WLN News July07
WLN News July07
WLN News July07
To succeed in business personally &
professionally through Networking &
education while building key
relationships & having fun!
Sometimes change is a hard directors for the 2007-2008 What would you like to see
to handle. A lot of people year. We have had a won- this year? Would you like
INSIDE THIS do not like change. They derful time for the past two
ISSUE: us to try something new?
like the routine. They like years building our group, Would you like to try
their comfort zone. What’s doing business together something new by becom-
wrong with that? Well, and making friends. ing an ambassador?
don’t you want more?
Now I, along with the rest Lastly, I want to take this
June Dinner meeting People say you should of the leadership team, opportunity to personally
Photo Collage 2 “embrace” change. I agree look forward to taking our thank Kathy Hardtke for
although at times, I would group to a whole new level. her vision and her devotion
love things to stay the same I would like to see all of to this group. Without all
– it’s easier that way. our current members and of her hard work, the
Change can be scary but all of our new members WLN would not be what it
Member Spotlight deep down you know that join us on this ride to this is today. I am honored to
Marla Davis 3 with change comes growth. next level. take the position of Presi-
Change is inevitable so em- dency and I hope to meet
brace it! all of your expectations for
Of course, this means that
we may all need to make a the coming year. There
“It takes a lot of courage to change of some sort. Are will be many new things
Meet the New Board 4 release the familiar and you ready? Are you will- that we will try this year – I
seemingly secure, to em- ing? You may be a little hope you are ready!
brace the new. But there is anxious or worried when
no real security in what is no you are confronted with a
longer meaningful. There is change. That’s ok. The
more security in the adven- WLN is a group that can
Ambassadors 4 turous and exciting, for in help and support you. We
movement there is life, and want our group to change
in change there is and not stay stagnant. We
power.” (Alan Cohen). want to try new events and
new formats to our meet-
ings. We want new mem-
With the changing of the bers with new ideas and
WLN guard, so to speak, a new insight. Who knows
big change is happening to what we can learn from
our group. We have offi- each other!
cially elected a new board of
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M e m b e r S p o t L i g h t
M a r l a D a v i s
Tell us a little about your back- several of the women of the group. The friendliness and
ground and your current busi- energy of this group was amazing, and you couldn’t help
ness. What makes you success- but want to be part of this dynamic group of women. I
ful? joined the group and have since met several women that I
I started in the insurance indus- will work with and be friends with for a long time.
try back in 1977. This was not my Who is your perfect client?
“planned” career path, but life had My ideal client would be someone that wants to be
taken me by surprise when my educated on their insurance needs, understands what they
father suddenly died of a massive coronary on 10/9/76. Instead are purchasing, and realizes that they are protecting the
of going away to college in the fall of 2007 as planned, I made the future for themselves and their loved ones.
decision to stay at home, so that my mother, sister, brother and I
could all spend this time together to heal. With that said, I write all types of business insurance –
but I have special niches for restaurants/bars (including
Education was still important to me though, so I signed up delivery), contractors, automotive repair/body shops, and
for classes at Oakton Community College, and I got a part time new and used car dealerships. These niches allow me to
job working as a secretary at an insurance agency, so I could help have greater marketing capabilities so that I can secure the
contribute at home. most comprehensive coverage at the most competitive
The agency was owned by a father and son team who took price.
the time to teach me how to rate insurance, type formal propos- What keeps you ahead of your competition?
als, and how to read and understand insurance policies. The
more I learned, the more I was intrigued, and the more I wanted I build relationships with my customers, and take the
to learn. I took courses downtown and obtained my property and time to educate them, not just sell them a product. I am
casualty insurance license in 1978. personally involved in all aspects of my customer ac-
counts. I have a loyalty to my customers and take pride in
I originally focused on personal insurance, and then transi- going above and beyond the norm for them, as they are
tioned into business/commercial insurance. I found this to be the building blocks that have gotten me to where I am at
much more challenging, since each business has it own special today. Due to my honesty and my compassion for my
needs, so I would have to research the type of business and then customers, there really is no competition.
figure out what type of insurance would be best for them. In the
early days, all quoting had to be done manually from the rate Who is your perfect power partner?
books, so I had to read and learn all of the acceptable guidelines An ideal power partner for me would be someone
from each company – and then learn how to manually rate each that is involved in the restaurant/hospitality industry. This
one (and of course, no two companies were alike!!!). would include the companies that design and print the
This was the greatest learning experience, as it taught me the menus, the linen suppliers, the wine vendors, the meat
“root” of the insurance industry, which explains how it all comes suppliers, the bread suppliers, the entertainment providers,
together. the produce suppliers, the alarm companies, the restaurant
equipment suppliers and anyone else directly involved in
I then went on to work for several other agencies during the selling and providing services for the restaurant/bar/
course of my career I wanted to make sure that I could handle catering/banquet industry.
all of the client’s insurance needs, so I studied and obtained my
life and health insurance license as well. I then was ready to How do you deal with stress? Would you like to share
take all of this knowledge “on the road” and start educating the any tips?
consumers about their current insurance coverage, options avail- Life can definitely be very stressful at times, and in
able and discussing their particular insurance needs, so they could order to live a long healthy life, we need to just deal with
make an informed decision on what they choose to cover. the issue at hand, and then let it go and move on. I am
Whether I end up writing their insurance or not, I know that I did trying to adapt this philosophy into my life – but it is defi-
my job and can walk away knowing that I have done something nitely much easier said than done. So for right now, a hot
good for them as well. stone therapy massage and a nice big glass of wine will
For me, my success is determined by how many people I can do!!!!
help, not how many policies I can sell. It is building long term
relationships and bonds that will last the duration of time. To learn more about the products and services that Marla
How did you get involved in WLN – any success stories? offers, please contact her at the Crystal Lake satellite office
I actually found out about the Algonquin chapter of WLN at 815-459-9031 or email her at [email protected]
from a woman I knew in a group I belonged to in Mundelein
(which is very ironic, since I live in Crystal Lake). She was invited
to visit this group, and asked me to join her. I visited on the
night of “speed networking” which gave me a chance to meet
President: Pat Kolodziej
PK Tax Services
Ambassador of Membership: Siree Sandberg VP of Finance: Anne Ward
Ambassador for Visitor Welcoming: Norine Wiebmer Creative Core
Ambassador of Events: Carol Palframan 847-854-1111
Ambassador of Events Wendy French
Ambassador of Programs: Terri Williams
Ambassador of Events: Kathy Glink
Ambassador of Membership: Susan Skawinski