WLN News MarApril07

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March & April 2007

To succeed in business personally &
professionally through Networking &
education while building key
relationships & having fun!

Y o u r r o a d m a p i s y o u r f u t u r e
F r o m o u r P r e s i d e n t — K a t h y H a r d t k e

Embrace CHANGE and You Have passion for what you

accept that the sun will rise
Embrace Success! do
tomorrow as equally as that
INSIDE THIS Learn from other people’s it will rain again so the ques-
ISSUE: How do you perceive change? knowledge - Seek higher tion becomes; how do we
Do you embrace it with en- council in the field and hear transform this type of accep-
thusiasm or cower in the cor- from people who have over- tance into our lives? How do
ner? Change is inevitable in come obstacles in their life we begin to live in today
everything we experience in embracing change while
our life, our relationships, our letting go of the past and
Erase self imposed images - maintaining direction for our
career, our finances, and Re-evaluate your personal
even our perceptions. We all future?
March vision of success
Dinner meeting 4 know that life’s only guaran-
tee, besides death and taxes,
The first step is simply ac-
is change. So, why do we Focus on the lessons - Not cepting that change is inevi-
hold on so tightly or resist the failures table and an integral piece
with all our might? We need
of our journey, then surren-
to learn to surrender and ac-
Member Spotlight Tackle adversity head on - der to the process.
cept that change is a guaran-
tee. Uncover what is causing the
Randi Goodman struggle and address the
2 How do we do we transform For some of us this is easier
source than others. For those of
Gwynne Knutson acceptance into our daily lives
3 you that are resisting
and live for today, letting go
of the past, while planning for Stay motivated – No matter change and would like fur-
the future. It all begins with what the cost ther direction, I strongly
surrendering to the now, ac- urge you to read the book
For many of us, when some- “Who Moved My Cheese” by
cepting what we can not
Meet the Board 5 thing we desire comes into Spencer Johnson. It is a
change, changing what we
our life whether it is a fabu- short read and puts it to the
can while creating our future.
lous relationship, a great point quicker and simpler
Ideas for coping with career, financial abundance, than any other I have read.
change: etc., we hold on for dear life
Change your perspective – afraid to lose what we so
Adjusting the way you see a desire. The opposite is true
Ambassadors 5 situation with a positive atti- for the losses that we ex-
tude perience in life. We resist
these losses then run and
Consider the hard times as
hide or call our doctor to ask
blessings - You can’t have
for some magic pill. While
flowers without rain
we don’t resist nature as we

• Leadership development programs

• ABWA-KU MBA Essentials
• ABWA-KU Management Certificate Series
• In-depth business skills training
• Continuing education certificate programs
• Tuition reimbursement for approved accredited classes
Page 2

M e m b e r S p o t L i g h t
R a n d i G o o d m a n

The room was full of excitement generated by many talented,

Background/Current Business: capable, gutsy women, and I wanted to be part of it.What Keeps
I have probably been doing interior Me Ahead Of My Competition:
design in one way or another since I was One of my best clients summed it up for me: (I’m paraphrasing)
a child. While other children were out- “Nothing you’ve done in this house is anything I would have
side playing, I was pushing the furniture imagined—it’s better than I could have imagined. I understand
around in my bedroom, and rearranging why it all works and fully appreciate the beauty of it.”
the posters on my walls. Most homeowners get their product knowledge and style options
Even though I thoroughly enjoyed doing from TV or retail establishments. But there are so many more
things like this, I had no idea that it was things out there that they never knew existed, and I believe it’s
something one could do for a living! So, my job to expose them to those things.
when the time came to look for a career, While I believe it is extremely important to listen to what the
I chose Accounting. It seemed to me client wants, I take it one step further: I try to find out WHY the
that Accountants would always be nec- client wants it. Is it because she thinks she should want it? Or,
essary, and it was something I could do anywhere in the country. I because “that’s the way it’s always been done.”? Or because
earned both Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in that subject, became some external force (friend, relative) thinks it should be done
employed, and eventually went on to study, part-time, for an MBA, that way? Sometimes the reasons have nothing to do with her
which I received in 1985. real needs and wants. I believe it’s my job to help the client fig-
I was an Accountant for almost 15 years. It was OK--nothing thrilling, ure this out, and empower her to make informed and educated
nothing creative. Something was missing, but I didn’t know what it was. I decisions that will positively impact the outcome of the design
was still pushing my furniture around, and rearranging my artwork and process and project.
accessories on a regular basis. So I went for career counseling, and Perfect Client: Is someone who believes that having a beautiful,
found out that I had strong inclinations toward artistic endeavors. In comfortable, functional home is a top priority. In addition, she
discussing the results with the counselor as well as family and friends, it appreciates quality, is open to new ideas, understands that “you
was suggested that I take these inclinations more seriously and pursue a get what you pay for,” and values the contributions of an expert.
more creative, artistic career path.
Power Partners: A Realtor who sells medium to high-end real
Back in 1992, my husband was offered a transfer from the facility he was estate to people who have not made themselves mortgage-poor
working in, in New Jersey, to one here in Arlington Heights. I decided with their purchase.
that this move would be my opportunity to make the career change I was
dreaming about. So, after we relocated I went through the Interior De-
sign program at Harper College in Palatine. During those years in An Architect and/or Builder who believes that the interior of the
school, I worked in the design industry. I spent two+ years working at a home she’s designing is just as important as the exterior, and
paint and wallpaper store. Then, I worked as a Design Assistant for a wants to provide her clients with a complete design package.
residential Interior Designer, and then for a Kitchen Designer.
Dealing with Stress: I see a Life Coach regularly, and I work out
After graduation from the Design program, I spent another two+ years twice a week with a trainer. If I share my stress with other peo-
as the Design Assistant for a very talented designer in the Northern sub- ple, it dissipates. So probably my most important way of dealing
urbs. Under his tutelage, I learned SO MUCH about the design business with stress is to talk about it.
that they don’t teach in Design school. He introduced me to many
showrooms at the Merchandise Mart, as well as to various talented
tradespeople. I had lots of client interaction, and learned about all of the
administrative things a designer has to do to keep a business afloat.

