The Local News, August 15, 2022 DIGITAL W/ Website Links
The Local News, August 15, 2022 DIGITAL W/ Website Links
The Local News, August 15, 2022 DIGITAL W/ Website Links
Van US Op
Of Surfing
I n Go
Continued on pg 22
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13th Blessing of the Waves
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There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
"You don't always need a plan.
Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust,
let go and see what happens."
~ Mandy Hale Dave Garofalo
{ }
Michael Regan/Getty Images
We believe and practice being fully involved with the communities we serve.
This is essential in building good will, encouraging growth and above all staying connected in our backyard
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Presidential Facts
image: Report
the naughty girl failed to real-
ize was, they were captured
completely and therefore even
her actions are captured in the
photo. However the Easter
Bunny really looking happy!
Easter bunny is a mythical
creature, we all know that.
But, is it a male or a female
creature, have you ever won-
dered?Legend has it that the
Easter bunny lays, decorates,
and hides the eggs, all of
which are actions that symbol-
ize new life. Many of the
myths and confusions sur-
rounding the origins of the
fluffy hare have been an-
swered. However, no one has
ever tried to identify its
gender. Let's try to examine
some of the characteristics of
the Easter bunny. Jewish Prisoners After Being Liberated From
A Death Train, 1945
Source: Reddit
Now here’s something you don’t see every day - or even every
thousand years. In 2011 this mask was discovered by archae-
ologists in Mexico beneath the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun.
This mask, which was found with a series of other collectibles
Strange Facts About the U.S.
is believed to have been placed at the bottom of the pyramid as
an offering to the gods at the onset of the construction. While
this mask was found at the pyramid of the sun, bones and other
human remains were found buried at the base of the Pyramid
of the Moon. It makes you wonder if there's something fasci-
nating like this item at the base of every pyramid.
Boston has the worst drivers out of the nation's 200 largest 7
cities. Kansas City has the best drivers.
yahoo money
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THE LOCAL NEWS is published on the 1st and 15th. nflation concerns haven't been enough to deter (30%).
Americans from spending, a new study found, After travel and transit expenses, more than a
THE LOCAL NEWS serves the residents/business men they are just using credit card rewards to cush- quarter of cardholders used their rewards to cush-
and women of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and ion some of the blow. ion emergencies, followed by entertainment and
Nearly half of credit cardholders are leaning on home improvements and bills.
Westminster, California with entertaining, informative their rewards to offset rising costs of everyday Still, not all used their credit card benefits to
purchases, according to a recent Wells Fargo their full advantage. Just over half of rewards
and objective looks at ourselves, neighbors and the study, with two-thirds of millennials reporting so. cardholders said they focused on high-value ticket
world as issues are debated, people interact socially and Nine in 10 of the more than 2,000 U.S. adults sur- items when they used their credit card and 38%
veyed said they were concerned about inflation, said they had not cashed in on all of their available
politically and events take place locally. We also believe and almost two-thirds of rewards cardholders rewards this year.
that we should have fun and thank volunteers! cared about their rewards now more than ever. Additionally, some 13% of rewards cardholders
The results underscore how hard Americans didn’t have a full un- derstanding of how
Award Winning Staff have been hit by rising prices, cur- their rewards program
Rex Gerlach & rently running works.
Jim Horton (Emeritus) near 40-year To make the most
Internet Services: highs, though of your rewards, you
Jen Miller softening a bit in should look into all
July, with credit of your credit card
Sales: Account Manager: cardholders redemption options,
Kevin Garofalo using their re- “accelerator cate-
Marketing Coordinator wards for basic gories” and cash-
& City Editor: expenses to ease back programs
Nancy Gray their cash flow, when choosing a re-
the report said. wards card, Phillips
Graphic Design: “It’s not surpris- said. There are spe-
Stacy Nunley ing to me that ac- cialized rewards
Photography & Freelance: ross all segments e on cr ed it card rewards cards that allow
or .
s are relying m tion, Wells Fargo reported
Chris MacDonald of our portfolio American s of in fla ds on you to save on ev-
of fs et rising cost ca rd ho ld ers used rewar rgo,
[millennials] rely expens es ells Fa eryday expenses,
Contributors: The top three rants. (Credit: W
on their credit card were groceries, gas and restau while others focus
-28, 2022)
Chris Epting, Cathy Green, Moe Kanoudi, rewards to offset Ipsos poll conducted June 27 on travel.
Ben Miles, City of HB PIO, Bob Terry & VisitHB some costs of ev- “Customers are choosing their card pro-
eryday purchases,” Krista Phillips, executive vice ducts for the earnings,” Phillips said. “In general,
All inquiries for Advertising and Editorial call (714) president and head of branded cards and market- customers love rewards and the idea they can pay
914.9797. Any omissions/errors in copy or advertising ing for Wells Fargo, told Yahoo Money. “They themselves back, and they do add up.”
limited to in kind cost of actual newspaper space occupied make up a big cohort of customers… and we Despite higher prices, many Americans are still
by the error. Letters-to-the-Editor policies include: know these little redemption items really alleviate eager to travel. Approximately, 63% are ready to
address letters to Editor at address below. Include your some of that extra expense when it comes to in- travel again in the next six months despite any
name, daytime phone number, occupation or company flation.” challenges, with a third (34%) saying they plan to
affiliation, group or organization membership, should The pressure of inflation has pushed many “go big” on their next trip.
those issues be appropriate. THE LOCAL NEWS Americans to take on more credit card debt. “I personally took my first vacation a couple of
Credit card balances increased $46 billion in the months ago to the Bahamas with my husband,
reserves the right to print all or part, editing for brevity second quarter, according to the Federal Reserve which was long overdue, so I’m not surprised that
or language. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly Bank of New York, a 5.5% increase from the first people are planning a vacation even though they
prohibited without written permission. Subscriptions are quarter. While balances remain below their pre- are tightening their belts due to inflation costs,”
$35 per year, $19 for 6 months and $12 for 3 months. pandemic levels, the 13% year-over-year increase Phillips said. “They’re just looking for ways to
Substantial copies of The Local News are direct-mailed to marked the largest annual gain in more than 20 make their credit card rewards spending go a long
residents and businesses in our circulation area. Subscrip- years. way to be more cost effective.”
tion sales are a major part of our business approach. “Americans are borrowing more, but a big part But not all Americans can afford to, even if they
Home delivery is augmented by direct mail to specific of the increased borrowing is attributable to have rewards to lean on. A third of those surveyed
local residents, business and officials. We encourage your higher prices,” researchers for the New York Fed said high gas prices forced them to cancel a road
said in a press statement. trip this summer, while 37% said they are not
support and participation. Seal Beach, Rossmoor, The Wells Fargo study reflects that pattern. planning a vacation at all. A fifth of respondents
Los Alamitos, Surfside & Sunset Beach have Market
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
About 45% of those surveyed said they in- said they are planning a staycation to avoid ex-
Coverage with bulk distribution in Belmont Shores, Na- creased their credit card use during the pandemic pensive travel costs altogether.
ples & Cypress. Address correspondence to as prices jumped across the board. The top ex- Gabriella is a personal finance reporter at
penses rewards credit cardholders used their Yahoo Money. Follow her on Twitter @__gabriel-
earned points on included groceries (62%), gas lacruz.
630 Main Street
Huntington Beach, Ca 92648 wonders
Office (714) 914-9797 OF THE
[email protected]
Dave Garofalo WORLD
Publisher / Owner THE AMAZON
Newspaper Print Policy: The Local News is a bi-monthly
print and digital publication. Generally we try to publish RIVER
on the 1st & 15th of each month. We go to press approx-
imately the 1st or 2nd Thursday of month, with a delivery
date of the following Friday. The only exceptions are those One of the most impressive water
months with 5 weeks. We distribute a 12 month produc- bodies on Earth, the Amazon is the
tion schedule each January showing exact dates for news, longest river in South America at over
ads, print, digital and distribution dates. Please see Annual
4,000 miles and has the largest drai- Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock
Production Schedule for Specific Days.
nage system on the planet, discharging
roughly 7,4000,000 cubic feet per second. Whether or not the Nile is, in fact, longer is a point of contention
8 for some as debates rage over the Amazon’s true headwaters.
