The Local News, August 15, 2020 With WEB LINKS
The Local News, August 15, 2020 With WEB LINKS
The Local News, August 15, 2020 With WEB LINKS
pg 14
e Tru s t August 15, 2020 • 714.914.9797 • [email protected] • VOL. 29 NO. 643
Retired Officer
lation in America that "I don't like to think about it."
allows them to control every aspect of your life. In- 6 million Jews were exterminated in Germany be-
cluding what you eat, where you go, and who you see. cause 97% of the population cowered to populist con-
Robert "Bob"
And the most dangerous and terrifying part? People trol. Nobody wanted to think about it. It's easier to just
are not afraid of the government who removed their free- ignore it.
dom. They're afraid of their neighbors, family and But that couldn't happen here, right?
or the last few weeks, retired HBPD Of-
ficer Robert “Bob" Sutherland has been
fighting a battle with COVID. Today he
lost that battle and we join his family in
mourning his loss.
Robert “Bob” Sutherland worked over 30
years in law enforcement, finishing his career
at HBPD. While at HBPD he worked a variety
of assignments which included Patrol, Motors,
Narcotics, and the Oakview Detail.
Even after his retirement, he volunteered his
time at Baker to Vegas, riding his motorcycle
and acting as a race official on the Rules Com-
Teeth in a Day
“No more partials or dentures...
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Huntington Beach, CA
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e m s
uI t
M e n a r ly
u l
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Neighborhood Sports Bar
Meet The New Kid On The Block!
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Historic Trails Every American Should
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routes the French and American soldiers took on their mo- and sacred sites. “Ala” means
mentous journey, passing through well-preserved 18th- road or trail, and “Kahakai”
century buildings, along with encampments, museums, means beach or seashore in
parks, and sites. The trail starts in Boston, meanders along Hawaiian.
Rhode Island’s coast, then travels inland through central After intensive discussions
Connecticut, through Massachusetts into New York, and with lineal descendants,
then along New Jersey’s western edge into Pennsylvania. landowners, and community
It dips into Delaware, moves through Baltimore and Wash- members, the network of trails Oregon National Historic Trail
ington, D.C., and terminates in Virginia. became a National Historic Credit: zrfphoto/ iStock
Along the way, there's a plethora of opportunities to visit Trail in 2000 as a way to pre-
strategic and historic sites, such as Mount Vernon, Wash- serve, protect, and interpret traditional Native Hawaiian can find numerous historic sites, museums, memorials,
ington’s Virginia home, and the Yorktown Battlefield, culture. Much of the land is privately owned, and some and artifacts that provide both a sobering look into this pe-
where the decisive victory took place. Also consider Colo- trail segments are still being readied for public access. You riod of U.S. history and insight into the fascinating cultures
nial Williamsburg, an enthralling living history museum, can join portions of the trail from a state-owned access and histories of the Native American nations that were dis-
and Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, where the Found- point, and the island’s four national parks: Hawai‘i Volca- placed. The National Park Service provides a helpful in-
ing Fathers debated and signed the Declaration of Inde- noes National Park, Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National His- teractive map of where to go and what to see, categorized
pendence and the U.S. Constitution. For trip planning, toric Park, Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, by state.
check out the National Washington-Rochambeau Revolu- and Pu'ukohola National Historic Site. Places to see include Kentucky’s Trail of Tears Com-
tionary Route Association’s interactive map. The trail passes petroglyphs, ceremonial sites, fish- memorative Park, an encampment where two Cherokee
ponds, monuments, and ancient dwellings, and it varies in chiefs are buried, and the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Captain John Smith Chesapeake Na- composition — from lava flows and sandy shores to step- in North Carolina, which tells the 13,000-year-history of
ping stones and modern roads. One of the best-preserved the Cherokee, with artifacts, artwork, and computer-gen-
tional Historic Trail sites is the remains of the Kauleoli fishing village, at the erated animation. Learn the fascinating history of Major
Between 1607 and 1609, English Captain John Smith Pu‘uhonua O Hōnaunau National Historic Park’s southern Ridge, a Cherokee leader who played a pivotal role before
explored and mapped the Chesapeake Bay aboard an open border. the nation’s relocation, at Georgia’s Chieftains Museum.
boat with a small crew. Much mystery still surrounds what See part of the route where the trail crosses the Mississippi
actually transpired between Smith and Pocahontas (the Oregon National Historic Trail River in Missouri at the Trail of Tears State Park. Okla-
real person, not the Disney version), but today many schol- During the early 1800s, the allure of the West beckoned homa’s Cherokee National Museum contains multiple per-
4 ars will agree that Smith’s accounts of Pocahontas rescuing to Americans and immigrants who sought a better life. Na- manent Trail of Tears exhibits across six galleries.
