DOD Rust AD1103195
DOD Rust AD1103195
DOD Rust AD1103195
The views expressed in this document are those of the author and do not reflect the
official policy or position of the United States Air Force, the United States Department
of Defense or the United States Government. This material is declared a work of the
U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.
Committee Membership:
DOD and ECS are not a catch-all replacement for OOP; they are most optimal for
software systems with large amounts of data being used and operated on consistently
[3]. This is why it is actively being developed and used in video game engines. This
research argues that due to the similarities between video game engines and real-time
simulators, this paradigm can replace the commonly used OOP paradigm in real-time
simulators to improve performance.
To demonstrate the performance differences between the two paradigms for use
in real-time simulators, two separate code-bases were developed, each using one of
the paradigms. Multiple experiments were run on each code-base to determine how
tolerant each was to changes in important aspects of simulations such as the amount
of data used in a simulation. The DOD paradigm consistently outperformed the OOP
paradigm in all experiments; it was seen that as more data is used in an experiment,
the larger the difference in performance between the DOD and OOP paradigms.
This research closes by emphasizing that DOD is not a replacement to OOP in
all use cases. DOD is most optimal in code-bases that contain and operate on a
large amounts of data; this includes, but is not limited to, areas such as video games
engines, real-time and non-real-time simulations, and high performance computing.
This paradigm also has a strong use case for the development of multi-threaded
applications as it reduces the complexity of developing the software system as methods
for operating on data can be automatically distributed across a threadpool by a
scheduler. This reduces, if not eliminates, the need for developers to think about
data safety and mechanisms such as mutexes and locks.
Table of Contents
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Research Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Assumptions/Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.7 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.8 Thesis Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
II. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Computer Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Object-Oriented Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.1 C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Data-Oriented Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.1 Rust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Entity-Component-System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.1 Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.2 Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.3 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5.4 Execution Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.6 Specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
III. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2 Experiment 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3 Experiment 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.4 Experiment 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.5 Experiment 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.6 Experiment 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.7 Experiment 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.2 Research Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.3 Research Significance and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
1.1 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
1.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.2.1 Outlier Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.2.2 Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
1.2.3 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.1 Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.2 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
2.3 DOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
2.4 DOD Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
2.5 DOD Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
2.6 OOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
2.7 OOP Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
List of Figures
Figure Page
List of Tables
Table Page
I. Introduction
1.1 Background
Real-time simulators share many similarities with current games; they both man-
age a world composed of a set of interacting entities. The main differences between
the two are how they are developed, how precisely they represent the real world, and
their intended purpose. In real-time simulators, it is common for a developer to be
responsible for handling all aspects of the software - from networking to memory-
management and parallelization. These aspects must be meticulously developed due
to their importance in the overall performance of the simulator [4, 5]; this makes
developing these aspects difficult and slow. Maintainability also becomes an issue
for developers; it may be necessary to refactor large portions of the code-base when
upgrading or implementing new features due to tightly-coupled code [6, 7].
Games, on the other hand, are primarily developed using game engines. These
engines handle the features that cause (or prevent) high performance such as the
aforementioned networking, memory-management, and parallelization. Aspects such
as these have been precisely developed and tweaked to be as efficient as possible.
This allows a game developer to focus on developing features while not necessarily
needing to worry about the overall organization of the architecture, which affects
performance. An architecture that is becoming increasingly popular in the game
development industry is the Entity-Component-System (ECS). This architecture is
dual-hatted; it not only handles memory management and code parallelization, but
it also forces the programmer to develop using the Data-Oriented Design (DOD)
paradigm. A stand-out feature of DOD is that it produces highly decoupled code,
effectively compartmentalizing pieces of the code-base. These features allow it to be
highly extensible and easy to maintain due to the few dependencies between sections
of the code-base. Code can be added and removed without necessarily effecting other
parts of the code-base. This thesis claims that there are enough similarities between
real-time simulators and game engines that implementing the ECS architecture for
a real-time simulator could greatly improve the design and overall performance of
real-time simulators.
With the slowing advances in computer hardware technology, mainly the clock fre-
quencies at which hardware runs, it is becoming increasingly important to optimize
software systems for increased performance. Many optimizations have already been
made in the realm of game development due to the intense computational require-
ments, however, the problem is that these same optimizations have not been made
in other legacy software, including real-time simulators [8, 9]. These optimizations in
games can be attributed to game engines. Game engines define how data is stored
and accessed; they ensure how it is stored in an efficient way - the basis of the DOD
paradigm. Older, or legacy, simulators on the other hand tend to focus on devel-
opment through Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). The benefits of each, along
with similarities and differences, are explained in chapter II.
This thesis hopes to determine if real-time simulators can implement software
architectures originally developed and optimized for game engines to increase their
performance and ease of development through the compartmentalized nature and
memory layout of the DOD paradigm as explained in chapter II. If so, the DOD
paradigm, and in particular, the ECS architecture are possible solutions to improving
the performance legacy, or to-be developed modeling software, including real-time
The goal of this research is to investigate the performance differences between real-
time simulators that use an OOP approach for computation and one that use a DOD
approach and answer the question as to if DOD, in particular the ECS architecture,
is a possible solution to developing high-performance real-time simulators.
1.4 Hypothesis
This research hypothesizes that games and real-time simulations share enough
similarities that it is not only possible to implement a software architecture origi-
nally developed for games (the ECS architecture), but that it will also improve the
performance considerably. It also theorizes that the code base produced due to this
architecture will increase the maintainability of the software due to the compartmen-
talized nature of the DOD paradigm.
1.5 Approach
Two code-bases were created; one used the OOP paradigm and the other used
the DOD paradigm (more specifically the ECS architecture). They were tasked with
performing the same calculations on the same data-sets to simulate a real-time system.
Comparisons in performance (how long it takes to execute all systems on all entities)
are taken for each code-base and compared. During each set of tests, one of the below
variables are changed:
• Size of each entity
• Number of entities
• Number of threads
• Number of systems
1.6 Assumptions/Limitations
• The optimizer settings for the compiler will be set to as low as possible to
ensure data requests from memory are not optimized away. Additionally, this is
to ensure compiler does not change the structure of the code base or how either
the DOD or OOP architectures are executed.
– L1: 4 x 32 KB
– L2: 4 x 256 KB
– L3: 6 MB
– L4: 128 MB
1.7 Contributions
This thesis is arranged into five chapters. Chapter II provides important back-
ground information on relevant computer hardware pieces that directly impact a
computer’s performance and different software paradigms used in common program-
ming languages today. It also explains how each paradigm works with or against the
computer hardware when used. Chapter III provides the experiment methodology,
along with the respective code snippets for each run. Chapter IV shows the analysis
of the data obtained from Chapter III and display the results in an efficient manner.
Finally, Chapter V summarizes the research and impact of the research, while also
providing future research opportunities based off this research.
II. Background
2.1 Overview
This chapter will provide an overview of the hardware components that directly af-
fect the performance of code written using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and
Data-Oriented Design (DOD) paradigms. It will then provide a technical summary
of the aforementioned paradigms while characterizing the memory layout produced
when used. It will explain how these paradigms work with or against the hardware
while also identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each. It will end with a
detailed explanation of the Entity-Component-System (ECS) architecture and one
full implementation, Specs, used in the experimentation of this thesis.
It is common knowledge that the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is central to any
computer or embedded system; it is responsible for fetch, decode, and execution of
instructions. Modern processors rely heavily on multiple-core parallelism to increase
performance as with current technologies, designers are no longer able to easily shrink
feature sizes, or increase clock speeds, due to the physical limitations of transistors
and issues with heat dissipation [1].
Each processor in a multi-core system has its own instruction pipeline and cache
for which it operates on. When processors are working on different sets of data, there
is no issue as each set of data is located only in the cache of that specific processor.
However, when processors work on the same data simultaneously, performance issues
and even data corruption issues (such as data races) can occur due to the same data
being located in multiple caches that must be in sync when one writer exists. [1].
Modern cache follows a coherence protocol that is responsible for ensuring shared
data among multiple caches remain consistent [1]. Many protocols exist, but the most
commonly used is the Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid (MESI) protocol which uses
the four states (as seen in the name) to control what can and cannot be done to
the cache. However, this does not prevent data races and memory corruption in all
cases: the cache coherency protocol can only ensure data safety for primitive types
depending on the processor. This means that a program can safely write an entire
primitive before another thread will be able to read or overwrite that data. This
prevents data races for primitive types. However, if a non-primitive data type is
being used, such as a string, or a custom class, it cannot ensure data safety [10].
As an example, imagine a string is being written to by multiple threads. A string
is not a primitive type, it is a wrapper around a list of primitive characters. When
writing to a string (appending, overwriting, etc), each individual character is edited
one at a time. The cache coherence protocol will ensure that each individual character
is written to without issue, but determining which thread is writing to each character
will be non-deterministic. To ensure issues like these do not occur, it is important to
use a thread safety mechanism such as atomics or mutexes [11]. These mechanisms
should even be used when operating on primitives as it will ensure the compiler does
not reorder or remove operations when optimizing the code. Atomics and mutexes
act as fences to ensure code is not reordered incorrectly.
Atomics exist at multiple levels: (i) Hardware, (ii) Operating system, and (iii) Pro-
gramming language; however, true atomics only exist at the hardware level whereas
mutexes are handled purely in software [12]. When a programmer signifies that a
primitive type is atomic, the compiler uses special hardware locks and/or special
operation codes to perform an operation in one instruction, or make it appear to
other threads as if it was performed in one instruction. Atomics are only for single
operations such as an add command [12, 11]. Mutexes, on the other hand, are data
structures that allow you to lock sections of code and perform multiple operations
before unlocking (known as the critical area). Mutexes prevent other threads from
accessing the critical area while locked.
The cache is responsible for providing instructions and data to the processor. It is
split into different levels that get further away (physical distance) from the processor.
At each level, the size of the cache gets larger and the access time gets slower as seen
in Figure 1. Without this cache model, the CPU would almost always be idle while
it is waiting for instructions and data to come from memory as the performance of a
CPU greatly outpaces that of the cache [1].
With this model, the most recently used data and instructions are in the lowest
levels of cache while the least recently used get progressively farther away. It is
important to note that any data and instructions located in a particular level of
cache is also located in all higher levels of cache. When a CPU requests instructions
or data from memory, the cache model searches for it in the lowest level memory. If
the requested data is found, it is considered a cache hit. If not found, it is a cache
miss and it must be searched for in the next level of cache. This process continues
until a cache hit occurs. Once the requested data or instructions are found, it not only
provides that data to the CPU, but it also moves data/instructions down the cache
hierarchy to the lowest level cache for future use. Cache misses are costly in terms
of performance, changing the time it takes to get the requested data to the processor
from a few clock cycles, to hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of
clock cycles (depending on where it is found in the cache hierarchy). During this
time, the CPU either becomes idle, or more frequently, will context switch to another
process while the requested data is being obtained [1].
Current cache models have hit rates of over ninety percent [1]; this is made possible
due to the concepts of spatial and temporal locality. Spatial locality is the notion that
commonly accessed data are close to each other in memory while temporal locality is
the notion that if data is accessed, it will be accessed again. The cache model takes
advantage of spatial locality by bringing in more than just the requested data into
the lowest level cache. Data inside of a cache is split up into multiple blocks, varying
in size depending on the make of the cache. If the CPU requests a specific piece of
data, the entire block the piece of data resides in is brought into the CPU’s cache.
This improves spatial locality as it means much of the data around the requested data
is ready to be used by the CPU immediately. The cache model takes advantage of
temporal locality simply by the fact that it keeps the most recently used data in the
lowest levels of cache and does not remove them unless replaced by another block.
This is generally done via a least recently used decision, meaning the block that has
not been used in the longest time is replaced with the incoming block. [1].
Of the two concepts, spatial locality is almost entirely dependent on the developer,
and has the greatest effect on performance. The latter is also dependent on the
developer, but occurs naturally in code as it is common and logical to work with the
same data throughout a program. Spatial locality is important for a programmer to
keep in mind when developing the code base as the way it stores and accesses data
greatly affects performance [1].
If data is stored in an inefficient way, data contention issues between cores arise,
degrading the overall performance of the program. To develop an efficient multi-
threaded program, the goal should be to minimize memory bus traffic between cores.
This can most easily be done by minimizing core interactions by minimizing shared
data between each core [4]. The DOD and OOP paradigms have different memory
models. The interactions between the core(s), cache, and these memory models will
be explained in their respective sections, but it is important to note that they play
an large role in the overhead performance of any programs developed using these
OOP is the most common paradigm used and is taught to nearly all students
learning software development. OOP can be separated into four main areas: (i)
encapsulation, (ii) abstraction, (iii) inheritance, and (iv) polymorphism. The focus
of encapsulation is to wrap commonly accessed state (i.e. data inside a class) into a
class (or object) that the programmer can use as if it was a single piece of data [13].
When these objects are instantiated during run-time execution, each piece of state in
the object is located directly next to each other. Table 1 presents a simplified view
of an OOP object in memory when instantiated, ignoring any overhead data.
of both threads (as explained in section 2.2), regardless of what state is actually
being used by each thread. This is an issue as valuable cache space is being used by
unnecessary state, which means less of the necessary state can fit in the cache at any
given time. This hurts the overall performance as it increases the amount of cache
misses during execution as not all of the required state fits in the cache at any given
A benefit of encapsulation is that state can be made private, allowing the developer
to better control how an object is manipulated [13]. This is because private state
cannot be directly accessed (reading or writing) and the developer must choose to
create methods that allow for interaction with the state of an object. Encapsulation
helps to protect the object by preventing users from illegally or incorrectly updating
the state of it by forcing state manipulation to be done through one of the public
methods. An added benefit is that the class becomes easier to update: if the developer
wants to change how a particular piece of state is manipulated, they can update the
method accordingly. As long as the method interface (the inputs and outputs) do
not change, none of the existing code-base will be affected. By creating methods for
manipulating state, the second use-case of OOP becomes apparent - abstraction.
Abstraction is used to make understanding the code-base simple, along with re-
ducing the complexity of the code from the view of the programmer [13, 14]. The
goal is to present an interface to the programmer that is easy to use and works
consistently. This allows the programmer to use the interface without necessarily un-
derstanding how it works. Consider any of the numerous sorting algorithms available
in the standard library of most programming languages - these are perfect examples
of abstraction. The programmer must only provide a data set and a pattern to sort
on; all of the complex state manipulation that occurs on the data set is abstracted
away and only a sorted data set is returned to the user. This is highly beneficial
to the development cycle of any software product as the developer does not have to
focus on the inner workings of every specific piece of code, but can abstract away
many complexities and focus on the bigger picture, or the problem at hand.
Inheritance is one of the two major use-cases for OOP. It is the act of creating
a new class that receives all the state and methods from a different class, while also
allowing the user to add additional state and/or methods [14]. This promotes code
reuse without the need of rewriting the code. Additionally, the programmer can
choose to make state private that was not necessarily private in the parent class
(though a programmer cannot make private data public without using a work-around
such as a get() function). The programmer may also choose to override a method
that was inherited from a parent class. This allows the programmer to ensure the
method works correctly with any changes made in the child class.
As a class grows large, it becomes increasingly slow to move an instance of the class
in memory as the entire object must be copied to a new location in memory. Once
it grows too large, it becomes necessary to pass these objects around by reference
(the memory location of the object). Passing these objects around by reference is
still inherently slow due to jumping through pointers, but it is more efficient than
copying large amounts of data in memory. Aside from performance loss, inheritance
also tightly couples the two classes together; a change in a parent class will almost
assuredly affect any child classes below (but not vise-versa). It can also be extremely
difficult to refactor or delete a parent class as it will cause a ripple effect of changes
down the class hierarchy. This will cause maintenance and development of the code-
base to become slow and difficult.
The final area of OOP is polymorphism. Polymorphism is the ability for objects
of different types to have the same interface and be treated as if they were the same
object type [13]. As stated previously, inheritance guarantees that a child class has all
of the state and methods as a parent class. Due to this, the child class can be treated
as if it was the a parent class. The implementation of polymorphism is different in
every language, but is typically done by instantiating the child class with the interface
of the parent class.
There are two types of polymorphism: (i) static and (ii) dynamic. Static poly-
morphism is done at compile time and is typically used when overloading methods
(though it differs per language) [15]. Method overloading is when a function has
the same name, but different inputs or different functionality. This can be done for
any functions, or methods associated with a class. They may have different return
types, but that is not necessary to be considered overloaded. Functions can be over-
loaded in the same class or between parent and child classes. This is considered static
as the compiler generates a separate function at compile time for each overloaded
method that is used in the program. This may slow compilation, but does not affect
Dynamic polymorphism occurs at run time and does incur a performance penalty
due to pointer indirection for method calling. A common example of Dynamic poly-
morphism is the act of instantiating a child class as a parent class, however the
performance losses occur when using virtual methods. A virtual method is a method
that must be overwritten in a child class. Handling virtual methods is specific to the
programming language, however it is commonly handled through the use of virtual
method tables. A virtual method tables is a table the compiler adds to any class that
contains virtual methods. The table contains the address of all virtual methods for
that class. Figure 2 shows the difference between the indirection required for a virtual
method and a non-virtual method. For a virtual method, the code must first follow
the pointer to the virtual method table (i), then it must index the table (ii), finally
it must follow the pointer to the actual method (iii). For a non virtual method, the
code must only follow the pointer to the actual method (i). As it can be seen, this
requires two additional points of indirection that causes virtual methods to be slower
than their non-virtual counterparts.
2.3.1 C++
Unfortunately, C++ has many issues that developers must overcome when pro-
gramming in the language. C++ is unrestricted in what it allows you to do; this can
result in unexpected behavior during execution. A prime example is that C++ does
not enforce data safety when programming which can lead to many hard-to-diagnose
issues when developing multi-threaded applications. It is up to the developer to de-
termine where data safety mechanisms and memory management are required. Due
to the complexities of ensuring safety in C++, it presents a barrier of entry that
requires an enormous amount of experience to overcome, and even then, mistakes are
still made.
As stated previously, C++ was developed around the idea of OOP, though the
system for it is basic. It also allows for developers to develop and customize how they
use the paradigm in their code-base, but this also presents issues for new developers
with little experience. The main usage of OOP in C++ is inheritance and polymor-
phism allowing the developer to create large and complex inheritance hierarchies for
advanced polymorphism. As stated in section 2.3, polymorphism is the ability to
treat an object as if it was another object. An example on how this is done can be
seen in Listing II.1. The child class inherits all state and methods from the base
class by specifying it in the declaration of the child class. Polymorphism occurs when
the child class is created, but it has an interface of the base class. The two children
classes are inherently different, and may contain different state and methods from
each other, but due to polymorphism, they are able to both be treated as the same
type of object.
class base { /* No data yet */ }
class child1 : public base { /* No Data yet */ }
class child2 : public base { /* No Data yet */ }
int main ()
base * obj1 = new child1 ;
base * obj2 = new child2 ;
When viewing code in C++, there is little difference between static and dynamic
polymorphism. However, what happens behind the scenes, and the results, are con-
siderably different. Listing II.2 shows static polymorphism by overloading the method
print in the child class; it can be seen that the base object calls its method and the
child object calls its method. When a child object is instantiated with the interface
of the base object, it calls the base object’s method as that is what the compiler sees
it as.
class base {
public :
void print () { cout << " base " << endl ; }
int main ()
base * b = new base ;
b - > print () ; // Prints " base " as expected
Per Listing II.3, dynamic polymorphism is occurring because the print() method
now has the keyword virtual. Static polymorphism is still occurring in object b and c
as they are instantiated as themselves. However, when a child class is instantiated as
a parent class (object ’bc’ in the example), the virtual keyword causes the code-base
access the virtual method table to access child classes method rather than call the
parent classes method. You can tell this is drastically different as Listing II.2, which
uses static polymorphism as it produces the opposite outcome. It is important to note
that this dynamic polymorphism is incurring a performance penalty as the virtual
method table adds two additional points of indirection.
class base {
public :
virtual void print () { cout << " child " << endl ; }
class child : public base {
public :
void print () { cout << " child " << endl ; }
Int main ()
Base * b = new Base ;
b - > print () ; // Prints " base " as expected
Base * bc = new Child ;
bc - > print () ; // Prints " child " as the compiler sees
base object is virtual method , and accesses it via
the VMT ( dynamic )
Consider the simulation found in Listing II.4 with two objects, one is a perfect sphere
while the other is an aircraft. The sphere will always have the same RF signature
but the aircraft has a different level of fidelity and perform more complex calculations
to determine it’s RF signature. With dynamic polymorphism, the solution is simple.
Create a virtual method that is overloaded in the children classes. When the method
is called on each object, it will call the child class function and properly calculate its
RF signature rather than incorrectly calling the base classes method.
class radarObject
// By setting this to zero , it enforces that the method
// must be overrode in the child class , effectively
// becoming an interface .
virtual double calcRFSig () = 0;
class sphere : public radarObject
double RFSig = 5;
double calcRFSig ()
return RFSig ;
class aircraft : public radarObject
double state1 = 1;
double state2 = 2;
double state3 = 3;
double calcRFSig ()
// Complex calculation of internal state
return state1 * state2 * state3 ;
int main ()
radarObject * obj [2] = { new sphere , new aircraft };
/* Output :
DOD is a paradigm that focuses on efficient data storage and usage of the cache
[16]. It does this by moving state out of classes and into separate data structures
(commonly arrays) for each piece of state. The state data structure is indexed to
access the data of objects. To be a pure DOD implementation, it must be guaranteed
that each index in the data structure will contain data; this increases performance as
it is no longer necessary to waste computational time verifying there is no null data.