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The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
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Chris MacDonald
On the road in Surf City
The Local News
By Chris MacDonald, Writer/Photographer,
HB Ambassador/The Local News Columnist
HB Pastor Expects
the Unexpected in
His New Book
HB Pastor Joe Pedick’s new book,
“Expect the Unexpected,” lives up to its
title and tells several true stories about
miraculous things that changed his life,
both personally & professionally,
changes that many of us can relate to.
These involve love & sin, faith & unbe-
lief, tragedy & triumph and the struggle
to make life-changing decisions.
The former football & track athlete
explains the unbelievable role God
played in the creation of Sunset Beach’s
first church, Calvary Chapel of the Har- Pastor Joe Pedick with
bour. In 2003, it met for the first time in his wife, Kathleen
the Sunset Beach Woman’s Club, later Cathy Rich Photo
moving to Peter’s Landing, then on to
the Huntington Bay Club property possible with God.
(Warner Avenue, before Pacific Coast Some of the Senior Pastor’s favorite
Highway). advice from Scripture & elsewhere:
Pedick’s mother passed away when he --Trust in the Lord with all of your
was 5-months-old and he grew up with heart and lean not on your own under-
many challenges & temptations. He standing.
thought he could work himself out of --When you come to a “V” in the road
difficult situations & some bad deci- & don’t know which way to go, just
sions, with his own intelligence, wit & pray, wait, read God’s Word & let the
understanding. Yet, he sometimes slid Holy Spirit guide you.
further backwards, even though his --All things work together for good to
Christian sister & husband tried re- those who love God…
peatedly to rescue him from the depth of --Panic is just a waste of time. “I just
depression, a depression so deep he even minister to myself and trust God to work
planned his suicide. out everything in His time,” he writes.
In spite of being able to work his way Readers will learn how the late Pastor
to the top of a very successful water Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, Costa
meter company in Michigan and have Mesa, influenced Joe’s personal & pro-
everything he could imagine, including fessional life; the amazing recovery of
a nice home, expensive cars & girl- longtime church member & Sunset
friends, Joe felt empty and had no inner Beach resident, Angela Cooper & her
peace. He was never satisfied and felt once Special Education grandson, Dezi,
PERSONAL SERVICE something was missing.
The reader will learn how he found the
who defied doctor’s predictions and now
flourishes on a full academic scholarship
AND THE right path, which led him to becoming a at University of California Irvine, and
Christian, then a pastor & how he and how Joe & Kathleen’s non-believing
LOWEST PRICES his wife, Kathleen, a former Scottish fathers came to believe in Jesus.
jazz singer, helped found Sunset Beach's This book will make you laugh and
first church, with the unbelievable help cry as you see Joe’s courage to abandon
The Local News, July 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
of a Sunset Beach woman named Viv- sin, overcome a fear of speaking, stand
ian. Today, the church has blossomed in up for what’s right and make a positive
attendance, number of services and nu- difference in these difficult times. He
merous helpful programs and has moved discusses the struggles of today’s
We’ll plan the perfect vacation to a larger location in the Huntington churches and congregations & even
Bay Club. wrote a section on how to accept Jesus
for your personality and budget Chock-full of Scriptures & written as your Lord & Savior.
from the heart (with editorial assistance You’ll see he’s not an “average Joe”
Specializing in: from journalist Alex Murashko), Joe but a very humble man, who gives all
takes you on a soulful journey through glory to God & cares about & tries to
Cruises • River Cruises • Tours rebellion, love, determination and hav- help everyone he meets.
Resorts • Disney & More ing a devoted, Born Again Christian "Pastor Joe has written a well-crafted
sister, who never gave up praying & book that's easy to read and profound in
preaching to him on how to be saved its content," said Steve Sollitt, a retired
through Jesus. dentist. "Every step of the remarkable
Call your Independent Vacation Specialist This book reads like a movie. You can progression of events is tied to the Scrip-
SHANNON SPEAKER picture his ups & downs throughout his tures, so that God gets all the glory.
Los Angeles, CA life. The reader can find himself or her- Quite a story, quite a book. I highly rec-
self wrestling with true life issues, in- ommend it."
310.216.9057 • 877.487.4665 cluding temptations, difficult decisions, For more information about this book moving from state to state, finding the (or the church), contact its publisher,
right spouse to marry and the impor- Calvary Chapel of the Harbour (4121
[email protected] tance of prayer & Bible study. His jour- Warner Ave., Huntington Beach) at 562-
CST 2006278-40 ney taught him that all things are 592-1800 or [email protected].
The information contained in this column does not necessarily
reflect the opinion of The Local News.
THE Local NEWS Community
Register to fit my cowish figure. What a fun night that was, and what an
y relationship with the just- Lookin’ as we belong, our first event extremely fun week that certainly was.
completed U.S. Open of Surf- was the opening “after party” at Hurri- Now it’s gonna take me a weeklong
ing in Huntington Beach goes canes on Main Street. As a bonus, my “recovery party” in my Lazy Boy.
all the way back to the first event in son Clint’s band was playing, and — a Awhooo. Boy, 63 years sure went by
1959. It was called the West Coast proud father moment here — rocked the quickly. Seems like just the other day I
Championship back then. In 1961, they house. Totally blew us away. was that skinny, kinda
changed the name to the United States The next event was the reception for scared, 11-year-old
Championship. Through the years, it the Walk of Fame held at Pacific City. It paddling out next
morphed into the current title of U.S. was our first time going there. I kept to the pier with
Open. thinking that at one time this would have not the faintest
In 1959, I was an 11-year-old stoked been where the “Grinder” diner was and idea of what
gremmie surfing in my first contest. My the old miniature golf course. My dad was about to
dad drove me down to the pier, and I had a trailer in the old trailer park there come.
gave it a go. The first win was in the jun- after our house in Surfside burned down
ior division in 1963; then men’s in ’66, in ’65. And now, this. Incredible. Ran
’67, and ’69 along with the overall title into my pal and long-time rival David
in ’66, ’67, ’68, ’69, and ’70. I had a Nuuhiwa. How many times did he and I
good run. duke it out in the finals at that pier? A
Through the years, I have watched as lot. Great to see him.
the event has grown from those early The next morning was the induction
times of two-day events, always on a ceremony, and I got the honor of intro-
weekend, to what has become an enor- ducing Honk. I always say my favorite
mous surfing extravaganza. Along with bands are the Rolling Stones and
the surfing, there are all kinds of other Honk, giving Honk the edge cause
events going on, and it’s pretty much I know ’em. In the program, there
In recent years, I have not been able to from 1971 of them headlining
time surfing far south along Mainland Fuladosa and I were the
Mexico. As I have entered the battle opening act. Very proud of that.
with geezerdom, I have found that warm The next day we got to go to the
water and tropical breezes suit me better 25th-anniversary induction cere-
The Local News, July 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
than wetsuits and guys with pierced eye- mony for the “Surfers Hall of Fame”
balls running me over. in front of Huntington Surf & Sport.
