Saes B 018

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Engineering Standard

SAES-B-018 3 July 2019

Foam Systems
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee

1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 2
3 References........................................................ 2
4 Definitions ......................................................... 4
5 Fixed (Cone) Roof Tanks .................................. 5
6 Covered or Internal Floating Roof Tanks .......... 5
7 Open-Top Floating Roof Tanks ......................... 5
8 Fixed Foam Systems and Storage .................... 9
Revision Summary................................................. 11

Previous Issue: 23 April 2017 Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022

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Contact: Ghamdi, Salem S. (ghamss1i) on phone +966-13-8728431

©Saudi Aramco 2017. All rights reserved.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

1 Scope

This standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements for the design and
installation of fixed foam fire protection systems for atmospheric storage tanks.
Section 8 also includes requirements for fixed air foam systems that may be used in a
variety of facilities such as piers, wharves, sea islands (SAES-B-060), offshore
platforms (SAES-B-009), and bulk plant truck loading racks and tank farms
(SAES-B-070). Requirements for each type of atmospheric storage tank are
summarized in Table 1 of SAES-B-019. The requirements for spacing and diking of
onshore atmospheric tanks are covered in SAES-B-005.

Where this standard is in conflict with specialized requirements for offshore platforms,
covered in SAES-B-009; for piers, wharves, sea islands, in SAES-B-060; and bulk
plants/air fueling operations, in SAES-B-070, those standards shall govern.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.

Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

3 References

All referenced specifications, standards, codes, forms, drawings, and similar material
shall be considered part of this standard to the extent specified herein and shall be of the
latest issue (including all revisions, addenda, and supplements) unless stated otherwise.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-B-005 Spacing and Diking for Atmospheric and Low-
Pressure Tanks
SAES-B-009 Fire Protection and Safety Requirements for
Offshore Production Facilities
SAES-B-017 Fire Water Systems Design

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

SAES-B-019 Portable, Mobile, and Special Fixed Firefighting

SAES-B-054 Access, Egress, and Materials Handling for Plant
SAES-B-060 Fire Protection for Piers, Wharves, and Sea Islands
SAES-B-070 Fire and Safety Requirements for Bulk Plants, Air
Fueling Terminals and Sulfur Handling Facilities
SAES-D-100 Design Criteria of Atmospheric and Low-Pressure
SAES-H-002 Internal and External Coatings for Pipelines and
SAES-L-132 Materials Selection for Pipelines, Piping and
Process Equipment
SAES-P-116 Switchgear and Control Equipment
SAES-S-040 Saudi Aramco Water Systems

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

21-SAMSS-011 Fluoroprotein Foam Concentrate for MTBE
Hydrocarbon Fires
32-SAMSS-005 Manufacture of Atmospheric Tanks

Saudi Aramco General Instruction

GI-1781.001 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Fire
Protection Equipment

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

National Fire Protection Association

NFPA 11 Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam
NFPA 16 Installation of Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and
Foam-Water Spray Systems
NFPA 1963 Fire Hose Connections

Underwriters Laboratories
UL 162 Foam Equipment and Liquid Concentrates

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

4 Definitions

Deflector: On the discharge of the foam chamber, a plate or nozzle that deflects the
foam downward as it exits the chamber outlet. See Figure 1.

Fixed System: A foam/water fire suppression system for storage tank rim seal fire
suppression that includes a permanently installed foam concentrate tank, pumping
system, distribution piping, and foam chambers [in contrast to a semi-fixed system that
depends on a fire department tanker truck to connect to the piping and pump foam
solution to the foam chambers at the storage tank, which is the normal installation when
a fire station is available on-site].

Foam: Foam is aspirated foam solution (a stable aggregation of bubbles produced from
a combination of water, concentrated liquid foaming agent, and air) used for fighting
fires involving combustible liquids. (See 21-SAMSS-011).

Foam Backboards: An extended panel located above the tank rims to provide wind
shielding for the foam maker.

Foam Chamber (Foam Outlet Station per NFPA 11): A fixed foam discharge outlet,
normally located at the top of the riser on a floating roof tank, designed to introduce
foam to the seal area.

Foam Dam: A metal retaining wall that keeps the foam near the seal area at the outer
rim of the floating roof. See Figure 1.

Foam Maker: A fixed foam device designed to aspirate air into foam solution. A foam
maker is connected to a supply of pre-mixed foam solution. The maker introduces air
and the turbulence downstream of the maker creates a stable foam capable of being
directed to the hazard being protected.

