services in a professional and accurate manner that maintains the integrity and reputation
of the industry. Standard 2 sets out the requirements to recruit overseas students in an
ethical and responsible manner and prescribes the information that needs to be given to
students to enable them to make an informed decision about studying in Australia. These
requirements apply to on-line and off-line advertising. In addition, the ESOS Act states
that education providers must not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct in
connection with the recruitment of overseas students or intending overseas students.
Advertising regulation
The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) has established a number of
self-regulatory industry codes of practice that apply to all advertising and marketing
communications off-line and on-line, including the Code of Ethics and the Code for
Advertising and Marketing Communications to Children with additional practice advisory
notes. These codes seek to ensure advertisements and other forms of marketing
communications are ethical, and have been prepared with a sense of obligation to
consumers and fairness to competitors.
Broadcasting regulation
The Broadcasting Services Act 1992 also imposes broader obligations on broadcasting
licensees in relation to the classification, placement and amount of advertising. These
obligations are contained in broadcasting industry codes of practice that are administered
by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
ACMA is an independent statutory authority responsible for the regulation of
broadcasting, telecommunications and radiocommunications. The ACMA registers the
broadcasting industry codes of practice when it is satisfied that they provide appropriate
community safeguards, are endorsed by the majority of broadcasters in the relevant sector
and the public has had an adequate opportunity to comment on them.
The Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice seeks to ensure that television
commercials are classified and broadcast appropriately, in light of current community
attitudes, the need to limit the exposure of children to material intended for adult viewing,
and the fact that such material is typically very brief, and cannot in practice be preceded
by a warning. It also seeks to ensure that such commercials are subject to appropriate
placement restriction when they are for products and services that are of particular
concern and sensitivity, but that public health and safety messages are not unreasonably
Broadcasting industry codes of practice are regularly reviewed to ensure they are in
accordance with current community standards.
Telecommunications regulation
Part 13 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 places obligations on Australian
telecommunications companies prohibiting them from using or disclosing information
and data they have received for purposes other than which the information was collected.
This includes disclosure to third parties for marketing purposes.
Anti-discrimination legislation
Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation includes a range of provisions that protect
people from discrimination, including as it relates to advertising. In particular, the Age
Discrimination Act 2004 makes it an offence to publish or display an advertisement or
notice that in any way indicates an intention to engage in unlawful discrimination.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 makes it an offence to publish or display an
advertisement or notice that in any way indicates an intention to engage in unlawful
discrimination or harassment.
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 makes it an offence to publish or display an
advertisement or notice that in any way indicates an intention to engage in unlawful
discrimination or sexual harassment.
The Race Discrimination Act 1975 makes it unlawful to publish or display an
advertisement or notice that in any way indicates an intention to engage in unlawful
discrimination in land, housing and other accommodation or employment.
2. Please indicate whether specific categories of the population are protected by such
regulation, such as children, women, minorities and indigenous peoples.
Advertising regulation
The AANA Code of Ethics states that advertising or marketing communications shall not
portray people or depict material in a way which discriminates against or vilifies a person
or section of the community on account of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual
preference, religion, disability, mental illness or political belief.
The AANA also administers the Food and Beverages Code of Practice and the Code for
Advertising & Marketing Communications to Children, which include requirements to
address concerns about the impact of advertising. The codes provide:
advertisements for alcohol beverages must not have a strong or evident appeal to
children or adolescents and only feature them in certain situations that do not
imply they will consume or serve alcohol beverages; and
advertising or marketing communications to children must not be for, or relate in
any way to, alcohol products or draw any association with companies that supply
alcohol products.
The Australian Food and Grocery Council also manage two voluntary industry initiatives
introduced in 2009; the Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative and the Australian
Quick Service Restaurant Industry's Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing
to Children. These initiatives are also intended to provide safeguards for advertising to
Broadcasting regulation
The free-to-air and subscription television industry has regulation in place to provide
safeguards for children with regard to advertisements.
For free-to-air television, the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice and
Children’s Television Standards 2009 developed by the ACMA deal with the
classification and placement of commercials at particular times, and include provisions
designed to address concerns about the impact of advertising, especially to children.
For subscription television, the Subscription Broadcast Television Codes of Practice
outline protections for children to ensure that advertisements are easily distinguishable
from program material, do not exploit children and do not show products that could place
children in physical, mental or moral jeopardy.
The commercial radio industry and free-to-air television industry also have advisory notes
to provide guidance to reporters and producers about the portrayal of Indigenous peoples
and women and men in any material broadcast, which includes commercials. The free-to-
air television industry also has advisory notes on commercials directed towards children,
the portrayal of cultural diversity and the portrayal of people with disabilities.
4. Please provide a brief summary of any important decisions relating to
advertising/marketing/sponsoring and human rights adopted by judicial authorities
in your country over the last 10 years.
We are not aware of any significant judicial decisions under Commonwealth
anti-discrimination legislation relating to advertising/marketing/sponsoring and human
rights in Australia over the last 10 years
Broadcasting regulation
The registered broadcasting industry codes of practice also include procedures for dealing
with complaints. Complaints about material broadcast on radio or television will be
assessed in terms of how that content breaches the relevant industry codes of practice.
In the first instance, complaints must be submitted in writing to the relevant broadcaster
within 30 days of the broadcast at issue. If the complaint is not answered within 30
working days of being received or to the complainant’s satisfaction, the matter may be
referred to ACMA. Subscription broadcasters have 60 days to respond to complaints.
If ACMA finds there has been a breach of the relevant broadcasting codes of practice, it
may take action against the relevant broadcaster, such as imposing an additional licence
condition on the broadcaster to comply with the relevant code, or obtaining an
enforceable undertaking from them about their activities.
