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The key takeaways are that the document covers procedures for air dispersion modeling, emissions inventory, and leak detection and repair. It also references design requirements for ambient air quality and source emissions standards.

The main procedures covered in the document include air dispersion modeling, emission inventory, and leak detection and repair.

The applicable documents referenced in the procedure include Saudi Aramco engineering procedures and standards as well as industry codes and standards on flaring, venting, and ambient air quality.

Engineering Procedure

SAEP-340 14 November 2016

Air Dispersion Modeling,
Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair
Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee

1 Scope................................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations .................................... 2
3 Applicable Documents ....................................... 2
4 Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms .......... 5
5 Air Dispersion Modeling ................................... 12
6 Emission Inventory........................................... 18
Revision Summary................................................. 18

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................... 19
TABLE 1 - MEAN BACKGROUND CONCENTRATION DATA SHEET................................... 19
USED FOR BUILDING PROFILE INPUT PROGRAM, BPIP ............................ 19
TABLE 4 - FUGITIVE EMISSIONS ESTIMATION W ORKSHEET .......................................... 21
PRODUCT TRANSFER EMISSIONS W ORKSHEET ....................................... 22
TABLE 6 - TANK EMISSIONS W ORKSHEETS ................................................................ 23
TABLE 7 - EMISSIONS INVENTORY FORMAT TABLE ..................................................... 26
TABLE 9 - MARINE VESSEL EMISSION FACTORS ......................................................... 28
TABLE 10 - MARINE FACILITY DATA SHEET................................................................ 29

Previous Issue: 5 June 2010 Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019

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Contact: Djouad, Rafik (djouadrx) on phone +966-13-8809783

©Saudi Aramco 2016. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-340
Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

1 Scope

This document, SAEP-340, contains technical procedures for ambient air dispersion
modeling and emissions inventory. This document also supports the design
requirements of SAES-A-102, “Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards.”

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this Procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Procedures (SAEPs), Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
(SAESs), Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Saudi
Aramco Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms
shall be resolved in writing through the Manager of Environmental Protection
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests for deviations from this Procedure in writing in accordance
with SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager of Environmental
Protection Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

3 Applicable Documents

Except as modified by this SAEP, applicable requirements in the latest issues of the
following industry Codes, Standards, and Practices shall be considered an integral part
of this procedure.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-A-102 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data
SAES-B-055 Plant Layout
SAES-F-007 System Design Criteria of Flares

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

“Flaring & Venting in the Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Industry,”
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP), Report No. 2.79/288,
London, January 2000

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

“Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks I: Monitoring Manual,” American

Petroleum Institute (API), Publication 342, May 1998.

“Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks II: Calculation Procedures for

Petroleum Industry Facilities,” American Petroleum Institute (API), Publication
343, May 1998

“Guide for Pressure Relieving and Depressuring Systems,” American Petroleum

Institute (API), Recommended Practice 521, Sixth Edition, Washington, D.C.,
January 2014

“Evaporative Loss from Floating-Roof Tanks,” Draft of API Manual of

Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 19.2, (combined API Publications
2517 and 2519, Fourth Edition, 1996), Draft of January 24-25, 1996

“Addendum to Publication 2517 – Evaporative Loss from External Floating-

Roof Tanks,” Addendum to the Third Edition of API Publication 2517,
Washington, D.C., Addendum May 1994

“Evaporative Loss from External Floating-Roof Tanks,” American Petroleum

Institute (API), Publication 2517, Third Edition, Washington, D.C., July 1993

“Evaporative Loss from Fixed-Roof Tanks,” American Petroleum Institute

(API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 19.1 (API
Publication 2518, Second Edition), Washington, D.C., October 1991

“Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates”, US Environmental

Protection Agency, EPA-453/R-95-017, November 1995

“Evaporative Loss from Internal Floating-Roof Tanks,” American Petroleum

Institute (API), Publication 2519, Third Edition, Washington, D.C., June 1983

3.3 Saudi Government Documents and Standards

Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) – Ambient Air Quality,

May 2014.

Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) – Control of Emissions to

Air From Stationary Sources, May 2014.

“Royal Commission Environmental Regulations,” (RCER) - Royal Commission

for Jubail and Yanbu Volume I, 2015

“Royal Commission Environmental Regulations” – (Consolidated Permit

Program) Applicable for Jubail and Yanbu, Volume II, 2015

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

3.4 Other Reference Documents

“Revision to the Guidelines on Air Quality Models,” U. S. Code of Federal

Regulations (CFR), 40 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 51, Appendix W, November 2005

“A User’s Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model (Version 5).” Scire, J.S.,
D.G. Strimaitis, and R.J. Yamartino: Earth Tech, Inc. Concord, MA, 2000a

“Air Permit Technical Guidance for Chemical Sources: Equipment Leak

Fugitives,” Air Permits Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission (TNRCC), Austin, TX., October 2000 (Draft).

“Air Quality Modeling Guidelines”, Air Permits Division, Texas Commission

on Environmental Quality, Publication No. TECQ-APDG 6232v2, June 2014

“Storage Tank Emissions (TANKS4, Version 4.09D or later),” User's Guide,

USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, October 3, 2005.

“Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP), Technical Report Series:

Volume I – Introduction and Use of EIIP Guidance for Emissions Inventory and
Development; Volume II – Point Sources; Volume III – Area Sources,” U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C., updated
March 9, 2016.

“Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42, Volume 1: Stationary

Point & Area Sources,” 5th Edition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
EPA 454/R-95-015, Revised, Research Triangle Park, N.C., January 1995.