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There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
Life is like a camera
just focus on what is important, capture the good times,
develop from the negatives, and if thing don’t work out,
take another shot! Dave Garofalo
Things We Used
Yolk of the Day to Say in 1955
S arah was in the fertilized egg Now, she could sit on the porch,
business. She had several and fill out an efficiency report
hundred young pullets, and ten by just listening to the bells.
ment, old Butch had his bell in
his beak so it couldn't ring. He'd
sneak up on a pullet, do his job,
roosters to fertilize the eggs. Sarah's favorite rooster, old and walk on to the next one.
Sarah was so proud
of old Butch that she
entered him in a con-
test, and he became an
overnight sensation
among the judges.
So impressed were
they that the judges
not only awarded old
Butch the "No Bell
Peace Prize," but they
also awarded him the W hen I first started driving, who would
have thought gas would someday cost
25 cents a gallon? Guess we'd be better off
"Pulletsurprise" as
well. leaving the car in the garage.
Clearly, old Butch
was a politician in the
making. Who else but
a politician could fig- Sports
ure out how to win two
of the most coveted
awards on our planet
She kept records, and any roos- Butch, was a very fine specimen,
by being the best at
sneaking up on the unsuspecting from the
ter not performing went into the but this morning, she noticed old populace, and screwing them
soup pot, and was replaced. Butch's bell hadn't rung at all. when they weren't paying atten-
This took a lot of time so she When she went to investigate, tion?
bought some tiny bells, and at- she saw the other roosters were Vote carefully in this coming
tached them to her roosters. busy chasing pullets, bells-a- election.
Each bell had a different tone ringing, but the pullets hearing You can't always hear the bells.
so she could tell from a distance the roosters coming, would run (If you don't pass this on,
which rooster was performing. for cover. To Sarah's amaze- you're a chicken...... no yolk)
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
We believe and practice being fully involved with the communities we serve.
This is essential in building good will, encouraging growth and above all staying connected in our backyard
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y for ! London After a several years of competition with Bangkok, London has
regained its place as the world's most visited city (according to Master-
toda ation Card's 2014 Global Destinations City Index). The city sees about 18.69
e in nsult million international visitors annually generating $19.3 billion in revenue
Comfree co l 6 for their city
l 0
Ca 4-18 Little-known Facts About
Our First Ladies...
- 3 7 20% off color services ELIZABETH MONROE, 1768-1830
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Strange Facts About the U.S.
Job Hunting
In 1930's
South Florida is the only place in the world where alligators and croc-
odiles coexist in the wild.
A Veteran Owned Business
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Coverage with bulk distribution in Belmont Shores, is met with concerns from many health professionals. the vaccine, can you get enough vials?”
Naples & Cypress. Address correspondence to “The rate of development of the vaccine is like
nothing we have ever seen before,” said Aparna COUNT ON FEWER BUSINESS TRIPS AND
Kumar, a nurse-scientist and assistant professor at MORE REMOTE WORK OPPORTUNITIES
Thomas Jefferson University. “It’s great that the sci- With the increase in digital technologies and the re-
ence is moving quickly, but it also creates limitations alization that some industries can easily continue
in terms of what we know about the efficacy of the without sending staff across the county or across the
630 Main Street She defined the efficacy of a vaccine as how well a
vaccine works in ideal Continued on pg 13
Huntington Beach, Ca 92648 conditions, like in a
[email protected]
demonstrates how
much the vaccine re-
duces the frequency of
Dave Garofalo illness in a vaccinated
Publisher / Owner versus an unvaccinated
Newspaper Print Policy: The Local News is a bi- population.