But this year, I really wanted to go. It This was really sentimental for me
started with me seeing on Facebook that as I had been involved with helping
my favorite band, Honk, was getting in- its founder, Aaron Pai, get it going
ducted into the “Walk of Fame.” I said back in 1997. This year’s inductions
to my pretty wife Raquel, “Hey baby, brought back a flood of great mem-
Honk is getting an award at the U.S. ories of all the amazing surfers who
Open. We should go.” This immediately have had their hands and feet en-
lit the “shopping” light in her head, and shrined there, many of them my
she gladly agreed. idols. Aaron’s entire family, which
Our mission for the week was to at- has grown into a small community,
tend as many of the extremely fun all surf, and they all take part in put-
events as we could. Seeing the surfing is ting this on. I was so happy to be
always cool; it is mind-blowing these back there, my wife Raquel said she
days. But it’s all the other stuff that was had never seen me smile that much.
our quest. Saw so many old pals. This is really
We started our week with a visit to see one of the coolest events in surfing.
my pal Nik at “Dirt Cheap Hawaiian Later that night, we went to the
Shirts” in Costa Mesa. We loaded up Huntington Beach Surfing Associa-
some very cool gear so we could look tion’s annual reunion party. I was to-
good. My entire wardrobe consists of T- tally stoked to get inducted as an
shirts and the two Hawaiian shirts I got honorary member along with my
from Nik a few years ago. Ya gotta blend pals Robert Highsmith, Jeff Holland, 11
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By Ben Miles
Netflix Review
“Sex and the City,” New York provides the nogamy.
ncoupled” a new Netflix rom- perfect urban setting for the carefree, but far Additionally, the cast offers authentic per-
com by Darren Star and Jeffery from cost free, nightlife that the Big Apple formances by Tisha Campbell as Michael’s
Richman and starring Neil Pat- is known for. unhappily uncoupled friend and business as-
rick Harris as Michael, a high end New York Like the long running CBS television sociate Suzanne. Also, there’s the sadly co-
City real estate broker, whose partner Colin series “Blue Bloods” the cityscape serves as medic performance by Brooks Ashmanskas
(Tuc Watkins), a successful investment a costar of sorts for “Uncoupled.” But while as Michael’s art gallery-owning friend and
banker, has left him uncoupled after a sev- TV’s “Blue Bloods” might be rated PG, with Emerson Brooks portraying Billy the weath-
enteen year relationship. This all erman who parlays his
occurs on the eve of Colin’s good looks and nominal
50th birthday, wherein Michael fame as a weather fore-
has planned a celebration that caster into opportunities
Colin wants no part of and has to be a serial one night
asked Michael not to promote or stand gay man.
produce and to which Michael With most of the ap-
deceptively agrees. proximately half hour epi-
If this rings of Star’s late 20th sodes of “Uncoupled”
century series “Sex in the City” written by Jeffery Rich-
it’s because it could easily be ti- man and Darren Star and
tled “Gay Sex in the City.” The with most of directorial
romcom situations are similarly Neil Patrick Harris and Tisha duties split between An-
situated and cleverly conjured, Campbell in 'Uncoupled drew Fleming and Zoe
not just in the high life setting (Photo Courtesy of Netflix) Cassavavetes, “Uncou-
of New York City but also in pled’s” first season con-
the explicit (even more explicit than “Sex in parental guidance advised, “Uncoupled” has sist of eight shows. Although we are left with
the City”) sexuality. So explicit (graphic is a well earned an “R” rating and is rec- cliffhangers and unresolved issues, Netflix
perhaps the more appropriate term) is the ommended for mature audiences only. has yet to commit to a second season of “Un-
sexuality that this writer was made uncom- But aside from the explicit gay sexuality of coupled.” After all, commitment, as the first
fortable in several of the scenarios (rectum “Uncoupled” there is an admirable ensemble season of “Uncou-
expansion injections?) of cast members, including a unique turn by pled” suggests, isn’t
Though the performances are credible and Marcia Gay Harden as Claire, a wealthy easily made.
courageous, for me they are so revealing that sixty-something diva divorcee whose hus- What: “Uncoupled”
they are embarrassing, as if I had walked in band has left her for a woman young enough Where: Streaming
on a moment of physical intimacy that I did to be his daughter. This hard to like character on Netflix
not invite, incite or desire. Much of “Uncou- ((at first, anyway) gives us the opportunity Ben Miles is the
pled” can be placed in the category of TMI, to see the challenges of re-entering the dating theater writer for the
To Much Information. Like Star’s inventive scene after a lifetime of marriage and mo- HBLocal News.
Call to Action
deported to Auschwitz. Upon arrival other prisoners told Livia to give Istvan
to his grandmother and to go through the selection alone. Livia told the SS
men that she was four years younger than she really was and was selected for
forced labor. She worked in a factory, was in the Allendorf labor camp and
This is a reminder that the deadline for later sent on a forced march. She was liberated in either Bergen-Belsen or
opting out of the CCE is September 2022 Mannheim. Istvan, then only four years old, was murdered together with his
We urge you to opt out of the Community Choice
Energy (CCE) program. If you don’t opt out you will be
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Jiant is a great entry point for those new to kom-
bucha, whether hard or traditional. Its light, crisp
taste has a good amount of hoppiness to it, making it
a good stepping stone for beer drinkers, and at 5%
ABV, it's one of the less-boozy options out there.
Another brand from Southern California, its cans
look like they could blend right into the wallpaper of
a Palm Springs hotel, and the liquid within is pretty
much exactly what you’d want to be sipping if you
were there.
One of the biggest hard kombucha brands on the
market, Juneshine is also probably the easiest to get
your hands on. The San Diego brand has a beachy
vibe, which comes through in both packaging design
and flavors
Image: Liq- like Coco Rico, Mango Daydream, and
Acai Berry. / With its middle-of-the-road ABV of 6%,
large variety
Laura Sant of flavors (11 currently), and wide-
spread availability, Juneshine is a great crowd-pleaser
Born out of “a quest for the perfect healthy-ish
libration,” Kyla carries on kombucha’s original
promises of well-being, but with a twist. While most
kombuchas use sugar for the fermentation process,
Image: / Laura Sant Kyla replaces it with Stevia leaf extract, which makes
its beverages lower in sugar, calories, and carbs than
its purported health benefits, it became a mainstay of (pun intended), this guide will help you decide which other hard kombuchas. The result is a refreshing,
the earthy, crunchy crowd, many of whom began ‘booch is right for you. tangy, highly carbonated beverage that does have a
brewing their own ‘booch. lingering taste of artificial sweetener, but really hits
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
By the early aughts, however, kombucha had be- These are eight to try. the spot on a hot, active day.
come commercial. It was no longer just in health-food Boochcraft
stores or mason jars at home, but in beautifully pack- Among the bigger kombucha brands, which in- Strainge Beast
aged bottles at supermarkets and even corner bodegas. clude the likes of JuneShine and Strainge Beast, this Sierra Nevada’s entry into the hard kombucha
It was still a “health” drink, to be sure—one of its one has the “boochiest” of flavors, which makes it a game, Strainge Beast’s appearance harkens to its par-
main selling points is that its live cultures are said to great choice for kombucha lovers; those new to the ent brand, with nature-inspired designs that evoke an
contribute to a healthy gut microbiome—but, now, a category or who like less funkiness might prefer a outdoor adventure. In the same vein, these offerings
mainstream one. different brand. All its flavors are a reasonable 7% have hop-forward flavors that marry kombucha’s
And then, as seems to happen eventually with ABV; keep an eye out for the hard-to-find Lemon tangy, fruity notes with the classic profile of beer. It’s
nearly all popular liquids, an alcoholic version, re- Maple flavor, considered by many fans to be the best. eminently drinkable and comes in a wide variety of
ferred to as “hard kombucha,” rose to the forefront. flavors, and, fittingly, is a perfect choice for beer lov-
All kombucha is naturally alcoholic, but the alcohol Dr. Hops ers.
is present in merely trace amounts. It’s made by steep- Dr. Hops kombucha is big, both literally and fig-
ing tea leaves in hot water and sugar, then adding a uratively. The cans are a full 16 ounces rather than Unity Vibration
little bit of kombucha (from a previous batch or the the typical 12, the ABV ranges from 8% to a hefty Kombucha aficionados, this is your drink. Made
store) and leaving it to ferment at room temperature 11%, and the flavors are powerful. It comes in four by a Michigan-based couple, this company has been
for a few weeks, which is what produces the alcohol. different flavors—Strawberry Lemon, Kombucha around since 2011 and stakes a claim to being the
Hard kombucha is made by leveling up the fermen- IPA, Ginger Lime, and Kombucha Rosé—each of first nationally distributed hard kombucha. The fla-
tation process. After the initial fermentation, brewers which delivers sharp, crisp flavor with the light ef- vors are unique (they include Elderwand, Kombu-
add more sugar and a new strain of yeast to the mix- fervescence of a regular kombucha. The kombucha chelada, and Bourbon Peach, to name a few), and
ture, then lock it inside a fermentation tank for another taste is assertive, but nicely balanced by the other ing- each features the vinegar-laced taste of small-batch,
week or two, resulting in an increased alcohol content. redients. If you’re looking for a large can and a good homemade kombucha. The strong kombucha flavor
Just as the hard seltzer market seems to be plateau- buzz, this is the brand to reach for. may prove too much for some drinkers, but for a true
ing, hard kombucha is having its own moment: What kombucha-head, this is the one to reach for—if you
was once a relatively rare find now has its own section Flying Embers can find it, that is: It’s not as ubiquitous on store
at many retailers. But contrary to hard seltzers, which Based in Ojai, California, Flying Embers is a brand shelves as some of the bigger brands.