“Users Guide to the Building Profile input Program”, EPA-454/R-93-03 U.S.

and Standards Technical Support Division Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina 27711, Revised April 21, 2004

“Air Pollution Engineering Manual Second Edition,” Air & Waste Management
Association (A&WMA), edited by Wayne. T. Davis, April 2000

“Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height

(technical Support Document for Stack Height Regulation),” EPA-450/4-80-
023R, June 1985

Handbook on Atmospheric Diffusion, by Steven R. Hana, Gary A. Briggs,

Rayford P. Hosker, JR., Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for the US Department of
Energy, 1982

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

“Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications,”

EPA-454/R-99-005, US EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standard,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, February 2000

“Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries,” U.S. Code of Federal

Regulations (CFR), 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart J. “Standards of Performance for
New Stationary Sources, Test Methods and Procedures,” U.S. Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), 40CFR, Part 60, Appendix A

“Locating and Estimating Air Toxics Emissions from Organic Liquid Storage
Tanks,” Chapter 7.1 of AP-42, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, N.C. updated November 2006

“Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum

Refineries,” U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart

“Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids,” U.S.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart K.

“Second-order Closure Integrated PUFF Model (SCIPUFF) / Second-order

Closure Integrated PUFF Model with Chemistry (SCICHEM):

“The Mesoscale Model Interface Program (MMIF)”:

Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Environmental

Models. US EPA, Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling
(, 2009.

4 Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

4.1 Definitions

Air Dispersion Modeling: The technique of predicting ground-level

concentrations of pollutants using the mathematical models that describe the
dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

Air Quality Modeling: The technique of predicting the concentration of gas or

particulate pollutants in the atmosphere using the mathematical models that
describe the physical and chemical transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere.

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

Air Quality: Ambient air pollutant concentrations with temporal and spatial

Air Pollutant: Any substance emitted to the atmosphere that causes or has the
potential to produce adverse impacts on human health or the environment.

Ambient Air: The portion of the atmosphere external to defined industrial areas
(facility plot limits).

Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS): The maximum concentration limits

of criteria pollutants permitted in air which, allowing for a degree of safety,
present no hazard to human health or the environment.

Area Source: A two-dimensional emission source that releases pollutants, such

as a storage pile, slag dump, or wastewater lagoon.

Averages: (as applied to the interpretation of air dispersion modeling predictive

results) -
 1-Hour Average: the smallest discrete concentration averaging period used
to determine the other concentration averages such as 8-hour, 24-hour, and
 8-Hour Average: computed as a running 8-hour average; any exceedances
will be determined based on running CO averages which do not overlap (do
not share the same hours).
Note: This standard only applies to carbon monoxide.

 24-Hour Average: computed as the daily average only and not as a running
24-hour average.
 Annual Average: computed on a non-running 12-month Gregorian calendar
(January – December).

Background Concentration: The ambient pollutant concentration caused by a)

natural sources; b) nearby sources other than the ones currently under
consideration; and c) unidentified sources. All predicted (modeled) results must
include the established background concentration values before a determination
can be made as to whether an exceedance or violation has occurred.

Calms: A term used in air dispersion modeling to indicate wind speeds of less
than 1.0 meters per second.

Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM): The system(s) that are used to

sample, condition, and analyze in-stack gas streams, and provide a permanent
record of emissions or process parameters.

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

Criteria Pollutant: An air pollutant for which an air quality standard with a
specific set of ambient air concentration limits has been established by the Saudi
Arabian government based on specific health criteria (i.e., SO2, O3, NO2, CO,

Downwash: This is a term used in air dispersion modeling to describe the effect
of turbulence from buildings and other structures on the laminar and dispersive
flow of stack emissions. Downwash considerations are important when
modeling sources in close proximity to buildings, hills, trees, and other
obstructions to air flow.

Emission Source: Any facility, process, or operation that releases air pollutants
to the atmosphere.

Emission Standard: The maximum amount or rate of a specified pollutant

permitted in airborne discharges.

Exceedance: A Ground Level Concentration (GLC) value greater than the limit
specified by the government for a specified averaging time (i.e., 1-hour, 3-hour,
8-hour, 24-hour, monthly, 3-month, or annual)

Facility: Any installation or industrial activity that is expected to be a source of

pollution or cause an adverse environmental impact.

Fugitive (Non-Point) Emissions: Emissions to the atmosphere from such

sources as pumps, valves, flanges, seals, and other process locations not vented
through discrete openings. Also includes emissions from area-wide sources
such as settling ponds, wastewater lagoons, landfills, cooling towers, and piles
of stored material.

Good Engineering Practice (GEP) Stack: The stack height (as measured from
the ground-level elevation at the base of the stack) below which emissions from
the source are influenced by the aerodynamic downwash of nearby buildings or
other structures. The GEP stack height, HS, is calculated as follows: HS = H +
1.5L where H is the height of the nearby structure and L is the lesser dimension
of the height or width of the nearby structure. “Nearby” means that distance up
to 5 times “L” but not greater than 0.8 kilometer (½ mile). It should be noted
that compliance with this condition does not relieve the PMT or Facility from
ensuring ambient air quality standards are also met. For safety purposes, HS
must also meet the requirements of SAES-B-055, Appendix F-1 which states
that “the top of the furnace stack shall be at least 3 meters higher than any
working platform within 60 meters horizontally of the stack.”

Ground-Level Concentration (GLC): The actual measured ambient

concentration of the specified pollutant at ground level, or the predicted

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

concentration based on air dispersion modeling techniques in parts per million

(ppm) or equivalent micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m³) referenced to
STP conditions.

Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs): A list of regulated toxic chemical

pollutants in gaseous, particulate or vapor phases defined in the PME
Environmental Standards under “Control of Emissions to Air from Stationary
Sources”, 2014.

Industrial Area: The area within the property line or recognized border limits
of a facility from which the public is restricted.

Inhalable Particulates: Any particle dispersed to the atmosphere in solid or

liquid form that has an aerodynamic size of 10 microns or less. Realistic
determination particle behavior in any environment must consider the size,
shape, and density of the particle. The technique best able to accomplish this is
called aerodynamic sizing. The aerodynamic diameter of a particle is defined as
the diameter of a sphere having the same resistance to motion as the particle.

