Garber Descartes Embodied
Garber Descartes Embodied
Garber Descartes Embodied
University of Chicago
Acknowledgments page ix
Abbreviations, Citations, and Translations xi
Introduction 1
Part I. Historiographical Preliminaries
1 Does History Have a Future? Some Reflections on
Bennett and Doing Philosophy Historically 13
Part II. Method, Order, and Certainty
2 Descartes and Method in 1637 33
3 A Point of Order: Analysis, Synthesis, and Descartes’
Principles (with Lesley Cohen) 52
4 J.-B. Morin and the Second Objections 64
5 Descartes and Experiment in the Discourse and Essays 85
6 Descartes on Knowledge and Certainty: From the
Discours to the Principia 111
Part III. Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature
7 Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature in Descartes
and Leibniz 133
8 Understanding Interaction: What Descartes Should
Have Told Elisabeth 168
9 How God Causes Motion: Descartes, Divine Sustenance,
and Occasionalism 189
10 Descartes and Occasionalism 203
viii contents
11 Semel in vita: The Scientific Background to Descartes’
Meditations 221
12 Forms and Qualities in the Sixth Replies 257
Part IV. Larger Visions
13 Descartes, or the Cultivation of the Intellect 277
14 Experiment, Community, and the Constitution of
Nature in the Seventeenth Century 296
Sources 329
Index 333
1 Descartes, The Philosophical Works of Descartes, ed. and trans. E. S. Haldane and G. R. T. Ross
(2 vols.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1911, and often reprinted.
2 Descartes, Philosophical Letters, ed. and trans. Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1970, later reprinted, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981.
3 Descartes, Philosophical Writings, ed. and trans. E. Anscombe and P. Geach. Edinburgh:
T. Nelson, 1954, and often reprinted.
4 Descartes, Discourse on Method and Meditations, ed. and trans. Laurence J. Lafleur.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960. Descartes, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, ed. and
trans. Laurence J. Lafleur. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1961.
5 Descartes, Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology, trans. Paul J. Olscamp.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
1 See W. V. O. Quine, Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1969, pp. 69–90.
2 introduction
it with a different kind of physics, one grounded in a mechanistic con-
ception of nature. For an Aristotelian physicist, natural philosophy is
ultimately grounded in the irreducible tendencies bodies have to
behave one way or another, as embodied in their substantial forms.
Some bodies naturally fall, and others naturally rise; some are naturally
cold, and others are naturally hot; some are naturally dry, and others
are naturally wet. For the mechanist, though, the world is a machine,
all the way down. According to the mechanical philosophy, of which
Descartes was a founder, I would argue, everything in the physical world
must be explained in the way in which we explain machines, through
the size, shape, and motion of their parts. Descartes was not the only
thinker of the period to hold such a view. Though there are some
interesting and important differences among them, differences that
Descartes himself emphasized in many cases, one must also include
here contemporary figures such as Galileo, Mersenne, Gassendi,
Hobbes, Roberval, and Beeckman, later Boyle, Locke, and many
others. Nor was the mechanical philosophy the only alternative to Aris-
totelianism; there were also alchemical, astrological, hermetic, Platonic,
and other alternatives in the mix. One must understand Descartes’
philosophy as a part of this larger program to replace the Aristotelian
philosophy with a new and better alternative.
But there is a particular way in which Descartes approached the task
of replacing the Aristotelian philosophy with a mechanical philosophy.
Although Descartes was interested in what we would call mathematical
and scientific questions, it was important for him to ground his view of
the make-up of bodies and the laws that they observe in what he called
a metaphysics. In a celebrated passage from the preface to the French
edition of the Principia, Descartes writes that “all philosophy is like a
tree, whose roots are metaphysics, whose trunk is physics, and whose
branches, which grow from this trunk, are all of the other sciences,
namely medicine, mechanics, and morals.”2 In the philosophical liter-
ature, particularly that written by Anglo-American historians of philos-
ophy, almost all the attention has been to the metaphysical roots. I
thought that it would be very useful to turn my attention to the part of
the tree above ground, the trunk and the branches which were, if any-
thing, more visible to Descartes’ contemporaries than the metaphysical
2 AT IXB 14. See the note on abbreviations and translations for the conventions used in
citing Descartes’ writings.
introduction 3
One of the fruits of this work was my book, Descartes’ Metaphysical
Physics.3 In this book, I tried to give a critical exposition of Descartes’
physical thought, and discuss the arguments and positions that Descartes
offered in his writings on physics, mainly Le Monde (1633) and the Prin-
cipia Philosophiae (1644), paying special attention to the way in which they
are grounded in metaphysics. But, at the same time, I was also working
on some of the more traditional questions in Descartes’ thought, ques-
tions about knowledge, method, mind, and matter, exploring the way
in which understanding Descartes’ scientific thought might illuminate
those more familiar aspects of Descartes’ philosophy. Many of the essays
in this collection are part of this effort. In taking the approach I do in
these essays, I do not mean to argue that it is the only approach that one
can take, that the only way one can understand Descartes is through his
scientific writings. Descartes was a multifaceted character, and there are
a number of approaches that one can take to illuminate his thought. All
I mean to assert is that this is one of them.
I should also say something about the historiographical ideas that lie
behind these essays. The last twenty or thirty years have seen enormous
changes in the way in which the history of philosophy is written, at least
in English. When I first began working in the field in the mid-1970s,
the dominant trend in Cartesian studies was to give careful attention to
Descartes’ arguments and positions, and scrutinize them in accordance
with the current philosophical standards and doctrines. What it also
meant, often enough, was a Cartesian philosophy pulled out of its intel-
lectual context, with any historical considerations explicitly marginal-
ized. I can remember in the late 1960s one of my undergraduate teachers
wondering, in all seriousness, whether Descartes wrote before or after
Newton! Furthermore, the texts were almost always studied in transla-
tion, with no need to know either the original language texts or any of
the literature outside of English. Things have changed considerably
since then; the history of philosophy, at least in the early-modern period,
is more and more genuinely historical. It is getting less and less possible
to do history of philosophy in translation alone, with no attention to his-
torical context, and I am proud to have had some small part in this
change of standards. This historiographical theme is also reflected in the
essays collected here. For me, understanding Descartes historically
means first and foremost situating him in the context of the larger
4 New York: Penguin Books, 1978. All the quotations are taken from pp. 9–10.
introduction 5
Descartes’ thought. But can we really make the kind of separation that
Williams (and many, many others) postulate? I can certainly understand
those who want to ignore history, and attack philosophical questions
directly; this, in a way, is the Cartesian spirit. However, if one chooses
to write about Descartes (or Spinoza, or Locke, or . . .), then, it seems,
this entails a kind of commitment to understand what they are trying
to say; a history of philosophy based on myths and partially understood
texts is neither good history nor good philosophy, substituting for
Descartes’ authentic thought a pale reflection of the contemporary
views of interest to us. If we are to learn philosophy from Descartes, as
opposed to using him as a mere foil for our contemporary views, then
we must try to reach genuine understanding of what he thinks. And
genuinely understanding an historical figure requires significant his-
torical work, often going beyond the texts themselves and into the con-
temporary culture to understand their presuppositions. Similarly, one
cannot approach good history of ideas (in Williams’ sense) without
understanding the philosophy as philosophy, as arguments and dis-
tinctions and attempts at addressing systematically what are taken to be
important problems. I don’t think that one should have to choose
between the one and the other, between philosophical interest and
historical sophistication. One needs both. Period.
Though the essays in this collection are all attempts at recovering a
genuinely historical Descartes, in reading them over again, I am struck
by how far scholarship has come in the last years. When I originally
wrote them, and when they were originally published, many of these
essays were then on the outer edge of what was acceptable in the history
of philosophy; it is only through the kindness of editors who invited me
to contribute to collections or special issues of journals that many of
them found their way into print. But looking back at them now, they
seem, in a sense, rather old-fashioned. The essays are based on a careful
reading of the texts, all the texts, and not just the few generally read in
philosophy classes. Also, I try very hard to put those texts in the context
of other texts then in circulation, particularly late scholastic texts.
However, two main things are missing. Although there is a smattering
of names unfamiliar to historians of philosophy, there are not enough
of them. In part this defect is addressed in the Cambridge History of
Seventeenth-Century Philosophy,5 which I co-edited with Michael Ayers.
There we made sure that less familiar names such as Sir Kenelm Digby,
6 See Martial Gueroult, Descartes’ Philosophy Interpreted According to the Order of Reasons, trans.
Roger Ariew. (2 vols.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984; and Nouvelles
réflexions sur la preuve ontologique. Paris: Vrin, 1955.
8 introduction
Nature in Descartes and Leibniz,” I discuss the relation between
voluntary activity and the laws of nature. It has been a standard view of
Descartes that he had wanted to make all the physical behavior of the
human being consistent with his law of the conservation of quantity of
motion. On that reading, Descartes is supposed to have held that the
human will can change the direction of the motion of a body, but not
its speed. Since Descartes’ conservation law governs only speed and not
direction, it was thought that this account allowed Descartes to render
human voluntary activity consistent with his conservation law. However,
Leibniz showed that Descartes’ conservation law is incorrect, and that
the correct conservation laws constrain direction as much as they do
speed. And so, Leibniz argued, that ploy won’t work. By carefully exam-
ining Descartes’ conception of the laws of nature and how they derive
from God, I argue that Descartes never intended human beings to be
governed by his laws of nature. I also show how Leibniz’s metaphysics
differs profoundly from Descartes’ in this regard, and why for him, the
human being cannot stand outside of nature, as it can for Descartes.
The following essay, (8) “Understanding Interaction: What Descartes
Should Have Told Elisabeth,” also concerns mind and body in
Descartes. It argues that Descartes’ famous letters to Elisabeth in 1643,
explaining mind-body and body-body interaction, are importantly mis-
leading. In those letters, Descartes claims that mind-body interaction
and body-body interaction are each understood through their own sep-
arate primitive notions. This, I claim, is inconsistent with some of
Descartes’ most basic commitments elsewhere. Rather, I argue, body-
body interaction, the interaction between inanimate physical objects,
must be understood ultimately through God, whose activity determines
the laws of motion. The activity of God, in turn, must be understood
through our own experience of how we act on our own bodies. In this
way, mind-body interaction is the ultimate model in terms of which we
understand all physical interaction for Descartes. The analysis of the
physical interaction among bodies is continued in the next piece, (9)
“How God Causes Motion: Descartes, Divine Sustenance, and Occa-
sionalism,” where I discuss how the dependence of the laws of nature
on God gives rise to accusations of occasionalism in Descartes, and
explicit arguments for occasionalism in some of his followers. I argue
that the way in which Descartes conceives of divine activity leads him
to reject a full occasionalism, where God is the only genuine causal
agent. However, differences in the way some of his followers conceive
of divine activity lead them in another direction, to the occasionalism
introduction 9
characteristic of the later Cartesian tradition. In the following essay,
(10) “Descartes and Occasionalism,” the question of Descartes’ occa-
sionalism is examined in a more general way, where it is argued that
contrary to much of the critical literature, Descartes was not a genuine
occasionalist. The last two essays in this section, (11) “Semel in vita: The
Scientific Background to Descartes’ Meditations” and (12) “Forms and
Qualities in the Sixth Replies” both deal more directly with the relation
between Descartes’ metaphysics and his physics. “Semel in vita” gives a
general overview of the way in which Descartes’ metaphysics and epis-
temology undermine Aristotelian science and ground the new physics
that he is presenting in his works. “Forms and Qualities” discusses more
specifically the issue of Descartes’ rejection of Aristotelian forms and
qualities, particularly as it is treated in a crucial passage at the end of
the Sixth Replies.
In Part IV of the collection (“Larger Visions”), I include two essays
that give larger views of Descartes’ philosophy. In (13) “Descartes, or
the Cultivation of the Intellect,” I present a view of Descartes’ concep-
tion of the educated person, and how his conception of the human
being and the natural world led to a revolutionary conception of
education, rejecting the authority of the book and the teacher for
the authority of the intellect. Finally, in (14) “Experiment, Community,
and the Constitution of Nature in the Seventeenth Century,” I put
Descartes’ epistemology in the context of larger movements in seven-
teenth-century thought, and show how Descartes’ radically individual-
istic epistemology eventually gave way to a more social conception of
knowledge and scientific inquiry, as institutions such as the Royal
Society of London and the Académie des Sciences in Paris entered the
scene, and redefined the scientific world.
The careful reader may have noticed an oddity in the subtitle of this
collection, “Reading Cartesian Philosophy through Cartesian Science.”
Strictly speaking, this title makes little sense for the seventeenth
century. At that time, neither philosophy nor science as we now know
them could properly be said to exist as distinct domains of knowledge:
What we call philosophy and what we call science were part of a single
domain of inquiry, which went under the rubric of philosophy. But
within Descartes’ thought there certainly was a distinction between the
foundational disciplines of philosophy, what he called “first philosophy”
or sometimes “metaphysics,” and natural philosophy, between the roots
of his tree of philosophy and the trunk. It is this distinction that I have
10 introduction
in mind when I am talking about reading the philosophy through the
science. What I am attempting to do is put some of the Cartesian
metaphysical, epistemological, and methodological doctrines on which
philosophers have concentrated in recent years into the perspective of
Descartes’ larger system.
History as Storehouse
I would like to begin my discussion by outlining what I take to be
Jonathan Bennett’s attitude toward history in his recent book, A Study
of Spinoza’s Ethics. My interest in the book will be largely metaphilo-
sophical (or, perhaps, metahistorical); though I have some disagree-
ments with Bennett on matters of substance, I shall do my best not do
drag them in here and muddy the waters.
Early in the book, Bennett gives the reader ample indication of the
nature of his interest in Spinoza. “I am not writing biography,” he notes.
“I want to understand the pages of the Ethics in a way that will let me
learn philosophy from them.”1 A bit later in the book, Bennett indi-
cates that his interest is “not with Spinoza’s mental biography but with
getting his help in discovering philosophical truth.”2 At the end of the
book Bennett writes:
The courtly deference which pretends that Spinoza is always or usually right,
under some rescuing interpretation, is one thing; it is quite another to look
to him, as I have throughout this book, as a teacher, one who can help us to
see things which we might not have seen for ourselves. That is showing him
a deeper respect, but also holding him to a more demanding standard.3
(In giving these quotations I don’t mean to imply that they are trans-
parently intelligible or true on their face, but I would like to postpone
those questions for the moment.)
What does the history of philosophy look like from Bennett’s point of
view? We begin by trying to reconstruct the arguments the philosopher
we are studying gave, trying to follow the train of thought he followed.
But our ultimate goal is philosophical truth, and it is with that in mind
that we must approach our reconstruction; we must carefully examine
the truth of the premises, the validity of the inferential steps, and with a
cold and unsentimental eye, judge the truth or falsity of the conclusion
and the adequacy of the means by which the conclusion was reached. If
appropriate, we might make some attempt to patch up the argument,
adding new premises, substituting better premises for worse, trying a new
path to the conclusion in question, or whatever. This is, I think, a fair
representation of what Bennett is doing in the Spinoza book.
This attitude also comes out nicely in a letter from 1638. Unfortunately,
the recipient of the letter is unknown, as is the book Descartes is com-
menting on in the letter, but his point is clear:
[The author’s] plan of collecting into a single book all that is useful in every
other book would be a very good one if it were practicable; but I think that
it is not. It is often very difficult to judge accurately what others have written,
and to draw the good out of them without taking the bad too. Moreover, the
particular truths which are scattered in books are so detached and so inde-
pendent of each other, that I think one would need more talent and energy
to assemble them into a well-proportioned and ordered collection . . . than
to make up such a collection out of one’s own discoveries. I do not mean
that one should neglect other people’s discoveries when one encounters
useful ones; but I do not think one should spend the greater part of one’s
time in collecting them. If a man were capable of finding the foundation of
the sciences, he would be wrong to waste his life in finding scraps of knowl-
edge hidden in the corners of libraries; and if he were no good for anything
else but that, he would not be capable of choosing and ordering what he
Descartes does not mince words here. If it is truth we are after, books
will not help us to find it. He does not seem to think that we can learn
much from other people’s mistakes, unlike Bennett; mistakes just
engender other mistakes. The truths we find in books are so rare and
so scattered that anyone who has the ability to recognize them and seek
them out would be better off simply looking for them on his own,
directly, without the help of these paper-and-ink teachers. If it is philo-
sophical truth you are after, Descartes tells Bennett (and anyone else
who will listen), then don’t look to the philosophers of the past. (It is
somewhat disquieting to the historian when one of his or her subjects
talks back in such a rude way.)
Descartes, in general, has little truck with scholarship, with the study
of the past, but Descartes was not altogether dismissive of history.
Though he thought it inappropriate to look for philosophical truth in
history, he did not think that reading the authors of the past is altogether
without value. In the Discours he wrote:
Bennett claims that this position is a purely philosophical one, and that
neither Descartes nor, following him, Spinoza should confuse this with
doing science. He writes: “[W]hen he [Descartes] says that there is no
vacuum, he is not predicting what you will find if you ransack the phys-
ical universe. His point is a conceptual one.”22 Bennett furthermore
regrets “that he words this possible philosophical truth so that it sounds
like a scientific falsehood” and goes on to chastise Descartes and
Spinoza for their occasional lapses into thinking that this philosophi-
cal argument has empirical consequences for physics.23 Bennett is too
charitable here, and in his charity, he misses the point of the argument,
both in Descartes and in Spinoza. Descartes’ point was precisely to estab-
lish that there is no vacuum in the physical world, and I know of no
reason to believe that Spinoza read the argument any differently.
Whether or not there is a philosophical truth in the claim, it was what
we have come to recognize as a scientific falsehood that interested
Descartes and his contemporaries; the denial of a vacuum not only
in philosophy but also in rerum natura was an important feature of
Cartesian physics, one that grounds Cartesian cosmology, the vortex
theory of planetary motion.24
The examples so far are of cases in which philosophical argument,
conceptual analysis, leads to what we would consider scientific conclu-
21 C. Gebhardt, ed., Spinoza Opera (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1925), 1:187–88, as para-
phrased in Bennett, Spinoza, p. 100. Spinoza refers the reader here to Descartes’ Principia
II 17–18, AT VIIIA 49–50; CSM I 230–31.
22 Bennett, Spinoza, p. 101. 23 Ibid.
24 Descartes’ view was that the present state of the world can be explained if we imagine an
initial state of disorder, which sorts itself out into swirls of fluid by way of the laws of motion
alone. These swirls of fluid, vortices, are what Descartes identifies with planetary systems,
a sun at the center of each, and planets circling about the sun. Essential to this account
is the assumption that all motion produces circular motion, which Descartes derives from
the doctrine of the plenum. It is because all space is full, he argues, that all motion must
ultimately be circular, one hunk of material substance moving to make room for a given
moving body, a third hunk moving to make room for the second, and so on until a final
hunk moves to take the place left by the original moving body. In this way, Descartes’
whole cosmology depends on the denial of the vacuum. For the account of motion as
circular, see Principia II 33 (AT VIIIA 58–59; CSM I 237–39) and for the derivation of the
cosmos from an initial state, see Principia III 46ff. (AT VIIIA 100ff.; CSM I 256ff.).
28 historiographical preliminaries
sions. There are a few interesting and, to the modern mind, very
strange instances in which seventeenth-century philosophers used
empirical claims to support conclusions that we would consider philo-
sophical. The case is strange, and I’m not entirely sure I have it right,
but Leibniz seems to have taken such a position. Leibniz held (or, at
least, he often held) that animals are genuine substances, corporeal sub-
stances. As substances, Leibniz argued, they cannot arise through
natural means, nor can they perish by natural means. This is a conclu-
sion Leibniz often establishes by pure philosophical argument; it is a
conclusion of the celebrated predicate-in-notion argument of Discourse
on Metaphysics, §8,25 and, Leibniz sometimes argues, of the no-less-
philosophical principle of continuity.26 Leibniz also called on the
exciting discoveries of microscopists like Leeuwenhoek and Malpighi
for support. For example, he wrote to Queen Sophie Charlotte in May
1704 concerning an important consequence of his view of corporeal
Speaking with metaphysical rigor, there is neither generation nor death, but
only the development and enfolding of the same animal. . . . Experience con-
firms these transformations in some animals, where nature herself has given
us a small glimpse of what it hides elsewhere. Observations made by the most
industrious observers also lead us to judge that the generation of animals is
nothing but growth joined with transformation.27
That there are such happenings is, for More if not for us, an empirical
fact. For More these apparitions speak strongly in favor of souls distinct
from body: “Those and like extraordinary Effects . . . seem to me to be
an undeniable Argument that there be such things as Spirits or Incor-
poreal Substances in the world.”29 More may have been deluded in think-
ing that there are ghosts and obscure about how the phenomenon in
question is supposed to support his conclusion, but he certainly seemed
to think that the question of the existence of incorporeal substance, a
metaphysical question par excellence, could be settled by a trip to a
haunted house. In this he was not alone. Hobbes, no advocate of imma-
terial substance, made a special point of denying the reality of ghosts
as part of his case against incorporeal souls.30 Although he did not
support the view More was pressing, Hobbes certainly seemed to think
that empirical evidence was germane to the question.
Why are these historical observations interesting? For one, they do
pertain to the proper interpretation of Spinoza and his contemporaries;
they suggest that we should be careful about attributing our distinction
between philosophy and science to earlier thinkers. There is a philo-
sophical lesson to be learned as well. My point is not that we should look
for philosophical truth in the sorts of arguments I was discussing; the
laws of motion shouldn’t be derived from God, nor should the ques-
tion of the vacuum be settled by an appeal to our intuitions about space
and extension. Nor do I think that metaphysical issues about the nature
of substance can be settled by looking into microscopes, nor should we
consider seriously the ontological status of ghosts and goblins. Much
that was live in seventeenth-century thought is now dead, and I don’t
intend to revive it. The examples I have given do raise an interesting
question: Why is it that we tend to see such a radical break between phi-
losophy and science, and, more important, should we? The question can
be raised directly, without the need for history, as Quine has done. But
history brings the point home in an especially clear way: It shows us an
assumption we take for granted by pointing out that it is not an assump-
tion everyone makes.
28 Henry More, The Immortality of the Soul, p. 50, in A Collection of Several Philosophical Writings
of Dr Henry More (London: William Morden, 1662).
29 Ibid. 30 Hobbes, Leviathan, chapter 46; cf. chapter 2.
30 historiographical preliminaries
Some years ago, an anthropologist friend told me something of what it
is like to do field work. When one enters a new community, she said, it
is all very alien, an alien language, alien customs, alien traditions. After
a while things change; the language and customs become familiar, and
one is inclined to think that the differences are only superficial, that
the once-alien community is just like home. The final stage comes when
the similarities and differences come into focus, when one recognizes
what one’s subjects share with us, while at the same time appreciating
the genuine differences there are between them and us. The case is
similar for the history of philosophy. We cannot ignore the ways in
which past thinkers are involved in projects similar to ours, and the ways
in which we can learn from what they have written, how it can con-
tribute to our search for philosophical enlightenment. At the same
time, we cannot ignore the ways in which they differ from us, the way
in which their programs differ from ours, the way in which they ask dif-
ferent questions and make different assumptions. Both are important
to a genuine historical understanding of the philosophical past, but just
as important, we as philosophers can learn from both.
The Discourse on the Method and the three essays that were published with
it, the Dioptrics, the Meteors, and the Geometry, make up a very curious
book. The very title page emphasizes the preliminary discourse, and
that discourse, the Discourse on the Method, emphasizes method, the
importance that method had for Descartes in making the discoveries
he made, the importance that the method Descartes claims to have
found will have for the progress of the sciences and for the benefit of
humankind as a whole. Descartes is not, of course, telling us that we
are obligated to follow his method; the Discourse is, after all, proposed
“as a story, or, if you prefer, as a fable” (AT VI 4). But Descartes expects
that we will all see the light, the light of reason, of course, and follow
his example. It is curious, then, that Descartes gives the reader only
brief hints of what that method is, four brief, vague, and unimpressive
rules that, taken by themselves, would hardly seem to justify Descartes’
enthusiasm, not to mention a whole discourse in their honor. Further-
more, explicit methodological concerns are hardly in evidence in the
Dioptrics, the Meteors, and the Geometry, which are, Descartes claims,
“essays in this method,” as he identifies them on his title page. Indeed,
one is hard pressed to find much evidence of the method at all after
1637, either explicit discussions of the method or explicit applications
of the method in any of Descartes’ writings, published or unpublished.
Very curious.
These observations raise quite a number of questions about the
development of Descartes’ thought and the state of his program as of
1637. In this essay I shall address two of these questions: (1) What pre-
cisely was the method Descartes had in mind in 1637, when he sang its
34 method, order, and certainty
praises so enthusiastically? and (2) Why does that method appear so
little in the publications of 1637 and appear to drop out altogether
after that? Briefly, I shall argue that the method of 1637 was just the
method Descartes had put forward more clearly in the earlier Rules for
the Direction of the Mind, or, at least, the dominant method that shows
through the latest stages in its composition. But, I shall argue, perhaps
by 1637 and certainly after, that method began to show its limitations,
and the method that was one of Descartes’ first discoveries, one of
his first inspirations proved itself inadequate to the mature program
that it led Descartes to undertake. Obviously there is not the space to
present the detailed discussions these questions require. But I shall
try to present in broad strokes one way of understanding the develop-
ment of Descartes’ methodological thought as he passed from youth to
I have claimed that the method of 1637 is essentially the method of the
Rules for the Direction of the Mind, and to make good on that claim, we
must first turn to that work. The Rules, started as early as 1619 and aban-
doned in 1628, is a very difficult work; despite its superficial organiza-
tion, it is often strikingly unmethodical and disorderly for a work that
is supposed to be Descartes’ most systematic exposition of his method.
It is blatantly a work in progress that never progressed to anything like
a finished draft, and the text we have shows obvious signs of having
been picked up and put down at different times throughout the period
of composition.1
To begin unraveling Descartes’ complex thought on method in the
Rules we must look to the earliest strata of the work, where Descartes
sets out the goal of the method in passages likely to have been written
in November 1619, shortly after the dreams of November 10.2 Descartes
1 For questions of dating, see J.-P. Weber, La constitution du texte des Regulae (Paris: Société
d’édition d’enseignement supérieur, 1964). Weber believes that Descartes wrote the text
of the Rules in ten discrete “phases.” Though the stages of composition are difficult to dis-
tinguish with such exactitude, Weber’s arguments are often useful for dating particular pas-
sages of the Rules. I have also used datings suggested by John Schuster in his “Descartes’
Mathesis Universalis, 1619–28,” in S. Gaukroger (ed.), Descartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and
Physics (Sussex: the Harvester Press, 1980).
2 See Weber, La constitution, §§ 13, 55.
descartes and method in 1637 35
The goal [finis] of studies ought to be the direction of one’s mind [ingenium]
toward having solid and true judgments about everything which comes
before it. (AT X 359)
But, Descartes thinks, such “solid and true judgments,” such “certain
and indubitable cognition” (AT X 362) as he calls it in the following
rule, can come to us in only two ways, through intuition, or through
deduction, “for in no other way is knowledge [scientia] acquired” (AT
X 366). And so, what we should seek is an intuition, “the undoubted
conception of a pure and attentive mind” (AT X 368), or a deduction,
a chain of such intuitions, grounded in intuition, arrived at through “a
certain movement of our mind [ingenium],” inferring one thing from
another (AT X 407). To find such knowledge, though, Descartes thinks
that we need a method (Rule 4). But what is this method and how is it
supposed to work?
From the start Descartes had in mind a two-stage process. Writing in
Rule 5, again from late 1619,3 Descartes summarized his rule of method
as follows:
This rule is observed exactly if we reduce involved and obscure propositions
step by step to simpler ones, and thus from an intuition of the simplest we
try to ascend by those same steps to a knowledge of all the rest. (AT X 379)
The rule of method thus has two steps. First there is a reductive step in
which “involved and obscure propositions” are reduced to simpler ones.
This is followed by a constructive step, in which we proceed from an
intuition of the simplest back to the more complex.4
But what in concrete terms does the method come to? How is it to
be used in specific cases? It is quite possible that Descartes’ vision in
5 See Schuster, “Mathesis,” pp. 55, 88 n.68. Weber dated this text to the year 1621, basing his
argument on the dating of the discovery of the law of refraction that G. Milhaud proposed;
see Weber, La constitution, § 23bis. I follow Schuster here. Setting aside the dating of the
law of refraction, it appears clear that the text concerning the “noblest example,” an appli-
cation of the method to epistemological questions (AT X 395, l. 17), a text that Weber cor-
rectly links to the anaclastic example, does not date from 1621. This text on the “noblest
example” is intimately connected with the following text, AT X 396 l. 26ff, which Weber
dates to the years 1625–27; see La constitution, §§ 23–24, 60. We discuss the epistemologi-
cal project of Rule 8 in part III of this essay.
6 In Rule 9 Descartes says that “if one wants to examine” this natural power, one must turn
to “local motions of bodies” [AT X 402]. According to Schuster, this passage probably dates
from the same period as the anaclastic line example; see Schuster, “Mathesis,” p. 87 n.60.
descartes and method in 1637 37
Q1. What is the shape of a line (lens) that focuses parallel rays of light to the
same point?
Q2. What is the relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction (i.e.,
the law of refraction)?
Q3. How is refraction caused by light passing from one medium into another?
Q4. How does a ray of light penetrate a transparent body?
Q5. What is light?
Q6. What is a natural power?
Intuition: A natural power is. . . .
