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Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 82

7th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2017)

Research on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation in Mobile Phones Industry

a* b
Huali Cai and BisongLiu
Quality Management Branch, China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing. China
[email protected], [email protected]
* please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk

Keywords: Mobile phones; Evaluation; Customer satisfaction

Abstract. This paper, by using Chinese customer satisfaction index evaluation model, conducted
research on the evaluation of customers’ satisfaction towards mobile phones enterprises and presented
the customer satisfaction evaluation results for six enterprises with higher market occupation. The
evaluation results indicate that Huawei ranks top with highest customer satisfaction with 78.87 points,
followed by Apple and Oppo, and Samsung is listed in the last place with 71.99 points. Also, the paper
made an analysis of major evaluation indexes.

In rencet years, mobilephones has witnessed a rapid development and played an increasingly important
role in everyone’s daily life. There are so many mobilephone brands and styles in the market. How to
choose from them for the customers and which can meet their demands is becoming more and more
important. Thus, it has become a focus of research for the current academia and industry to develop the
products satistory to customers. Among the researches on customer satisfaction in recent years, there
are some typical examples: Dong Xuecheng et al. focused on the research on E-commerce customer
satisfaction evaluation model; Zha Jinxiang et al. emphazied the interaction of E-commerce customer
satisfaction evaluation indexes; and Zhao Jiayin et al. laid an emphasis on E-commerce customer
satisfaction evaluation practice.
This paper, by using the Chinese customer satisfaction index evaluation model, made an survey on
the customer satisfaction of mobilephones customers. It proves through practice that the model is both
feasible and rational and the evaluation result is comparable among industries and regions.

Evaluation Model
The example of Chinese customer satisfaction evaluation model struture is shown as follows:

y2n y41 y42 ... y4n

y51 y52 y5n


1 3 4


yn1 yn2 ... ynn

x1 x2 ... xm y31 y32 ... y3n

Figure 1. Finite Example of Customer Satisaction Evaluation Model

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 57
Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 82

Where, cirles indicate latent variables; the arrows between circles indicate the causal relationship
among latent variables; rectangles indicate observable variables; and the arrows between rectangles and
circles indicate the observable variable-latent variable response relationship.
The example of mathematical form for structural equation is shown as follows:
      
Where,  means endogenous latent variable;  means exogenous latent variable;  means
relationship between endogenous latent variables;  means impact of exogenous latent variable on
endogenous latent variable; and  means residual of structural equation, which reflects the parts that
are unable to be interpreted in equation and subject to independent normal distribution with average
value being zero.
The example of mathematical form measuring the equation is shown as follows:
X   x  
Y   y  
Where, X means the vector formed by exogenous indexes; Y means the vector formed by
endogenous indexes;  x means the relationship between exogenous and endogenous indexes, or factor
loading matrix of exogenous index on exogenous latent variable;  y means the relationship between
endogenous index and endogenous latent variable or factor loading matrix of endogenous index on
endogenous latent variable.
Specifically, as for mobile phones, the evaluation model is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Finite Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Model in Mobile Phones Industry

Where, brand image covers customers’ evaluation on the overall image of the Company and on the
conspicuousness of brand characters; expected quality includes evaluation of customers on the overall
expected quality, expected customized quality, expected product reliability and expected service quality;
perceived quality includes the evaluation on the overall perceived quality and several quality indexes in
relation to quality; perceived value includes the evaluation of customers on the service price of the
enterprise under given quality; customer satisfaction includes customers’ overall satisfaction on brand
service, satisfaction compared with the expected, satisfaction compared to other brands and to ideal
services; and customer loyalty includes customers’ possible willingness to repurchase brand services and
to recommend.

Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 82

This survey is made by combination of computer aided phone interview system and online survey and
covers Mobile phones enterprises with market occupation ranking top 6 in the 250 major cities of China.
Around 250 valid questionnaires were distributed to each enterprise. The respondents were individual
consumers aged 18 to 70 who have used the brands surveyed in the previous one year.
The result of calculation is shown in Fig. 3. Huawei ranks top with highest customer satisfaction with
78.87 points, followed by Apple and OPPO, and Samsung is listed in the last place with 71.99 points.

Figure 3. Finite The Result of Customer Satisfaction

Table 1 Customer satisfaction evaluation result of major indexes

Indexes OPPO Huawei Lenovo Apple Samsung Mi
Overal brand image before
76.16 80.35 76.04 78.59 72.47 74.78
Overal brand characteristic
75.90 78.38 75.67 80.64 74.76 74.39
before burchasing
Customized expected quality 79.23 80.75 78.18 82.16 74.06 77.78
Reliability expected quality 75.75 79.72 77.19 81.53 76.16 75.01
Expected quality of service 79.80 78.31 78.32 79.29 75.82 77.29
Overall expected quality 79.35 80.82 77.73 82.02 74.76 75.75
Overall perceived quality 77.52 79.06 77.20 78.54 72.78 73.63
Customized perceived quality 77.74 79.24 74.64 80.69 71.89 74.06
Reliability perceived quality 77.44 80.38 75.65 80.15 71.02 73.89
Service perceived quality 75.38 77.95 76.42 75.83 72.44 73.30
Perceived value 71.37 76.06 69.67 69.32 67.02 72.01
Overall satisfaction 76.25 79.70 75.06 76.86 72.95 73.71
Satisfaction compared to the
73.05 76.99 74.12 73.79 70.00 72.31
Satisfaction compared to
others (similar mobile phone 76.55 79.08 73.48 79.82 71.64 72.76
Satisfaction compared to
77.31 79.51 74.54 77.01 73.20 72.53
ideal services
Willingness to repurchase 51.88 63.11 44.97 48.50 48.02 47.27
Customer recommendation 69.02 76.49 70.40 64.53 63.39 65.79

Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 82

This paper, by using Chinese customer satisfaction index evaluation model, conducted research on the
evaluation of customer satisfaction in mobile phones enterprises, presented the customer satisfaction
evaluation results for six enterprises with higher market occupation and made an analysis of major

This work was funded by the Dean fund project of China National Institute of Standardization under
grant No. 552016Y-4667, the National Key Technology R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and
Technology under grant No. 2015BAK46B02, 2016YFF0204203 and 2015BAK46B03-3.

[1] Dong Xuecheng, Research on the Application of DEA in E-commerce Customer Satisfaction
Evaluation: with B2C E-commerce Enterprises as Example. Capital University of Economics and
Business, Beijing China, March 2013.
[2] Zhao Jiayin, Evaluation on Customer Satisfaction of Dangdang Online Bookstore. Nanjing
University of Science and Technology, December 2012
[3] Zha Jinxiang, Research on the Relationship between B2C E-commerce Customers’ Value and
Loyalty. Zhejiang University, May 2006.


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