Power Systems Protection Course: Al-Balqa Applied University

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Al-Balqa Applied University

Power systems Protection


Department of Electrical Energy Engineering

Dr. Audih 1
Part 7
Transmission and distribution
Lines protection

Dr. Audih 2
Transmission and distribution lines protection

 Transmission lines are exposed to short circuits
between phases or from phase to ground.
 Transmission and distribution lines protection
problem concern’s to the fault current range, effect of
load, directionality ,and system configuration impact.
 Line Classification:
Distribution: 33 kV and lower
Sub transmission: 33 - 132 kV
Transmission: 132 kV and higher
HV : 132 - 220 kV
EHV: 400 - 750 kV
UHV: 1000 kV and higher
Dr. Audih 3
Transmission Line Protection Principles:
For distribution and transmission lines. There are four
types of protection principles used:-
1. Overcurrent (instantaneous overcurrent and
inverse, time delay, overcurrent ) (50, 51, 50N, 51N)
2. Directional Overcurrent (67, 67N)
3. Distance (21, 21N)
4. Differential ( pilot) (87)
1- Overcurrent protection:
 Its simplest and chipper principle.
 Is used in radial lines.
 In looped lines (ring) may be used with addition of
directionality overcurrent .
 Widely use in distribution and industrial systems.
 Distance protection also is added In order to increase
the speed operation of OC pilot protection is used.
Dr. Audih 4
Finally, we may apply the differential principle to
transmission lines over a communications channel.
• Protection of Radial System by Overcurrent Relay:
Consider a case of a radial line supplying three
substation as shown in Fig.1:

a. Under fault conditions only the breakers closest to the
fault are tripped.
b. If the closest breaker fails to operate, the next breaker
closer trip( backup relay).
Dr. Audih 5
The relay operations must be coordinated with respect
to each other in order to provide the desired selectivity.
This is called "relay coordination“.
There are three methods to relay coordination
1. Discrimination by time (Time-grading).
2. Discrimination by current (Current-grading).
3. Discrimination by both time and current (Time-
Current grading) .
all three methods are to give correct discrimination by
isolate faulty section only , leaving the rest in operation.

Time-grading (Discrimination by time)

In this method, time setting is given to each of the relays
to ensure that the breaker nearest to the fault opens first.
Overcurrent relay with definite time characteristic are
Dr. Audih 6
Consider the following radial power system shown in Figure 1

if the time considered to be :

R1=1.0 sec..
R2=0.50 sec.
R3=0.25 sec
Then the relay settings are shown graphically in Figs.2

Dr. Audih 7
The fault current can be calculated as:
a) Three-Phase Fault on a Radial Line
Not that for a perfect three-phase fault, only the positive-sequence
impedance is involved in the calculations ,the positive-sequence of
voltage and current are equal (since Z+ ) to the phase voltage and
current "a“.
Consider the following three phase faulted system in figure at
distance (d)

The Impedance Diagram of positive-sequence for a three-phase

fault of this system is shown in the net slide

Dr. Audih 8
of Gen

Where: ZL
I1=positive sequences current.
V1=positive sequences voltage.
L=total length of feeder.
d=fault location to protection location.
ZL=line impedances.
Zs1= System’s Thevenin Equivalent Impedance.
The fault current in each phase is balanced and is equal to the
phase current measured by the relays at the substation .This
current depends on the parameters shown above(I+,V+,L,d,ZL,Zs1).
The Thevenin impedance depends on the conditions of the system
such as, the topology and system loading
Dr. Audih 9
 Current-grading (Discrimination by current ).
 This method is used only in LV systems due to its disadvantages
in HV systems.
 Since the impedance values differing between the source and
fault location then the fault current value also varies from point
to point,.
 The relays controlled with various current settings, in order to
operate only nearest to the fault location and trips its breaker.

 Time-Current grading (Discrimination by both time

and current) .
• in this case the Inverse, time-delay overcurrent relays is
For protection of transmission line with multiple sections as shown
in Fig.