Foam Solution: A proportioned mixture (e.g., 3% concentrate and 97% water) of

concentrated liquid foaming agent and water prior to aspirating the mixture with air.

Lateral Terminal: Inlet location at the end of the horizontal run of pipe with a hose
connection. The lateral connects to the riser. Refer to the top diagram of Figure 1.

Listed: Equipment, materials, or services that meet appropriate designated standards or

have been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose. FM and UL are two
internationally-recognized organizations with listings of equipment, materials, and
services that are certified as suitable for fire service.

Riser: A vertical pipe that runs up the side of the tank.

Seal Area: The area between the foam dam and tank shell around the outer seal of the
floating roof. This is the most likely site for a fire on a floating roof tank.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

Seal Shield: A weather shield directly above the top rim seal of a floating roof tank.
See Figure 1.

Semi-fixed System: A foam piping system that depends on a fire department tanker
truck to connect to the piping and pump foam solution to the foam chambers at the
storage tank. This is the standard installation for storage tanks that require fire
protection and is described in Section 7.

Wind Girder: Stiffening ring around the top of a tank to help the tank withstand high

5 Fixed (Cone) Roof Tanks

No foam system is required for fixed cone roof tanks. Refer to SAES-B-017 and
SAES-B-019 for other fire protection requirements.

6 Covered or Internal Floating Roof Tanks

6.1 No foam system is required for covered floating roof tanks. Refer to SAES-B-017
and SAES-B-019 for other fire protection requirements.

6.2 Where an existing open-top floating roof tank is retrofit with an aluminum
geodesic dome (AGD), the existing foam system shall be retained and kept in
operable condition.

7 Open-Top Floating Roof Tanks

7.1 For tanks less than 38 m in diameter, foam chambers are not required. All tanks
with open-top floating roofs, regardless of diameter, shall have a foam dam
installed around the rim seal on the roof. The foam dam height shall be not less
than 600 mm (24 in). The foam dam shall extend at least 150 mm (6 in) above
the seal's weather shield. See Figure 1.

7.2 Where a wind girder and a wind girder access stairway is provided and no foam
chambers are provided, a galvanized carbon steel, schedule 40 standpipe riser
(minimum 75 mm or 3-inch NPS) shall be installed. The riser shall be fitted
with two 2½-inch gated male hose connection that is listed for fire service at the
top and a 125 mm (5-inch) Storz female gated hose connection at the riser
bottom. See Figure 4.

The purpose of the riser is to aid the Fire Protection Department in extinguishing
a rim seal fire on smaller tanks. The 2½-inch hose connections provide a location
for FPD personnel to connect hoses that run along the wind girder. The riser
avoids having to run a hose up the winding stairway. The gated valve at the top
of the riser should be located at the top stairway platform, if provided. The Fire

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

Protection Department's tactical plan allows deployment of attack lines for a

maximum of 150 feet along the wind girder. For other tank access information,
see SAES-B-054.

7.2.1 The top stair platform shall be located on the upwind side of the tank.

7.2.2 Prevailing wind direction shall be based on the wind rose diagram for
the area via the Environmental Protection Department.

7.3 All hose connections shall be standard listed fire hose couplings per NFPA 1963.
Dust caps shall be provided for the couplings. The dust caps shall have a 3 mm
(1/8-inch) diameter vent hole.

7.4 Tanks 38 m (125 ft) and over in diameter shall have multiple fixed foam
chambers and deflectors located at intervals not to exceed 24.4 m (80 ft), equally
spaced around entire tank shell (see Figure 2 and NFPA 11). Foam chamber
supply piping is shown in Figure 3. Wind girder access shall be provided and
shall meet SAES-B-054.
Note: For existing open-top floating roof tanks, retrofit of chambers or risers shall be
done at the next tank turnaround.

7.5 Riser, lateral, and distribution piping (minimum 75 mm or 3-inch NPS) shall be
galvanized carbon steel, schedule 40 piping sized to provide a pressure between
the gauge pressure of 485 kPa to 690 kPa (70 psig to 100 psig) at each foam
maker based on an inlet pressure of approximately 1,035 kPa gauge (150 psig).
Foam riser shall be located a minimum of 7.5 m away from main inlet/outlet
piping connection(s) to the tank.

For existing tanks, the modification shall be made only during major
upgrades/T&I, while ensuring the below performance requirement.