Insolation: The rate of delivery of all direct solar energy per unit of horizontal
surface, measured as solar radiation.

Isopleth: In modeling, a continuous line (or contour) drawn on a map that

connects locations having equal ground-level concentrations.

Load Capacity Factor: The output of a device (boiler, process heater, furnace,
etc.) expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated design capacity of the
device (Example: a 0.5 load capacity factor indicates the device is operating at
50% of the maximum rated capacity of the device).

PME / Royal Commission Limit: The 1-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, or 12-month

(annual or yearly) GLC for the specified pollutant.

PME / Royal Commission Standard: The allowable number of exceedances

within a specified measurement period for the pollutant.

Mixing Height: The depth at which atmospheric pollutants are typically mixed
by dispersive processes.

Modified (Upgraded) Facility: See definition of Upgraded Facility.

New Facility: Any facility designed and constructed as a wholly new facility.
All new facilities must be meet all current and anticipated environmental
standards and regulations.

Non-Criteria Pollutant: Any air pollutant that does not have a specific ambient

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

air concentration limit but must be controlled because of other environmental

considerations such as toxicity or contribution to increased levels of other
regulated pollutants.

Point Emission Source: A stationary location or fixed facility from which

pollutants are discharged from one single-point-of-release into the surrounding
atmosphere. Examples are stacks (combustion, boiler) and vents.

Particulate Matter: Any finely divided solid or liquid material, other than
uncombined water, as measured by the USEPA reference or equivalent
measurement method.

Receptor: For modeling purposes, it is any physical location that is impacted

by the release of air pollutants. Environmental Engineering Division (EED) is
responsible for defining receptor grids and locations. Receptors located in
remote areas shall be handled on a case-by-case basis with respect to assessing
ambient air quality impacts. (See: Sensitive Receptors)

Reid Vapor Pressure: The absolute vapor pressure of a volatile crude oil or
volatile non-viscous petroleum liquids (except liquefied petroleum gases) as
determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

Royal Commission for Jubail (RCJ) and Yanbu (RCY): The jurisdictional
authority that administers activities within the Madinat Jubail Al-Sinaiyah and
Madinat Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah areas.

Sensitive Receptors: A component of the environmental that has a physical

location outside of the industrial area that may receive adverse impacts from the
emission(s). These include but not limited to, hospitals, Schools, National
Reserve Areas, Residential complexes, Farming Land, sensitive aquatic areas, etc.

Sigma Theta (σθ): The standard deviation of the horizontal wind direction over
a 1-hour period, in degrees. A value used to determine the stability
classification of the atmosphere.

Source Emission Standards: The maximum rate of a particular pollutant that

can be discharged from a source. Source emission limits are used to limit adverse
ambient air quality impacts. Source emission standards are given for specific
pollutants and specific sources and can specify technologies and/or strategies to
control the quantity and/or release rate of air pollutants from a facility.

Stack: Any specific opening used directly or indirectly for discharging

pollutants to the atmosphere.

Stack Testing: The manual sampling of stack gases during normal operation to
determine the emission rates of specific pollutant. Stack testing is part of the

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

performance testing required at the initial start-up of a new process. Stack testing
may also be required periodically thereafter if mandated by the regulatory agency.

Standard Limit: The 1-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, or 12-month GLC of the

specified air pollutant (see also PME / Royal Commission Limit).

Standard: The allowable number of GLC exceedances of the Standard Limit

(see also PME / Royal Commission Limit).

Structure: Referred to as a downwash structure. A building or group of

buildings determined to be important in downwash considerations. Structures
within 5L of the modeled source (where L is the lesser of the height or width of
the structure) are considered to cause downwash effects.

Sulfur Plant Efficiency: The amount of sulfur recovered as a percent of the

total sulfur that could be incinerated and released to the atmosphere in the form
of sulfur dioxide (SO2). The minimum PME sulfur recovery efficiency is 95%
however, the final sulfur recovery efficiency figure may be higher if ambient air
quality standards are violated at the 95% level. Air dispersion modeling is used
to determine the AAQS impacts.

True Vapor Pressure: The equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a liquid as

defined by the ASTM. For storage tanks, the TVP is based on the highest
operating temperature.

Upgraded (or Modified) Facility: Any modification or addition to an existing

facility that directly or indirectly increases air pollutant emissions to the
atmosphere from the facility. Upgraded or modified facilities must meet all
current and anticipated environmental standards and regulations.

Violation (of a Standard): A number of exceedances greater than the

allowable number of exceedances specified in the standard. For example, three
(3) exceedances of the sulfur dioxide 1-hour PME limit within any 30-day
period (i.e., day 1-30, 2-31, 3-32, etc.) constitutes a violation of the PME
standard for sulfur dioxide for that period; five (5) exceedances in the same
period would result in three violations if no other exceedances outside of the
same 30-day period have contributed to additional violations. It is also assumed
that the same three exceedances cannot be used together a subsequent time to
determine additional violations. In other words, one of the three exceedances
must be new when determining any additional violation. For a second example,
three (3) exceedances of the Royal Commission of Jubail (RCJ) ozone standard
results in a violation of this standard since the standard allows only one 1-hour
ozone exceedance per year rather than any 30-day period.

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): Any organic compound that contributes

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

to atmospheric photochemical reactions and subsequent air quality degradation.

Volume Source: An emission source that releases pollutants from a three-

dimensional source such as a building, multiple vents, conveyor belts, or
fugitive emissions from a chemical processing plant or refinery.

Worst-Case: With respect to air dispersion modeling, the highest ambient

pollutant concentrations based on actual meteorological data collected over a
specified period of time, generally five years or more; with respect to process
operations, operational conditions that produce the greatest atmospheric
emission rates.