This causes the memory structure to change from object instances directly next to
each other in memory (if in an array) to all instances of a piece of state next to each
other in memory. Table 2 below represents the same two objects stored in memory
using the DOD paradigm rather than the OOP paradigm found in Table 1. Each
instance of an object is an index into each array of data. In this example, there exists
three arrays (state1, state2, and state3) of length two. This programming pattern
has two main benefits of use: (i) cache optimization using spatial locality and (ii)
simplicity of parallelizing the code base.
It is important to note that the greatest performance increases are only seen in
code-bases that have a large amount of objects being operated on in a row. When
this happens, the array length becomes larger, allowing it to better take advantage
of spatial locality. The benefits of this paradigm is reliant on preventing cache misses
when operating on large amounts of data. This design allows for more of the necessary
data to be in the lowest level cache at once (and less, if not none, of the unnecessary
data to be in cache). In OOP, entire objects are moved into the lowest level cache
at once, even if the program is only operating on a few pieces of state inside of that
object. This causes a lot of space in the cache to be filled by unused state inside of
the object. Due to the structure that usage of the DOD paradigm produces, only the
necessary state is moved into the CPU’s cache. This ensures that more operations
can be completed in a row before needing to bring additional data into the cache (and
causing less cache misses).
Consider an OOP class that has three pieces of state and a function that only
operates on two of the pieces of state at any given time. If that function is called
on all instantiated objects (such as an update function in a real-time simulator), the
cache line would look similar to OOP portion of Table 3. It can be seen that even
though the function only works on two pieces of state, all three pieces of state are
brought into the cache line. Due to this, one-third of the cache line is wasted. In the
table, only four objects can fit in the cache line. Consider a DOD implementation
of this where instead of a class, three arrays are initialized, each holding a particular
piece of state. When an object is instantiated, its three pieces of state are added
into the three arrays. When the same function is called across all objects, only the
two necessary arrays are brought into the lowest level cache. This causes the cache
line to look like the DOD portion of Table 3. It can be seen that there is no longer
any wasted space and the cache can now fit six objects worth of state into the cache
before it is full. This greatly reduces the amount of cache misses that can occur while
a program is executing.
This paradigm makes it easier to parallelize a code base. Since data is no longer
wrapped in a class, it is easier to move only the data you need into different threads
to be worked upon. As data is now stored in arrays of the same type, those specific
arrays may be pushed into threads and operated on. For this type of execution, the
programmer does not have to worry about any data races as the same data is never
in multiple threads at once. An even more advanced system can take into account
the access type (read and write) for each piece of data that a function needs. If two
functions need only read access to a specific piece of data, that data could be copied
into both threads without needing to worry about data races. This will be further
expanded on in section 2.5.
The largest downside to this pattern is that data can no longer be hidden/ pro-
tected as can be done in the OOP paradigm. Since the data is no longer wrapped
in a class that can limit how a piece of state is manipulated, there is less control on
how a user interacts with the lowest level data in a program. Another issue is dealing
with multiple levels of fidelity due to the fact that all data of the same type must be
the same size and type. When dealing with multiple levels of fidelity, this tends not
to be true as the amount of data needed to represent something can differ depending
on how accurately something must be depicted.
2.4.1 Rust
fn main () {
let x : i32 = 5; // Start of lifetime
} // end of lifetime
let y : i32 = x ; // error : Access after lifetime ended
Rust also uses an idea of ownership to prevent data issues. Ownership states that
only one thing can “own” a piece of data. You can transfer ownership and you can
borrow ownership, but their cannot be two owners without the use of smart pointers
that control access. Listing listing II.5 shows how ownership occurs, similar to C++’s
unique ptr <> ().
fn main () {
let x : i32 = 5;
let y : i32 = x ; // This is ok , it copies 5. x and y own
two different versions of 5
let str3 : String = String :: from ( " Hello " ) ;
let str4 : & String = & str3 ; // This borrows the
value for the duration of str4 ’s lifetime
println !( " {} " , str4 ) ;
} // str4 ’s lifetime ends here
println !( " {} " , str3 ) ; // str3 regained ownership so
this does not error
The idea of ownership also comes into play for threads. Rust uses traits called send
and sync to control data across threads. Send is a trait given to all data types that
can be safely transferred across threads. This ensures the user does not attempt to
transfer ownership of something that it cannot, such as a reference counted pointer.
The sync trait is given to all data types that are safe to borrow ownership across
threads. This once again ensures that the user does not attempt to borrow ownership
of something that it cannot (anything that could cause data races or memory issues).
Although this does not seem like many features for multi-threaded applications, these
features, plus smart pointers, are able to ensure that data cannot be accessed unsafely
from multiple threads.
Rust does have the concept of OOP, although it is handled differently than in
C++. Encapsulation and abstraction is handled similar to C++. Rust uses the
keyword struct to encapsulate data similar to C. However, Rust uses an additional
keyword impl to specify implementing a method for a struct. This is different than
in C++ where methods are implemented inside of the class. Rust implemented this
design to better separate data from functionality as Rust focuses on “Composition
over Inheritance”, a main focus of DOD.The state inside of a struct is defaulted to
private; any public state must use the keyword pub. This is opposite to C/C++
where data in a struct is defaulted to public, however the same as the C/C++ class
where data is defaulted to private.
Another key difference is that Rust does not use inheritance as a way of polymor-
phism, it uses traits. A trait is similar to an interface in C++ (a class that contains
a virtual method equal to zero). A trait defines a list of methods that must be imple-
mented for a struct. If the struct intends on implementing a trait, it must define all of
the methods in the trait. Once that is done, the struct can be used by anything that
requires the trait. One weakness that Rust traits have is that traits cannot currently
contain fields of data, which is why abstraction is not fully possible. listing II.7 shows
an example of implementing a trait for two separate structs and using polymorphism
to call the same function on two different structs, along with being able to have two
different structs in the same array.
trait Pet {
// This function must be overridden in any struct
implementing the trait
fn speak (& self ) -> String ;
struct Dog {}
impl Pet for Dog {
fn speak (& self ) -> String {
return String :: from ( " Woof ! " )
struct Cat {}
impl Pet for Cat {
fn speak (& self ) -> String {
return String :: from ( " Meow ! " )
fn main () {
// Result :
// Woof !
// Meow !
A final feature that Rust enforces is error handling. Many of the core features,
and standard library features enforce the use of error handling by wrapping results
from methods in an (Ok(T), Err(E)) enumerator. During the development phase,
developers may simply “unwrap” this enumerator and access the result directly, but
this could cause an unrecoverable error that will crash the program if an error oc-
curred. However, if used properly, this Enumerator forces the developer to write
error handling code to be able to retrieve the result of a method. Developers may
also return results of methods this way in their own code to ensure they continue to
use proper error handling. Listing listing II.8 provides examples of handling errors
with unwrap() during developing, and how to properly handle errors with a finished
fn main () {
// If Test . txt is not found , this will cause the program to
crash as the developer choice to unwrap () the result
instead of error handling should only be used during
development & testing , not in final product
let file : File = File :: open ( " Test . txt " ) . unwrap () ;
Ok ( f ) = > return f ,
Err ( error ) = > { /* code for how to handle the error */ }
2.5 Entity-Component-System
(data-oriented programming) [20]. This is considered the “Component” in the ECS
architecture while the object is now the “Entity”. Finally, the methods for operating
on state becomes the “System”. Each will be explained in-depth below.
2.5.1 Entity
The entity is any game-object spawned in the world. The world is merely the
container of all entities. In the context of ECS, the world is a storage device that
holds all state of entities as explained below. A few examples of entities would be the
player, an enemy, or a bullet being fired from a weapon. An entity is analogous to
an instanced class in OOP with an important exception: the entities do not contain
data. An entity is only an index into a table containing the state (components) of
all entities. As explained in Section 2.4, this table is structured in a manner that
promotes cache optimization [21, 22]. The index value is generally equal to when it
was instantiated. If it was the first object instantiated, it would have an id, or index,
of zero.
2.5.2 Component
placed into individual components. Multiple pieces of state commonly used together
(such as the aforementioned Cartesian coordinates) may continue to be wrapped
together, though it is up to the developer [23]. This is a trade-off as some performance
is lost as the struct must indexed before accessing the individual (x, y, z) values. As
an example, if only one of the Cartesian Coordinates (x, y, or z) values are being
accessed, then the other two coordinates are also being brought into the cache (as all
three are wrapped in a struct) and wasting space.
As mentioned before, components are moved into arrays containing all instances of
that component [21, 20]. A particular entity’s location in that list is always equivalent
to its unique identifier. It is important to note that the length of each array is always
equal to the amount of entities, regardless of if every entity has that component or
not. This is a drawback of the ECS architecture compared to a pure DOD paradigm
as DOD only has a place in the array if the data exists. This design choice is necessary
so that an entity’s location in the list is the same across all components, thus simple to
find a particular entity’s component. This does hurt performance as null checks must
be made before accessing the data. However with the advanced branch prediction
that exists in most CPUs, this is mitigated [1].
2.5.3 System
Now that component storage is handled for each entity, the manipulation of these
components must be considered. This is done through systems. There are two parts
to this: (i) entities interacting with other entities and (ii) entities interacting with
themselves. Interactions between entities tend to be complex due to the compartmen-
talized nature of the architecture. No entity knows about another entity, no compo-
nent knows about another component, and no system knows about another system.
This compartmentalization is a large benefit when it comes to the maintainability of
the code-base as it allows for entities and systems to be added or removed without
affecting anything else in the code-base. However, this does mean that a complex
messaging system must be created to allow for communication between entities.
A system is a method that is automatically run on all entities that have the
required components. Systems are defined by specifying the components that are
needed as the inputs (anything being read or written), then defining the method that
operates on the components [23]. It is important to remember that the system only
has access to a single instance of an entity at any given time (e.g. entity zero does not
know anything about entity one by default). When a system begins execution, it is
provided an array for each of the requested components. This array is the same size as
the amount of entities that exist in the world. The system will attempt to execute over
each index in the array. If an index in one of the arrays is null (i.e. an entity doesn’t
have a required component), then it will move on to the next index. If all components
exist, the system will execute on the components. This process continues until all
entities with the necessary components have been operated on. As an example, if
a system needs access to a “Position” and “Velocity” component, the iterator will
provide, one entity at a time, all entities that contain the two components. The
system is able to operate on all entities efficiently during run-time because only the
necessary components are being brought into the cache (as seen in Table 3) resulting
in fewer cache misses and more time operating on the components.
The execution pattern, i.e. system loop, is not part of the ECS architecture, but
it important to consider for a real-time simulation. The system loop is responsible
for responding to user input, executing all systems, and rendering the screen. How-
ever, since most modern-day military simulators are not responsible for rendering the
screen, that can be replaced with sending User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets to
the secondary system responsible for rendering.
A common misconception is that the system loop is simply a while loop that waits
for a boolean termination signal. In very simple implementations, this may be true,
however in most cases, it is not. When using the loop stated above, the amount of
time that passes per iteration is non-deterministic as it is dependent on how much
processing is being done that loop. If any of the systems are dependent on time
passing at a steady pace (e.g. sixty cycles/ frames a second), then time would speed
up and slow down depending on how much processing was being done [24]. [A real-life
example of this is Space Invaders: The enemies speeding up as more are eliminated
is a byproduct of having to perform less calculations, and render less entities, on the
screen. It was not intentional.]
The requirement of timing needing to pass at a steady pace makes the system
loop more complicated. There are many ways to implement a system loop, and it
is a decision that must be made early as it affects how the system logic is written.
Common system loops focus on setting a max frame rate that should be obtainable
on most systems, then each time step is an assumed value (1 second divided by
the number of frames). A disadvantage to this is that if the frame rate is set too
high, or the hardware is old, users may find that the in-simulation time slows down
(i.e. the simulation seems to be in slow motion) as the CPU cannot process the
amount of data fast enough such that the simulation appears to run in real-time [24].
Another implementation is that the system loop will actually calculate how much
time has passed since the last frame and feed that time to the update functions (or
the systems for an ECS architecture) [17]. The issue with this implementation is that
it complicates programming time-dependent systems as code must be robust enough
to calculate its result based on a certain time, instead of being able to assume that
the next frame is a specific increase from the last frame.
As an example, implementing functionality such as “pressing the left arrow moves
the character left” would be as simple as “If the left arrow is pressed, move left
by one unit” in the first system loop implementation. This is because you know
time will move the same every frame. If the system loop is implemented the second
way, it becomes more complicated to create the functionality. This is because a new
component that stores the previous loops current time must be created. Then in the
system, that time is subtracted from the actual current time, then multiplied by some
There are many other implementations of system loops out there, each with its own
pros and cons. However, one thing that should almost always be done on a separate
thread is the rendering (or in this case, sending data packets to the renderer) as these
actions are extremely slow[25]. Delegating it to a different thread will free up more
computational time that can be devoted to user input and system execution.
2.6 Specs
seVecStorage” exists for components that exist in many entities where as “Hashmap-
Storage” is for components that will exist in few entities. “HashmapStorage” is not
inherently great for locality, but it provides quick access to components that are
rarely used. Since not all Storage types are vectors now, components are provided to
systems via an iterator. This iterator contains all requested state for an individual
entity. The system then executes the method on the components provided by the
iterator. The iterator automatically iterates to the next entity that has all necessary
components. This process continues until all entities with the necessary components
have been operated on. This iterating process can be slow if the system is requesting
many components, so it is best to keep the amount of components needed in a system
Additionally, Specs includes a special data type called resources which is used
in systems. A resource is similar to a component, but instead of being specific to
a certain entity, it is common to all entities [23]. There are many use cases for
using a resources, one of which is to create a messaging system for handling events
and communication between entities, though it is not necessary to be used for such.
Resources are also highly useful for use in extremely large pieces of data so that
they don’t have to be passed around in memory. They can even be shared amongst
multiple entities. This is common with much of the necessary data for graphics.
As stated before, Specs provides simple and safe parallelism. On top of defining
what components will be used for a system, Specs also requires that the developer
specify how each component will be used. This is defined by specifying either read or
write access for each component (or resource). Specs then uses a scheduling algorithm
to look at each system in the simulation and is able to determine what systems can
be run in parallel based off of the read/write access of components for each system
[18, 26]. Systems are then dispatched to a thread pool based off of the schedule
created by the scheduling algorithm [23]. Specs also allows the developer to define
any dependencies between systems. If it is vital that one system executes before
another, it can be specified by the developer and the algorithm will adapt the schedule
During Execution, when a system is being run, a query is made to the underlying
storage for the requested data. In Specs, the underlying storage is a hashmap contain-
ing a storage type (specified in Table 4) for each component. The query returns the
requested data in the form of an iterator. The querying process is costly in terms of
performance due to the need of filtering out any entities that don’t have the required
pieces of state. Due to this, it is suggested that systems should contain the least
amount of components possible. This is because the iterator checks each entity for
the required components. If the system is requesting 100 components, it must verify
all 100 components exist for the specific entity before providing the entity via the
iterator. If the system contains that many components, it can probably be refactored
into multiple smaller systems.
Consider the three systems defined in Table 5. It can be seen that system two and
three both rely on reading component two, but write to different components. This
means that they can be run in parallel. However both system two and three conflict
with system one as system one is writing to component 2. The scheduling algorithm
would schedule system one to execute on thread one; directly after finishing, system
two and three would execute in parallel on two separate threads as there are no data
races between the two.
A final important benefit that Specs has in the area of real-time simulations is
its high degree of flexibility with some OOP properties. An important difference
between games and real-time simulators are multiple levels of fidelity as explained
in section 2.3 and section 2.4. Specs allows for polymorphic structs to be used as
components. Since these components may be of different sizes in memory depending
on how they were instantiated, the component list actually holds references to the
individual components instead of holding the actual components as normally done.
Any system that uses this component is going to be inherently slower due to the
indirection in accessing the structs, but is a necessary trade-off to be able to handle
these multiple levels of fidelity. It is important to note that this feature should be
used sparingly as it will degrade performance.
III. Methodology
The system under study for this experimentation is the software paradigm and
architecture used to organize and execute a hypothetical real-time simulator. The
experimentation considered the two software paradigms: (i) Object-Oriented Pro-
gramming (OOP) and (ii) Data-Oriented Design (DOD). Two separate software
architectures were developed, each using one of the two different paradigms. The
DOD paradigm was developed using the Entity-Component-System (ECS) architec-
ture while the OOP architecture consisted of a simple architecture focusing on the
concepts of OOP. These two paradigms will be referred to as OOP / DOD architec-
tures from here on out.
3.2 Variables
The independent variable is the next category and is reserved for the variable(s)
that the experiment is measuring the performance impact on. This variable has a
set list of values that is iterated over during the experiment. At each iteration, the
performance of each architecture is measured and used for data analysis in Chapter IV.
The final category are the factors that are held constant for the duration of each
experiment. Any variable not in either of the first two categories are placed in this
category to ensure they do not affect the experiment in any manner. Each experiment
section below will provide a table of all variables and what category they are in.
Variable Entity Count Entity Size Component Count Thread Count System Count
Unit Entities Bytes Components Threads Systems
3.3 Assumptions
As stated in Chapter I, there were three main assumptions: (i) the methods that
operate on the data execute exactly the same for both architectures, (ii) the compiler
optimization level is set to as low as possible, and (iii) both architectures and all
experiments are ran on the same hardware.
The first assumption was that the methods that operate on the state of entities in
the experimentation were designed to do the same operation for both architectures.
Additionally, these operations were resource-intensive, but overall meaningless. The
focus was for the methods to pull the necessary state into the cache and do enough
calculations to prevent the compiler from optimizing the memory requests away. The
method for these experiments merely request a specific amount of state from the
entity and sums the requested state together. It then stores the value in a separate
piece of state from the entity. The method: comp0 + = comp1 + ... + compN
In an attempt to further enforce that memory requests were not optimized away,
the next assumption is that the compiler optimization of the code was forcefully
lowered to ensure methods were not optimized away. This also assumes that by
lowering the optimization level, the compiler will not change the underlying structure
of the code or how either the DOD or OOP architectures are executed.
The final assumption is that both architectures and all experiments run on the
same hardware. This hardware is a 2018 Macbook Pro with a 2.3Ghz Quad-Core Intel
i5 processor (MR9Q2LL/A). All results are based off of this hardware. Numerical
results will vary on different hardware due to differences in the size and levels of
cache in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Random Access Memory (RAM).
Results based on thread count may vary more greatly as a CPU with 8 cores and
16 threads will perform different than the aforementioned Macbook Pro with 4 cores
and 8 threads.
Each of the six experiments were designed to test whether a specific variable
impacts the performance of the OOP or DOD architecture to a greater extent by
measuring the completion time of each. A null and alternative hypothesis was made
for each experiment with the goal of failing to reject the null hypothesis. A p-value
was calculated using a Student’s t-test, which is used to affirm or reject the alternative
hypothesis. Affirming or rejecting the alternative hypothesis gives the ability to reject
the null hypothesis (if the alternative was affirmed), or fail to reject the null hypothesis
(if the alternative was rejected). Failing to reject the null hypothesis does not mean
it is affirmed, only that there is strong statistical evidence that the null hypothesis
may be true.
The paired Student’s t-test was selected for use in this experimentation as it’s
purpose is to determine the probability that two sample sets are the same with re-
spect to a single variable tested, which closely matches the goal of each experiment.
The goal of each experiment was to determine if OOP and DOD (the two sample
sets) completion times are affected similarly as you change a specific variable. To
comply with the criteria of the Student’s t-test, while still answering the hypothesis,
the specific single variable used in the Student’s t-test is the paired completion time
measurements between the two architectures. It was necessary to use the paired Stu-
dent’s t-test as there is a direct relationship between each specific data point between
the two architectures (i.e. removing one of the points in the OOP measurement,
leaves a dangling point in the corresponding DOD measurement).
The general steps to calculating a paired Student’s t-test is as follows:
2. Calculate the mean difference (d)
4. Calculate the t-statistic (T = d/SE( ¯
3.5 Experimental Design
Each experiment consisted of multiple tests: each test executed the same code
base, but with a different value for the independent variable as can be seen in tables
provided in the subsection of each experiment. For each test, there was a warm-up
period of 5 seconds to flush the cache and/or load the cache. This allowed the test to
measure the performance during normal execution instead of measuring the start-up
performance. It was arbitrarily selected that 100 samples would be taken for each
data point. This decision was made to ensure each test to provide enough data to
perform a reliable Student’s t-test. Each sample measured the completion time (µs)
to execute all systems on all entities. From there, outliers were removed and the
remaining samples were averaged to produce a single data point used in each graph.
These points were used to determine the change in completion time and calculate
the p-value using the Student’s t-test as explained in Section 3.4. The averaged
data points can be found in the results of each experiment while the code for each
experiment can be found in Appendix B through Appendix G.