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The design scheme of the
SPECIAL The Finest Vintage Cars of 1963 Studebaker Avanti was
famously sketched out by
hoped the Avanti would turn
fortunes around. And the car
garnered attention, people
flocked to showrooms, but the
company did not deliver.
It was unable to ship enough
cars to the sales floor, and this,
in turn, led to the Avanti going
New • Used out of production the very next
Leased • Repairs year. If you find one, you’ll find
it’s packed with a Studebaker
Accessories Hawk V-8, a 289 cu. in. 290-
Industr y News 1963 Studebaker Avanti horsepower engine, driving an
automatic transmission.
Getty Images/photo by Heritage Images/Contributor
lassic cars can be beautiful. But they can
also be daunting, a reality that newcomer
Kindred Motorworks aims to overcome by
modernizing the processes that transforms derelicts
into attractive, reliable objects of rolling automotive
According to CEO and founder Rob Howard, the Cal-
ifornia Bay Area-based company “spent a lot of time visiting
hundreds of local shops and identifying everything we needed to elim-
inate all their inefficiencies.” With that goal in mind, they formulated
a “Blueprint” technology that they say “maps each car’s genome and
underpins every subsequent process, from parts sourcing to procure-
ment to final assembly.” VP of Technology Troy Eastlack says the
process includes documenting everything from specifications
to parts and tools.
If the looks of their builds are any indication, these
custom creations are aimed at the same strata of
buyers who might cross-shop high-end options like
a Ford Mustang from Revology, a Mercedes-Benz
Gelaendewagen from Expedition Motor Company,
or a Land Rover Defender from any number of cus-
tom outfits.
Kindred launches with three iconic classics: old school Chevrolet
Camaros ($149,000 for LS3 power, $199,000 with an LT), first-gen
Ford Broncos ($169,000), and Volkswagen Buses ($199,000), the
latter available with a Tesla-sourced EV powertrain good for 200 miles
of range. The company says electrification will spread to other models
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Wow! FREE Buy / Lease a New Vehicle from any Beach Blvd of Cars Dealer & receive a
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Highlights of Vans US Open of Surfing
at Huntington Beach, US By Xinhua
FDA Recommends
Repeated at-home
COVID Tests After
False Negatives
n the same day that the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention eased COVID-19 guidelines, the Food and
Drug Administration issued a statement warning that at-
home rapid antigen tests can deliver false negative results and
people who need tests should plan to do so more than once to
make sure they are not “unknowingly spreading the SARS-CoV-
2 virus to others.”
Health experts recommend tests for people who have been ex-
posed to the virus or are experiencing symptoms.
“Today’s recommendations are based on the latest study results
from people with likely Omicron infection showing that repeat
testing after a negative at-home COVID-19 antigen test result in-
creases the chance of an accurate result,” the FDA said, via safety
communication released on Thursday.
Previously, the FDA had advised people to conduct two rapid
antigen tests over two or three days to rule out infection.
These recommendations, the FDA said, are based on data from
a comprehensive study conducted in collaboration with the Na-
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) and the University of Massachu-
setts Chan Medical School, which showed that this method of
testing repeatedly reduced the risk of negative results. The study
is said to have included more than 7,000 participants.
In the warning, the agency said that antigen tests, also known
as COVID-19 at-home tests, are less accurate than molecular
tests, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. This means
that taking an at-home test too early, after being exposed to
COVID-19 could lead to a false-negative result, particularly if a
person has no symptoms.
The FDA now advises that people who plan to use at-home
tests get several of them so they can test more than once. For
people with COVID-19 symptoms who test at home and receive
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
any brilliant companies – from Apple to Star- Original Headquarters: Richmond, Virginia Original Headquarters: Los Angeles, California
bucks – have been founded in the United Purchased By: British American Tobacco Purchased By: Gildan Activewear
States, starting out as small ventures to be- Country: England Country: Canada
come international leaders in their fields. However, the Lucky Strike cigarettes, or “Luckies”, is one of the One of the most appealing aspects of clothing retailer
world of business isn’t always as straightforward as it best-known American cigarette brands there is. Back American Apparel for consumers was its slogan, “Made
looks. Regardless of how well-rooted a company’s in the 1930s and 1940s, everyone was smoking in USA – Sweatshop free.” For the conscientious
American history is, it doesn’t mean that it will always Lucky Strikes thanks to its appealing advertising. As shopper, this was a brilliant brand. Everything went
belong to Uncle Sam. swimmingly for the company up until
In fact, many quintessentially 2015, when it went bust and scrambled
American brands are no longer to get back on its feet.
American-owned at all. From In 2017, Canadian company Gildan
Ben and Jerry’s to IBM and Activewear swooped in to save the day,
Holiday Inn, overseas investors buying the rights to the American Ap-
have played a big part in keep- parel name and buying the manufactur-
ing these companies moving ing equipment at the same time. It
forward. Without them step- didn’t come cheap, at a final price of
ping in, some of them may $88 million. Because of this, American
have ceased to exist altogether. Apparel lives to fight another day –
only, now it’s Canadian.
Trader Joe’s ©Susan Montgomery/
Original Headquarters: Mon-
rovia, California 7-Eleven
Purchased By: Theo Al- Original Headquarters: Dallas, Texas
brecht Purchased By: Seven & i Holdings
Country: Germany Country: Japan
Competition in the conven- Every great company starts with one
ience store sector has always person and a dream. 7-Eleven was no
been fierce, especially if it’s lo- different. Jefferson Green was just an
cated in a heavily populated average guy working for Southland Ice
area. Back in 1967, Joe Cou- in 1927 when he started to expand his
lombe started stocking unusual range, providing customers with eggs,
and hard to come by foods to try and entice customers a result, the brand was the number one-selling ciga- bread, and milk. This business model proved popular,
into shopping with him instead of at 7-Eleven. It rette at the time. especially when he changed the name to 7-Eleven after
worked. The company first brokered its relationship with Brit- the store’s opening hours.
That store is still open today, but Joe sold Trader Joe’s ish American Tobacco in 1976, before B.A.T then As the decades ticked by, 7-Eleven became a well-
in 1979. The owner of Aldi Nord, Theo Albrecht be- bought its old parent company the American Tobacco known brand in America, with more locations than Jef-
came the new owner. Aldi is a huge supermarket chain, Company in 1994 and absorbed both Pall Mall and ferson Green could’ve ever dreamed of. However, it
so the Albrecht’s have a great deal of family money. Lucky Strike. Despite this, the company continues to be didn’t come out of the 1987 financial crash unscathed.
Theo is said to be worth over $16 billion thanks to his considered quintessentially American, thanks in part to Japanese company Ito-Yokado bought it. Now, it’s part
wise investments. shows like Mad Men. of its parent company, Seven & i Holdings.