The capacity of the foam system shall be based on 0.34 L/s/m² (0.5 gpm/ft²) of
foam solution per area between the foam dam and tank shell or 5 L/s (80 gpm)
per chamber at 520 kPa gauge (75 psig). Hydraulic calculations shall be
performed to size the riser, lateral, and distribution piping using computer
software specialized for fire water system design that is certified to meet NFPA
13 to assure that the design will meet flow-rate and residual pressure
requirements. Drawings and the supporting hydraulic design study calculations
of all fire protection systems shall be submitted to the Chief Fire Prevention
Engineer or his designated representative for review and approval.

7.6 Fixed foam discharge outlets (equivalent to National Model MCS-9 foam maker
with a Type B foam chamber with the largest foam outlet orifice diameter listed
per UL 162) shall be designed to deliver fully aspirated foam to the annular seal

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

area of open top floating roof storage tanks for fire protection. All foam making
equipment shall be listed per UL 162 or otherwise qualified per 8.1.

7.6.1 A mesh screen with 12 mm openings shall be installed over foam maker
and deflector openings to prevent birds from nesting in the deflectors or
foam chambers.

7.6.2 Foam makers shall be designed for flow-testing with foam in such a
manner that foam entry into the protected tank is avoided (e.g., foam
chambers able to be rotated on a swivel).

7.7 Laterals shall run independently from each tank and terminate at a road on or
outside the dike for the tank involved.

7.7.1 Lateral terminals shall be at a predominately upwind or crosswind

location. Prevailing wind direction shall be based on a wind rose
diagram via the Environmental Protection Department. These terminal
locations should be at the corner of the diked area between tanks. The
terminal distance from the tank shell shall be not less than one tank

7.7.2 Lateral terminals shall be located on the road side of all pipelines and
drainage ditches, with a maximum distance of 23 m from terminal to
hydrant. Lateral terminals shall be fitted with signs to identify which
tank and tank section they serve.

7.7.3 Two 125 mm (5-inch) Storz hose connections shall be provided on each
lateral terminal, each connection provided with an independent listed
gate valve spaced to allow maximum speed of opening.

7.7.4 The Storz hose connections shall be female standard fire hose couplings
per NFPA 1963. Dust caps shall be provided for the couplings.
Hose connections to put foam solution into the system shall have check
valves to prevent back-flow. A manual block valve shall be installed on
each lateral terminal connection. A ¾-inch drain valve shall be installed
between the Storz and the check valve.

7.7.5 Laterals shall be installed above ground to slope continuously with a

slope of 1 in 100 towards the dike, without crossing through other tank
dike areas. If practical, the lateral should slope directly to outside the
dike, terminating at a minimum height of 300 mm above grade.
If continuous slope to the terminal connection is impractical due to
grading, a carbon steel ¾-inch drain valve shall be installed at the low

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

7.7.6 Any foam system piping that runs underground or passes through a dike
wall shall be protected against external corrosion in accordance with the
requirements of SAES-H-002.

7.8 Foam Backboards

7.8.1 Foam backboards and dams shall be carbon steel, and capable of
withstanding design wind pressure. Dam bracing shall be located
outside the dam area, so as not to obstruct flow of foam.

7.8.2 Backboards shall be no less than 4 m wide. Backboards shall be

mounted flush with the inside of the shell, and be of minimum height
but high enough to ensure that the foam deflectors clear roof seal
protrusions when roof is at its highest position. See NFPA 11 for more

7.9 The ring supply piping to the multiple outlet foam chambers shall be installed
above the wind girder, so that this equipment is accessible for maintenance,
inspection, and testing. Ring supply piping shall be either free-draining or shall
be equipped with drain valves at low points. The ring supply piping shall be
provided with blind flanges at the ends to help assist in flushing the header
(see Figure 2).

7.10 Two 2½-inch hose connections on a Y connection, each connection provided

with an independent listed gate valve, is required at top of tank stairs by the
platform with supply piping located upstream of riser block valve (see Figure 3).

7.11 Testing

All tests shall be witnessed by designated representatives of Loss Prevention and

Fire Protection prior to mechanical completion acceptance of the fire system.
The performance flow test shall meet NFPA 11.