Each Experiment was split into two distinct parts: (i) OOP architecture bench-
mark and (ii) DOD architecture benchmark. An important design choice for each
experiment was to ensure the two benchmarks did not run in parallel. This was to
ensure that one did not hog CPU resources and/or that there was no interference
between the two. It was arbitrarily selected that the OOP architecture was run first
for each experiment.
There are three phases in each experiment that occurs during the benchmark
process as can be seen in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The first phase, which is similar in
both architectures, is to configure the benchmark. This step sets important variables
for benchmark execution and analysis. The variables important to this experiment
include: warm-up time, sample size, re-sample size, and noise threshold. Warm-up
time was used to set how long the benchmark should run before taking measurements.
This allows the cache to be flushed of any old / stale values from previous experiments
and gives a more realistic measurement of performance. Sample size determines how
many measurements to take before performing statistical analysis on the data and
providing a result. Re-sample size is set to determine how many re-samples are taken
for each sample. Finally, the noise threshold is set to determine what, if any, values
are noise. If the noise threshold is set to X%, then any value outside of the X%
average is considered noise.
The second phase, setting up the data for experiment execution, is different for
each of the two architectures and will be explained in Section 3.5.1 and Section 3.5.2.
The final phase (phase three), also similar in both architectures, is the benchmark,
analysis, and results display phase. During this phase, a lambda with the method to
be measured (in this case, the execute function that runs all systems on all entities)
is passed to Criterion. Criterion then executes this lambda without measurement
for the duration of the warm-up time, after which it begins taking samples based off
sample size and re-sample size. Once all samples have been taken, Criterion then
performs statistical analysis as described in Appendix A and provides the results to
the user. Phase two and three execute for every value of the independent value. As
an example, should the independent variable hold values of [128, 256, 512, 1024], then
phase two and three will execute four times, once for each value.
Phase two for the OOP benchmark consists of two steps as seen in Figure 3. The
first step is to instantiate the objects (entities) that will be present in the architecture.
The amount of objects instantiated varies depending on the experiment. As this is the
OOP benchmark, the objects were created with all of the state inside of the object,
along with the methods that are to be ran on the objects. The amount of state and
methods inside of each object vary depending on the experiment.
The second step is initializing the storage which holds the objects instantiated in
step one. This storage is responsible for executing the methods on each object. The
storage holds entities in multiple groups depending on how many threads are available
to the architecture. As an example, if there are four threads available to the system,
then there are four groups, which have the instantiated objects evenly distributed
amongst them. This allows for simple parallel execution of all methods as long as
there are no data races, which is ensured by design. This storage has a method called
execute() which executes all methods on all objects in the storage. This is what is
passed to the lambda described in phase three for benchmarking and analysis.
Phase two for the DOD benchmark consists of five separate steps as seen in Fig-
ure 4. The first step is initializing the storage. This is done first as entities no longer
Figure 3: Flow Chart of The OOP Benchmark
hold state and methods. Therefore, to be able to instantiate entities, the storage for
each piece of state must already exist. The storage is a hashmap of key-value pairs
consisting of the type id and vectors for each registered components. This leads to
the second step, which is registering components. To be able to create an entity with
components, the storage for the component must exist. This is done by registering
the component with the storage. This causes the storage to create a key value pair
with an empty vector for each component registered.
The next step is instantiating all entities with their required components. During
this step, every entity that is instantiated increases the size of all component vectors
by one, regardless of if the entity has the component. For any components that the
entity does have, they are added to the respective component vectors at the entities
The final step is to initialize the dispatcher and register systems with the dis-
patcher. The dispatcher is responsible for executing any registered systems over the
storage. Unlike the OOP design, the dispatcher is what executes systems (methods)
in parallel rather than the storage itself. The dispatcher is initialized with no sys-
tems, however the final step is to register systems with the dispatcher. As described in
Chapter II, a system consists of a method that will be executed across all entities that
have a particular set of components. When systems are registered, the dispatcher is
responsible for detecting any data conflicts based on the requested components, and
schedule the systems in an optimal way such that no state is in conflict (i.e. no state
is being written to simultaneously, or no state is being read while also being written).
Both the dispatcher and the storage are provided to the lambda described in phase
three for benchmarking and analysis. The dispatcher has a method called execute
which takes a reference to the storage. This method executes all systems over the
data inside of the storage.
The objective of this experiment was to compare the performance impact the size
of entities has on the completion time of the OOP and DOD architectures. The fol-
lowing null and alternative hypotheses were made:
The two equations state that the null hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP
architecture is less than or equal to that of the DOD architecture as entity size in-
creases” i.e. the OOP architecture outperforms (or is equal to) the DOD architecture.
The alternative hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP architecture is greater
than that of the DOD architecture as entity size increases” i.e. the DOD architecture
outperforms the OOP architecture.
This hypothesis was made due to the issues with cache performance described in
section 2.2. For the OOP architecture, the entire entity is brought into the CPU’s
cache regardless of what state is actually used where as for DOD, only the required
state is brought into the CPU’s cache. Due to this, the cache should fill faster for the
OOP architecture resulting in more cache misses compared to the DOD architecture.
Table 7 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted that
the independent variable, entity size, iterates through the following values: [32, 64,
128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] bytes. Completion time was recorded as the average time
it took to execute all systems on all entities once.
The objective of this experiment was to compare the performance impact the
amount of entities has on the completion time of the OOP and DOD architectures.
The following null and alternative Hypotheses were made:
H0 : completion time(OOP ) ≤ completion time(DOD)
H1 : completion time(OOP ) > completion time(DOD)
The two equations state that the null hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP
architecture is less than or equal to that of the DOD architecture as entity count
increases” i.e. the OOP architecture outperforms (or is equal to) the DOD archi-
tecture. The alternative hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP architecture is
greater than that of the DOD architecture as entity count increases” i.e. the DOD
architecture outperforms the OOP architecture.
This hypothesis was made as it was theorized that as more entities are introduced
into the simulation, more cache misses would occur due to the same issues presented in
experiment 1. The cache misses would occur more frequently in the OOP architecture
than the DOD architecture due to how the two architectures organize data in memory.
Table 8 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted
that the independent variable, entity count, iterates through the following values:
[10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 1000] entities.
Completion time was recorded as the average time it took to execute all systems on
all entities once.
3.5.5 Experiment Three
The objective of this experiment was to provide additional insight into the impact
that entity size and entity count has on the OOP and DOD architectures by iterating
both and viewing the effects based on the total amount of memory used in cache.
It was thought that both entity count and entity size would increase the amount
of data brought into the CPU’s cache for the OOP architecture. However, it was
thought that only entity count would increase the amount of data brought into the
CPU’s cache for the DOD architecture. This was expected to result in an increased
cache miss rate once the total amount of data (entity size∗entity count) exceeded the
CPU’s cache size. Since the OOP architecture would fill cache faster than the DOD
architecture, it was theorized that the completion time would increase at different
Table 9 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted
that the independent variable, entity size, iterates through the following values: [32,
64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] bytes while entity count iterates through the following
values: [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000]
entities. Completion time was recorded as the average time it took to execute all
systems on all entities once.
3.5.6 Experiment Four
The objective of this experiment was to compare the performance impact the
amount of threads and systems has on the completion time of the OOP and DOD
architectures. The following null and alternative Hypotheses were made:
The two equations state that the null hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP
architecture is less than or equal to that of the DOD architecture as thread and system
count increases” i.e. the OOP architecture outperforms (or is equal to) the DOD
architecture. The alternative hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP architecture
is greater than that of the DOD architecture as thread and system count” i.e. the
DOD architecture outperforms the OOP architecture. Opposite of all experiments
before (as described in Section 3.5), the expected outcome was that the null hypothesis
be affirmed.
This hypothesis was made due to the fact that the execution pattern for executing
on multiple threads does not change between the OOP and DOD architectures. Both
dispatch systems to threads to execute simultaneously. The only difference is the ease
(for the user) in which it is to dispatch the systems to threads in the thread-pool.
Table 10 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted
that the independent variables, system count and thread count, iterate through the
following values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] threads / systems. Both
variables always equal each other. Completion time was recorded as the average time
it took to execute all systems on all entities once.
Response Variable Factors held Constant Independent Variable
name unit name count unit name unit
completion time µs entity count 1000 entities thread count threads
entity size 256 bytes system count systems
component count 2 components
The objective of this experiment was to compare the performance impact the
amount of threads has on the completion time of the OOP and DOD architectures.
The following null and alternative Hypotheses were made:
The two equations state that the null hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP
architecture is less than or equal to that of the DOD architecture as thread count
increases” i.e. the OOP architecture outperforms (or is equal to) the DOD archi-
tecture. The alternative hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP architecture is
greater than that of the DOD architecture as thread count increases” i.e. the DOD
architecture outperforms the OOP architecture. Opposite of all experiments before
Experiment four (as describe in Section 3.5), the expected outcome was that the null
hypothesis be affirmed.
This hypothesis was made due to the fact that the execution pattern for executing
on multiple threads does not change between the OOP and DOD architectures. Both
dispatch systems to threads to execute simultaneously. The only difference is the ease
(for the user) in which it is to dispatch the systems to threads in the thread-pool.
It was expected however, that as you add available threads to the architectures, the
completion time would decrease until the thread count surpasses the CPU thread
count. This was expected as once it surpasses that point, no more benefit can be seen
as anything over the thread count of the CPU is no longer truly running in parallel.
You are only adding additional workload for managing the thread-pool.
Table 11 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted
that the independent variable, thread count, iterate through the following values: [1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] threads. Completion time was recorded
as the average time it took to execute all systems on all entities once.
The objective of this experiment was to compare the performance impact the
amount of components requested for a system being executed (i.e. a system needs
four components to execute. Any entity that has all four requested components will
have that system executed on it) has on the completion time of the OOP and DOD
architectures. The following null and alternative Hypotheses:
The two equations state that the null hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP
architecture is less than or equal to that of the DOD architecture as component
count decreases” i.e. the OOP architecture outperforms (or is equal to) the DOD
architecture. The alternative hypothesis is “completion time of the OOP architecture
is greater than that of the DOD architecture as component count decreases” i.e. the
DOD architecture outperforms the OOP architecture.
This hypothesis was made due to the fact that the DOD architecture has more
granular control of what state is brought into the cache where as the OOP architecture
brings the entire object into cache regardless of what state is used due to how state
is organized in memory. As the method uses less state, less state will be brought into
the cache for the DOD architecture resulting in less frequent cache misses and better
performance (lower completion time).
Table 12 presents a list of all variables for this experiment. It should be noted that
the independent variable, component count, iterates through the following values:
[16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2] components. Completion time was
recorded as the average time it took to execute all systems on all entities once.
Data logging was performed by the criterion crate (Rust’s version of a user-
developed library). Criterion is a statistics-driven micro-benching tool written in
Rust. As a micro-bench, it is able to test small parts of a code base, i.e. single
method calls. This is used to benchmark the method call to execute all systems on
all entities.
It uses statistical analysis to determine the average time it takes to execute a piece
of code over a predetermined amount of iterations. Additionally, it has the capability
to detect any outliers and remove them from the results. Criterion provides the
fastest, average, and slowest execution times for each benchmark, which will be used
for providing results in chapter IV. An explanation of the process that Criterion uses
can be found in Appendix A.
3.7 Summary
In summary, six separate experiments were run over five variables. The goal of
these experiments was to determine the performance impact that different variations
and combinations of the five variables had on the performance of the two software
architectures. These experiments serve to provide an accurate answer as to which of
the two paradigms provided better, more reliable performance in regards to real-time
simulations by emulating the workflow of a real-time simulator. All data is calculated
and recorded via the criterion crate, a statistics driven micro-benching tool which
accurately finds the average run-time of a piece of code.
IV. Results and Analysis
4.1 Overview
This chapter describes the results obtained from the the experiments described in
chapter III. Each section discusses a single experiment, first providing an overview of
the experiment, then examining the performance of both Object-Oriented Program-
ming (OOP) and Data-Oriented Design (DOD) architectures. The performance of
the two software architectures are then compared to determine which is most tolerant
to the independent variable(s). Finally, an explanation of the results is described to
elaborate on the performance differences between the two software systems.
4.2 Experiment 1
The objective of this experiment was to determine if the size of entities has different
effects on the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures. In this experiment,
the independent variable, entity size, was iterated through the following values: [32,
64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] bytes. Refer to Table 7 for all other variable values.
The results for this experiment contain 100 data points per independent variable per
software architecture. For Figure 5, of the 100 points, outliers were removed and
the remaining were averaged to provide a single performance point. The averaged
points are provided in Table 13 while the code used in this experiment can be found
in Appendix B.
To determine if there is enough statistical evidence to show that entity size effects
the performance of the DOD and OOP architectures differently, a paired Student’s
t-test comparing the completion time between the two architectures was performed.
The data used for the Student’s t-test can be found in the “Time” columns of Table 13.
After performing the Student’s t-test as described in Section 3.4, the resulting p-value
was 0.015. A p-value of 0.015 is enough statistical evidence to reject the null hypoth-
esis and fail to reject the alternative hypothesis. This means that there is enough
evidence to suggest that entity count does effect the two architectures differently.
Figure 5 shows the completion time (µs) of the OOP and DOD architectures on
the left and the percent difference in completion time between the two architectures
on the right. It can be seen that as entity size increased, so did the completion time
of the OOP architecture. Even though no additional work was being completed by
the method, the completion time increased from 36.180µs to 154.77µs, an increase of
The DOD architecture saw no noticeable increase in completion time while in-
creasing the size of the entity. completion time ranged from 21.017µs to 21.194µs,
an difference of 0.8%. This data not only supports the Student’s t-test (on the inter-
polated data) in showing that the two architectures are effected differently, but that
it effects the OOP architecture to a greater extent, greatly reducing performance
compared to the DOD architecture.
The largest difference in performance between the two architectures was 635%,
with a completion time of 154.77µs for the OOP architecture and a completion time
of 27.49µs for the DOD architecture. It is important to note that the largest completion time’s,
at 8,192 and 16,384 bits, are uncharacteristically large for a real-time simulator and
would not normally be seen in one. However, there is still a performance difference
of over 100% between the two architectures at lower, more realistic, entity sizes.
From the data above, There is significant statistical evidence that entity size has
a role in determining the performance of the OOP architecture where as it does not for
the DOD architecture. An expected reason for this result is that the OOP paradigm
stores data per entity as shown in Table 1: all state in an entity is stored directly next
to each other in memory. When the Central Processing Unit (CPU) requests a piece
of state from the entity, the memory model loads the entire block of memory that
the state is located in, into the CPU’s cache. This generally means the entire entity,
along with other data around it, is brought into the lowest level cache. If executing
the same method over many entities, a lot of space in the CPU’s cache is wasted on
data that is never used by the processor. This results in many cache misses, causing
the CPU to sit idle, or context switch, while it waits for the memory model to provide
the required data.
The DOD paradigm stores data per state as shown in Table 2: all state of a specific
kind are stored directly next to each other in memory. When the CPU requests a
piece of state, the memory model will once again load the entire block of memory that
the state is located in, into the CPU’s cache. However, this means the particular state
for all entities is now present in the CPU’s cache. If executing the same method over
many entities, no space is wasted as the state necessary for computation is already
present for all entities. The CPU is able to execute the method over more entities
before having a cache miss due to missing data and sitting idle while the memory
model loads the required data. This properly explains why the performance of the
OOP software system slows while the DOD software system remains nearly constant
size % Change Between % Change Between
Time (µs) Time (µs) % Difference
(bytes) Measurements Measurements
32 N/A 36.392 21.096 N/A 72.51
64 106.24 38.664 21.194 100.46 82.43
128 111.84 43.242 21.052 99.33 105.41
256 100.58 43.494 21.086 100.16 106.27
512 112.72 49.027 21.017 99.67 133.27
1024 147.20 72.171 21.065 100.23 242.61
2048 214.45 154.77 21.053 99.94 635.14
4.3 Experiment 2
The objective of this experiment was to determine if the amount of entities has
different effects on the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures. In this ex-
periment, the independent variable, entity count, was iterated through the following
values: [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000]
entities. Refer to Table 8 for all other variable values. The results of this experiment
contain 100 data points per independent variable per software architecture. For Fig-
ure 6, of the 100 points, outliers were removed and the remaining were averaged to
provide a single performance point. The averaged points are provided in Table 14
while the code used in this experiment can be found in Appendix C.
To determine if there is enough statistical evidence to show that the entity count
effects the performance of the DOD and OOP architectures differently, a paired Stu-
dent’s t-test comparing the completion time between the two architectures was per-
formed. The data used for the Student’s t-test can be found in Table 14. After
performing the Student’s t-test as described in Section 3.4, the resulting p-value was
0.00058. A p-value of 0.00058 is enough statistical evidence to reject the null hypoth-
esis and fail to reject the alternative hypothesis. This means that there is enough
evidence to suggest that entity count does effect the two architectures differently.
Figure 6 shows the completion time (µs) of the OOP and DOD software architec-
tures on the left and the percent difference between the two architectures on the right.
From Figure 6, it can be seen that for both OOP and DOD architectures, increasing
the entity count did increase the completion time in a linear fashion as expected. Per
the data, The OOP architecture had an increase in completion time of 4.2µs for 10
entities to a completion time of 72.7µs for 10,000 entities resulting in rate of roughly
7.86µs per 1,000 entities.
For the DOD architecture, there was an increase in completion time of 3.9µs for
10 entities to a completion time of 37.2µs for 10,000 entities resulting in a rate of
roughly 3.33µs per 1,000 entities. This data not only supports the Student’s t-test
in showing that the two architectures are effected differently, but that it effects the
OOP architecture to a greater extent, greatly reducing the performance compared to
the DOD architecture. The average rate of increase differs by 135.9% between the
two software architectures. At low entity count, the architectures performance is very
similar: 4.2µs for the OOP architecture and 3.9µs for DOD architecture, a difference
of only 7.34%, however it does not hold.
Due to the difference in the rate of increase in completion time, at 10,000 entities,
that difference rose to 122.32%: 82.7µs for the OOP architecture and 37.2µs for
the DOD architecture. The growth rate of the OOP architecture did not match the
hypothesis, as it was expected to be greater than a linear rate of increase, however it
did still hold true that the DOD architecture outperformed the OOP architecture as
the number of entities increased. It is important to note that a low entity count is
unusual for a simulation and a larger entity count would more accurately represent a
This difference in completion time rate can be explained with the same information
provided in Section 4.2. As the amount of entities grow, there is a larger amount cache
misses in the OOP software system due to the inefficient storage of data; the effect
that entity size has on the performance of the architecture is multiplied due to having
many entities. The more entities, the greater the amount of cache misses; if a cache
miss occurs every 100 entities, then 1,000 entities would result in 10 cache misses
while 10,000 entities would result in 100 cache misses. Each cache miss affects the
performance of the architecture. This is due to the unused data in each entity that
is brought into the CPU’s cache. It causes the cache to fill more often than it’s DOD
counterpart. DOD experiences an increase in cache misses also, as only so much data
can fit in the CPU’s cache at any given time. However, the rate of cache misses
is much lower due to only the necessary state being brought into cache, wasting no
space is cache.
Entity count 10 50 100 500 1000 2000 3000
OOP Time (µs) 4.218 4.985 5.401 7.852 11.302 18.866 27.511
DOD Time (µs) 3.930 4.260 4.962 6.332 7.757 10.755 13.878
% Difference 7.34 17.03 8.85 24.01 45.70 75.42 98.23
Entity count 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
OOP Time (µs) 35.278 43.029 50.604 58.026 65.918 73.62 82.703
DOD Time (µs) 17.235 20.416 24.289 27.231 30.575 34.101 37.200
% Difference 104.69 110.76 108.34 113.09 115.59 115.89 122.32
4.4 Experiment 3
The objective of this experiment provide additional insight into the impact that
entity size and entity count has on the OOP and DOD architectures. In this experi-
ment, the independent variables, entity count and entity size, were iterated through
the following values: [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000,
9000, 10000] entities and [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] bytes respectively. Refer
to Table 9 for all other variable values. The results for this experiment contain 100
data points per independent variable per software system. Of the 100 points, outliers
are removed and the remaining are averaged to provide a single performance point
for each. The averaged points are provided in Table 15 and Table 16 while, the code
used for this experiment can be found in Appendix D.
Figure 7 and Figure 8 show two scatter plots of the different completion times
for each total memory size value. the total memory size value was created by mul-
tiplying entity count and entity size together. That value is then divided by 8,000
bits, changing the unit from bits to kilobytes. Figure 7 shows the performance re-
sults for all points where as Figure 8 zooms into the first 5000KB. It can be seen
that the DOD architecture consistently outperforms the OOP architecture when
total memory size becomes greater than 5000KB. The peak difference between the
Figure 7: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: Full Scatter-plot of
total memory size
two is when total memory size reaches 20.48MB: OOP’s performance is 301.71µs
where as DOD’s performance is 38µs, a performance difference of 693.84%.
Figure 10, Figure 9, Figure 11 and Figure 12 break down the above results to show
how each individual component of total memory size (entity count and entity size)
effect the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures. Figure 10 and Fig-
ure 9 show that entity size greatly effects the performance of the OOP system as
entity count increases, but does not effect the performance of the DOD system. Ex-
periment 2 originally showed that increasing entity count increased completion time
by roughly 3.3µs per 1,000 entities for the DOD system and by roughly 6.1µs per
1,000 entities for the OOP system.