4.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms

AMMNET Air Quality Monitoring and Meteorology Network
AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standard
AQ Air Quality
API American Petroleum Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
Btu British thermal unit
BPIP Building Profile Input Program
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
DBSP Design Basis Scoping Paper
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EED Environmental Engineering Division
EPD Environmental Protection Department
ES Environmental Statement
GEP Good Engineering Practice
GI Saudi Aramco General Instruction
GLC Ground Level Concentration
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
HS GEP Stack Height
kJ / w-hr kilojoule per watt-hour
kPa kiloPascals
LHV Lower heating value; also called net heating value
M 1,000
MW Molecular Weight

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

µg/m³ micrograms per cubic meter

mg/m³ milligrams per cubic meter
MMBtu/hr Million Btu's per hour
mps meters per second
mt metric tonne (1000 kg)
MSL Mean Sea Level
Ng/J nanograms per Joule
PMT Project Management Team
PME Presidency of Meteorology and Environment
ppm Parts per million, by volume
q Gross heat release
RCY Royal Commission of Yanbu
RCJ Royal Commission of Jubail
RVP Reid Vapor Pressure
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SES Source Emission Standard
scf Standard cubic foot
scm Standard cubic meter
STP Standard Temperature and Pressure conditions of 25°C (298°K)
and 1 standard atmosphere (760 mm Hg)
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate System
VOC Volatile organic compounds
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
EPA Environmental Protection Agency

5 Air Dispersion Modeling

5.1 Air Dispersion Model Version

Latest regulatory air dispersion models of USEPA or equivalent as listed below,

shall be used following USEPA modeling guidance for all Saudi Aramco
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work. However, EPD shall have the
final decision as to which, modeling application will be used for the EIA study.

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

The Consultant performing the air dispersion modeling work shall demonstrate
sufficient knowledge and experience with the below recommended models and
projects of similar size. EPD reserves the right to evaluate the Consultant’s
capabilities and to reject any air dispersion modeling proposal, report, or

Consultant selection shall be done in close coordination with, and concurred in

writing by EPD, prior to any contracting agreement.

Other recognized modeling applications used by international environmental

agencies may be acceptable to EPD, if sufficient technical supporting
information is presented to EPD at least 30 days prior to the commencement of
the modelling. The proposal should present a complete evaluation including a
determination of technical and scientific merit via international peer-reviewed
scientific publications. In addition, the evaluation shall follow the USEPA
protocols and guidelines relative to model evaluation and assessment, and
benchmarked against the preferred/recommended USEPA models.

Screening models may be utilized for preliminary modelling assessment work.

The screen models can also be applied before applying a refined air quality model
to determine if refined modelling is needed. USEPA guidelines shall be used.

The following models (latest regulatory version) can be used as detailed later:

Before an air dispersion modeling study is conducted, EED shall review and
approve, within 15 business days of submittal, the following details:
a. Modeling Protocol detailing the modeling scope & objective; scenarios;
assumptions; data sources (ambient, emissions, site, etc.); report and
b. Meteorological and air quality data (latest 5 year data)
c. Background ambient air quality levels
d. Modeling assumptions & field parameters, i.e., meteorology coefficients, etc.
e. Dispersion model type and version

In addition, input modeling parameters shall be provided but not be limited to

the following:
a. Selection of emission sources (i.e., point, area, volume, line)

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

b. Modelling grids, discrete receptors and its spacing

c. Number of years of meteorological data proposed for modeling
d. Use of rural or urban conditions
e. Treatment of calms (applicable to AERMOD)
f. Output files for (Prime)-BPIP, where appropriate
g. Use of emission variability (i.e., seasonal), where appropriate

Other modeling assumptions.

Appendix Table 2 shall be used to record the background pollutant concentration

data values. Appendix Table 3 shows the required emissions input data
components of the modeling study.

The preferred/recommended models are listed in the SCRAM website


SCIPUFF/SCICHEM, SCIPUFF (Second-Order Closure Integrated PUFF, Version

3.0 or later) is a Lagrangian transport and diffusion model for atmospheric
dispersion applications. The model has been expanded to include treatment of gas
and aqueous-phase reactions and aerosol thermodynamics. SCIPUFF with
chemistry and Aerosols Thermodynamics is referred to as SCICHEM. The model
was developed under the sponsorship of the Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) and adopted by the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA).
CALPUFF, a refined three dimensional ‘non-steady state’ model shall be the
preferred model for complex meteorological conditions (i.e., non-steady) and/or
influences from geophysical factors such as ‘coastal areas’ (i.e., land and sea
breeze), recirculation, reversal flows and others conditions such as stagnation.

AERMOD, a two dimensional ‘steady-state’ model shall be applied for those

condition with homogenous meteorological conditions with simple and complex
terrain features.

Where this section does not address specific modeling input requirements, the
model shall adhere to the procedures set forth in the USEPA document
"Guidelines on Air Quality Models" and 40 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 51,
Appendix W”.

MMIF (Mesoscale Model Interface Program) a utility model that converts

prognostic meteorological model output fields to the parameters and
formats required for direct input into dispersion models. MMIF supports

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Issue Date: 14 November 2016 Air Dispersion Modelling,
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

5.2 General Modeling Basis

For modeling purposes, the maximum design load conditions shall be used to
predict the worst-case short-term ambient air quality impacts of 1-hour and
24-hour duration. Anticipated normal operating conditions shall be used for
assessing long-term impacts (annual or longer periods).

Process upsets shall be considered as part of routine worst-case conditions.

Good Engineering Practice (GEP) shall be applied to stacks for all project
designs. GEP definition is shown in Section 4. GEP guidelines shall be used
for modelling purposes, see Section 4.1.