monthly print publication. Generally we try to publish on Kumar ― who is
the 1st & 15th of each month. We go to press on the also the chief commu-
2nd and 4th Thursday with a delivery date of the follow-
ing each Friday. The only exceptions are those months nity officer at Dear
with 5 weeks. We distribute a 12 month production Pandemic, an all-fe-
schedule each January showing exact dates for news male team of re-
and ads, print dates and distribution dates. Please see searchers and
Annual Production Schedule for Specific Days.
clinicians who are
working to combat COVID-19 misinfor-
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Your Solid Gold Savings CARD
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16277 Bolsa Chica St
Brian, Jillian or Kristen
Chris MacDonald
On the road in Surf City
The Local News
By Chris MacDonald, Writer/Photographer,
HB Ambassador/The Local News Columnist
HB Surfing
Walk of Fame
For over 11 years, Colette’s Children’s
Home has provided 2,000 homeless
Has Celebration
women & children with emergency
n a recent Saturday, a small have walked over to view the tributes
gathering was held at the corner the past 27 years. The honors have been
and transitional housing. of Main Street and Pacific made possible by the generosity and
Coast Highway, in front of Jack's Surf- dedication of Jack’s Surfboards & the
boards, for the 27th Annual Surfing Surfing Community. It was a great day,
Walk of Fame Ceremony. This is a tra- and we can’t wait for next year….when
Their mission: Colette’s Children’s Home dition for people, who come to Hunt- things are back to normal.”
provides a safe and nurturing environment ington Beach & look down at the stones "The Surfing Walk of Fame has been
in the Sidewalk honoring Famous a great attraction to HB tourists & other
where at-risk women and children can visitors since it
was first intro-
obtain support & services needed to duced in 1994.
achieve self-sufficiency. It is an impor-
tant asset that
contributes to
(714) 596-1380
our worldwide
fame as Surf
City USA," said
HB City Coun- cilman Patrick
"Jack's, their
founder Mike
Abdelmuti &
the volunteer
team, led by
John Etheridge,
have come to-
gether again to
shine a bright
Clockwise from top left: Jack's Surfboards
Owner Ron Abdelfattah, Mayor Lyn Semeta
and Huntington Surf & Sport Owner Aaron
Pai; Former HB Mayor Dave Garofalo with
Mayor Lyn Semeta; Surfing Walk of Fame
Board Members - Mike Adams, Eric Char-
lonne, PT Townend, Don MacAllister and
Ron Abdelfattah; HB City Council Members
Kim Carr, Patrick Brenden and Mike Posey;
Surfing Walk of Fame Board Members with
HB City Officials Photos by Chris MacDonald
Surfers, Local Community Members & light on the core character of Surf City,
others, who have made a difference in USA," said former HB Mayor Dave
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Sidecar, Costa Mesa Gold Barre, Newport Beach Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach
The Donuttery, Huntington Beach Union Ryde, Tustin Peter Blake Gallery, Laguna Beach
OC Crafted Donuts, Fountain Valley OC Cyber Barre OC Museum of Art, Santa Ana
Best Vegetarian Restaurant Best Takeout Family Meals Best Holiday Event
Seabirds, Costa Mesa Fork in the Road Catering Irvine Park Railroad Pumpkin Patch & Christ-
Nice Guys Vegan, Costa Mesa Zov’s Restaurant, Multiple Locations mas, Orange
Gracias Madre, Newport Beach Panini Kabob Grill, Multiple Locations Fireworks at the Dunes, Newport Beach
Vibe, Newport Beach Jalapenos Mexican, Multiple Locations Newport Beach Boat Parade
Mead’s Green Door, Orange The Recess Room, Fountain Valley Pelican Hill – Building gingerbread houses,
Naughty Panda, Santa Ana Chaak Kitchen, Tustin Newport Beach
Freesoulcaffe, Tustin Full Moon Sushi, Multiple Locations Pacific Air Show, Huntington Beach
Thuyen Vien (Vegetarian) Restaurant, Anaheim
Best Local Band or Musician
Best Tacos N8tive Band
Hannah J Hart
Taquiero Taco Patio, Irvine
Urbana, Anaheim Tijuana Dogs
Pour Vida Latin Flavor, Anaheim Cali Conscious
South of Nicks, Laguna Beach/San Clemente Kalama Brothers
Taco Maria, Costa Mesa Kennedy Givens
These Days
Best Boba Milk Tea Twilight Creeps
The Boba Junkie, Santa Ana
Ding Tea, Multiple Locations Congratulations to all the winners and a BIG
Kaffeine Alley, Anaheim THANK YOU to everyone who voted!!!