The data from this experiment verifies this result for the DOD paradigm and
expands the results to show that this is true regardless the size of the entity. This can
Figure 8: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: Partial Scatter-plot of
total memory size
be seen by the fact that all entity sizes in Figure 10 have extremely similar slopes for
the rate of increase in completion time: roughly 3.3µs per 1,000 entities with little
deviation. The same can not be said for the OOP paradigm. It can be seen from
Figure 9 that as the size of the entity increases, the slope at which completion time
increases grows larger, and eventually becomes non linear at around 4096 bit sized
These results can best be explained by the fact that the CPU’s cache line is not
being filled until after 2048 bits. This is also backed by the fact that the non-linear
increase in completion time occurs at different entity count marks depending on the
size of the entity. As an example, at 4096 bit size entities, the non-linear growth rate
starts around 5000 entities. However, for the 8192 bit size entities, this non-linear
growth rate starts between 2000 and 3000 entities. At the aforementioned points at
Figure 9: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: OOP entity size effects
which the growth rate becomes non-linear, it is hypothesized that cache misses begin
to occur at an increased rate, causing the completion time to increase at a non-linear
rate. It should be noted, even at it’s lowest rate, the OOP architecture has a rate
nearly 2x as large as the DOD architecture.
When comparing both the OOP and DOD architectures, the largest performance
difference for the DOD architecture was only 7.1%; this was for the two sizes of 1,024
bits and 16,384 bit entity sizes, with corresponding values of 23.80µs and 25.51µs
respectively. For the OOP architecture, the largest performance difference was 355%
with corresponding values of 66.29µs and 301.71µs. These results show that the DOD
architecture is more stable as entity count increases, regardless of it’s other variable
Figure 10: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: DOD entity size effects
Figure 11: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: OOP entity count effects
301.71µs while entity size was increased. That is a gain of 355% in completion time
by only increasing the amount of unused state in an entity. For the DOD architec-
ture, the greatest performance difference was at 6,000 entities in the simulation. The
performance differed from 23.799µs to 25.51µs while entity size was increased. That
is only a gain of 7%. As can be seen, there is a vast difference between the two archi-
tectures, 355% for the OOP architecture compared to 7% for the DOD architecture.
The four graphs above show that entity count and entity size work together to
determine the performance of the OOP architecture due to the fact that the entire
entity must be brought into the cache, wasting space and resulting in additional cache
misses. However, the same does not hold true for the DOD architecture. The four
graphs above show that only entity count is used to determine the performance due
Figure 12: Graphical Results for Experiment Three: DOD entity count effects
to the fact that only the necessary state is brought into the cache. This results in
less cache misses.
The data above shows that completion time would increase as total memory size
increased, but that the OOP architecture’s completion time would increase at a rate
much greater than the DOD architecture was confirmed. The three aforementioned
figures show that the DOD architecture consistently outperformed the OOP archi-
tecture as total memory size increased.
Performance of OOP System (µs) while varying both the entity count and entity size
entity count 10 50 100 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
32 4.309 5.026 5.370 7.802 10.809 16.987 23.112 30.285 35.459 42.319 49.082 54.139 61.898 66.292
64 4.285 5.003 5.369 7.556 10.857 16.900 24.787 31.900 37.925 45.43 51.661 58.137 65.533 71.787
128 4.408 5.060 5.478 7.567 10.897 18.54 27.275 33.856 41.434 48.866 55.844 62.232 70.541 77.957
256 4.263 5.104 5.504 7.745 11.698 20.295 28.484 36.563 44.917 52.320 61.126 68.640 78.719 84.131
512 4.276 5.147 5.509 7.996 12.660 21.587 30.327 39.002 47.819 68.275 87.130 96.089 122.30 138.78
1024 4.385 5.292 5.438 8.771 13.458 23.277 36.933 59.632 78.468 102.42 152.57 196.47 236.86 271.08
2048 4.321 5.835 6.339 10.095 15.178 37.169 71.056 119.02 154.77 187.56 224.10 258.29 280.90 301.71
4.5 Experiment 4
The objective of this experiment was to determine if the thread and system count
has a different effect on the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures. In
this experiment, the two independent variables, thread count and system count were
iterated through the following values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15]. Refer to Table 10 for all other variable values. The results for this experiment
contain 100 data points per independent variable pair per software architecture. For
Figure 13, of the 100 points, outliers were removed and the remaining were averaged
to provide a single performance point. The averaged points are provided in Table 17
while the code used in this experiment can be found in Appendix E.
To determine if there is enough statistical evidence to show that the combination
of thread count and system count does not effect the performance of the DOD and
OOP architectures differently, a paired Student’s t-test comparing the completion
time between the two architectures was performed. The data used for the Student’s
t-test can be found in Table 17. After performing the Student’s t-test as described in
Section 3.4, the resulting p-value was 0.20. A p-value of 0.20 is not enough statistical
evidence to reject the null hypothesis, thus it shows that the combination of system
and thread count does not effect the two architectures differently, as expected.
Interestingly, it can be seen in Figure 13 that performance does not remain the
same as the amount of threads increase. It would be expected that since both threads
and systems increase at the same rate, completion time would remain constant as
each thread does the same amount of work. The best explanation as to why this is
not the case is the fact that as the amount of threads increases, so does the overhead
of maintaining and pushing work to the thread. This is because the threads are
managed by a thread-pool and the workload is pushed to the threads every cycle.
However, Figure 13 confirms the results from the Student’s t-test: that performance
of both the DOD and OOP architectures remain similar. The performance difference
is as little as 1.36% at 13 threads. The interesting results from this experiment is
the performance difference of the systems while close the the thread count of the
CPU. The largest difference in performance occurs exactly at the thread count of
the CPU, where the DOD system is outperforming the OOP system by 79.78%: the
OOP architecture has a completion time of 40.178µs and the DOD architecture has
a completion time of 22.344µs.
It was thought that this is due to the fact that the DOD is able to split the
workload between threads more precisely than the OOP system. The OOP system
can only split the workload by divvying up the entities between each thread and calling
all systems on each entity; the DOD system, however, can divvy up the workload not
only by the entity, but also by the system. Therefore one thread is not stuck calling all
methods on a single entity: if a different thread finishes early, it can steal work from
another thread and begin calling the methods of a different entity. This explains why
at low threads, the performance is similar, but grows steadily apart. It is also thought
that the performance begins to merge after the the CPU’s thread count because after
that point, only 8 of the possible threads are truly running in parallel, so overhead of
managing many threads, but not actually running in parallel (past 8 threads) begins
to dictate the performance of the software systems.
System/Thread 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
OOP Time (µs) 12.150 14.581 17.343 20.746 25.427 32.176 33.914 40.178
DOD Time (µs) 9.103 12.699 13.427 16.377 18.879 19.575 21.150 22.344
% Difference 33.47 14.82 29.17 26.68 34.68 64.37 60.35 79.78
System/Thread 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
OOP Time (µs) 42.364 44.755 49.971 49.397 48.164 51.515 54.546
DOD Time (µs) 30.524 34.141 38.212 43.563 57.519 50.073 53.256
% Difference 38.79 31.09 30.77 13.39 1.36 2.88 2.42
4.6 Experiment 5
The objective of this experiment was to determine if the number of threads has a
different effect on the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures. In this ex-
periment, the independent variable, thread count, was iterated through the following
values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] threads. Refer to Table 11 for
all other variable values. The results for this experiment contain 100 points, outliers
were removed and the remaining were averaged to provide a single performance point.
The averaged points are provided in Table 18 while the code used in this experiment
can be found in Appendix F.
To determine if there is enough statistical evidence to show that the thread count
does not effect the performance of the DOD and OOP architectures differently, a
paired Student’s t-test comparing the completion time between the two architectures
was performed. The data used for the Student’s t-test can be found in Table 18.
After performing the Student’s t-test as described in Section 3.4, the resulting p-
value was 0.40. A p-value of 0.40 is not enough statistical evidence to reject the
null hypothesis, thus it shows that the amount of threads does not effect the two
architectures differently, as expected.
Figure 14 shows the performance of the OOP and DOD architectures as more
threads were provided to handle a workload. This experiment provides a workload of
solving a recursive Fibonacci sequence 15 times for each entity. It was set up such that
each calculation of the Fibonacci sequence could be calculated on different threads.
Figure 14 supports the statistical evidence form the Student’s t-test as it can be seen
that the two architectures perform nearly identical, having only a 5.1% difference
in completion time with one thread and 1.1% difference in completion time at 15
threads. As can be seen in figure, the OOP architecture is more unstable due to the
decreased performance at 5 and 9 threads, however both architectures meet optimal
performance at 4 threads. This makes sense as the tests were ran on a device with 4
cores and 8 threads, so results should be optimal at these points.
Figure 14: Graphical Results for Experiment Five
Thread count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
OOP Time (µs) 482 260 176 146 190 174 158 147 229 214 202 198 188 180 175
DOD Time (µs) 508 289 215 168 165 166 160 162 164 167 167 172 173 174 173
% Difference 5.1 9.7 18.0 12.5 15.4 5.3 0.9 9.1 39.2 28.5 21.0 14.8 8.6 3.8 1.1
4.7 Experiment 6
The objective of this experiment was to determine if the amount components used
in a system has different effects on the performance of the OOP and DOD architec-
tures. In this experiment, the independent variable, component count, was iterated
through the following values: [16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2] compo-
nents. Refer to Table 12 for all other variable values. The results of this experiment
contain 100 data points per independent variable per software architecture. For Fig-
ure 15, of the 100 points, outliers were removed and the remaining were averaged to
provide a single performance point. The averaged points are provided in Table 19
while the code used in this experiment can be found in Appendix G.
To determine if there is enough statistical evidence to show that the component
count effects the performance of the DOD and OOP architectures differently, a paired
Student’s t-test comparing the completion time between the two architectures was
performed. The data used for the Student’s t-test can be found in Table 19. After
performing the Student’s t-test as described in section 3.4, the resulting p-value was
0.00956. A p-value of 0.00956 is enough statistical evidence to reject the null hypoth-
esis and fail to reject the alternative hypothesis. This means that there is enough
evidence to suggest that system size does effect the two architectures differently.
Figure 15: Graphical Results for Experiment Two: Comparing Completion Time
Figure 15 compares the completion time of the DOD and OOP architectures
while changing the amount of components being used by the systems. It shows
that completion time decreases at an extremely high rate for the DOD architecture
where as it only decreases slightly for the OOP architecture, solidifying the statistical
evidence provided by the Student’s t-test that the amount of components the system
uses effects the architectures differently. The DOD architecture’s completion time
decreases by 339.69%, from 34.92µs to 7.94µs where as it only decreases by 15.7%,
from 19.69µs to 14.68µs for the OOP architecture.
Interestingly, the performance of the DOD architecture rapidly increased as the
amount of components used in each system decreased while performance of the OOP
architecture remained almost constant. It was unexpected however, as to the perfor-
mance difference between OOP and DOD when using a large amount of components
in a system. At 16 components being used in a single system, the performance dif-
ference between OOP and DOD was 137.82% with DOD at 34.92µs and OOP at
14.68µs. This can best be explained by the DOD architecture needing to verify that
an entity has all components required for the system, before executing the system.
The intersection in performance is when the method is using 6 components, mak-
ing it only a benefit to use the DOD architecture when systems use less 7 components.
It should be noted that 7 components is an extremely large amount components to
be using in a single method however and can probably be refactored into multiple
smaller systems.
Component Count 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
% Change from
OOP 1 1.23 2.93 3.23 3.63 5.82 5.75 12.31 13.71 13.32 14.82 17.31 16.35 16.51 15.70
OOP Time (µs) 14.68 14.51 14.27 14.22 14.17 13.88 13.89 13.07 12.92 12.96 12.79 12.52 12.62 12.60 12.69
DOD Time (µs) 34.92 32.86 33.37 28.61 25.57 24.92 21.16 18.67 17.33 16.23 12.24 11.06 9.79 8.78 7.94
% Change from
DOD 1 6.26 4.64 22.08 37.66 40.13 64.92 87.04 101.5 115.2 185.2 215.7 256.6 297.6 339.7
V. Conclusion
5.1 Overview
This chapter summarizes the research and results obtained throughout the thesis.
Section 5.2 restates important results found during experimentation and analysis.
Section 5.3 states the impact that this research has on the field along with possibilities
for future work and uses for the Entity-Component-System (ECS) architecture.
This research concludes that the Data-Oriented Design (DOD) paradigm, and in
particular, the ECS architecture, does have a strong use case in the area of modeling
& simulation, specifically in real-time simulations. It successfully tested many of the
common attributes of a real-time simulator and their effects on the performance of
the architecture compared to the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) counterpart.
Through six experiments, it is determined that this architecture greatly improves the
overhead of retrieving and storing data for use in the application.
Through statistical analysis, experiment 1 shows that the ECS architecture is
tolerant to the performance loss that OOP architectures have when operating on in-
creasingly large objects. In normal use cases, a 100% improvement in the overhead
of reading and writing data to memory is seen compared to the OOP counterpart.
An improvement of over 600% to overhead is seen in uses cases where object size is
extremely large, such as 16,384 bit size objects. Most importantly, this experiment
shows that overhead performance remains constant regardless of the size of the ob-
ject for ECS architectures, where as it plays an important role in determining the
performance of an architecture using the OOP paradigm.
Experiment 2 shows that the ECS architecture is more tolerant to increased entity
count in the simulation compared to a OOP architecture. In this experiment, it is
seen that performance overhead of reading and writing data to memory increased at
a rate of 3.33µs for every 1,000 entities for the ECS architecture where as it increased
at a rate of 7.86µs every 1,000 entities for the OOP architecture. This is a difference
of 135%. Experiment 3 reiterated and confirmed the findings of Experiments 1 and
2, providing further testing and results to solidify and verify the findings.
Experiments 4 and 5 shows that the performance overhead of parallelizing the
code-base is similar for both architectures. The results show that there is a minimal
improvement in overhead costs when operating on a threadpool with a count near
the core count of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), though in any other amount of
threads, the performance difference is negligible. The important aspect of this exper-
iment is that performance remains similar between both architectures, however the
ECS architecture handles the multi-threading automatically, and guarantees thread
safety, where as the developer is responsible for both normally for the OOP paradigm.
Experiment 6 shows that the amount of components the system uses greatly ef-
fects the performance of the ECS architecture where as it has no affect on the OOP
architecture. This experiment shows that the ECS architecture is only optimal when
the amount of components used in a system is less than around 6 components. It is
important to reiterate that these components are in regards to the components used
in the system, not that exists in the entity. At its worst, the OOP architecture out
performs the ECS architecture by 137%. At its best, the ECS architecture outper-
forms the OOP architecture by 60%. It is important to note that most systems only
operate on small amounts of components at any given time, so the ECS architecture
generally outperforms the DOD architecture.
Overall, ECS has shown to be an excellent candidate as a software architecture
for for real-time simulators. This architecture reduces memory overhead consistently
against all factors tested in the experiments. The only area of concern is if the systems
that are executing on state require extremely large amounts of data from each entity.
When this occurs, the ECS architecture is a poor choice for use in the software. It
should once again be emphasized that DOD and ECS is not a replacement to OOP
in all use cases. DOD is most optimal in code-bases that contain and operate on a
large amounts of data; this includes, but is not limited to, areas such as video games
engines, real-time simulations, simulations, and high performance computing.
research that could greatly benefit the field of modeling & simulation, high perfor-
mance computing, and the Air Force. The following suggests five future work options
based off this research:
• Research into additional ECS frameworks. As the ECS architecture does not
have a standard implementation, other implementations may be better opti-
mized for modeling and simulation use-cases. Possible frameworks to research
include: (1) legion for its more precise ability to filter components, (2) hecs
which builds on the successes of specs and legion; it is a library rather than
an architecture, allowing the developer to more greatly customize the imple-
mentation for their needs, and (3) froggy, a prototype for the Component
Graph System programming model. It aims to combine the convenience of
composition-style OOP with the performance close to ECS.
• Development of a prototypical use case for modeling and simulation using exist-
ing ECS frameworks. Use an existing ECS architecture to design and develop
a modeling and simulation program for a real-world problem such as a flight
simulator. This will give the ability to test the ECS architecture’s real-world
application performance. Finally, compare this performance to the performance
of an OOP designed framework.
• Research into the possible use of the ECS as a framework for high-performance
computing. The ECS architecture is able to scale with threadcount, making it
a perfect candidate for working on High-Performance Computers/Super Com-
puters which provide the developer with an extremely large amount of threads.
Additionally, its ability to schedule systems on different threads without data
safety concerns allows the developer to easily develop highly parallelized code
for high-performance computing.
• Research into the possible use of the ECS framework for Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU) accelerated computing. The GPU specializes in executing the same
piece of code (a shader) on a large amount of data points very efficiently. The
ECS architecture does the same thing, executing a system on a large amount
of entities. Also, the ECS architecture stores state in large arrays of contiguous
memory, similar to how data is provided to the GPU from the CPU. Instead
of ECS systems manipulating state via the CPU, systems could be replaced
with calls to the GPU to do the same calculations on the same data, only with
shaders. The memory is already in a structure that the GPU expects.
Appendix A. Benchmark Measurement and Analysis
The information provided below is directly taken from the user guide for the Cri-
terion crate which can be found at
book/analysis.html. The information is being directly transferred here to ensure
available should the link above change. The information below is not the work of the
author of this thesis, but the work of the creator of Criterion.
1.1 Measurement
The measurement phase is when collects the performance data that
will be analyzed and used in later stages. This phase is mainly controlled by the
measurement time value in the Criterion struct.
The measurements are done in a number of samples (see the sample size param-
eter). Each sample consists of one or more (typically many) iterations of the routine.
The elapsed time between the beginning and the end of the iterations, divided by the
number of iterations, gives an estimate of the time taken by each iteration.
As measurement progresses, the sample iteration counts are increased. Suppose
that the first sample contains 10 iterations. The second sample will contain 20, the
third will contain 30 and so on. More formally, the iteration counts are calculated
like so: iterations = [d, 2d, 3d, ...N d]
Where N is the total number of samples and d is a factor, calculated from the
rough estimate of iteration time measured during the warm-up period, which is used
to scale the number of iterations to meet the configured measurement time. Note
that d cannot be less than 1, and therefore the actual measurement time may ex-
ceed the configured measurement time if the iteration time is large or the configured
measurement time is small.
Note that does not measure each individual iteration, only the com-
plete sample. The resulting samples are stored for use in later stages. The sample
data is also written to the local disk so that it can be used in the comparison phase
of future benchmark runs.
1.2 Analysis
During this phase calculates useful statistics from the samples col-
lected during the measurement phase.
The first step in analysis is outlier classification. Each sample is classified using
a modified version of Tukey’s Method, which will be summarized here. First, the
interquartile range (IQR) is calculated from the difference between the 25th and
75th percentile. In Tukey’s Method, values less than (25th percentile - 1.5 * IQR)
or greater than (75th percentile + 1.5 * IQR) are considered outliers.
creates additional fences at (25pct - 3 * IQR) and (75pct + 3 * IQR); values outside
that range are considered severe outliers.
Outlier classification is important because the analysis method used to estimate
the average iteration time is sensitive to outliers. Thus, when detects
outliers, a warning is printed to inform the user that the benchmark may be less
reliable. Additionally, a plot is generated showing which data points are considered
outliers, where the fences are, etc.
Note, however, that outlier samples are not dropped from the data, and are used
in the following analysis steps along with all other samples.
1.2.2 Linear Regression
The samples collected from a good benchmark should form a rough line when
plotted on a chart showing the number of iterations and the time for each sample.
The slope of that line gives an estimate of the time per iteration. A single estimate
is difficult to interpret, however, since it contains no context. A confidence interval
is generally more helpful. In order to generate a confidence interval, a large number
of bootstrap samples are generated from the measured samples. A line is fitted to
each of the bootstrap samples, and the result is a statistical distribution of slopes
that gives a reliable confidence interval around the single estimate calculated from
the measured samples.
This resampling process is repeated to generate the mean, standard deviation,
median and median absolute deviation of the measured iteration times as well. All
of this information is printed to the user and charts are generated. Finally, if there
are saved statistics from a previous run, the two benchmark runs are compared.
1.2.3 Comparison
In the comparison phase, the statistics calculated from the current benchmark run
are compared against those saved by the previous run to determine if the performance
has changed in the meantime, and if so, by how much.
Once again, generates many bootstrap samples, based on the mea-
sured samples from the two runs. The new and old bootstrap samples are compared
and their T score is calculated using a T-test. The fraction of the bootstrapped T
scores which are more extreme than the T score calculated by comparing the two
measured samples gives the probability that the observed difference between the two
sets of samples is merely by chance. Thus, if that probability is very low or zero, Cri- can be confident that there is truly a difference in execution time between
the two samples. In that case, the mean and median differences are bootstrapped and
printed for the user, and the entire process begins again with the next benchmark.
This process can be extremely sensitive to changes, especially when combined with
a small, highly deterministic benchmark routine. In these circumstances even very
small changes (eg. differences in the load from background processes) can change
the measurements enough that the comparison process detects an optimization or
regression. Since these sorts of unpredictable fluctuations are rarely of interest while
benchmarking, there is also a configurable noise threshold. Optimizations or regres-
sions within (for example) +-1% are considered noise and ignored. It is best to
benchmark on a quiet computer where possible to minimize this noise, but it is not
always possible to eliminate it entirely.
