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Earth Energy Designer: User Manual

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Earth Energy Designer

User manual
Version 2.0

October 30, 2000

Dr. Göran Hellström

Dept. of Mathematical Physics, Lund University, P.O.Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
tel: +46-46-2229091, fax: +46-46-2224416, e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Burkhard Sanner

Asternweg 2, D-35633 Lahnau, Germany
tel: +49-6441-963416, fax: +49-6441-962526, e-mail: [email protected]
The development of the fundamentals for EED has been supported by the Swedish Council of
Building Research (Byggforskningsrådet), Stockholm, and by the German Federal Ministry for
Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF), Bonn. The responsibility for content and
functioning of the program is with the authors only.

The program implementation has partially been funded by the “Wallenberg Foundation Fellowship
Program in Environment and Sustainability” by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.

The following persons have been involved in the development of the EED program:

Dr. Thomas Blomberg

Building Technology Group, M.I.T., Room 5-418, 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139,
USA tel: +1-617-258-5852, fax: +1-617-253-6162, e-mail: [email protected]
Dept. of Building Physics, Lund University, P.O.Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden tel: +46-46-
2224571, fax: +46-46-2224535, e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Johan Claesson

Dept. of Building Physics, Chalmers University of Technlogy, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, tel:
+46-31-7721996, fax: +46-31-7721993, e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Per Eskilson

Dept. of Mathematical Physics, Lund University, P.O.Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

Dr. Göran Hellström

Dept. of Mathematical Physics, Lund University, P.O.Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden, tel: +46-
46-2229091, fax: +46-46-2224416, e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Burkhard Sanner

Asternweg 2, D-35633 Lahnau, Germany, tel: +49-6441-963416, fax: +49-6441-962526, e-mail:
[email protected]

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 4
1.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 BACKGROUND OF EED ................................................................................................ 4
1.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION.............................................................. 4
1.4 DESCRIPTION OF FILES ................................................................................................. 5
1.2. IMPORTANT PROGRAM FEATURES.................................................................................... 5
1.5 EED MAIN MENU ......................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 The file menu........................................................................................................ 7
1.5.3 Closing the Program............................................................................................ 7
2. DATA INPUT ................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 GROUND PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 8
2.2 BORE HOLE AND HEAT EXCHANGER ......................................................................... 10
2.3 BORE HOLE THERMAL RESISTANCE ........................................................................... 14
2.4 HEAT CARRIER FLUID ................................................................................................ 14
2.5 INPUT OF BASE LOAD DATA ...................................................................................... 15
2.6 INPUT OF PEAK LOAD DATA ...................................................................................... 17
2.7 SIMULATION PERIOD ................................................................................................. 18

4. OUTPUT OF RESULTS................................................................................................ 20
4.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 20
4.2 CHANGING CHART PROPERTIES ................................................................................. 22
4.2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 22
4.2.2 Chart and series properties ............................................................................... 23
TEMPERATURE CONSTRAINTS..................................................................................... 25

6. LITERATURE................................................................................................................ 28

APPENDIX A. OUTPUT DATA FILE „MANUAL_E.OUT“ .......................................... 29

APPENDIX B. OUTPUT DATA FILE „MANUAL_X.OUT“ .......................................... 33

APPENDIX C. DATA OUTPUT FILES. ............................................................................ 37


1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
Earth Energy Design (EED) is a PC-program for bore hole heat exchanger design. Its easy of use,
short learning curve, quick calculation times and inherent databases make it a useful tool in
everyday engineering work for design of ground source heat pump system (GSHP) and bore hole
thermal storage. In very large and complex tasks EED allows for retrieving the approximate
required size and layout before initiating more detailed analyses. Even for very small plants EED
values the effort to do a calculation instead of using rules of thumb is worthwhile. In ground source
heat pump system, heat is extracted from the fluid in the ground connection by a geothermal heat
pump and distributed to the building. The fluid is then re-warmed as it flows through the ground. In
cooling mode, the process is reversed. This makes it a renewable, environmentally friendly energy

1.2 Background of EED

PC-programs for quick and reasonably sound dimensioning of ground heat systems with vertical
earth heat exchangers have been presented by Claesson, Eskilson and Hellström, see list of
literature in Section 6 . Algorithms have been derived from modeling and parameter studies with a
numerical simulation model (SBM) resulting in analytical solutions of the heat flow with several
combinations for the bore hole pattern and geometry (g-functions). Those g-functions depend on the
spacing between the bore holes at the ground surface and the bore hole depth. In case of graded
bore holes there is also a dependency on the tilt angle. The g-function values obtained from the
numerical simulations have been stored in a data file, which is accessed for rapid retrieval of data
by EED.

Calculation of brine temperatures is done for monthly heat/cool loads. Databases provide the key
ground parameters (thermal conductivity and specific heat) as well as properties of pipe materials
and heat carrier fluids. The monthly average heating and cooling loads are the input data. In
addition, an extra pulse for peak heat/cool loads over several hours can be considered at the end of
each month. The user can choose between different methods of establishing a monthly load profile.
A printed output report and output graphical processing are provided. The program has an easy-to-
use interface. The bore hole thermal resistance is calculated in the program, using the bore hole
geometry, grouting material, pipe material and geometry. The bore hole pattern may be chosen at
will from a database of more than 300 basic configurations

1.3 System requirements and installation

EED is a software package for running on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT or to one of these
compatible operating system. Program and databases require approximately 3 MB hard disk space.
EED is delivered as a self-extracting file „self.exe“ that installs the program and databases in a
folder the user can choose (default folder is C:\EED). It will install the following files and a
subdirectory named „Projects“ where project data files may be stored. It may be a good idea to
make further sub-folders for each major project. Also, the EED-icon will be added to the start menu
of Windows.

1.4 Description of files

Name Extension Content

Programs and system files:
eed exe Program file EED (executable)
gfunc eed g-functions
default dat Default project data file
e1 bmp Background image (the user can store any other bitmap under
this name to be displayed as background in EED)
borediam txt Bore hole diameter
cond txt Ground thermal conductivity
fillcond txt Filling thermal conductivity
gfunc txt List of g-functions
hcdat txt Heat carrier fluids
heatcap txt Ground specific heat
heatflux txt Geothermal heat flow
pipe txt Pipe material
surftemp txt Ground surface temperature

Project data files have the extension ".dat". Output files have the extension ".out". The standard
project data file "default.dat" is read first with every program start. This file contains default values
and may be changed to a default file for local conditions. Project data files can be saved under the
"File" menu with the „Save“ or „Save as“ command:

Output files are generated by EED with the name of the project data file, adding the extension
„.out“. These files are written in ASCII-code and can be loaded by common text editors (correct
display of columns is only achieved with rigid fonts like Courier, not with proportional fonts). The
monthly temperatures in the output files are listed in columns and can, after preparation with a text
editor, be loaded into graphic software.