Cha For Tea, Irvine 11
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California Unemployment: Scammers get EDD Heads Up
Continued from pg 8
ply for entertainment or recreational purposes,” Moody said. “I think what you’ll see
is clusters of people at smaller gatherings. I doubt we’re going to have big events with ANTICIPATE CERTAIN LEVELS OF DISCORD THROUGHOUT COM-
tens of thousands of people coming together.” MUNITIES
He voiced concerns regarding crowds inside of performing arts and sporting venues, While the vast majority of people are counting down the days, Fisher warned that
in particular. He questioned how to safely welcome groups of people into an enclosed any unrealistic and premature hyping of the vaccine could lead people to believe that
space and what that means for the venue. all troubles will be over as soon as the needle pricks their body.
“How quickly are we going to be able to get people back into venues? Is it going to “I think there is a tremendous likelihood of conflict, social discord and unanticipated
be a situation where venues have to charge twice as much because they can only fill consequences with the arrival of the vaccine,” he said.
half as many seats? Which then makes so many of these things out of reach for people Communities, co-workers, friends and families will be faced with tough decisions
— I think that’s going to be really challenging,” Moody said. regarding everything from the topic of how to safely socialize after months and months
And since fresh air circulation helps mitigate the risk of the virus, he added that of isolation to sending their child to school where there may be unvaccinated students.
outdoor social gatherings will become even more of the norm. He also stressed that there are likely going to be issues regarding vaccine distribution
and the potential for inequalities around race that the illness has already highlighted
There is no question that people are profoundly affected by the major events that THE VIRUS WON’T GO AWAY COMPLETELY
occur in their lifetime. People who lived through the Great Depression have different Sadly, COVID-19 won’t disappear when the vaccine is deployed. Godwin noted
tendencies than those who did not; those who grew up during the Vietnam War have that the U.S. has a long history of people being opposed to vaccines.
a different outlook than those born postwar. It is to be expected that modern-day so- “We are already seeing people saying they wouldn’t want to get the vaccine and
ciety will be shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. that limits our ability to create herd immunity, which provides protection for those
Edwin Fisher, a professor of health behavior at the Gillings School of Global Public who can’t get the vaccine or haven’t gotten the vaccine,” Godwin said.
Health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, noted that the psychological She cautioned that the virus will still be circulating even after an effective vaccine
after-effects of disasters typically emerge six months after the event ends. He antici- is widely available as a result of those who choose not to get the vaccine.
pates long-term mental health effects and societal changes as a result of the pandemic, “We are going to be living with COVID for a while,” she stressed.
which has kept millions of Americans isolated socially and physically for months. Experts are still learning about the novel coronavirus. The information in this story
“Because it’s ubiquitous, because it’s everywhere, because it hits us 24/7, we tend is what was known or available as of press time, but it’s possible guidance around
to lose track of the effects of COVID on our daily lives, mood and consciousness,” COVID-19 could change as scientists discover more about the virus. Please check the
Fisher said. “Well, what will the similar effect be of having lived through the greatest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the most updated recommendations.
global pandemic in over 100 years? There are going to be many, many long-term ef- This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
Why Do Dogs Drool?
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Reader’s Digest / MORGAN CUTOLO says Greenstein. “In some dogs with epilepsy, for in- ian. Watch out for these other signs that your
Dogs have a long list or adorable habits: when they stance, staring off and drooling is often a commonly “healthy” dog is actually sick.
lean on you, chase their tails, or follow you around overlooked sign of an impending seizure.” If you no- Other symptoms to watch for on top of excessive
everywhere, but drooling isn’t one of them. If your tice that your dog is drooling much more than usual, drooling that indicates something is wrong with your
dog is constantly leaving wet drool stains on your fur- and the drool has blood in it, smells bad, or has a dog are swelling around the throat or inside the
niture, rugs, or clothes, you’ve probably found your- greenish tint to it you should see a veterinarian to test mouth, unusual behavior, neurological changes, loss
self wondering, “Why do dogs drool?” and “What for a medical condition. of appetite, vomiting, or signs of malaise.
causes that somewhat strange behavior?” If humans Make sure to notice the environment your dog is in
can keep their saliva in check shouldn’t dogs be able when the excessive drooling starts. Sometimes their Are there certain breeds that drool more than
to do the same? We talked to dog expert, Dr. Rebecca reaction can be to something that isn’t very life-threat- others?