All Saudi Aramco modelling projects shall use the latest USEPA executable
code version listed on SCRAM website or EPRI sourceforge. All modelling
codes are freely downloadable from:
USEPA ( and from
Sourceforge (

All modelling files, associated codes, etc., including pre & post-processors and
utility packages shall be of non-proprietary nature when submitted to EPD for
project reviewing. All modelling file extensions and its formats shall adhere to
original USEPA file formatting to avoid any incompatibility issues during
reviewing process. All modelling related files and executable codes shall be
provided to EPD in structured format on external hard drives for EPD reviewing
at 30% project proposal or at FEL2 (DBSP phase) for project following the new
Capital Management System. All screen and refined air dispersion models, not
limited to AERMOD, CALPUFF, SCIPUFF/SCICHEM , respectively can be
downloaded freely from the USEPA SCRAM website or from SOURCEFORGE.

Where Saudi Aramco facilities are influenced by coastal effects or complex

terrain and meteorology, CALPUFF or SCIPUFF/SCICHEM shall be used along
with MMIF. Outputs from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)
meteorological model covering five (05) continuous years shall be used as an
input to MMIF. Other equivalent meteorological models should be evaluated
and approved in writing by EPD, on a case by case basis. MM5 model is no
longer accepted for regulatory modeling. The USEPA modelling guidelines
(Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Environmental
Models) shall be used for evaluating the prognostic meteorological data by
performing comparison it to the surface meteorological data from monitoring
stations. Comparison with upper air sounding data (Radiosonde data from shall be done as appropriate.

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

For AERMOD, modelling shall be based on MMIF or observed meteorological

data collected for five years and using upper air soundings (Radiosonde data)
from nearest PME upper air station. The upper air soundings are available free
from all international airports in Saudi Arabia. Alternative, upper air sounding
data can be developed through any prognostic model. All surface observations
must be representative of the local terrain and geophysical factors that exist
close to the facility being modelled.

In coastal area, in areas with complex meteorology or terrains, Scipuff/Scichem

or Calpuff shall be used.

Calpuff can only be used in passive mode (no chemistry).

Where possible, EPD will provide appropriate datasets for the modeling and/or
the technical guidance for conducting a proper technical modelling study.

Where there are missing hours in the meteorological data, the following USEPA
recommended options shall be applied to the missing data, but not limited to;
“Guideline on Air Quality Models” and “On-Site Meteorological Program
Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications.” Alternatives for filling
missing upper air data can be substituted by using prognostic data (i.e., WRF)
for the same year is preferred.

Modelling results shall include background ambient air quality pollution levels
that are based on a minimum of one year ambient air quality data collected from
the nearest monitoring station that is representative of the local area modeled,
preferably those collected by the Saudi Aramco Air Quality and Meteorology
Monitoring Network (AMMNET) program. Any other non-AMMNET data can
be used provided that proper data collection and QA/QC procedures are
implemented and presented to EPD (calibration and maintenance records,
QA/QC reports, etc.).

Emissions source data from actual monitoring measurement, such as Continuous

Emissions data (CEM), Predictive Emissions Monitoring (PEM), or Stack
performance/testing data shall be used for modelling as part of modelling
scenarios, if available. Where such data are not available, a baseline source
emission inventory shall be used to predict existing ambient pollutant levels.

Building Profile Input Program (BPIP) shall be used and information tabulated
as listed in the Appendix Table 2. BPIP or Prime BPIP building down wash
algorithms shall be used in all modelling applications, where appropriate.
The Appendix Table 4 shall be used to record the input and output data for the
air dispersion modeling study.

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

5.3 Final Report

The final report shall include the following, but not limited to:
 Clear digital maps detailing the area(s) modelled (axis scale in km) and
information of datum used;
 Tabulate existing and proposed facility emission sources;
 Locations of other significant emissions sources that emit the same
pollutants within 50 km radius; UTM coordinates shall also be tabulated;
 Plots showing sensitive receptors, dense discrete receptors, emissions
sources presented on separate plots;
 Typical preferred grid spacing of discrete receptors are; at fence-line, i.e.,
50 m, expanding to surrounding areas with appropriate spacing, such as
100 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 km spacing;
 Tabulate all emissions inventory of the facility;
 List location(s), names and UTM coordinates of dimensions of any
significant obstacles, such as buildings or hills that could affect dispersion of
the air pollutants under study;
 Tabulate and report any sensitive receptors and population groups within
50 km radius of the facility (including local residents, offices, service
stations and schools, farming area, sensitive), along with the locations of
these groups. UTM coordinates and population statistics, should be
provided where possible;
 Tabulate and provide predicted ground-level concentrations (GLC) summaries
for; i.e., 1 and 24 hour AAQS pollutant with the highest, 2nd-highest, and
3rd-highest values (i.e., UTM coordinates, concentration values, wind speed,
wind direction) and corresponding date/hour for these values;
 Provide clear plot(s) of predicted GLC isopleths superimposed on a current
area map of the facility and its environs, showing all emission sources and
identified sensitive and discrete receptors;
 All modelling field option(s) used for modeling shall be presented, and
examples of modelling input files, control and listing files shall be provided;
 Process flow diagram(s) showing existing facilities and proposed changes,
additions, modifications.
 Evaluate engineering and design information (Technology details, Licensor
guarantees, and design documents) to support and demonstrate effectiveness
of the proposed mitigation measures. Such an evaluation shall be part of the
ADM report.

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6 Emission Inventory

6.1 General

An emission inventory can be used as a basis for air dispersion modeling studies,
demonstrate compliance with environmental standards, and minimize waste.
Tables are provided in the Appendix as an aid in developing a comprehensive air
emission inventory. EPD shall receive all emissions inventory data prior to any
modelling work for approval. The emissions data shall be provided in excel
spreadsheet with appropriate footnote and references. The excel spreadsheet shall
contain open-access calculation cells and include all the details of the calculations
and assumptions (separate Tabulations). Any hard-wired numbers shall be duly
explained and referenced.