More information is available at the ACMA website at
7. Is the use of private data for commercial purposes regulated in your country? If so,
please describe briefly such regulation.
Privacy Act 1988
The Privacy Act 1988 is an Australian law which regulates the handling of personal
information about individuals. This includes the collection, use, storage and disclosure of
personal information, and access to and correction of that information. The Privacy Act
includes 13 Australian Privacy Principles that apply to the handling of personal information
by most Federal Government agencies and Australian private sector organisations
The Act applies to organisations with an ‘Australian link’, which includes businesses that
carry on business in Australia and collect personal information from Australia – this will
apply to businesses that only operate online. Note that small businesses which have an
annual turnover of less than $3 million are exempt from the APPs, subject to some
limitations on the scope of the exemption – for example, the exemption does not apply to
any small business that is a health service provider or is in the business of dealing with
personal information;
The Act also included credit provisions that apply to the handling of credit-related
personal information that credit providers (which includes any small business that
satisfies the definition) are permitted to disclose to credit reporting bodies for inclusion
on individuals’ credit reports.
Further detailed information about the Privacy Act is provided on the website of the
OAIC at: .
Telecommunications Act 1997
Part 13 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 imposes industry-specific obligations on
telecommunications companies to maintain the confidentiality of information carried over
the telecommunications network. These obligations apply to information that relates to
the contents of communications, the carriage services supplied, and the affairs of personal
particulars of a person. There are a range of exceptions that can apply including with the
consent of the individual concerned; in the performance of duties as an employee or
contractor; for prescribed business needs of other carriers or service providers;
authorisation under law; and for the relevant enforcement bodies to carry out their
functions and powers.
8. Does your country have regulations on marketing research standards? How is this
sector regulated in particular for marketing research involving human beings?
Australia has no comment on this question.
9. Please describe rules regulating outdoor advertising including the use of billboards
or screens in your country. Have enforcement mechanisms been established in this
respect? Please indicate whether other forms of communication, such as public
interest messages and artistic creation, can also be displayed outdoors, including on
billboards and screens, and how these are regulated.
There are three tiers of government in Australia referred to as jurisdictions: federal
(national), state and territory, and local government (local councils). There is no specific
and targeted regulation at a national level governing the public outdoor display of art
works. However, a core function of the Australia Council, Australia’s principal arts
funding body at the federal level, is to uphold and promote freedom of expression in the
arts. This function is set out under its legislative mandate, the Australia Council Act
Artists, galleries and other individuals or organisations are able to display art works
outdoors provided that they comply with regulation at a state and/or local government
level intended to manage vandalism and visual amenity. Some states and territories have
in fact taken measures to promote the creation of artistic works. For example, in 1989 the
Western Australian state government established a "Percent for Art" policy. The scheme
requires that up to one percent of the construction budget for new public works over
$2 000 000 be expended on public artwork. Most of the works mentioned are sculptures,
although several notable memorials are listed also. Public art may include statues,
sculptures, monuments, memorials, murals and mosaics. It does not include artwork on
display inside a museum.
Outdoor advertising is subject to the self-regulatory codes administered by the AANA. In
addition, outdoor advertisers are governed by the Outdoor Media Association Code of
Ethics. Complaints about outdoor advertising can be made to the ASB as outlined in
question five.
10. Does national legislation regulate advertising, sponsoring and commercial
practices in public and private schools (including on school buses and within the
school’s immediate surroundings)? Do companies engaging in sponsorship of
schools enjoy a tax deduction?
The Australian Government does not own or operate schools. State and territory
government and non-government education authorities are responsible for the regulation
and registration of schools. Legislation concerning advertising, sponsoring and
commercial practices in schools is therefore not the responsibility of the Australian
Government Department of Education. Any relevant regulations are more likely to be
implemented by state and territory education authorities (for example, which has some
Western Australia-specific regulations around sponsorship at Division 7).
There are some supporting documents that have been produced at the national level to
provide general guidance for schools and businesses in relationships:
The Guiding Principles for School-Business Relationships
reports-and-research) highlight features that contribute to effective and sustainable
school-business relationships. Importantly, they place enhanced student learning
and outcomes at the centre of all such relationships. The Guiding Principles have
been endorsed by the Australian Government Department of Education.
In 1992, education ministers released the National Code on Commercial
Sponsorship and Promotion in School Education (1992). It outlines five key
principles for schools and sponsoring organisations and can be found here:,12054.html .
12. Are there specific measures such as inter alia, tax incentives to encourage private
sponsorship of artistic creation? Please provide a brief description of these
measures. Is the private sponsorship for cultural institutions receiving public
funding regulated and if so please provide details. Do such regulations also apply to
monuments and national heritage buildings?
The Australian Government offers a range of targeted tax incentives to attract private
investment in the arts and to stimulate cultural production. These incentives provide
deductions for donations to certain types of arts organisations. This includes:
The Cultural Gifts Program, which enables donors of cultural goods to Australian
collecting institutions to receive a tax deduction for the value of the donation,
The Register of Cultural Organisations - cultural bodies listed on the Register of
Cultural Organisations can receive tax deductible donations to assist them with a wide
range of activities, for example the creation of a new theatrical work, the publication
of a literary magazine or the building of a community arts centre.
These incentives apply to gifts, which are provided with no benefit to the donor. The
Australian Government does not currently provide tax incentives to encourage
sponsorship of artistic creation, where the sponsor will receive a benefit in return for their
support from the recipient organisation.
Each of the cultural institutions in the Australian Government arts portfolio is established
and regulated by its own enabling legislation. In addition, private support for cultural
institutions is also regulated by the general Commonwealth accountability requirements
of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the Commonwealth
Authorities and Companies Act 1997. These Acts ensure accountability, transparency and
the auditing of institutions financial statements by the auditor general.