©Sundry Photography / ©josefkubes/ ©Yusnizam Yusof /
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
in Surf City 221 Main St. (on Olive St, next to Starbucks)
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A Tale of Two
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Peter Mel
Surfer Peter Mel is a legendary big wave rider who
found his footing on the Big Wave Tour where he was
crowned champion in 2012 and has continued to surf
big waves, winning contests over the past three dec-
ades. Mel placed first in the 1997 O’Neill Coldwater
Classic, 1stin the Billabong Pico Alto Copa Burn, and
1st in the 2013 Mavericks Invitational. Most recently
Mel was awarded the 2021 Red Bull Big Wave ride of
the year for a Mavericks giant. Mel is also a broad-
caster for the World Surf League and his commentary
brings valuable insights and the perspective of experi-
ence. Peter Mel has influenced generations of surfers
on how to catch and surf big waves! Mel is known as
“big wave’ surfer and his son John Mel is a four-time surf-
ing National Champion.
Michele Turner
Michele Turner is the
Surf Mom of Main
Street. Her restaurant
Martin Daly
Martin Daly is a leg-
The Sugar Shack Café
endary Surf Explorer,
is world famous for a
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
The Surfing Walk of Fame Board of Directors work all year pre-
paring for this great event. The Pre-Party Sponsor Thank you
event at Pacific City and their HB July 4th Parade entry build the
excitement up to the actual Induction Ceremony and Lunch.
ere's some extra motivation to get your spring cleaning done — you may un-
cover unexpected sources of cash. From collectibles to unused electronics,
there are likely items around your home that you can sell for more than you
Here's a look at the items you may have lying around that you can cash in for big
Pokémon Cards
Not every Pokémon card is worth a fortune, but some of the rarer cards can be sold
for big bucks. The most valuable Pokémon card — the Pikachu Illustrator — is
valued at $900,000, according to Game Rant.POLL: What Do You Think of Elon
Musk Buying Twitter?
apilarinos /
If you have any unused laptops at home, consider trading them in for cash on sites
like Decluttr and Gazelle. The value of your unused tech will depend on the model,
year and condition. Many households have $400 to $800 worth of cash in the form
of unused laptop computers, said Michele Perry, a consumer tech expert at Gazelle.
Beanie Babies
As with any collectible item, the value of your Beanie Babies will vary based on
how rare they are. You'll fetch the best prices for those with rare production errors or
those that were only produced for a short amount of time. If you happen to own a
Jolly walrus Beanie Baby, for example, it could be worth as much as $75,000, Parade
reported. Jolly launched in 1997 and was retired just a year later.Photo Disclaimer:
Photo is for representational purposes only.
Linda Bestwick /
Given how often we typically upgrade our phones, it's pretty likely you have an
unused cellphone somewhere in your home. As with laptops, the trade-in value will
depend on the type of phone, how old it is and its condition, but you may be able to Musical Instruments
get $100 or so for even a fairly dated iPhone model. An iPhone 8 64G in good con- If you tried to take up a new hobby playing the drums or guitar, but now your in-
dition is typically valued at $105, according to strument is just collecting dust, it may be time to sell. You can get pretty good resale
Skyler Ewing / value on musical instruments — J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy reported selling his
guitar and accessories for $225 on Craigslist.
Action Figures iconic-guitar-maker-gibson-files-for-bankruptcy.jpg
Certain action figures are now seen as collectibles and are worth a pretty penny, so
check to see what any of your old toys are currently going for on eBay. Sports Equipment
Jo Galvao / Bicycles, skis, baseball bats and golf clubs all tend to have good resale value. De-
pending on the type of product, its age and condition, you can get anywhere from
Furniture 30% to 60% of the original value of the product for your sports equipment, Medium
Clean out your garage and storage spaces of any unused furniture, and reap the reported.
monetary rewards. It's pretty easy to get rid of unused furniture on sites like Facebook DarioZg /
Marketplace and Craigslist, and you can make some serious cash if your items are
still in good condition. This article originally appeared on 8 Items Around Your Home That May Be Worth More Than You Think
lanes, railways and ports in scores of communities ac- trian bridge as part of what Mayor Regina Romero Buttigieg said the U.S. Department of Transportation
ross the country. called “a transformative in- received about $13 billion in grant applications.
The competitive vestment in Tucson's infras- A total of 166 projects across the country are getting
grants are more than tructure." a slice of the $2.2 billion. The funding marks a signifi-
double the amount While the Tucson project cant increase from the $983 million distributed among
awarded the previous will expand the number 90 projects in 2021. The allotment is the largest dating
year under the same lanes for motorists, some to 2009 for a program that has undergone multiple name
program. The influx projects elsewhere will re- and emphasis changes during the presidential admin-
comes from a $1 tril- duce them. For example, a istrations of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
lion infrastructure law $17 million grant will help Though still substantial, the funding doesn't have
backed by President narrow a five-lane road to quite the buying power as anticipated when the infras-
Joe Biden, which pro- three lanes in the Chicago tructure legislation passed Congress last year. That's be-
vided an additional suburb of Munster, Indiana, cause inflation has driven up the cost of key
$7.5 billion over five in an effort to decrease traf- transportation construction materials, such as steel
years for the grants. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File fic crashes. The money also plates for bridges and asphalt for paving roads.
Transportation Sec- will fund a 10-foot-wide This year's projects range from a new seawall and port
retary Pete Buttigieg said the projects would help mod- multi-purpose path along the street and plant more than improvements in Sitka, Alaska, to the construction of a
ernize America's transportation systems. 250 trees. four-lane parkway in the Virgin Islands.
“This is a program that recognizes many of the most For many road improvement grants, “we’re doing it Among other projects, New Jersey is getting $20 mil-
interesting and compelling ideas and designs and plans in mind of also benefitting the bike and pedestrian side,” lion to elevate a roadway that serves as a main evacu-
aren’t going to come from Washington, but more of the Buttigieg said. ation route for Atlantic City and its casino industry. In
funding should,” Buttigieg said. “That’s what we’re de- Other newly announced projects in the Rebuilding Louisiana, $20 million will go toward the design and
livering here.” American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity construction of two train stations along a planned route
Buttigieg traveled to Arizona to highlight projects in program also provide funding for bicycle and pedestrian between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Whatcom
Phoenix and Tucson, each of which are receiving the paths. County, Washington, will get $25 million to replace a
maximum $25 million. In Phoenix, the money will help Texas and Kansas are each receiving about $25 mil- 60-year-old ferry serving rural Lummi Island with an
build a new bike and pedestrian bridge over the Rio Sa- lion for hiking and biking trails. Huntsville, Alabama, electric hybrid model.
20 lado, connecting the city's southern area with down- is getting $20 million to improve a pedestrian corridor Lieb reported from Jefferson City, Mo.
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BOSTON -- In recent weeks, the Yankees have the single-season American League (and Yankees) have done so.
hardly resembled the first-half juggernaut that steam- home run record, currently on pace to finish the year His focus, however, remains on the postseason chase.
rolled the opposition on a nightly basis, but Aaron with 66 homers. With 46 homers through 113 team “We’re in first place, that’s where we want to be,”
Judge has done everything he can to strap the club ac- games, only Barry Bonds (48 homers in 2001) has ever Judge said. “But you never want to peak too early. All
ross his broad shoulders. hit more. these games, all these situations, big moments on the
Arguably the most dangerous hitter on the planet It’s also statistically notable to see Judge reaching the road -- it’s just getting us ready for games down the
right now, Judge delivered again in Friday’s 3-2, 10- century mark in RBIs so early in the campaign. stretch and in the postseason where we’ll be playing
inning loss to the Red Sox, clearing Fenway Park’s Having played in
Green Monster with his Major League-leading 46th his 109th game of
home run while collecting his 100th RBI of the season the season, Judge is
in style. the fastest player to
New York led, 2-0, after Judge’s third-inning homer reach 100 RBIs
off Red Sox starter Nathan Eovaldi. The Yanks have since the Tigers’
lost eight of their last nine games, and 14 of 21 since Miguel Cabrera did
the All-Star break. it in 103 games in
“You can go around this whole room, I think every 2013, a season in
guy could speak up and say they need to pick it up a which Cabrera won
little bit, including myself,” Judge said. “If we lean on the American
each other, start picking each other up and have each League’s MVP
others’ backs, we’re going to be in a good spot down Award.
the stretch.” The last Yankee
Judge’s third-inning blast came off the slugger’s bat to reach 100 RBIs
at 113.8 mph and traveled 429 feet, according to Stat- in fewer than 109
cast, coming to rest somewhere on Lansdowne Street. games was Alex
Eovaldi stretched his hands outward as he tracked the Rodríguez, doing
ball’s flight, second-guessing his decision not to pitch so in his 2007 AL
Judge away. MVP season.
