WLN News MarApril07
WLN News MarApril07
WLN News MarApril07
To succeed in business personally &
professionally through Networking &
education while building key
relationships & having fun!
Y o u r r o a d m a p i s y o u r f u t u r e
F r o m o u r P r e s i d e n t — K a t h y H a r d t k e
M e m b e r S p o t L i g h t
R a n d i G o o d m a n
Tell us a little about your advertising and keep me busy with ads in
background and your current magazines like North Shore and Chicago
business. What makes you Home & Garden magazines. I do all their
successful? corporate literature that is used in marketing
I've been a graphic designer their product or services. I also specialize in
for over 20 years and have helping new businesses design a logo and
had my own business for
over 5 years. I have worked their corporate ID package.
at ad agencies, corporate
marketing departments and What keeps you ahead of your competition?
publishing houses before I offer advertising that is "excellent yet af-
starting my own business. I graduated from college fordable" because my clients can work di-
with a bachelor of Fine Arts and have recently had rectly with a graphic designer, instead of
work accepted into the Women's Works 20th anniver- through a marketing firm, to bring their ideas
sary art show at the Woodstock Old Courthouse Arts and promos to life!
Center. I guess I'm an artist first and that is why I of-
fer "artistry in advertising" as my tagline for my busi- Who is your perfect power partner?
ness. I think I'm successful because I am motivated My best power partners are my satisfied cli-
to succeed at being self-employed! I also am honest, ents who tell other people about me.
many a client has told me that they trust me, which
means alot to me personally. I want to provide cus- What tip can you give to a business looking
tomers with high quality graphic design that helps for your services?
them grow their businesses and keeps me self- Make sure the potential graphic designer is
employed. up to date on all technology. Printers and
publishers only use cutting edge technology
How did you get involved in WLN – any success and expect all work coming from graphic de-
stories? signers to be the same...and it could cost
An associate of mine, Anita Smullin, invited me to a you money if its not.
meeting and I joined about 6 months later - I was in
the midst of planning my daughter's wedding and had How do you deal with stress? Would you like
to wait till that was over before joining WLN. I have to share any tips?
done some business with a few women and met alot A positive attitude is a big plus and a little
of good contacts. prayer can go a long way. Surround yourself
with other positive, high enery people who
Who is your perfect client? are working hard to grow their businesses -
A mid-size business that needs on-going graphic de- its contagious. Thats why WLN is an enjoy-
sign help. My best clients are very proactive in their able group for me.
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President: Kathy Hardtke
Milestone Mortgage
Ambassador of Membership: Siree Sandberg VP of Administration: Robin Braga
Ambassador for Visitor Welcoming: Norine Wiebmer Silpada Designs
Ambassador of Events: Carol Palframan 847-961-5526
Ambassador of Events: Lisa Krupp
Ambassador of Events Wendy French
Ambassador of Programs: Terri Williams
Ambassador of Marketing: Mary Anne Muscat
Ambassador of Events: Kathy Glink VP of Events: Kim Gaxiola
Ambassador of Membership: Lisa Davidson AG Edwards
Ambassador of Membership Gwynne Knutson 815-338-2550
Ambassador of Membership: Susan Skawinski