Appendix B. Experiment One Code
2.1 Benchmark
4 use specs::prelude::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp1::oop_obj::*;
6 use thesis_experimentation::exp1::oop::*;
7 use thesis_experimentation::exp1::dod::*;
8 use std::time::Duration;
10 #[inline]
12 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
13 }
15 #[inline]
20 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
21 group.sample_size(100);
22 group.nresamples(100);
23 rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build_global().unwrap();
26 let o256 = obj_setup::<Obj256>();
43 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_128", |b|
44 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world128)));
45 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_256", |b|
46 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world256)));
47 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_512", |b|
48 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world512)));
49 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_1024", |b|
50 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world1024)));
51 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_2048", |b|
52 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world2048)));
53 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_4196", |b|
54 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world4196)));
55 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_8192", |b|
56 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world8192)));
57 group.bench_function("oop_exp1_size_16384", |b|
58 b.iter(||oop_dispatch(&mut world16384)));
59 }
63 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
64 group.sample_size(100);
65 group.nresamples(100);
69 entity_size.iter().for_each(|size| {
71 setup_component(&mut world).unwrap();
76 let i = size.to_string();
77 bench_name.push_str(&i);
79 group.bench_function(bench_name, |b|
81 });
82 }
83 criterion_group!(oop, oop_criterion_benchmark);
84 criterion_group!(dod, dod_criterion_benchmark);
85 criterion_main!(oop,dod);
2.2 Modules
2.3 DOD
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
4 use super::dod_system::*;
5 use std::sync::Arc;
9 world.register::<Comp_i64_0>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i64_1>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
16 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
17 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
18 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
19 world.register::<Comp_i128_8>();
20 world.register::<Comp_i128_9>();
21 world.register::<Comp_i128_10>();
22 world.register::<Comp_i128_11>();
23 world.register::<Comp_i128_12>();
24 world.register::<Comp_i128_13>();
25 world.register::<Comp_i128_14>();
26 world.register::<Comp_i128_15>();
27 world.register::<Comp_i128_16>();
28 world.register::<Comp_i128_17>();
29 world.register::<Comp_i128_18>();
30 world.register::<Comp_i128_19>();
31 world.register::<Comp_i128_20>();
32 world.register::<Comp_i128_21>();
33 world.register::<Comp_i128_22>();
34 world.register::<Comp_i128_23>();
35 world.register::<Comp_i128_24>();
36 world.register::<Comp_i128_25>();
37 world.register::<Comp_i128_26>();
38 world.register::<Comp_i128_27>();
39 world.register::<Comp_i128_28>();
40 world.register::<Comp_i128_29>();
41 world.register::<Comp_i128_30>();
42 world.register::<Comp_i128_31>();
43 world.register::<Comp_i128_32>();
44 world.register::<Comp_i128_33>();
45 world.register::<Comp_i128_34>();
46 world.register::<Comp_i128_35>();
47 world.register::<Comp_i128_36>();
48 world.register::<Comp_i128_37>();
49 world.register::<Comp_i128_38>();
50 world.register::<Comp_i128_39>();
51 world.register::<Comp_i128_40>();
52 world.register::<Comp_i128_41>();
53 world.register::<Comp_i128_42>();
54 world.register::<Comp_i128_43>();
55 world.register::<Comp_i128_44>();
56 world.register::<Comp_i128_45>();
57 world.register::<Comp_i128_46>();
58 world.register::<Comp_i128_47>();
59 world.register::<Comp_i128_48>();
60 world.register::<Comp_i128_49>();
61 world.register::<Comp_i128_50>();
62 world.register::<Comp_i128_51>();
63 world.register::<Comp_i128_52>();
64 world.register::<Comp_i128_53>();
65 world.register::<Comp_i128_54>();
66 world.register::<Comp_i128_55>();
67 world.register::<Comp_i128_56>();
68 world.register::<Comp_i128_57>();
69 world.register::<Comp_i128_58>();
70 world.register::<Comp_i128_59>();
71 world.register::<Comp_i128_60>();
72 world.register::<Comp_i128_61>();
73 world.register::<Comp_i128_62>();
74 world.register::<Comp_i128_63>();
75 world.register::<Comp_i128_64>();
76 world.register::<Comp_i128_65>();
77 world.register::<Comp_i128_66>();
78 world.register::<Comp_i128_67>();
79 world.register::<Comp_i128_68>();
80 world.register::<Comp_i128_69>();
81 world.register::<Comp_i128_70>();
82 world.register::<Comp_i128_71>();
83 world.register::<Comp_i128_72>();
84 world.register::<Comp_i128_73>();
85 world.register::<Comp_i128_74>();
86 world.register::<Comp_i128_75>();
87 world.register::<Comp_i128_76>();
88 world.register::<Comp_i128_77>();
89 world.register::<Comp_i128_78>();
90 world.register::<Comp_i128_79>();
91 world.register::<Comp_i128_80>();
92 world.register::<Comp_i128_81>();
93 world.register::<Comp_i128_82>();
94 world.register::<Comp_i128_83>();
95 world.register::<Comp_i128_84>();
96 world.register::<Comp_i128_85>();
97 world.register::<Comp_i128_86>();
98 world.register::<Comp_i128_87>();
99 world.register::<Comp_i128_88>();
100 world.register::<Comp_i128_89>();
101 world.register::<Comp_i128_90>();
102 world.register::<Comp_i128_91>();
103 world.register::<Comp_i128_92>();
104 world.register::<Comp_i128_93>();
105 world.register::<Comp_i128_94>();
106 world.register::<Comp_i128_95>();
107 world.register::<Comp_i128_96>();
108 world.register::<Comp_i128_97>();
109 world.register::<Comp_i128_98>();
110 world.register::<Comp_i128_99>();
111 world.register::<Comp_i128_100>();
112 world.register::<Comp_i128_101>();
113 world.register::<Comp_i128_102>();
114 world.register::<Comp_i128_103>();
115 world.register::<Comp_i128_104>();
116 world.register::<Comp_i128_105>();
117 world.register::<Comp_i128_106>();
118 world.register::<Comp_i128_107>();
119 world.register::<Comp_i128_108>();
120 world.register::<Comp_i128_109>();
121 world.register::<Comp_i128_110>();
122 world.register::<Comp_i128_111>();
123 world.register::<Comp_i128_112>();
124 world.register::<Comp_i128_113>();
125 world.register::<Comp_i128_114>();
126 world.register::<Comp_i128_115>();
127 world.register::<Comp_i128_116>();
128 world.register::<Comp_i128_117>();
129 world.register::<Comp_i128_118>();
130 world.register::<Comp_i128_119>();
131 world.register::<Comp_i128_120>();
132 world.register::<Comp_i128_121>();
133 world.register::<Comp_i128_122>();
134 world.register::<Comp_i128_123>();
135 world.register::<Comp_i128_124>();
136 world.register::<Comp_i128_125>();
137 world.register::<Comp_i128_126>();
138 world.register::<Comp_i128_127>();
141 }
148 world.create_entity()
149 .with(Comp_i64_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
150 .with(Comp_i64_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
151 .build();
152 }
153 }
156 world.create_entity()
157 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
158 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
159 .build();
160 }
161 }
165 world.create_entity()
166 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
167 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
168 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
169 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
170 .build();
171 }
172 }
176 world.create_entity()
177 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
178 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
179 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
180 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
181 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
182 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
183 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
184 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
185 .build();
186 }
187 }
191 world.create_entity()
192 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
193 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
194 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
195 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
196 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
197 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
198 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
199 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
200 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
201 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
202 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
203 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
204 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
205 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
206 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
207 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
208 .build();
209 }
210 }
214 world.create_entity()
215 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
216 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
217 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
218 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
219 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
220 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
221 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
222 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
223 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
224 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
225 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
226 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
227 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
228 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
229 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
230 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
231 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
232 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
233 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
234 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
235 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
236 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
237 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
238 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
239 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
240 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
241 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
242 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
243 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
244 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
245 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
246 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
247 .build();
248 }
250 }
254 world.create_entity()
255 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
256 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
257 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
258 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
259 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
260 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
261 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
262 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
263 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
264 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
265 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
266 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
267 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
268 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
269 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
270 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
271 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
272 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
273 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
274 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
275 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
276 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
277 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
278 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
279 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
280 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
281 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
282 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
283 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
284 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
285 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
286 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
287 .with(Comp_i128_32(criterion::black_box(5)))
288 .with(Comp_i128_33(criterion::black_box(5)))
289 .with(Comp_i128_34(criterion::black_box(5)))
290 .with(Comp_i128_35(criterion::black_box(5)))
291 .with(Comp_i128_36(criterion::black_box(5)))
292 .with(Comp_i128_37(criterion::black_box(5)))
293 .with(Comp_i128_38(criterion::black_box(5)))
294 .with(Comp_i128_39(criterion::black_box(5)))
295 .with(Comp_i128_40(criterion::black_box(5)))
296 .with(Comp_i128_41(criterion::black_box(5)))
297 .with(Comp_i128_42(criterion::black_box(5)))
298 .with(Comp_i128_43(criterion::black_box(5)))
299 .with(Comp_i128_44(criterion::black_box(5)))
300 .with(Comp_i128_45(criterion::black_box(5)))
301 .with(Comp_i128_46(criterion::black_box(5)))
302 .with(Comp_i128_47(criterion::black_box(5)))
303 .with(Comp_i128_48(criterion::black_box(5)))
304 .with(Comp_i128_49(criterion::black_box(5)))
305 .with(Comp_i128_50(criterion::black_box(5)))
306 .with(Comp_i128_51(criterion::black_box(5)))
307 .with(Comp_i128_52(criterion::black_box(5)))
308 .with(Comp_i128_53(criterion::black_box(5)))
309 .with(Comp_i128_54(criterion::black_box(5)))
310 .with(Comp_i128_55(criterion::black_box(5)))
311 .with(Comp_i128_56(criterion::black_box(5)))
312 .with(Comp_i128_57(criterion::black_box(5)))
313 .with(Comp_i128_58(criterion::black_box(5)))
314 .with(Comp_i128_59(criterion::black_box(5)))
315 .with(Comp_i128_60(criterion::black_box(5)))
316 .with(Comp_i128_61(criterion::black_box(5)))
317 .with(Comp_i128_62(criterion::black_box(5)))
318 .with(Comp_i128_63(criterion::black_box(5)))
319 .build();
320 }
321 }
325 world.create_entity()
326 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
327 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
328 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
329 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
330 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
331 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
332 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
333 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
334 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
335 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
336 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
337 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
338 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
339 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
340 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
341 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
342 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
343 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
344 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
345 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
346 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
347 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
348 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
349 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
350 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
351 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
352 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
353 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
354 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
355 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
356 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
357 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
358 .with(Comp_i128_32(criterion::black_box(5)))
359 .with(Comp_i128_33(criterion::black_box(5)))
360 .with(Comp_i128_34(criterion::black_box(5)))
361 .with(Comp_i128_35(criterion::black_box(5)))
362 .with(Comp_i128_36(criterion::black_box(5)))
363 .with(Comp_i128_37(criterion::black_box(5)))
364 .with(Comp_i128_38(criterion::black_box(5)))
365 .with(Comp_i128_39(criterion::black_box(5)))
366 .with(Comp_i128_40(criterion::black_box(5)))
367 .with(Comp_i128_41(criterion::black_box(5)))
368 .with(Comp_i128_42(criterion::black_box(5)))
369 .with(Comp_i128_43(criterion::black_box(5)))
370 .with(Comp_i128_44(criterion::black_box(5)))
371 .with(Comp_i128_45(criterion::black_box(5)))
372 .with(Comp_i128_46(criterion::black_box(5)))
373 .with(Comp_i128_47(criterion::black_box(5)))
374 .with(Comp_i128_48(criterion::black_box(5)))
375 .with(Comp_i128_49(criterion::black_box(5)))
376 .with(Comp_i128_50(criterion::black_box(5)))
377 .with(Comp_i128_51(criterion::black_box(5)))
378 .with(Comp_i128_52(criterion::black_box(5)))
379 .with(Comp_i128_53(criterion::black_box(5)))
380 .with(Comp_i128_54(criterion::black_box(5)))
381 .with(Comp_i128_55(criterion::black_box(5)))
382 .with(Comp_i128_56(criterion::black_box(5)))
383 .with(Comp_i128_57(criterion::black_box(5)))
384 .with(Comp_i128_58(criterion::black_box(5)))
385 .with(Comp_i128_59(criterion::black_box(5)))
386 .with(Comp_i128_60(criterion::black_box(5)))
387 .with(Comp_i128_61(criterion::black_box(5)))
388 .with(Comp_i128_62(criterion::black_box(5)))
389 .with(Comp_i128_63(criterion::black_box(5)))
390 .with(Comp_i128_64(criterion::black_box(5)))
391 .with(Comp_i128_65(criterion::black_box(5)))
392 .with(Comp_i128_66(criterion::black_box(5)))
393 .with(Comp_i128_67(criterion::black_box(5)))
394 .with(Comp_i128_68(criterion::black_box(5)))
395 .with(Comp_i128_69(criterion::black_box(5)))
396 .with(Comp_i128_70(criterion::black_box(5)))
397 .with(Comp_i128_71(criterion::black_box(5)))
398 .with(Comp_i128_72(criterion::black_box(5)))
399 .with(Comp_i128_73(criterion::black_box(5)))
400 .with(Comp_i128_74(criterion::black_box(5)))
401 .with(Comp_i128_75(criterion::black_box(5)))
402 .with(Comp_i128_76(criterion::black_box(5)))
403 .with(Comp_i128_77(criterion::black_box(5)))
404 .with(Comp_i128_78(criterion::black_box(5)))
405 .with(Comp_i128_79(criterion::black_box(5)))
406 .with(Comp_i128_80(criterion::black_box(5)))
407 .with(Comp_i128_81(criterion::black_box(5)))
408 .with(Comp_i128_82(criterion::black_box(5)))
409 .with(Comp_i128_83(criterion::black_box(5)))
410 .with(Comp_i128_84(criterion::black_box(5)))
411 .with(Comp_i128_85(criterion::black_box(5)))
412 .with(Comp_i128_86(criterion::black_box(5)))
413 .with(Comp_i128_87(criterion::black_box(5)))
414 .with(Comp_i128_88(criterion::black_box(5)))
415 .with(Comp_i128_89(criterion::black_box(5)))
416 .with(Comp_i128_90(criterion::black_box(5)))
417 .with(Comp_i128_91(criterion::black_box(5)))
418 .with(Comp_i128_92(criterion::black_box(5)))
419 .with(Comp_i128_93(criterion::black_box(5)))
420 .with(Comp_i128_94(criterion::black_box(5)))
421 .with(Comp_i128_95(criterion::black_box(5)))
422 .with(Comp_i128_96(criterion::black_box(5)))
423 .with(Comp_i128_97(criterion::black_box(5)))
424 .with(Comp_i128_98(criterion::black_box(5)))
425 .with(Comp_i128_99(criterion::black_box(5)))
426 .with(Comp_i128_100(criterion::black_box(5)))
427 .with(Comp_i128_101(criterion::black_box(5)))
428 .with(Comp_i128_102(criterion::black_box(5)))
429 .with(Comp_i128_103(criterion::black_box(5)))
430 .with(Comp_i128_104(criterion::black_box(5)))
431 .with(Comp_i128_105(criterion::black_box(5)))
432 .with(Comp_i128_106(criterion::black_box(5)))
433 .with(Comp_i128_107(criterion::black_box(5)))
434 .with(Comp_i128_108(criterion::black_box(5)))
435 .with(Comp_i128_109(criterion::black_box(5)))
436 .with(Comp_i128_110(criterion::black_box(5)))
437 .with(Comp_i128_111(criterion::black_box(5)))
438 .with(Comp_i128_112(criterion::black_box(5)))
439 .with(Comp_i128_113(criterion::black_box(5)))
440 .with(Comp_i128_114(criterion::black_box(5)))
441 .with(Comp_i128_115(criterion::black_box(5)))
442 .with(Comp_i128_116(criterion::black_box(5)))
443 .with(Comp_i128_117(criterion::black_box(5)))
444 .with(Comp_i128_118(criterion::black_box(5)))
445 .with(Comp_i128_119(criterion::black_box(5)))
446 .with(Comp_i128_120(criterion::black_box(5)))
447 .with(Comp_i128_121(criterion::black_box(5)))
448 .with(Comp_i128_122(criterion::black_box(5)))
449 .with(Comp_i128_123(criterion::black_box(5)))
450 .with(Comp_i128_124(criterion::black_box(5)))
451 .with(Comp_i128_125(criterion::black_box(5)))
452 .with(Comp_i128_126(criterion::black_box(5)))
453 .with(Comp_i128_127(criterion::black_box(5)))
454 .build();
455 }
456 }
457 _ => {}
458 }
460 }
471 .with_pool(pool)
472 .build();
474 }
476 _ => {
479 .with_pool(pool)
480 .build();
482 }
483 }
484 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
59 #[derive(Debug)]
60 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug)]
74 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 }
80 #[derive(Debug)]
81 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
85 }
87 #[derive(Debug)]
88 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
92 }
94 #[derive(Debug)]
95 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
99 }
101 #[derive(Debug)]
102 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
106 }
108 #[derive(Debug)]
109 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 }
115 #[derive(Debug)]
116 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
120 }
122 #[derive(Debug)]
123 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
127 }
129 #[derive(Debug)]
130 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
134 }
136 #[derive(Debug)]
137 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
141 }
143 #[derive(Debug)]
144 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
148 }
150 #[derive(Debug)]
151 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
155 }
157 #[derive(Debug)]
158 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
162 }
164 #[derive(Debug)]
165 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
169 }
171 #[derive(Debug)]
172 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
176 }
178 #[derive(Debug)]
179 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
183 }
185 #[derive(Debug)]
186 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
190 }
192 #[derive(Debug)]
193 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
197 }
199 #[derive(Debug)]
200 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
204 }
206 #[derive(Debug)]
207 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
211 }
213 #[derive(Debug)]
214 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
218 }
220 #[derive(Debug)]
221 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
225 }
227 #[derive(Debug)]
228 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
232 }
234 #[derive(Debug)]
235 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
239 }
241 #[derive(Debug)]
242 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
246 }
248 #[derive(Debug)]
249 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
253 }
255 #[derive(Debug)]
256 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
260 }
262 #[derive(Debug)]
263 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
267 }
269 #[derive(Debug)]
270 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
274 }
276 #[derive(Debug)]
277 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
281 }
283 #[derive(Debug)]
284 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
288 }
290 #[derive(Debug)]
291 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
295 }
297 #[derive(Debug)]
298 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
302 }
304 #[derive(Debug)]
305 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
309 }
311 #[derive(Debug)]
312 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
316 }
318 #[derive(Debug)]
319 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
323 }
325 #[derive(Debug)]
326 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
330 }
332 #[derive(Debug)]
333 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
337 }
339 #[derive(Debug)]
340 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
344 }
346 #[derive(Debug)]
347 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
351 }
353 #[derive(Debug)]
354 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
358 }
360 #[derive(Debug)]
361 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
365 }
367 #[derive(Debug)]
368 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
372 }
374 #[derive(Debug)]
375 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
379 }
381 #[derive(Debug)]
382 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
386 }
388 #[derive(Debug)]
389 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
393 }
395 #[derive(Debug)]
396 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
400 }
402 #[derive(Debug)]
403 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
407 }
409 #[derive(Debug)]
410 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
414 }
416 #[derive(Debug)]
417 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
421 }
423 #[derive(Debug)]
424 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
428 }
430 #[derive(Debug)]
431 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
435 }
437 #[derive(Debug)]
438 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
442 }
444 #[derive(Debug)]
445 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
449 }
451 #[derive(Debug)]
452 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
456 }
458 #[derive(Debug)]
459 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
463 }
465 #[derive(Debug)]
466 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
470 }
472 #[derive(Debug)]
473 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
477 }
479 #[derive(Debug)]
480 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
484 }
486 #[derive(Debug)]
487 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
491 }
493 #[derive(Debug)]
494 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
498 }
500 #[derive(Debug)]
501 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
505 }
507 #[derive(Debug)]
508 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
512 }
514 #[derive(Debug)]
515 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
519 }
521 #[derive(Debug)]
522 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
526 }
528 #[derive(Debug)]
529 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
533 }
535 #[derive(Debug)]
536 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
540 }
542 #[derive(Debug)]
543 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
547 }
549 #[derive(Debug)]
550 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
554 }
556 #[derive(Debug)]
557 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
561 }
563 #[derive(Debug)]
564 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
568 }
570 #[derive(Debug)]
571 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
575 }
577 #[derive(Debug)]
578 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
582 }
584 #[derive(Debug)]
585 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
589 }
591 #[derive(Debug)]
592 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
596 }
598 #[derive(Debug)]
599 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
603 }
605 #[derive(Debug)]