In 2000, I decided to leave my mentor and open my own design practice.

It was a bit scary to go out on my own, but I have LOVED EVERY
MINUTE OF IT!! It has been my privilege to design rooms, furniture,
bedding, window treatments and paint schemes for many wonderful
people who want their homes to be more comfortable, beautiful, func-
tional and welcoming.
Involvement in WLN
Kathy Hardke called and emailed me. She was going through various
publications that showcase local businesses. I confess I wasn’t inter-
ested, at first. I already belonged to other networking groups, and after
all, how many can one go to and still have time to conduct business?
But when a friend told me SHE had been invited and asked if I was
going, I changed my mind and tagged along. I joined the first night.
M e m b e r S p o t L i g h t
G w y n n e K n u t s o n - F i n e G r a p h i c D e s i g n

Tell us a little about your advertising and keep me busy with ads in
background and your current magazines like North Shore and Chicago
business. What makes you Home & Garden magazines. I do all their
successful? corporate literature that is used in marketing
I've been a graphic designer their product or services. I also specialize in
for over 20 years and have helping new businesses design a logo and
had my own business for
over 5 years. I have worked their corporate ID package.
at ad agencies, corporate
marketing departments and What keeps you ahead of your competition?
publishing houses before I offer advertising that is "excellent yet af-
starting my own business. I graduated from college fordable" because my clients can work di-
with a bachelor of Fine Arts and have recently had rectly with a graphic designer, instead of
work accepted into the Women's Works 20th anniver- through a marketing firm, to bring their ideas
sary art show at the Woodstock Old Courthouse Arts and promos to life!
Center. I guess I'm an artist first and that is why I of-
fer "artistry in advertising" as my tagline for my busi- Who is your perfect power partner?
ness. I think I'm successful because I am motivated My best power partners are my satisfied cli-
to succeed at being self-employed! I also am honest, ents who tell other people about me.
many a client has told me that they trust me, which
means alot to me personally. I want to provide cus- What tip can you give to a business looking
tomers with high quality graphic design that helps for your services?
them grow their businesses and keeps me self- Make sure the potential graphic designer is
employed. up to date on all technology. Printers and
publishers only use cutting edge technology
How did you get involved in WLN – any success and expect all work coming from graphic de-
stories? signers to be the same...and it could cost
An associate of mine, Anita Smullin, invited me to a you money if its not.
meeting and I joined about 6 months later - I was in
the midst of planning my daughter's wedding and had How do you deal with stress? Would you like
to wait till that was over before joining WLN. I have to share any tips?
done some business with a few women and met alot A positive attitude is a big plus and a little
of good contacts. prayer can go a long way. Surround yourself
with other positive, high enery people who
Who is your perfect client? are working hard to grow their businesses -
A mid-size business that needs on-going graphic de- its contagious. Thats why WLN is an enjoy-
sign help. My best clients are very proactive in their able group for me.
Page 4
President: Kathy Hardtke
Milestone Mortgage

President Elect: Pat Kolodziej

PK Tax Services

VP of Membership: Anne Ward

Monthly meetings are located at Creative Core
Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiono 847-854-1111
1524 South Randall Road
Algonquin, IL 60102
2nd Wednesday of each month
5:30 pm — 7:30 pm
VP of Finance: Sandra Larkin
Lost & Found Life Coach

If you should have any questions please contact

one of the board members listed or visit us on VP of Programs: Kris Freeman
the web. Body Talk Practitioner

VP of Marketing: Ginger Imes

DS&P Insurance Services

Ambassador of Membership: Siree Sandberg VP of Administration: Robin Braga
Ambassador for Visitor Welcoming: Norine Wiebmer Silpada Designs
Ambassador of Events: Carol Palframan 847-961-5526
Ambassador of Events: Lisa Krupp
Ambassador of Events Wendy French
Ambassador of Programs: Terri Williams
Ambassador of Marketing: Mary Anne Muscat
Ambassador of Events: Kathy Glink VP of Events: Kim Gaxiola
Ambassador of Membership: Lisa Davidson AG Edwards
Ambassador of Membership Gwynne Knutson 815-338-2550
Ambassador of Membership: Susan Skawinski

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