Construction: The construction consists in traversing the series of questions from
Q5 to Q1, deducing the answer to each question from that of the preceding
constructive step, and follow back in order through the questions raised
until we have answered the original question, Q6 allowing us to deduce
an answer to Q5, Q5 allowing us to deduce an answer to Q4, and so on
until we reach an answer to Q1, deductively.7
This example suggests the following conception of method. Method-
ical investigation begins with a question. This question is reduced to
simpler questions, questions whose solution is presupposed for the solu-
tion of the question originally posed. That is, Q1 is reduced to Q2 if
we must answer Q2 before we can answer Q1. Descartes thinks that this
process leads us from more specific questions to more general, more
basic, more fundamental questions, from the shape of a specific lens,
to the law of refraction, to the nature of light and the nature of a natural
power. Descartes thinks that when we follow out this reductive series,
we will ultimately reach an intuition. Here the reduction ends and con-
struction begins. At this point we can turn the procedure on its head,
and begin deducing answers to the questions that we have successively
raised, in an order the reverse of the order in which we raised them.
When we are finished it is evident that we shall have certain knowledge;
the answer arrived at in this way will constitute a conclusion deduced
ultimately from an initial intuition.
7 For a lucid discussion of the anaclastic line example, see Pierre Costabel, Démarches origi-
nales de Descartes savant (Paris: J. Vrin, 1982), pp. 53–58.
38 method, order, and certainty
Descartes’ strategy here is extremely ingenious. The stated goal of
the method is certain knowledge, a science deduced from intuitively
known premises. What the method circa 1628 gives us is a workable pro-
cedure for finding an intuition and a deductive chain from which such
knowledge can be attained. This workable procedure is the reduction
of a question to more and more basic questions, questions we can iden-
tify as questions whose answers are presupposed for answering the ques-
tion originally posed. The efficacy of the reductive step of the method
depends upon a substantive assumption about knowledge, the assump-
tion that knowledge, scientia, is structured in a very specific way, a doc-
trine that Descartes seems to have held in one form or another since
the crucial night of 10 November 1619 (cf. AT X 204, 215, 255, 361).
It is not at all clear how in detail Descartes may have seen this structure
in 1619. But Rule 12 of the Rules suggests that by 1628 Descartes saw
all knowledge grounded in intuitions about the very most general fea-
tures of the world, thought, extension, shape, motion, existence, dura-
tion, etc. On these intuitions are grounded layers of successively less
general propositions. If knowledge is structured in this way, then
Descartes thinks we should be able to solve any problem in an orderly
and methodical way, tracing step by step through the layers, back toward
the intuition, and deducing down from there to the question that
interests us.
My account of method in the Rules ignores numerous complexities.
I have said relatively little about the stages of composition of the Rules,
and nothing about simple natures or the use of experiment in the
method (though I will touch on that a bit later). Also, I have said
nothing about the mathesis universalis of Rule 4 and Rule 14, which some
argue is identical to the method (they are wrong, I think, but it would
take me too far from my main theme to argue the case).8 And finally,
8 The question of the mathesis universalis and its connection to the method is very important
for my interpretation; to the extent that we are interested in the usage (and the lack of
usage) of the method in Descartes’ thought, we have to understand what Descartes under-
stood by “method.” Now, some have supposed that Descartes identified the method with
the mathesis universalis; see, e.g., G. Milhaud, Descartes savant (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1921), p.
69; Paul Mouy, Le développment de la physique cartésienne: 1646–1712 (Paris: J. Vrin, 1934)
pp. 4–5; Jean-Luc Marion, Sur l’ontologie grise de Descartes (Paris: J. Vrin, 1981), §§ 9–11;
Desmond Clarke, Descartes’ Philosophy of Science (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State
University Press, 1982), pp. 166ff. The question is complicated, but I think that this inter-
pretation is mistaken. My aim here is not to establish my conclusion with certainty, but it
appears to me that the method of the anaclastic line example is the definitive method of
the Rules, that which reappears in the Discourse, as we have seen. It is true that, from time
to time in the Rules, Descartes seems to identify his method with the mathesis universalis,
descartes and method in 1637 39
I have neglected to mention the numerous other assumptions, largely
unwarranted, I think, that Descartes needs to make his method work.9
But what I have given is an account of the method Descartes held
in 1628 or so when he stopped work on the Rules to turn to the con-
struction of his system.
It is this method, I claim, that Descartes had in mind in 1637 when
he published the Discourse on the Method. The method I attributed to
Descartes in the Rules agrees well enough with the brief exposition of
the method, the four rules that he gives in part IV, particularly the
second and third of those rules. The second rule requires us “to divide
every difficulty . . . into as many parts as one can,” and the third sug-
gests that I conduct “my thoughts in order, beginning with the simplest
objects, those easiest to understand, to rise little by little, as by degrees,
up to the most composite knowledge” (AT VI 18). Although I think that
commentators have not, in general, grasped the method Descartes
recommends in the Rules, the obvious correspondence between the
two-stage method Descartes recommends in the Rules, the reduction
followed by the construction, and these two rules he recommends in
the Discourse have often been noted.10
above all in Rule 14. My hypothesis is this. In the last stage of the composition of the Rules,
Descartes had a brilliant idea. The most important thing about the method, as presented
in the anaclastic line example, is order. But Descartes had been interested perhaps ten
years earlier in a science of pure order, that is, in what he called the mathesis universalis.
Descartes might have thought that this science of order was applicable to the method
of Rule 8, and in one way or another, that one could use the mathesis universalis in
the methodical solution of problems. That seems to me to be the idea of Rule 14. And
perhaps, in this same moment of enthusiasm, Descartes attached an older exposition of
the mathesis universalis to what was then extant of Rule 4, where he introduced the method,
intending to return to Rule 4 and integrate the old with the new, a conjecture which might
explain certain strange aspects of the text in this Rule; cf. Weber, La constitution, chapter
I. But it seems to me that this marriage between mathesis and method did not work, and
Descartes abandoned the idea very quickly. There is not a single example of the method
that Descartes suggests in Rule 14, and there is no reason to think that Descartes had any
more than a vague and impressionistic idea of the mathesis as method.
9 For example, Descartes supposed that the simpler questions are also those that are meta-
physically more fundamental. Furthermore, in the anaclastic line example, the intuition,
the step presented as the last in the reduction, is very obscure. Finally, it is not certain
that one can deduce, properly speaking, the answer to a question originally posed from
the intuition to which the method leads one.
10 See, for example, Étienne Gilson, René Descartes: Discours de la méthode, texte et commentaire,
4me éd. (Paris: J. Vrin, 1967), p. 205; L. J. Beck, Method, pp. 149ff; etc.
40 method, order, and certainty
But our account of Descartes’ views on method in 1637 cannot stop
with the Discourse. The Discourse, Descartes tells his correspondents,
does not contain a genuine exposition of the method. Descartes wrote
to Mersenne on 20 April 1637, discussing the title he chose for his
I did not call it Treatise on the Method but Discourse on the Method, which is the
same as Advice on the Method, to show that I did not intend to teach it, but
only to discuss it. Since, as one can see from what I said about it, it consists
more in practice than in theory. (AT I 349)
The method, then, “consists more in practice than in theory.” But what
“practice” should we examine? In writing to P. Vatier about the method
on 22 February 1638, Descartes makes a suggestion: “I have given a
glimpse [of the method] in describing the rainbow” (AT I 559). The
reference here is to the eighth discourse of the Meteors, where Descartes
gives his celebrated account of the rainbow. Descartes there tells the
reader that
I could not choose material more appropriate to show how, by the method I
use, one can arrive at knowledge which those whose writings we have didn’t
possess. (AT VI 325)
A study of the account Descartes gives of the rainbow is, then, sup-
posed to teach us the method by showing us how it works “in practice.”
But, as Descartes also told Vatier, “the matter is very difficult” (AT I
559), and it is not at all easy to discern the clear outlines of Descartes’
method in the mists that surround the rainbow.
Very briefly,11 Descartes uses a combination of reasoning and exper-
iments with spherical flasks for water and with prisms to lead him to an
explanation of the two principal features of the rainbow, the colors we
see, and the fact that the rainbow is always composed of two separate
regions of color that are separated by a dark space. From the experi-
ments with prisms, Descartes concludes that colors arise when light is
bent in refraction; he argues that the color is caused by the tendency
to rotate that the balls receive during refraction. From observations
on the flask of water, and calculations made with the help of his law
of refraction, Descartes concludes that most sunlight passing into a
12 For a fuller development, see, again, “Descartes and Experiment,” essay 5 in this
Table 2. Descartes’ Account of the Rainbow (Meteors, Eighth Discourse)
Q2. What causes the two regions of color in any spherical ball?
Q2a. What causes the two regions? Q2b. What causes the color?
[The two regions result from two [Color is produced without a curved
combinations of reflection and surface and without reflection; it
refraction.] requires a restricted stream of light,
and a refraction.]
Q3a. Why do the two combinations Q3b. How does refraction cause color
of reflection and refraction result in under appropriate circumstances?
two discrete regions?
D2a. All parallel rays of light D2b. Color can only be the
converge into two discrete streams differential tendency to rotation
after two refractions and one or two produced in passing from one
reflections, emerging from the drop medium to another in refraction
(flask) in two discrete regions [Cf. Q3b].
[Cf. Q3a].
D3. Parallel rays of light produce two discrete regions of color on a spherical ball
of water [Cf. Q2].
D4. Sunlight (parallel rays of light) on a region of water droplets will produce
two regions of color [Cf. Q1].
descartes and method in 1637 43
led to causes, it is from knowledge of those causes and the deductions
we can make from them that our knowledge actually derives.
But let us return to the main theme. An examination of the rainbow
example, Descartes’ own announced example of the method in 1637,
strongly suggests that the method Descartes had in mind in the context
of the Discourse and Essays was just the method of the Rules, the two-
stage method we saw in the anaclastic line example, the reduction of a
question to an intuition, and the construction of an answer to that ques-
tion from intuition. But it is interesting to note that the account of the
rainbow we have been discussing is probably not contemporaneous with
the Discourse; while it is impossible to be certain, it is likely that that
portion of the Meteors dates from late 1629, not long after the Rules
were set aside.13 When the account of the rainbow appears eight years
later in the Meteors, it appears as a kind of ghost from an earlier period.
This is significant, for the account of the rainbow is the only place in
the Essays where Descartes explicitly calls attention to the method of his
preliminary discourse and it is the only example of the method to which
he calls attention in his letters. Though the method “consists more in
practice than in theory” (AT I 349), the practice in question is not
exemplified elsewhere in the Essays. The Essays are, of course, not
unconnected in Descartes’ mind with the method. Descartes wrote to
Mersenne in April 1637:
I call the treatises that follow essays in this method because I claim that the
things they contain couldn’t have been found without it, and that through
[what I have discovered] one can know the value [of the method]. (AT I 349)
But though they show the value of the method, the Essays do not them-
selves use the method. Writing to Vatier on 22 February 1638, Descartes
explains this as follows:
I couldn’t show the usage of the method in the three treatises which I gave
because [the method] requires an order for investigating things that is
very different from that which I thought necessary to use to explain them.
(AT I 559)
14 See, for example what Descartes says in the Discourse, AT VII 45–46, and the commentary
in Gilson, Commentaire, pp. 393ff.
descartes and method in 1637 45
second objectors, a work that is intended to follow “the true way
through which a thing was . . . discovered” (AT IXA 121). In the Medi-
tations, the intuition that constitutes the starting place of the deduction,
the cogito, is carefully prepared in the First Meditation. But the prepa-
ration does not seem to be a reduction in the precise sense of the term.
The First Meditation does many things; it clears away prejudice, estab-
lishes a standard for certainty, introduces the problem of knowing our
creator as the essential preliminary for any further knowledge. But it
does not sketch out the sequence of steps to be followed in resolving a
question, the way a proper reduction is supposed to do.
One cannot deny that the Meditations are carefully organized and
ordered. But even though there is an order, this order is not evident to
the meditator at the start of the Meditations. From the cogito of Medita-
tion I to the end of Meditation VI there are numerous places where the
meditator tries to lead the argument into a dead end, where the med-
itator begins an argument that simply does not pan out. For example,
at the beginning of Meditation III, the meditator tries to demonstrate
the existence of the external world, before giving the proof for the exis-
tence of God. However, at this point in the argument of the Meditations,
the meditator doesn’t have the means to make his proof work, and he
must set the question aside, and turn to another question, to God,
leaving aside the question of the external world until Meditations V and
VI, where it can finally be settled. These digressions are very important
to the structure of the Meditations.15 The Meditations are addressed, in
part, to a very specific audience that Descartes knows quite well, to the
unconverted, readers full of prejudice for their senses and for the mate-
rial world, and these digressions are very important to convince them
that the arguments that they are inclined to accept, arguments that take
for granted a faith in the senses, arguments that take for granted a pri-
ority in belief in the external world – these arguments Descartes wants
to show are mistaken. And the way he does this is by letting the
meditator try to show that they work, only to show that they don’t.
This is the function of the failed argument for the existence of body in
Meditation III, for the wax example of Meditation II, and for other
arguments in the Meditations.16
15 Other important digressions include the celebrated piece of wax in Meditation II and the
argument for the existence of the external world drawn from the faculty of imagination
at the beginning of Meditation VI.
16 See Garber, “Semel in vita: The Scientific Background to Descartes’ Meditations,” essay 11
in this volume for an elaboration of some of these themes.
46 method, order, and certainty
There is method in this procedure, to be sure, but the method is not
the strict method of the Rules or the Discourse. In the method of his
youth, the reductive step brings it about that the entire constructive
step is sketched out, before the first deduction, and the construction
follows directly the order as set out in the reductive step; this, indeed,
is the main point of having a reduction, so that one will know how
to perform the deduction, and this reductive step is the principal
secret of the method, what makes it work. In this method there is
no place for the sorts of digressions so important to the purpose of
the Meditations. Furthermore, it is not clear to me that one can isolate
one well-defined question to which Descartes addresses himself in the
Meditations – a minimal condition required for the method of the
Rules to apply. In this sense one can say that the meditator doesn’t follow
the method, nor can the reader learn the method by reading the
In claiming that Descartes’ later works do not display his earlier
method I am making a controversial claim, one that would be chal-
lenged by other scholars, who have claimed to find the method of the
Rules and Discourse in the Meditations, at very least.17 But even if they are
right (and I don’t think they are), it is beyond dispute that Descartes
himself hardly mentions his method after the Discourse and the
letters that immediately follow its publication. If method is the key to
knowledge and the key to the later Cartesian system (as it seemed to
be in 1637), Descartes himself does not call attention to that fact.
Indeed, when the earlier method comes up in his later writings, it has
a decidedly subordinate role in his thought. In the Letter to Picot that
serves as a preface to the French edition of the Principles of Philosophy
of 1647, Descartes recommends that the student of philosophy “ought
to study logic, not that of the schools, but that which teaches one
how to conduct his reason to discover truths that one doesn’t know”
(AT IXB 13–14). It would be good, Descartes says, for him to “prac-
tice the rules concerning easy and simple questions for a long time”
until “one acquires a certain habitude for finding truth in these ques-
tions” (AT IXB 14). But in this respect, the method has roughly the
status of the provisional morality (which immediately precedes it in the
Letter), one of those preliminaries that should be undertaken by the
student of nature before undertaking the serious business of philoso-
17 See Serrus, La méthode, chapter III; Beck, Method, chapter XVIII; Peter Schouls, The
Imposition of Method (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980), chapters IV–V; etc.
descartes and method in 1637 47
phy; it is an exercise useful primarily in sharpening the mind and
helping us to recognize truth, an exercise that has in 1647 roughly the
same role that Descartes earlier gave the scholastic logic he otherwise
rejected in the Rules (cf. AT X 363–64). Whatever it is, it is clearly not
nearly so important to Descartes in the 1640s as it appeared to be
in 1637.
How can we account for these curious facts? How can we explain the
fact that method gets such little play in Descartes’ actual scientific writ-
ings? How can we explain the fact that the method, the central focus
of his theory of knowledge and inquiry in 1637, is barely mentioned in
later writings? My claim is this. The method was Descartes’ first inspi-
ration, and was crucial for the first results of his system, as he reports
in the Discourse. But, I shall argue, two basic changes in Descartes’
thought made the method largely obsolete.
Descartes’ method first dates from mid- and late November 1619, it
is generally agreed, the days and weeks following the crucial three
dreams. It had been a year since Descartes had run into the young Isaac
Beeckman in Breda and had his first sympathetic introduction to the
mechanical approach to nature that was later to dominate his thought.
Beeckman was not a systematic thinker, it is fair to say, in the sense that
he had no large, overarching system. He was interested in the solution
of individual problems, and it is with the discussion of individual prob-
lems, taken one by one, that his notebooks are filled.18 It was this way
of doing physics and mathematics that he transmitted to the young
Renatus Picto, or René du Perron as Descartes styled himself at the
time. Beeckman’s notebooks show that Descartes worked on a number
of such problems, set for him by his older friend, including the be-
havior of water contained in a vessel, the behavior of a body in free-fall,
18 See the summary of the questions on which Beeckman worked between 10 November
1618 and January 1619, when he was in contact with the young Descartes, as given in his
journal, AT X 41–45. The very variety of the questions is very impressive. But it is also
interesting to note the form of the articles in his journal. Most often the questions are
quite specific and deal with specific phenomena: “candelarum scintillatio unde oriatur,”
“cometarum caudae quid sint,” “aves cur in aere volare possint,” etc. There are, to be sure, ques-
tions about motion and the laws of motion, but there are no questions about the nature
of a natural power, as one finds in Rule 8. And, above all, there is little interest in any
comprehensive system encompassing all the sciences.
48 method, order, and certainty
and numerous problems in music and geometry (AT X 46–78).19 It is
not surprising, then, that the method that Descartes first attempted to
formulate in November 1619 and developed in the 10 years that fol-
lowed, was a method for the solution of individual problems. To make
use of the method, we must first set a specific question for ourselves,
what is the shape of a lens with such-and-such properties, or, what causes
the rainbow, or whatever. Once we have a specific question, we can then
apply the method, reduce the question to simpler questions until we
reach an intuition, and deduce back up to an answer to the question
originally posed. The method is a method for doing science as, say,
Beeckman conceived of it, as a series of discrete questions about the
natural world.
But as I noted earlier in discussing the method of the Rules, the
method presupposes a certain conception of the structure of knowl-
edge. All knowledge, for Descartes, is interconnected, grounded ulti-
mately in a small number of intuitively knowable propositions from
which all else follows deductively. This, as I noted, was one of the things
that Descartes probably learned in that night of enthusiasm in Novem-
ber 1619, and this is the key to the method he developed in the years
following. It is precisely because all knowledge is interconnected in this
way that the method is possible, that it is possible to take a question and
reduce it to an intuition from which an answer could be deduced. But
this very doctrine that makes the method possible leads to its demise.
For if all knowledge is interconnected, then what we should be doing
is not solving individual problems, but constructing the complete
system of knowledge, the interconnected body of knowledge that starts
from intuition and comes to encompass everything capable of being
known. Though he may have recognized this implication from the start,
in 1619, it will be ten years before he begins such a system, in 1629
with the first metaphysics, unfortunately lost, followed immediately by
the composition of the World. This project is what is striking and dis-
tinctive about Descartes’ mature system, the system we find sketched in
parts IV and V of the Discourse and developed in the Meditations and
Principles of Philosophy. Unlike those of others, Galileo, for example (cf.
AT II 380), Descartes’ strategy is to start not with individual questions,
19 According to Gouhier, it is also probable that a part of the Cogitationes Privatae containing
the Parnassus presents problems that Descartes discussed with Beeckman. See AT X
219–48, and Henri Gouhier, Les premières pensées de Descartes (Paris: J. Vrin, 1958), pp. 15,
descartes and method in 1637 49
but to start at the beginning, with the intuitively graspable first princi-
ples that ground the rest, and progress step by step from there down-
ward to more particular matters. No longer a mere problem solver,
Descartes has become a system builder.
But as a system builder, what role can he find for a method whose
goal is the solution of individual problems? With this crucial change in
Descartes’ conception of scientific activity, a change motivated by the
same doctrine of the interconnection of knowledge that motivated his
method, the method becomes obsolete; or if not obsolete, at very least
it is less central than it once had been.
This is one way in which the evolution of the Cartesian program led
to the demise of method. But there is another consideration as well.
The method is a procedure for answering a question by deducing an
answer from intuition; it tells us how to find the appropriate intuition,
and how to find a path from intuition to the answer we seek. But this
naturally leads us to the question as to why we should trust intuition
and deduction at all, and why we should consider them to be the
only source of knowledge. The history of Descartes’ struggle with this
problem is very complex and I can only sketch briefly some of the most
important stages. The issue first arises in Rule 8, in what is probably the
very last stage of the composition of the Rules, just before Descartes set
it aside in 1628 or so.20 There it appears as the “noblest example” of
the method, something useful for preventing ourselves from attempt-
ing to solve problems beyond our ability, or preliminary to the actual
use of the method in the same way that it is useful for the blacksmith
to build sturdy tools before attempting to make horseshoes [AT X
395–98].21 It is not altogether clear what status this investigation had
in 1628, whether it was a mere preliminary to investigation, or part of
the system of knowledge itself, whether it is essential in order for us to
have any knowledge, or whether it is simply a practical suggestion about
where we might begin. The status of this investigation of the grounds
The serious student of Descartes’ philosophy must deal with the fact
that Descartes’ metaphysics is presented in a number of different
ways in a number of different works. While the Meditations ought to
be regarded as the authoritative text, it is important to account for
the sometimes significantly different versions of the philosophy that
Descartes presents in the Discourse, the Principles of Philosophy, the Search
After Truth, and in numerous remarks scattered throughout the corre-
spondence. In this essay we shall examine one attempt to explain the
principal differences between two of these works: the Meditations and
the Principles. It is often claimed that these differences can be explained
by the fact that the Meditations are written in accordance with the ana-
lytic method, whereas the Principles are written in accordance with the
synthetic method. We shall argue against two somewhat different ver-
sions of this thesis. Although we have no counter-thesis of comparable
power or simplicity to offer, we shall suggest some ways of understand-
ing the relations between these two central works that better reflect the
texts and what appear to be Descartes’ intentions.
The main source for our understanding of Descartes’ distinction
between analysis and synthesis is the difficult thought often cited
passage at the end of the Second Replies (AT VII 155–156).1 In the Second
a point of order 53
Objections, Descartes is requested to present his argument in more geo-
metrico, with the full apparatus of definitions, postulates, and axioms
(AT VII, 128). Descartes complies with this request in the Geometrical
Appendix which follows his Second Replies where he provides a geometri-
cal exposition of some of his arguments. But first Descartes gives a
general discussion of the geometrical method of presentation. This dis-
cussion begins with a distinction between two aspects (res) of the geo-
metrical mode of writing (modus scribendi): ordo and ratio demonstrandi.
Ordo, Descartes says, is simply the arrangement of material in such a
way that that which is presented earlier can be known without having
to appeal to that which follows. The terms “analysis” and “synthesis” are
introduced when Descartes attempts to distinguish between two differ-
ent kinds of rationes demonstrandi that one could follow, presumably
without violating ordo. Analysis is presented as the ratio which shows “the
true way by which a thing was methodically and, as it were, a priori
discovered [methodice & tanquam a priori inventa est]” (AT VII 155).
Descartes’ account of synthesis is somewhat more complicated. He
Synthesis on the contrary, clearly demonstrates its conclusions in an oppo-
site way, proceding as it were a posteriori [tanquam a posteriori quaesitam]
(although the proof is here more often a priori than in the preceding case),
and makes use of a long series of definitions, postulates, axioms, theorems,
and problems. (AT VII 156)
nical terms are in mathematical contexts. See, e.g., AT II 22, 30, 82, 337, 394, 400, 438,
637; AT III 99; AT VI 17–18, 20; AT X 373. For informal and non-technical uses of the
term “analysis” see, e.g., AT I 236–237; AT VII 444, 446. The only place in the corpus where
Descartes attempts explicitly to characterize the notions of analysis and synthesis and dis-
tinguish between the two is in the passage from the Second Replies that we discuss. In this
essay, we shall be concerned with the notions of analysis and synthesis only insofar as they
have been used by commentators to explain the differences between the Meditations and
the Principles. For more general historical accounts of analysis, synthesis, and the closely
related notions of resolution, composition, and method in general, see, e.g., J. Hintikka
and U. Remes, The Method of Analysis (Dordrecht: 1974); J. Hintikka, “A Discourse on
Descartes’s Method,” in M. Hooker, ed., Descartes (Baltimore: 1978), pp. 75–88; and J. H.
Randall, The School of Padua and the Emergence of Modern Science (Padua: 1961).
54 method, order, and certainty
However, the Second Replies itself provides no direct evidence as to how
the Principles fit into the distinction drawn there. Although Descartes
does present an example of synthetic argumentation in the Geometrical
Appendix to the Second Replies, he does not mention the as yet uncom-
pleted Principles in that connection. The only passage in the Cartesian
corpus in which there is a direct statement that the Principles are syn-
thetic occurs in the Conversation with Burman. Burman raises a question
relating to the two kinds of proofs for the existence of God offered in
the Meditations. In the course of his answer, Descartes points out that
in the Principles, unlike in the Meditations, the a priori argument pre-
cedes the a posteriori arguments. The explanation Burman reports
is this:
The way and order of discovery [via et ordo inveniendi] is one thing, that of
teaching [docendi] another; in the Principles he teaches, and proceeds
synthetically. (AT V 153)2
There is some doubt about the reliability of this passage, as with all of
the Conversation with Burman, particularly insofar as teaching is associ-
ated with synthetic method here rather than with analytic method as it
is in the unquestionably genuine Second Replies.3 But it does provide at
least prima facie evidence that Descartes thought that the Principles
are synthetic, and that he saw this as explaining at least some of the
differences between that work and the analytic Meditations.
These observations, however, are of little use in understanding the
differences between the two works in question until some further
content is given to the rather obscure distinction between analysis and
synthesis that Descartes offers in the Second Replies. One account of this
distinction is offered by Martial Gueroult in his numerous influential
writings on Descartes.4 According to Gueroult, the distinction between
2 It is interesting to note that this explanation for the divergence between the Meditations
and the Principles on this point is found in the literature on Descartes even before the first
publication of the Conversation in 1896. See, e.g., Joseph Millet, Descartes, sa vie, ses travaux,
ses découvertes, avant 1637 (Paris: 1867), pp. 216–217. Millet gives his account as if it were
common knowledge, and offers no documentation.
3 For resolutions of this seeming inconsistency, see John Cottingham trans. and ed., Descartes’
Conversation with Burman (Oxford: 1976), pp. 70–71 and Martial Gueroult, Descartes selon
l’ordre des raisons (Paris: 1953 and 1968), vol. I, pp. 357–358, note 58.
4 See Descartes selon l’ordre des raisons (Paris: 1953 and 1968), vol. I, pp. 22–28, 357–360; Nou-
velles réflexions sur la preuve ontologique de Descartes (Paris: 1955), pp. 17–20; and “La vérité
de la science et la vérité de la chose dans les preuves de l’existence de Dieu,” in Descartes
(Cahiers de Royaumont) (Paris: 1957), pp. 108–120, esp. pp. 112–117. This last paper is
a point of order 55
analysis and synthesis is properly understood as a distinction between
two orders of presentation, namely the order of knowledge (ratio
cognoscendi, la vérité de la science) and the order of being (ratio essendi, la
vérité de la chose). The order of knowledge, or the analytic order, follows
the order of things as they are known. Consequently, an analytic pre-
sentation of Cartesian metaphysics must, according to Gueroult, begin
with one’s own existence established by means of the Cogito, the first
thing which is known to us, and proceed from there to the existence
of other things, e.g., God and the material world, whose knowledge
depends on the knowledge of oneself. The order of being, or the syn-
thetic order, on the other hand, proceeds in quite a different way as
Gueroult understands it, presenting things in an order that reflects
the real dependencies that things have with respect to one another,
independent of our knowledge of them. Consequently, on this
understanding of the distinction, a synthetic presentation of Cartesian
metaphysics must begin not with the self and the Cogito, but with God,
the real cause on which all else, including one’s own existence,
Although Descartes himself never presents an account of the dis-
tinction between analysis and synthesis in quite these terms, a plausible
case can be made that this is what he had in mind. Descartes distin-
guishes between the order of knowledge and the order of being in a
passage from the Rules for the Direction of Mind which Gueroult often
cites as support for this position: “Individual things ought to be viewed
differently in relation to the order they have with respect to our knowl-
edge, than if we speak of them as they really exist” (AT X 418). While
Descartes does not explicitly use the terms “analysis” and “synthesis” in
this connection, it is natural to associate this distinction between the
order of knowledge and the order of things with the distinction
Descartes draws between the two rationes demonstrandi in the Second
Replies, as Gueroult does. The order of things “with respect to our
knowledge” in the Rules seems exactly what Descartes is referring to
some years later when he characterizes the analytic ratio demonstrandi as
showing the “true way by which a thing is discovered.” While synthesis
is not characterized in terms that directly suggest the order of being,
followed by an interesting discussion (pp. 121–140) to which we shall later refer. The inter-
pretation presented below is taken from the writings here cited. It is fair to say that the dis-
tinction between analysis and synthesis as Gueroult draws it plays a central role in his
elaborate interpretation of Cartesian metaphysics.
56 method, order, and certainty
there is nothing in the characterization Descartes gives in the Second
Replies which prevents identifying synthesis with order of being, thus
completing the parallelism between the two passages.5 Such a conjec-
ture would make reasonable sense of Descartes’ remarks as reported by
Burman regarding the relative positions of the a posteriori and a priori
arguments for the existence of God in the Meditations and the Princi-
ples. If a synthetic exposition is one that follows the order of being, then
one should expect a synthetic treatment of Cartesian metaphysics to
put the a priori argument, which proceeds from the essence of God to
his existence, before the a posteriori argument, which proceeds from
a particular idea we have to the existence of God as a necessary cause
of that idea.