The databases are ASCII-text files with the extension ".txt" and can be completed with additional
data the user may have, or changed to meet user requirements (sufficient experience is vital!).

1.2. Important program features

Number of configurations 308

Number of g-functions 2465

Types of bore hole heat exchangers Coaxial pipes

U-pipes (single, double, triple)

Bore hole depth 20 - 200 m

Ratio bore hole spacing / bore hole depth B

0.02 ≤ ≤ 0.5

Time interval −8.5 ≤ ln( t ') ≤ 3
t H2
t’ = dimensionless time with: t '= and t s =
a = thermal diffusivity (m²/s) ts 9a

Short-time criterion rb2

0.5 ⋅ E1
E1 = exponential integral 4at

Further details concerning the basic mathematical procedures used for the program can be found in
the literature listed at the end of this manual, see Section 6.

1.5 EED main menu

1.5.1 Introduction
The main menu items, see Figure 1.1, are as follows:

Figure 1.1: Main menu of EED.

• File: Operations with files (open, save, addition of memory notes to a project data
file, exit)
• Input: Input of data for ground, bore hole, heat exchanger, heat carrier, building,
loads, simulation time, etc.
• Solve: The calculation may be started in two different ways:
- Calculation of the mean fluid temperature with the given load and layout
- Calculation of the required bore hole length for a given min/max

• Output: Display of the results as text and graphs

• About: Display of program version and authors

The background image may be changed by the user. Any Windows bitmap (.bmp) may be
displayed. To do that, simply copy the file containing the bitmap into the directory where „eed.exe“
resides, and rename it into „e1.bmp“. If you like to save the image provided with EED, you should
rename it to any other name before creating a new „e1.bmp“. EED automatically loads the file
„e1.bmp“ as background image when the program is started.

1.5.2 The file menu
The file menu is shown in Figure 1.2. An existing project data file may be loaded by clicking on
„File“ and „Open“.

Figure 1.2: The file menu.

With the item „Memory notes“ in the File menu, a text (maximum five rows) can be typed that will
be added to the header of the current project data file. This helps to identify the project and to
distinguish different variations in the layout.

1.5.3 Closing the Program

After finishing calculations with EED, the program can be ended either by clicking on „Exit“ in the
menu „File“, or by clicking on the „✕ ✕ “ in the upper right corner of the program window. The user
is prompted, if the project data file should be saved (again). To start a new project without leaving
EED first, „New“ in the „File“-menu is selected, or the default project data file „default.dat“ is

The output files („*.out“) can be further edited. These are ASCII files and may be loaded into
common text editors. The databases („*.txt“) are also ASCII-format and can be changed or further
improved by experienced users.

2. Data input
The pull-down menu „Input“, see Figure 2.1, comprises all functions for input or change of the
data required for the calculation.

Figure 2.1: The input menu.

There are further sub-menus for specific input of data. These are data for underground parameters
(„Ground properties“), bore holes and heat exchangers („Bore hole and heat exchanger“),
method of calculation of the bore hole thermal resistance („Bore hole thermal resistance“),
properties of the heat carrier fluid („Heat carrier fluid“), base load and peak load data („Base
load“ and „Peak load“, respectively) and the desired simulation period („Simulation period“).

The following paragraphs show the input option by using a sample project. As example for the
calculation of project „Manual_e“, data from a plant in the German city of Linden are used.

2.1 Ground Properties

Figure 2.2 shows the menu „Ground properties“. The input values can either be typed in directly
(double-clicking in a field will highlight the contents, and with any new input the old content will
be erased), or can be obtained from a database. For any field followed by a question mark, a
database can be accessed.

Figure 2.2: The ground properties menu.

For demonstration, we now start with „Thermal conductivity“. If no measured data from the site
are available (e.g. from a thermal response test), the value has to be assessed from the database
(according to the type of rock or soil). By clicking on the question mark beside the value for thermal
conductivity, the database is opened in a new window, see Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Database of thermal conductivities.
The values are sorted alphabetically by the type of rock. Some additional materials like air and
water are also included. For each material, a recommended value is given (to use if no further info
exists), and the minimum and maximum values found in literature or measurements. The value will
be transferred to the data input box when clicked on. Double-clicking will do the same but also
close the database window.

Data for the Linden site are used in our example. The underground consists of tertiary sand, clay,
and in greater depth Paleozoic sediments. A plausible average for this subsoil has to be found.
Moist sand is well representing the major part of the column, and hence "Sand, moist" is selected in
the database. The value can be changed later in the sub-menu, as is done in the example (to 1.5
W/m/K), to represent better the thermal conductivity of the Paleozoic part of the profile.

Specific heat is selected in the same way, and then the annual average temperature at the earth's
surface can be chosen („Ground surface temperature“). The database is opened by clicking on the
question mark, and after selecting one of the countries for which data are available, a list with
names of cities is displayed, see Figure 2.4. The temperatures are a hint for the ground surface
temperature of the region. If necessary, interpolation has to be made, or the value for annual
average air temperature has to be used. For the example of Linden the value of Giessen is selected,
which is in only few kilometers distance. The geothermal heat flux is found in the same way.

Figure 2.4: Database of ground surface temperatures.

With ground surface temperature, geothermal heat flux, and thermal conductivity of the ground the
undisturbed ground temperature for half of the bore hole depth is calculated. Intentionally the
geothermal heat flux and not the geothermal gradient is used for calculation to take into account the
impact of thermal conductivity. The data for our example that follows are shown below.

Figure 2.5: Data for our example.

2.2 Bore hole and Heat Exchanger

Figure 2.6 shows the menu "Bore hole and heat exchanger" that deals with bore hole data
(number, geometry, depth, diameter) and with heat exchanger data. There are two different
variations of the sub-menu, depending upon the type of heat exchanger selected; one for the coaxial
type, and one for all U-pipe types. Again, for any field followed by a question mark, a database can
be accessed.

Figure 2.6: Input menu for bore hole and heat exchanger.
When starting with the default data file, the heat exchanger type is set to „Coaxial“. By clicking on
the sign „▼“ right of „Type“, a small pull-down window offers four options as shown in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7: Options for heat exchanger type.
The most frequent type in mid Europe, also used in the Linden example, is double-U-pipes:

Next, the bore hole geometry („Configuration“) is asked for. This means selection of an adequate

The basic forms of bore hole heat exchanger (BHE) geometry available in Version 2.0 are as

Geometry Name
BHE-Layout in a straight line LINE
BHE-Layout in a line in L-shape L-CONFIGURATION
BHE-Layout in two parallel L-shaped lines L2-CONFIGURATION
BHE-Layout in a line in U-shape U-CONFIGURATION
BHE-Layout in a line forming an open rectangle OPEN RECTANGULAR CONFIG.
BHE-Layout in form of a rectangular field RECTANGULAR CONFIGURAT.