Testing of the foam system shall be done during the initial hydrostatic testing of
the tank (refer to SAES-D-100 and 32-SAMSS-005). The roof shall be floating
at a level no higher than 50% and no lower than 25% of its maximum height
during the test of the foam system. The installed foam system shall be
performance tested with a gauge pressure of 1,035 kPa (150 psig) at the foam
proportioning truck. The seal area shall be covered within 10 minutes of foam
flow from the chamber to the extent as follows:
a. For tanks with a single foam chamber, 12 m from the chamber along the
seal in both directions.
b. For tanks with multiple fixed foam chambers and deflectors, the entire seal

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems


Performance testing the foam system during the initial filling for hydrotest will help
avoid product contamination that might occur if the test was done later.

Also note that the test times for covering the seal may be far faster than what is
required in NFPA 11 due to the oversized outlet orifice (see 7.6). This will not
adversely affect the effectiveness of the foam.

7.12 Frequency of maintenance, inspection, and testing of fire protection equipment

shall meet GI-1781.001.

8 Fixed Foam Systems and Storage

Where a permanent built-in foam system is specified to be installed, the following

requirements shall apply:

8.1 Fixed foam-water fire protection systems shall be designed and installed in
accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 11, NFPA 16,
SAES-B-017, and this standard. Design, drawings, and hydraulic calculations
shall be done by or directly supervised by a registered professional engineer in
the specialty of fire protection who has at least five years of experience in foam
fire suppression and related system design. All drawings shall bear the seal of
that registered engineer.

8.2 The foam skid design shall be either balanced-pressure or in-line balanced-
pressure proportioning design with concentrate pump as illustrated by NFPA 16,
Annex A, Figures 5.4.2(d) or (f).

8.2.1 A fire department connection on the outside of the foam skid building
or shelter shall be provided on the supply side of the proportioner
(header with 5-inch Storz connections) per NFPA 16.

8.2.2 Equipment for the foam skid shall be UL listed (or through an
equivalent independent certification body) for use with the specified
type and manufacturer of foam.

8.2.3 The skid design shall accommodate full foam testing of the equipment
to meet GI-1781.001.

8.2.4 Bladder or flexible diaphragm type foam systems shall not be used.

8.3 Foam concentrate piping (undiluted, wet service in continuous contact with the
concentrate) shall be 316 stainless steel (pipe wall thickness schedule 80 or
greater). Piping handling foam concentrate shall be kept to the minimum.

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

The piping for foam concentrate shall not be galvanized or be made of any other
material that will degrade the foam concentrate. For onshore areas, concentrate
piping runs should be kept to a minimum to avoid exposing the foam concentrate
to high temperatures.

8.4 Piping downstream of the proportioner that carries foam solution (where foam
solution = 3% concentrate, 97% water) shall meet the material, coating, and
sizing requirements of SAES-L-132 for either sea or utility water [Water, Fire
Control, (sea or utility), Table 1].

For above grade small (<75 mm) steel pipe sizes where FBE or cement internal
lining is impractical, galvanized carbon steel or black carbon steel pipe is allowable
as an alternative.

8.5 Foam solution piping that is above grade shall be designed to be self-draining to
a low point drain valve(s) and shall be designed so that it can be flushed with
fresh water and drained of all fluids after each use. If the main fire water supply
is sea water, a potable water supply shall be used for flushing the system.

8.6 Materials for water supply piping to the skid shall meet SAES-S-040.

8.7 On tanks that are protected by a fixed foam skid, a pressure tap, and valve for a
pressure gauge shall be installed in the wind girder ring main near the foam
Note: This is provided to allow temporary installation of a pressure gauge to facilitate
performance testing.

8.8 The foam concentrate storage tanks shall be made of a material that is
compatible with the type of foam, as recommended by the foam manufacturer,
but are otherwise not required to be UL listed. Manufacturer-supplied
polyethylene atmospheric storage tanks are allowable and are usually
recommended for the storage of most foam concentrates. Stainless steel shall
not be used for the storage of fluoroprotein foam concentrate.
Note: Using 316 stainless for foam skid piping is allowable provided that the wall
thickness is schedule 80 or greater (for corrosion allowance).

8.9 Atmospheric metal foam concentrate storage tanks shall not have an internal
coating or lining. A thin layer of mineral oil shall be added to the top of the
foam concentrate to help limit contact with moist air. Foam storage tanks shall
be kept full, with liquid level up inside the expansion dome, to avoid
contamination from moisture condensation.