As elegant as Gueroult’s interpretation is, it unfortunately will not
stand up to the actual texts. Gueroult’s thesis offers a plausible and intu-
itively satisfying account of the different positions of the a posteriori
and a priori arguments for the existence of God in the Meditations and
the Principles. However, his reading runs up against a basic similarity
between the two works. Although the two presentations of the meta-
physics differ with respect to many important details, the two works
5 Well, almost nothing. The somewhat peculiar language of the Second Replies does raise some-
thing of a problem for relating those two passages and identifying analysis with the order
of knowledge and synthesis with the order of being, a problem that Gueroult does not deal
with. In the Second Replies, analysis is characterized as proceeding “tanquam a priori” and syn-
thesis as proceeding “tanquam a posteriori.” But Descartes, like his contemporaries, identi-
fied a priori arguments with arguments that proceed from cause to effect, and a posteriori
arguments with arguments that proceed from effect to cause. See AT I 250–251, 563; AT
II 433; AT IV 689; AT XI 47. And since causes are clearly prior to their effects in the order
of things, the Second Replies would thus seem to identify analysis with the ratio essendi and
synthesis with the ratio cognoscendi, exactly the opposite of what Gueroult claims! These pas-
sages also raise a more general problem of interpretation. While Gueroult’s interpretations
of the terms in question are in apparent contradiction with the Second Replies, they are in
accord with the traditional understanding of those terms, in accordance with which analy-
sis was almost invariably associated with a posteriori arguments from effect to cause, and syn-
thesis with a priori arguments from cause to effect. See, e.g., Lisa Jardine’s discussion of the
Renaissance uses of this terminology in Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of Discourse (Cam-
bridge, England: 1974), pp. 249–250, and Louis Couturat’s discussion in La Logique de
Leibniz (Paris: 1901), pp. 176–179. Thus, the obvious reading of the Second Replies makes
Descartes’ usage of the terms “analysis” and “synthesis” radically at variance with the way
in which his contemporaries used them. For different resolutions of these problems, all
favorable to the Gueroult thesis, see F. Alquié, ed., Œuvres philosophiques de Descartes (Paris:
1963–1973), vol. II, p. 582, note 1; J. Brunschwig, “La preuve ontologique interprétée par
M. Gueroult,” Revue Philosophique 150 (1960), pp. 251–265, esp. pp. 257–259; and J.-M.
Beyssade, “L’Ordre dans les Principia,” Les Études Philosophiques 1976, pp. 387–403, esp.
pp. 394–395.
a point of order 57
seem constructed on largely the same plan. Both works begin with
doubt, both proceed from there to the Cogito, from the Cogito to God,
and from God to the external world. Given the similarities between the
structures of the two works, it is hard to understand how one could
hold that one work follows the order of knowledge and the other work
follows the order of being. Something, it seems, must be wrong with
Gueroult’s reading; either analysis and synthesis are not connected with
the distinction between order of knowledge and order of being, or the
Principles are not synthetic after all.6
However, it may be possible to retain the thesis that the Meditations
are analytic and the Principles synthetic if a different interpretation of
these terms can be offered, one that is more consistent with the texts.
Edwin Curley presents and argues for such an account in a recent
paper, “Spinoza as an expositor of Descartes.”7 Curley’s intuition is
simple. We know that the Geometrical Appendix to the Second Replies is syn-
thetic, and have good reason to believe that the Principles are as well. If
we are to discover what synthesis is and how it differs from analysis, then
the question we must ask is clear: What do the Principles and the appen-
dix to the Second Replies have in common that differentiates both of
them from the analytic Meditations?
Approaching the problem in this way, Curley presents two features
which, he claims, differentiate synthetic works from analytic presenta-
tions of the same material: the framing of “formal definitions of impor-
tant concepts,” and the “prompt and explicit recognition of eternal
truths.”8 In the Meditations key concepts, like that of clarity and dis-
tinctness, are introduced by examples, rather than by definition, as in
the Principles. And it is the Principles, not the Meditations, in which
Descartes seems to admit that the Cogito depends on the principle that
9 For recent discussions of the reliability of the Conversation, see F. Alquié (ed.), Œuvres
philosophiques de Descartes (Paris: 1963–1973), vol. III, pp. 765–767, Roger Ariew’s review
of J. Cottingham (trans. and ed.), Descartes’ Conversation with Burman (Oxford: 1976),
Studia Cartesiana 1 (1979), pp. 183–187, and Cottingham’s reply to Ariew, Ibid., pp.
187–189. Ariew also shared with us his “Descartes Really Said That?,” given at the Pacific
Division Meetings of the APA, March 1980. Curley discusses this question in Op. Cit., 140,
note 9.
60 method, order, and certainty
to write a completely ordered course of my philosophy in the form of theses
where, without any excess of words, I will present only my conclusions along
with the true reasons from which I derive them. (AT III 233; cf. AT III
It is only after the Principles were in progress that Descartes received the
Second Objections, the reply to which contains the discussion of analysis
and synthesis. Mersenne promised to send them in December 1640 (AT
III 265), but Descartes does not seem to have received them until
January 1641 (AT III 282). Descartes worked on the response through
January and February (AT III 286, 293), and sent it to Mersenne by
early March 1641 (AT III 328). This raises a serious problem for the
thesis that the Principles were intended to be synthetic: if Descartes was
already well into the metaphysical sections of the Principles by the time
that he wrote the Second Replies, why does he not mention them? After
distinguishing between analysis and synthesis there, Descartes presents
“a certain few things [from the Meditations] in synthetic style . . . from
which, I hope, [my readers] will get some help” (AT VII 159). If
Descartes really thought of his Principles as synthetic, it would have
been very natural for him to have informed his readers that they could
expect the whole of his metaphysics in synthetic style in a work then in
progress. That he does not mention the Principles in this connection is
It could be objected here that Descartes may not have wanted to
publicize the Principles until they were further along. There is some-
thing to this objection, to be sure. When Descartes first tells Mersenne
of his new project in November and December of 1640, he does
ask him to keep the project secret (AT III 233, 259). But Descartes
seems to have changed his mind fairly soon. In the Fourth Replies, in a
passage that was written by the end of March 1641, within a month of
the completion of the Second Replies, Descartes refers to the work in
a point of order 61
progress.10 If he was willing to refer to the Principles in answering
Arnauld, it seems strange that he would neglect to mention them in
the discussion of analysis and synthesis in the Second Replies, if in fact he
thought of the new work as being synthetic. Still more difficult to
explain is why, if he considered the Principles to be synthetic, Descartes
would have neglected to refer to them in the French translation of the
Second Replies, which appeared in 1647, three years after the Principles
were published. In the translation there is significant alteration of
the sections of the Second Replies dealing with analysis and synthesis,
doubtless with Descartes’s approval and probably from his own hand.
After distinguishing between analysis and synthesis and before giving
the example of synthetic argumentation in his Geometrical Appendix,
Descartes eliminates a large section of the Latin text and replaces it
with the following short paragraph:
But, nevertheless, to show how I defer to your advice, I shall try here to imitate
the synthesis of the Geometers, and make an abridgement of the principal
arguments which I have used to demonstrate the existence of God and the
distinction between the human mind and body. This might perhaps serve to
lessen the attention required of the reader a bit. (AT IXA 123; cf. AT VII
Surely, if Descartes really did think that the metaphysics was presented
synthetically in the Principles, this would have been a perfect opportu-
nity to tell his readers so, and refer them to that work. That he did
not is at least some evidence that the Principles were not meant to be
It is thus significant, we think, that Descartes does not mention the
Principles when he talks about analysis and synthesis. But it is perhaps
10 The reference to the Principles is given in AT VII 254. This reference, which is part of a
long discussion of transubstantiation, was not published in the Paris edition of 1641, and
first appeared in the Amsterdam edition of 1642. There is strong evidence, though, that
it was written in March 1641. In a letter of 18 March 1641 Descartes refers to the last
sheet of his reply to Arnauld, “where I explicate transubstantiation in accordance with my
principles,” as being in progress (AT III 340). It seems to have been finished and sent to
Mersenne by 31 March 1641 (AT III 349). Mersenne, though, suggested that he elimi-
nate this passage in order more easily to obtain the approbation of the authorities, a sug-
gestion that Descartes took (AT III 416). When the Paris edition appeared, the long
section on transubstantiation was reduced to a single sentence (given in the textual note
to line 21 in AT VII 252) which also contains a reference to his yet to be completed Prin-
ciples. The full discussion was restored for the Amsterdam edition at Descartes’s request
(AT III 449).
62 method, order, and certainty
even more significant that he does not talk at all about analysis and syn-
thesis when he discusses the relations between the metaphysics of the
Meditations and the Principles, as he does on a number of occasions
outside of the Conversation. Sometimes Descartes describes the meta-
physics of the Principles as an “abrégé” of his philosophy (AT III 259;
AT V 291; cf. AT IXB 16). Sometimes Descartes focuses on the fact that
the Principles, unlike his previous writings, are written in short articles
(AT VII 577), or that the work is a simplified version of his Meditations,
containing only “my conclusions, with the true arguments from which
I derive them” (AT III 233). Sometimes he informs his correspondents
that the principal difference between the two works is that “that which
is given at length in the one is considerably shortened in the other, and
vice versa” (AT III 276). But nowhere in his correspondence or his pub-
lished writings does Descartes ever mention the distinction between
analysis and synthesis in connection with the Principles. This would be
very strange indeed if Descartes really thought that the Principles were
Thus, it seems reasonable to deny that Descartes intended the Prin-
ciples to be an example of the synthetic ratio demonstrandi. But in doing
so, we do not want to assert that they are analytic either. The discussion
of the Principles and their relation to the Meditations lacks any reference
at all to the distinction between analysis and synthesis. This strongly sug-
gests that the distinction between analysis and synthesis may be entirely
irrelevant to understanding the true relations between the metaphysical
arguments of the Meditations and the Principles.
This position leaves us with a problem: If we cannot appeal to the
distinction between analysis and synthesis how, then, are we to under-
stand the important differences between the two works? It seems to us
that there is no clear and simple answer to this question; Descartes’s
own words and our common sense are all we have to rely on. The brevity
of the metaphysical sections of the Principles may be attributed to the
fact that Descartes conceived of Part I of the Principles as a preface to a
scientific treatise, and not as a metaphysical treatise to stand on its own
(cf. AT III 523; AT IXB 16).11 Similarly, certain other features of its
11 Given this, it might be interesting to compare the metaphysics of the Principles with the
version of the metaphysics presented in part IV of the Discourse, another work intended
as the preface to a scientific work. While the two presentations differ in many important
respects, there are some striking similarities between the two. For example, both lack the
hypothesis of the evil genius, and in both, the real distinction between mind and body
seems to be proved before Descartes proves that God exists.
a point of order 63
intended use may explain the use of explicit definitions and quasi-
syllogistic argument in the Principles. Descartes’ hope that his Principles
might be used as a textbook in the schools might have influenced him
to set his arguments out in a more explicit way, more like a typical
scholastic textbook, than he did in the Meditations (see AT III 276; AT
VII 577). Also, he seems originally to have conceived of the Principles
as part of a larger publication, which was to include an annotated
scholastic treatise on metaphysics, and an explicit comparison between
his philosophy and the philosophy of the schools.12 This may have
induced Descartes to give explicit definitions and careful arguments, so
that the similarities and differences between his philosophy and that
of the Scholastics would be more apparent to the reader (cf. AT III
These considerations do not explain all of the important differences
between the Meditations and the Principles by any means. For example,
they cannot explain why Descartes orders the arguments for the exis-
tence of God differently in the two works.13 Giving up the claim that
the Principles are synthetic does make the commentator’s job somewhat
more difficult. But, it seems to us, nothing is gained by trying to explain
the differences between the Meditations and the Principles in terms
foreign to Descartes’ own conception of their relations.14
12 See AT III 233, 259–260. The text he mentions in this connection is Eustachius a Sancto
Paulo’s Summa Philosophica, published first in Paris in 1609, but reprinted often through-
out the 17th century. Descartes refers to this as “the best book that has ever been written
on this material” (AT III 232; cf. AT III 251). Descartes abandoned this project in favor
of a straight presentation of his own ideas in part because Eustachius’ death on 26 Decem-
ber 1640 prevented Descartes from getting his permission to use his book in that way (AT
III 260, 286), and in part because he came to think that an explicit attack on the Scholas-
tics was not needed (AT III 470).
13 It should be noted, in this connection, that even if one accepts the claim that the Princi-
ples are synthetic, this difference between the Meditations and Principles is not easily
explained. Curley’s account of analysis and synthesis, for example, seems to leave this
divergence between the two texts unexplained.
14 We would like to thank Roger Ariew, Edwin Curley, Alan Donagan, Harry Frankfurt, and
Stephan Voss for helpful discussions and correspondence concerning the matters dis-
cussed in this essay.
Of the seven sets of objections to the Meditations, two stand out as being
a bit different, the Second and the Sixth. In every other case we can
identify one person, a philosopher or a theologian, who is the author
of those objections. In the case of the Second and the Sixth, though,
we are dealing with objections that have been collected by one person,
the ever-present Father Mersenne, but that purport to represent the
work of a number of other scholars, who remain unidentified. For most
purely philosophical purposes, this does not matter a great deal; after
all, an idea is an idea, whoever happens to have it, and if what is impor-
tant is just the confrontation of ideas with one another, then the par-
ticular identity of the authors in question, those who contributed to
these two sets of objections, is relatively unimportant.
But for those of us with a more historical approach to the texts, this
is an unfortunate gap. First of all, it is intrinsically interesting from an
historical point of view to know who may have contributed to the draft-
ing of these objections. But more important, in order to understand
the objections, their meaning and import, it is very important to know
something about their authors. In particular, I shall argue that, behind
the scenes in the Second Objections and Replies, there is not merely
an author but a text that is important for understanding what Descartes
is doing, a text that is implicitly referred to in the Second Objections
Work for this essay was supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, an inde-
pendent Federal Agency, under grant RH-20947 and by the National Science Foundation
under grant DIR-9011998. I would like to express my sincere thanks to those agencies for
their kind support.
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 65
and is the direct object of Descartes’ reply in the geometrical presen-
tation of the arguments that follows the Second Replies.
The author in question, I claim, is Jean-Baptiste Morin, astrologer,
physician, and professor of mathematics at the Collège Royal, and the
text in question, his Quod Deus sit, a small tract, published in Paris in
1635, in which he presents an argument for the existence of God in
geometrical form, with definitions, axioms, and a string of theorems. I
will begin with a brief biographical sketch of Morin, one of the more
curious savants of his time. Then I will discuss his relations with
Mersenne and Descartes and make the case that he was behind at least
certain portions of the Second Objections to the Meditations. Finally, I
will discuss Descartes’ reaction to Morin’s pamphlet, and Morin’s later
reaction to Descartes, concentrating in both cases on the question of
the geometrical presentation of metaphysics, Morin’s advocacy, and
Descartes’ critique.
Jean-Baptiste Morin
Jean-Baptiste Morin was born on February 23, 1583, in Villefranche-
en-Beaujolais, which made him just a bit more than thirteen years
Descartes’ senior.1 Morin’s early years were not easy; illness and the
necessity of earning his keep prevented him from pursuing the studies
in natural philosophy that interested him from his earliest years. (One
interesting event is a grave injury he suffered in 1605, at the age of
twenty-two, mulieris causa, causing him to flee Villefranche. Though
he never married, Morin seemed always to have had a weakness for
the ladies.) Finally, in 1608, at the advanced age of twenty-five, he ob-
tained the protection of Guillaume du Vair, Premier-Président of the
Parlement d’Aix, who enabled him to have lessons in mathematics, then
helped him resume his studies, first in philosophy, then in medicine.
1 The biographical sketch that follows is largely taken from an anonymous biography that
appeared not long after Morin’s death, La vie de Maistre Jean Baptiste Morin . . . (Paris, Chez
Iean Henault, 1660). The editors of the Mersenne correspondence identify the author as
Guillaume Tronson; see Marin Mersenne, Correspondence du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux
minime, ed. C. de Waard et al., 17 vols. [Paris: Beau-Chesne (vol. 1), Presses Universitaires
de France (vols. 2–4), CNRS (vols. 5–17), 1932–1988], vol. III, pp. 127–28. I also made
use of the excellent biblio-biographical sketch by Monette Martinet, “Jean-Baptiste Morin
(1583–1656),” in Pierre Costabel and Monette Martinet, Quelques savants et amateurs de
science au XVIIe siècle: Sept notices biobibliographiques caractéristiques (Cahiers d’histoire et de philoso-
phie des sciences, NS no. 14). (Paris: Société Française d’Histoire des Sciences et des Tech-
niques et Éditions Belin, 1986), pp. 69–87.
66 method, order, and certainty
Morin graduated from Avignon in May 1613. Shortly thereafter he went
to Paris, where he entered the service of the bishop of Boulogne,
Claude Dormy, as physician. Dormy encouraged Morin’s studies of
astrology and alchemy, and he sent Morin on a journey of discovery to
the mines of Hungary and Transylvania, a trip from which resulted
Morin’s first book, Nova mundi sublunaris anatomia, an account of the
interior of the earth, published in 1619 and dedicated to his former
patron du Vair. While in the mines, Morin had noticed the unusual
heat, and he wrote the book to offer an astrological explanation of it,
referring to the influence of the stars.
Morin even then had astrological inclinations, to be sure. But upon
his return to Paris, they were strengthened. Morin made the astrologi-
cal prediction that Dormy was in danger of death or imprisonment.
Sure enough, Dormy was carted off in 1617, though given Dormy’s
involvement in court politics, one would not have to have been a
master astrologer to have made that prediction. But Morin was further
confirmed in his vocation, and he went on to make numerous cele-
brated predictions, some of which were actually borne out.2 After
Dormy, Morin passed first to the patronship of the abbé de la
Bretonnière, with whom he spent four relatively quiet years. In 1621
he passed on to the service of the duc de Luxembourg, brother of
the favorite of the king, the duc de Luynes, who soon fell from favor.
During this period Morin composed a number of works, including two
astrological tracts and, in 1624, an interesting pamphlet attacking a
group of young scholars who had announced a public disputation
in which they proposed to refute the foundations of Aristotle’s natural
philosophy and replace it with a form of atomism.3 In the latter tract
Morin came out in favor of form and matter and against atoms –
indeed, against innovation in natural philosophy in general. In the
astrological tracts he came out against Copernicus and in favor of
Tycho, though in general he showed his interest in bringing astrology
2 See La vie de . . . Morin, pp. 62–91 for an account of Morin’s predictions. See also the
entertaining, though not altogether reliable account in Anne Soprani, Les rois et leurs
astrologues (Paris: MA Editions, 1987), pp. 175–82. Morin’s most disastrous prediction
was the incorrect prediction of the imminent death of Gassendi in the course of a
pamphlet war.
3 The two astrological works are: Astrologicarum domorum cabala detecta (Paris, 1623) and
Ad australes et boreales astrologos; pro astrologia restituenda epistolae (Paris, 1628). The polemi-
cal work is Réfutation des thèses erronées d’Anthoine Villon . . . & Estienne de Claues . . . (Paris,
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 67
up to date by making it consistent with the latest discoveries in obser-
vational astronomy, in particular the discovery and mapping of the
southern skies.4
Though Morin believed in the guidance of the stars, he did not leave
himself to their care alone. From all evidence, he was a firm believer
in freedom of the will and the value of self-promotion. And so, when a
chair of mathematics came open in 1629, he made himself a candidate,
and with the influence of the cardinal de Bérulle and the Queen
Mother, he received the appointment, which he held until his death in
1656. (The documents I have read imply that it was not his mathe-
matical talent alone that won him the chair.5) It was during this period
that Morin wrote most of his voluminous writings. Two extended dis-
putes stand out. The first concerned a scheme that Morin proposed as
early as 1633 for determining the longitudes of vessels at sea, a dis-
covery that Morin hoped would win him a pension from Cardinal
Richelieu. Though the method worked in theory, it turned out to be
not altogether practical, and despite roughly fifteen years of pleas and
pamphlets, Morin never got his pension. The second large controversy
was with Pierre Gassendi, over Morin’s critique of Gassendi’s atomism
and Gassendi’s critique of Morin’s astrology, a dispute that began in
earnest in the late 1640s. Also important from these years are two
volumes attacking Copernican astronomy and the Quod Deus sit of 1635,
to which we shall return. Through these years, though, starting in the
early 1630s and extending up to the time of his death, Morin was
working on his magnum opus, the Astrologia gallica, a Summa astrologica,
as it were, a work that summarized his career as a natural philosopher
and astrologist, published at The Hague in 1661, five years after his
death. Though it was directed mainly at outlining his astrological
system, this thick tome begins with a proof for the existence of God (a
later version of his Quod Deus sit) followed by a series of books on
natural philosophy, laying the foundations for the more properly astro-
logical questions to follow. The natural philosophy that Morin outlines
4 For an account of Morin’s progressive astrology, see Wilhelm Knappich, Histoire de l’astrologie
(Paris: Editions du Féslin, 1986), pp. 229–33.
5 See Bérulle’s letter to Richelieu, Corr. de Mersenne, vol. III, pp. 501–2. On the objections to
Morin’s elevation to the Collège Royal, see, e.g., M. L. Am. Sédillot, Les professeurs de
mathématiques et de physique générale au Collège de France (Rome: Imprimerie de Sciences
Mathématiques et Physiques, 1869), p. 101. Abuses of this sort seem to have been quite
common at the Collège Royal in the early seventeenth century; see Claude-Pierre Goujet,
Mémoire historique et littéraire sur le Collège Royal de France (Paris, 1758), vol. I, pp. 206ff.
68 method, order, and certainty
there is definitely conservative. He explicitly attacks mechanist and
atomist views like those of Descartes and Gassendi. While there are
some modern elements – a theory of space that looks as though it is
derived from Patrizi, for example – Morin grounds his physics in the
theory of substantial forms.
But yet in a sense Morin considered himself a sort of progressive.
When Descartes’ Discourse and Essays came out in 1637, Morin was one
of the savants who received a copy. Descartes had hoped to collect a
variety of responses to his first publication and publish them together
with his responses, much as he was later to do with the Meditations. The
whole exchange is quite interesting, and I have discussed it elsewhere.6
For the moment, I would like only to note something that Morin said
in his first reply to Descartes. In his letter of February 22, 1638, Morin
wrote: “I do not know, however, what I should expect from you, for I
have been led to believe that should I discuss matters with you using
the terms of the Schools ever so little, you would immediately judge me
more worthy of scorn than of response. But in reading your discourses,
I find that you are not as much of an enemy of the Schools as you are
made out to be.” Morin continues with some remarks about his own
view of the Schools: “The Schools appear to me to have erred only
insofar as they are more occupied in speculation directed toward the
search for the terms that we must use to discuss things, than they are
in the search for the truth itself about things through good experi-
ments; so they are poor in the latter and rich in the former. That is why
I am like you in this matter; I seek the truth about things in nature
alone, and I no longer put my trust in the Schools, which serve me only
for terminology.”7
This may strike us as something of a distortion, and it is, in a sense.
But one can also see what Morin means. I mentioned Morin’s trip of
discovery to Hungary and Transylvania to visit the mines. In the preface
to his Anatomia of 1619 Morin discusses the motivation for his explo-
rations. The great diversity of opinion among the learned forms more
of an obstacle to learning than a help. And so, he argues, we must turn
away from books and to nature itself to discover how things really are.
In doing so, Morin thinks that he has found an account of the makeup
of the earth that is utterly unknown among the philosophers of the
6 See Daniel Garber, “Descartes, the Aristotelians, and the Revolution that Didn’t Happen in
1637,” The Monist, 71 (1988), pp. 471–86.
7 AT I 541.
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 69
Schools.8 I am sure that Morin saw this as exactly parallel to Descartes’
rejection of learning and his travels in search of experience. Like
Descartes, Morin professes to be following reason, not authority. In the
Astrologia gallica he writes: “In what is said below we shall not follow the
doctrines of the Schools, which are often in error, but we shall look to
the nature of things, which alone contains the truth.”9 Even his treat-
ment of astrology shows his open-mindedness. Though he agrees with
the tradition that the stars influence what happens here below, he is
not dogmatic about the details and sees the need to revise traditional
astrological doctrines in the face of newly discovered astronomical facts.
His is a progressive astrology, so to speak.10
At the same time, Morin’s instincts are undeniably conservative.
In doctrine, he follows Aristotle and opposes atomism and Coperni-
canism; at root, the traditional philosophy is right, if not in every
detail. He is conservative in other respects too. A social climber of
sorts, always looking out for a way to advance himself socially
and financially, he vigorously opposes challenges to the institutions
whose support and patronage he constantly sought. This, I think,
is at least in part behind the vigor of the attack he made in his
relative youth against a motley crew of anti-Aristotelians in 1624, in
support of the government’s condemnation and exile of three
young scholars who proposed publicly to refute Aristotle, along with
Paracelsus and the Cabala.11 Though he considers himself open-
minded, he has clearly hitched his star to the traditional philosophy
of the Schools.
8 See Morin, Nova mundi sublunaris anatomia (Paris: 1619), dedication (unpaginated), letter
to the reader, and, esp. chapter 5. Morin opens the letter to the reader with a frank dec-
laration of the novelty of his view: “Hic habes . . . Novam Mundi sublunaris divisionem,
novas divisionis causas, novaque de rebus physicis disserendi fundamenta.”
9 “Neque in infra dicendis sequemur doctrinas scholarum quae frequentius fallunt, sed
naturam rerum spectabimus, quae sola veritatem continet.” Astrologia gallica (The Hague,
1661), p. 39.
10 This is the main project of Ad australes et boreales astrologos of 1628. Of particular concern
to him there are the recent observations of the southern sky, and how they affect
11 This is quite evident in the 1624 pamphlet, Réfutation des thèses erronées . . . , where he com-
plains more than once of the arrogance of the attack on Aristotle in the great city of Paris:
“Ils [i.e., Villon and de Clave] affichent . . . un defi publique à toutes les Escoles, sects &
grands Esprits . . . Et cecy non dans un village, mais dans une ville de Paris, à la face de la
Sorbonne, de toute l’université, & du plus fameux Senat qui soit au monde” [p. 6]. Morin
goes on to say that one of the reasons why he is attacking Villon and de Clave publicly is
“pour l’honneur de ceste Cité tres celebre de Paris” [pp. 19–20].
70 method, order, and certainty
12 See Marin Mersenne, La vérité des sciences (Paris, 1625), pp. 76–84 and 96–113.
13 See Charles Adam, Vie et oeuvres de Descartes (Paris: L. Cerf, 1910) p. 90, and Corr. de
Mersenne, vol. II, p. 420. There are references to Morin in letters of 1629 and 1630; see
AT I 33, 124, 129–31, etc. In a letter from 22 February 1638, Morin begins by recalling
his earlier acquaintance with Descartes in Paris, presumably before Descartes left for
Holland in 1628; see AT I 537.
14 See Gassendi to Joseph Gaultier, 9 July 1631, Corr. de Mersenne, vol. III, p. 173.
15 See Descartes to Mersenne, Summer 1632 (?), AT I 258.
16 On this, see Garber, “Descartes, the Aristotelians. . . .”
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 71
member of the circle who met regularly in Father Mersenne’s room in
the Minim Couvent near the Place Royale.17 He is, though, certainly a
reasonable candidate for membership in the anonymous group of
people who contributed to the Second and Sixth Objections, which
Mersenne collected.18 But one can go further than that. It can be estab-
lished with reasonable certainty that Morin was a part of that group of
objectors, and something plausible can be said about which specific
objections he might have contributed to the enterprise.
Most relevant here is Morin’s short treatise Quod Deus sit of 1635.
Briefly (we shall look into it more carefully below), Morin’s book is an
argument in geometrical style for the existence of God.19 Starting with
a series of formal definitions and axioms, the book comprises thirty
theorems purporting to establish the existence of God and his relation
to the world. Mersenne knew this book and seems to have thought well
enough of it to call it to Descartes’ attention. He sent Descartes a note,
now lost, apparently summarizing one of the arguments of Morin’s
Quod Deus sit; Descartes responded on November 11, 1640.20 Descartes’
response to Mersenne contains a critique of an argument that does not
correspond exactly to anything that I can find in Morin’s book itself,
and it is impossible to evaluate Descartes’ criticism without seeing
exactly how Mersenne represented the argument. But the book itself
followed shortly thereafter; it came from Mersenne via Huygens and
arrived on January 21, 1641.21
Later we shall look more carefully at Descartes’ response. But for the
moment I would like to note only that Morin’s name, and the name
of his pamphlet, almost certainly appeared in the first version of the
17 So argues Bernard Rochot; see his comment in Corr. de Mersenne, vol. X, p. 410n. I’m not
sure that Rochot is right.
18 There may be some precedent for Morin and Mersenne collaborating on a critique of
Descartes. Baillet reports that some of the objections to the Discourse and Essays Morin
sent Descartes may actually be due to Mersenne: “Le Père Mersenne sembloit avoir joint
quelques-unes de ses difficultez avec les objections de M. Morin” [Vie de M. Descartes (Paris,
1691), vol. I, p. 356].
19 For a detailed discussion of this text, see Joseph Iwanicki, Morin et les démonstrations math-
ématiques de l’existence de Dieu (Paris: Vrin, 1936). Iwanicki offers a good discussion of the
texts, the arguments, Descartes’ critique of the arguments, and the history of geometri-
cal arguments for the existence of God; he also notes the connection between Morin and
the Second Objections. However, Iwnaicki sees himself as rather an advocate for the histor-
ical and philosophical importance of Morin, and winds up greatly exaggerating Morin’s
place. Indeed, he concludes rather implausibly that it is Morin, not Descartes, that has
the best of their exchange on proofs for the existence of God.