6.2 Emission Inventory Basis

The quantities of each pollutant emitted shall be based on one or more of the
following methods, and the method(s) used shall be stated in the inventory:
 Measurements obtained by stack testing, continuous emission monitoring,
predictive emissions monitoring, or process gas sampling providing the
sample analyses are quality-assured;
 Process-related engineering calculations;
 Manufacturer’s emissions data - based on performance testing with the
installed equipment;
 Emission factors based on the latest USEPA AP-42, API, CMA, or other
recognized governmental or industry source(s);
 SAES-A-112 for meteorological conditions; and/or,
 Saudi Aramco product specifications for hydrocarbon properties.

Revision Summary
5 June 2010 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with other changes.
14 November 2016 Major revision as per the scheduled review cycle and updated to reflect the applicable new
air quality modeling and emissions estimation techniques.

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair


Table 1 - Mean Background Concentration Data Sheet

8-Hour (CO only)

Table 2 - Building Dimensions Information

used for Building Profile Input Program, BPIP
Building name
Number of Tiers for the building
Base elevation (m)
Length (m)
Width (m)
Height (m)
X (Easting) =
Tier corner (x, y), UTM (km)
Y(Northing) =
Total number of Building
Total number of stacks

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Table 3 - Stack Emission Estimation Worksheet and Modeling Results

Modeller Name / Company: (If using FSL, specify format and wind unit).
Air Model Code Version & Level : Include pre & post
Prognostic Modeller Name/Company:
Prognostic Model Code Version & Level : Include pre &
post processors
Design Fuel Gas (MMSCFD): 1-HOUR (for SO2, H2S, O3, NO2, and CO)
Fuel Gas Heating Value (Btu/SCF): Max. 1-hr Conc.:
Fuel Gas H2S (ppmv): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Liquid Fuel Type: 2nd Highest 1-hr Conc.:
Average Liquid Fuel Used (Bbl/day): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Design Liquid Fuel Used (Bbl/day): 3rd Highest 1-hr Conc.:
Liquid Fuel Heating Value (MMBtu/bbl): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Liquid Fuel Sulfur (wt%) : 8-HOUR (for CO only)
Stack ID #: Max. 8-hr Conc.:
Unit Type (Manufacturer/Model): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Maximum Design Heat Input (MMBtu/hr): 2nd Highest 8-hr Conc.:
Source Location (*UTM, X, Y): X = Y= Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Source Elevation (Above M.S.L.) (m): 3rd Highest 8-hr Conc.:
Stack Height (m): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Stack Inner Diameter (m): 24-HOUR (for SO2, H2S, and PM-10)
Average Stack Gas Exit Temp. (°C): Max. 24-hr Conc.:
Average Stack Gas Exit Velocity (m/s): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate (m³/min.): Highest 24-hr Conc.:
Average Excess O2 (%): Location (*UTM X, Y): X = Y=
Low NOx Burners (Y/N): Annual (for SO2, NO2, and PM-10)
Annual Conc.:
Surface (i.e., AMMNET) Station(s) I.D.
Station(s) Location (*UTM, X, Y): X = Y= Center of Domain :
File Format: Domain gird points and Grid Cell
Type of Prognostic Data: (i.e., WRF..) Domain resolution (course/fine, km)
Year(s) used: Prognostic Grid Size:
File Format: MMIF Grid Size:
Upper Air Station(s) I.D. Computational Grid Size:
Year(s) used: CALPUFF Grid Size
Upper Air Station(s) Location (*UTM, X, Y): X = Y = AERMAP Grid Size:
(*X : Easting, Y :Northing) SW corner (*UTM, x,y) : X : Y:

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Table 4 - Fugitive Emissions Estimation Worksheet

General Fugitive Emissions Estimation Worksheet
Pollutant(s) (check type) : VOC ______ SO2 ______ H2S _______
Note: Use a separate
Other Pollutant (specify) ______________
worksheet for each
Facility:___________________Location: _____________________
type of pollutant
Coordinates (UTM): ____________________________
Unit Name, if applicable:
Number of Compressors in Gas/Vapor Service
Items per Number of Emission
Source Total Emission Rate
Compressor Items Factor, kg/hr
Item (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) g/s kg/hr mt/yr
Compressor Seals
Open-Ended Lines
Number of Pumps in Light Liquid Services
Items per Number of Emission
Total Emission Rate
Source Pump Items Factor, kg/hr
Item (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) g/s kg/hr mt/yr
Pump Seals
Open-Ended Lines
Number of Pumps in Heavy Liquid Service
Items per Number of Emission
Total Emission Rate
Source Pump Items Factor, kg/hr
Item (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) g/s kg/hr mt/yr
Pump Seals
Open-Ended Lines
Number of Emission Total Emission Rate
Miscellaneous Source Item (Specify)
Items Factor, kg/hr. g/s kg/hr mt/yr
Depressure/Relief Valves on Vessels

Total Fugitive Emissions Release Rate:

1) For VOCs, component estimation factors should be taken from "Guidance for Estimating Fugitive Emissions
from Equipment," by Chemical Manufacturer's Association (CMA);
2) Number of Items = Number of compressors or pumps times number of items per compressor or pump;
3) Emission factors from "Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors, AP-42" USEPA.
Note that this source includes API factors.

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Table 5 - Bulk Loading Emissions and Product Transfer Emissions Worksheet

Bulk Loading and Product Transfer Facility
Evaporative Emissions Estimation Worksheet

Bulk Loading Emission Rate


Storage Tanks mg/L kg/ML

(All Types) Throughput Throughput

Loading/Unloading of Product
From Storage Tanks Operations

Breathing Losses of Storage Tanks

Yearly throughput, Q = _______ ML/yr

Product Transfer Operations Annual Average

Source lb/yr kg/yr
Vehicle Refueling Operations
Displacement Losses (uncontrolled)
General Losses from Fueling Operations
Total Product Transfer Losses
Input the following parameters:
1. Number of Vehicles: N = ________ (dimensionless)
2. Average Vehicle Usage: U = ________ km/year/vehicle
3. Average Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: E = ________ km/liter
Emission Total
Pollutant Factor, Vehicle One Hour Peak Flow Annual Average
(g/km) Kilometers/ (g/s) (kg/hr) (kg/yr) (mt/yr)
Carbon Monoxides
Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC)
Nitrogen Oxides
(as NO2)

Reference for emission factors is USEPA Publication AP-42.