8.10 Foam concentrate tanks and associated equipment shall be located to the extent
practical in areas free of potential fire exposure and sized to deliver foam for
20 minutes at 3% of water flow.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

8.11 Atmospheric concentrate tanks, if provided, shall be equipped with the following:
a. Expansion dome
b. Chrome plated 2½-inch pressure-vacuum vent
c. Liquid Supply line: 2½-inch
d. Liquid Return line: 2½-inch
e. Drain with forged steel valve
f. Two ¾-inch fill connections
g. One readily accessible 2-inch bulk fill line
h. Sight glass
i. Low Level switch

8.12 Foam concentrate storage tanks shall be provided with a sunshade or air-
conditioned shelter (where justified).

8.13 Foam systems protecting floating roof tanks shall be designed to deliver foam
solution to the most remote point of use within 5 minutes or less from start of
pumping. Other fixed foam systems shall deliver foam solution within 1 minute.
Note: A single foam skid can be used for the protection of multiple users, i.e., tanks,
as long as the system is designed to meet the largest demand, including
supplementary hose streams, and includes individual control valves for each
user that can be activated locally and remotely from the operations center.

8.14 Concentrate pumps shall be rotary gear or similar technology pumps, capable of
injecting a specified concentrate quantities up to full flow at the operating pressure
of the water supply at those respective flows. A 100% installed spare concentrate
pump with a separate electrical source shall be provided. The concentrate pump
power supply shall be from the most reliable available bus and shall otherwise
meet the same requirements as fire water controllers and pumps in SAES-P-116.
Note: Concentrate pump selection should be based on the foam manufacturer's

8.15 A self-priming foam transfer pump (20 gpm minimum) shall be installed on
foam skids. The transfer pump shall be one especially designed for this foam
concentrate, i.e., it shall be designed to not agitate or aspirate the foam

Revision Summary
17 May 2011 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued with
minor revision.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

23 April 2017 Revised the foam riser location with reference to the main inlet/outlet piping connections to the
tank and added a commentary to clarify use of a single foam skid for multiple users.
3 July 2019 Editorial revision, to reflect contain confirmation requirement.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

Terminal Hose Roof
See Detail
Low Point Drain

Foam maker and foam Foam backboard

chamber mounted above
Foam Chamber/ Maker 4m shell
(See Note 2)
300 mm 300 mm
Top of tank shell


600 mm
Shield 150 mm

600 Foam Dam

mm Walkway
Walkway Roof
Solution piping (Riser)
Wind braced to tank shell
Girder Top Seal

Drain and Flange for Testing and

DETAIL A Note: For more details, see

figures in NFPA 11 that Figure 1
Deflector: Carbon steel was based on.
(3 mm thickness)

Foam Dam

Pad: Carbon steel

(6 mm thickness) Drain Slots, 25mm x 13 mm on
3m Centers
(approximate dimensions)
Figure 1 - Typical Foam Outlet Station Layout of Foam Chamber and Solution Piping

Notes: 1) Hose connection at top stairway platform is not shown.

2) Minimum height of backboard depends on the top position of the roof.
3) Riser and lateral pipe size shall be a minimum nominal diameter of 75 mm (3-inch NPS).

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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

Figure 2 - Multiple Foam Chamber Locations Tanks

>38 m (125 ft) Diameter - Typical Layout of Foam Chambers

Notes: 1) Two 2½-inch hose connections are required at top of tank stairs by the platform with supply
piping located upstream of riser block valve.
2) For tanks that require multiple chambers, the number of chambers is specified in NFPA 11
(one chamber per 24.4 m [80 ft] of circumference).

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-018
Issue Date: 3 July 2019
Next Planned Update: 23 April 2022 Foam Systems

Header to Car-Seal
Foam Valve Open
Chambers (CSO)

Lateral Terminal -
Hose Wind Girder
Connections with (Handrail required,
but not shown) Two 2½-inch
Block Valve at
each Connection Gated Hose
at Stairway
Stairway Platform

Slope Lateral toward

Lateral(s) the Low Point Drain

Low Point Drain


Figure 3 - Layout of Supply Piping to Hose Connections and Multiple Foam Makers

Notes: 1) Two 2½-inch male hose connection shall be accessible from top stairway platform.
2) Foam deflectors and foam backboards shall be offset from the wind girder walkway to avoid
blocking entrance to floating roof.
3) Block valve(s) in lateral and riser to be car-sealed open (CSO).

Wind Girder
(Handrail required,
but not shown) Two 2½-inch
Gated Hose
at Stairway

5-inch Riser

5-inch Gated
Storz Hose
Figure 4 - Layout of Riser with 2½-Inch Hose Connections

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