20 AT III 233–34. 21 AT III 283.
72 method, order, and certainty
Second Objections that Descartes received. Writing to Huygens on
January 16, 1641, Descartes notes: “I have been very eager to see the
book, Quod sit Deus [sic], because it is cited in the objections that Father
Mersenne wrote you that he would send me.”22 The point at which it
may have been cited is relatively easy to determine. At the end of the
Second Objections we find the following passage: “After giving your
solutions to these difficulties it would be worthwhile if you set out the
entire argument in geometrical fashion, starting from a number of defi-
nitions, postulates, and axioms. You are highly experienced in employ-
ing this method, and it would enable you to fill the mind of each reader
so that he could see everything as it were at a single glance, and be per-
meated with awareness of the divine power.”23 While this passage does
not make direct reference to Morin and his book (no passage in the
final published text does), it seems quite plausible that this is the
passage to which Descartes refers in his letter to Huygens. It is not alto-
gether clear why Morin’s name was dropped from the final published
text. It could be that Descartes made it a general policy not to mention
living authors by name. Another factor may have been the fact that
Descartes was not impressed with the book. Rather than saying some-
thing uncomplimentary about Morin, thus offending him, something
that he explicitly told Mersenne he did not want to do, Descartes may
have decided to drop the reference altogether.24 Perhaps, too, he did
not want to start the sort of pamphlet war in which the somewhat iras-
cible Morin had been known to engage with relish. Be that as it may, it
seems reasonably certain that Morin and his Quod Deus sit stand behind
this passage of the Second Objections.
With a little imagination, we may also be able to see Morin’s hand
in other passages of the Objections that Mersenne is known to have
assembled. Morin’s Astrologia gallica, a vast, encyclopedic work, begins
with a full account of metaphysics and physics, in order to ground the
astrology in the later sections. Scattered throughout these introductory
sections are passages criticizing Descartes, both his metaphysics and his
physics. While Descartes’ name occurs often in these pages, especially
interesting is a critique that appears at the very beginning of the book,
in a section entitled “Liber primus: De Vera cognitione Dei ex lumine
Naturae; per Theoremata adversus Ethnicos & Atheos Mathematico
more demonstrata.” This, not unsurprisingly, is an expanded version of
28 See Astrologia gallica, p. 5. See also Morin’s Defensio dissertationis . . . (Paris, 1651), p. 90,
where he indirectly implies that he was behind Mersenne’s question to Descartes: “Carte-
sius fuerit provocatus a . . . R. P. Mersenno, ut simili methodo conaretur demonstrare
existentiam Dei, . . . nec tamen viris doctis satisfaceret.”
29 There is also a dedication to the same group in the second edition of 1655, on the occa-
sion of the next meeting of the group in Paris. Bayle suggests Morin had hoped to gain
a pension from that group; see Pierre Bayle, Dictionaire historique et critique (Amsterdam:
1720), vol. III, p. 2015, art. Morin, note H.
30 Morin, Quod Deus sit (Paris: 1635), p. 4.
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 75
to the atheists, though they resist it, and with the help of that alone, they
remain capable of grasping the first principles of nature, which they cannot
fail to perceive even while they are denying them, because they are the per se
objects of that [natural] light. Consequently, at the very least this path for
discussing the existence of God with atheists is open to us, so that they might
know their greatest error. Therefore, having undertaken this task for the
glory of God, for the confirmation of faith, and to return the atheists to their
senses, using a mathematical method, I carried it out to such an extent that
once they concede those things I laid down as principles, perceptible by the
light of nature alone, atheists cannot deny that God exists, that he created
this world in time, and that he governs it by his providence, unless they them-
selves also deny that they exist.31
40 AT VII 155–56.
morin and the SECOND OBJECTIONS 79
notions which the geometers study; but they conflict with many preconceived
opinions derived from the senses. . . . And so only those who really concen-
trate and meditate and withdraw their minds from corporeal things, so far as
is possible, will achieve perfect knowledge of them. Indeed, if they were put
forward in isolation they could easily be denied by those who like to contra-
dict just for the sake of it. This is why I wrote “Meditations” rather than “Dis-
putations,” as the philosophers have done, or “Theorems and Problems,” as
the geometers have done.41
These are hardly postulates of the usual sort. They are in fact demands,
as the Latin postulare would suggest, things we are asked to do, not merely
to accept. In including such postulates in his geometrical presentation,
Descartes is answering the criticisms of the geometrical mode of writing
he made in the Second Replies; it is only because he includes such pos-
tulates, Descartes thinks, that the geometrical mode of presentation is
capable of leading us to knowledge of things metaphysical. In this way,
the differences between Descartes’ and Morin’s geometrical arguments
for the existence of God simply underscore Descartes’ rejection of
Morin’s chosen form of presentation. Thus the geometrical presentation
that follows the Second Replies can be read not only as a clarification of
the arguments, terminology, and assumptions used in the Meditations,
not only as a civil answer to a civil question from the authors of the
Second Objections, but also as a philosophical exercise directed against
the Quod Deus sit of Jean-Baptiste Morin.
Morin’s Response
The Second Replies is the last text in which Descartes has anything to
say about Morin; as far as Descartes was concerned, the less said, the
better. But though Descartes may not have had anything more to say
about Morin, Morin had quite a lot to say about his more famous
The response is found in Morin’s posthumously published Astrologia
gallica. While there is no direct evidence that Mersenne actually showed
Morin the direct criticisms Descartes made of his work, the paragraph
in the letter quoted above, the alterations Morin made in the new
edition of the Quod Deus sit – included in the Astrologia – suggest that
Mersenne may well have transmitted the essence of those criticisms.
Though in the end he does not give up his strong dependence on infin-
ity, nor does he actually alter many of the details of his proofs, the
rearrangements and the additional axioms and definitions show some
sensitivity to Descartes’ concerns.46 Also, later in the Astrologia there is
considerably more discussion of Descartes, particularly his physics.
Altogether, this amounts to an additional set of objections against the
Meditations, and against the Principles, too, objections especially worth
study given Morin’s rather interesting position in the intellectual world
of mid-seventeenth-century France. But rather than trying to survey the
whole of Morin’s attack against Descartes, let me just touch on a few
issues with respect to the questions of analysis versus synthesis and
Descartes’ geometrical arguments.
Morin begins his discussion of Descartes’ geometrical exposition by
noting that it was he, Morin, and his Quod Deus sit that elicited the
Although my little book against the atheists pleased everyone, after the
publication of his Meditations, those who were not satisfied with his demon-
strations for the existence of God through our idea of him requested
Descartes to prove the same a posteriori through his creatures, as I had done.
To that same end, that same little book was requested of me, which the
46 For example, in the new version of theorem 15, now theorem 22 (“this world is finite”),
Morin eliminates the argument he had used earlier, and which had offended Descartes
so much, which depends on his refutation of Copernicus. See Astrologia gallica, p. 11.
Similarly, in the new version of theorem 27 (now theorem 35) Morin eliminated the
assumption about infinity that Descartes found so problematic, that one cannot add any-
thing to an infinite number. See Astrologia gallica, p. 13. There are other, smaller changes
as well that are suggestive.
82 method, order, and certainty
Reverend Father Mersenne, known to all of the learned, sent him in
Holland, so that he might see my method for proceeding in the geometrical
Morin goes on to examine the three proofs that Descartes gives in his
geometrical appendix, finding them, one by one, unsatisfactory. Most
interesting, though, are his comments on Descartes’ remarks on the
analytic and synthetic modes of reasoning. He criticizes Descartes’ use
of both ways of proceeding.
Morin notes that Descartes does try to give a geometrical account,
like Morin’s own, using definitions, axioms, and theorems. But he also
takes note of the fact that Descartes makes use of postulates: “Then
there are also seven postulates, by which the mind binds itself. However,
I have demanded [postulaverim] nothing. Rather, I have left the mind
with its freedom of judgment.”48 It is interesting here that Morin does
not seem to understand exactly why Descartes adds the postulates in
the way he does, nor does Morin understand the rather radical differ-
ence between Descartes’ postulates and those more commonly found
in the tradition. All he says is that they seem to bind the intellect in a
way that he does not want to. He does continue, however, with a rather
uncharacteristically penetrating critique of Descartes’ Postulate 5: “I ask
my readers to spend a great deal of time and effort on contemplating
the nature of the supremely perfect being. Above all they should reflect
on the fact that the ideas of all other natures contain possible existence,
whereas the idea of God contains not only possible but wholly neces-
sary existence. This alone, without a formal argument, will make them
realize that God exists.”49 Morin comments: “Once we have conceded
this postulate, then no definitions, no axioms, nor any demonstrations
are needed, either through analysis or through synthesis.”50 Morin’s
point is a good one: Take this particular postulate seriously, and there
is no need for argument at all.
Morin does not discuss Descartes’ general remarks on the prefer-
ability of analysis over synthesis for metaphysics; the general theoreti-
cal position seems to escape him. But he does say why he thinks that
analysis is not an appropriate way of proving the existence of God.
Morin writes:
51 Ibid., p. 7.
52 For one interpretation of what Descartes means when he calls the Meditations analytic, see
the discussion of the Meditations in Daniel Garber, “Semel in vita: the Scientific Background
to Descartes’ Meditations,” in Amélie Rorty (ed.), Essays in Descartes’ Meditations (University
of California Press, 1986), pp. 81–116, essay 11 in this volume.
53 Jean-Robert Armogathe has recently argued that contrary to what Morin thought,
Descartes actually did receive the approbation of the Sorbonne. See J.-R. Armogathe,
“L’approbabion des Meditationes par la Faculté de Théologie de Paris (1641),” Bulletin
Cartésien 21 (1994) [in Archives de Philosophie 57 (1994)], pp. 1–3.
84 method, order, and certainty
In this essay I have argued that Jean-Baptiste Morin and his Quod Deus
sit stand behind at least parts of the Second Objections, and that it was
specifically to Morin and his little book that Descartes was responding
at the end of the Second Replies and in the geometrical appendix. But
how does this change our understanding of those passages? Perhaps not
at all; interesting as that bit of historical information may be to those
of us with an antiquarian bent, it may not have any real philosophical
bearing. But then maybe it does.
I would like to end with a kind of conjecture, a stab at an argument
that one might make on the basis of my historical argument. I think
that what I have presented here strengthens the case for saying that
however important it might be for earlier thinkers, however much it
may be emphasized by later commentators, the doctrine of analysis and
synthesis may not be a central tenet in Descartes’ own thought, not a
basic category in terms of which Descartes liked to think of his work
and that of others. Rather, I suspect that it is a very specific response
to a very specific proposal for how to do metaphysics, a proposal embod-
ied in the example of Morin’s Quod Deus sit. And, I think, it is a clear
rejection of that way of doing metaphysics. Even though Descartes does
develop his ideas in synthetic form in the geometrical appendix to the
Second Replies, it must be emphasized that this is largely (only?) to
show the inadequacy of that form and the problems inherent in an
enterprise of the sort that Morin was attempting to undertake. This
does not establish for certain that Descartes did not then generalize the
notion of synthesis, or take it seriously in his own later works. But, I
think, the argument should somewhat undermine whatever temptation
we might have to see synthesis as a more general category and to try to
include the Principles as synthetic, as many readers from Martial
Gueroult to Edwin Curley and J. M. Beyssade have done.54 In late 1640
and early 1641, when Descartes confronted the geometrical argument
of Morin and penned his response, both his private response to
Mersenne and his more public response in the Second Replies, and
when he began drafting what was to become the Principles of Philosophy,
he saw nothing to recommend a geometrical metaphysics of the sort
that Morin was attempting to establish.
54 For a more systematic attack on the idea that the Principles should be understood as syn-
thetic, see Daniel Garber and Lesley Cohen, “A Point of Order: Analysis, Synthesis, and
Descartes’s Principles,” in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 64 (1982), pp. 136–47, essay
3 in this volume.
Other than the abbreviations used throughout this book (AT, CSM, CSMK), when quoting
the Meteors or the Dioptrics I use the following abbreviation:
Ols Descartes, Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology, trans. Paul J. Olscamp.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
86 method, order, and certainty
with a brief account of Descartes’ procedure for constructing his
science, his method. While Descartes’ method is discussed at great
length in any number of books and papers, there is hardly a clear
account in any of the literature of what it is in practice. Then, once we
have a clear picture of what Descartes’ method is, and the precise
deductive structure of the body of knowledge that he is building, we
can turn directly to the question of experiment, and see how it fits into
the program.
I hold the view that Descartes, in an important sense, gave up his
famous method sometime in the late 1630s or early 1640s, and so I do
not want to identify the question of Descartes’ scientific procedure with
that of his method.1 But to understand Descartes’ procedure in science
it will be helpful to begin with a brief account of the method as it is in
itself and as it is in application, and work from there. In discussing the
method, I shall concentrate on the account Descartes gives in the early
Rules for the Direction of the Mind, which Descartes worked on inter-
mittently from 1618 or so until 1628 or thereabouts; though never
finished and never published, it is by far the most thorough account
of method in the Cartesian corpus, far more intelligible than the brief
and enigmatic account of the method Descartes gives in Part IV of the
In order to understand the method, we must understand the goal of
inquiry in the Rules, for the method of the Rules is precisely a method
of attaining that goal. The goal of inquiry is the subject of the first
two rules:
The goal [finis] of studies ought to be the direction of one’s native abilities
[ingenium] toward having solid and true judgments about everything which
comes before it. . . . We should concern ourselves only with those objects of
which our native abilities seem capable of certain and indubitable cognition.
(AT X 359; AT X 362)
1 For a full defense of this view, see D. Garber, “Descartes and Method in 1637,” essay 2 in
this volume, and Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1992), chapter 2. The account of method in this essay is drawn from these sources.
descartes and experiment 87
By intuition I understand not the fluctuating faith in the senses, nor the
deceitful judgment of a poorly composed imagination, but a conception of
a pure and attentive mind, so easy and distinct that concerning that which
we understand no further doubt remains; or, what is the same, the undoubted
conception of a pure and attentive mind, which arises from the light of reason
alone. (AT X 368)
2 I should point out that I am breaking with most commentators, who refer to these as the
analytic and synthetic steps. See my remarks on this in “Descartes and Method in 1637,”
note 4, essay 3 in this volume.
88 method, order, and certainty
Q1. What is the shape of a line (lens) that focuses parallel rays of light to the
same point?
Q2. What is the relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction (i.e.,
the law of refraction)?
Q3. How is refraction caused by light passing from one medium into another?
Q4. How does a ray of light penetrate a transparent body?
Q5. What is light?
Q6. What is a natural power?
Intuition: A natural power is. . . .
Construction: The construction consists in traversing the series of questions from
Q5 to Q1, deducing the answer to each question from that of the preceding
refracted in such a way that they all intersect in a single point after
refraction” (AT X 394). Now, Descartes notices – and this seems to be
the first step in the reduction – that “the determination of this [ana-
clastic] line depends on the relation between the angle of incidence
and the angle of refraction” (AT X 394). But, Descartes notes, this ques-
tion is still “composite and relative,” that is, not sufficiently simple, and
we must proceed further in the reduction. Rejecting an empirical inves-
tigation of the relation in question, Descartes suggests that we must next
ask how the relation between the angles of incidence and refraction is
caused by the difference between the two media, for example, air and
glass, which in turn raises the question as to “how the ray penetrates
the whole transparent thing, and the knowledge of this penetration
presupposes that the nature of the illumination is also known” (AT X
394–395). But, Descartes claims, in order to understand what illumi-
nation is we must know what a natural power (potentia naturalis) is. This
is where the reductive step ends. At this point, Descartes seems to think
that we can “clearly see through an intuition of the mind” what a natural
power is (AT X 395). Other passages suggest that this intuition is inti-
mately connected with motion.3 Once we have such an intuition, we can
3 Rule IX tells us that in order to understand the notion of a natural power, “I will reflect
on the local motions of bodies” (AT X 402). What this suggests is that the understanding
of illumination is, somehow, an intuitive judgment about the simple nature, motion, though
it is not clear how exactly he thought this would work.
descartes and experiment 89
begin the constructive step, and follow, in order, through the questions
raised until we have answered the original question, that of the shape
of the anaclastic line. This would involve understanding the nature of
illumination from the nature of a natural power,4 understanding the
ways rays penetrate transparent bodies from the nature of illumination,
and the relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction
from all that precedes. And finally, once we know how angle of inci-
dence and angle of refraction are related, we can solve the problem of
the anaclastic line.5
This example develops the programmatic statement of the method
as given in Rule V in a fairly concrete way. If we take the anaclastic line
example as our guide, then methodical investigation begins with a ques-
tion, a question which, in turn, is reduced to questions whose answers
are presupposed for the resolution of the original question posed
(i.e., Q1 is reduced to Q2 if and only if we must answer Q2 before we
can answer Q1). The reductive step of the method thus involves, as
Descartes suggests in Rule VI, ordering things “insofar as some can be
known from others, so that whenever some difficulty arises, we will
immediately be able to perceive whether it will be helpful to examine
some other [question], and what, and in what order” (AT X 381). And
so, in a sense, the reduction leads us to more basic and fundamental
questions, from the anaclastic line, to the law of refraction, and back
eventually to the nature of a natural power and to the motion of bodies.
Ultimately, Descartes thinks, when we follow out this series of questions,
from the one that first interests us, to the “simpler” and more basic
questions on which it depends, we will eventually reach an intuition.
When the reductive stage is taken to this point, then we can begin the
constructive stage. Having intuited the answer to the last question in
the reductive series, we can turn the procedure on its head, and begin
4 Descartes writes, “If, at the second step, he is unable to discern at once what the nature
of light’s action is . . . he will make an enumeration of all the other natural powers, in
the hope that a knowledge of some other natural power will help him understand this one,
if only by analogy” (AT X 395). In personal correspondence John Nicholas has emphasized
to me the importance (and complexity) of this step in the construction. He suggests,
plausibly, I think, that “human limitations are such that in practice we commonly cannot
carry out the downward deduction, and have to fall back on the surrogate step of
analogizing and comparing with other natural agencies that the targeted one.” Insofar as
this analogizing may depend on our experience with the phenomenon in question, as well
as with other phenomena, this suggests to him that there may be another use of experi-
ence in Descartes than the one that I emphasize in the following sections. He might well
be right.
5 See Pierre Costabel, Démarches originales de Descartes savant (Paris: Vrin, 1982), 53–58, for
an account of the historical background to this example.
90 method, order, and certainty
answering the questions that we have successively raised, in an order
the reverse of the order in which we have raised them. What this should
involve is starting with the intuition that we have attained through the
reductive step, and deducing down from there, until we have answered
the question originally raised. Should everything work out as Descartes
hopes it will, when we are finished it is evident that we will have certain
knowledge as Descartes understands it in the earliest portions of the
Rules; an answer arrived at in this way will constitute a conclusion
deduced ultimately from an initial intuition.
Descartes’ strategy here is extremely ingenious. The stated goal of
the method is certain knowledge, a science deduced from intuitively
known premises. What the method gives us is a workable procedure for
discovering an appropriate intuition, one from which the answer to the
question posed can be deduced, and it shows us the path that deduc-
tion must follow. This workable procedure is the reduction of a ques-
tion to more and more basic questions, questions that we can identify
as questions whose answers are presupposed for answering the question
originally posed; this reduction both leads us to an intuition, Descartes
thinks, and shows how we can go from that intuition back to the ques-
tion originally posed.
This is the story as of 1628 or so, when Descartes abandoned the
composition of the Rules. As noted earlier in this section, I think that
Descartes’ thinking about method changes in his later years. Put briefly,
while Descartes always maintains the view that knowledge is to be
grounded in intuition, in the immediate apprehension of truths, he
changes his mind about which truths lie at the bottom, and about how
it is that we are to find them. In the Rules he seems to take the view that
our knowledge of the physical world is grounded in certain truths,
immediately grasped, about the nature of bodies, natural powers, and
so forth.6 But in the later writings, the grounding is ultimately in meta-
physics, our knowledge of ourselves and God, and in God’s role as the
guarantor of our clear and distinct perceptions; in the later writings,
the intuitions he takes for granted in the Rules must be grounded in
God our creator and in us, God’s creation. And furthermore, in the
6 See especially the development in Rule XII (AT X 419) where Descartes discusses the so-
called simple natures on which all our knowledge is supposed to be grounded. The simple
natures divide into three classes: intellectual, material, and common. The intellectual
simple natures include knowledge, doubt, ignorance, volition. The material simple natures
include shape, extension, and motion. The common simple natures include existence,
unity, and duration.
descartes and experiment 91
latter writings, the reductive step of the method, a step that can lead us
only as far as the unjustified intuitions, is abandoned in favor of a direct
attack on the foundations.7 Despite these changes, though, it will be
helpful to begin attacking the question of experiment in Descartes by
examining the role it plays in his method.
7 For a fuller account of the changes, see the references given in note 1 in this essay.
8 See Garber, “Science and Certainty in Descartes,” in Descartes: Critical and Interpretive Essays,
ed. Michael Hooker (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978), 114–151, esp.
116–123. Desmond Clarke argues that the term “deduction” is so broad for Descartes
that even hypothetical arguments count as deductions for him. See D. Clarke, Descartes’
Philosophy of Science (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982),
63–70, 201–202, 207–210.
92 method, order, and certainty
tion in the Rules, the Discourse, and other writings where he discusses
his natural philosophy. Of course, this raises an important problem:
How is the appeal to experience consistent with the apparently deduc-
tive structure of Descartes’ project? There is a considerable literature
on this basic question, and answers range from denying (or better,
ignoring) the interest in experiment, to denying that Descartes’ science
was ever intended to be deductive, to claiming that Descartes was simply
inconsistent – deductive in theory, and empirical in practice.9 This is
the problem I would like to address in this section. I shall try to show
something that may sound a bit paradoxical, that for Descartes experi-
ment functions as an important and, in fact, indispensable tool for
discovery in his deductive science, and it is to experience that we
must turn to help us sort our the details of the deductive hierarchy of
A reasonable place to begin is with a passage from Part VI of the
Discourse, where Descartes attempts to explain to the reader the use of
experiment in his thought. The passage begins with a lengthy account
of where experiment is not really necessary. Descartes reports that he
began his investigations with “the first principles or first causes” of
everything, which can be discovered from “certain seeds of truth which
are naturally in our souls.” From this Descartes derived “the first and
most ordinary effects that one can deduce from these causes,” the
heavens, stars, the earth, water, air, fire, and so on. The passage then
continues as follows:
Then when I wanted to descend to those which were more particular, I was
presented with so many different kinds of things that I did not think that it
was possible for the human mind to distinguish the forms or kinds of bodies
which are on the earth from an infinity of others that could have been there,
if God had wanted to put them there, nor, consequently, to make them useful
to us, unless one proceeded to the causes through their effects, and attended
to many particular experiments. Afterward, reviewing in my mind all of the
objects which have ever been presented to my senses, I venture to say that I
have never noticed any thing that I could not easily enough explain by the
principles that I have found. But I must also admit that the power of nature
is so ample and so vast, and that these principles are so simple and so general,
that I have found hardly any particular effect which from the first I did
not know could be deduced in many ways, and [I admit] that my greatest
difficulty is ordinarily to find in which of these ways it depends on these
principles. (AT VI 64–65)
9 For a survey of the various views taken in the literature, see Clarke, Descartes’ Philosophy of
Science, 9–10.
descartes and experiment 93
Experiment seems not to be at issue in the early stages of investiga-
tion. Where experiment becomes important, Descartes indicates, is
when we move from the very most general features of the world, and,
as he puts it, descend to particulars. There, he says, the direct deduc-
tion from first principles must stop, and we must “proceed to the causes
through their effects, and attend to many particular experiments.” This
has suggested to many, and not implausibly, that at this stage science
must become a posteriori, arguing from effect to cause by a kind of
hypothetico-deductive method of the kind practiced in the Essays and
defended in the correspondence of 1637 and 1638.10 While this may
describe Descartes’ views later, in certain pessimistic sections of the
Principles, this is not, I think, what Descartes had in mind in the Dis-
course.11 In the passage in question, Descartes seems clear that he is
still interested in deduction, even after he has descended to particulars.
The problem is that in any given case, there are many possible ways in
which one can deduce from the general principles, “so simple and so
general,” to the particular effects we observe. Experiment is somehow
supposed to help us find the right deductions, the ones that pertain to
our world and to the phenomena that concern us. In this way, experi-
ments seem not to replace deductions, but to aid us in making the proper
The view is initially quite paradoxical. How can some deductions be
right and others wrong? How can it be that experiment is essential for
13 My own interest in the rainbow case here is largely as an illustration of the method of the
Rules. For discussions of Descartes’ account of the rainbow that emphasize its place in the
history of such discussions and in the history of optics more generally, see Carl B. Boyer,
The Rainbow (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987), Chapter 8, and Jean-Robert
Armogathe, “L’arc-en-ciel dans les Météores, in J.-L. Marion and N. Grimaldi, eds. Le Discours
et sa méthode, 145–162. Considering Descartes’ account in its historical perspective makes
it quite clear that despite the impression he gives in the Meteorology of having discovered
everything himself, he owes a great deal to previous investigators. Interesting and impor-
tant as these historical considerations are, I will focus instead on Descartes’ presentation of
his theory in an attempt to untangle the methodological underpinnings of his argument.
96 method, order, and certainty
Figure 1
14 This is the paraphrase Descartes gives in the Meteors; the passage he is referring to in the
Dioptrics can be found at AT VI 89–93.
descartes and experiment 97
Figure 2
light passes from one medium into another in refraction is that the balls
are given differential tendencies to rotate, depending on where they
are in the stream (see Figs. 2 and 3). Since, refraction aside, that is the
only mechanical effect that passing from one medium into another has
on the light, Descartes argues that color just must be caused by the dif-
ferential tendency to rotation. Those balls with a greater tendency to
rotate produce the color red in us, Descartes claims, while those that
have a lesser tendency to rotate produce the color blue/violet in us.
(Remember, of course, Descartes held that in the strictest sense, color
is only in the mind, and not in bodies.) And so, from the nature of light
and the way it passes through media, we have shown how colors are pro-
duced, Descartes thinks. But it still remains to show why the colors are
produced in two discrete regions, at characteristic angles from that of
sunlight. To solve that problem, Descartes turns back to the flask.
Appealing to the law of refraction, which Descartes alludes to in the
anaclastic line example, and derives (after a fashion) in the Second Dis-
course of the Dioptrics, he demonstrates that after two refractions and
one reflection, the vast majority of a bundle of parallel rays hitting the
flask, wherever they may hit, will emerge from the flask between 41 and
42 degrees with respect to the angle of the incident light, and after two
98 method, order, and certainty
Figure 3
15 Descartes does the calculation by considering a spherical droplet of water hit by parallel
rays over one hemisphere, and calculating where various of the rays would emerge after
an appropriate number of reflections and refractions. His conclusion, carefully stated,
I found that after one reflection and two refractions, very many more of [the rays] can
be seen under the angle of 41 to 42 degrees than under any lesser one; and that none
of them can be seen under a larger angle. Then I also found that after two reflections
and two refractions, very many more of them come toward the eye under a 51 to
52 degree angle, than under any larger one; and no such rays come under a lesser.
(AT VI 336; Ols. 339)
While the conclusion is arrived at by calculation, that calculation must make explicit
appeal to the index of refraction for water. When the question comes up in the Second
Discourse of the Dioptrics, he notes that we must appeal to experience in order to deter-
mine the value of this constant for various sorts of materials (AV VI 101–102). This would
seem to be another place in which experiment would enter into the method. However,
one presumes that Descartes believed that the index of refraction could itself be arrived
at by calculation, were we to know the size, shape, and motion of the corpuscles that make
up water.
descartes and experiment 99
the nature of light, the way it passes through media, and the law of
refraction, it follows that the rays of sunlight hitting the flask will result
in two regions of color at two characteristic angles. When we have a
multitude of such drops, we have a rainbow.
It is by no means obvious how this somewhat confused mass of
experiment and reasoning can be fitted into the rather rigid mold of
Descartes’ method. The schematic representation of the argument
given in Table 2 indicates one plausible way in which the argument
might fit. In the schematic representation of the argument, Q1 through
Q5 represent the reduction, which leads us from the question originally
posed, “what is the cause of the rainbow,” back to the intuitions which
are the starting point of the Cartesian deduction, intuitions about the
nature of light and how it passes through media. But the important
thing is, of course, the specific path that Descartes follows to go from
the initial question to the intuition, for it is that path that will deter-
mine the path followed in the deduction. In this case Descartes pro-
ceeds by splitting the question into two questions, one about color and
one about the two regions. Included in square brackets are the empir-
ical results derived from experiment at the point in the argument in
which Descartes appeals to them. The path followed after the intuition
is relatively straightforward. Here we are dealing with the same steps
followed in the reduction, only in the reverse order, as we pass from
intuition to the final answer to the question originally posed. But unlike
the reduction, experiment and its results seem to play no role in this
part of the argument. The example is certainly much more complex
than the anaclastic line example, but it seems to have much in common
with it in structure.
Before turning back to my main theme, the use of experiment in
these arguments, I would like to comment on the kind of deduction
that is involved in this case. In the anaclastic line case, we had a defi-
nite question, the shape of a lens with such-and-such properties, and at
the conclusion of the procedure we can expect a deductive answer to
the question, a deduction from basic principles (ultimately, the nature
of a natural power) that a lens with this-or-that shape will have such-
and-such characteristics. But the situation here is a bit different. What
we are seeking is the cause of the rainbow. The answer to this question
is, in a sense, not deduced; rather, it is revealed in the deduction itself.
The deduction shows us how we can go from the nature of light to the
phenomenon of the rainbow; what is deduced, strictly speaking, is just
the phenomenon itself, the patches of color in the sky. But the path
Table 2. Descartes’s Account of the Rainbow (Meteors, Eighth Discourse)
Q2. What causes the two regions of color in any spherical ball?