Dr. Audih 10
The coordination between the relays for fault at F graphical is

0.4 sdelay

Relay coordination principle.

1. American school of coordination:

Coordination delay time (CDT) between 2 relay in American
standard. is 0.4 seconds.
(This comes from interruption time of the circuit breaker = 0.1 s, or 6
cycles in 60 Hz system) and error margin of 0.3 s .
Dr. Audih 11
The current tap setting CTS from experience are:

This tell us for minim. we multiply be 1/3 and for max. multiply by 2.

And the time delay sitting (TDS) is selected at least 0.4 second
as coordination time delay (CDT) in American standard.
For the 13.8 kV feeding system shown in Fig.1.with
reactances are given in pu

Dr. Audih 12
And the system data is given in Table1.for 3 relays

Consider 3-phase faults with short circuit 10 MVA. Use

the overcurrent relay CO7 whose characteristic is given
in Fig.2. to determine the satisfactory relay settings.
Dr. Audih 13

2.6 6

Fig 2
Dr. Audih 14
The relays are CO-7 then two setting are to be determine for each 2.
relay .
CTS and TDS ,we starting with relay B3.
For B3
I    209A ,
3 13.8kV
full load
I 209A
I  
Load ( I P )
 2.61A( Which is the current at max. load the relay.)
relay ( I s )
CT  400 / 5
ratio ( a )

Now since X is given in pu ,we chose V =1 on base of 13.8kV pu

Vpu 1 1
and 209 A base of current, Then I3pu(I or Ifault )
= = = =5pu
X pu 0.05+0.05+0.1 0.2
 10MVA 
The actual I max of the lineI3 is =I pu  Ibase ( fault ) =5×   =2092 A(is I fault )
 3 13.8kV 

Dr. Audih 15
I(primery) 2092
I relay( max or fault conditions) = = =26.1 A (This is min.fault current)
ratio  400 / 5 

I relay (max .) 1
Thus; 2  I relay (min .)  CTS 
 2  2.61  CTS   26.1
3 3
5.22  CTS  8.7 the CTS3 is chose as 6A to be fast as possible

For TDS =1/2 for 6A we have t=0.18 sec (note we can selected any TDS
but gradually since its setting)

Dr. Audih 16
Now for relay B2
(3  5)  106
I min =I load   335A
3  13.8  10 3

I relay(min)   5  4.188A
 10MVA 
I max  I fault     418.4A
 3  13.8kV 
I pu at realy in resent of impedances in pu
Vpu 1 1
I 2(pu) = = = =6.67 pu
X pu 0.05+0.1 0.15
The actual I max at B3 is =I pu  I (base fault ) =
I (primery) 5
I relay = =2790  =34.87 A Thus;
ratio 400
1 1
2  I relay (min .)  CTS   I relay (max .)  2  4.18  CTS   34.87
3 3
8.37  CTS 2  11.6 we select CTS2 =10A
thus from curve is 0.4sec

From curve for TDS 2=0.4s this setting in case of the fault is at bus 2
Dr. Audih 17
Noting the following for delays time:

1- circuit breaker delay = 0.1 s, or 6 cycles in 60 Hz system).

2- Error margin of 0.3 s
3- Relay operation time delay is 0.18 .
If we considered the fault at bus 3 then the desired (high
value ) operating relay is (0.4+0.18=0.58sec)

margin : Is the time interval that must be allowed between the

operation of two adjacent relays in order to achieve correct
discrimination between them (its just for check the multifunction
and not included the relay setting) .