Clicking on the question mark to the right of „Config.“ opens a new window with a list of g-
functions to choose from, see Figure 2.8. The number in the first column shows the total number of
bore holes in the configuration, followed by the exact geometry; the number in the last column is
the number of the configuration (1 to 307). A list of possible configurations and explanations of the
geometry is given in the Appendix D of this manual. Only a certain number of g-functions can be
displayed in the window, so it may be necessary to scroll down.

Figure 2.8: List of bore hole configurations.
The function for Linden is four holes in a line, which has been selected. The bore hole depth and
bore hole spacing can now be typed in (50 m and 4 m, respectively, for Linden). No database
values fit these parameters so it is given directly instead. In the field „Diameter“ the bore hole
diameter is typed. A database, accessible by clicking on the question mark beside the field, suggests
usual drilling diameters, including API-standards, see Figure 2.9. In Linden, a 130-mm-diameter-
hole has been drilled. A check is made, if the diameter is large enough to house the pipes, and sub-
menu cannot be closed if not.

Figure 2.9: List of bore hole diameter.

The next field in the sub-menu concerns „Volumetric Flow Rate“. The flow through the pipes in
one bore hole is considered, in m³/s. EED needs this value to calculate the Reynolds number. In the
Linden example approx. 4 m³/h are circulated (0.0011 m³/s), which are distributed to 4 bore holes.
Thus the flow through one hole is 0.000275 m³/s (and per pipe is 0.00014 m³/s for a double-U-tube).

Now the thermal contact resistance between pipe and bore hole fill is asked for („Contact res. outer
pipe/filling“). This value depends on the quality of the grouting operation. When pumping grout
into the hole from bottom to top very diligently, a value of 0.0 m²·K/W is possible, otherwise 0.01
or, with poor fill, 0.02-0.03. In the Linden example, the filling of the bore hole from the top does
not allow good contact, and hence a value of 0.02 m²·K/W is typed in.

Now, the material and dimensions of the pipes are given („Outer diameter“, „Wall thickness“,
„Thermal conductivity“). The values can either be typed into the relevant fields, or the database
for pipe material can be opened (for all three parameters simultaneously) by clicking on the
question mark to the right. In the Linden example a polyethylene pipe DN25 PN10 (German
standard) is used. This and the slightly larger pipe DN32 PN10 are most frequent for bore hole heat
exchangers in mid Europe. The database also contains data for pipes made from polyethylene,
polypropylene, steel, copper and stainless steel. After selection of a pipe, the values (d = diameter, t

= wall thickness, l = thermal conductivity) are transferred to the sub-menu by double-clicking on
the pipe designation, or by highlighting the pipe name, see Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10: List of inner pipe measurements.

Now the field „Shank spacing“ can be approached. This refers to the distance from center to center
of the up- and down-pipes in each “U”. No database is available here, and the value has to be typed
in. With a real BHE in practice, the distance is not constant over the length, and an average has to
be used. If spacers are used, the distance achieved by the spacers is relevant. EED checks if the
distance is big enough to allow the pipes not to intersect each other, and does not allow closing of
the sub-menu if the distance is to small. For pipes with 25 mm diameter, 0.07 m distance is
sufficient. The next field („Filling thermal conductivity“) serves for input of thermal conductivity
of the bore hole fill (grout). Again values can be picked from a database by clicking on the question
mark beside the field. For the Linden example, a filling with drilling mud is used, and a value of 0.6
W/m⋅K is adequate for this.

Now the sub-menu is filled out completely and looks as shown in Figure 2.11. It can be closed by
clicking on „Close“, if no more changes are desired. It is recommended to now and then save the
project data file in the „File“-menu.

Figure 2.11: Data for our example.

The sub-menu „Bore hole and heat exchanger“ is somewhat different, if coaxial heat exchangers
are selected. A coaxial heat exchanger requires data for outer and inner pipe (typed or picked from
the database). EED checks, if the inner pipe fits comfortably into the outer pipe, and does not allow
closing of the sub-menu if not. The other parameters are identical with those in the U-pipe sub-

2.3 Bore hole thermal resistance

The next sub-menu in the „Input“ menu concerns thermal resistances in the bore hole („Bore hole
thermal resistance“), see Figure 2.12. The values can either be stated, if they are known e.g. from
a thermal response test, or can be calculated each time. By clicking on one of the circles in the top
left corner of the window, a selection of one of the methods is made.

Figure 2.12: Input for Bore hole thermal resistance.

Usually the option for calculation will be used. The calculation uses an analytical solution that
gives an exact solution of the two-dimensional heat conduction problem in a plane transverse to the
bore hole axis. The solution consists of an infinite series of multipoles of rapidly decreasing
strength (and importance). The accuracy of the solution depends on how many multipoles of the
infinite series are evaluated. Four multipoles give a solution exact enough for most purposes, higher
numbers will increase the computing time.

The user also choose whether or not to take account for heat transfer between the individual pipes
with flow up or down ("Account for internal heat transfer"). The effect of natural convection in
groundwater-filled bore holes with U-pipes is not accounted for. For the Linden example, the
window will look as shown above. It can now be closed by either clicking on „Close“ or on the „✕ ✕“
in the upper right corner of the window.

2.4 Heat Carrier Fluid

Now the submenu „Heat carrier fluid“ is opened by clicking on that item in the „Input“-menu, see
Figure 2.13. It contains input fields for thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, density,
viscosity and freezing point of the fluid.

Figure 2.13: Input for Heat carrier fluid.

Data for common heat carrier fluids can again be picked from a database, see Figure 2.14, by
clicking on the question mark to the right. The values in the database usually refer to a working
temperature around 0 °C, which is typical for heat pump operation. Only in the case of pure water, a
selection of working temperature levels is given. The database values are transferred simultaneously
to the sub-menu by double-clicking on the required material and concentration, or by highlighting
✕ “ in the upper right corner of the database window.
the line and clicking on the „✕

Figure 2.14: List of common heat carrier fluids.

In the Linden example monoethylen-glycole is used, and „Monoethylenglycole 33 %“ is selected
(the exact value in the plant is 29 %) by double-clicking on it.

2.5 Input of Base Load Data

Figure 2.15 shows the input for heating- and cooling-loads. EED offers two input methods. One
method, „Annual energy & monthly profile“, accepts the whole annual heating and cooling load in
MWh and distributes it to the individual months using a given load profile (default values can be
changed if necessary). The other method, „Monthly Energy Values“, requires the heating and
cooling load for each individual month. The first method is fast and is used for smaller plants, while
the second allows modeling of a specific load profile including loads independent of seasons, like
domestic hot water.