Q2a. What causes the two regions? Q2b. What causes the color?
[The two regions result from two [Color is produced without a curved
combinations of reflection and surface and without reflection; it
refraction.] requires a restricted stream of light,
and a refraction.]
Q3a. Why do the two combinations Q3b. How does refraction cause color
of reflection and refraction result under appropriate circumstances?
in two discrete regions?
D2a. All parallel rays of light D2b. Color can only be the
converge into two discrete streams differential tendency to rotation
after two refractions and one or produced in passing from one
two reflections, emerging from the medium to another in refraction
drop (flask) in two discrete [Cf. Q3b].
regions [Cf. Q3a].
D3. Parallel rays of light produce two discrete regions of color on a spherical ball
of water [Cf. Q2].
D4. Sunlight (parallel rays of light) on a region of water droplets will produce
two regions of color [Cf. Q1].
descartes and experiment 101
followed in deducing the phenomenon shows us that the cause is the
passing of light from one medium to another, the differential tendency
to rotate this passage gives the particles of light, and the way that
the law of refraction causes light rays to converge into two discrete
streams at two characteristic angles. This a deduction, but a deduction
of a very different sort from the one in the anaclastic line example.
One can quite plausibly ask if Descartes can really be sure that he
has given the true sequence of causes that produce the rainbow, as
opposed to a possible sequence that produced the same appearances.
Descartes himself will later come to see that as a problem.16 But in the
Meteors it is not; he seems confident that the methodical procedure of
investigation he is following assures him that he has captured the
real causes.
To return to my main thread, a number of interesting things emerge
from these two examples. First of all, it would appear that experiment
functions strictly at the reductive stage of method, the stage in which we
are trying to go from a question posed to the intuition from which the
answer is to be derived; experiment seems not to be involved in the
actual deduction. And in that initial stage of inquiry, it seems to func-
tion in two not altogether separable roles. First of all, it helps better
define the phenomenon to be deduced or the problem to be solved.
This is not at issue in the anaclastic line example, where the problem
is set with sufficient precision. But it is an important function of exper-
iment in the rainbow example, where Descartes appeals to experiment
to fix what the rainbow is, that it consists of two separate bows, and that
the two bows are always at such-and-such an angle with respect to the
rays of the sun; in this way, experiment clarifies the question that is to
be answered.17 But just as important, experiment aids the reduction by
suggesting how things depend on one another, and, in that way, sug-
gesting at a given juncture what question we might turn to next. It is
because we know from experiment that refraction depends on a light
ray passing from one medium to another that we know that we must
investigate light rays, media, and how light passes through a medium
in order to determine the law of refraction. Similarly, it is because of
experiments with the prism that we know that reflection is irrelevant to
16 See, for example, Descartes’ remarks in Principles IV 204–206; see the discussion of these
passages in Garber, “Science and Certainty in Descartes.”
17 See the discussion in Rule XIII, AT X 430–431, where Descartes discusses the importance
of specifying in exact terms what is being sought in an investigation.
102 method, order, and certainty
color, but refraction is not, and it is because we know that colors can
arise from the refraction of light that we know that the nature of color
is to be sought in an examination of what light is, and how it is altered
by refraction. Once we understand Descartes’ method and the roles
that experiment does (and does not) play in it, it should come as no
surprise that Descartes might suggest that “it would be very useful if
some . . . person were to write the history of celestial phenomena in
accordance with the Baconian method . . . without any arguments or
hypotheses” (Descartes to Mersenne, 10 May 1632: AT I 251; CSMK
38). The sorts of tales that Bacon recommends to the investigator in
Book II of his Novum Organum can tell us, for instance, that factor A
(color, say) is always accompanied by factor B (refraction, say), but that
factor C (say reflection) is present in some cases but absent in others.
In an investigation of A, this could lead us to questions about B, and
prevent us from raising irrelevant questions about C, as when in the
rainbow example we learn that refraction is relevant to color, but reflec-
tion is not. Such tables of phenomena and their correlations with one
another, independent of any theory, are precisely what Descartes needs
to define problems and to determine the relations of dependence of
one phenomenon on another necessary to perform the reductive step
of the method.
In this way, it seems that experiment is not a replacement for deduction,
but part of the step preliminary to making a deduction. Science remains
deductive for Descartes; in the end our knowledge of the cause of the
rainbow depends on our performing a deduction of the phenomena
from an initial intuition. But experiment seems to play its role in
preparing the deduction. Insofar as it helps perform the reductive part
of the method, the sequence of steps that leads from a question to an
intuition, it helps determine the deduction, the same steps followed in
reverse order that leads from intuition to the answer to the question
posed. The deductive chain that the Cartesian scientist seeks in reason,
the chain that goes from more basic to less, is exemplified in the con-
nections one finds in nature itself. Insofar as these latter connections
are open to experimental determination, we can use experiment to
sketch out the chain of connections in nature and find out what
depends on what, and thus we can use the connections we find in nature as
a guide to the connections we seek in reason. It may not be obvious to us at
first just how we can go deductively from the nature of light to the
rainbow, but poking about with water droplets, flasks, and prisms may
suggest a path our deduction might follow.
descartes and experiment 103
This understanding of how experiment and observation may be
useful in a deductive science of the sort that Descartes was attempting
to construct allows us to make some sense of some of the more puz-
zling aspects of Descartes’ remarks. On this understanding, we do find
causes through their effects, in a sense; experiment is quite necessary
in solving problems and helping us to discover the real causes of
phenomena in our world. But in no sense are we replacing deductive
with a posteriori reasoning. Though we must appeal to experiment,
experiment only prepares the deduction that will establish the cause.
Furthermore, we can now see how experiment can point the way to the
“correct” deduction, and eliminate the “incorrect” deductions. There
can be alternative derivations of a given phenomenon in the sense that
the same bare effect may be produced by different chains of causes. For
example, a distribution of colors in a pair of bows in the sky (a bare
effect) may be produced by the reflection and refraction of light
through raindrops (as it actually is in our world), or by a distribution
of tiny colored balls suspended in the air, or by colors projected by a
slide projector on a cloud of dust, or by any number of other perverse
means. But experiment helps us find the correct deduction, that is, the
correct chain of causes, by making the phenomenon more precise, and
suggesting how it is that the phenomenon is actually produced in this
world. In this way experiment can lead us to the correct derivation,
correct in the sense that it represents the way the phenomena are
caused in our part of the universe. Alternative deductions are not
wrong, strictly speaking; one might be able to produce something that
looks to us very much like a rainbow in any number of ways. But it’s
just that it is not the way things are done here, at least not the way it is
done in nature.
So far I have talked about experiment in the context of Descartes’
official method. But, as I pointed out at the very beginning of this essay,
I think that Descartes later came to set his method aside. In his later
writings, those that follow the Discourse, I would argue that Descartes
abandoned the reductive stage of his method in favor of a direct attack
on the tree of knowledge, starting from intuition (or, rather, first prin-
ciples, first philosophy) and deducing on down from there. But I think
that much of what I said about experiment in the method also holds
good for the system-building orientation of later works like the Princi-
ples of Philosophy. Though in the later writings an explicit reductive step
is not in evidence, Descartes must find some way of constituting his
deductive chain, and here experiment will be useful for the same reason
104 method, order, and certainty
it is in the method. It is, I think, no accident that at the moment that
Descartes was working on extending the system of the Principles from
the inanimate world, derived by the laws of nature from an initial chaos,
to the world of plants and animals, Descartes was also doing experi-
ments on the formation of the fetus.18 I am certain that Descartes
thought that in sexual reproduction, the development of a living body
from mechanical causes, he might find clues about how living bodies
originally arose on this earth through mechanical causes, and that such
clues would help him extend the deduction of terrestrial phenomena
begun in the Principles to living things.
The senses loom large in the rest of the Meditation. The meditator
first distinguishes between the mind and the body. Then the question
turns to the external world, and it is here that the senses make their
first positive contribution to the enterprise. The meditator begins:
“Now there is in me a certain passive faculty of sensing, that is, of receiv-
ing and knowing the ideas of sensible things” (AT VII 79). We have a
passive faculty of sensation. But this would be of use only if there were,
somewhere, an active faculty for producing these ideas, a cause. This,
Descartes argues, could not be in me, for it seems to involve neither my
understanding nor my will, the two faculties I have. So, the meditator
reasons, the ideas of sensation he has must come from outside of him,
19 For a development of some of these themes in Descartes, see Garber, “Semel in vita: the
Scientific Background to Descartes’ Meditations,” in Essays on Descartes’ Meditations, ed.,
A. Rorty (Los Angeles and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986), 81–116, essay
11 in this volume.
106 method, order, and certainty
either from God or from bodies (i.e., bodies as understood in the Fifth
Meditation, things extended and extended alone) or from something
else. The meditator reasons that it must be from bodies themselves
that our ideas derive; God has given me a “great propensity for believ-
ing that they come to me from corporeal things,” while he has given
me “no faculty at all” for learning that this propensity might be mis-
taken (AT VII 79–80). So, the meditator argues to himself, God would
be a deceiver if it turned out that our ideas of bodies come from any-
where else but from bodies themselves. And so, he concludes, bodies
The argument is a very interesting one. A conclusion is established
not because we have a clear and distinct perception that bodies exist,
exactly, but because the meditator has a “great propensity” for believing
something, and God has given him no way of correcting that propen-
sity.21 Descartes admits here that there are at least some circumstances
in which a belief that we seem to get from sensation, the inclination to
believe that seems to come to us with the sensation, is worthy of our trust.
It may not be as worthy of our trust as a genuine clear and distinct per-
ception, as he implies in the Synopsis of the Meditations (AT VII 16), and
it may not always be true, as a clear and distinct perception is. But when
sensation leads us to a belief, as it does in this case, and when that belief
is not overridden, as it were, by a reason for rejecting it, as is the case
with our beliefs about colors actually being in things, say, then we can
trust the senses.22 This is the strategy that Descartes pursues in the
remainder of the Sixth Meditation in his discussion of the senses. He
argues that what he calls the “teachings of nature,” which include the
beliefs that appear to arise spontaneously with sensations, can be trusted
as being for the most part true when corroborated by reason, that is when
reason does not give us better grounds for rejecting a judgment from the
And so, my nature teaches me to flee what gives me pain and to seek what
gives me pleasure, and the like. But it does not appear that it teaches us to
conclude anything about things outside of us from the perceptions of the
senses without a prior examination of the intellect, since knowing the truth about
things seems to pertain to the mind alone, and not to the composite [of mind
and body]. (AT VII 82–83; emphasis added)
And so, while some of the teachings of nature will turn out to be true,
it is only the intellectual examination of them that will establish this. In
this way Descartes restores the senses and rejects the hyperbolic rejec-
tion of the senses that begins the Meditations; indeed, he goes on to
reject even the dream argument that is so prominent in the First Med-
itation (AT VII 89–90). But though the teachings of nature, what we
learn from our senses, are restored, they are subordinate to reason; they
may be trusted to some extent and in some circumstances, but only
after they have been given a clean bill of health by reason.
It is with this in mind that we should return to the use of experiment
in the rainbow case discussed earlier. One can say that insofar as
Descartes does allow the appeal to the senses in at least a general way,
there is no inconsistency in Cartesian epistemology; as long as what
Descartes takes from the experiments to which he appeals falls within
the bounds of proper caution, there is no special problem here. But
there is something more interesting to be said in this case about the
way in which experience is subordinate to reason.
In the previous section, I showed that while experiment might func-
tion as an auxiliary to a deduction, it is the deduction itself and not the
experiment that yields the knowledge. So, for example, in the anaclas-
tic line case, while experience might suggest to us that there is some
lawlike relation between angle of incidence and angle of refraction, it
108 method, order, and certainty
is only through deduction that the actual law can be established (see
Rule VIII: AT X 394). But the point goes deeper still. In the rainbow
case, Descartes begins by observing that on his flask, the stand-in for
the raindrop, there are two regions of color, at roughly 42 and 52
degrees from the ray of sunlight, which angles are then deduced in the
end from his theory. After giving his account, Descartes notes that an
earlier observer, the sixteenth-century mathematician Franciscus Mau-
rolycus, set the angles incorrectly at 45 and 56 degrees, on the basis of
faulty observations. Descartes notes that “this shows how little faith one
ought to have in observations which are not accompanied by the true
reason” (AT VI 340; Ols 342).23 It is only because we can calculate the
angles of the primary and secondary bows from the account we have
of the rainbow that we can be sure of what they are, despite the fact that
the investigation began with an experimental determination of those
angles.24 Though it is an observation that starts the ball rolling, it is only
through a Cartesian deduction that the phenomena and causal depen-
dencies observed can actually enter the body of scientific knowledge,
strictly speaking. Similarly, it is only because a deduction can, indeed,
be made in the reverse order of the causal dependencies that experi-
ment has found, that those dependencies ought to be trusted. Descartes
is, of course, aware that color can arise not only from refraction of light,
but from the reflection of light off of a surface whose texture is appro-
priate to cause the changes in the light necessary to produce the color
seen. At one point in his discussion of the rainbow Descartes seems pre-
pared to consider such an account of color in the rainbow, because, at
first glance, the restriction on the beam of light necessary to produce
color through refraction seems to be absent (AT VI 335; Ols 338–339).
And so, it seems, the causal dependence of the colors of the rainbow
on refraction and reflection suggested by experiment is only provi-
sional; while the experimental determination of the path the light
follows through the droplet may suggest to us a deductive path that we
23 For a discussion of Maurolycus’ theory of the rainbow, see Boyer, The Rainbow, 156–163.
The implication of Descartes’ remarks is that Maurolycus’ values for the angles derive from
observation alone. This is not entirely fair. Maurolycus had his reasons for setting the
angles as he did, reasons based on his (incorrect) analysis of the path the light follows
within the raindrop; indeed, he knew that his calculated value differs from what was
known through observation, something for which he attempted to offer an explanation
(pp. 159–160).
24 We must, of course, remember that the calculation does appeal to an experimentally deter-
mined value for the index of refraction; however, as I pointed out earlier, Descartes would
surely have thought that a “reason” could be given for that too.
descartes and experiment 109
might be able to follow, it is the actual success of the deduction from
intuition to phenomena that actually establishes the causal connections
that produce the phenomena. Experiment is important in helping to
find the deduction, but it is the deduction that, in an important sense,
fixes both the causal path and the phenomena. Experience is impor-
tant, but only under the control of reason, as Descartes took great pains
to emphasize in the Sixth Meditation.
This feature of Descartes’ position connects in an interesting way
with an often discussed problem in the philosophy of science, the ques-
tion of the theory-ladenness of observation. Whether or not one
can have an observation that is not in an important way dependent on
some theory or other is a question too often discussed in the abstract.
Descartes’ appeal to experiment in the rainbow case shows an inter-
esting complexity in the whole dispute. Descartes does use observation
to motivate the theory that he is proposing, or, perhaps, to guide us to
that theory. In this sense, observation would seem to be a-theoretical
for Descartes. But at the same time it is extremely important to realize
that the observations Descartes presents as motivating his account of
the rainbow, or at least guiding it, are not to be trusted fully until we
have an account of the matter, until we can derive those observations
from more basic principles. There is such a thing as pre-theoretical
observation for Descartes, and this does seem to have a role to play
in his procedure. But, at the same time, there is an important sense in
which observation does not attain the status of fact until it becomes inte-
grated with theory, indeed, until it becomes subordinated to theory.
In this way, for Descartes, experiment by itself can establish no facts;
while experiment can lead us to facts, it is only the final deduction of
a phenomenon from intuited first principles that establishes the cre-
dentials of a fact, even if first “discovered” through experiment. In his
recent writings, Ian Hacking argues that experiment must be viewed as
in an important sense independent of theorization in science; “experi-
ment has a life of its own,” he insists.25 By this he means to point out,
among other things, that experiment does not function exclusively in
the service of theoretical argument, furnishing premises for theoreti-
cal arguments, testing theories proposed, allowing us to eliminate one
of a pair of competing theories and accept another, and so forth. This
may be true enough for a wide variety of figures. But it is not true for
25 Ian Hacking, Representing and Intervening (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983),
110 method, order, and certainty
Descartes. For Descartes, at least in the context of the rainbow, exper-
iment plays a carefully regimented role in what is from the start a
theoretical project. But, at the same time, neither do experimental phe-
nomena have a role assigned to them in standard hypothetico-deduc-
tive conceptions of scientific method, as the touchstone of theory, the
a-theoretical facts to which we can appeal to adjudicate between alter-
native theories. If my account of experiment is correct, then however
much experiment might help us to find the correct account, it is
ultimately reason, not experiment, that is the touchstone of reality, for
theory as well as for the experimental facts that help us construct
On the standard view of things, widely shared since the late eigh-
teenth century or so, there are two sorts of philosophers: rationalists
and empiricists. Descartes is traditionally viewed as a rationalist, in fact,
the founder of the school, in modern times at least. When the extent
of Descartes’ dependence on experiment and observation is recog-
nized, there is a temptation simply to think that Descartes must have
been placed in the wrong slot, and conclude that he must really be some
sort of empiricist.27 I would resist that temptation. It seems to me that
what the case of Descartes shows is how crude the scheme of classifi-
cation really is. For Descartes both reason and experience are impor-
tant, though in different ways. His genius was in seeing how experience
and experiment might play a role in acquiring knowledge without
undermining the commitment to a picture of knowledge that had moti-
vated him since his youth, a picture of a grand system of certain knowl-
edge, grounded in the intuitive apprehension of first principles.
26 Descartes does say some things that would appear to go against my conclusion. For
example, immediately following the long passage from Part VI of the Discourse I quoted
earlier, Descartes writes,
I know of no other means to discover this [i.e., how a particular effect depends on the
general principles of nature] than by seeking further experiments [expériences] whose
outcomes vary according to which of these ways provides the correct explanation.
(AT VI 65)
But, I think, this must be understood in the context of the interpretation I have offered
earlier. The experiments in question must be viewed as leading us down one deductive path
rather than down another, and not as a theory-neutral means of choosing between inde-
pendently constructed theories; for, as Descartes elsewhere insists, we cannot really be
sure of an experimental fact until after we have already determined what the correct
deduction is.
27 See, e.g., Clarke, Descartes’ Philosophy of Science, 205.
1 Principia II, 23. For a fuller account of Descartes’ mechanist program in contrast with
Aristotelian hylomorphism, see D. Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics, Chicago, Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 1992, chapters 3, 4.
descartes on knowledge and certainty 113
characteristic size, shape, and motion give it its characteristically
observed properties. Let us call this particular nature its “corpuscular
This, then, is the problem I would like to explore in Descartes. For
the scholastic scientist, the characteristic properties of a thing derive
from a form, often a hidden form, an occult quality. For Descartes,
there are no such occult qualities. But there are hidden natures, cor-
puscular substructures that are hidden from our view. How can they be
There are actually a number of questions here that we might sepa-
rate. First of all, how do we discover these hidden mechanisms? And
having conjectured a particular candidate for a corpuscular substruc-
ture, how do we justify the claim that we have found the correct one?
And in this argument, I want to ask, what role does experience and/or
experiment play? And finally, what are the limits of certainty with
respect to our knowledge and belief in the corpuscular substructures
of particular kinds of things?
In order to answer these questions, we must, I shall argue, distinguish
the positions that Descartes takes at different times in his career. And
so, we shall proceed chronologically. First we shall examine the views
Descartes seems to have had in mid-1630s, when he was completing his
first works for publication, the Discours and the accompanying Essais.
Then we shall turn to his views a few years later, in the early 1640s, com-
posing the Principia. Despite appearances, there is, I shall argue, a
radical change between Descartes’ views at the one time and the other.
Descartes, I shall claim, moves from the position that we can have
genuine certain knowledge of the corpuscular substructure, to the
rather different view that our conjectures about corpuscular substruc-
tures are at best devices that enable us to predict future experience,
and in that way prolong our lives.
Then when I wanted to descend to those which were more particular, I was
presented with so many different kinds of things that I did not think that it
was possible for the human mind to distinguish the forms or kinds of bodies
which are on the earth from an infinity of others that could have been there,
if God had wanted to put them there, nor, consequently, to make them useful
to us, unless one proceeded to the causes through their effects, and attended
to many particular experiments.2
2 AT VI 64.
3 For some recent interpretations along that line, see, e.g., D. Clarke, “Descartes’ Philosophy
of Science and the Scientific Revolution,” in J. Cottingham ed., The Cambridge Companion
to Descartes, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 258–285, and Ettore Loja-
cono, “L’attitude scientifique de Descartes dans les Principion,” in J.-R. Armogathe and
Giulia Belgioioso, eds., Descartes: Principion Philosophiae (1644–1994), Naples, Vivarium,
1996, pp. 409–433. What I call hypothetical argument Lojacono calls “le procédé par sup-
position.” He emphasizes that this “procédé” should not be called a method, a term that
Descartes reserves for the very different procedure he outlines in the Regulae. I would like
to thank him for correcting my more careless use of language in an earlier draft of
this essay.
descartes on knowledge and certainty 115
I assume that the small particles of which water is composed are long, smooth,
and slippery like little eels, which are such that however they join and inter-
lace, they are never thereby so knotted or hooked together that they cannot
easily be separated; and on the other hand, I assume that nearly all particles
of earth, as well as of air and most other bodies, have very irregular and rough
shapes, so that they need be only slightly intertwined in order to become
hooked and bound to each other, as are the various branches of bushes that
grow together in a hedgerow.4
To say that the causes are “proved by effects,” as Descartes does, sug-
gests very strongly the causes conjectured are established as true by the
fact that they are capable of explaining the observed phenomena.
There are many other passages from this period, both in the published
texts and in the letters that suggest much the same. But the view comes
out most clearly in the writings of one of Descartes’ followers, the
French physicist Jacques Rohault. Writing in his Traité de physique of
1671, only a bit more than 20 years after Descartes’ death, he gives his
version of the proper way of building a natural philosophy:
In order to find out what the Nature of any Thing is, we are to search for
some one Particular in it, that will account for all the Effects which Experi-
ence shows us it is capable of producing. Thus, if we would know what the
Heat of the Fire is, we must endeavour to find out some particular Thing, by
means of which, it is capable of producing in us that Sort of Tickling, or pleas-
ant agreeable Heat which we feel at a little distance from it. . . . In a word, it
must explain all the Effects that Fire produces. . . . What is now said of Heat,
may be applied to all other Things: And by this Rule, every Thing hereafter
6 J. Rohault, A System of Natural Philosophy, Illustrated with Dr. Samuel Clarke’s Notes . . . Done into
English by John Clarke, 2 vols., London, James Knapton, 1723, vol. I, pp. 13–14.
7 AT VI 76; cf. AT I 563; AT II 200; AT III 39.
descartes on knowledge and certainty 117
Let me begin with a brief example from an earlier work, the Regulae
ad Directionem Ingenii. The assumption behind the method Descartes
presents in that book is that real knowledge, knowledge worthy of the
name, derives from intuition and deduction. Intuition is a faculty we
have by virtue of which we are capable of grasping truths directly;
deduction is a complementary faculty, by virtue of which we can intuit
the connections between one proposition and another.8 Descartes’
method in the Regulae consists of a reduction, followed by an intuition,
followed by a construction, that is, a deduction of the answer to the
question originally posed, starting from the intuition that we have
attained.9 This is what we might call the appeal to intuition and deduc-
tion, or, more simply, the appeal to intuition, as distinct from the sort
of hypothetical argument I noted earlier. If Descartes is right, then all
knowledge is derived by deduction from intuition.
In the text of Rule 8 Descartes gives an example of his celebrated
method.10 The question at issue is the shape of a particular lens, one
that is capable of focusing parallel rays to a single point. The reduction
starts with the question posed, the shape of the lens in question, and
leads us back from that by posing a series of presupposed questions. In
order to determine the shape of the lens in question, we must deter-
mine the law of refraction, i.e., the law that governs the bending of
light. But in order to determine that, we must determine the way
light is altered when it passes from one medium to another. But to
determine that we must determine how light passes through a medium.
Ultimately, we are led back to the question of the nature of a natural
power. Intuiting the answer to that question, we then pass back the
other way, intuiting from the nature of a natural power the answers to
such questions as the nature of light, the way it passes through a
medium, and ultimately, the law of refraction and the shape of the lens
in question.
Although he is not terribly explicit about it, I think that this proce-
dure is what is behind the view in the Discours and the Essais. This comes
out reasonably clearly in Descartes’ treatment of the rainbow in the
eighth discourse of the Météores.11 There also it is more evident just how
8 See Regula III, AT X 366 ff. 9 See Regula V and VI, AT X 379 ff.
10 See AT X 393 ff.
11 The rainbow is discussed in AT VI, 325 ff. For a more detailed discussion of this case, see
D. Garber, “Descartes and Experiment in the ‘Discourse’ and ‘Essays’ ” in S. Voss, ed.,
Essays in the Philosophy and Science of René Descartes, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993,
pp. 288–301, essay 5 in this volume.
118 method, order, and certainty
important experiment is to Descartes. The problem posed is the expla-
nation in corpuscular terms of the phenomenon of the rainbow.
Descartes begins with the experimental and observational fact that the
rainbow consists of two bows of color that are always at a characteristic
angle with respect to sunlight, 42 and 52 degrees, to be exact. Experi-
ment is then appealed to, again, to reduce the question, the cause of
the observed phenomena, to simpler questions. For example, the fact
that color can be produced in a prism shows that the cause of color has
nothing to do with a curved surface, and arises when light passes from
one medium into another; in this way, the question of the genesis of
color is “reduced” to the question as to how light is changed in passing
from one medium to another. One proceeds in this way until reaching
something about which one has direct intuitive knowledge, in this case
the nature of a natural power. The causal explanation is completed
when one can do a derivation of the observed phenomena from the
intuition of the most general principles, using the causal paths sug-
gested by the auxiliary experiments and observations that constitute the
reduction (“from the way in which light changes when passing from
one medium to another, it follows that color is . . .”); the derivation of
the phenomena from the most general causes then displays the causal
explanation.12 In this case, Descartes uses this kind of procedure to
establish, with certainty, presumably, the corpuscular substructure that
constitutes the rainbow: it is an arrangement of water droplets of appro-
priate size and arrangement to reflect and refract the incoming sun-
light and cause the bands of color that we see in the sky.
This obviously uses experiment, like hypothetical argument, and like
hypothetical argument, the point seems to be to fit a hypothesis to the
phenomena. But there are important differences. First of all, the
microstructure of the rainbow is not hypothesized to fit the phenom-
ena; it is derived making use of the phenomena. At no point in the pro-
cedure does one make a hypothesis; when properly used, observation
is supposed to lead us directly to the underlying mechanism. But more
important, unlike hypothetical argument, the phenomena have no
validity independent of the causal explanation proposed. Descartes’
account of the rainbow begins with an observation about the charac-
teristic angles of the two bows that make up the rainbow; at the end of
the argument, these angles are derived from his causal account.
Descartes remarks, though, that other observers have observed differ-
12 See D. Garber, “Descartes and Experiment,” cit., pp. 95–101 in this volume.
descartes on knowledge and certainty 119
ent values for these angles. His comment is very significant: “This shows
how little faith one should have in observations that are not accompa-
nied by the true reason.”13 It is only after we give an explanation, a
derivation of the phenomena from first principles that the phenomena
enter the realm of genuine facts, despite the fact that it was the
observed phenomena that started the process in the first place. Obser-
vation and experiment may pose problems for us, and may suggest
causal paths for their explanation, but they are not facts until they are
successfully deduced from first principles. This is a use of experiment,
to be sure, but not an hypothetical argument. Experience is used rather
in the way in which we use diagrams in geometry. We can carefully draw
diagrams on paper, carefully measure sides, angles, and arcs, and
hypothesize relationships. But it is only the actual proof of a theorem
that establishes anything as true.
But why didn’t Descartes want to make the direct appeal to intuition
more visibly than he did in the Discours and Essais? Why did he think it
necessary to use hypothetical argument if it was intuition that he really
Let me remind you of a passage I cited earlier. Referring to the sup-
positions he actually used in the Météores and the Dioptrique, Descartes
And I have called them “suppositions” simply to make it known that I think
that I can deduce them from the primary truths I have expounded above;
but I have deliberately avoided carrying out these deductions in order to
prevent certain ingenious persons from taking the opportunity to construct,
on what they believe to be my principles, some extravagant philosophy for
which I shall be blamed.14
13 AT VI 340. 14 AT VI 76.
120 method, order, and certainty
at Catholic universities, like the University of Paris, and at Protestant
schools, like the University of Utrecht. That didn’t seem to bother him
when he wrote Le Monde in the early 1630s, explicitly attacking the
sterility of the Aristotelian orthodoxy, indeed, even mocking the Aris-
totelian definition of motion! But Descartes was seriously taken aback
by the condemnation of Galileo in 1633. He withdrew Le Monde, and,
indeed, renounced any ambitions to publish his thought. That did not
last long, though, and within a short time, Descartes was making plans
for a new publication, the Discours and Essais. But there was to be a
crucial difference between Le Monde and this later work. Le Monde told
all, and gave the foundations of Descartes’ thought, which made it clear
that he rejected forms and qualities, and placed the sun at the center
of the planetary system, making the earth just another planet. But in
the Discours and Essais, all of this was to be hidden. In writing the Essais,
Descartes hoped only to “choose some topics which would not be too
controversial, which would not force me to divulge more of my princi-
ples than I wished to, and which would demonstrate clearly enough
what I could or could not do in the science.”15
In the mid- and late 1630s, then, we have a rather clear answer to
the questions posed about the knowledge of particulars. While it may
be hypothetical argument that Descartes chooses for presenting his
conclusions in his published works, it is really the appeal to intuition
that is close to his heart. Intuition, the immediate apprehension of
truth, and its coordinate faculty, deduction, lead us to a comprehen-
sion of the particular nature, the corpuscular substructure that is the
ground of the manifest properties of things. While experiment comes
in, it is just an auxiliary to the intuition and deduction. Reason would
seem to reign, with experiment in the subordinate position of a trusted
advisor, at best.