And since relay B2 setting is 10 CTS, then the max current is

changed as:
I 26.1
  2.61
2 ( relay )
From curve for TDS2=1.1 sec.
CTS 10 2
Dr. Audih 18
This see that the second relay will operate at 1.1 second if the first
relay not operate B3 but at 10 CTS.
Now for B1
I  1
 690A
0.0138 3
I  690 
relay (min .)
 4.31A
I =418.4A

I pu
at realy in resent of impedances in pu
V 1
I 2(pu)
= pu
=  10 pu
X pu
I (max .)
 418.4  10  4184A
I  4184 
(max .relay)
 26.15A
8.62  CTS  8.7 For 8A and TDS 2=0.45sec
Select CTS1=8A which cheats a little on the lower bound ,but is the best we
can do. Dr. Audih 19
To determine TDS1,consider a fault at bus 2.
The desired operation time for relay 1 is
Relay 1 operation time =0.45s
operating time =0.1s
Margin =0.3s
Total =0.85s
Note: Since we consider the fault at bus 2 then we calculate the current
become from bus 2 to bus 1 then :
IB1=IB2/a or

 5 
2789   
I ( relay 2 )
  800 
 2.18
CTS ( relay 1) 8
then TDS 1  1.3

Dr. Audih 20
2. English school of coordination:

Same as American school but taking CDT = 0.5 s instead of 0.4 as

coordination delay time between two adjacent relays.
Example : Its required to provide time –curve grading using 2.2 sec.
IDMTL overcurrent relay for the following


Relay point CT rating PS of relay Fault current
A 400/5 125% 6000Amps
B 200/5 125% 5000Amps
C 200/5 100% 4000Amps

Delay time =0.5 s

The relay has to settings primary and backup settings
Dr. Audih 21
Starting from Relay C primary and no backup setting. For maximum
current in fault condition is: 200/5
I fault 4000
I relay (max.current )    100A
CT ratio  200 
 
 5  C IR
Now we select PS(25%,50%,75%,
The PS must be equal or grater scale
from the relay current.
In this case we select PS=100% (since its first relay )for quick response then;
I relay 100
PSM    20
CT secondry  PS 5  100%
From TMS curve for 1.0 TMS the operation time correspunding
to 20 PSM is 2.2 sec.

PSM=2.25 operating time

Dr. Audih 22
Since is the first relay and not is a backup relay then we select the
operation to be faster as possible ,them we select TMS=0.1 this
result the operation will be
time of relay C operation
t op   2.2  0.22sec. Faster as possible
Hence for relay C TMS=0.1 and Time of operation=0.22sec and PS=100%

Now in relay B working as Backup response of Relay C ( taking in

consideration that the CT is changed )in case the fault is on C

To discriminate between relay C and B we introduce the time margin

which is 0.5 for British school then the operation time of relay B

t op RB
 0.5  0.22  0.72sec.

(Note delay time for relay B to detected fault in C only in case of backup)

Dr. Audih 23
Now if the fault occur at C and B as backup
I 4000
I relay (max .current )  fault   100A C
CT ratio  200  B IR
 
 5  F1=4000A
For this relay we select PS=125%( note
100% also valid). Relay
100 100
PSM    16
5  125% 6.25
PSM= the current interring in relay =100A but
the plug changed it to 6.25 depending on plug
setting(like transformer into relay)
From the TMS curve for 16 the time is 2.5 and from relay calculated before
time is 0.72 second and to find TMS then 0.72/2.5= 0.29 .
TMS =0.29 16


2.5 operating time

Important note: the relay B is backup for C and A is backup for B but
in our case we consider the fault occur at C the relay A is not function
a backup relay.
Dr. Audih 24
Now if the fault is near B (Like setting of A )
I fault 5000 5000
I relay ( B )   
CT ratio  200  40
 
 5  B IR F1=5000A
PS was sett to 125% then
 5000  F2
  Relay
PSM   40 
 20
 5  125% 
From the curve the time corresponding is 2.2 sec.

