Ingles Trabajo PDF
Ingles Trabajo PDF
Ingles Trabajo PDF
load -factor, and altitude. Both are very useful in aircraft performance predic-
dS dt 1 1
dS=--d V= V- dV=-VdV
dt dV a a
S=SG 1
dS = -V dV (3.21)
S=O V=O a
S== O s =SG
V==O V= VG
S = S 11 s = s,mns S=S c lun
. b
t----- -----1 -----;- -----1- ---..--~ s
( ) ( >( >
Ground Roll Rotation Transition Climb
Distance Distance Dista nce Distance
(aincreased) (r~ Ychmb) To Clear
50-ft Obstacle
¡ ook al thc right-hand silh.: ni l·. t¡. (3 .2 1). ·1,, in tcgrntc it , ·111.; wj :1 !.í:ikr.; tw,
upprn:ic hes duri 11g thc grou nd rol l : 1) n,sume flccc)cratí_on is a co'.1stant, and 2;
use a 11u1rH!ncal approa ch, nnd aéC()Ullt 1,,r accdcrntion c.:hí:lnging. fn cith<.:r
case, ,ve will lia vc to cvaltJat c acccleration , whidi jq Jbtaincd frorn Ncwtcm \
"'i,Fz = ma z = O
= W cos cp - L- N
N~W- L
R ~ µrCW-L ) (3.22)
Typical values of µr range between 0.02 for a dry concrete runway to 0.3 for
very soft ground. Returning back to Fig. 3.8, we can apply Newton's 2nd law
in the x direction to obtain an expression for acceleration during the ground
___. ~
If we asswne cp is small, sin cp ~ cp , and
To gain some further insight, assume for a minute that the runway slope is
zero. Additionally, ignore any thrust variation with velocity. Figure 3.9 shows
how the forces (with these assumptions) change during the takeoff roll.
Note the following:
1) Lift and drag start at zero. They both increase through the takeoff roll; both
forces are proportional to V2 .
2) W is constant during the takeoff roll (ignoring fuel consumption).
3) R decreases during the takeoff roll because the normal force, N, decreases
as lift increases. R is zero at liftoff (weight is equal to lift).
4) With our assumptions, the difference between thrust and [D + µy{W - L)]
is the net acceleration force (again, we have assumed W cp is zero ). This is a
direct indicator of acceleration capability.
Now, the essentials are in place to estímate takeoff roll. Again, we will take
two approaches. The easiest will be first.
1 Jv=vG 1 v2 ) vG
SG =-=- V dV = -=--
ª V=O a 2 O
1 Vl; _ Vl;
sG =-f2 - 2a
T- (D + R)
hea~wi_nd will reduce Ve_ by ~he wi?d ~omponent parallel to the runway and
m a similar manner, a tail wmd w1ll mcrease Ve . Thus, a headwind w·1¡¡
decrease Se and a tail wind will increase Se. This is why the runway direcf
for takeoff (and landing) is generally selected based on having a headw:º~
component. Equation (3.24) can be simply modified to account for a head nor
· wm
tail · d:
The minus sign is used for a head wind component and the plus sign is used
for a tail wind component.
What value of acceleration do we use in Eq. (3.24)? In Sec. 3.4.2, we
derived an expression for acceleration [Eq. (3 .23)]. 1t is repeated next, however.
in terms of average values :
w[Tavg - Davg - Wcp - µ,.(W - Lava~ )]
For this approach, we will assume thrust, aircraft weight, rolling friction coeffi-
cient, and runway slope are constant during the takeoff roll. To evaluate lift
and drag, we will use an average velocity, as derived next. Let
1 2
Davg = CD 2p vavgs
D = Ds=O + Ds=Sc
avg 2
1 2 Cn½PV}= 0 S+Cn½P V§=scS
Cn2 pVavgS = 2
With a headwind or tailwind, Vavg could be adjusted slightly using t1 ~~
approach but it is normally not, because the average velocity of Eq. P-?)
using Vavg = VLOF/ J'2 provides sufficient accuracy for the average accekm~wn
met~~d. If en~ine thrust data are a~ailable, ~e shoul~ use the thr\1st ª~1.I\ÍÍ
Addit10nally, hft and drag are fun ct10ns of hft coeffic1ent CL. Agarn. \\ l " .
use an optima} value, called "C¿ ." To define this value, we wi.ll try tt) m:i\i-
mize a with respect to C¿. opl
Recalling that D_ = (Cn 0 + KCi)"qS, we Cé_ffi see that only the D avg and L avg
tem1s are a function of C¿. Takmg the part1al derivative, we then have:
C¿ = µr = C¿ (3.26)
2K ºP'
Example 3.5
Using the average acceleration method, find the max power takeoff ground
roll, with no wind and a zero runway slope, for a 12,000-lb T-38 at sea level
and 6000 ft given the following conditions:
We will first work the problem for sea level. Using Eq. (1.33), we determine
the stall speed.
The T-38 sea-level thrust and drag chart at Max power and 0.181 Mach gives
Tavg ~ 6000 Jb
= Cv + KCz = 0.02 + (0.2)(0.0625) 2 = 0.0208
O opt
- _1
q avg -
2 p vavg = 21 (0.00238)(201.9) 2 = 48.5 psf
We next determine the average acceleration
= 32 ·2 . [6000 - (0.0208)(48.5)(170)
- 0.025{12,000 - (0.0625)(48.5)(170)}]
a = 14.9 ft/s 2
and use Eq. (3.24) to calculate the ground roll with VG = VLoF for the no
wind case.
1 vJ vJ (285.6)
= 2737 ft
SGsL = ~2 2a
The same steps are used to calculate the ground roll at 6000 ft with appropriate
changes in air density, the speed of sound, and interpolation of the T-38 thrust
curves. Intermediate values for this analysis are:
VLoF = 312.6 ft/s Vavg = 220.8 ft/s Tavg ~ 5100 lb a = 12.5 ft/s
The ground roll at 6000 ft is
SG6ooo ft = 3909 ft
Notice the 42% increase in ground roll distance with the increase in altitude.
This results from a decrease in thrust and an increase in VLOF·
. ._,_ __¿.