Figure 2.15: Input for base load.
The input field is divided in three columns, „Heat“, „Cool“ and „Ground“. In the first line under
„Heat“ the annual heat load in MWh is typed, for Linden 29.03 MWh (winter 1993/94). Under
„Cool“ the annual cooling load is stated, which was in Linden 1.89 MWh in summer 1994. The next
line accommodates the seasonal performance factor (SPF); an annual average is required. For the
Linden example it was SPF = 2.12 in winter 1993/94. In the cooling mode in Linden no heat pump
is operated; this so-called „direct cooling“ can be simulated with SPF = 10000.

The factors in the following lines give the part of the heating and cooling load in each month, resp.
0.155 in January means 15.5 % of the heating load occurs in January. For the Linden example, the
heating values are kept unchanged, while for cooling mode values in the months June-August are
given. The last column displays the resulting heat extracted from or rejected to the earth for each
month, as calculated using annual load, SPF, and monthly factors. Negative values mean heat flow
into the earth. This column can not be accessed directly. The Linden example now looks like shown

Figure 2.16: Data for our example.
When no more changes are desired, the sub-menu „Base Load“ can be closed by either clicking on
✕ “ in the upper right corner of the window.
„Close“ or on the „✕

The method for monthly heating- and cooling-loads works very much alike, only the line for annual
loads is not accessible and the monthly loads are typed in directly instead of the monthly load

2.6 Input of Peak Load Data

Figure 2.17 shows the input for peak heat and cooling power. For each month the maximum heat
load (which normally is the maximum heat pump heating output) and the continuous duration of
this load can be given.

Figure 2.17: Input for peak heat and cooling power.

Peak loads are used to estimate the maximum possible temperature variations. The heat extraction
or -rejection according to the peak load is added to the base load at the end of each month, and the
resulting fluid temperatures are calculated. This values are stored separately in the output file and
show the minimum respectively maximum temperatures which can occur.

Peak heat loads are given in kW. The program automatically calculates with the seasonal
performance factor (SPF) given in the base load sub-menu. In cases where peak heat load may
result in the same average heat extraction rate as given in base load, the curves will coincide. For
the calculation it is supposed, that the energy content of the short peak load is negligible (i.e.
included in the base load) and does not influence the long-term behavior.

In the Linden example the heat pump has a maximum heating output of 17 kW. In winter 24 hours
of continuous maximum heating output are possible, the corresponding values are typed in the
fields and are shown in the figure below:

In summer more than 10 hours maximum cooling load are not to be expected (early in the morning
and during night normally no cooling is required). For the Linden example 6 kW maximum cooling
load are given, which are supplied directly from the ground (SPF = 10000 is still valid from the
base load sub-menu). The values are also shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.18: Data for our example.

2.7 Simulation Period

Figure 2.19 shows the menu for simulation period. In „Simulation Period“ the number of years the
simulation should comprise is stated (10 years in the sample case). Also the starting month is
important, in particular in plants with heating and cooling. Those plants can have first a phase of
heating the ground or first an extraction phase. The Linden plant was operational in February (very
uncommon), the 2:nd month of the year.

Figure 2.19: Input for simulation period.

3. Calculation of mean temperature of the heat
carrier fluid
The calculations can be done in the pull-down menu „Solve“, see Figure 3.1. Two alternatives are
offered in the „Solve“ menu:
• the calculation of the mean fluid temperature for a given plant (layout as given in the project
data file),
• the calculation of the required bore hole length to keep the fluid temperature within given limits
for that plant.

Figure 3.1: The solve menu.

In the Linden example, now a warning concerning the Reynold´s number appears, see Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Warning for non-turbulent flow.

The flow within the heat exchanger pipes is not turbulent, exhibiting a Reynold´s number of 1184.
Thus, the heat transfer from pipe wall to fluid is poor. A Reynold´s number of >2300 is desirable.
The calculation can be continued anyway, by clicking on „Yes“, and the warning vanishes. After
few seconds the calculation is completed. In cases where fluid temperatures become lower than the
fluid´s freezing point, a warning is given.

4. Output of results
4.1 Introduction

After completion of the calculation, a window showing the input data and the results is displayed,
see Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Input data and calculated results (menu item Output/View design data).
With the „File“ command of the new window, the output file can be printed or saved under another
name. Editing and changing fonts and format is also possible. The output file is an ASCII-file and
thus can be loaded into most text editors to be further edited. The complete file Manual_e.out is
printed in Appendix A.

In the „Output“ menu of EED also graphs of the temperature development can be displayed. The
temperature over the months of the last year of simulation can be seen with „Plot Fluid
Temperatures“ (see Figure 4.2), and the evolution of the highest and lowest temperatures for each
year of the simulation period can be seen with „Plot Min-Max Temperatures“ (see Figure 4.3).

Bas e load
15 Peak c ool load
Peak heat load

Fluid temperature [º C]



Y ear 10

Figure 4.2: Fluid temperature chart.

20 Peak min
A nnual min-max f luid temp. [º C]

Peak max
15 Bas e min
Bas e max



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Y ear

Figure 4.3: Minimum and maximum temperatures.

The graphs „Fluid temperature chart“ and „Minimum and maximum temperatures“ can be kept
open on the screen, and they will be updated with every new „Solve“-action. When a new data file
in menu „File“ is opened, the windows with the graphs are closed automatically.

Each of the two graphic windows has the pull-down menus „File“ and „Options“. With the „File“
menu for graphs, see Figure 4.4, the following operations can be made:

Figure 4.4 The file menu.

With „Copy to clipboard...“, the figure can be transferred to other programs under Windows (e.g.
MS-Word). The command „Save to *.WMF...“ allows to save the graph as a Windows-Metafile,
that can later be imported into other programs. „Print preview...“ allows to check the printer output
of the graph, to change and adjust it, and to send it to a printer; with „Print setup“, the printer can be
selected and configured.

The pull-down menu „Options“, see Figure 4.5, allows to change the style and to edit the graph:

Figure 4.5: The options menu

To allow using different graphic packages, two data output files are created after each „Solve“
operation. These files, called „tfluid.out“ and „tfmin.out“, contain the data points for the graphs in
ASCII-format. An example is given in Appendix C.

The command „Edit chart“ allows a more sophisticated editing of the figure (changing colors,
adjusting axes and scales, editing the legend, etc.).

4.2 Changing chart properties

4.2.1 Introduction
The properties of a chart may be changed by the chart editor (Options/Edit chart), see Figure 4.5,

Figure 1: Chart settings may be changed in menu item Options/Edit chart.

4.2.2 Chart and series properties

There are two principal sections to the Chart editor, Chart parameters and the Series parameters,
which are separated as two tabs of the Chart Editor. To get help on any topic in the Chart Editor,
select the help button (question mark) at the top right hand side of the Editor window and drag it
onto the Topic in question.

