SDM Project Details: Objective

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● We Aim to understand the electric appliances industry - primarily ceiling fans industry,
the movement of the product from manufacturing to the end customer.
● Understanding the types of distribution methods followed into the organization and the
reasons behind the same.
● understanding the distributor-wholesaler-retailer relationship and the way of their
● Identify the bottlenecks in the complete chain and seek solutions to them.
● Understanding the selling process, acquiring of the distributors, retailers, salesmen, The
planning of schedule of a salesman.

Company Spokes-Person:

1. What is the competitive scenario of the industry? What are the various barriers one has
to face while planning to enter the industry?
2. How has the industry evolved over the years, what new trends have you seen over the
course of your career?
3. How does the company plan to strategise and increase its presence in the indian
4. How is the target setting done in the company. Can you suggest some pros-cons as to
why the selected method is best for the company?
5. What is the branding and communications strategy of the company? What goes into
their successful execution?
6. How is the NPD process at the company, how frequent does it occur, what channels are
seeked for developing and launching a new product or in redefining an existing product?

Company Salesman:

1. Which sales territories are mapped by you?

2. How many points of sales i.e retailers are currently catered in your territory?
3. In case of unmapped arenas, what are the probable reasons for the same?
4. What is the minimum number of customers you are mandated to cater?
5. How many orders are generated per visit?
6. Any preparations or alterations made prior to the sales pitch for retailers?
7. What is the frequency of new customer additions? Any difficulties to accommodate
the same?
8. What activities are performed under ‘Sales Purview’?
9. What activities are performed under ‘Administration Purview’?
10. How is the sales performance reported? Also, what is the frequency of record: daily,
weekly, monthly?
11. Any tool or software used to maintain reports/records?
12. Is the Information recorded used to channel further sales efforts?
13. Is the nature of Promotional offers & trade discounts seasonal? In your opinion, what
impact do they have on sales volume?
14. Are you provided with on-field training? What is the nature & frequency of the same?
15. What is the compensation scheme? Is it subjected to fixed and variable pay? If so,
what affects the variable pay?
16. Describe your usual-work day based on time bifurcation for each activity. Any
hassles that you face?

Company Distributors:

1. What activities do your day-to-day operations comprise of?

2. How often do you procure the products from the company?
3. How many products do you procure?
4. What is the turnover time for the inventory on average?
5. Is procurement seasonal or year round in nature?
6. Do you handle the company’ products exclusively?
7. How often are you in contact with the company?
8. How often are you in contact with retailers?
9. What is the revenue sharing model with the company?
10. What are the main costs associated with revenue generation?
11. What is your margin % for sales
12. Do you receive any monetary bonuses or commission from the company?
13. What is the size of the area your activities cover?
14. What is your participation in the end sales of the product?
15. What are the number of retailers that procure the product from you?
16. How many godowns do you use?
17. How far are your godowns from one another?
18. Is there any method of classifying the vendors you work for?
19. What are the credit/payment terms from the company?
20. What are the credit/payment terms you offer to retailers?
21. Does the company have any control over the credit/payment terms you offer to
22. How are everyday operations different from operations during promotional offers?
23. Promotional offers to Retailers from your end? Consumer promotional scheme
24. Are you given any special incentives during promotional offers?
25. What are the main challenges you face during operations?
26. Are there any threats to your activities from new players or distribution models?
27. How many people do you employ
28. (Ask the dealer their territory, then map using google maps)

Company Retailers:

1. What are your day to day activities?

2. What is your margin for sales?
3. How does the company incentivise you to push its SKU’s over other brands?
4. What are the credit/payment terms you receive from the company/ distributors?
5. How do you ensure visibility of the product in-store?
6. How do you manage inventory and lead time?
7. How are the sales promotions offered to you different from those of a distributor?
8. What are the challenges you face during operations?
9. What are the threats posed by Modern Trade and e-commerce to your operations?
10. Do you cross-merchandise?
11. How do you incentivise in-store sales associates to boost sales?
12. How do you manage dead-stock?
13. Since the throughput rate of ceiling fans is low, how do you ensure repeat sales/
customer loyalty?
14. How do you manage inventory glut in off-seasons/ market downturns?
15. How do you leverage technology for better inventory management and CRM?
16. What techniques do you use to manage your retail/floor layout?

Retail channels
1. c&f - distri - retailer
2. c &f to mt
3. Institutional channel - corpo, edu, hospitality, hotels

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