“We were trying to go up and in right there -- it’s just, Judge is the fifth
he’s on fire right now,” Eovaldi said. “He’s locked in Yankee to record 45
at the plate. I felt like I located that pitch. It was 93 or more homers and
[mph], which if I had a little more velo behind it, 100 or more RBIs
maybe it sinks by him. … You just tip your cap to him. in multiple seasons, a feat he also achieved in 2017. games like this against tough opponents. So we’re not
He’s having an outstanding year.” Only Babe Ruth (nine times), Lou Gehrig (four times), where we want to be, but I think that’s a good thing.
Judge remains ahead of Roger Maris’ 1961 pace for Mickey Mantle (two times) and A-Rod (two times) We’ve got a lot of work to do.”
f you love your dog, you’ll want to provide your dog with all the comforts an aluminum strip or an auto floor for this task. You first need to cut the aluminum
needed, but sometimes there is a lack of the proper guide that can enable us to strip keeping the measurement of the door in mind, and then you have to cut the
do so. You would probably be thinking of constructing a custom DIY doggie mat so that it can be fitted into the hole. Keep the aluminum on the top of the car-
door for your pet. You know the truth is, “creating a doggie door is much easier pet and drill holes that will pass through both.
than you think.” Here are some of the creative dog door ideas that you can easily
apply for your dogs. 5. Attach the Flap
Here, silicon adhesive will correctly work for attaching the flaps on the door.
1. Measuring the Dog Door’s Area You have to use silicone adhesive on the top of the opening and then hold the flap
Taking the measurement must need your dog to settle in it perfectly. To ensure while you are screwing up the flap on the door. Make it firm and secure, and check
that you make the perfect fit for your dog door, you should start by taking your whether the flap is entirely movable to assure that the dog doesn’t move in and
dog’s measurement. You need first to measure the underside area of your dog’s out of it.
chest. Please leave more space than the actual size to ensure your dog’s conven-
ience. Then start measuring your dog’s length from its head to the legs and again 6. Secure Your Dog Door
add more room for more ease and comfort. You can mark your measurements on After you have made your new dog door, this is the time when you should con-
the door using a ruler. sult with experts to assure the firmness and the security your dog door will pro-
2. Make the Hole With these easy steps, you can install a perfect DIY dog door to your house.
This is the task that will make the framing for your dog house. What all you You can always be more creative by adding new designs and colors that your dog
need to do it is a pair of sawhorses and a power drill. Start by making the holes at would love to have.
the edges of your markings on the door off its hinges. Then start making a clear-
cutting along the markings made using a power drill. It would help if you got
yourself very much careful while you are working with a power drill as you can’t
afford imperfect cuttings that are not coinciding with the markings,
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
tricity. But she's right; we didn't have the "green bikes to school or walked instead of turning their how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't
thing" back then. Mums into a 24-hour taxi service in the family's have the "green thing" back then?
We drank from a tap or fountain when we were $80,000 ‘People Carrier’ which cost the same as a Please forward this on to another selfish old person
thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every whole house did before the "green thing." who needs a lesson in conservation from a smart arse
time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire young person. (Who could have a 4.0 GPA BTW)
with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances and we We don't like being old in the first place, so it does-
the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal n't take much to piss us off ... especially from a tat-
the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in tooed, multiple pierced smartarse who can't work out
we didn't have the "green thing" back then. order to find the nearest Pub! the change without the cash register telling them how
Back then, people took the bus and kids rode their But isn't it sad that the current generation laments much it is!
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Photo by Bogdan Glisik on Unsplash
bbi Jacobson and Chanté husband is off at the front. A baseball tranged aunt, Bertie (Lea Robinson), ure from that movie, and to have her
Adams discuss exploring queer fan from way back, she decides to try has been passing as a man for years, blessing meant the world. The fact that
narratives on 'A League Of out for the Rockford Peaches — one of and that discovery leads Max to experi- she was so integral in the gay storyline
Their Own' the founding AAGPBL teams. She ment with her own gender identity, was cool for us, too."
Penny Marshall's 1992 baseball quickly scores a place on the team... subtly exploring a trasngender exis- The sixth episode ends with Vi's bar
blockbuster, A League of Their Own, and also scores with her glamorous tence well before that word was pop- being raided by police and Carson and
has long been an uncontested member teammate, Greta (D'Arcy Carden), who ularized. Greta just barely avoiding capture. It's
of the sports movie Hall of Fame for stirs up feelings inside Carson that she's "Her journey is about finding out a sequence that reveals the harsh real-
bringing to life the World War II-era previously pushed away. Their romance who she is," Adams says. "At first, she's ities facing gay men and women at the
All-American Girls Professional Base- becomes the beating heart of the show, trying to be what everyone else wants time, where discovery often resulted in
ball League. But the film is also a land- and reveals the lengths that lesbian her to be... but when Uncle Bertie public shaming and even violence. (In
mark title in the history of LGBTQ women at the time had to go to keep comes into her life, and decides, 'You're fact, Vi is glimpsed being beaten by po-
cinema — even if none of its characters their true selves secret from the prying like me,' Max is like, 'OK, let me dip lice as her customers flee.) Graham
are openly gay. "It's an iconic gay film," public eye. my toe over there.' In the end, we have says that the raid is rooted in the real
this beautiful story that's told experiences of AAGPBL players that
through costuming. Costume de- he and Jacobson spoke with, many of
Abbi Jacobson and D'Arcy Carden in
signer Trayce Gigi Field did an whom were forced to keep their sexual-
A League of Their Own. amazing job with Max, taking a lit- ity a secret at the time.
Anne Marie Fox/Prime Video tle piece of both of those worlds "They told us stories of sneaking out
and creating who she is. I think to bars and barely escaping raids," he
that's really pivotal to her story and remembers. "It was a reality of life for
her journey." all kinds of queer people at the time,
Even though there are elements and is still a reality for people in many
of the transgender experience in parts of the world now. We wanted to
Max's story, Graham and executive show how important it was for Carson
producer Desta Tedros Reff are to find this space that seemed so magi-
quick to note that the character her- cal to her, but also how tenuous that can
self wouldn't identify as trans. "It's be. It shows both the rewards of taking
a queer story, not specifically a that risk and the potential con-
transgender story," Reff explains. sequences. What was inspiring to me,
"Max is on her own journey of though, was that despite the raids and
queerness, and sort of seeing what despite the consequences, people still
parts of her fit and feel true and found their community and still broke
what parts don't quite fit. I think through to be their authentic selves."
that's true with anybody who is O'Donnell's cameo isn't the only call-
stepping into the confidence of back to the big-screen League. In the
being yourself." fifth episode, the Rockford Peaches rec-
The cast of Prime Video's adaptation
For his part, Graham says that reate Tom Hanks's famous "There's no
of A League of Their Own. Max and Bertie "see mirrors in crying in baseball" moment that re-
Anne Marie Fox/Prime Video each other" even if their journeys mains one of the most oft-quoted sports
ultimately lead them to separate movie scenes ever. In this case, the
destinations. "What's interesting cryer in question is none other than Ja-
about writing about this time cobson herself, and the star admits that
period from a queer perspective is she and Graham wrestled with when
that there wasn't a lot of vocabu- and how to incorporate the classic ex-
lary," he adds. "You made the com- change into the show. "We wanted to do
munity that you were lucky enough it in a different way," she says. "Once
to find. Max and Bertie are not we found it, it really felt right to do it
quite the same, because that's part in the way we did it, like a lot of the
of what happens. We want to find nods we make to the film."