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

Table 6 - Tank Emissions Worksheets

External Floating Roof Tank

Facility Name:

Environmental Coordinator:

Tank ID# ________________________________________________________

Tank Contents Description: ____________________________________________________________

Diameter (ft): _____________________

Tank Volume (bbl): _______________________________________________

Average Net Throughput (bbl/day): ________________________________

Internal Shell Condition: ___________________________________________

Paint Color (White/Sliver/Black): _______________________

Paint Condition (Good/Bad): ___________________________

Roof Characteristics:

Roof Type: ___________________________

Tank Construction (riveted/welded): _____________________

Primary Seal Type: __________________________

Secondary Seal Type: _______________________

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Table 6 - Tank Emissions Worksheets (Continued)

Internal Floating Roof Tank

Facility Name:

Environmental Coordinator:

Tank ID#: __________________________________________________

Tank Contents Description: _____________________________________________________

Diameter (ft): _______________________________________________

Tank Volume (bbl): _________________________________________

Average Net Throughput (bbl/day): _________________________

Self-Supporting Roof (Y/N): ________________________________

Number of columns: _______________________________________

Effective Column Diameter: ________________________________

Internal Shell Condition:____________________________________

External Shell Color (White/Sliver/Black): ___________________

External Shell Condition (Good/Bad): _______________________

Roof Color: _________________________

Roof Condition (Good/Bad): _______________

Floating Roof Seal Type: ____________________________________

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Table 6 - Tank Emissions Worksheets (Continued)

Cone Roof Tank
Facility Name:

Environmental Coordinator:

Tank ID#:______________________________________

Tank Contents Description: _______________________________________________

Shell Height (ft): _______________________________

Shell diameter: (ft): ____________________________

Maximum Liquid Height (ft): ____________________

Average Liquid Height (ft): _____________________

Working volume (bbl): _________________________

Average Net Throughput (bbl/day): ____________

Shell Color (White/Sliver/Black): _______________

Shell Condition (Good/Bad): ___________________

Roof Characteristics

Color (White/Sliver/Black): ______________________

Condition (Good/Bad): _________________________

Height (ft): _____________________________________

Breather Vent

Vacuum Setting (psig): _________________________

Pressure Setting (psig): _________________________

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Table 7 - Emissions Inventory Format Table

Pollutants (i.e., SO2, NOx, PM, VOC, HAPs)
Emission Source

UTM (km, x, y)
Stack ID #

(Gas/liquid) Potential
Actual Emissions Emissions
Emission Emissions
(Unit) Kg/hr MT/Yr Kg/hr MT/Yr (ng/Joule)

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Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Emission Inventory, and Leak Detection and Repair

Table 8 - VOC and HAPs Emissions from Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing Operations
Emission Emission
Rate Rate Annual VOC Annual HAP Annual VOC Annual HAP
Emission Source (lb VOC / (lb HAPs / Emissions2 Emissions7 Emissions3 Emissions7
1,000 gal 1,000 gal (lb/yr) (lb/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr)
throughput) throughput)
Tank Truck

Tank Filling,
Breathing &



1- Assume annual throughput
2- VOC Emissions (lb / yr) = Emission Rate (lb VOC / 1,000 gal throughput) x Throughput (gal) / 1,000.
3- VOC Emissions (tons / yr) = VOC Emissions (lb/yr) / 2,000
4- Emission rate for tank truck loading, or loading loss (L1), calculated using the following equation:

L1 (lb/1000 gal) = (12.46 x S x P x M / T)


Saturation Factor (S) = 0.60 (Submerged loading, dedicated vapor balance

service - USEPA, AP-42 (Fifth Edition),
p. 5.2 – 4, Equation (1) and Table 5.2 – 1, or
refer to latest version published)
True Vapor Pressure, psia (P) = 11.0 (Gasoline RVP 11 @ 100F - USEPA, AP-42
(Fifth Edition), p. 7.1-83, Table 7.1-2)
Mol. Wt. of Vapor, lb/lb-mol (M) = 62 (Gasoline RVP 13 @ 100°F - USEPA, AP-42
(Fifth Edition), p. 7.1-83, Table 7.1-2)
Bulk Liquid Temperature, °R (T) = 560.00 (based on estimate of 100°F, on average)
5 - Calculated for tanks using USEPA TANKS4.1 program (or latest version).
6 - USEPA, AP-42, use latest version
7 - HAPs components shall be identified by measurement and analysis or process modeling.

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Table 9 - Marine Vessel Emission Factors

Pre-Loading Emissions = Compartment Treatment Factor X Prior Cargo Ratio Factor
Compartment Treatment Factor

Vessel Type Prior Cargo Compartment Treatment* Factor kg/m³ Loaded

Tanker Ocean Barge Volatile Uncleaned 0.10305
Ballasted 0.05512
Cleaned 0.03954
Gas Freed 0.03954 **
Non-Volatile Uncleaned 0.10305
Ballasted 0.05512
* Compartment treatment during the ballast voyage, prior to loading.
** Assume value is constant for all volatile products.

Product in Prior Cargo Factor Ratio

Volatile Crude Oil 1.0000
Tops 1.3780
Gasoline 1.1510
Lt. Naphtha 1.1510
Naphtha 1.3170
Jet Naphtha 1.3170
Non-Volatile*** Jet Fuel / Kerosene 0.0381
Gas Oil 0.0424
Bunker Oil 0.0525
*** Use for only uncleaned or ballasted cargo holds. Assume the hold would not be cleaned or gas freed under
normal operating procedures. If the hold had been cleaned and/or gas freed, assume 0.03954 x prior cargo.