Greenstein, Veterinary Medical Advisor for Rover, for ening. For example, drooling can simply be a sign of Yes, there are certain breeds that drool more than
some answers. If you’re curious, this is why others. If you own a Mastiff, Bloodhound, St.
dogs lick their paws. Bernard, Great Dane, or Newfoundland, you know
that to be true. “It’s not that they actually salivate
Why do dogs drool? more than other dogs, it’s that their large loose lip
Drool is just saliva and a certain baseline conformation makes it difficult to contain their natural
amount is completely normal for dogs just like saliva production and in some breeds, loose floppy
it is for humans. “Saliva contains digestive en- tissue can actually act as a funnel for drool,” says
zymes, which help to moisten food to facilitate Greenstein.
swallowing, and help maintain oral and dental
health,” says Greenstein. A healthy dog will Is there anything you can do to get your dog to
often start to drool more in anticipation of meal drool less?
or treat time or if they’re excited or anxious. It’s normal for dogs to drool, so there isn’t anything
“Other causes of drooling include ingestion of you can do to get them to drool less (unless they are
substances that irritate the lining of the mouth, suffering from a medical issue), but there are things
unpleasant-tasting medications, certain toxins, you can do to control the mess that drool creates.
dental disease, salivary gland trauma, certain “Bandanas and neck kerchiefs are not only a fashion
tumors, swallowing disorders, and underlying statement but they can serve as a stealth goober bib,
neurological conditions,” explains Greenstein nausea caused by motion sickness. So if your dog is especially for the big droolers like Mastiffs,” says
soaking your car seats on your road trip, that could be Greenstein. “Some water and food bowls have spe-
Does drooling ever indicate a health problem in why. But, nausea-caused drooling can also indicate cially-designed lips or rims to limit the amount of
your dog? something more serious like tummy upset caused by splatter and spill and subsequent goo, but they are un-
“Hypersalivation or excessive drooling (known as an infection or blockage. So if you think your dog likely to make a huge impact on the overall drooling
‘ptyalism’) can absolutely be a symptom of a surpris- may have gotten into something they weren’t sup- situation.” Now that you know why dogs drool, learn
ingly diverse number of health conditions, ranging posed to while they were playing outside and notice about the other reasons behind your dog’s weird be-
from tummy upset to neurological disease to cancer,” excessive drooling, it’s best to consult your veterinar- havior.
Vorgna — now serving as a special ad- down slightly by 9,000 to 4.791 mil- The enemy jailed his wife ,
visor to President Trump and chief lion, while May’s payrolls were revised and she died within a few
economist of the NEC after stints at up by 26,000 to 2.725 million. months.
Deutsche Bank and Natixis — told “I’ll take this report over anything. John Hart was driven from
Yahoo Finance’s The First Trade. It’s a positive number,” said S&P his wife's bedside as she was
“We’re looking at GDP this quarter of Global Chief economist Beth Ann dying. Their 13 children fled
20%,” LaVorgna said, adding GDP Bovin for their lives. His fields and
growth of 20% in the second half of Even still, stocks fell slightly by af- his gristmill were laid to
2020 is “doable.” ternoon trading Friday after an initial waste. For more than a year he
Second quarter GDP crashed 32.9%, positive response following the re- lived in forests and caves, re-
the worst on record, as the economy lease of the jobs report. Strategists turning home to find his wife
was crippled by the COVID-19 pan- told Yahoo Finance there were sev- dead and his children van-
demic. Suffice it to say, LaVorgna’s eral red flags in the report, including ished.