The actual operation time of relay A is

 TMS  0.29 
t op  2.2     0.638sec.
 TMS  1.0 
Note if the fault accrue at C only B is backup

Dr. Audih 25
Relay C
TMS Time of relay(sec) PSM PS
0.1 0.22 20 100%

Relay B
TMS Time of relay PSM PS
0.29 0.22 20 120%

Relay B backup for C fault

TMS Time of relay PSM PS
0.29 0.72 16 125%

Relay B3
TDS Time of relay PSM PS
1 0.638 20 125%

Dr. Audih 26
Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay Setting and Reach
•The load is not usually considered for the instantaneous relay
Is commonly set to reach faults up to 80% of total line length.
(detected the fault by 20% reduction of the line length L)

Relay Setting Calculated for a Given Value of ZS1

Z S1  (0.8) Z L1
ZS1 generator impedance

Since we decreased the line length is means the TL impedance is also

decreased Dr. Audih 27
4. Directional overcurrent relays
Directional relays are usually of wattmetric induction type(need VT
and CT).
Used in complex power system such as ring systems

F2 V F1

Reverse Fault (F2) Forward Fault (F1)

Dr. Audih I 28
Directional Overcurrent Protection

The arrows shown in the figure are used to represent the

protection direction.

the relays are into two independent groups: the relays “looking” to
the right and those “looking” to the left. .
All the relays are directional except the relays near the generation .

Dr. Audih 29
-Pilot wire differential relays
(Device 87L)
- Distance protection

Dr. Audih 30
1. Pilot wire differential relays (Device 87L)

 The main objective is to remote control of the circuit breakers.

 The pilot wire differential relay is a high-speed relay (designed for
protection of transmission and distribution lines).
 They are generally applied on short lines, normally less than 40
km long.
 The scheme requires communication channel (link) to carry
system voltage and current information to the control location.
 Four basic communication channels are used:

1. Separate telephone circuit (telephone wire or cable) this is called

pilot wire carrier.
2. Microwave system using directional dishes.
3. Fibre optic cable.
4. Power line carrier.

Dr. Audih 31
(a) Operating principles of a current pilot wire relay

 Pilot wire differential relaying are connected together with a two-

conductor pilot wire..


T Communications R
Relays Relays
R Channel T

Exchange of logic information

on relay status

T:transmmit data
R:recived data

Dr. Audih 32
If the fault current flows through circuit breaker (A) only, the relay
passes sufficient current through the pilot wire to operate the relay
at circuit breaker B.
Transformers are used to convert current signal to voltage signal.
For faults outside since, VA = VB , relay will not operate and if the
fault inside the line VA ≠ VB , relay will operate.
The pilot wire signal is about 30V ac at 50 Hz or 20V ac at 60 Hz.

(b) Power Line Carrier (PLC)

In power line carrier protection scheme, a high frequency signal in
the band of 80-500 kHz and of low power lever is transmitted via the
power line conductors from each end of the transmission to the
other. Signal is received to give tripping the circuit breaker. The
system is shown in Fig.2.

Dr. Audih 33
Signal zone limits

 The high frequency is injected to the power line by a coupling

 The signals are limited to the line by an LC blocking filter at each
end. This is called a line trap.

Dr. Audih 34
2.Transmission Line Protection by distance Relay
Since protection by pilot wires (pilot relaying) is limited
to 30 to 40 km in rout length of TL then for longer
distance of transmission lines and distribution feeders,
distance protection is used.
Principle of Distance Protection:-

 Every power line has a resistance and reactance per

kilometer related to its design and construction so its
total impedance will be a function of its length or

A distance relay therefore looks at current and voltage

and compares these two quantities on the basis of
Ohm’s law .