606 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
610 }
612 #[derive(Debug)]
613 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
617 }
619 #[derive(Debug)]
620 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
624 }
626 #[derive(Debug)]
627 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
631 }
633 #[derive(Debug)]
634 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
638 }
640 #[derive(Debug)]
641 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
645 }
647 #[derive(Debug)]
648 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
652 }
654 #[derive(Debug)]
655 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
659 }
661 #[derive(Debug)]
662 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
666 }
668 #[derive(Debug)]
669 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
673 }
675 #[derive(Debug)]
676 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
680 }
682 #[derive(Debug)]
683 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
687 }
689 #[derive(Debug)]
690 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
694 }
696 #[derive(Debug)]
697 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
701 }
703 #[derive(Debug)]
704 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
708 }
710 #[derive(Debug)]
711 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
715 }
717 #[derive(Debug)]
718 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
722 }
724 #[derive(Debug)]
725 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
729 }
731 #[derive(Debug)]
732 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
736 }
738 #[derive(Debug)]
739 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
743 }
745 #[derive(Debug)]
746 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
750 }
752 #[derive(Debug)]
753 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
757 }
759 #[derive(Debug)]
760 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
764 }
766 #[derive(Debug)]
767 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
771 }
773 #[derive(Debug)]
774 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
778 }
780 #[derive(Debug)]
781 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
785 }
787 #[derive(Debug)]
788 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
792 }
794 #[derive(Debug)]
795 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
799 }
801 #[derive(Debug)]
802 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
806 }
808 #[derive(Debug)]
809 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
813 }
815 #[derive(Debug)]
816 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
820 }
822 #[derive(Debug)]
823 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
827 }
829 #[derive(Debug)]
830 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
834 }
836 #[derive(Debug)]
837 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
841 }
843 #[derive(Debug)]
844 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
848 }
850 #[derive(Debug)]
851 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
855 }
857 #[derive(Debug)]
858 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
862 }
864 #[derive(Debug)]
865 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
869 }
871 #[derive(Debug)]
872 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
876 }
878 #[derive(Debug)]
879 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
883 }
885 #[derive(Debug)]
886 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
890 }
892 #[derive(Debug)]
893 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
897 }
899 #[derive(Debug)]
900 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
904 }
906 #[derive(Debug)]
907 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
911 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use specs::Join;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
5 #[derive(Debug)]
6 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
14 x.0 += y.0;
15 }
16 }
17 }
19 #[derive(Debug)]
20 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
28 x.0 += y.0;
29 }
30 }
31 }
2.6 OOP
1 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
2 use rayon::*;
3 use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
4 use super::oop_obj::*;
11 for _ in 0..5000 {
13 vec.push(tmp);
14 }
16 return vec;
17 }
22 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
23 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>
24 }
28 ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(thread_count).build().unwrap())
33 stages.push(stage);
35 return OOPWorld{
36 stages,
37 pool
38 };
39 }
44 self.pool
45 .read()
46 .unwrap()
47 .as_ref()
48 .unwrap()
49 .install(move || {
51 stage.execute();
52 }
53 });
54 }
55 }
57 //Struct to imitate the Stage in ECS Architecture
59 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
60 }
65 groups.push(vec);
67 return Stage {
68 groups
69 };
70 }
71 fn execute(&mut self) {
72 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
73 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
76 }
77 })
78 }
79 }
2 fn run(&mut self);
3 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
4 }
8 fn run(&mut self) {
9 self.0 += self.1;
10 }
11 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
13 return Obj128(val,val);
14 }
15 }
19 fn run(&mut self) {
20 self.0 += self.1;
21 }
22 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
23 return Obj256(val,val);
24 }
25 }
27 pub struct Obj512(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128);
29 fn run(&mut self) {
30 self.0 += self.3;
31 }
32 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
33 return Obj512(val,val,val,val);
34 }
35 }
37 pub struct Obj1024(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
39 fn run(&mut self) {
40 self.0 += self.7;
41 }
42 fn new(val: i128)->Self{
43 return Obj1024(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val);
44 }
45 }
47 pub struct Obj2048(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
48 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
51 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
52 return Obj2048(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
53 }
54 }
56 pub struct Obj4096(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
57 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
58 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
59 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
62 fn new(val:i128)-> Self {
63 return Obj4096(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
64 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
65 }
66 }
68 pub struct Obj8192(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
69 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
70 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
71 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
72 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
pub i128, pub i128,
73 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
74 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
75 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
78 fn new(val:i128)-> Self {
79 return Obj8192(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
80 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
81 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
82 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
83 }
84 }
86 pub struct Obj16384(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
87 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
88 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
89 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
pub i128, pub i128,
90 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
91 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
92 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
93 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
94 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
95 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
96 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
97 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
98 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
99 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
100 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
101 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
105 return Obj16384(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
106 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
107 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
108 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
109 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
110 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
111 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
112 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
113 }
114 }
Appendix C. Experiment Two Code
3.1 Benchmark
2 use std::time::Duration;
3 use specs::prelude::*;
4 use thesis_experimentation::exp2::dod::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp2::oop::*;
6 use thesis_experimentation::exp2::oop_obj::*;
8 #[inline]
10 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
11 }
13 #[inline]
18 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
19 group.sample_size(100);
20 group.nresamples(100);
22 let entity_count = vec![10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000,
24 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
25 let mut world = World::new();
26 setup_component(&mut world).unwrap();
30 dispatcher.setup(&mut world);
33 let i = count.to_string();
34 bench_name.push_str(&i);
37 });
38 }
42 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
43 group.sample_size(100);
44 group.nresamples(100);
46 let entity_count = vec![10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000,
48 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
53 let i = count.to_string();
54 bench_name.push_str(&i);
57 });
58 }
60 criterion_group!(dod_exp2, dod_criterion_benchmark);
61 criterion_group!(oop_exp2, oop_criterion_benchmark);
62 criterion_main!(dod_exp2, oop_exp2);
3.2 Modules
3.3 DOD
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
4 use super::dod_system::*;
5 use std::sync::Arc;
8 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
9 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
16 return Ok(());
17 }
20 for _ in 0..entity_count {
21 world.create_entity()
22 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
23 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
24 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
25 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
26 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
27 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
28 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
29 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
30 .build();
31 }
33 return Ok(());
34 }
40 .with_pool(pool)
42 .build();
44 return dispatcher
45 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use super::dod_component::*;
4 #[derive(Debug)]
5 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
7 impl<’a> System<’a> for Sys_256bit_0 {
13 x.0 += y.0;
14 }
15 }
16 }
3.6 OOP
2 use rayon::*;
3 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
4 use crate::exp2::oop_obj::*;
11 for _ in 0..entity_count {
13 vec.push(tmp);
14 }
16 return vec;
17 }
19 //----------------------------------------------------------
21 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
22 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>
23 }
32 stages.push(stage);
34 return OOPWorld{
35 stages,
36 pool
37 };
38 }
41 let stages = &mut self.stages;
42 self.pool
43 .read()
44 .unwrap()
45 .as_ref()
46 .unwrap()
47 .install(move || {
49 stage.execute();
50 }
51 });
52 }
53 }
55 //----------------------------------------------------------
58 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
59 }
65 groups.push(vec);
67 return Stage {
68 groups
69 };
70 }
72 fn execute(&mut self) {
73 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
74 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
77 }
78 })
79 }
80 }
2 fn run(&mut self);
3 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
4 }
6 pub struct Obj1024(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
8 fn run(&mut self) {
9 self.0 += self.7;
10 }
11 fn new(val: i128)->Self{
12 return Obj1024(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val);
13 }
14 }
Appendix D. Experiment Three Code
4.1 Benchmark
2 use std::time::Duration;
3 use thesis_experimentation::exp3::oop::*;
4 use thesis_experimentation::exp3::dod::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp3::oop_obj::*;
6 use specs::prelude::*;
8 #[inline]
11 #[inline]
13 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
14 }
18 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
19 group.sample_size(100);
20 group.nresamples(100);
21 rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build_global().unwrap();
23 let entity_count = vec![10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000,
25 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
30 let i = count.to_string();
31 bench_name.push_str(&i);
32 bench_name.push_str("_size_128");
35 });
37 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
42 let i = count.to_string();
43 bench_name.push_str(&i);
44 bench_name.push_str("_size_256");
47 });
49 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
51 let mut world = OOPWorld::new(vec, 1);
54 let i = count.to_string();
55 bench_name.push_str(&i);
56 bench_name.push_str("_size_512");
59 });
61 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
66 let i = count.to_string();
67 bench_name.push_str(&i);
68 bench_name.push_str("_size_1024");
71 });
73 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
77 let mut bench_name = String::from("oop_exp3_count_");
78 let i = count.to_string();
79 bench_name.push_str(&i);
80 bench_name.push_str("_size_2048");
83 });
85 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
90 let i = count.to_string();
91 bench_name.push_str(&i);
92 bench_name.push_str("_size_4096");
95 });
97 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
103 bench_name.push_str(&i);
104 bench_name.push_str("_size_8192");
107 });
109 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
115 bench_name.push_str(&i);
116 bench_name.push_str("_size_16384");
119 });
120 }
124 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
125 group.sample_size(100);
126 group.nresamples(100);
129 let entity_count: Vec<i32> = vec![10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000,
131 entity_size.iter().for_each(|size| {
132 entity_count.iter().for_each(|count| {
139 bench_name.push_str(&i);
140 bench_name.push_str("_size_");
142 bench_name.push_str(&i);
145 })
146 });
147 }
4.2 Modules
1 pub mod oop;
4.3 DOD
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
4 use super::dod_system::*;
5 use std::sync::Arc;
9 world.register::<Comp_i64_0>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i64_1>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
16 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
17 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
18 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
19 world.register::<Comp_i128_8>();
20 world.register::<Comp_i128_9>();
21 world.register::<Comp_i128_10>();
22 world.register::<Comp_i128_11>();
23 world.register::<Comp_i128_12>();
24 world.register::<Comp_i128_13>();
25 world.register::<Comp_i128_14>();
26 world.register::<Comp_i128_15>();
27 world.register::<Comp_i128_16>();
28 world.register::<Comp_i128_17>();
29 world.register::<Comp_i128_18>();
30 world.register::<Comp_i128_19>();
31 world.register::<Comp_i128_20>();
32 world.register::<Comp_i128_21>();
33 world.register::<Comp_i128_22>();
34 world.register::<Comp_i128_23>();
35 world.register::<Comp_i128_24>();
36 world.register::<Comp_i128_25>();
37 world.register::<Comp_i128_26>();
38 world.register::<Comp_i128_27>();
39 world.register::<Comp_i128_28>();
40 world.register::<Comp_i128_29>();
41 world.register::<Comp_i128_30>();
42 world.register::<Comp_i128_31>();
43 world.register::<Comp_i128_32>();
44 world.register::<Comp_i128_33>();
45 world.register::<Comp_i128_34>();
46 world.register::<Comp_i128_35>();
47 world.register::<Comp_i128_36>();
48 world.register::<Comp_i128_37>();
49 world.register::<Comp_i128_38>();
50 world.register::<Comp_i128_39>();
51 world.register::<Comp_i128_40>();
52 world.register::<Comp_i128_41>();
53 world.register::<Comp_i128_42>();
54 world.register::<Comp_i128_43>();
55 world.register::<Comp_i128_44>();
56 world.register::<Comp_i128_45>();
57 world.register::<Comp_i128_46>();
58 world.register::<Comp_i128_47>();
59 world.register::<Comp_i128_48>();
60 world.register::<Comp_i128_49>();
61 world.register::<Comp_i128_50>();
62 world.register::<Comp_i128_51>();
63 world.register::<Comp_i128_52>();
64 world.register::<Comp_i128_53>();
65 world.register::<Comp_i128_54>();
66 world.register::<Comp_i128_55>();
67 world.register::<Comp_i128_56>();
68 world.register::<Comp_i128_57>();
69 world.register::<Comp_i128_58>();
70 world.register::<Comp_i128_59>();
71 world.register::<Comp_i128_60>();
72 world.register::<Comp_i128_61>();
73 world.register::<Comp_i128_62>();
74 world.register::<Comp_i128_63>();
75 world.register::<Comp_i128_64>();
76 world.register::<Comp_i128_65>();
77 world.register::<Comp_i128_66>();
78 world.register::<Comp_i128_67>();
79 world.register::<Comp_i128_68>();
80 world.register::<Comp_i128_69>();
81 world.register::<Comp_i128_70>();
82 world.register::<Comp_i128_71>();
83 world.register::<Comp_i128_72>();
84 world.register::<Comp_i128_73>();
85 world.register::<Comp_i128_74>();
86 world.register::<Comp_i128_75>();
87 world.register::<Comp_i128_76>();
88 world.register::<Comp_i128_77>();
89 world.register::<Comp_i128_78>();
90 world.register::<Comp_i128_79>();
91 world.register::<Comp_i128_80>();
92 world.register::<Comp_i128_81>();
93 world.register::<Comp_i128_82>();
94 world.register::<Comp_i128_83>();
95 world.register::<Comp_i128_84>();
96 world.register::<Comp_i128_85>();
97 world.register::<Comp_i128_86>();
98 world.register::<Comp_i128_87>();
99 world.register::<Comp_i128_88>();
100 world.register::<Comp_i128_89>();
101 world.register::<Comp_i128_90>();
102 world.register::<Comp_i128_91>();
103 world.register::<Comp_i128_92>();
104 world.register::<Comp_i128_93>();
105 world.register::<Comp_i128_94>();
106 world.register::<Comp_i128_95>();
107 world.register::<Comp_i128_96>();
108 world.register::<Comp_i128_97>();
109 world.register::<Comp_i128_98>();
110 world.register::<Comp_i128_99>();
111 world.register::<Comp_i128_100>();
112 world.register::<Comp_i128_101>();
113 world.register::<Comp_i128_102>();
114 world.register::<Comp_i128_103>();
115 world.register::<Comp_i128_104>();
116 world.register::<Comp_i128_105>();
117 world.register::<Comp_i128_106>();
118 world.register::<Comp_i128_107>();
119 world.register::<Comp_i128_108>();
120 world.register::<Comp_i128_109>();
121 world.register::<Comp_i128_110>();
122 world.register::<Comp_i128_111>();
123 world.register::<Comp_i128_112>();
124 world.register::<Comp_i128_113>();
125 world.register::<Comp_i128_114>();
126 world.register::<Comp_i128_115>();
127 world.register::<Comp_i128_116>();
128 world.register::<Comp_i128_117>();
129 world.register::<Comp_i128_118>();
130 world.register::<Comp_i128_119>();
131 world.register::<Comp_i128_120>();
132 world.register::<Comp_i128_121>();
133 world.register::<Comp_i128_122>();
134 world.register::<Comp_i128_123>();
135 world.register::<Comp_i128_124>();
136 world.register::<Comp_i128_125>();
137 world.register::<Comp_i128_126>();
138 world.register::<Comp_i128_127>();
141 }
::Result<()> {
149 world.create_entity()
150 .with(Comp_i64_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
151 .with(Comp_i64_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
152 .build();
153 }
154 }
157 world.create_entity()
158 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
159 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
160 .build();
161 }
162 }
166 world.create_entity()
167 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
168 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
169 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
170 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
171 .build();
172 }
173 }
177 world.create_entity()
178 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
179 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
180 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
181 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
182 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
183 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
184 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
185 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
186 .build();
187 }
188 }
192 world.create_entity()
193 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
194 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
195 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
196 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
197 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
198 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
199 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
200 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
201 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
202 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
203 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
204 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
205 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
206 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
207 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
208 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
209 .build();
210 }
211 }
215 world.create_entity()
216 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
217 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
218 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
219 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
220 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
221 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
222 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
223 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
224 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
225 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
226 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
227 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
228 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
229 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
230 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
231 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
232 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
233 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
234 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
235 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
236 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
237 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
238 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
239 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
240 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
241 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
242 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
243 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
244 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
245 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
246 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
247 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
248 .build();
249 }
251 }
255 world.create_entity()
256 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
257 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
258 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
259 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
260 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
261 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
262 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
263 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
264 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
265 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
266 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
267 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
268 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
269 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
270 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
271 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
272 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
273 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
274 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
275 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
276 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
277 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
278 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
279 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
280 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
281 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
282 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
283 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
284 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
285 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
286 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
287 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
288 .with(Comp_i128_32(criterion::black_box(5)))
289 .with(Comp_i128_33(criterion::black_box(5)))
290 .with(Comp_i128_34(criterion::black_box(5)))
291 .with(Comp_i128_35(criterion::black_box(5)))
292 .with(Comp_i128_36(criterion::black_box(5)))
293 .with(Comp_i128_37(criterion::black_box(5)))
294 .with(Comp_i128_38(criterion::black_box(5)))
295 .with(Comp_i128_39(criterion::black_box(5)))
296 .with(Comp_i128_40(criterion::black_box(5)))
297 .with(Comp_i128_41(criterion::black_box(5)))
298 .with(Comp_i128_42(criterion::black_box(5)))
299 .with(Comp_i128_43(criterion::black_box(5)))
300 .with(Comp_i128_44(criterion::black_box(5)))
301 .with(Comp_i128_45(criterion::black_box(5)))
302 .with(Comp_i128_46(criterion::black_box(5)))
303 .with(Comp_i128_47(criterion::black_box(5)))
304 .with(Comp_i128_48(criterion::black_box(5)))
305 .with(Comp_i128_49(criterion::black_box(5)))
306 .with(Comp_i128_50(criterion::black_box(5)))
307 .with(Comp_i128_51(criterion::black_box(5)))
308 .with(Comp_i128_52(criterion::black_box(5)))
309 .with(Comp_i128_53(criterion::black_box(5)))
310 .with(Comp_i128_54(criterion::black_box(5)))
311 .with(Comp_i128_55(criterion::black_box(5)))
312 .with(Comp_i128_56(criterion::black_box(5)))
313 .with(Comp_i128_57(criterion::black_box(5)))
314 .with(Comp_i128_58(criterion::black_box(5)))
315 .with(Comp_i128_59(criterion::black_box(5)))
316 .with(Comp_i128_60(criterion::black_box(5)))
317 .with(Comp_i128_61(criterion::black_box(5)))
318 .with(Comp_i128_62(criterion::black_box(5)))
319 .with(Comp_i128_63(criterion::black_box(5)))
320 .build();
321 }
322 }
326 world.create_entity()
327 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
328 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
329 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
330 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
331 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
332 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
333 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
334 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
335 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
336 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
337 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