Or so it would seem. But all is not well. The intuition that is at the
core of Descartes’ solution to the problem of particular natures and
corpuscular substructures at this time is profoundly mysterious. Can we
really intuit the nature of a natural power? The nature of light? Under-
standing deduction in the strict sense Descartes intends, can we really
deduce from these things that we are supposed to know the way in
which color arises in the rainbow from the passage of light from one
medium to another? As attractive as the view in the Regulae and Discours
15 AT VI 75. For a fuller account of the story, see D. Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics,
chapter 1.
descartes on knowledge and certainty 121
may seem to be at first glance, I find it ultimately very unsatisfying.
Though it promises to reveal the hidden nature of things, to make
occult qualities and hidden mechanisms manifest, the process by which
such hidden natures and mechanisms are supposed to be revealed, the
intuition and deduction to which Descartes appeals are themselves
hidden and occult in the extreme. This is particularly so when applied
to the knowledge of particular natures. And, I suspect, Descartes
himself came to realize that as well.
Our purpose is not to use these phenomena as the basis for proving anything
[ad aliquid probandum], for we aim to deduce an account of effects from their
causes, not to deduce an account of causes from their effects. The intention
is simply to direct our mind to a consideration of some effects rather than
122 method, order, and certainty
others from among the countless effects which we take to be producible from
the selfsame causes.16
Descartes here does admit that the properties of the magnet discov-
ered by experiment certainly do support the account he earlier gave of
the nature of the magnet on other grounds, and had he not had such
a priori grounds, the experimental fit would have sufficed. As in the
Discours and Essais, it does seem as if hypothetical argument is, at best,
a second-best form of argument, and, one might suppose, the appeal
to intuition is to be preferred.
But I think things are more complex than that. Indeed, there is very
good reason to believe that in the Principia, Descartes ends by com-
mitting himself to the very sort of hypothetical argument that he so
clearly rejected in his earlier writings.
Descartes turns to the question of the knowledge of particular
natures and corpuscular substructure at the very end of the book, in
Part IV. Descartes reminds us that on his view, bodies are made up of
small particles, corpuscles too small for us to see. “Who can doubt,” he
writes, “that there are many bodies so minute that we do not detect
them by any of our senses?”18 But, as Descartes realizes, this raises an
important epistemological question: “In view of the fact that I assign
determinate shapes, sizes, and motions to the imperceptible particles
of bodies just as if I had seen them, but nonetheless maintain that they
cannot be perceived, some people may be led to ask how I know what
In this way, the proof is stronger to the extent that the effects
explained were not known at the time that the hypothesis was first put
Descartes also notes the way in which he came to formulate the
hypotheses that he puts to the test. He writes:
In this matter I was greatly helped by considering artifacts. For I do not
recognize any difference between artifacts and natural bodies except that
the operations of artifacts are for the most part performed by mechanisms
which are large enough to be easily perceivable by the senses. . . . The effects
What Descartes is talking about here is not just the corpuscular sub-
structures of particular things, but also the general principles on which
they are based. But his remarks here would seem to hold true for the
particular substructures that Descartes is positing in the Principia.
Elsewhere still in the Principia Descartes takes a step beyond even
moral certainty when he suggests that the particular natures he posits
may well be false, however useful they may be as a guide to life. He
With regard to the things which cannot be perceived by the senses, it is enough to explain
their possible nature, even though their actual nature may be different. However,
although we can understand how all the things in nature could have arisen
in this way, it should not therefore be inferred that they were in fact made
in this way. Just as the same craftsman could make two clocks which tell the
time equally well and look completely alike from the outside but have com-
pletely different assemblies of wheels inside, so the supreme craftsman of the
real world could have produced all that we see in several different ways. . . .
I shall think that I have achieved enough provided only that what I have
written is such as to correspond accurately with all the phenomena of nature.
[French version: We shall achieve our aim irrespective of whether these
31 AT X 359, 362.
128 method, order, and certainty
which the mind is a part; and to this extent they are sufficiently clear and dis-
tinct. But I misuse them by treating them as reliable touchstones for imme-
diate judgments about the essential nature of the bodies located outside us;
yet this is an area where they provide only very obscure information.32
This, in a way, is the most that we can hope for from our hypotheses
about the inner nature of particular things as well, that they will provide
us predictions about what to expect in the world, and in that way, help
us to survive in this uncertain world; this is just what it means for a belief
to have moral certainty. But perhaps even this is too much to expect.
Descartes infers from his account of sensation that since it is given to
us as a guide of life, we know that it is, in a sense, trustworthy: “I know
that in matters regarding the well-being of the body, all my senses report
the truth much more frequently than not.”33 But we can’t even say
this about our conjectures about hidden natures; for all we know they
may be genuinely false. Nor does it really matter to us, as long as the
phenomena they entail constitute a reliable guide to life. Regarded
in this way, the hidden mechanism, the corpuscular substructure, the
real nature of a body has become a mere calculating device for pre-
dicting future phenomena, and lost the status of even being a candi-
date for knowledge or ignorance; all that really seems to count are the
The progression here is very significant. We began in the early
Regulae and the later Discours with certain knowledge, and progressed
in the Principia to mere moral certainty and genuine ignorance;
from the certainty of intuition to the lesser grade of certainty associ-
ated with the senses, good enough for guiding life, but not for finding
truth. But, at the same time, we also passed from a certain knowledge
of hidden natures, obtained through a hopelessly obscure cognitive
process (intuition), to a clear and manifest cognitive process (analogy
and hypothetical argument) that claims to give us not truth, but only
Why the change? In defending his use of hypothetical argument, it
is important to remember that Descartes can’t appeal to the need to
hide his views any more; he has made the decision to go public with
the foundations of his physics, and cannot use the need to hide them
as a justification for his use of this apparently inferior way of arguing.
One can only suppose that Descartes adopts hypothetical argument as
Individual Works
DM Leibniz, Discours de métaphysique. Found in G IV 427–63 and translated in L
Mon. Leibniz, Monodologie. Found in G VI 607–23 and translated in L 643–52.
PA Descartes, Les passions de l’âme. Found in AT XI 291–497.
Theod. Leibniz, Essais de theodicée. Found in G VI 21–471.
References to books and collections are given by volume (when appropriate) and page.
References to individual works are given by part (in the case of Pr) and section number.
Original language citations are given first, followed by an English translation in parentheses
when available.
134 mind, body, and the laws of nature
that bodily states can cause ideas, and that volitions can cause bodily
states. But this claim raises a number of serious questions. The most
obvious problem arises from the radical distinction that Descartes draws
between the two domains and from our difficulty in conceiving how two
sorts of things so different could ever interact with one another. As
the Princess Elisabeth complained to Descartes, “it is easier for me
to concede matter and extension to the mind than [it is for me to
concede] the capacity to move a body and to be affected by it to an
immaterial thing.”1 Though the story is complex, it is generally held
that this problem led later in the century to the doctrine of occasion-
alism, in which the causal link between mind and body was held to
be not a real efficient cause but an occasional cause. Thus, it was
claimed, it is God who causes ideas in minds on the occasion of
appropriate events in the material world and events in the material
world on the occasion of an appropriate act of will.2 The causal link
between mind and body remains but is reinterpreted as an occasional
causal link, a causal link mediated by God. But Descartes’ interaction-
ism raises another problem as well. For the seventeenth century, the
material world was thought to be governed by a network of physical
laws. But, it would seem, if the material world is governed by law, then
there can be no room for minds to act; if mind can be either the effi-
cient or the occasional cause of changes in the material world, then, it
would seem, physical laws must fail to hold in any system that contains
animate bodies, bodies under the influence of minds.3 Particularly vul-
nerable to such violations are the conservation laws, laws that stipulate
that certain physical quantities must remain constant over time, since
it is difficult to see how a mind could influence the course of the mate-
rial world, either by itself or with the intermediation of God, without
altering some physical magnitude. Leibniz seizes upon just this feature
of Descartes’ position in an argument intended to persuade us to reject
1 AT III 685.
2 The most prominent adherent of this position is, of course, Nicolas Malebranche. See his
The Search after Truth and Elucidations of the Search after Truth, ed. and trans. by Thomas
Lennon and Paul J. Olscamp (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1980), pp.
446–52 and 657–85; or Dialogues on Metaphysics, ed. and trans. by Willis Doney (New York:
Abaris Books, 1980), pp. 144–69.
3 In this essay, the term “animate body” will be used to designate any body related in an
appropriate way to a mind or soul, as, for example, the human body is for both Descartes
and Leibniz. This has the unfortunate consequence that on my somewhat special use of
the term Cartesian animals must be considered inanimate. But I could find no more natural
way of designating the special class of bodies with which I will be concerned in this essay.
descartes and leibniz 135
interactionism and accept his doctrine of pre-established harmony.
Leibniz argues:
M. Descartes wanted . . . to make a part of the action of the body depend on
the mind. He thought he knew a rule of nature which, according to him,
holds that the same quantity of motion is conserved in bodies. He did not
judge it possible that the influence of the mind could violate this law of
bodies, but he believed, however, that the mind could have the power to
change the direction of the motions which are in bodies. . . . [But] two impor-
tant truths on this subject have been discovered since M. Descartes. The first
is that the quantity of absolute force which, indeed, is conserved, is different
from the quantity of motion, as I have demonstrated elsewhere. The second
discovery is that the same direction is conserved among all of those bodies
taken together which one supposes to act on one another, however they may
collide. If this rule had been known to M. Descartes, he would have rendered
the direction of bodies as independent of the mind as their force. And
I believe that this would have led him directly to the hypothesis of pre-
established harmony, where these rules led me. Since beside the fact that the
physical influence of one of these substances on the other is inexplic-
able, I considered that the mind cannot act physically on the body without
completely disordering the laws of nature.4
4 Theod. 60–61. See also Mon. 80; G II 94 (M 117–18); G III 607 (L 655); G IV 497–98;
G VI 540 (L 587). The argument in these passages concerns only the metal causation of
physical events. Consequently, I will not discuss the problems raised by the physical causa-
tion of mental events.
136 mind, body, and the laws of nature
opposing conceptions of the laws of nature and of the place of mind
in the physical world.
5 Pr II 36. The conservation law is first stated in the ill-fated Le Monde. See AT XI 43.
6 This is the standard reading of Descartes’ law. It should be noted that my use of the term
“mass” here is anachronistic. Although it helps one to see the relations between Descartes’
incorrect law and later conservation principles, such as Leibniz’s, Descartes himself would
have given his law in terms of “size” rather than “mass.” For a discussion of some of the
further intricacies in interpreting Descartes’ conservation law, see Pierre Costabel, “Essai
critique sur quelques concepts de la mécanique cartésienne.” Archives internationales d’his-
toire des sciences, Vol. 20 (1967), pp. 235–52, esp. pp. 240–51. None of these questions of
interpretation are relevant to the use Leibniz makes of Descartes’ conservation law in the
argument under discussion, though.
descartes and leibniz 137
where velocity is understood as a vector quantity, speed and its direction.
Thus, the law of the conservation of momentum governs both the speed
and the directions that bodies have. So, for example, if a body moving
from right to left were to reverse its direction (because of a collision with
another body, say), then the conservation of momentum would require
that some other body or bodies (say, the body that had been hit) would
have to begin moving at an appropriate speed from left to right in order
to preserve the total momentum in the world.
Descartes’ conservation law is quite a different matter, though. Basic
to Descartes’ physics is a strict distinction between the motion or quan-
tity of motion a body has, and its determination as he calls it, roughly speak-
ing, the direction in which that body is moving.7 Now, even though this
distinction between (quantity of ) motion and determination does not
explicitly appear in any statement of Descartes’ conservation law, it is
clear both from the lack of any mention of determination in that law and
from the way Descartes actually applies the conservation law that it is
meant to govern the motion alone. Thus, for example, when discussing
impact, Descartes quite carefully separates out the two factors in the phys-
ical situation, using the conservation law only to determine the postcol-
lision speeds of the bodies in question.8 So, if in a system of bodies one
body changes its direction, then, as long as it maintains its original speed,
there is no change in the total quantity of motion; no compensatory
change in the direction of another body is required to satisfy Descartes’
law, as is the case with the conservation of momentum.9 In holding that
7 The distinction is most clearly drawn in Pr II 41. Once again, this is the standard reading.
Though it is sufficient for our purposes here, Descartes’ notion of determination is much
more complex than the simple equation of determination and direction would suggest. On
this, see Pierre Costabel, op. cit., 236–40; J. Ohana, “Note sur la théorie cartésienne de la
direction du mouvement,” Les Etudes philosophiques, Vol. 16 (1961), pp. 313–16; Ole
Knudsen and Kurt Pedersen, “The Link between ‘Determination’ and Conservation of
Motion in Descartes’ Dynamics,” Centaurus, Vol. 13 (1968–1969), pp. 183–86; A. I. Sabra,
Theories of Light from Descartes to Newton (London: Oldbourne Press, 1967), pp. 116–27; and
Alan Gabbey, “Force and Inertia in the Seventeenth Century: Descartes and Newton,” in
Stephen Gaukroger, ed., Descartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics (Sussex: Harvester
Press, 1980), pp. 230–320, esp. pp. 248–61.
8 See, e.g., Pr II 41; AT IV 185–86; AT VI 94, 97.
9 This is exactly the situation envisioned in Descartes’ infamous fourth rule of impact, given
in Pr II 49. According to that rule, if C is larger than B and if C, at rest, is hit by B, then
B will reverse its direction and rebound from the collision with exactly the speed with which
it originally approached C. Strictly speaking, though, even this very simple case would
require innumerable changes in the speeds and directions of other bodies in the system,
since the Cartesian world is a plenum.
138 mind, body, and the laws of nature
the conservation law does not govern the directions in which bodies
move, Descartes is not saying that direction is completely arbitrary. Both
(quantity of ) motion and direction are modes of body, and, as such,
neither will change without an appropriate cause.10 The point is just that
whatever causes might result in changes in direction, such changes in
direction are, by themselves, irrelevant to the law of the conservation of
motion. One can alter the directions in which bodies in the world move
as much as one like, and as long as the speeds remain unchanged, the
total quantity of motion will remain unaltered.
This feature of Descartes’ conservation law opens an obvious possi-
bility with respect to his account of mind-body interaction. Descartes
clearly held that minds can cause events in the physical world. And
it is also at least initially plausible to suppose, as Leibniz did, that
Descartes wanted such interaction to take place without violating his
conservation law. These two commitments can be easily reconciled,
given the particular conservation law that Descartes adopted. If we
suppose that mind acts on body by changing the direction in which some
piece of matter is moving without changing its speed, then the problem
is solved: mind can act on body without violating the conservation law.
Mind can thus fit into the gap left open in Descartes’ conservation law
and help to determine what that law makes no pretense of governing.
We will have to examine the textual evidence there is for attributing
this line of reasoning to Descartes. But it is a position that he could
have taken, and it is clearly the position that Leibniz thought that he
did take.
However, it is just as clear that this is a position that Leibniz does not
think Descartes is entitled to take. As the passage quoted above suggests,
Leibniz’s argument depends crucially on his refutation of Descartes’
conservation law and its replacement by two somewhat different con-
servation principles. The arguments are complex, and a full examina-
tion of them would take us far beyond the scope of this paper. Put
briefly, though, Leibniz was able to show that Descartes’ conservation
law has the absurd consequence that if it were the only law that bodies
in motion were constrained to observe, then it would be possible to
build a perpetual motion machine. More generally, he showed that in
body-body interactions (collisions, for example) governed only by the
principle of the conservation of quantity of motion, it is possible for
13 For the distinction between these two kinds of force, see GM VI 238–39 (L 439); GM VI
462; GM VI 495.
14 The theorem is stated in numerous places. See, e.g., Theod. 61; G II 94 (M 117–18); G
IV 497–98; GM VI 216–17 (NE 658); GM VI 227 (NE 667). A detailed argument is given
in the Dynamica, GM VI 496–500. The crucial lemmas are given on GM VI 440, where
Leibniz argues that “the same power [potentia] remains in any system of bodies not com-
municating with others” and concludes that, since the universe is such a system, “the same
power always remains in the universe.” This kind of argument is somewhat problematic
for Leibniz when applied to momentum, since it is difficult to see what sense he could
make of the speed of the center of mass of the universe as a whole. It should be noted
that “momentum” is not Leibniz’s term for the quantity at issue. Leibniz uses a number
of terms, sometimes “quantity of nisus” (GM VI 462), sometimes (quantity of ) “progress”
(GM VI 216–17 [NE 658]; GM VI 227 [NE 667]) but most often “direction,” “total direc-
tion,” or the like (Theod. 61; Mon. 80; G II 94 [M 117–18]; G III 607 [L 655]; G VI 540
[L 587]; G IV 497; etc.).
15 It seems as if this general kind of argument could have been used directly against Descartes’
conservation law to show that it, too, ought to govern directionality and not just speed.
Thus, Leibniz’s replacement of quantity of motion by vis viva as the physical magnitude
conserved is not, strictly speaking, relevant to the argument against interactionism.
descartes and leibniz 141
This argument quite effectively blocks the reasoning that Leibniz
attributed to Descartes. There is no room in Leibniz’s conception of
the material world for Cartesian minds to act. Cartesian interactionism
is impossible without a violation of what were for Leibniz the basic meta-
physical and physical laws that govern our world. This, Leibniz claims,
led him and would have led Descartes, if he had grasped the true laws
of nature, to reject interactionism and adopt the hypothesis of pre-
established harmony. The hypothesis of pre-established harmony is, of
course, one of Leibniz’s proudest inventions. In its strictest formula-
tion, it posits a perfect correspondence among the perceptions of all
monads. As such, it is intimately connected with Leibniz’s conception
of the world as a collection of monads that are, by their nature, inca-
pable of any genuine causal interaction.16 But Leibniz also formulates
the doctrine of pre-established harmony in a somewhat different way,
a way that can be understood, argued for, and adopted independently
of Leibniz’s idiosyncratic views about the ultimate nature of the world
and the ultimate reduction of material bodies to well-founded phe-
nomena grounded in a world of monads. In this version, the doctrine
of pre-established harmony is less a claim about the interrelations
among all created substances than it is a claim about two very special
ones, the human mind and the human body. In its less rigorous
formulation, the doctrine states simply that events in the mind and
those in the body correspond to one another not because of any
genuine causal link between the two, as Descartes held, and not because
of the intervening action of God, as the occasionalists would have
it, but because God, in the beginning, created mind and body inde-
pendent of one another in such a way that there would always be an
appropriate correspondence between what was going on in the one and
what was going on in the other. As Leibniz succinctly summarized his
If we posit the distinction between mind and body, their union can be
explained without the common hypothesis of influence, which cannot be
understood, and without the hypothesis of occasional causes, which summons
a deus ex machina. For GOD from the beginning so constituted both the
mind and the body at the same time, with such wisdom and such skill that
from the first constitution and essence of each, everything that comes about
This hypothesis, of course, deals neatly with the problem that had
worried so many about how things as different as minds and bodies
could be causally connected with one another. On Leibniz’s theory they
aren’t. But, in this respect, Leibniz’s theory is at best a small improve-
ment over occasionalism, substituting one large divine labor in creat-
ing mind and body in harmony with one another for numerous lesser
divine actions in coordinating the moment-by-moment states of the two.
The deeper differences between pre-established harmony and occa-
sionalist interactionism become clearer when we examine the problems
raised by physical law. Although occasionalism addresses the problem
of the mechanism of interaction, there is nothing in the occasionalist
position that bears on the problem of interactionist violations of phys-
ical law. For the occasionalist, just as for the direct interactionist, every
voluntary action would seem to violate some law of nature. Not so for
Leibniz’s pre-established harmony. If God can create a world in which
events in minds and bodies can correspond with one another in an
appropriate way without the necessity for either real or occasional
causal links, He can also create things in such a way that this corre-
spondence can take place without violating any of the laws that hold
universally in the physical realm. Thus, Leibniz wrote:
Minds follow their laws, which consist in a certain development of percep-
tions in accordance with goods and evils, and bodies also follow theirs, which
consist in the laws of motion. But these two things entirely different in kind
join together and correspond like two time-pieces perfectly well regulated to
the same time, even though perhaps of entirely different construction.18
17 C 521 (L 269). For other statements of this version of pre-established harmony, see,
e.g., DM 33; G II 57–58 (M 64–65); G II 112–14 (M 144–46); G IV 483–85 (L 457–58);
G IV 498–500 (L 459–60); G IV 520 (L 494); G VII 410–11 (L 710–11); etc.
18 G VI 541 (L 587).
descartes and leibniz 143
that the union of the mind with the machine of the body and the parts which
it contains and the action of one on the other consist only in that concomi-
tance which marks the admirable wisdom of the creator much better than
does any other hypothesis.19
19 G II 94–95 (M 118). See also Mon. 78; Theod. 62; G II 71 (M 87); G II 74 (M 92); G II
205–6; G IV 484 (L 458); G IV 559–60 (L 577–78); G V 455 (NE 553); G VI 599 (L 637);
G VII 412 (L 712); G VII 419 (L 716–17). These passages make it evident just how deeply
Leibniz was influenced by the materialism of Hobbes and the dual aspect theory of
Spinoza. In these passages, Leibniz emphasizes that every event in the material world has
an explanation in terms of the laws of physics alone.
20 For the classic examination of this objection to dualist interactionism from a purely philo-
sophical point of view, see C. D. Broad, Mind and Its Place in Nature (London: K. Paul,
Trench, Trubner and Co., 1925), pp. 103–9.
144 mind, body, and the laws of nature
universality of natural law in this sense and attributed the same belief
to Descartes, claiming that this commitment forced Descartes to hold
that minds can change only the directions in which bodies move and
not their speeds. But curiously enough, even though Leibniz was well
versed in the Cartesian corpus, he refers to no passages from Descartes’
writings to support those attributions. Nor could he have. For a close
examination of Descartes’ writings gives us good reason to believe that
he never held the positions that Leibniz attributed to him, either the
change-of-direction account of mind-body interaction or the universal-
ity of the laws of motion.21
Let us begin with the change-of-direction account of mind-body
interaction. The most striking evidence against the claim that Descartes
held such a position is the simple fact that nowhere in what currently
survives of Descartes’ writings do we find anything like a clear statement
of the account that Leibniz attributed to him; nowhere did he ever say
that he held that minds can only change the direction in which bodies
move. Typically when presenting his position he is content to assert
simply that mind can cause motion in bodies. For example, Descartes
wrote the following passage in a letter to the Princess Elisabeth in the
context of an explanation of the primitive notion we have of the union
of mind and body:
As regards mind and body together, we have only the notion of their union,
on which depends our notion of the mind’s power to move the body [la force
qu’a l’ame de mouuoir le corps], and the body’s power to act on the mind and
cause sensations and passions.22
21 Although not generally recognized, this feature of Cartesian thought has been pointed
out from time to time, only to be forgotten and then rediscovered by successive genera-
tions of scholars. On this, see Octave Hamelin, Le Système de Descartes (Paris: Librairie Félix
Alcan, 1911), pp. 372–73; Jean Laporte, Le Rationalisme de Descartes (Paris: Presses Uni-
versitaires de France, 1950), pp. 245–48; Norman Kemp Smith, Studies in the Cartesian
Philosophy (London: Macmillan, 1902), p. 83 n.2; Geneviève Rodis-Lewis (ed.), Descartes:
Passions de l’Ame (Paris: J. Vrin, 1970), p. 92 n.1. The most recent rediscovery is in Peter
Remnant, “Descartes: Body and Soul,” Canadian Journal of Philosphy, Vol. 9 (1979), pp.
377–86. Needless to say, there is substantial overlap between my argument in this section
and the arguments presented in the other commentaries cited. However, the continued
unfamiliarity of this point plus the new bits of evidence I have found make it worthwhile
to review the case for this interpretation once again.
22 AT III 665.
descartes and leibniz 145
evident experience, without the need of any reasoning or comparison with
anything else.23
The force moving [a body] [vis . . . mouens] can be that of God Himself . . .
or also that of a created substance, like our mind, or that of some other
thing to which He gave the force of moving a body [cui vim dederit corpus
23 AT V 222.
24 AT V 403–4. This passage will be discussed in greater detail below.
25 On the direct connection between the mind and the pineal gland, see, e.g., PA 31; AT
VII 86, AT XI 176–77, 183. It should also be noted that, in addition to the direct con-
nection between mind and body, Descartes also holds that by virtue of being directly con-
nected to the pineal gland the mind is indirectly connected to the human body as a whole.
See, e.g., PA 30. Margaret Wilson sees these as two opposing conceptions of mind-body
unity. See her Descartes (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978), pp. 204–20. I see the
two conceptions as perfectly consistent and, in fact, complementary, as their juxtaposition
in PA 30–31 suggests. Though I quote exclusively from the PA in discussing the action of
the mind on the pineal gland, Descartes also discusses this question in the earlier Traité
de l’Homme. But the discussions there are much less useful for our purposes. Most of the
discussions that deal with the pineal gland deal with its role in sensation. See, e.g., AT XI
143–46, 176–77, 181, 183. And when volition is discussed in l’Homme, Descartes gives
almost no detail as to how mind actually manipulates the pineal gland. See, e.g., AT XI
131–32, 179.
146 mind, body, and the laws of nature
successively in different directions [vers divers costez].”26 Similarly, in
talking about the opposition between the mind and the animal spirits,
a bodily substance also capable of moving the pineal gland and, in so
doing, causing both passions and involuntary movement of the body,
Descartes notes that the pineal gland “can be pushed in one direction
[poussée d’un costé ] by the mind, and in another by the animal spirits.”27
But there is nothing to suggest that the only way that the mind acts in
the pineal gland is by changing the direction of its motion. In the Pas-
sions, Descartes often says simply that the pineal gland “can be moved
in different manners by the mind [diversement meuë par l’ame]” or that
a volition of the mind can “make the small gland to which it is closely
joined move in the manner [façon] that is required to produce the
effect which corresponds to that volition.”28 These passages suggest that
the mind can alter the state of the pineal gland in ways other than by
changing its direction.
Descartes’ casual talk of mind simply moving body, both in strict and
technical writings and in looser, nontechnical writings, together with
the lack of any clear positive statement of the change-of-direction
account is evidence enough against Leibniz’s attribution. But, in addi-
tion, there are some passages among Descartes’ writings whose sense
seems to run directly contrary to the account that Leibniz attributes to
Descartes. Consider, for example, some passages of the Passions in
which the mind is said to act on the pineal gland in ways that appear
difficult to reconcile with the change-of-direction account of interac-
tion. Descartes discusses in the Passions the circumstance in which the
animal spirits are moving the gland in such a way as to cause in the
mind a desire for something that the mind wants to avoid, as, for
example, when the animal spirits, stirred up by the sight and smell of
a glass of fine wine, cause the gland to move in such a way as to implant
the passion of desire for the wine in the mind at the same time that the
mind wills that the body abstain. Descartes analyzes this familiar situa-
tion as a struggle (combat) “between the effort by which the [animal]
spirits push the gland to cause the desire for something in the mind,
and that by which the mind pushes it back by the volition it has to avoid
that same thing.”29 Descartes gives a similar account of the conflict
30 PA 43.
31 For a discussion of the scholastic theory of gravity and Descartes’ rejection of it, in the
context of his rejection of substantial forms, see Etienne Gilson, Etudes sur le Rôle de la
Pensée Médiévale dans la Formation du Système Cartésien (Paris: J. Vrin, 1930), pp. 141–90.
148 mind, body, and the laws of nature
difficult for us to understand how mind moves body than it is for them [to
understand] how this heaviness bears a stone downwards.32
cannot add motion. See Clerselier to de La Forge, 4 December 1660, in Clerselier, ed.,
Lettres de Mr. Descartes, Vol. III (Paris: 1667), pp. 640–46. I have not been able to examine
Kemp Smith’s citation. But it is interesting to note that in the letter Gabbey cites
Clerselier does not explicitly attribute the change-of-direction account to Descartes. Fur-
thermore, the grounds on which Clerselier advances the claim involve a significant depar-
ture from Descartes’ thought on motion and determination. Clerselier’s argument
depends on the claim that to create a motion requires as much power as to create matter
itself, whereas determination “n’adjoûte rien de réel dans la Nature” and can thus be manip-
ulated by finite minds (Clerselier, loc. cit., pp. 641–43). But this contradicts what Descartes
wrote to Clerselier in a letter 15 years earlier, a letter that Clerselier published in Volume
I of his edition of Descartes’ correspondence. Descartes wrote:
It is necessary to consider two different modes in motion: one is the motion alone, or
the speed, and the other is the determination of this motion in a particular direction,
which two modes change with equal difficulty. (AT IV 185)
Thus, the Clerselier letter of 1660 gives us no grounds for attributing the change-of-
direction account to Descartes himself.
