is your
favorite vegetable? What food do you hate? What drink do you hate? Talk about daily activities.

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