GDP forecast is on the aggressive side elevated levels of people quantified So, take a few minutes while
in light of the second quarter’s chal- as permanent job losers and a slow- What ki nd of men were they? enjoying your 4th of July holiday and
lenges. States continue to grapple with down from June jobs growth (4.8 mil- Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. silently thank these patriots. It's not much
fresh COVID-related business closures lion jobs created). Eleven were merchants, nine were to ask for the price they paid.
and businesses are pushing off the re- “I worry the economy has been farmers and large plantation owners; men Remember: freedom is never free! We
turn to offices until 2021. scarred,” chief economist and head of of means, well-educated, but they signed thank these early patriots,as well as those
But, LaVorgna points to the July jobs macro strategy at Manulife Investment the Declaration of Independence knowing patriots now fighting to KEEP our free-
report as a reason for optimism. Pay- Management Frances Donald told full well that the penalty would be death dom!
rolls came in better than Wall Street es- Yahoo Finance. if they were captured. I hope you will show your support by
timates, as did the unemployment rate. Yahoo Finance’s Emily McCormick Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy sending this to as many people as you can,
Change in non-farm payrolls: +1.783 contributed to this story. planter and trader, saw his ships swept please. It's time we get the word out that
million vs. +1.48 million expected and Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and from the seas by the British Navy. He sold patriotism
+4.791 million in June co-anchor of The First Trade at Yahoo his home and properties to pay his debts, is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has
Unemployment rate: 10.2% vs. Finance. Follow Sozzi on Twitter @Bri- and died in rags. more MEANING to it than beer, fire-
14 10.6% expected and 111% in June anSozzi and on LinkedIn. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by works, HOT DOGS, and picnics......
Average hourly earnings, month over
What are
Bic pens
named after?
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
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“I’ve heard I won’t qualify for a reverse
mortgage because of my limited income.”
“If I take out a reverse mortgage the lender
will own my home.”
“There are restrictions on how reverse
mortgage proceeds may be used.”
“Only low-income seniors get
reverse mortgages.”
“If I outlive my life expectancy, the lender
will evict me.”
“A reverse mortgage will affect my
government benefits.”
“There are no objective advisors available
to seniors trying to decide if a
reverse mortgage suits their needs.”
“My children will be responsible
for the repayment of the loan.”
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
“Reverse mortgage lenders take
advantage of seniors.”
“I cannot get a reverse mortgage if I have an
existing mortgage.”
Photo by Bogdan Glisik on Unsplash
E-mail Robert Slater @
[email protected]
for a Free Consultation
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Continued on pg 22
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Cookies, Cocktails & WOMEN
No-Bake Cookie JANE
Butter Blossoms Jane Austen (1775 –
Ingredients cookie spread and corn syrup. Cook 1817) English author who
1 cup Biscoff creamy cookie spread
and stir over low heat until blended. wrote romantic fiction
1/2 cup corn syrup Remove from heat; stir in Rice combined with social real-
3 cups Rice Krispies Krispies until coated. Shape level ta- ism. Her famous novels in-
32 milk chocolate kisses blespoons of mixture into balls; place clude Sense and Sensibility
on waxed paper. Immediately press a (1811), Pride and Prejudice
Directions kiss into center of each cookie. Let (1813), Mansfield Park
In a large saucepan, combine stand until set. (1814) and Emma (1816).
Wormhole Warrior
Written by John Ralph Strain into a rocks glass
Image: Tim Nusog over fresh ice.
Garnish with a mint sprig
Ingredients and lemon peel.
1 oz Cocalero Clásico
Herbal Spirit Vodka
1 oz Dry vermouth
3/4 oz Tempus Fugit
Gran Classico bitter
1 dash Orange bit-
Garnish: Mint sprig
Garnish: Lemon
C ail
Add all ingredients
into a mixing glass
with ice and stir for 12
rare PIC
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Dear EarthTalk: “The atmosphere we breathe normally is full of pos- of happiness. Study participants who spent just 20
Is it true that being itive and negative ions,” he adds. “Air-conditioning, minutes outdoors a day experienced significant in-
around a waterfall lack of ventilation, and long dry spells remove nega- creases in energy levels as well as noticeable mood
makes you feel good? tive ions...the best ratios of negative to positive ions boosts. Even indoor plants played a role in helping
~ S.B., Lewiston, ME are associated with waterfalls and the time before, study participants feel more energized.
during and after storms,” says Howard. “The worst Another way to look at it would be to consider our
The notion of waterfalls making you happy is often are found in windowless rooms and closed, moving sedentary, indoor lifestyle as a drain on our energy re-
viewed as an “old wives’ tale,” but there may be some vehicles.” serves and taxing to our mood and general sense of
truth to it given the so-called “negative ions” perva- Our love of waterfalls only underscores that people well-being. In the landmark 2005 book Last Child in
sive in such envi- thrive when they the Woods, Richard Louv coined the term “nature
ronments. The are exposed to deficit disorder” to explain how our lack of time out-
collision of water nature on a regu- doors has led to behavioral problems in kids and
molecules with lar basis. A 2013 adults alike. Louv’s prescription? Spend more time
each other causes study in the jour- outdoors (away from screens) interacting with nature
water to be posi- nal Environmen- and each other.