36 This, in essence, is Broad’s response to the objection. See C. D. Broad, op. cit., pp. 107–9.
descartes and leibniz 151
beginning created matter along with motion and rest, and now, through
His ordinary concourse alone, conserves just as much motion and rest
in the whole of it as He put there at that time.”37 It is hard to see how
God could conserve “just as much motion and rest” as He initially
created if minds are allowed to add and subtract motion from the world
literally at will. But when Descartes is being especially careful, he seems
to allow that his conservation law may admit of some exceptions. As I
will discuss in some detail below, Descartes’ conservation law follows
from the immutability of God. Thus Descartes writes just a few lines fol-
lowing the passage just quoted:
Therefore, except for changes [in quantity of motion] which evident experience or
divine revelation render certain, and which we perceive or believe to happen
without any change in the Creator, we ought not to suppose that there are
any other changes in His works, lest from that we can argue for an incon-
stancy in Him.38
Here Descartes clearly admits that there can be violations of the conser-
vation law, circumstances in which motion is added or taken away. The
reference to divine revelation suggests that some such violations might
arise from miracles. But Descartes also makes reference to violations that
“evident experience . . . renders certain.” an obvious suggestion as to
what Descartes has in mind here is the ability that the human mind has
to set the human body in motion, which, as he told Arnauld, “is shown
to us every day by the most certain and most evident experience.”39 This
natural reading is confirmed a few pages later in the Principia, where
Descartes is discussing his third law of motion, a law explicitly governed
by the conservation law, in which Descartes sets out the general features
of his account of impact. Descartes writes:
And all of the particular causes of the changes which happen to bodies are
contained in this third law, at least insofar as they are corporeal; for we are not
inquiring into whether or how human or angelic minds have the force [vis]
to move bodies.40
This is, to be sure, something less than a clear and positive statement
that minds can cause violations in the laws of nature. But, together with
the lack of any attempt to reconcile interactionism with his conserva-
tion law, these passages suggest that in the Principia Descartes, at very
41 There is one passage in Le Monde that seems to contradict this interpretation. In chapter
VII of that work, after having given the laws of motion and having claimed that these laws
suffice for an “a priori demonstration of everything that can be produced” in the new
world that Descartes is building in Le Monde (At XI 47), Descartes says:
And finally, so that there will be no exceptions which prevent [such a priori demon-
strations], we shall add to our assumptions, if it pleases you, that God will produce no
miracles, and that the intelligences or rational minds, which we might assume below
[in the Traité de l’Homme], will not disrupt the ordinary course of nature in any way.
(AT XI 48)
This might be read as a denial that God can perform miracles or that minds can interfere
in the “ordinary course of nature” in any way. But given what Descartes says about mind-
body interaction elsewhere, it is more reasonable to read this as a simplifying assumption
known to be false but helpful in simplifying the initial presentation of the mechanist world
that Descartes intended to give in Le Monde.
descartes and leibniz 153
Thus, it seems, the difference between Descartes’ interactionism and
Leibniz’s pre-established harmony comes down to a more basic differ-
ence with respect to the scope of physical law. This, however, raises still
deeper questions. First of all, there is the question of the coherence of
Descartes’ own position. Is the position that the texts suggest consistent
with Descartes’ otherwise mechanistic world view? Can the exclusion of
animate bodies from the laws of the material world be anything but
arbitrary? And, second, there are arguments of Leibniz’s to deal with.
Leibniz took it for granted that the laws of nature apply to animate
bodies. Are Leibniz’s reasons for holding this position binding on
Descartes as well? In the argument I presented at the beginning of this
essay, Leibniz attempts to trace Descartes’ interactionism to a relatively
uncontroversial and straightforward mistake about the true laws of
motion. The argument I offered in the previous section suggests that
Leibniz’s argument may not be applicable to the position that Descartes
actually held. But Descartes’ position may still rest on a mistake, a
mistake different from the one that Leibniz attributes to him, to be
sure, a mistake about the scope of physical law rather than its content,
but a mistake nevertheless. We must, then, explore whether there is
some unobjectionable way for Descartes to exclude animate bodies
from the scope of physical law.
One place we might begin is with Descartes’ discussion of the union
of mind and body. In an interesting essay, the only discussion of this
question that I known of in the literature, Peter Remnant attempts
to link the exclusion of animate bodies from the laws of motion to the
discussion of mind-body unity and interaction found in Descartes’
celebrated correspondence with Elisabeth.42 Remnant notes that for
Descartes the world of created things is understood through three dis-
tinct primitive notions, the notions of extension, thought, and the
union of mind and body. Descartes writes to Elisabeth that
there are in us certain primitive notions which are as it were models on which
all our other knowledge is patterned. . . . As regards body in particular, we
have only the notion of extension which entails the notions of shape and
motion; and as regards soul in particular, we have only the notion of thought.
. . . Finally, as regards soul and body together, we have only the notion of their
union, on which depends our notion of the soul’s power [force] to move the
body, and the body’s power to act on the soul and cause sensations and
42 See op. cit. 43 AT III 665. Quoted in Remnant, op. cit., p. 382.
154 mind, body, and the laws of nature
These notions are primitive in the sense that they must be grasped one
by one, apart from all other notions, and cannot be explicated in terms
of one another. As Descartes wrote:
44 AT III 665–66. Quoted in Remnant, op. cit., p. 383. 45 Remant, op. cit., p. 383.
46 Ibid., pp. 384–85. Remnant, like most commentators, is too quick to trust Descartes’
answer to Elisabeth here. On this point, see my essay, “Understanding Interaction: What
Descartes Should Have Told Elisabeth,” essay 8 in this volume.
descartes and leibniz 155
Remnant’s account of the matter has the ring of truth. Descartes
does, indeed, treat the union of mind and body almost as if it were a
separate substance, and it is plausible to suppose that he thought of the
animate body as satisfying laws different from the ones that inanimate
bodies satisfy.47 But this cannot be the whole story. Surely, some of the
laws applicable to inanimate bodies are also applicable to bodies united
to minds. Surely, the geometrical properties of the pineal gland are the
same, whether that gland is connected to a mind or not. Surely, a living
human being can no more be in two places at the same time than can
a corpse. And surely, although the mind enables us to do much that
cannot be done in inanimate nature, it does not allow us to create a
vacuum in Descartes’ world. Thus, even though animate bodies may be
exempt from the laws of motion, there are many other laws that all
bodies must obey, even those that are behaving qua animated, to use
Remnant’s phrase. And this raises a basic question: What specifically is
it about the laws that govern motion that exempts the union of mind
and body from their scope? Why are the laws that govern shape, for
example, one mode of extension, greater in scope than the laws that
govern motion, another mode of extension? The arbitrariness still
remains on Remnant’s account; there still seems no reason why
Descartes can exclude animate bodies from the laws of motion. If there
is any reason why animate bodies can violate the laws that hold for
inanimate nature, it must concern not only the doctrine of primitive
notions that Descartes expounds to Elisabeth but also his conception
of the laws of motion. And if there is any way that Descartes can
sustain his position against Leibniz’s claims, it must be found in the dif-
ferent accounts of those laws that the two philosopher-scientists offer.
Thus, we must for the moment turn away from minds and bodies and
investigate the ways in which Descartes and Leibniz treat the laws of
For Leibniz, the laws of motion, like every other contingent feature
of this world, are grounded in God. In particular, they are grounded in
God’s ends, in his decision to create the best of all possible worlds.
Leibniz writes:
47 On the mind-body union as a substance distinct from mind and body, see, e.g., Geneviève
Rodis-Lewis, L’Oeuvre de Descartes (Paris: J. Vrin, 1971), Vol. I, pp. 352–54, and the refer-
ences cited in Vol. II, p. 543 n. 29. Rodis-Lewis is quite correct to reject the claim that
Descartes thought of the union of mind and body as a distinct substance, but Descartes’
frequent use of the notion of “substantial union” in connection with the mind and body
(AT VII 228; AT III 493; AT III 508; etc.) does suggest something of the sort.
156 mind, body, and the laws of nature
. . . The true physics should in fact be derived from the source of the divine
perfections. It is God who is the ultimate reason of things and the knowledge
of God is no less the source of sciences [principe des sciences] than His essence
and His will are the source of beings. . . . Far from excluding final causes and
the consideration of a being who acts with wisdom, it is from these that every-
thing must be derived in physics. . . . I agree that the particular effects of
nature can and ought to be explained mechanically, though without forget-
ting their admirable ends and uses, which providence has known how to con-
trive. But the general principles of physics and mechanics themselves depend
on the action of a sovereign intelligence and cannot be explained without
taking it into consideration.48
The supreme wisdom of God has made Him choose especially those laws
of motion which are best adjusted and most fitted to abstract or metaphysical
reasons. There is conserved the same quantity of total and absolute force,
or of action; also the same quantity of relative force, or of reaction; and
finally, the same quantity of directive force. Furthermore, action is always
equal to reaction, and the entire effect is equivalent to its full cause. It is
surprising that no reason can be given for the laws of motion which
have been discovered in our own time . . . by a consideration of efficient
causes or of matter alone. For I have found that we must have recourse
to final causes and that these laws do not depend upon the principle of neces-
sity, as do the truths of logic, arithmetic, and geometry, but upon the prin-
ciple of fitness [principe de la convenance], that is to say, upon the choice of
Now, since nothing can happen which is not according to order, it can be
said that miracles are as much subject to order as are natural operations and
that the latter are called natural because they conform to certain subordi-
nate maxims which we call the nature of things. For we may say that this
nature is merely a custom of God’s with which He can dispense for any reason
stronger than that which moved Him to use these maxims.51
If a miracle differs from what is natural only in appearance and with respect
to us, so that we call a miracle only that which we seldom see, there will be
no internal real difference between a miracle and what is natural, and at the
bottom every thing will be either equally natural or equally miraculous. Will
divines like the former, or philosophers the latter? . . . In good philosophy
and sound theology we ought to distinguish between what is explicable by
the natures and powers of creatures and what is explicable only by the powers
of the infinite substance. We ought to make an infinite difference between
the operation of God, which goes beyond the extent of natural powers, and
the operations of things that follow the law which God has given them, and
50 For a discussion of the contingency of the laws of nature in Leibniz, see Margaret Wilson,
“Leibniz’s Dynamics and Contingency in Nature,” in P. K. Machamer and R. G. Turnbull,
eds., Motion and Time, Space and Matter (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press,
1976), pp. 264–89; reprinted in R. S. Woolhouse, ed., Leibniz: Metaphysics and Philosophy
of Science (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp. 119–38.
51 DM 7. See also Theod. 207; G II 41 (M 44–45); G II 51 (M 57); G II 92–93 (M 115–16).
Leibniz claims that the supernatural order that governs miraculous violations of the laws
of nature is beyond our comprehension in DM 16 and in G III 353.
158 mind, body, and the laws of nature
which He has enabled them to follow by their natural powers, though not
without His assistance.52
So, even though God can violate natural law for the sake of a higher
order, for the sake of supernatural law, nothing in nature can. These sub-
ordinate laws govern nature as a whole and without exception, save for
the extraordinary (and infrequent) interference of God.
This conception of natural law and its place in the order that God
imposes on nature has important consequences for Leibniz’s account
of mind and its relation to body. By the argument sketched in section
1, if mind could act on body, either directly or through the intermedi-
ation of God, then bodies animated by rational minds would violate
the laws that govern inanimate bodies. Now, such violations are by no
means impossible, even if the laws that God imposed on matter are uni-
versal in scope and make no distinction between animate and inani-
mate matter. But, if God’s laws are universal in that sense, as Leibniz
almost always assumes, then any such violations would be miraculous,
even if such violations occurred in an entirely lawlike and regular way.
Thus Leibniz writes:
. . . The common system [i.e., direct interactionism] has recourse to
absolutely inexplicable influences, while in the system of occasional causes
God is compelled at every moment, by a kind of general law and as if by
compact, to change the natural course of the thoughts of the soul to adapt
them to the impressions of the body and to interfere with the natural course
of bodily movements in accordance with the volitions of the soul. This can
only be explained by a perpetual miracle.53
52 G VII 416–17 (L 715). See also G II 93 (M 116); G IV 520 (L 494). Leibniz sometimes
also suggests a more epistemic definition of a miracle as “a divine act which transcends
human comprehension.” See C 508–9; G III 353.
53 G VI 541 (L 587). See also Theod. 207; G II 57–58 (M 65); G II 94 (M 117–18);
G III 354. It should be noted that Leibniz recognizes a number of senses in which
interactionism, particularly of the occasionalist variety, involves perpetual miracles. See
M. Gueroult, Malebranche (Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1955–1959), Vol. II, pp. 241–53.
descartes and leibniz 159
any other explanation drawn from the order or secondary causes is, properly
speaking, to have recourse to miracle. In philosophy we must try to give a
reason which will show how things are brought about by the Divine Wisdom,
in conformity with the notion of the subject in question.54
So, if the laws of motion that God decreed are universal and make
no distinction between human being and stone, then order and per-
fection, not to mention good scientific method, require that we reject
the hypothesis of interaction as miraculous. But, one might ask, how
does Leibniz know that the laws of motion are universal? Surely, God
could have set things up in such a way that animate bodies followed
different laws from bare matter, so that it would be a law of nature that
when a mind has an appropriate volition, the animate body to which it
is attached is exempted from laws that otherwise govern its behavior.
One might suggest, for example, that the laws of nature are hierarchi-
cal, as it were, that the laws of physics are dominated by the psy-
chophysical laws of mind-body interaction in the same way that, for
Leibniz, the totality of laws of nature are dominated by the supernat-
ural laws that govern God’s activity and in accordance with which He
can suspend the laws of nature to satisfy higher laws.56 What is wrong
with such a conception of natural law? Although Leibniz usually takes
the universality of physical law for granted, rarely arguing the point
explicitly, Leibniz has an answer to this question. From Leibniz’s point
of view, though such a hierarchical world is possible, such a world is less
Thus, it is necessary to judge that among the general rules which are not
absolutely necessary, God chooses those which are the most natural, those
which are the easiest to account for and which also serve to account for other
things. This is doubtless most beautiful and pleasing, and were the system of
pre-established harmony not otherwise necessary to eliminate superfluous mir-
acles, God would have chosen it, since it is the most harmonious [system].
The ways of God are the most simple and the most uniform: They are to choose the
rules which limit one another least. They are also the most fruitful with respect
to the simplicity of means. . . . One can, indeed, reduce these two conditions,
simplicity and fruitfulness, to a single advantage, which is to produce as much
perfection as is possible. . . . But even if the effect were supposed greater, but
the means less simple, I think that one could say that all and all, the effect
itself would be less great, counting not only the final effect but also the
mediate effect. Thus those who are wisest act, as much as possible, so that
the means are, in a way, ends as well, that is to say, desirable not only for what
58 Theod. 208; emphasis added. The argument is also suggested in G II 94–95 (M 118) and
G III 340–41.
59 G II 94 (M 118).
162 mind, body, and the laws of nature
led him from interactionism to pre-established harmony, would have
moved Descartes little, if at all. For Descartes, the immensity and incom-
prehensibility of God preclude any appeal to such reasoning to estab-
lish the laws that govern the material world. Thus Descartes wrote in
response to Gassendi:
Although in Ethics, where it is often permissible to use a conjecture, it is
sometimes pious to consider what end we can conjecture for God to have set
out for Himself in ruling the universe, this is certainly out of place in Physics,
where everything ought to shine with the firmest reasons. Neither can we
pretend that some of God’s ends are better displayed to us than others; for
all [of God’s ends] are hidden in the same way in the abyss of His inscrutable
65 Pr II 39. See also the parallel passage in Le Monde, AT XI 44. The argument is somewhat
more complex than the brief exposition I have given suggests. Since each moment
is without duration, there can be no motion, strictly speaking, at any given moment, as
Descartes fully realized. See, e.g., Pr II 39; AT II 215. What is preserved from one moment
to the next, then, cannot be motion itself but the tendency or inclination to motion. And,
Descartes would have had to have held, in order to preserve the tendency to motion from
one moment to the next, God would have to create the moving body at a somewhat dif-
ferent place from one moment to the next if this tendency is ever to result in any actual
motion. On the notion of momentary tendency to motion, Descartes’ need for such a
notion, and the problems it raises for his metaphysics, see, e.g., F. Alquié, ed., Oeuvres
Philosophiques de Descartes (Paris: Garnier Frères, 1963–1973), Vol. I, p. 359 n. 1; Thomas
L. Prendergast, “Motion, Action, and Tendency in Descartes’ Physics,” Journal of the History
of Philosophy, Vol. 13 (1975), pp. 453–62; and Martial Gueroult, “The Metaphysics and
Physics of Force in Descartes,” trans. in Stephen Gaukroger, ed., Descartes: Philosophy, Math-
ematics and Physics, pp. 196–229. Gueroult’s final judgment is that “instantaneous moving
force, the distinction between the instant of motion and the instant of rest, . . . pose[s] an
insoluble problem for Cartesian metaphysics” (p. 222).
66 Peter Machamer argues that, whatever Descartes’ intentions were, final causes inevitably
creep into his derivation of the laws of nature. See his “Causality and Explanation in
Descartes’ Natural Philosophy,” in P. K. Machamer and R. G. Turnbull, eds., op. cit., pp.
168–99. Although I think that Descartes can be defended on this point, it is beyond the
scope of this essay to do so. What is important in this context is simply how Descartes con-
ceived of his enterprise.
descartes and leibniz 165
immediate activity of God has important consequences for the way in
which he conceives of mind in the context of the order of nature. The
conservation law is, for Descartes, a law that follows out of the way in
which God acts as an efficient cause of motion. As an efficient cause
of motion, He must, by virtue of His nature, act in such a way as to
preserve the same quantity of motion from moment to moment. But,
Descartes says, although God is the “universal and primary” cause of
motion,67 He is not the only cause. As he wrote to More:
The translation which I call motion, is a thing of no less entity than shape: it
is a mode in a body. The force moving [a body] can be that of God Himself
conserving the same amount of translation in matter as He put in it in the
first moment of creation; or also [it can be] that of a created substance, like
our mind, or that of some other thing to which He gave the force of moving
a body.68
Now, when God causes motion, the motion He causes must observe the
conservation law. But there is no reason at all to impose similar con-
straints on finite and imperfect causes of motion. That is, even though
finite, imperfect minds may act in some law like way, deriving from their
finite and imperfect natures, the motion they cause need not satisfy the
conservation principle. They may add or subtract motion from the world,
even if God cannot. To suppose that they do argues for no change in God
Himself and does not give us grounds for imputing an “inconstancy in
Him.”69 Thus, it seems, there is nothing arbitrary or inconsistent with
Descartes’ principles to suppose that animate bodies, bodies capable of
being acted upon by minds, can violate the conservation principle. Such
bodies stand, as it were, outside the world of purely mechanical nature.
The conservation principle governs only purely material systems in nature,
systems in which God is the only cause of motion.70
67 Pr II 36.
68 AT V 403–4. This position is not without its problems. This passage puts the activity of
mind in causing motion on a par with that of God. But, surely, however minds cause
motion, they do not do it as God does, by way of a continual re-creation. In fact, it seems
difficult to see how the mental causation of motion could be reconciled with the contin-
ual recreation pricture at all. Malebranche seizes on exactly this problem, using it to push
Descartes to occasionalism in the seventh of his Dialogues on Metaphysics. There is no reason
to believe, though, that Descartes was aware of this difficulty with his position.
69 Pr II 36.
70 The precise wording in the letter to More quoted above (“the force . . . can be that of God
Himself conserving the same amount of translation in matter as He put in it in the first
moment of creation”) suggests a somewhat different conclusion from the one I have
166 mind, body, and the laws of nature
It should be clear by now that Descartes’ interactionism rests on no
simple mistake, either about the content or the scope of physical law.
Because of his general rejection of final courses in physics, he has a
defense against the arguments from the principle of perfection that led
Leibniz to pre-established harmony.71 And because of his conception of
drawn. Read literally, it seems to say that what is conserved from moment to moment is
precisely the quantity of matter that God put into the world at the beginning, implying that,
even if minds could add motion in one moment, God would simply fail to preserve it in
the next. If this were Descartes’ position, then even though minds could, in a sense, cause
motion, the motion would not persist; the conservation principle would govern all bodies,
animate and inanimate, with the exception of momentary lapses. But there is no reason
to attribute such a strange position to Descartes. The position that the literal reading of
that sentence suggests is inconsistent with the account of God’s continuous re-creation of
the world given in the context of Descartes’ derivation of the laws of motion, in accor-
dance with which “[God] conserves [motion] just as it is at the moment in which it is
being conserved, without regard to what it was a bit before” (Pr II 39; see also AT XI 44).
For God to destroy motion added by mind would require Him to “remember” how much
motion there was at the beginning in deciding how much to create at the next moment.
Given the central role that this conception of continuous re-creation plays in the deriva-
tion of the laws of motion, it seems most likely that Descartes’ remarks to More are not
meant to be read so literally.
71 There is reason to believe that Descartes may have been explicitly aware that there is some
connection between the admission of final causes, the claim that God created the most
perfect world, and a position much like Leibniz’s pre-established harmony. In a remark-
able but almost entirely unnoticed passage, Descartes wrote:
It is a strong conjecture to affirm anything which, if assumed, would make God under-
stood as being greater or the world as being more perfect: as, for example, that the
determination of our will to local motion always coincides with a corporeal cause deter-
mining motion; that miracles are always consistent with natural causes, etc. (AT XI
The passage is found in a series of gleanings from Descartes’ manuscripts preserved
among Leibniz’s papers. This portion of the manuscript is entitled “Annotations which
Descartes seems [videtur] to have written in [or, on] his Principia Philosophiae” and may, I
suspect, have been marginalia in Descartes’ own copy. For a brief account of the manu-
scripts and their history, see AT X 207–10. The remark quoted is the second in a series
of discrete paragraphs. The paragraph preceding the quote can plausibly be read as a
comment on Pr I 26, and the paragraphs succeeding the quote link up naturally with Pr
I 30, Pr I 30, Pr I 31, Pr I 33, Pr I 37, and so on in order. This suggests that the text quoted
may well be a comment on Pr I 28, a passage quoted above in which Descartes explicitly
rejects the appeal to God’s purposes in particular and final causes in general. This, in
turn, suggests that Descartes thought that if his strictures against final causes were lifted,
then pre-established harmony would be a reasonable position to adopt. Although this
passage indicates that Descartes may have been aware of some connection between a
version of pre-established harmony and the appeal to God as the creator of the best of all
possible worlds, it gives us no reason to believe that Descartes was aware of the full posi-
tion, as Leibniz develops it, nor does it give us any indication as to how precisely Descartes
saw the connection between the claim that the world is perfect and the claim that “the
determination of our volition to local motion always coincides with a corporeal cause
descartes and leibniz 167
the laws of motion as deriving from the action of God as an efficient
cause of motion, Descartes can exempt animate bodies from the laws
that govern inanimate bodies in motion in a coherent and nonarbitrary
way and allow mind to affect the behavior of body. Descartes’ interac-
tionism thus rests reasonably secure against Lebniz’s attack. This is an
interesting conclusion in and of itself. But, I think, the defense I have
sketched gives something even more interesting, an insight into the
real differences that separate Descartes’ and Leibniz’s positions. What
forces Leibniz to reject interactionism and to adopt pre-established
harmony is the fact that for him mind is an integral part of a world
governed by principles of order, overarching metaphysical principles
decreed by a wise and benevolent God. In Leibniz’s best of all possible
worlds, simplicity and tidiness dictate that the laws of nature that God
decreed must, miracles aside, govern all bodies, both animate and
inanimate, thus ruling out any variety of interactionism. For Descartes,
though, the wisdom of God is beyond our reach; simplicity and order
are just not at issue. The laws of motion are not, for Descartes, prin-
ciples of order that God imposes on the world but, rather, a direct
consequence of the laws that God Himself obeys as one of a number
of possible causes of motion in the world. Because mind is a cause of
motion that lies outside the scope of the laws that govern God’s activity,
Descartes can maintain his interactionism in spite of Leibniz’s argu-
ment. What explains Leibniz’s rejection of interactionism, then, can
be no simple discovery that Descartes’ conservation law is wrong, as
Leibniz seems to have believed. Rather, what separates Leibniz’s
account of the relation between mind and body from Descartes’ is
something much deeper and more significant, a change in the place of
mind in the natural order of things, a change motivated by a funda-
mental shift in the very conception of what a law of nature is and how
it derives from God.
determining motion.” However, the fact that this passage was preserved in a copy Leibniz
made during his crucial stay in Paris in 1672–1676, before Leibniz’s mature system
emerged, suggests that Leibniz’s contact with Descartes’ thought may have played some
role in the formulation of the doctrine of pre-established harmony.
1 This standard account dates back to the seventeenth century. For an account of this reading
in the texts of Spinoza, Leibniz, and Malebranche, see, e.g., Jean Laporte, Le Rationalisme
understanding interaction 169
This general outline can (and has) been challenged; the actual
history of philosophy is much richer than any of its rationalized
reconstructions. Sympathetic commentators usually call attention to an
important pair of letters that Descartes wrote to the Princess Elisabeth
in 1643,2 where Descartes takes up just this question, the intelligibility
of mind-body interaction, and offers a philosophically interesting and
sophisticated account of why he thinks that the notion of mind-body
interaction is perfectly intelligible on its own terms, and why it neither
needs nor admits of clarification.3
Now, the letters to Elisabeth are carefully thought out responses to
the very questions that troubled later philosophers about Descartes’
view, and as such, they deserve careful study. But there is a curious
difficulty in using these letters as the key to Descartes’ position. No one
seems to have noticed that Descartes is just not entitled to the answer
he gives Elisabeth; despite Descartes’ clear endorsement, the answer
he gives Elisabeth is blatantly inconsistent with other well entrenched
aspects of the Cartesian system.
The defense of this claim will be the central task of this essay. I
shall begin with an exposition of the account Descartes gives of mind-
body interaction in the letters he wrote to Elisabeth in May and June
of 1643, letters that form the first line of defense for Descartes’ inter-
actionism among those commentators who are committed to defend-
ing Descartes’ position. After a short digression on a curious analogy
Descartes makes between his position and the Scholastic account of
heaviness and free fall, I shall examine Descartes’ answer to Elisabeth
in some detail, and argue that it is inconsistent with the foundations
Descartes gives to his theory of motion. Finally, I shall attempt to sketch
out an answer that Descartes could have given to Elisabeth in 1643, an
answer that seems both philosophically interesting, and consistent with
the rest of his writings.
de Descartes (Paris, 1950), pp. 220–25. Richard Watson discusses similar themes in
lesser known Cartesians of the late seventeenth century in his book, The Downfall of Carte-
sianism (The Hague, 1966). The claim that interaction is the scandal of Descartes’ philos-
ophy is still commonplace in the standard commentaries. See, e.g., Anthony Kenny, Descartes
(New York, 1968), pp. 222–26; and Bernard Williams, Descartes (New York, 1978),
pp. 287–88.
2 Descartes to Elisabeth, 21 May 1643, AT III 663–68; Descartes to Elisabeth, 28 June 1643,
AT III 690–95.
3 For instances of this more sophisticated reading, see, e.g., Jean Laporte, op. cit., pp. 220–54;
Henri Gouhier, La Pensée Métaphysique de Descartes (Paris, 1962), pp. 321–44; and Robert
Richardson, “The ‘Scandal’ of the Cartesian Interactionism,” Mind 91 (1982).
170 mind, body, and the laws of nature
Before entering into the argument proper, though, I would like to
make a few prefatory remarks concerning the issues I intend to take
up, and the issues I don’t. The issue that I intend to focus on is that of
the intelligibility of mind-body interaction. The issue is, admittedly, a
fuzzy one, as fuzzy as the notion of intelligibility itself. But historically
speaking, it is an important one, as the reaction of Descartes’ contem-
poraries and successors shows. To make the question a bit more precise,
I shall construe it, as Descartes and his contemporaries often seemed
to do, as the problem of whether the notion of mind-body interaction
is somehow intelligible on its own terms, or whether its intelligibility
requires an explication, analogy, or analysis in terms of some other dis-
tinct variety of causal interaction, itself more basic, or, at least, better
understood. To be more precise still, given the prominence of the
notion of impact in the then modish mechanistic world view, the ques-
tion of the intelligibility of mind-body interaction quickly becomes a
question of whether mind-body interaction can be understood without
somehow relating it to the way in which bodies cause changes in one
another through impact.4 The question of intelligibility should be dis-
tinguished from the closely related question of whether or not the mind
and body do, as a matter of fact, actually interact with one another.
Though Descartes and his correspndents and critics often link the two
questions for obvious reasons, they are really somewhat independent.
One can hold that despite the intelligibility of mind-body interaction,
minds and bodies do not, as a matter of fact, interact with one another.
Philosophically, some reason must be given over and above the bare
intelligibility of interactionism for adopting that position. Descartes
does have an answer to this question, and an interesting one: It is ex-
perience, he claims, “the surest and plainest everyday experience,”5 as
he writes to Arnauld, that convinces us of the truth of interactionism.
4 There are, of course, other ways in which the question of the intelligibility of mind-body
interaction could be raised. One could take it to be a question about how interaction can
be reconciled with certain commonsense notions about causality, in particular with the so
called “reality principle” (the cause must, in some sense, contain everything that is in the
effect), or with the intuition that causal relations can only hold among things that are suf-
ficiently similar. On this question see, e.g., Richard A. Watson, op. cit., passim, but espe-
cially pp. 33–36; Louis Loeb, From Descartes to Hume (Ithaca, 1981), pp. 134–43; and
chapters I and II of Eileen O’Neill’s unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Mind and Mechanism
(Princeton, 1983). Another kind of incoherence involves the question as to how mind-body
interaction can be reconciled with a law-governed conception of the material world like
Descartes’. On this question see, e.g., Louis Loeb, op. cit., pp. 143–48, and Daniel Garber,
“Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature in Descartes and Leibniz,” Midwest Studies in Philoso-
phy 8 (1983), essay 7 in this volume.
5 Descartes for [Arnauld], 29 July 1648, AT V 222.
understanding interaction 171
But as important as this question is, it will not interest me here. My
concern will be with bare intelligibility.
Even more specifically, my main focus will be the bare intelligibility
of the causal link in only one direction. Descartes’ interactionism has
two aspects: the mental causation of bodily events (volition) and the
bodily causation of mental events (sensation and imagination). While
both aspects are important, I shall be concerned mainly with the
former, mind-body rather than body-mind causation. In part this is to
narrow the range of the discussion. But more important, the account
of body-body causation that, I shall argue, runs through Descartes’ writ-
ings on physics makes it, to my mind at least, virtually impossible to
understand how he conceived of body-mind causation. The reasons for
this will become clearer as the argument progresses, I hope, and I shall
point them out when the time comes. But this is an issue that I would
like to sidestep in this essay.