people like us, and sometimes it In place of Hanks, Roberta Colindrez
can lead us to think that people are and Kelly McCormack step up to the
a little more like us than they ac- plate to admonish Jacobson for shed-
tually are." ding tears. As the scene plays out, Car-
Graham wrote and directed the son's waterworks start after a rough
sixth installment of the eight-epi- exchange with Rockford's pitcher-
sode series, which features the re- turned-coach, Lupe (Colindrez), who
turn of popular Rockford Peaches asks her: "What's wrong with your
confirms comedian Abbi Jacobson, Off-screen, Carden and Jacobson alum Rosie O'Donnell. The out gay ac- face? Are you crying?" At that point,
who co-created and stars in Prime have been good friends for years, and tress and comedian played fan favorite rough and tumble shortstop Jess
Video's new streaming series based on The Good Place star says that they drew third base player, Doris Murphy, in the (McCormack) jumps in and reminds
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
the movie. "Like no one's gay, but on that shared relationship for their on- 1992 film and has said over the years everyone that there's no crying in base-
maybe they are! You don't know what's screen romance. (In real life, Carden is that she interpreted her character as gay, ball.
really going on, but you feel that. I married to producer Jason Carden, even though Marshall reportedly didn't While following up Hanks's home
think a lot of queer people feel a con- while Jacobson is in a relationship with agree. In this new League, O'Donnell run delivery might seem intimidating,
nection to that film." (Watch our video actress Jodi Balfour.) "When we talked plays Vi, the owner of a LGBTQ- both actresses say that they were care-
interview above.) about me playing Greta, Abbi was like, friendly bar where some of the Peaches ful not to psych themselves out before
Unlike its predecessor, Jacobson's 'They're going to be girlfriends and congregate in secret after dark. filming their version. "I didn't practice
take on ALeague of Their Own isn't at we're going to kiss,'" Carden re- "I think it meant a lot for her to come it," McCormack insists, adding that she
all ambiguous about telling queer narra- members, laughing. "And we were both back and be able to do that," Graham only did two takes of her signature line.
tives. Premiering on Prime Video on like, 'Great!' We have this decades-long says of giving O'Donnell the opportu- "I wasn't gonna go full Tom Hanks — I
Aug. 12, the show is ultimately a com- relationship to build off of and can nity to play an out gay character three was just going to say the line and be
ing out story for its two central char- bring that chemistry to the show. The decades after the movie. "She's been done with it." Adds Colindrez: "Jess
acters, Carson (Jacobson) and Max Greta and Carson [relationship] is so very open talking about her experience and Lupe are on the same page: If there
(Chanté Adams). And Jacobson says beautiful and heartbreaking." on the film, knowing that her character were ever two people who believed
that was always part of the pitch that As a Black woman navigating pre- was queer and having conversations there was no crying in baseball, it
she and fellow creator, Will Graham, Civil Rights era America, Max's jour- with Penny where it was like, 'We can't would be us. At the same time, it was
made to the streaming service. "We ney comes with additional do that too openly.' In hearing what we terrifying and I'm glad it's done!"
were always about expanding this lens complications beyond what Carson ex- were planning, she pitched to us what Asked whether they hope to score a
and showcasing a generation of women periences. Despite being a skilled she wanted to do, and of course we thumbs up from Hanks — who is active
playing baseball, and also showcasing pitcher, she's denied the opportunity to said, 'That's the most amazing thing in on social media — the duo nearly start
the queer stories that were not told in try out for the all-white AAGPBL, the world.'" tearing up themselves. "I'm tripping,"
the film. Max and Carson are really the while her gender keeps her off of the The cast relished having a former McCormack says, laughing. "I was ill
hinge of this show, and ping pong back line-up of the local all-male Negro Peach on set as well. "Rosie walked recently and I watched Sleepless in Se-
and forth between these two worlds as League team. Even though she has a into the room, and said 'Hey, you're the attle again, and Tom Hanks is so effer-
they're going through very different boyfriend, Max wrestles with her at- me!'" recalls Melanie Field, who plays vescent in that. I'm so stressed out
journeys on the field." traction to women — feelings that snap Greta's vivacious best friend, Jo. "That now!" Hey... there's no crying in getting
Carson, for example, begins her jour- into focus when she stumbles upon a was the first thing out of her mouth — a Hanks shout-out.
12 Cheap Beautiful Places to Retire
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f you're like most people facing retire-
ment, you're working with a limited
budget. Even so, that doesn't mean
you have to settle for living out your
1) 2) 3)
golden years in a less-than-desirable lo-
cale just to make ends meet.
Retirement should be about enjoying
your life with minimal stress and spend-
ing some time in an environment you
find pleasing. To do that on a budget
though, you'll need to choose a retirement
destination that's not only affordable but
also features a hospitable climate. To as-
sist you in your relocation plans, GO-
BankingRates looked at hundreds of U.S.
cities to find the cheapest places to retire
4) 5) 6)
that feature favorable weather.
More often than not, retirees will find
the most affordable and sunniest retire-
ment destinations in the southernmost
state of the continental U.S. — Florida.
7) 8) 9)
In fact, one third of the 15 U.S. cities on
this list are in Florida.
To rank in the study, each city had to
meet the following requirements: More
than 25% of the population had to be age
65 or older, the median home listing price
must have ranked below the national
average of $344,141 and the average an-
nual temperature needed to fall in the
moderate range. Check out these beauti-
ful places to retire that won't stretch your
bank account.
10) 11) 12)
7) Leesburg, Florida article.Methodology: For this piece, GO- sourced from Zillow, was below the na-
1) Sebring, Florida Median home value: $278,534 BankingRates first (1) selected all U.S. tional average; and whose average annual
Median home value: $215,686 Average temperature (Fahrenheit): cities with populations greater than temperatures ranged between 50 and 80
Average temperature (Fahrenheit): 74 72.2 10,000 and at least 25 percent comprised degrees (F), as (3) sourced from Weath-
Total population: 10,454 Total population: 23,142 of persons 65-years and older, as sourced erBase. All data was compiled on June 8,
Percentage of population 65 and older: Percentage of population 65 and older: from the Census Bureau's 2020 Ameri- 2022.
25.8% 25.5% can Community Survey. GOBanking- This article originally appeared on
POLL: Are You Concerned That Social Rates then (2) ranked cities whose 15 Cheap, Beau-
Security Benefits Will Be Reduced Dur- median home value in April 2022, as tiful Places To Retire
ing Your Lifetime? 8) Bullhead City, Arizona
benedek / Getty Images Median home value: $310,565
Average temperature (Fahrenheit):
2) Mountain Home, Arkansas 74.7
Median home value: $178,079 Total population: 40,808
Average temperature (Fahrenheit): 69 Percentage of population 65 and older:
Total population: 12,463 31%
Percentage of population 65 and older: Ken Bosma / Wikimedia Commons
BlazenImages / Getty Images/iStock- 9) Saint Albans, West Virginia
photo Median home value: $129,982
Average temperature (Fahrenheit):
3) Tarboro, North Carolina 55.8
Median home value: $111,114 Total population: 10,078
Average temperature (Fahrenheit): Percentage of population 65 and older:
60.8 25.6%
Total population: 10,806 Steve Heap /
Percentage of population 65 and older:
27.6% 10) Rockport, Texas
KenWiedemann / Getty Images Median home value: $287,717
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
least 2 inches apart onto 6 drops Pernod
prepared baking sheets (as Garnish: maraschino
you work, chill any remain- cherry, speared
C l
ing dough until ready to
bake). Steps
Add all ingredients
Bake, rotating sheets
halfway through, until into a blender with a cup
cookies are golden brown of ice and blend at high
but still soft to the touch, 15 speed for 5 seconds,
until ice is crushed but
to 16 minutes (chilled
dough will take longer). not smooth. Image: / Tim Nusog
Cool 5 minutes on sheets; Pour into a double
transfer to a wire rack to rocks glass, adding more crushed ice to fill, if needed.
cool completely. Garnish with a speared maraschino cherry.
ila’s Soup
ama Av
Famous M
Authentic Family Recipes
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
Dear EarthTalk: agents interacted with clients that were very inter- percent!