338 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
339 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
340 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
341 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
342 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
343 .with(Comp_i128_16(criterion::black_box(5)))
344 .with(Comp_i128_17(criterion::black_box(5)))
345 .with(Comp_i128_18(criterion::black_box(5)))
346 .with(Comp_i128_19(criterion::black_box(5)))
347 .with(Comp_i128_20(criterion::black_box(5)))
348 .with(Comp_i128_21(criterion::black_box(5)))
349 .with(Comp_i128_22(criterion::black_box(5)))
350 .with(Comp_i128_23(criterion::black_box(5)))
351 .with(Comp_i128_24(criterion::black_box(5)))
352 .with(Comp_i128_25(criterion::black_box(5)))
353 .with(Comp_i128_26(criterion::black_box(5)))
354 .with(Comp_i128_27(criterion::black_box(5)))
355 .with(Comp_i128_28(criterion::black_box(5)))
356 .with(Comp_i128_29(criterion::black_box(5)))
357 .with(Comp_i128_30(criterion::black_box(5)))
358 .with(Comp_i128_31(criterion::black_box(5)))
359 .with(Comp_i128_32(criterion::black_box(5)))
360 .with(Comp_i128_33(criterion::black_box(5)))
361 .with(Comp_i128_34(criterion::black_box(5)))
362 .with(Comp_i128_35(criterion::black_box(5)))
363 .with(Comp_i128_36(criterion::black_box(5)))
364 .with(Comp_i128_37(criterion::black_box(5)))
365 .with(Comp_i128_38(criterion::black_box(5)))
366 .with(Comp_i128_39(criterion::black_box(5)))
367 .with(Comp_i128_40(criterion::black_box(5)))
368 .with(Comp_i128_41(criterion::black_box(5)))
369 .with(Comp_i128_42(criterion::black_box(5)))
370 .with(Comp_i128_43(criterion::black_box(5)))
371 .with(Comp_i128_44(criterion::black_box(5)))
372 .with(Comp_i128_45(criterion::black_box(5)))
373 .with(Comp_i128_46(criterion::black_box(5)))
374 .with(Comp_i128_47(criterion::black_box(5)))
375 .with(Comp_i128_48(criterion::black_box(5)))
376 .with(Comp_i128_49(criterion::black_box(5)))
377 .with(Comp_i128_50(criterion::black_box(5)))
378 .with(Comp_i128_51(criterion::black_box(5)))
379 .with(Comp_i128_52(criterion::black_box(5)))
380 .with(Comp_i128_53(criterion::black_box(5)))
381 .with(Comp_i128_54(criterion::black_box(5)))
382 .with(Comp_i128_55(criterion::black_box(5)))
383 .with(Comp_i128_56(criterion::black_box(5)))
384 .with(Comp_i128_57(criterion::black_box(5)))
385 .with(Comp_i128_58(criterion::black_box(5)))
386 .with(Comp_i128_59(criterion::black_box(5)))
387 .with(Comp_i128_60(criterion::black_box(5)))
388 .with(Comp_i128_61(criterion::black_box(5)))
389 .with(Comp_i128_62(criterion::black_box(5)))
390 .with(Comp_i128_63(criterion::black_box(5)))
391 .with(Comp_i128_64(criterion::black_box(5)))
392 .with(Comp_i128_65(criterion::black_box(5)))
393 .with(Comp_i128_66(criterion::black_box(5)))
394 .with(Comp_i128_67(criterion::black_box(5)))
395 .with(Comp_i128_68(criterion::black_box(5)))
396 .with(Comp_i128_69(criterion::black_box(5)))
397 .with(Comp_i128_70(criterion::black_box(5)))
398 .with(Comp_i128_71(criterion::black_box(5)))
399 .with(Comp_i128_72(criterion::black_box(5)))
400 .with(Comp_i128_73(criterion::black_box(5)))
401 .with(Comp_i128_74(criterion::black_box(5)))
402 .with(Comp_i128_75(criterion::black_box(5)))
403 .with(Comp_i128_76(criterion::black_box(5)))
404 .with(Comp_i128_77(criterion::black_box(5)))
405 .with(Comp_i128_78(criterion::black_box(5)))
406 .with(Comp_i128_79(criterion::black_box(5)))
407 .with(Comp_i128_80(criterion::black_box(5)))
408 .with(Comp_i128_81(criterion::black_box(5)))
409 .with(Comp_i128_82(criterion::black_box(5)))
410 .with(Comp_i128_83(criterion::black_box(5)))
411 .with(Comp_i128_84(criterion::black_box(5)))
412 .with(Comp_i128_85(criterion::black_box(5)))
413 .with(Comp_i128_86(criterion::black_box(5)))
414 .with(Comp_i128_87(criterion::black_box(5)))
415 .with(Comp_i128_88(criterion::black_box(5)))
416 .with(Comp_i128_89(criterion::black_box(5)))
417 .with(Comp_i128_90(criterion::black_box(5)))
418 .with(Comp_i128_91(criterion::black_box(5)))
419 .with(Comp_i128_92(criterion::black_box(5)))
420 .with(Comp_i128_93(criterion::black_box(5)))
421 .with(Comp_i128_94(criterion::black_box(5)))
422 .with(Comp_i128_95(criterion::black_box(5)))
423 .with(Comp_i128_96(criterion::black_box(5)))
424 .with(Comp_i128_97(criterion::black_box(5)))
425 .with(Comp_i128_98(criterion::black_box(5)))
426 .with(Comp_i128_99(criterion::black_box(5)))
427 .with(Comp_i128_100(criterion::black_box(5)))
428 .with(Comp_i128_101(criterion::black_box(5)))
429 .with(Comp_i128_102(criterion::black_box(5)))
430 .with(Comp_i128_103(criterion::black_box(5)))
431 .with(Comp_i128_104(criterion::black_box(5)))
432 .with(Comp_i128_105(criterion::black_box(5)))
433 .with(Comp_i128_106(criterion::black_box(5)))
434 .with(Comp_i128_107(criterion::black_box(5)))
435 .with(Comp_i128_108(criterion::black_box(5)))
436 .with(Comp_i128_109(criterion::black_box(5)))
437 .with(Comp_i128_110(criterion::black_box(5)))
438 .with(Comp_i128_111(criterion::black_box(5)))
439 .with(Comp_i128_112(criterion::black_box(5)))
440 .with(Comp_i128_113(criterion::black_box(5)))
441 .with(Comp_i128_114(criterion::black_box(5)))
442 .with(Comp_i128_115(criterion::black_box(5)))
443 .with(Comp_i128_116(criterion::black_box(5)))
444 .with(Comp_i128_117(criterion::black_box(5)))
445 .with(Comp_i128_118(criterion::black_box(5)))
446 .with(Comp_i128_119(criterion::black_box(5)))
447 .with(Comp_i128_120(criterion::black_box(5)))
448 .with(Comp_i128_121(criterion::black_box(5)))
449 .with(Comp_i128_122(criterion::black_box(5)))
450 .with(Comp_i128_123(criterion::black_box(5)))
451 .with(Comp_i128_124(criterion::black_box(5)))
452 .with(Comp_i128_125(criterion::black_box(5)))
453 .with(Comp_i128_126(criterion::black_box(5)))
454 .with(Comp_i128_127(criterion::black_box(5)))
455 .build();
456 }
457 }
458 _ => {}
459 }
461 }
472 .with_pool(pool)
473 .build();
475 }
477 _ => {
480 .with_pool(pool)
481 .build();
483 }
484 }
485 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
7 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
35 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
59 #[derive(Debug)]
60 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
63 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug)]
74 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 }
80 #[derive(Debug)]
81 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
85 }
87 #[derive(Debug)]
88 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
91 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
92 }
94 #[derive(Debug)]
95 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
99 }
101 #[derive(Debug)]
102 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
106 }
108 #[derive(Debug)]
109 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 }
115 #[derive(Debug)]
116 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
119 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
120 }
122 #[derive(Debug)]
123 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
127 }
129 #[derive(Debug)]
130 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
134 }
136 #[derive(Debug)]
137 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
141 }
143 #[derive(Debug)]
144 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
147 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
148 }
150 #[derive(Debug)]
151 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
155 }
157 #[derive(Debug)]
158 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
162 }
164 #[derive(Debug)]
165 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
169 }
171 #[derive(Debug)]
172 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
175 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
176 }
178 #[derive(Debug)]
179 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
183 }
185 #[derive(Debug)]
186 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
190 }
192 #[derive(Debug)]
193 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
197 }
199 #[derive(Debug)]
200 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
203 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
204 }
206 #[derive(Debug)]
207 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
211 }
213 #[derive(Debug)]
214 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
218 }
220 #[derive(Debug)]
221 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
225 }
227 #[derive(Debug)]
228 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
231 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
232 }
234 #[derive(Debug)]
235 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
239 }
241 #[derive(Debug)]
242 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
246 }
248 #[derive(Debug)]
249 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
253 }
255 #[derive(Debug)]
256 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
259 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
260 }
262 #[derive(Debug)]
263 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
267 }
269 #[derive(Debug)]
270 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
274 }
276 #[derive(Debug)]
277 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
281 }
283 #[derive(Debug)]
284 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
287 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
288 }
290 #[derive(Debug)]
291 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
295 }
297 #[derive(Debug)]
298 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
302 }
304 #[derive(Debug)]
305 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
309 }
311 #[derive(Debug)]
312 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
315 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
316 }
318 #[derive(Debug)]
319 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
323 }
325 #[derive(Debug)]
326 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
330 }
332 #[derive(Debug)]
333 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
337 }
339 #[derive(Debug)]
340 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
343 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
344 }
346 #[derive(Debug)]
347 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
351 }
353 #[derive(Debug)]
354 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
358 }
360 #[derive(Debug)]
361 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
365 }
367 #[derive(Debug)]
368 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
371 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
372 }
374 #[derive(Debug)]
375 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
379 }
381 #[derive(Debug)]
382 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
386 }
388 #[derive(Debug)]
389 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
393 }
395 #[derive(Debug)]
396 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
399 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
400 }
402 #[derive(Debug)]
403 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
407 }
409 #[derive(Debug)]
410 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
414 }
416 #[derive(Debug)]
417 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
421 }
423 #[derive(Debug)]
424 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
427 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
428 }
430 #[derive(Debug)]
431 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
435 }
437 #[derive(Debug)]
438 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
442 }
444 #[derive(Debug)]
445 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
449 }
451 #[derive(Debug)]
452 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
455 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
456 }
458 #[derive(Debug)]
459 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
463 }
465 #[derive(Debug)]
466 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
470 }
472 #[derive(Debug)]
473 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
477 }
479 #[derive(Debug)]
480 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
483 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
484 }
486 #[derive(Debug)]
487 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
491 }
493 #[derive(Debug)]
494 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
498 }
500 #[derive(Debug)]
501 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
505 }
507 #[derive(Debug)]
508 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
511 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
512 }
514 #[derive(Debug)]
515 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
519 }
521 #[derive(Debug)]
522 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
526 }
528 #[derive(Debug)]
529 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
533 }
535 #[derive(Debug)]
536 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
539 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
540 }
542 #[derive(Debug)]
543 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
547 }
549 #[derive(Debug)]
550 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
554 }
556 #[derive(Debug)]
557 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
561 }
563 #[derive(Debug)]
564 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
567 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
568 }
570 #[derive(Debug)]
571 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
575 }
577 #[derive(Debug)]
578 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
582 }
584 #[derive(Debug)]
585 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
589 }
591 #[derive(Debug)]
592 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
595 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
596 }
598 #[derive(Debug)]
599 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
603 }
605 #[derive(Debug)]
606 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
610 }
612 #[derive(Debug)]
613 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
617 }
619 #[derive(Debug)]
620 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
623 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
624 }
626 #[derive(Debug)]
627 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
631 }
633 #[derive(Debug)]
634 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
638 }
640 #[derive(Debug)]
641 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
645 }
647 #[derive(Debug)]
648 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
651 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
652 }
654 #[derive(Debug)]
655 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
659 }
661 #[derive(Debug)]
662 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
666 }
668 #[derive(Debug)]
669 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
673 }
675 #[derive(Debug)]
676 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
679 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
680 }
682 #[derive(Debug)]
683 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
687 }
689 #[derive(Debug)]
690 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
694 }
696 #[derive(Debug)]
697 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
701 }
703 #[derive(Debug)]
704 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
707 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
708 }
710 #[derive(Debug)]
711 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
715 }
717 #[derive(Debug)]
718 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
722 }
724 #[derive(Debug)]
725 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
729 }
731 #[derive(Debug)]
732 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
735 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
736 }
738 #[derive(Debug)]
739 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
743 }
745 #[derive(Debug)]
746 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
750 }
752 #[derive(Debug)]
753 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
757 }
759 #[derive(Debug)]
760 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
763 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
764 }
766 #[derive(Debug)]
767 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
771 }
773 #[derive(Debug)]
774 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
778 }
780 #[derive(Debug)]
781 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
785 }
787 #[derive(Debug)]
788 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
791 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
792 }
794 #[derive(Debug)]
795 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
799 }
801 #[derive(Debug)]
802 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
806 }
808 #[derive(Debug)]
809 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
813 }
815 #[derive(Debug)]
816 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
819 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
820 }
822 #[derive(Debug)]
823 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
827 }
829 #[derive(Debug)]
830 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
834 }
836 #[derive(Debug)]
837 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
841 }
843 #[derive(Debug)]
844 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
847 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
848 }
850 #[derive(Debug)]
851 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
855 }
857 #[derive(Debug)]
858 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
862 }
864 #[derive(Debug)]
865 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
869 }
871 #[derive(Debug)]
872 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
875 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
876 }
878 #[derive(Debug)]
879 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
883 }
885 #[derive(Debug)]
886 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
890 }
892 #[derive(Debug)]
893 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
897 }
899 #[derive(Debug)]
900 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
903 type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
904 }
906 #[derive(Debug)]
907 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
911 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use specs::Join;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
5 #[derive(Debug)]
6 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
14 x.0 += y.0;
15 }
16 }
17 }
19 #[derive(Debug)]
20 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
28 x.0 += y.0;
29 }
30 }
31 }
4.6 OOP
1 use super::oop_obj::*;
3 use rayon::*;
4 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
11 for _ in 0..entity_count {
13 vec.push(tmp);
14 }
16 return vec;
17 }
19 //----------------------------------------------------------
21 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
22 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>
23 }
32 stages.push(stage);
34 return OOPWorld{
35 stages,
36 pool
37 };
38 }
42 self.pool
43 .read()
44 .unwrap()
45 .as_ref()
46 .unwrap()
47 .install(move || {
49 stage.execute();
50 }
51 });
52 }
53 }
55 //----------------------------------------------------------
58 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
59 }
65 groups.push(vec);
67 return Stage {
68 groups
69 };
70 }
72 fn execute(&mut self) {
73 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
74 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
77 }
78 })
79 }
80 }
2 fn run(&mut self);
3 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
4 }
8 fn run(&mut self) {
9 self.0 += self.1;
10 }
11 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
13 return Obj128(val,val);
14 }
15 }
19 fn run(&mut self) {
20 self.0 += self.1;
21 }
22 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
23 return Obj256(val,val);
24 }
25 }
27 pub struct Obj512(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128);
29 fn run(&mut self) {
30 self.0 += self.3;
31 }
32 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
33 return Obj512(val,val,val,val);
34 }
35 }
37 pub struct Obj1024(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
39 fn run(&mut self) {
40 self.0 += self.7;
41 }
42 fn new(val: i128)->Self{
43 return Obj1024(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val);
44 }
45 }
47 pub struct Obj2048(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
48 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
51 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
52 return Obj2048(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
53 }
54 }
56 pub struct Obj4096(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
57 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
58 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
59 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
62 fn new(val:i128)-> Self {
63 return Obj4096(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
64 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
65 }
66 }
68 pub struct Obj8192(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
69 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
70 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
71 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
72 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
73 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
74 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
75 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
78 fn new(val:i128)-> Self {
79 return Obj8192(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
80 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
81 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
82 val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
83 }
84 }
86 pub struct Obj16384(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
87 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
88 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
89 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
90 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
91 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
92 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
93 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
94 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
95 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
96 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
97 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
98 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
99 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
100 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
101 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
105 return Obj16384(val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
106 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
107 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
val, val, val, val, val,
108 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
109 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
110 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
111 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
112 val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val, val,
113 }
114 }
Appendix E. Experiment Four Code
5.1 Benchmark
2 use std::time::Duration;
3 use specs::prelude::*;
4 use thesis_experimentation::exp4::dod::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp4::oop::*;
6 use thesis_experimentation::exp4::oop_obj::*;
8 #[inline]
10 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
11 }
13 #[inline]
18 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
19 group.sample_size(100);
20 group.nresamples(100);
24 thread_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
26 let mut world = World::new();
27 setup_component(&mut world).unwrap();
28 setup_entity(&mut world).unwrap();
31 dispatcher.setup(&mut world);
34 let i = count.to_string();
35 bench_name.push_str(&i);
39 });
40 }
44 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
45 group.sample_size(100);
46 group.nresamples(100);
50 thread_count.iter().for_each(|count| {
55 let i = count.to_string();
56 bench_name.push_str(&i);
59 });
60 }
62 criterion_group!(dod_exp4, dod_criterion_benchmark);
63 criterion_group!(oop_exp4, oop_criterion_benchmark);
64 criterion_main!(dod_exp4, oop_exp4);
5.2 Modules
5.3 DOD
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_component::*;
4 use super::dod_system::*;
5 use std::sync::Arc;
8 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
9 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
16 world.register::<Comp_i128_8>();
17 world.register::<Comp_i128_9>();
18 world.register::<Comp_i128_10>();
19 world.register::<Comp_i128_11>();
20 world.register::<Comp_i128_12>();
21 world.register::<Comp_i128_13>();
22 world.register::<Comp_i128_14>();
23 world.register::<Comp_i128_15>();
24 return Ok(());
25 }
28 for _ in 0..1000 {
29 world.create_entity()
30 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
31 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
32 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
33 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
34 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
35 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
36 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
37 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
38 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
39 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
40 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
41 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
42 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
43 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
44 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
45 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
46 .build();
47 }
48 return Ok(())
49 }
53 match thread_count {
54 1 => {
56 .with_pool(pool)
58 .build();
59 return dispatcher;
60 },
61 2 => {
63 .with_pool(pool)
66 .build();
67 return dispatcher;
68 },
69 3 => {
71 .with_pool(pool)
75 .build();
76 return dispatcher;
77 },
78 4 => {
80 .with_pool(pool)
85 .build();
86 return dispatcher;
87 },
88 5 => {
90 .with_pool(pool)
96 .build();
97 return dispatcher;
98 },
99 6 => {
101 .with_pool(pool)
108 .build();
110 },
111 7 => {
113 .with_pool(pool)
115 .with(Sys_256bit_1, "sys1", &[])
121 .build();
123 },
124 8 => {
126 .with_pool(pool)
135 .build();
137 },
139 9 => {
141 .with_pool(pool)
143 .with(Sys_256bit_1, "sys1", &[])
151 .build();
153 }
154 10 => {
156 .with_pool(pool)
167 .build();
169 }
170 11 => {
171 let dispatcher = DispatcherBuilder::new()
172 .with_pool(pool)
184 .build();
186 }
187 12 => {
189 .with_pool(pool)
199 .with(Sys_256bit_9, "sys9", &[])
202 .build();
204 }
205 13 => {
207 .with_pool(pool)
221 .build();
223 }
224 14 => {
226 .with_pool(pool)
227 .with(Sys_256bit_0, "sys0", &[])
241 .build();
243 }
244 15 => {
246 .with_pool(pool)
255 .with(Sys_256bit_8, "sys8", &[])
262 .build();
264 }
266 };
267 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
13 impl Component for Comp_i128_1 {
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
41 impl Component for Comp_i128_5 {
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
59 #[derive(Debug)]
60 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
69 impl Component for Comp_i128_9 {
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug)]
74 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 }
80 #[derive(Debug)]
81 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
85 }
87 #[derive(Debug)]
88 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
92 }
94 #[derive(Debug)]
95 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
97 impl Component for Comp_i128_13 {
99 }
101 #[derive(Debug)]
102 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
106 }
108 #[derive(Debug)]
109 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use super::dod_component::*;