Chart pages

You may define overall chart display parameters as follows:

Series page - You can change a series type to line, bar, area, point, etc. Select the series type of
choice from the gallery.
General Page - Chart rectangle dimensions, margins, zoom and scroll, print preview and export
Axis Page - All axes definitions. Some parameters depend upon the series associated with the axis.
Titles Page - Title and Footer
Legend Page - Legend display. Formatted displays work in conjunction with the chart series. See
also the 'General' page of the Series.
Panel Page - Chart Panel display properties. Colors, bevels, back images, color gradient and
Paging Page - Definition of number of points per chart page
Walls Page - Left, bottom and back wall size and color definitions
3D – 3D perspective options.

Series Pages

The series pages contain parameters dependant on the series type concerned. The most important
options are as follows:
Format Page - Contains Series type specific parameters
Point – Visible points, margins
General Page - Series value format, axis association
Marks Page - Series mark format, text, frame and back color and positioning

5. Calculation of required bore hole length for given
fluid temperature constraints
In the chosen example of Linden the plant is undersized, as also was detected in the monitoring
data. Mean base load temperatures below 0 °C over several weeks should be avoided, and
temperatures should preferably not drop below -5 °C in peak heat load conditions. With the second
alternative in menu „Solve“, see Figure 5.1, an easy way to calculate the required bore hole length
to fulfil this conditions is offered:

Figure 5.1: Item solve required bore hole length.

To calculate the required bore hole length for a given plant under certain fluid temperature
constraints, the sub-menu „Fluid temperature constraints“ in the „Solve“-menu is opened, see
Figure 5.2. The desired maximum and minimum fluid temperatures not be exceeded can be typed
in. By activating „✔“ for „Include peak loads“ the peak load temperature will be the criterion, with
the field deactivated the base load temperature.

Figure 5.2: Input for fluid temperature constraints.

After stating the fluid temperature constraints (-5.0 °C and 18.0 °C, respectively, for the Linden
example) the sub-menu can be closed by either clicking on „Close“ or on the „✕ ✕ “ in the upper right
corner of the window. To keep the earlier calculations, a new project data file called
„manual_x.dat“ is created in the menu „File“ with the command „Save as...“. Automatically the
output will be written to a new output file „manual_x.out“.

The calculation, using the bore hole configuration as stated in the sub-menu „Bore hole and Heat
Exchanger“ in the „Input“-Menu, is started by clicking on „Solve required bore hole length“. The
bore hole length is increased, which can be seen in the output window. Also the parameter for bore
hole depth in the sub-menu „Bore hole and Heat Exchanger“ in the „Input“-menu is
automatically set to the new value of 82.87 m for the Linden example. The graphics (see below)
now show a very satisfying temperature development.

NB: When calculating the required bore hole length, the value for bore hole length is changed in the
sub-menu „Bore hole and Heat Exchanger". The program has some routines to avoid paradox

operation conditions (e.g. heat extraction with fluid temperatures higher than those of the
surrounding ground), but nevertheless unrealistic bore hole length can be suggested in extreme
cases. Hence it is recommended to check regularly fluid temperatures and bore hole length when
using the option „Solve required bore hole length“.

Bas e load
Peak c ool load
12 Peak heat load
temperature [º C]


Y ear 10

Figure 5.3: Fluid temperature chart.

Peak min
A nnual min-max f luid temp. [º C]

Peak max
Bas e min
0.012 Bas e max

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Y ear

Figure 5.4: Minimum and maximum temperatures.

The content of the output file „manual_x.out“ for the optimized Linden example is listed in
Appendix B. It is obvious, that the bore hole depth has to be increased by ca. 65 % to achieve an
energetically optimum layout. Economic consideration can result in not following this design in a
particular case; but in any case the layout has to guarantee the plant will work at least without
thermal problems in the ground.

In the graph „Minimum and maximum temperatures“ the temperature curves will approach an
almost horizontal line after some years. The time to attain such steady-state thermal conditions in-
creases with the number of bore holes and the bore hole depth. For sites without groundwater flow
the temperature development over simulation period has to be observed thoroughly. A totally hori-
zontal line theoretically will only be found in plants with balanced heating-/cooling load, but an
asymptotic closing in to a not too low temperature level is sufficient (not to high level in case of

The influence of groundwater flow through the bore hole field is not accounted for in the present
version of EED. The effect of the groundwater flow is to move the thermal disturbance (caused by
the injection or extraction of heat) away from the bore holes. This effect improves the performance
of systems designed for dissipation of heat and cold into the ground. The improvement depends on
the magnitude of the groundwater flow (given in terms of the so-called "Darcy flow") and on how
much of the total bore hole length penetrates layers with groundwater flow. For systems intended
for storage of heat and/or cold, the groundwater flow will increase heat losses and thereby reduce
the efficiency of the store.

6. Literature

Claesson, J. & Eskilson, P. (1985): Thermal Analysis of Heat Extraction Bore holes. - Proc.
3rd Int. Conf. Energy Storage ENERSTOCK 85, pp. 222-227, PWC, Ottawa
Claesson, J. & Eskilson, P. (1986): Conductive Heat extraction by a deep bore hole,
analytical studies. - University of Lund, Lund
Claesson, J. (1987): Computer Models for and analysis of thermal processes in the ground. -
Proc. WS on GSHP Albany, Rep. HPC-WR-2, pp. 201-204, Karlsruhe
Claesson, J. & Eskilson, P. (1988): Conductive Heat Extraction to a deep Bore hole,
Thermal Analysis and Dimensioning Rules. - Energy 13/6, pp. 509-527, Oxford
Claesson, J. & Eskilson, P. (1988): PC Design Model for Heat Extraction Bore holes. -
Proc. 4th int. Conf. Energy Storage JIGASTOCK 88, pp. 135-137, Paris.
Claesson, J. & Hellström, G. (1988): Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Local Heat
Transfer in a Bore hole with Heat Exchanger Pipes. - Proc. 4th int. Conf. Energy
Storage JIGASTOCK 88, pp. 139-143, Paris
Claesson, J., Eskilson, P. & Hellström, G. (1990): PC Design Model for Heat Extraction
Bore holes. - Proc. 3rd WS on SAHPGCS Göteborg, CITη 1990:3, pp. 99-102,
Claesson, J. (1991): PC Design Model for Thermally Interacting Deep Ground Heat
Exchangers. - Proc. WS on GSHP Montreal, HPC-WR-8, pp. 95-104, Sittard
Eskilson, P. (1986a): Superposition Bore hole Model. - University of Lund, Lund
Eskilson, P. (1986b): Temperature Response Function g for 38 Bore hole Configurations. -
University of Lund, Lund
Eskilson, P. (1986c): Numerical analysis of radial and vertical mesh division for a single
heat extraction bore hole. - University of Lund, Lund
Eskilson, P. & Claesson, J. (1988): Simulation Model for thermally interacting heat
extraction bore holes. - Numerical Heat Transfer, 13, pp. 149-165
Hellström, G. (1991): PC-Modelle zur Erdsondenauslegung. - IZW Bericht 3/91, pp. 229-
238, Karlsruhe
Hellström, G. & Sanner, B. (1994): Software for dimensioning of deep bore holes for heat
extraction. - Proc. CALORSTOCK 94, pp. 195-202, Espoo/Helsinki
Hellström, G. & Sanner, B. (1994): PC-Programm zur Auslegung von Erdwärmesonden. -
IZW-Bericht 1/94, pp. 341-350, Karlsruhe
Hellström, G. Sanner, B., Klugescheid, M., Gonka, T. & Mårtensson, S. (1997): Expe-
riences with the bore hole heat exchanger software EED. - Proc. MEGASTOCK
97, pp. 247-252, Sapporo
Sanner B., Klugescheid, M. & Knoblich, K. (1996): Numerical Modelling of Conductive
and Convective Heat Transport in the Ground for UTES, with example. - Proc.
Eurotherm Seminar 49, pp. 137-146, Eindhoven
Sanner, B. & Hellström, G. (1996): "Earth Energy Designer", eine Software zur Berechnung
von Erdwärmesondenanlagen. - Tagungsband 4. Geothermische Fachtagung
Konstanz, pp. 326-333, GtV, Neubrandenburg