I know that up- ested, or at least somewhat interested, in sustainabil- If you’re feeling the same inclination, there are
grading the energy ity. In a related report by Energy Star, the stats showed many ways to upgrade your home’s energy efficiency.
efficiency of my home that 83 percent of home buyers desired more efficient Insulating walls is usually where people begin, but
will make it less expensive to heat or cool, but will it windows, 81 percent wanted more efficient appli- sealing air leaks (even the small ones!) with caulking,
also raise its market value significantly? ances, and 80 percent wanted more efficient lighting. spray foam and weather stripping can save anywhere
~J.B.M., St. Louis, MO Undoubtedly, homeowners have come to under- from five to 30 percent on energy. Ducts specifically
stand that energy-efficient upgrades translate into are known to have leaks that can cause losses of as
That depends on your definition of “significant!” lower energy costs. According to the U.S. Department much as 60 percent of the heated air traveling through
According to a study published in the Journal of of Energy, the average family spends approximately them. Energy efficient light fixtures, windows, doors,
Urban Economics, with every 10 per cent increase in $2,200 annually on energy bills. Thirty percent of that skylights, appliances and hot-water heaters are all
energy efficiency, a home’s market value increases by cost can be removed just like that through energy-ef- available for purchase these days, and when used in
approximately 2.2 per cent. In congruence with a programmable thermostats and
another set of studies, the smart-device timers, you can save a surprising amount
government-backed energy of money in energy savings by the end of the year.
efficiency experts at Energy
Star found that their certified Making energy effi- CONTACTS:
homes in Maryland sold be- ciency upgrades to Simon-Kutcher study
your home now will
tween 2012 to 2015 had a two
lower monthly bills
to five per cent sales price in- moving forward & in- center/recent-study-reveals-more-third-global-con-
crease, simply because they crease resale value sumers-are-willing-pay-more-sustainability-demand
were deemed energy effi- when it's time to sell. -grows-environmentally-friendly-alternatives
cient. Credit:
This pattern has been ob- NAR Report
served across the U.S. A six
percent increase was seen in realtors-and-sustainability-report-04-26-
the final price tags of Energy 2022_0.pdf.
Star certified homes in Aus-
tin-Round Rock, Texas (sold Energy Star
2009 to 2016), and an eight
percent increase was found in ument/HeatingCoolingGuide%20FINAL_9-4-
select housing markets across 09_0.pdf;
Oregon, Idaho and Washing-
ton (2015). ficient home modifications. Earthwall® is produced by
Why is this happening? To put it simply, the average That being said, the increase in demand for sustain- Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a
home buyer has become savvier in the world of sus- able homes and home upgrades may also be driven by registered trademark of
tainability. In a report by the National Association of a sense of personal responsibility. A sweeping study Earth Action Network Inc, a 501(c)3 non-profit.
Realtors (NAR), it was found that 51 percent of by Simon-Kucher & Partners covering 17 countries SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO:
and 10,000 participants revealed that a significant par- [email protected].
adigm shift in purchasing habits was occurring. FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO MAKE A
Eighty-five percent of respondents reported that they DONATION, CHECK OUT
had changed their spending habits over the past five
years to accommodate a greener lifestyle. In addition,
The information contained in this column
one-third of the population is willing to spend more does not necessarily reflect the opinion
for sustainable products or services—as much as 25 of The Local News.
Special Moments
08/14 ......................Rayford Bros. Personal Finance,
08/16.................................OldBoy $.5*1,45(1* 3& Home Arts,
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OV High School) (Parent Education)
08/25 ...........Those Guys Karaoke
08/26 ......................Wild Stallions $)4) 6...,*'-4,5+36
08/27 .........................Those Guys /126-6/3006#(*5+30561/6!0-4454
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For over 22 years, Colette’s Children’s
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23 and Still
total of 23 people have Kenneth Inouye
taken out nomination Wesam Jreisat
papers for Huntington Casey McKeon
Beach City Council and city at- William O’Connell
torney in the fall election, but Michael Olsberg
only four have returned those John Pierarski
papers and only three have Robert Reider
been declared qualified for the Oscar Rodriguez (also filed
county register of voters. and qualified)
According to information Tony Strickland (also filed)
posted by the city clerk’s office Gabrielle Samiy
Tuesday morning, here is how Gracey Van Der Mark
things stand. Incumbents are Mike Vogler (also filed and
marked with an asterisk* . qualified)
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2022’s Best Cities for Thrifting
isgraced former CNN host Chris Cuomo claimed during an interview conduct scandal.
that aired Friday night that CNN was not an opinion network, and he “This is my brother, obviously I’m not objective. Obviously, I’m going to
then proceeded to blame those who watch cable news for the toxicity help him,” Cuomo told Maher. “This has been hard, and you learn a lot about
of cable news. the people in your life when you watch them struggle. It’s true, when you
Cuomo, 51, told Bill Maher on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” that struggle, you learn who your friends are. I’ve always known who my friends
he felt like he lost “a sense of purpose” after getting fired from CNN last year are; I’ve had them for a very long time. But he has been in a struggle, and I
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
as the far-left network investigated his involvement in helping his brother, have watched it.”
Maher later brought up how CNN made a shift to being
more opinion-based across the board during the Trump pres-
idency, to which Cuomo responded by claiming that it was
not “a move to opinion.”
“I think that is addressing the need of serving people’s in-
terests,” he said. “We were faced with something that the
media has never seen in this country before, where somebody
weaponized the truth, and won pretty much every fight he got
into, by ultimately blaming a system that people have re-
jected, including the media. And unprecedented risk is going
to require an unprecedented effort. I don’t think it was about
moving to opinion, meaning not relying on facts and analysis.
But they had to take it on; I felt very much that way.”
Cuomo portrayed himself as some kind of a crusader for
truth against the Trump administration, adding: “And it was
rough. It is still rough for me to be seen as like an enemy of
the former president, which is nonsense.”
During another point in the interview, Cuomo defended the
nonsense that happens on cable news by blaming the viewers,
saying, “You can’t expect the men and women in the media
to not play a game that everybody else is playing.”
image: forbes
hen an actor plays a role, he or she does everything in their power to really get
into it, to feel as that person would feel, and to portray those feelings on the film.
But what happens when an actor lands a role based on a real person?
Capote (2005)
Truman Capote was an American playwright and novelist responsible for creating a
number of literary classics. Perhaps one of his most famous pieces is the 1958 novella,
Breakfast at Tiffany’s, which would become the basis of the legendary film starring Audrey
Hepburn. Capote's early writing extended the Southern Gothic genre. His works such as
"In Cold Blood" and "Breakfast at Tiffany "have been hugely influential in American lit-
Capote follows the writer, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, through his work on
another piece, Cold Blood. The film was released in 2005 on Capote’s birthday and won a
number of awards and nominations. Hoffman won over a dozen awards for his performance
in the film alone, including the Oscar for Best Actor.
The Local News, August 15, 2022 [email protected] 714.914.9797
e’ve all heard the stories about someone stumbling upon a valuable comic or Chris Shackleton
knick-knack in a Salvation Army, or the family who moves into a new house e all know famous families such as the Karda-
only to find a wine cellar below the floorboards worth a fortune. shians and the Baldwins, but what about the
Anything from baseball cards or vintage Coca Cola cans to stuffed toys or even ticket celeb relations who don’t flaunt their lineages?
stubs from legendary concerts, could be the items worth millions. You never know what As it turns out, the world of showbiz is pretty small, and
items are lurking in your basement or your local thrift store that could be worth big bucks there are plenty of family connections that have managed
to a collector. to stay under the radar. That’s right: you won't believe how
Read on to discover a list of some of the most valuable collectible items of all time. You connected famous people really are these days...
never know, it might be time to bring out the stepladder and venture into the attic. You
could have been sitting on a dusty goldmine for decades, blissfully unaware.
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