Ocean Barge Draft of approximately 12 meters

Volatile True vapor pressure, greater than 0.1 bar
Uncleaned No compartment treatment of any kind, except routine heel washing
Ballasted An uncleaned compartment which has been filled with ballast water
Cleaned Compartment has been water washed
Gas Freed Compartment has been cleaned and air-blown, so that it is suitable for
entry and hot work.

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Table 10 - Marine Facility Data Sheet

Date of Site Visit:
Location : Representative Time Period:
Density RVP Average Temp. °C Total Volume m³ or bbls
Product Type Kg/L kg/cm² or PSI Loading Discharge Loaded Discharged
Arabian Light (AL)
Arabian Super Light
(ASL) Crude
Arabian Extra Light
(AXL) Crude
Diesel Oil
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
Gas Oil
Lube Oil
Premium Gasoline
Reformatted Gasoline
1) Type of Vessel & Tanker T Ocean Barge O Barge B Super Tanker S
Cargo Size, DWT
2) Typical Prior Cargo: Volatile V Non-Volatile N
If Discharging Cargo, Omit
3) Typical Compartment Treatment Uncleaned U
Prior to Loading Ballasted W If Discharging Cargo, Omit
Cleaned C
Gas Freed G
Discharging D
4) Cargo Direction: Loading L
& Ullage (# meters) on Arrival

As examples of vessel characterization, assume an ocean barge, previously filled with volatile material
which had been gas-freed, is being loaded:
Vessel Characterization is OVGL
Assume a Tanker, carrying gasoline, arrives in port with an Ullage of 3 meters:
Vessel Characterization is TD (3)
Note: For tankers that use main Diesel engine exhaust to inert their tanks, assume that the volume of
Diesel exhaust displaced by the product being loaded has a negligible impact on ambient air

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Table 10 - Marine Facility Data Sheet … continued

Supply Examples of Receipts / Shipments
Vessel Volume Rate Vessel Volume Rate
Berth # Product Berth # Product
Cat'n m3 m³/hour Cat'n m3 m³/hour


None Vapor Return Lines
Flaring Vapor Recompression
Activated Carbon
Other, Specify
Fuel Gas Cooling Water Electrical Steam Instrument Air
Number of Personnel: Operating Maintenance
Emergency Response Capability
Plot Plan Available? If not, prepare a simplified sketch.
Take into consideration: Water Treatment Facilities, distance to Sensitive Receptors, available Plot


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Conversions and Formulas

1. Conversion from a concentration measured in weight per unit volume to a volume

 24.45 
Cppm =Cμg/m³  
Cppm = Concentration in parts per million
Cμg/m³ = Concentration in micrograms/cubic meter,
24.45 = Molar gas volume at STP
MW = Molecular weight of the gas

2. Calculating the Total Net Heating Value (LHV) of a Gas to be Combusted in a


 Ci LHVi 
LHV = K i 1

LHV = Net heating value of the gas mixture (MJ/SCM)
Ci = Concentration of the ith sample gas component, ppm
LHVi = Net heat of combustion of the ith sample gas component at 25°C
and 760 mm Hg. pressure, kcal/g-mole
K = 1.74 x 10-7 g-mole MJ/ (ppm SCM kcal) (constant)

3. Calculating the Exit or Tip Velocity Limits of a Flare (for air dispersion modeling

Additional information should be referred to SAES-F-007 and USEPA Standard 40

CFR Section 63.12.

The exit or tip velocity of a steam-assisted or non-assisted flare shall be a

maximum of 18.3 m/s if the net heating value of the waste gas is less than
37.3 MJ/scm (1,000 Btu/scf).

If the net heating value of the waste gas is over 37.3 MJ/scm, the maximum tip
velocity shall be determined from the applicable formulas below that calculate tip
velocities, subject to the absolute maximum of 122 m/s.

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The tip velocity for an air-assisted flare shall be calculated based on the applicable
formula below, subject to the same absolute maximum velocity of 122 m/s.

a. For steam-assisted and non-assisted flares:

log10 (Vmax) = (LHV + 28.8) / 31.7

Where 28.8 and 31.7 are constants

b. For air-assisted flares:

Vmax = 8.706 + 0.7084 (LHV)

Where 8.706 and 0.7084 are constants

Vmax = tip velocity in m/s, not to exceed a maximum value of 122 m/s
LHV = Net heating value of the gas mixture being combusted, MJ/scm

4. Determining the Effective Stack Diameter of a Flare for modeling as a point


Since combustion occurs at or beyond the tip of a flare in the atmosphere,

appropriate values for stack exit temperature and velocity cannot be accurately

To predict dispersion for flare type sources, the point source algorithm can be used
with arbitrary values assigned for stack exit velocity of 20 mps (65.6 ft/sec) and
stack exit temperature of 1,273°K (1,000°C).

A stack height equal to the height of the flare tip is recommended for flares.
The effective stack diameter, D, in meters, is determined using the following

D = (10 6 q n )
qn = q [1-0.048 MW ] and
q = gross heat release in cal/sec

To convert a heating value in Btu/scf to cal/sec, use the following:

[(Btu/scf) x (252 cal/Btu) x (scfm)] / 60 sec/min

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MW = weighted average molecular weight of the mixture being burned,

by volume

The diameter of the pipe leading to the flare tip is not considered a factor in
determining plume rise. Also note that qn accounts for heat loss due to
radiation. Enclosed vapor combustion units shall not be modeled with the
above parameters, but with stack parameters that reflect the physical
characteristics of the unit. For additional information, contact the Air
Quality Supervisor, EPD/EED/AMU.

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