Appendix A. Output data file „Manual_e.out“

EED Version 2 (March 7, 2000)

P. Eskilson, G. Hellstrom, J. Claesson, T. Blomberg, B. Sanner
Input file: C:\EEDman\Projects\Manual_e.dat
This output file: MANUAL_E.OUT Date: 07.09.00 Time: 22:33:13


- Example for Manual
- EED Version 2.0
- Solving method „Mean fluid temperatures“


Ground thermal conductivity 1.500 W/m,K
Ground heat capacity 1800000 J/m³,K
Ground surface temperature 9.00 °C
Geothermal heat flux 0.0650 W/m²

Configuration: 4 : 1 x 4, line
- g-function No. 3
Bore hole depth 50.00 m
Bore hole spacing 4.00 m
Bore hole installation DOUBLE-U
Bore hole diameter 0.130 m
U-pipe diameter 0.025 m
U-pipe thickness 0.0023 m
U-pipe thermal conductivity 0.420 W/m,K
U-pipe shank spacing 0.0700 m
Filling thermal conductivity 0.600 W/m,K
Contact resistance pipe/filling 0.0200 K/(W/m)


Bore hole thermal resistances are calculated.

Number of multipoles 4
Internal heat transfer between upward and downward channel(s) is


Thermal conductivity 0.453 W/m,K

Specific heat capacity 3565 J/kg,K
Density 1068 kg/m³
Viscosity 0.007600 kg/m,s
Freezing point -21.0 °C
Flow rate per bore hole 0.000270 m³/s


Annual heating load 29.03 MWh

Annual cooling load 1.89 MWh

Seasonal performance factor (heating) 2.12

Seasonal performance factor (cooling) 10000.00

Monthly energy profile

Month Heat load Cool load (MWh)
JAN 0.1550 0.0000
FEB 0.1480 0.0000
MAR 0.1250 0.0000
APR 0.0990 0.0000
MAY 0.0640 0.0000
JUN 0.0000 0.2500
JUL 0.0000 0.5000
AUG 0.0000 0.2500
SEP 0.0610 0.0000
OCT 0.0870 0.0000
NOV 0.1170 0.0000
DEC 0.1440 0.0000
---------- ----------
Total 1.0000 1.0000


Monthly peak powers (kW)

Month Peak heat Duration Peak cool Duration
JAN 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0
FEB 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0
MAR 17.00 12.0 0.00 0.0
APR 17.00 6.0 0.00 0.0
MAY 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
JUN 0.00 0.0 6.00 8.0
JUL 0.00 0.0 6.00 10.0
AUG 0.00 0.0 6.00 8.0
SEP 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
OCT 17.00 6.0 0.00 0.0
NOV 17.00 12.0 0.00 0.0
DEC 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0

Number of simulation years 10

First month of operation FEB


Total bore hole length 200.0 m


Bore hole therm. res. internal 0.6625 K/(W/m)

Reynolds number 1184

Thermal resistance fluid/pipe 0.1757 K/(W/m)
Thermal resistance pipe material 0.0771 K/(W/m)
Contact resistance pipe/filling 0.0200 K/(W/m)

Bore hole therm. res. fluid/ground 0.2088 K/(W/m)

Effective bore hole thermal res. 0.2100 K/(W/m)


Month Base load Peak heat Peak cool

JAN 16.28 44.91 -0.00
FEB 15.55 44.91 -0.00
MAR 13.13 44.91 -0.00
APR 10.40 44.91 -0.00
MAY 6.72 0.00 -0.00
JUN -3.24 0.00 -30.00
JUL -6.47 0.00 -30.00
AUG -3.24 0.00 -30.00
SEP 6.41 0.00 -0.00
OCT 9.14 44.91 -0.00
NOV 12.29 44.91 -0.00
DEC 15.13 44.91 -0.00


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.08 -1.54 -2.95 -3.68
FEB 0.82 -1.54 -2.88 -3.60
MAR 1.51 -0.41 -1.70 -2.41
APR 2.70 1.06 -0.18 -0.88
MAY 4.65 3.22 2.03 1.35
JUN 10.56 9.28 8.14 7.47
JUL 12.91 11.75 10.66 10.00
AUG 11.44 10.37 9.32 8.68
SEP 5.88 4.90 3.89 3.26
OCT 3.94 3.04 2.06 1.44
NOV 1.72 0.89 -0.06 -0.68
DEC -0.40 -1.17 -2.09 -2.70


Minimum mean fluid temperature -3.68 °C at end of JAN
Maximum mean fluid temperature 10.00 °C at end of JUL


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.08 -13.09 -14.50 -15.23
FEB -11.03 -13.38 -14.72 -15.44
MAR -10.14 -12.06 -13.35 -14.06
APR -8.68 -10.33 -11.56 -12.26
MAY 4.65 3.22 2.03 1.35
JUN 10.56 9.28 8.14 7.47
JUL 12.91 11.75 10.66 10.00
AUG 11.44 10.37 9.32 8.68
SEP 5.88 4.90 3.89 3.26
OCT -7.86 -8.75 -9.73 -10.36
NOV -10.24 -11.07 -12.02 -12.64
DEC -12.41 -13.18 -14.10 -14.71