Dr. Audih 35
Consider the simple radial line with distance protection system installed at the
end A (the local end) while end B is called the remote end. These relays
sense local voltage and current and calculate the effective impedance at that
point. This means that the relay requires voltage and current information.

d L
A I a , Ib , I c

21 Three-Phase
Va ,Vb ,Vc Line
Solid Fault

When the protected line becomes faulted, the effective impedance

becomes the impedance from that point to the fault. Assume
balanced three-phase fault at distance (d):

 For internal fault at point (p) :

Dr. Audih 36
For external fault at point k :

In general the relay will trip when here Zf is the

impedance at the fault point which is line length. For example at
point p:

Advantage of distance relay:

1. Provide backup protection easily.
2. Eliminates the pilot channel.
Distance protection is available for both phase and ground
Step distance protection combines instantaneous and time delay

Dr. Audih 37
Relay Reach, under reach and over reach
The reach of the distance relay is that distance from the relaying
point to the point of fault. The reach is usually refers as the relay
setting and can be as a distance (m), or as a primary or secondary

Zones of protection
Due to the tolerance in the circuit components, the measuring
accuracy cannot be perfect so it is usual to set the relay at the
local point A at 80% of the secondary impedance of AB. This is
referred as zone 1 or stage A1 setting (see figure 3).
The remaining 20% of AB is protected by changing the setting of
the relay to reach 50% into zone BC (zone 2 or stage A2). Stage
A2 is usually set at 0.3 s time.

Dr. Audih 38
For system reliability (failure of relay A will cause failure of stage
A1 and stage A2),another distance relay is added for backup
protection . This separate relay should have a reach of 20% into
CD and called zone 3 or stage A3 which has a time delay of 0.6 s.


Fig.3 A three- sage distance protection system

Zone 1 is an under reaching element, any fault within Zone 1 is known to be on the protected
line. When Zone 1 operates, the line is tripped instantaneously.
Zone 2, however, will operate for some external faults.

Dr. Audih 39
Discrimination zone (or setting zone) by:

Example 1:
For the 66kV radial feeder shown in Fig., Calculate zone 1 setting
for the distance relay in primary ohms.

15 Km

Z r 1  0.8. Z L x 0.8  ( 3.62  122 )  10.02 

Dr. Audih 40
Example 2:

Figure shows a simple two radial lines. We will consider the settings
for line AB at bus B. The line length is 80 km.

The distance relay at bus A is fed by current transformers rated at

2000/5A and voltage transformers rated at 345 kV/200 kVY, and
120 V/69 V Y. Find the settings of zone 1 and zone 2 of the relays.

Dr. Audih 41

Dr. Audih 42
Relay reach adjustment
Referred to Fig.3, by changing the ampere-turns relationship of the
current coil to the voltage coil, the ohmic reach of the balanced -
beam relay can be adjusted. A more modern technique for achieving
the same result is to use a bridge comparator (see Figure 4).

Fig.4 Bridge comparator

Dr. Audih 43
Tripping characteristics of distance relay
If the relay’s operating boundary is plotted, on an R/X diagram, its
impedance characteristic is a circle with its center at the origin of the
coordinates and its radius will be the setting (reach) in ohms (Figure 5).

The relay will operate for all values less than its setting i.e. is for all points
within the circle.

This is known as a plain impedance relay and it will be noted that it is non-
directional, in that it can operate for faults behind the relaying point. It takes
no account of the phase angle between voltage and current.

Dr. Audih 44
This limitation can be overcome by a technique known as self-
polarization. Additional voltages are fed into the comparator in order
to compare the relative phase angles of voltage and current, so
providing a directional feature. This has the effect of moving the
circle such that the circumference of the circle now passes through
the origin. Angle θ is known as the relay’s characteristic angle (see
Figure 6 (a)).

Dr. Audih 45
This is known as the MHO relay, so called as it appears as a
straight line on an admittance diagram. By the use of a further
technique of feeding in voltages from the healthy phases into the
comparator (known as cross polarization) a reverse movement or
offset of the characteristic can be obtained (see Figure 6 (b)). This
is called the offset MHO characteristic.

Types of Distance Relay

Distance relays are classified according to their characteristics in

the R-X diagram and there are numerous differences in relay
characteristics. The relays are set according to the positive and
zero-sequence impedance of the transmission line. Fig.7 shows the
R-X diagrams of common types of distance relays.

Dr. Audih 46
Fig.7 Basic Distance Relay Types.

Dr. Audih 47
Dr. Audih 48

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