tively charged and In case you needed another reason to get off the
surrounding air to Being around water- couch and out into the woods on a waterfall hike,
be negatively falls — like this 88-foot now you have it. You’ll be sharper. You’ll be more
charged. According doozy along the North productive. You’ll be invigorated. And you’ll be
to Pierce Howard, Fork of the Nooksack happier.
River in Washington
Ph.D., author of
State — could help us
The Owner's Man- with a little mental uplift CONTACTS:
ual for the Brain: courtesy of the "negative The Owner's Manual for the Brain
Everyday Applica- ions" floating around
tions from Mind- crashing water mole-
Brain Research, it cules. Last Child in the Woods
makes sense that Credit: Roddy Scheer.
waterfalls can
make you feel good, given that negative ions hitting tal Science & Technology definitively linked “Green spaces deliver lasting mental health bene-
our bloodstream can produce biochemical reactions exposure to nature directly with improved mental fits,”
linked to alleviating depression, relieving stress and health, comparing the mental health of those who
boosting energy. moved from city landscapes to greener, more natural mental-health-benefits.html
“High concentrations of negative ions are essential settings with those who relocated in the reverse direc-
for high energy and positive mood,” he reports. “Neg- tion. Researchers found that those who relocated to Earthwall® is produced by
ative ions suppress serotonin levels in much the same settings with a higher exposure to nature were notice- Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a
way that natural sunlight suppresses melatonin. Hence ably happier during the three-year study period. registered trademark of
the invigorating effect of fresh air and sunshine and “[E]nvironmental policies to increase urban green Earth Action Network Inc, a 501(c)3 non-profit.
the correspondingly depressed feelings associated space may have sustainable public health benefits," SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO:
with being closed in and dark.” they concluded. [email protected].
In another recent study, researchers sampled the ef- FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO MAKE A
fects of nature on 537 University of Rochester stu- DONATION, CHECK OUT
dents in both real and imagined situations, and found
that individuals who spent time outdoors—or even
just imagined themselves in nature—consistently ex- The information contained in this column
does not necessarily reflect the opinion
perienced higher energy levels and increased feelings of The Local News.
the country’s vineyards. Planted on both the North and Chardonnay (Auckland, $50) anced by waxy, creamy textures and zingy citrus.
South Islands, the wines from these grapes vary from rich While the northern reaches of New Zealand’s North Is-
and ripe to earthy and bright depending on the region
and producer. Other red grapes, such as merlot, caber-
net sauvignon and syrah, thrive in warmer regions,
while white grapes like pinot gris and riesling add to
New Zealand’s strong white wine reputation.
But there’s an energy of innovation among New
Zealand’s vintners as well, who are producing excep-
tional traditional-method sparkling wine, experiment-
ing with new vinification methods and planting offbeat
varieties in new vineyards. Until recently, few of these
non-sauvignon blanc wines ever came to stateside
shores, but American wine lovers now finally have the
opportunity to realize just how diverse and delicious
New Zealand wines can be. With sauvignon blanc,
we’ve already dipped a toe into the wide world of New
Zealand wine. Now it’s time to dive straight in.
The information contained in this column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News
The Longest
Time Eating
& Drinking
Every Day
it back, relax, and bon appétit! Euro-
peans are known to linger over their
meals, but France takes the cake. Ac-
cording to data from the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), the French spend an average of 2
hours and 13 minutes per day eating and
drinking, more than any other country on
the list. Neighboring Italy and Spain share
an appreciation for slow dining: Italians
spend an average of 2 hours and 7 minutes
eating and drinking each day, while
Spaniards dedicate 2 hours and 6 minutes to
mealtimes. Compare that to the United
States: Americans spend the least amount of
time each day eating and drinking at just 1
hour and 1 minute — less than half the time
in France.
