The Business Case For Identity and Access Management (IAM) : White Paper
The Business Case For Identity and Access Management (IAM) : White Paper
The Business Case For Identity and Access Management (IAM) : White Paper
Operational efficiency
Business agility
Action Plan
Finally, an action plan can be built to define the tactical About Oxford Computer Group (OCG)
projects, which will independently add business value whilst Oxford Computer Group helps businesses facing identity
delivering the overall vision.
management, cloud transformation and enterprise
Examples of these may include: mobility challenges stay in control. With employees,
■■ Provision of a white pages application partners and consumers active anytime, anywhere and
on any device, we ensure it’s not just anyone who has
■■ Self-service profile management
access to your corporate data.
■■ Self-service password reset
Technology and the way people work are changing fast.
■■ Automated joiner/mover/leaver process
Although cloud computing and a mobile workforce offer
■■ Role-based access control substantial productivity and cost saving benefits; they also
■■ Single sign-on bring complexity and security concerns.