Institutional Corrections: Chapter Overview
Institutional Corrections: Chapter Overview
Institutional Corrections: Chapter Overview
This chapter introduces us to corrections in Canada. Most Canadians have limited, if any, exposure
to what actually happens inside a correctional institution. Our conceptions of what goes on inside
prisons are usually misshapen by what we have been exposed to by the media (and it is usually the
worst aspects of what goes on inside that we are privy to).
The chapter gives an overview of the types of correctional institutions that exist in Canada and dif-
ferentiates among federal, provincial, and territorial correctional institutions (and the inmates who
occupy them). Challenges that these institutions face (both with the offenders themselves and the
correctional officers who work with them) were presented and suggestions for dealing with inmates,
security, programming, and reintegration are introduced.
Although prisons are intended to protect society from offenders, they also must treat offenders hu-
manely and provide a safe environment for them while they are institutionalized. This is all supposed
to happen under the umbrella of rehabilitation so that inmates can successfully reintegrate back into
the community. There is little agreement about how to achieve all of these correctional goals. Alt-
hough today’s correctional systems are much better than in the past (e.g., correctional personnel are
more professional, the facilities are designed and operated differently) and we have a much better
understanding of the types of programs that help offenders make a more successful transition into
the community, correctional violence, suicide, self-injurious behaviours, and prison misconduct still
remain problems.
Direct supervision: A method of inmate supervision where officers directly interact with offenders
(p. 247).
Dynamic needs: Factors that can be changed by offenders, such as their education level or em-
ployability (p. 248).
Dynamic security: The regular interaction between prisoners and correctional officers that pro-
motes problem-solving, information sharing, and rapport building (p. 247).
Offender classification: The process by which an offender’s risks and needs are assessed in order
to assign the inmate to the most appropriate living unit (p. 247).
Offender intake assessment: Assessing offenders’ future risk of criminal behavior based on their
criminal history and their needs (e.g., whether they require help with employment or substance
abuse) (p. 248).
Radicalization to violence: A process by which individuals are introduced to an ideology that en-
courages movement towards extreme views which, in turn, lead to violence (p. 255).
Risk-need-responsivity: A model that attempts to reduce future criminal behavior by focusing on
the highest risk offenders, identifying their unmet needs, and tailoring interventions to the distinct
needs of each offender (p. 249).
Warehousing: Providing few amenities other than a bed and meals in correctional institutions (p. 239).
Elliot, Liz. (June 2007). “Security, Without Care: Challenge for Restorative Values in Prison”
in Contemporary Justice Review, 10(2): pp.193–208.
This article examines some conceptual issues that arise when we consider the implications of intro-
ducing restorative justice in prison; it focuses on two key restorative justice concepts: relationships
and values.
Long, Carmen. (2006). “Developing National Substance Abuse Programs in Canadian Fed-
eral Corrections” in Forums on Corrections Research, 18(1): pp.38–41.
Simply, this article discusses the development of national substance abuse programs in the Canadian
federal corrections system.
Martel, Joane, Renee Brassard and Mylene Jaccoud. (March 2011). “When Two Worlds Collide:
Aboriginal Risk Management in Canadian Corrections” in British Journal of Criminology,
51(2): pp.235–255.
According to its abstract, this paper addresses some of the prison’s adaptation schemes to shed light
on three contradictory logics of risk-based management: (1) high-risk Aboriginal offenders have little
access to risk-reducing programmes; (2) Aboriginality undergoes an ontological mutation that occurs
during the process of risk assessment; and (3) Aboriginal correctional staff play a contradictory role
in the (re)production of “Aboriginal risk.”
Palmer, Ted, Patricia Voorhis, Faye Taxman and Doris MacKenzie. (June 2012). “Insights
from Ted Palmer: Experimental Criminology in a Different Era” in Journal of Experimental
Criminology, 8(2): pp.103–115.
This report details insights from the career of the noted evaluation researcher, Ted Palmer, on
emerging issues in correctional research and correctional treatment.
Popova, Svetlana, Shannon Lange, Larry Burd and Jürgen Rehm. (July 2015). “Cost At-
tributable to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Canadian Correctional System” in
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 41(41): pp.76–81.
The aim of this current study was to estimate the direct cost for youths (12–17 years old) and adults
(18+ years old) with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to the Canadian correctional system in
Ricciardelli, Rose. (2014). Surviving Incarceration: Inside Canadian Prisons. Waterloo, ON:
Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
In this book, the author draws on interviews with almost sixty former federal prisoners to show how
their criminal convictions, masculinity, and sexuality determined their social status in prison and, in
consequence, their potential for victimization.
Watson, Tara Marie. (July 2015). “Research Access Barriers as Reputational Risk Manage-
ment: A Case Study of Censorship in Corrections” in Canadian Journal of Criminology &
Criminal Justice, 57(3): pp.330–362.
After attempting to interview CSC employees for research about programming and policy in relation
to in-prison substance abuse, but being denied, the author turned her experience into a case study,
where she treats her correspondence with CSC as a unique source of data.
Zakaria, Dianne, Jennie Male Thompson and Frederic Borgatta. (2010). The Relationship
Between Knowledge of HIV and HCV, Health Education, and Risk and Harm-Reducing
Behaviours Among Canadian Federal Inmates [electronic resource]. Ottawa, ON: Correc-
tional Service of Canada.
This report presents National Inmate Infectious Diseases and Risk Behaviours Survey data on Ca-
nadian federal inmates’ knowledge of HIV and HCV; the association between health education
program attendance and knowledge; and, the association between knowledge and risk and harm-
reducing behaviours.