The Local News, August 15, 2020 [email protected] 714.914.9797
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10 Travel Terms You've Never Heard Before
Do you ever find yourself at a loss for words when you're be a numinous experience, for example, to see the Swiss much stronger. As it was originally meant to be used, "eu-
traveling? Often, frequent travelers find themselves having Alps. daimonia" refers to the deepest possible happiness a human
emotions they simply can't describe, despite their vivid ex- can experience. When you are experiencing eudaimonia,
periences. 5) Dérive you are truly connected to the world around you and func-
If you struggle to describe the experience of traveling — Shutterstock tioning at your best.
or perhaps just want some new words to use when telling While this interesting word may make you think of the Eudaimonia relates particularly to travel because it's
your friends about your trip — here are 10 travel terms that English "derive," the French term dérive actually refers to meant to be considered in the context of an activity you par-
may help. a particular frame of mind that empowers you to take things ticipate in, rather than simply an emotional state. Eudaimo-
as they come. You may give yourself to the experience and nia is achieved by honoring your values and exploring the
1) Peregrinate allow yourself to be guided by the architecture of your sur- world around you in a conscientious way.
Credit: everst/ Shutterstock rounding landscape.
Peregrinate is a verb that means "to travel on foot." First This word literally means "to drift," but there is more to 9) Solivagant
used in English in the late 16th century, this word comes it than meets the eye. In essence, dérive is a way to con- Credit: Luca Baggio/ Unsplash
from the Latin term peregrinatus, which means sciously connect to Do you often prefer to travel alone, exploring foreign
"to wander in a foreign place." So, "peregrinate" how you're moved lands with no travel companions? If so, you prefer the so-
is the perfect word to reach for when you're back-
packing or exploring a new country.
8 by the sights you
livagant experience in your adventures. This word, which
comes from the Latin roots soli (alone) and vagus (to wan-
der), means precisely what
you'd expect: a solitary wan-
4 2 derer.
While traveling with friends
and loved ones is definitely fun,
traveling alone offers its own re-
warding experiences. When
you're on your own, you can fol-
low every whim you have. You
6 can stay a little longer at that
amazing museum, take that un-
expected trip to the next town
over, or walk the city instead of
driving. The solivagant person
10 9 prefers to fully focus on all as-
pects of the travel experience.
10) Sehnsucht
1 Credit: Olena Z/ Shutterstock
Many travelers have experi-
enced what this German term de-
scribes, which translates to a
yearning that cannot be fully ex-
pressed in words. Similar to
saudade, sehnsucht refers to a
packed everything you need — you're experiencing res- fined saudade as "a pleasure you suffer [and] an ail-
feber. ment you enjoy." If you've ever felt a sudden longing
That said, this word doesn't just encompass the emotions for a place you've never visited, you've likely expe-
associated with pre-travel logistics. It also refers to the ex- rienced the elusive feeling of saudade.
citement and anticipation you feel as you wait to leave on
your journey. The unique combination of restlessness, anx- 7) Vagary
iety, and excitement is the essence of resfeber. Credit: leoks/ Shutterstock
Vagary, a Latin term, refers to something that is un-
3) Novaturient expected, surprising, and unpredictable, often in a
Credit: everst/ Shutterstock whimsical sort of way. When you travel frequently,
Have you ever felt as though you're stuck in a rut and you become well-accustomed to this sort of unpre-
want to shake up your life? If so, you have novaturient de- dictability, which can often result in happy accidents
sires. This term has its roots in the Latin word novus, mean- and experiences you never expected to have. To use
ing "new." Today, it's frequently used to describe the feeling this term correctly, you'll generally use it in its plural
of wanting to change your life and experience new things. form — for example, "This unexpected detour is a
The word would also describe anyone who quits a con- great example of the vagaries of travel."
ventional job to travel. Novaturient people aren't satisfied
with life as is — they want to shed their old routines and 8) Eudaimonia
explore the world on their terms. Credit: Zick Svift/ Shutterstock
This ancient Greek term is often translated as "hap-
4) Numinous piness." However, it actually refers to something
Credit: Simon Fitall/ Unsplash
The word "numinous" is derived
from the Latin word numen, which
means "divine will." Although there's
a spiritual component to this term, it
isn't limited to religious connotations.
Rather, this term can be used to de-
scribe the feeling of awe, mystery, and
inspiration you may experience when
visiting certain types of places. It may 27
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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and
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