4 #[derive(Debug)]
5 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
9 type SystemData = (WriteStorage<’a, Comp_i128_0>);
13 x.0 += x.0;
14 }
15 }
16 }
18 #[derive(Debug)]
19 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
27 x.0 += y.0;
28 }
29 }
30 }
32 #[derive(Debug)]
33 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
41 x.0 += y.0;
42 }
43 }
44 }
46 #[derive(Debug)]
47 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
55 x.0 += y.0
56 }
57 }
58 }
60 #[derive(Debug)]
61 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
62 pub struct Sys_256bit_3;
69 x.0 += y.0;
70 }
71 }
72 }
74 #[derive(Debug)]
75 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
83 x.0 += y.0;
84 }
85 }
86 }
88 #[derive(Debug)]
89 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
97 x.0 += y.0;
98 }
99 }
100 }
102 #[derive(Debug)]
103 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
112 }
113 }
114 }
116 #[derive(Debug)]
117 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
126 }
127 }
128 }
130 #[derive(Debug)]
131 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
140 }
141 }
142 }
144 #[derive(Debug)]
145 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
154 }
155 }
156 }
158 #[derive(Debug)]
159 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
166 for (x, y) in (&mut x, &y).join() {
168 }
169 }
170 }
172 #[derive(Debug)]
173 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
182 }
183 }
184 }
186 #[derive(Debug)]
187 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
196 }
197 }
198 }
200 #[derive(Debug)]
201 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
210 }
211 }
212 }
214 #[derive(Debug)]
215 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
219 type SystemData = (WriteStorage<’a, Comp_i128_15>, ReadStorage<’a,
224 }
225 }
226 }
5.6 OOP
1 use super::oop_obj::*;
3 use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;
4 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
11 for _ in 0..entity_count {
13 vec.push(tmp);
14 }
16 return vec;
17 }
20 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
21 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>,
22 count: usize
23 }
32 stages.push(stage);
34 return OOPWorld{
35 stages,
36 pool,
37 count: thread_count
38 };
39 }
43 let count = self.count.clone();
44 self.pool
45 .read()
46 .unwrap()
47 .as_ref()
48 .unwrap()
49 .install(move || {
51 stage.execute(count);
52 }
53 });
54 }
55 }
58 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
59 }
65 groups.push(vec);
67 return Stage {
68 groups
69 };
70 }
73 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
74 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
76 match count {
77 1 => {
78 obj.run0();
79 },
80 2 => {
81 obj.run0();
82 obj.run1();
83 },
84 3 => {
85 obj.run0();
86 obj.run1();
87 obj.run2();
88 },
89 4 => {
90 obj.run0();
91 obj.run1();
92 obj.run2();
93 obj.run3();
94 },
95 5 => {
96 obj.run0();
97 obj.run1();
98 obj.run2();
99 obj.run3();
100 obj.run4();
101 },
102 6 => {
103 obj.run0();
104 obj.run1();
105 obj.run2();
106 obj.run3();
107 obj.run4();
108 obj.run5();
109 },
110 7 => {
111 obj.run0();
112 obj.run1();
113 obj.run2();
114 obj.run3();
115 obj.run4();
116 obj.run5();
117 obj.run6();
118 },
119 8 => {
120 obj.run0();
121 obj.run1();
122 obj.run2();
123 obj.run3();
124 obj.run4();
125 obj.run5();
126 obj.run6();
127 obj.run7();
128 },
129 9 => {
130 obj.run0();
131 obj.run1();
132 obj.run2();
133 obj.run3();
134 obj.run4();
135 obj.run5();
136 obj.run6();
137 obj.run7();
138 obj.run8();
139 },
140 10 => {
141 obj.run0();
142 obj.run1();
143 obj.run2();
144 obj.run3();
145 obj.run4();
146 obj.run5();
147 obj.run6();
148 obj.run7();
149 obj.run8();
150 obj.run9();
151 },
152 11 => {
153 obj.run0();
154 obj.run1();
155 obj.run2();
156 obj.run3();
157 obj.run4();
158 obj.run5();
159 obj.run6();
160 obj.run7();
161 obj.run8();
162 obj.run9();
163 obj.run10();
164 },
165 12 => {
166 obj.run0();
167 obj.run1();
168 obj.run2();
169 obj.run3();
170 obj.run4();
171 obj.run5();
172 obj.run6();
173 obj.run7();
174 obj.run8();
175 obj.run9();
176 obj.run10();
177 obj.run11();
178 },
179 13 => {
180 obj.run0();
181 obj.run1();
182 obj.run2();
183 obj.run3();
184 obj.run4();
185 obj.run5();
186 obj.run6();
187 obj.run7();
188 obj.run8();
189 obj.run9();
190 obj.run10();
191 obj.run11();
192 obj.run12();
193 },
194 14 => {
195 obj.run0();
196 obj.run1();
197 obj.run2();
198 obj.run3();
199 obj.run4();
200 obj.run5();
201 obj.run6();
202 obj.run7();
203 obj.run8();
204 obj.run9();
205 obj.run10();
206 obj.run11();
207 obj.run12();
208 obj.run13();
209 },
210 15 => {
211 obj.run0();
212 obj.run1();
213 obj.run2();
214 obj.run3();
215 obj.run4();
216 obj.run5();
217 obj.run6();
218 obj.run7();
219 obj.run8();
220 obj.run9();
221 obj.run10();
222 obj.run11();
223 obj.run12();
224 obj.run13();
225 obj.run14();
226 }
228 }
229 }
230 })
231 }
232 }
2 fn run0(&mut self);
3 fn run1(&mut self);
4 fn run2(&mut self);
5 fn run3(&mut self);
6 fn run4(&mut self);
7 fn run5(&mut self);
8 fn run6(&mut self);
9 fn run7(&mut self);
10 fn run8(&mut self);
11 fn run9(&mut self);
12 fn run10(&mut self);
13 fn run11(&mut self);
14 fn run12(&mut self);
15 fn run13(&mut self);
16 fn run14(&mut self);
17 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
18 }
20 pub struct Obj2048(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
21 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
30 fn run6(&mut self) {self.9 += self.0; }
39 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
40 return Obj2048(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
41 }
42 }
Appendix F. Experiment Five Code
6.1 Benchmark
2 use std::time::Duration;
3 use specs::prelude::*;
4 use thesis_experimentation::exp5::dod::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp5::oop::*;
6 use thesis_experimentation::exp5::oop_obj::*;
9 #[inline]
11 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
12 }
18 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
19 group.sample_size(100);
20 group.nresamples(10);
24 thread_count.iter().for_each(|count|{
26 let mut world = World::new();
27 setup_component(&mut world).unwrap();
28 setup_entity(&mut world).unwrap();
31 dispatcher.setup(&mut world);
34 let i = count.to_string();
35 bench_name.push_str(&i);
39 });
40 }
44 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
45 group.sample_size(100);
46 group.nresamples(10);
50 thread_count.iter().for_each(|count| {
55 let i = count.to_string();
56 bench_name.push_str(&i);
59 });
60 }
62 criterion_group!(dod_exp5, dod_criterion_benchmark);
63 criterion_group!(oop_exp5, oop_criterion_benchmark);
64 criterion_main!(dod_exp5, oop_exp5);
6.2 Modules
6.3 DOD
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_system::*;
4 use super::dod_component::*;
5 use std::sync::Arc;
8 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
9 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
16 world.register::<Comp_i128_8>();
17 world.register::<Comp_i128_9>();
18 world.register::<Comp_i128_10>();
19 world.register::<Comp_i128_11>();
20 world.register::<Comp_i128_12>();
21 world.register::<Comp_i128_13>();
22 world.register::<Comp_i128_14>();
23 world.register::<Comp_i128_15>();
24 return Ok(());
25 }
28 for _ in 0..1000 {
29 world.create_entity()
30 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
31 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
32 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
33 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
34 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
35 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
36 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
37 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
38 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
39 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
40 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
41 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
42 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
43 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
44 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
45 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
46 .build();
47 }
48 return Ok(())
49 }
55 .with_pool(pool)
59 .with(Sys_256bit_3, "sys3", &[])
71 .build();
72 return dispatcher;
73 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
59 #[derive(Debug)]
60 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug)]
74 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 }
80 #[derive(Debug)]
81 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
85 }
87 #[derive(Debug)]
88 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
92 }
94 #[derive(Debug)]
95 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
99 }
101 #[derive(Debug)]
102 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
106 }
108 #[derive(Debug)]
109 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use super::dod_component::*;
4 fn fib(n: i128)->i128
5 {
6 if n <= 1 {
8 return n;
9 }
11 }
13 #[derive(Debug)]
14 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 x.0 += fib(x.0);
23 }
24 }
25 }
27 #[derive(Debug)]
28 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
34 fn run(&mut self, (mut x, y): Self::SystemData) {
36 x.0 += fib(y.0);
37 }
38 }
39 }
41 #[derive(Debug)]
42 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 x.0 += fib(y.0);
51 }
52 }
53 }
55 #[derive(Debug)]
56 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
64 x.0 += fib(y.0);
65 }
66 }
67 }
69 #[derive(Debug)]
70 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 x.0 += fib(y.0);
79 }
80 }
81 }
83 #[derive(Debug)]
84 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
92 x.0 += fib(y.0);
93 }
94 }
95 }
97 #[derive(Debug)]
98 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 #[derive(Debug)]
112 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 pub struct Sys_256bit_6;
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 #[derive(Debug)]
126 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
135 }
136 }
137 }
139 #[derive(Debug)]
140 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
149 }
150 }
151 }
153 #[derive(Debug)]
154 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 #[derive(Debug)]
168 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 #[derive(Debug)]
182 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
191 }
192 }
193 }
195 #[derive(Debug)]
196 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
205 }
206 }
207 }
209 #[derive(Debug)]
210 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
217 for (x, y) in (&mut x, &y).join() {
219 }
220 }
221 }
223 #[derive(Debug)]
224 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
233 }
234 }
235 }
6.6 OOP
1 use super::oop_obj::*;
3 use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;
4 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
6 type ThreadPoolWrapper = Option<::std::sync::Arc<::rayon::ThreadPool>>;
11 for i in 0..thread_count {
12 vec.push(Vec::new());
14 vec.get_mut(i).unwrap().push(T::new(criterion::black_box(5)));
15 }
16 }
17 return vec;
18 }
20 //----------------------------------------------------------
22 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
23 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>,
24 }
31 let stage: Stage<T> = Stage::new(vec);
33 stages.push(stage);
35 return OOPWorld{
36 stages,
37 pool,
38 };
39 }
44 self.pool
45 .read()
46 .unwrap()
47 .as_ref()
48 .unwrap()
49 .install(move || {
51 stage.execute();
52 }
53 });
54 }
55 }
57 //----------------------------------------------------------
59 struct Stage<T: Exp5> {
60 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
61 }
68 return Stage {
69 groups
70 };
71 }
73 fn execute(&mut self) {
74 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
75 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
77 obj.run0();
78 obj.run1();
79 obj.run2();
80 obj.run3();
81 obj.run4();
82 obj.run5();
83 obj.run6();
84 obj.run7();
85 obj.run8();
86 obj.run9();
87 obj.run10();
88 obj.run11();
89 obj.run12();
90 obj.run13();
91 obj.run14();
92 }
93 })
94 }
95 }
1 fn fib(n: i128)->i128
2 {
3 if n <= 1 {
5 return n;
6 }
8 }
11 fn run0(&mut self);
12 fn run1(&mut self);
13 fn run2(&mut self);
14 fn run3(&mut self);
15 fn run4(&mut self);
16 fn run5(&mut self);
17 fn run6(&mut self);
18 fn run7(&mut self);
19 fn run8(&mut self);
20 fn run9(&mut self);
21 fn run10(&mut self);
22 fn run11(&mut self);
23 fn run12(&mut self);
24 fn run13(&mut self);
25 fn run14(&mut self);
26 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
27 }
28 pub struct Obj2048(pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
29 pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128, pub i128,
43 fn run11(&mut self) {self.4 += fib(self.0); }
47 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
48 return Obj2048(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
49 }
50 }
Appendix G. Experiment Six Code
7.1 Benchmark
2 use std::time::Duration;
3 use thesis_experimentation::exp6::oop::*;
4 use thesis_experimentation::exp6::oop_obj::*;
5 use thesis_experimentation::exp6::dod::*;
6 use specs::prelude::*;
8 #[inline]
11 #[inline]
13 d.dispatch_par(&mut w);
14 }
18 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
19 group.sample_size(100);
20 group.nresamples(100);
21 rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build_global().unwrap();
26 let o1664 = obj_setup::<Exp1664>();
70 }
74 group.warm_up_time(Duration::from_secs(5));
75 group.sample_size(100);
76 group.nresamples(100);
80 entity_state_count.iter().for_each(|count| {
82 setup_component(&mut world).unwrap();
86 let i = count.to_string();
87 bench_name.push_str(&i);
89 });
90 }
92 criterion_group!(oop_exp6, oop_criterion_benchmark);
93 criterion_group!(dod_exp6, dod_criterion_benchmark);
94 criterion_main!(oop_exp6, dod_exp6);
7.2 Modules
7.3 DOD
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use std::io;
3 use super::dod_obj::*;
4 use std::sync::Arc;
8 world.register::<Comp_i128_0>();
9 world.register::<Comp_i128_1>();
10 world.register::<Comp_i128_2>();
11 world.register::<Comp_i128_3>();
12 world.register::<Comp_i128_4>();
13 world.register::<Comp_i128_5>();
14 world.register::<Comp_i128_6>();
15 world.register::<Comp_i128_7>();
16 world.register::<Comp_i128_8>();
17 world.register::<Comp_i128_9>();
18 world.register::<Comp_i128_10>();
19 world.register::<Comp_i128_11>();
20 world.register::<Comp_i128_12>();
21 world.register::<Comp_i128_13>();
22 world.register::<Comp_i128_14>();
23 world.register::<Comp_i128_15>();
25 return Ok(())
26 }
31 for _ in 0..5000 {
32 world.create_entity()
33 .with(Comp_i128_0(criterion::black_box(5)))
34 .with(Comp_i128_1(criterion::black_box(5)))
35 .with(Comp_i128_2(criterion::black_box(5)))
36 .with(Comp_i128_3(criterion::black_box(5)))
37 .with(Comp_i128_4(criterion::black_box(5)))
38 .with(Comp_i128_5(criterion::black_box(5)))
39 .with(Comp_i128_6(criterion::black_box(5)))
40 .with(Comp_i128_7(criterion::black_box(5)))
41 .with(Comp_i128_8(criterion::black_box(5)))
42 .with(Comp_i128_9(criterion::black_box(5)))
43 .with(Comp_i128_10(criterion::black_box(5)))
44 .with(Comp_i128_11(criterion::black_box(5)))
45 .with(Comp_i128_12(criterion::black_box(5)))
46 .with(Comp_i128_13(criterion::black_box(5)))
47 .with(Comp_i128_14(criterion::black_box(5)))
48 .with(Comp_i128_15(criterion::black_box(5)))
49 .build();
50 }
51 return Ok(())
52 }
59 match size {
60 2048 => {
63 .with_pool(pool)
64 .build();
65 return dispatcher;
66 }
68 1912 => {
71 .with_pool(pool)
72 .build();
73 return dispatcher;
74 }
76 1792 => {
79 .with_pool(pool)
80 .build();
81 return dispatcher;
82 }
84 1664 => {
87 .with_pool(pool)
88 .build();
89 return dispatcher;
90 }
92 1536 => {
95 .with_pool(pool)
96 .build();
97 return dispatcher;
98 }
103 .with_pool(pool)
104 .build();
106 }
111 .with_pool(pool)
112 .build();
114 }
119 .with_pool(pool)
120 .build();
122 }
127 .with_pool(pool)
128 .build();
130 }
135 .with_pool(pool)
136 .build();
138 }
143 .with_pool(pool)
144 .build();
146 }
151 .with_pool(pool)
152 .build();
154 }
159 .with_pool(pool)
160 .build();
162 }
167 .with_pool(pool)
168 .build();
170 }
175 .with_pool(pool)
176 .build();
178 }
181 }
182 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
3 #[derive(Debug)]
4 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
8 }
10 #[derive(Debug)]
11 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 }
17 #[derive(Debug)]
18 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
22 }
24 #[derive(Debug)]
25 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
29 }
31 #[derive(Debug)]
32 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
36 }
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
50 }
52 #[derive(Debug)]
53 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
57 }
59 #[derive(Debug)]
60 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug)]
74 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
78 }
80 #[derive(Debug)]
81 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
85 }
87 #[derive(Debug)]
88 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
92 }
94 #[derive(Debug)]
95 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
99 }
101 #[derive(Debug)]
102 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
106 }
108 #[derive(Debug)]
109 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
113 }
1 use specs::prelude::*;
2 use super::dod_component::*;
4 #[derive(Debug)]
5 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
15 ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_12>, ReadStorage<’a,
18 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12
19 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12, o13, o14,
o15) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &o6, &o7, &o8, &o9, &o10, &o11, &
20 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
21 }
22 }
23 }
25 #[derive(Debug)]
26 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
37 ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_14>);
39 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12
40 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12, o13, o14) in
(&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &o6, &o7, &o8, &o9, &o10, &o11, &o12, &
o13, &o14).join() {
41 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
42 }
43 }
44 }
46 #[derive(Debug)]
47 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
59 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12
, o13): Self::SystemData) {
60 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12, o13) in (&
mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &o6, &o7, &o8, &o9, &o10, &o11, &o12, &o13)
.join() {
61 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 #[derive(Debug)]
67 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 type SystemData = (WriteStorage<’a, Comp_i128_0>, ReadStorage<’a,
77 ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_12>);
79 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12
): Self::SystemData) {
80 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12) in (&mut o0,
&o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &o6, &o7, &o8, &o9, &o10, &o11, &o12).join() {
81 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
82 }
83 }
84 }
86 #[derive(Debug)]
87 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
98 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11):
Self::SystemData) {
99 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11) in (&mut o0, &o1,
&o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &o6, &o7, &o8, &o9, &o10, &o11).join() {
100 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
+ o10.0 + o11.0;
101 }
102 }
103 }
105 #[derive(Debug)]
106 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
117 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10): Self::
SystemData) {
118 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2,
119 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9.0
+ o10.0;
120 }
121 }
122 }
124 #[derive(Debug)]
125 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
129 type SystemData = (WriteStorage<’a, Comp_i128_0>, ReadStorage<’a,
135 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9): Self::
SystemData) {
136 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3,
137 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0 + o9
138 }
139 }
140 }
142 #[derive(Debug)]
143 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
148 ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_2>, ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_3
153 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8): Self::SystemData
) {
154 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4
155 o0.0 += o1.0 + o2.0 + o3.0 + o4.0 + o5.0 + o6.0 + o7.0 + o8.0;
156 }
157 }
158 }
160 #[derive(Debug)]
161 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
168 ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_6>, ReadStorage<’a, Comp_i128_7
170 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7): Self::SystemData) {
171 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 #[derive(Debug)]
178 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
187 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6): Self::SystemData) {
188 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5, &
o6).join() {
190 }
191 }
192 }
194 #[derive(Debug)]
195 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
203 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5): Self::SystemData) {
204 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4, &o5).join
() {
206 }
207 }
208 }
210 #[derive(Debug)]
211 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
219 fn run(&mut self, (mut o0, o1, o2, o3, o4): Self::SystemData) {
220 for (o0, o1, o2, o3, o4) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3, &o4).join() {
222 }
223 }
224 }
226 #[derive(Debug)]
227 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
235 for (o0, o1, o2, o3) in (&mut o0, &o1, &o2, &o3).join() {
237 }
238 }
239 }
241 #[derive(Debug)]
242 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
252 }
253 }
254 }
256 #[derive(Debug)]
257 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
264 for (o0, o1) in (&mut o0, &o1).join() {
266 }
267 }
268 }
7.6 OOP
1 use super::oop_obj::*;
3 use rayon::*;
4 use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
11 for _ in 0..5000 {
13 vec.push(tmp);
14 }
16 return vec;
17 }
19 //----------------------------------------------------------
21 stages: Vec<Stage<T>>,
22 pool: Arc<RwLock<ThreadPoolWrapper>>
23 }
32 stages.push(stage);
34 return OOPWorld{
35 stages,
36 pool
37 };
38 }
43 self.pool
44 .read()
45 .unwrap()
46 .as_ref()
47 .unwrap()
48 .install(move || {
50 stage.execute();
51 }
52 });
53 }
54 }
56 //----------------------------------------------------------
59 groups: Vec<Vec<T>>
60 }
66 groups.push(vec);
68 return Stage {
69 groups
70 };
71 }
73 fn execute(&mut self) {
74 use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
75 self.groups.par_iter_mut().for_each(|group| {
78 }
79 })
80 }
81 }
2 fn new(val: i128)->Self;
3 fn run(&mut self);
4 }
7 pub i128,
8 pub i128,
9 pub i128,
10 pub i128,
11 pub i128,
12 pub i128,
13 pub i128,
14 pub i128,
15 pub i128,
16 pub i128,
17 pub i128,
18 pub i128,
19 pub i128,
20 pub i128,
21 pub i128
22 );
25 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
26 return Exp2048(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
27 }
29 fn run(&mut self) {
31 }
32 }
35 pub i128,
36 pub i128,
37 pub i128,
38 pub i128,
39 pub i128,
40 pub i128,
41 pub i128,
42 pub i128,
43 pub i128,
44 pub i128,
45 pub i128,
46 pub i128,
47 pub i128,
48 pub i128,
49 pub i128
50 );
53 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
54 return Exp1912(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
55 }
57 fn run(&mut self) {
59 }
60 }
63 pub i128,
64 pub i128,
65 pub i128,
66 pub i128,
67 pub i128,
68 pub i128,
69 pub i128,
70 pub i128,
71 pub i128,
72 pub i128,
73 pub i128,
74 pub i128,
75 pub i128,
76 pub i128,
77 pub i128
78 );
81 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
82 return Exp1792(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
83 }
85 fn run(&mut self) {
87 }
88 }
91 pub i128,
92 pub i128,
93 pub i128,
94 pub i128,
95 pub i128,
96 pub i128,
97 pub i128,
98 pub i128,
99 pub i128,
106 );
111 }
115 }
116 }
122 pub i128,
134 );
139 }
143 }
144 }
148 pub i128,
162 );
167 }
171 }
172 }
174 pub struct Exp1280(pub i128,
190 );
195 }
199 }
200 }
218 );
223 }
.14 + self.15;
227 }
228 }
246 );
251 }
253 fn run(&mut self) {
255 }
256 }
274 );
279 }
283 }
284 }
302 );
307 }
311 }
312 }
330 );
334 return Exp640(val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,val,
335 }
339 }
340 }
358 );
361 fn new(val: i128)->Self {
363 }
367 }
368 }
386 );
388 impl Exp6 for Exp384 {
391 }
395 }
396 }
414 );
419 }
423 }
424 }
2. Ghavam Shahidi. Slow-down in power scaling and the end of moore’s law? In Interna-
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12. Federica Rinaldi Triangles. Lock-free multithreading with atomic operations, 2019.
15. Tamara Munzner. Dynamic control flow polymorphism and switch statements, 2012.
16. Rajive Joshi. Data-oriented architecture: A loosely-coupled real-time soa. Real Time
17. Robert Nystorm. Game Programming Patterns. Genever Benning, 1st edition, 2014.
18. Ferdinand Majerech. Component-based entity architecture for game development. Mas-
traits for reusable realtime interactive systems. IEEE 8th Workshop on Software Engi-
20. Daniel Hall. Ecs game engine design. Master’s thesis, California Polytechnic State
University, 2014.
21. Douglas D. Hodson and Jeremy Millar. Application of ECS game patterns in military
simulators. In Int’l Conf. Scientific Computing CSC’18, pages 14–17. CSREA Press,
22. Douglas D. Hodson and Raymond R. Hill. The art and science of live, virtual, and con-
structive simulation for test and analysis. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation:
23. Thomas Schaller. The Specs Book., 1st edition, 2018.
24. Bruno Feijo Marcelo Zamith, Luis Valente and Esteban Clua. Game loop model prop-
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CPU Central Processing Unit. iv, 6, 8, 9, 22, 32, 41, 43, 48, 50, 52, 58, 61, 64, 70, 71, 77,
78, 80
DOD Data-Oriented Design. iv, v, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 21, 22, 26, 30, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
ECS Entity-Component-System. iv, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 39, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
MESI Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid. 6
OOP Object-Oriented Programming. iv, v, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26, 31,
38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
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To investigate the Data-Oriented Design (DOD) paradigm, in particular, an architecture built off its principles: the
Entity-Component-System (ECS). ECS is commonly used by video game engines due to its ability to store data in a way
that is optimal for the cache to access. Additionally, the structure of this paradigm produces a code-base that is simple
to parallelize as the workload can be distributed across a thread-pool based on the data used with little to no need for
data safety measures such as mutexes and locks. A final benefit, although not easily measured, is that the DOD
paradigm produces a highly decoupled code-base, resulting in more easily maintainable and extensible code.
ABSTRACT OF Dr. Douglas D. Hodson, AFIT/ENG
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
U U U UU 352 (937) 255-3636 x4719 [email protected]
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8–98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18