Minimum mean fluid temperature -15.44 °C at end of FEB
Maximum mean fluid temperature 10.00 °C at end of JUL


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.08 -1.54 -2.95 -3.68
FEB 0.82 -1.54 -2.88 -3.60
MAR 1.51 -0.41 -1.70 -2.41
APR 2.70 1.06 -0.18 -0.88
MAY 4.65 3.22 2.03 1.35
JUN 19.80 18.51 17.38 16.71
JUL 21.31 20.15 19.06 18.40
AUG 20.67 19.61 18.56 17.91
SEP 5.88 4.90 3.89 3.26
OCT 3.94 3.04 2.06 1.44
NOV 1.72 0.89 -0.06 -0.68
DEC -0.40 -1.17 -2.09 -2.70


Minimum mean fluid temperature -3.68 °C at end of JAN
Maximum mean fluid temperature 18.40 °C at end of JUL

******** END OF FILE **********

Appendix B. Output data file „Manual_x.out“

EED Version 2 (March 7, 2000)

P. Eskilson, G. Hellstrom, J. Claesson, T. Blomberg, B. Sanner
Input file: C:\EEDman\Projects\Manual_x.dat
This output file: MANUAL_X.OUT Date: 07.09.00 Time: 23:41:46


- Example for Manual
- EED Version 2.0
- Solving method „required bore hole length“


Ground thermal conductivity 1.500 W/m,K
Ground heat capacity 1800000 J/m³,K
Ground surface temperature 9.00 °C
Geothermal heat flux 0.0650 W/m²

Configuration: 4 : 1 x 4, line
- g-function No. 3
Bore hole depth 82.87 m
Bore hole spacing 4.00 m
Bore hole installation DOUBLE-U
Bore hole diameter 0.130 m
U-pipe diameter 0.025 m
U-pipe thickness 0.0023 m
U-pipe thermal conductivity 0.420 W/m,K
U-pipe shank spacing 0.0700 m
Filling thermal conductivity 0.600 W/m,K
Contact resistance pipe/filling 0.0200 K/(W/m)


Bore hole thermal resistances are calculated.

Number of multipoles 4
Internal heat transfer between upward and downward channel(s) is


Thermal conductivity 0.453 W/m,K

Specific heat capacity 3565 J/kg,K
Density 1068 kg/m³
Viscosity 0.007600 kg/m,s
Freezing point -21.0 °C
Flow rate per bore hole 0.000270 m³/s


Annual heating load 29.03 MWh

Annual cooling load 1.89 MWh

Seasonal performance factor (heating) 2.12

Seasonal performance factor (cooling) 10000.00

Monthly energy profile

Month Heat load Cool load (MWh)
JAN 0.1550 0.0000
FEB 0.1480 0.0000
MAR 0.1250 0.0000
APR 0.0990 0.0000
MAY 0.0640 0.0000
JUN 0.0000 0.2500
JUL 0.0000 0.5000
AUG 0.0000 0.2500
SEP 0.0610 0.0000
OCT 0.0870 0.0000
NOV 0.1170 0.0000
DEC 0.1440 0.0000
---------- ----------
Total 1.0000 1.0000


Monthly peak powers (kW)

Month Peak heat Duration Peak cool Duration
JAN 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0
FEB 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0
MAR 17.00 12.0 0.00 0.0
APR 17.00 6.0 0.00 0.0
MAY 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
JUN 0.00 0.0 6.00 8.0
JUL 0.00 0.0 6.00 10.0
AUG 0.00 0.0 6.00 8.0
SEP 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0
OCT 17.00 6.0 0.00 0.0
NOV 17.00 12.0 0.00 0.0
DEC 17.00 24.0 0.00 0.0

Number of simulation years 10

First month of operation FEB


Total bore hole length 331.5 m


Bore hole therm. res. internal 0.6625 K/(W/m)

Reynolds number 1184

Thermal resistance fluid/pipe 0.1757 K/(W/m)
Thermal resistance pipe material 0.0771 K/(W/m)
Contact resistance pipe/filling 0.0200 K/(W/m)

Bore hole therm. res. fluid/ground 0.2088 K/(W/m)

Effective bore hole thermal res. 0.2141 K/(W/m)


Month Base load Peak heat Peak cool

JAN 9.82 27.09 -0.00
FEB 9.38 27.09 -0.00
MAR 7.92 27.09 -0.00
APR 6.27 27.09 -0.00
MAY 4.06 0.00 -0.00
JUN -1.95 0.00 -18.10
JUL -3.91 0.00 -18.10
AUG -1.95 0.00 -18.10
SEP 3.87 0.00 -0.00
OCT 5.51 27.09 -0.00
NOV 7.42 27.09 -0.00
DEC 9.13 27.09 -0.00


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.80 3.70 2.70 2.15
FEB 5.20 3.72 2.75 2.22
MAR 5.58 4.40 3.47 2.95
APR 6.28 5.28 4.39 3.87
MAY 7.48 6.58 5.73 5.22
JUN 11.06 10.24 9.41 8.91
JUL 12.52 11.75 10.95 10.46
AUG 11.65 10.93 10.16 9.68
SEP 8.26 7.61 6.86 6.38
OCT 7.04 6.44 5.72 5.25
NOV 5.67 5.11 4.41 3.94
DEC 4.39 3.86 3.18 2.72


Minimum mean fluid temperature 2.15 °C at end of JAN
Maximum mean fluid temperature 10.46 °C at end of JUL


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.80 -3.34 -4.34 -4.89
FEB -2.01 -3.50 -4.46 -5.00
MAR -1.52 -2.71 -3.63 -4.16
APR -0.67 -1.67 -2.56 -3.08
MAY 7.48 6.58 5.73 5.22
JUN 11.06 10.24 9.41 8.91
JUL 12.52 11.75 10.95 10.46
AUG 11.65 10.93 10.16 9.68
SEP 8.26 7.61 6.86 6.38
OCT -0.16 -0.76 -1.48 -1.96
NOV -1.63 -2.19 -2.89 -3.35
DEC -2.93 -3.46 -4.14 -4.60


Minimum mean fluid temperature -5.00 °C at end of FEB
Maximum mean fluid temperature 10.46 °C at end of JUL


Month Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10

JAN 10.80 3.70 2.70 2.15
FEB 5.20 3.72 2.75 2.22
MAR 5.58 4.40 3.47 2.95
APR 6.28 5.28 4.39 3.87
MAY 7.48 6.58 5.73 5.22
JUN 16.70 15.88 15.05 14.55
JUL 17.64 16.88 16.08 15.59
AUG 17.29 16.57 15.80 15.32
SEP 8.26 7.61 6.86 6.38
OCT 7.04 6.44 5.72 5.25
NOV 5.67 5.11 4.41 3.94
DEC 4.39 3.86 3.18 2.72


Minimum mean fluid temperature 2.15 °C at end of JAN
Maximum mean fluid temperature 15.59 °C at end of JUL

******** END OF FILE **********

Appendix C. Data output files
Data output files (for the first calculation in this manual)

tfluid.out: tfmin.out:

1 -1.46234 1 -12.40746
2 -11.02517 2 -13.37749
3 -10.13564 3 -14.06345
4 -8.67796 4 -14.45229
5 4.64913 5 -14.72426
6 10.56472 6 -14.93406
7 12.90986 7 -15.10565
8 11.43624 8 -15.24364
9 5.87745 9 -15.35278
10 -7.85507 10 -15.44329
11 -10.23752
12 -12.40746
13 -13.08964
14 -13.37749
15 -12.05968
16 -10.32547
17 3.21812
18 9.27690
19 11.74905
20 10.36980
21 4.90152
22 -8.75336
23 -11.06998
24 -13.18043
25 -13.81475
26 -14.06345
27 -12.71131
28 -10.94229
29 2.63568
30 8.72666
31 11.22922
32 9.87844
33 4.43223
34 -9.20394
35 -11.50331
36 -13.59781
37 -14.21734
38 -14.45229
39 -13.08732
40 -11.30579

(only first 40 of 120 values shown)

Appendix D. List of possible bore hole

No. BHE Name No. of configuration

1 single 0

Example (configuration #0):

No. BHE Name No. of configuration

2 1 x 2, line 1
3 1 x 3, line 2
: : :
20 1 x 20, line 19
25 1 x 25, line 20

Example (configuration #2):

No. BHE Name No. of configuration
3 2 x 2, L-config 21
4 2 x 3, L-config 22
: : :
11 2 x 10, L-config 29
5 3 x 3, L-config 30
6 3 x 4, L-config 31
: : :
12 3 x 10, L-config37
7 4 x 4, L-config 38
8 4 x 5, L-config 39
: : :
13 4 x 10, L-config 44
9 5 x 5, L-config 45
10 5 x 6, L-config 46
: : :
14 5 x 10, L-config 50
11 6 x 6, L-config 51
12 6 x 7, L-config 52
: : :
15 6 x 10, L-config 55
13 7 x 7, L-config 56
14 7 x 8, L-config 57
: : :
16 7 x 10, L-config 59
15 8 x 8, L-config 60
16 8 x 9, L-config 61
17 8 x 10, L-config 62
17 9 x 9, L-config 63
18 9 x 10, L-config64
19 10 x 10, L-config 65

Example (configuration #31):

L-config., 3 x 4 bore holes, total 6 bore holes

No. BHE Name No. of configuration
8 3 x 3, L2-config 66
10 3 x 4, L2-config67
: : :
22 3 x 10, L2-config 73
12 4 x 4, L2-config74
14 4 x 5, L2-config75
: : :
24 4 x 10, L2-config 80

No. BHE Name No. of configuration

16 5 x 5, L2-config81
18 5 x 6, L2-config82
: : :
26 5 x 10, L2-config 86
20 6 x 6, L2-config87
22 6 x 7, L2-config88
: : :
28 6 x 10, L2-config 91
24 7 x 7, L2-config 92
26 7 x 8, L2-config93
: : :
30 7 x 10, L2-config 95
28 8 x 8, L2-config96
30 8 x 9, L2-config97
32 8 x 10, L2-config 98
32 9 x 9, L2-config 99
34 9 x 10, L2-config 100
36 10 x 10, L2-config 101

Example (configuration #67):

L2-config., 3 x 4 bore holes, total 10 bore holes

No. BHE Name No. of configuration
5 3 x 2, U-config 102
7 3 x 3, U-config 103
: : :
21 3 x 10, U-config 110
6 4 x 2, U-config 111
8 4 x 3, U-config 112
: : :
22 4 x 10, U-config 119

No. BHE Name No. of configuration

7 5 x 2, U-config 120
9 5 x 3, U-config 121
: : :
23 5 x 10, U-config 128
8 6 x 2, U-config 129
10 6 x 3, U-config 130
: : :
24 6 x 10, U-config 137
9 7 x 2, U-config 138
11 7 x 3, U-config 139
: : :
25 7 x 10, U-config 146
10 8 x 2, U-config 147
12 8 x 3, U-config 148
: : :
26 8 x 10, U-config 155
11 9 x 2, U-config 156
13 9 x 3, U-config 157
: : :
27 9 x 10, U-config 164
12 10 x 2, U-config 165
14 10 x 3, U-config 166
28 10 x 10, U-config 173

Example (configuration #112):

U-config., 3 x 4 bore holes, total 8 bore holes

No. BHE Name No. of configuration
8 3 x 3, open rect.174
10 3 x 4, open rect. 175
: : :
52 3 x 25, open rect. 187
No. BHE Name No. of configuration
12 4 x 4, open rect. 188
14 4 x 5, open rect.189

54 4 x 25, open rect. 200

16 5 x 5, open rect. 201
18 5 x 6, open rect. 202
: : :
46 5 x 20, open rect. 211
20 6 x 6, open rect. 212
22 6 x 7, open rect.213
: : :
40 6 x 16, open rect. 219
24 7 x 7, open rect.220
26 7 x 8, open rect. 221
: : :
38 7 x 14, open rect. 225
28 8 x 8, open rect. 226
30 8 x 9, open rect.227
: : :
36 8 x 12, open rect. 229
32 9 x 9, open rect.230
34 9 x 10, open rect. 231
36 10 x 10, open rect.232

Example (configuration #188):

Open rectangular config., 4 x 4 bore holes, total 12 bore holes

No. BHE Name No. of configuration
4 2 x 2, rectangle 233
6 2 x 3, rectangle 234
: : :
50 2 x 25, rectangle 247
9 3 x 3, rectangle 248
12 3 x 4, rectangle 249
: : :
75 3 x 25, rectangle 261
16 4 x 4, rectangle 262
20 4 x 5, rectangle 263
: : :
100 4 x 25, rectangle 274
25 5 x 5, rectangle 275
30 5 x 6, rectangle 276
: : :
100 5 x 20, rectangle 285
36 6 x 6, rectangle 286
42 6 x 7, rectangle 287
: : :
96 6 x 16, rectangle 293
49 7 x 7, rectangle 294
56 7 x 8, rectangle 295
: : :
98 7 x 14, rectangle 299
64 8 x 8, rectangle 300
72 8 x 9, rectangle 301
: : :
96 8 x 12, rectangle 303
81 9 x 9, rectangle 304
90 9 x 10, rectangle 305
100 10 x 10, rectangle 306
120 10 x 12, rectangle 307

Example (configuration #262):

Filled rectangular config., 4 x 4 bore holes, total 16

bore holes


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