And finally, there is one last issue I would like to sidestep. It will
become apparent that mind-body interaction is closely connected with
the question of the unio substantiale, as Descartes called it, the substan-
tial or real union between the mind and body. As a consequence of this
doctrine, strictly speaking, one should not talk about a causal interaction
between two different things, a mind and a body; one should talk about
the causal explanation of certain behavior or states of a single thing, the
mind-body union, in terms of mental acts of will or the physical states
of the body.6 But while I recognize that an understanding of Descartes’
doctrine of the unio substantiale is important to a full understanding of
Descartes’ position on sensation and voluntary action, I shall try as
much as possible to avoid this tangled issue. And, consequently, I shall
follow Descartes’ usual practice, and that of his correspondents, and
consider the problem as one of making intelligible the interaction
between two substances.
6 For an account of the substantial union of mind and body and some aspects of its relation
to the problem of interaction, see, e.g., Geneviève Rodis-Lewis, L’Oeuvre de Descartes (Paris,
1971), vol. I, pp. 351–65, and the numerous references cited there; and Henri Gouhier,
op. cit.
172 mind, body, and the laws of nature
problems raised by Descartes’ interactionism in the corpus of his
writings. The exchange begins with a question Elisabeth raises. She asks
Descartes to explain:
how the mind of a human being can determine the bodily spirits [i.e., the
fluids in the nerves, muscles, etc.] in producing voluntary actions, being only
a thinking substance. For it appears that all determination of movement is
produced by the pushing of the thing being moved, by the manner in which
it is pushed by that which moves it, or else by the qualification and figure of
the surface of the latter. Contact is required for the first two conditions, and
extension for the third. [But] you entirely exclude the latter from the notion
you have of the body, and the former seems incompatible with an imma-
terial thing.7
Or, as Elisabeth put the question when, unsatisfied with Descartes’ first
answer, she wrote for further clarification:
And I admit that it would be easier for me to concede matter and extension
to the mind than it would be for me to concede the capacity to move a body
and be moved by one to an immaterial thing.8
9 Descartes to Elisabeth, 21 May 1643, AT III 665–66. See also Descartes to Elisabeth, 28
June 1643, AT III 691–92; and Pr I 48.
174 mind, body, and the laws of nature
only through the senses, Descartes recommends that the young Princess
abstain from philosophy, and re-enter everyday life.10 We have a notion
that is per se intelligible in terms of which to understand interaction,
and if anyone, like Elisabeth (or Arnauld, or Gassendi, or More, or
Reguis . . .) fails to see this, it must be because their minds are confused
and cluttered. What is called for is a bit of therapy, not argument or expla-
nation. Go about your daily life, and you will find the appropriate notion,
just as the unreflective man in the street does.
This is how Descartes tries to explain himself. It can, admittedly, look
somewhat suspicious, as if Descartes is simply declining to deal with a
serious problem, claiming to understand something that is just unin-
telligible. Worse than that, Descartes looks as if he is patronizing the
sincere but penetrating young Princess who, many later readers have
judged, actually got the better of the older and more distinguished
Descartes in this exchange.
But I don’t think that this is fair. I agree with Descartes’ sympathetic
commentators in seeing Descartes as offering a philosophically sophis-
ticated answer to Elisabeth’s serious question. The doctrine of the three
primitive notions is an interesting and not implausible claim about what
is going on in the mind, about our native endowments. It is, further-
more, a claim that coheres well with the epistemology and account of
our mental faculties that Descartes already worked out in the unpub-
lished Regulae and the then recently published Meditations.
Descartes’ answer is a philosophically serious answer. While it may
not ultimately hold up under philosophical scrutiny (what answer to
what problem, alas, has?), it cannot be dismissed as begging the ques-
tion or patronizing the questioner. On this much I agree with a number
of friends of Descartes’. But the defense of the intelligibility of Carte-
sian interactionism cannot end here. For the answer Descartes gave to
Elisabeth, while interesting and, perhaps, defensible, is flawed in an
important way; it is, I claim, not the answer that should have been
offered by the author of Le Monde and the Principia.
10 This is the general theme of the letter, Descartes to Elisabeth, 28 June 1643, AT III
understanding interaction 175
illuminates the account of mind-body interaction, a comparison that
involves the Scholastic account of free fall or heaviness. In part, I want
to deal with an obvious question that this raises: How is this compari-
son different from the one that Elisabeth suggests? How is the use of
this comparison consistent with Descartes’ apparent claim that com-
parisons can be of no use in illuminating mind-body interaction? But
in addition to dealing with these questions, I want to point out some-
thing that this discussion of Descartes’ suggests, a way of looking at
Descartes’ conception of mind-body interaction that will be helpful in
understanding the account of that notion that, I shall argue, better suits
Descartes’ system than the one he offered.
On the Scholastic account of heaviness, at least as Descartes under-
stood it, the heavy body is impelled to the center of the earth by the
real quality of heaviness, something distinct from the body itself, some-
thing incorporeal.11 This account, which Descartes thinks is intelligible
and generally understood,12 can be helpful in getting his correspon-
dents to understand his conception of mind-body union and interac-
tion. Thus, Descartes writes to Elisabeth:
When we suppose that heaviness is a real quality of which all we know is that
it has the power [force] to move the body that possesses it towards the center
of the earth, we find no difficulty in conceiving how it moves the body or
how it is united to it. We do not suppose that the production of this motion
takes place by a real contact between two surfaces, because we experience in
ourselves that we have a specific notion to conceive it by. I think that we
misuse this notion when we apply it to heaviness, which as I hope to show in
my physics [i.e., the yet to be published Principia Philosophiae], is not anything
really distinct from body; but it was given us for the purpose of conceiving
the manner in which the mind moves the body.13
11 For an account of the Scholastic theory of form and quality as Descartes understood it,
and one of his principal lines of attack against it, see Etienne Gilson’s classical essay, “De
la critique des formes substantielles au doute méthodique” in his Etudes sur le rôle de la
pensée médiévale dans la formation du système cartésien (Paris, 1930), pp. 141–90.
12 At least he usually concedes this. Descartes takes a different position in his letter to Regius,
January 1642, AT III 506, 507.
13 Descartes to Elisabeth, 21 May 1643, AT III 667–68. Descartes uses similar comparisons
in other writings as well. See, e.g., Descartes to Hyperaspistes, August 1641, AT III 424;
Descartes for [Arnauld], 29 July 1648, AT V 222–23; and the Letter of Mr. Descartes to Mr.
C.L.R. [i.e., Clerselier], AT IXA 213.
176 mind, body, and the laws of nature
mind-body and body-body interaction, a comparison that Descartes
rejects. Descartes’ criticism of Elisabeth is that she is attempting to
understand one primitive notion in terms of another, something that can
only lead to grief. But the situation is altogether different with the
Scholastic analogy to which Descartes appeals. As Descartes claimed in
his reply to the Sixth Objections, in a passage to which he calls
Elisabeth’s attention, the common idea of heaviness, the idea the
Scholastics and the common man and the idea that Descartes himself
had in his naive and sense-bound youth, is, in fact, derived from the
idea we have of mind. Descartes writes:
The chief sign that my idea of heaviness was derived from that which I had
of the mind is that I though that heaviness carried bodies toward the center
of the earth as if it contained some cognizance [cognitio] of this center within
it. For it could not act as it did without such cognizance, nor can there be
any such cognizance except in the mind.14
14 Sixth Replies, AT VII 442. 15 Descartes for [Arnauld], 29 July 1648, AT V 222–23.
16 We don’t know Arnauld’s reaction, but the tactic wasn’t particularly successful with
Elisabeth. See Elisabeth to Descartes, 10/20 June 1643, AT III 684.
understanding interaction 177
between two different notions. Rather, Descartes claims, there is an
identity: The same notion, that of mind-body union and interaction is at
issue in both contexts. Only in one of those contexts it is misapplied.
This is all a fairly straightforward and unproblematic exposition of
what Descartes was up to, of why Descartes thought the analogy drawn
from Scholastic science was helpful, and, unlike the analogy Elisabeth
tries to draw from mechanist science, unproblematic. But I would like
to point out an interesting aspect of Descartes’ use of the heaviness
analogy. The account that Descartes gives of the Scholastic theory of
heaviness makes the primitive notion of mind-body unity and the
correlative notion of mind-body interaction conceptually basic in an
extremely interesting sense. Descartes’ claim is that the Scholastic sci-
entist is just projecting his innately given conception of his own com-
posite nature onto the inanimate world;17 unless the Scholastic scientist
had this primitive notion pertaining to the union of mind and body, he
couldn’t understand the explanations he gives of phenomena in the
inanimate world. That is, as Descartes understands it, our comprehen-
sion of Scholastic explanations in terms of substantial forms and real
qualities is parasitic on the notions we have of mind-body unity and
interaction. The notion we have of the interaction between mind and
body is a kind of paradigm notion, a notion that is intelligible on its own
terms (i.e., through the closely related notion of mind-body unity), but
one in terms of which at least some other seemingly distinct varieties
of causal explanation are intelligible. Two things are worth noting
about this paradigm. For one, it should be pointed out that though
mind-body interaction is a paradigm with respect to Scholastic
explanations, Descartes is unambiguous in thinking that Scholastic
explanations in terms of forms and qualities are bad explanations. The
Scholastic projection of mind and mental activity onto the material
world is an illicit projection, in Descartes’ judgment. And second, and
more important, it should be noted that although mind-body interac-
tion is a paradigm for causal explanation, it is not the only paradigm, it
is not universally applicable. There are, Descartes seems to claim in his
reply to Elisabeth, some causal explanations, those that involve the
mechanical interactions of bodies with one another, that cannot be
understood through our understanding of mind-body interaction; our
understanding of voluntary action in animate beings can no more
17 This is exactly parallel to the account Descartes often gives of the common belief that
material things are really red, or hot, or sweet. See, e.g., Pr I 66–71.
178 mind, body, and the laws of nature
clarify mechanical explanations than vice versa. Or so, in any case,
Descartes tells Elisabeth.
Descartes is none too clear in this passage. But at very least, I think that
Descartes means to say that if a given idea Q falls under a primitive
notion P, then having P is in some sense necessary for having Q, and
that no primitive notion distinct from P is necessary for having Q. P is
the original of and pattern for Q in at least this minimal sense.
19 One might even suggest that when Descartes says that mind and body are united, this
claim simply means that they are capable of appropriate causal interaction. See, e.g., Henri
Gouhier, op. cit., p. 335. For a contrary view, that the mind-body union results in a third
substance, a substance over and above the mental and material substances that make it
up, see, e.g., G. Rodis-Lewis, op. cit., vol. I, p. 353 and the references cited in vol. II,
p. 543, note 29; or Janet Broughton and Ruth Mattern, “Reinterpreting Descartes on
the Notion of the Union of Mind and Body,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (1978),
pp. 23–32.
20 See, e.g., Pr I 53, 61.
180 mind, body, and the laws of nature
If we consider how motion must be understood . . . in accordance with the
truth of the matter, we must say that it is the translation [translatio] of one
part of matter, or of one body from the vicinity of those bodies which imme-
diately touch it and which are regarded as being at rest, into the vicinity of
others. . . . And I say . . . strictly speaking that it is a mode [of body], not some-
thing substantial, just as shape is a mode of a thing with shape, and rest is a
mode of a thing at rest.21
Consequently, one can say that motion is understood through the prim-
itive notion of extension in roughly the same way as shape is.23
But, it should be noted, Elisabeth’s question didn’t deal with motion
per se. The comparison she is attempting to press is not a comparison
between mind-body interaction and motion, i.e., the translation a body
undergoes with respect to other bodies, but between the way in which
a mind can cause motion in bodies, and the way in which bodies can
cause motion in other bodies. That is, the comparison is not between
interaction and motion, but between two purported ways of causing
motion. And while motion itself may be a mode of body, something
comprehended through the notion of extension, change in motion and
its causes are something altogether different.
Now, how are we to understand body-body interaction, the way in which
one body can change the speed or direction of another body’s motion
through impact? Elisabeth takes this to be intelligible in and of itself and
to be in need of no further explanation. And although Descartes seems to
concur with this in his answer to her, quite a different answer emerges
from his more careful writings on physics from early to late. A way into
Descartes’ position is through the question: What are the laws that govern
the behavior and interaction of bodies, and why do bodies obey the laws
they do? One might, as some of Descartes’ contemporaries tried to do,
answer this question either through empirical studies24 or through an
The causes of motion, then, are God, or minds.27 Now, the mental cau-
sation of motion is something of great importance to Descartes, as we
have seen already. But in physics, it is the divine causation of motion
that is mostly at issue. And it is from an understanding of how God
causes motion that the laws of motion are derived.
Descartes begins his discussion of the causes of motion and the laws
it obeys with the following statement:
25 This seems to be the strategy Thomas Hobbes adopts, e.g., in De Corpore, chapter 15. This
is also the strategy that Leibniz sometimes attributed to his own youthful works in physics,
the Theoria Motus Abstracti and the Hypothesis Physica Nova. See, e.g., Leibniz’s remarks at
the time these works were being written, in Leibniz to Oldenburg, 13/23 July 1670, in
Leibniz, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe (ed. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften),
series II, vol. I (Darmstadt, 1926), p. 59; or Leibniz’s later remarks on this early program
in Part I of his Specimen Dynamicum (1695), in G. W. Leibniz (ed. C. I. Gerhardt), Mathe-
matische Schriften, vol. VI (Halle, 1860), p. 240, translated in P. P. Weiner (ed.), Leibniz
Selections (New York, 1951), p. 128. In some of his polemical writings against the Carte-
sians, Leibniz gives the misleading impression that for Descartes, too, the laws of motion
are to be derived from the nature of body. See, e.g., the essay that Weiner has entitled,
“Whether the Essence of a Body Consists in Extension,” in Leibniz (ed., C. I. Gerhardt),
Die Philosophischen Schriften, vol. IV (Berlin, 1880), pp. 464–66, translated in Weiner,
op. cit., pp. 100–2.
26 Descartes to More, August 1649, AT V 403–4.
27 P. H. J. Hoenen has suggested that the “other things” to which God gave the ability to
cause motion in bodies are just other bodies. See the excerpt from his Cosmologia, trans-
lated as “Descartes’s Mechanicism” in Willis Doney, ed., Descartes (Garden City, 1967),
pp. 353–68, esp. p. 359. But it is interesting that in the sections of Principia II that
deal with the causes of motion, properly speaking, sections 36 and following, bodies are
never mentioned as genuine causes. However, in Pr II 40 Descartes does mention, in addi-
tion to human minds, angelic minds as possible causes of motion. Angelic minds as causes
of motion also come up in the letter Descartes wrote to More that immediately precedes
the one from which I quoted. See Descartes to More, 15 April 1649, AT V 347. This
suggests that the “other things” in question in the August 1649 letter are not bodies,
but angels.
182 mind, body, and the laws of nature
After having considered the nature of motion, we must consider its cause,
and that is twofold: first, indeed the universal and primary cause, which is
the general cause of all motions in the world; and then the particular cause,
by which it happens that individual parts of matter acquire motions which
they did not have before. And it seems obvious to me that the general cause
in question is nothing else but God Himself.28
28 Pr II 36. See also Descartes to [the Marquis of Newcastle], October 1645, AT IV 328.
29 See Meditation III, AT VII 48–49; Second Replies, AT VII 165; Pr I 21.
30 The continual re-creation account of God’s activity creates a curious difficulty for the
mental causation of events in the material world. When God is re-creating the material
world from moment to moment, He must put each material thing somewhere when He re-
creates it. But if it is God who determines the position of bodies from moment to moment,
how is it possible for minds to affect the momentary position of a body? There seems to
be no room for minds to act on Descartes’ continual re-creation picture. Nicolas
Malebranche develops this difficulty into an argument for occasionalism in the seventh
of his Entretiens sur la métaphysique.
understanding interaction 183
We must understand God to be perfect not only insofar as He is immutable,
but also insofar as He works with the greatest constancy and immutability.
. . . Whence it follows that it is most consistent with reason that we think that
from this alone, that God moved the parts of matter in different ways when
He first created them, and now conserves all that matter in the same way and
for the same reason He created it before, that He would also conserve the
same amount of motion in it always.31
This is Descartes’ “master law” of motion. But the secondary laws are
also derived, as the master law was, from God’s activity. Descartes writes:
And from this same immutability of God, certain rules or laws of nature can
be understood, which are secondary and particular causes of the different
motions which we notice in individual bodies.32
38 See, e.g., More to Descartes, 11 December 1648, AT V 238–40; More to Descartes, 5 March
1649, AT V 301; More to Descartes, 23 July 1649, AT V 379.
39 More to Descartes, 11 December 1648, AT V 238–39. This seems similar to a point Spinoza
makes in defense of his claim that God must have the attribute of extension. See Ethics
I, prop. 15, scholium, in Spinoza (ed. Carl Gebhardt), Opera (Heidelberg, 1925), vol. II,
p. 57.
40 Compare, e.g., the discussion of the sense in which God is extended in potentia in the
letters to More (Descartes to More, 15 April 1649, AT V 342; Descartes to More, August
1649, AT V 403) with Descartes’ remarks to Elisabeth about the sense in which it is proper
to say that mind is extended (Descartes to Elisabeth, 28 June 1643, AT III 694).
41 Descartes to More, 15 April 1649, AT V 347.
186 mind, body, and the laws of nature
thus, cannot have been the correct answer, the answer that he should
have given, on his own principles. Body-body interaction is not fully
intelligible under the primitive notion of extension. A full under-
standing of bodies in impact, of how one body can alter the motion of
another, requires that we understand how God acts on the world. And
this, in turn, requires that we be familiar with the way our minds act
upon our bodies. So, if there is something wrong with the comparison
that Elisabeth tries to draw between mind-body and body-body interac-
tions, it cannot be what Descartes says it is; it cannot be an illicit inter-
mingling of discrete primitive notions. For the same primitive notion is
ultimately involved with both.
1 Pierre Clair, ed. Louis de La Forge: Oeuvres Philosophiques (Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1974). A similar argument is also found in dialogue seven of Nicolas Malebranche,
Dialogues on Metaphysics, trans., Willis Doney (New York: Abaris Books, 1980).
190 mind, body, and the laws of nature
needed; if motion and rest are direct results of God’s sustenance of the
material world, it would seem that there can be no room for other
The position de La Forge is trying to establish here is a variety of
occasionalism, and the argument I have sketched is one among many
which Descartes’ followers used to establish the claim that God is the
only genuine cause in the material world, at least.2 On this view, causal
relations between two bodies, or between a mind and body, are not true
causal links, but only occasional causal links which depend for their effi-
cacy on God actually to impart the appropriate motion to the appro-
priate body. What is especially interesting is that de La Forge starts from
what many commentators assume to be genuinely Cartesian doctrines
to establish his conclusion. Descartes emphasizes in a number of places
that “we have no force through which we conserve ourselves,” and so
for this we must turn to God, who “continually reproduces us, as it were,
that is, conserves us” (Pr I 21).3 Descartes appeals to this doctrine of
divine conservation in proving his laws of nature, both in Le Monde and
in the Principia Philosophiae, arguing that God is the first and continu-
ing cause of motion in the world, and that acting with constancy in pre-
serving His material creation, He must necessarily sustain the world in
such a way that certain general constraints on motion are satisfied;
quantity of motion is thus conserved, as is motion along a straight path
(Pr II 36–42). The close connection between God’s sustenance of the
world and His role as cause of motion in the inanimate world have led
a number of commentators to see something like de La Forge’s view in
Descartes, the view that God’s role as a cause of motion in the world is
inseparable from His role as a sustainer of the world, that God causes
motion by creating bodies in different places at different times.4
De La Forge’s premises seem to belong to Descartes as well. But, if
so, then it would appear that, like it or not, Descartes too must be com-
2 For a brief account of occasionalism among seventeenth century Cartesians, see chapter 5
of Jean-François Battail, L’Advocat philosophe Géraud de Cordemoy (1626–1684) (The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff, 1973). There are a number of varieties of occasionalism. Here I am only
concerned with the claim that God is the only genuine cause of motion in the material
3 The numerous references to Descartes’ texts will be given in the body, for the most part.
4 See, e.g., Jean Wahl, Du rôle de l’idée de l’instant dans la philosophie de Descartes (Paris: Felix
Alcan, 1920); Martial Gueroult, “The Metaphysics and Physics of Force in Descartes,” in
Stephen Gaukroger, ed., Descartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics (Sussex: Harvester
Press, 1980), pp. 196–229, esp. 218–220; G. Hatfield, “Force (God) in Descartes’ Physics,”
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, X (1979): 113–140, esp. 127.
how god causes motion 191
mitted to de La Forge’s conclusion that God can be the only cause of
motion in His material world, that, contrary to our “most certain and
most evident experience,” mind cannot really cause motion in the
world (AT V 222). This is the question I would like to examine in this
essay. In the end, I shall argue that, when we understand Descartes’ doc-
trine of divine sustenance and of the way God enters the world as a
cause of motion, we shall see that, wherever de La Forge’s views lead
him, Descartes need not be committed to occasionalism, at least not in
this way. When we understand just how God causes motion, we shall
see that Descartes’ God can leave plenty of elbow room for other causes
to produce their effects, indeed, produce them as directly as God
Himself does.
It will be helpful to begin the story with a brief discussion of Descartes’
doctrine of divine sustenance. Descartes writes in Meditation III:
All of the time of my life can be divided into innumerable parts, each of which
is entirely independent of the others, so that from the fact that I existed a
short time ago, it does not follow that I ought to exist now, unless some cause
as it were creates me again in this moment, that is, conserves me. [AT VII 49
(CSM II 33)]
Now, Descartes argues, “plainly the same force and action is needed to
conserve any thing for the individual moments in which it endures as
was needed for creating it anew, had it not existed” [AT VII 49 (CSM
II 33)]. Clearly such a power is not in us; if it were, Descartes reasons,
I would also have been able to give myself all the perfections I clearly
lack [AT VII 168 (CSM II 118)]. And so he concludes that it must be
God that creates and sustains us [AT VII 111, 165, 168, 369–70 (CSM
II 80, 116, 118, 254/5); Pr I 21]. This conclusion, of course, holds for
bodies as well as for us. It is not just souls, but all finite things that
require some cause for their continued existence. And, as with the idea
of ourselves, “when I examine the idea of body, I perceive that it has
no power [vis] in itself through which it can produce or conserve itself”
[AT VII 118 (CSM II 84); cf. AT VII 110 (CSM II 79)]. And so we must
conclude that the duration of bodies, too, must be caused by God, who
sustains the material world He created in the beginning.
Descartes conceives of God’s continual sustenance of his creatures
as their efficient cause: “I should not hesitate to call the cause that
192 mind, body, and the laws of nature
sustains me an efficient cause” [AT VII 109 (CSM II 79)]. But God’s
causality here is in one respect importantly different from other effi-
cient causes that we are familiar with from our experience. In reply to
Gassendi’s Fifth Objections, Descartes distinguishes between two sorts of
efficient causes, a causa secundum fieri, a cause of becoming, and a causa
secundum esse, a cause of being. Roughly speaking, as Descartes under-
stands the notions, a causa secundum esse is a cause which must continue
to act for its effect to continue, unlike a causa secundum fieri, which pro-
duces an effect that endures, even after the cause is no longer in oper-
ation or even in existence. An architect, thus, is the cause of becoming
with respect to a house, as is a father with respect to his son. But
Descartes claims
the sun is the cause of the light proceeding from it, and God is the cause of
created things, not only as a cause of becoming, but as a cause of being, and
therefore must always flow into the effect in the same way, in order to con-
serve it. [AT VII 369 (CSM II 254/5)]
And, so just as we ordinarily think that the sun must continue its illu-
mination for daylight to persist, so must God continue His activity in
order for the world and its motion to be sustained.5 This continual sus-
tenance is also unlike the more ordinary efficient causes insofar as it
requires a kind of power beyond the capacities of created things.
Whereas finite things may be able to stand as the efficient causes secun-
dum fieri of things in the world, only God, strictly speaking, can stand
as their cause secundum esse. As we noted earlier, in Meditation III
Descartes declares that: “plainly the same force and action is needed to
conserve any thing for the individual moments in which it endures as
was needed for creating it anew, had it not existed” [AT VII 49 (CSM
II 33)]. From this Descartes infers that “it is also one of those things
obvious by the light of nature that conservation differs from creation
only in reason” [AT VII 49 (CSM II 33)]. That is, the activity and power
needed to sustain a thing in its existence is identical to the activity and
power necessary to create anything from nothing [cf. also AT VII 165,
166 (CSM II 116, 117)]. Elsewhere he puts the point a bit differently,
suggesting that conservation is to be understood as the “continual pro-
duction of a thing” [AT VII 243 (CSM II 169); cf. Pr II 42], or, more
5 Descartes does concede, under challenge, that the sun may not be an especially good
example of a causa secundum esse. See AT III 405, 429.
how god causes motion 193
guardedly, suggesting that God as it were (veluti) continually reproduces
His creatures [Pr I 21; cf. AT VII 110 (CSM II 79)].
In the following section, we shall investigate how Descartes’ God
causes motion while sustaining the world. But, before turning to that
question, I would like briefly to discuss an issue closely related to the
questions under discussion here, that of temporal atomism. A number
of commentators take Descartes’ language quite literally when he says
that God must continually re-create His creatures. On their view, Carte-
sian time must, as a result, be a series of discrete timeless instants, created
one after another like the frames of a motion picture.6 Such a view seems
inevitably to lead to a position like de La Forge’s. The cartoonist creat-
ing an animated cartoon can cause his creatures to move only by drawing
them in different positions in successive frames; so too for God, it would
seem, were we to conceive of Him as the grand cartoonist with respect
to His creation. In this way, God’s sustenance would seem to be insepa-
rable from His role as cause of motion, and all genuine causes of motion
other than God would seem to be frozen out.
But it is not at all clear that Descartes held such a position. In a recent
study, Jean–Marie Beyssade7 has argued that Descartes’ God sustains the
continuously flowing time of our experience. On Beyssade’s view, time
for Descartes is much like body, infinitely divisible and not composed
of any ultimate elements, elements such as the durationless temporal
atoms are supposed to be. Beyssade does not deny, of course, that
Descartes is concerned with timeless instants in a number of important
contexts, and, indeed, that he even talks about God conserving bodies
as they exist at a given instant [AT XI 44 (CSM I 96); Pr II 39]. But,
Beyssade argues, such instants are not, strictly speaking, parts of dura-
tion. A hunk of extended substance can be divided into innumerable
parts. But, for these divisions to be genuine parts of a body, they must
be extended as well. Points, lines, surfaces, and geometrical objects that
lack extension in length, width, and breadth, are not parts of a body,
but limits or boundaries. So, Beyssade suggests:
In the same way, every duration or part of duration contains a before and
after . . . ; the instant is its limit or boundary. If we are not mistaken, Descartes
always takes this word [“instant”] and its Latin original “instans” in the strict
sense of a limit. (La philosophie première, p. 348; cf. p. 353)
8 For the former formulations see AT VII 49, 109 (CSM II 33, 78/9); for the latter see AT
XI 44, 45 (CSM I 96/7), Pr II 39.
how god causes motion 195
In presenting his account of God as continual sustainer of the world,
Descartes did not think he was telling his readers anything they had not
already heard. As far as he was concerned, he was appealing to an old
and widely accepted doctrine with which his audience could be
expected to be both familiar and generally sympathetic. When in the
Fifth Objections Gassendi challenged his appeal to a conserving God [AT
VII 300 (CSM II 209)], Descartes responded: “When you deny that to
be conserved we require the continual influx of a first cause, you deny
something that all metaphysicians affirm as obvious” [AT VII 369 (CSM
II 254); cf. AT VI 45 (CSM I 133)]. And, in defending himself against
Gassendi’s criticisms, he seems to have turned directly to his copy of St.
Thomas Aquinas.9 God’s sustenance of this world of created things is
explicitly discussed in the Summa Theologiae I, q 104, a 1, and this
passage may be the source of Descartes’ answer to Gassendi. Like
Descartes, Aquinas distinguishes between causes secundum fieri and
secundum esse, and appeals to the same examples Descartes does – the
builder of a house, the parent of a child, and the sun as illuminator –
to clarify the sense in which God is the cause of the world as enduring
(ST I, q 104, a 1 c). And, although Aquinas does not say exactly that
God’s activity in sustaining the world is identical with His activity in cre-
ating it, many of Descartes’ contemporaries would have been happy to
agree with Descartes that “this conservation is the very same thing as
creation, differing only in reason.”10
In his monumental commentary on the Discours, Étienne Gilson11
noticed this similarity between Descartes and Aquinas. But Gilson also
noted an apparent (and important) difference:
The being of the things Descartes’ God conserves is so different from that
which St. Thomas’s God conserves, that there is a profound difference
9 In December 1639, Descartes tells Mersenne that he owns “vne Somme de S. Thomas,”
though it is not altogether clear to me whether this means a copy of Aquinas’s Summa
Theologiae or a summary of Aquinas. See AT II 630.
10 Guilelmus Amesius, Medulla theologica (1628), quoted in Heinrich Heppe and Ernst Bizer,
ed., Die Dogmatik der evangelisch-reformierden Kirche (Neukirchen, kreis Moers: Buchhand-
lung des Erziehungsvereins, 1935), p. 208. For other of Descartes’ contemporaries on
the question, see Heppe, Dogmatik, Locus XII; G. T. Thomson, Reformed Dogmatics, trans.,
Heinrich Heppe (London: Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1950), chapter XII; Étienne Gilson,
Index Scholastico-Cartesien (Paris: J. Vrin 1979), §§64, 112.
11 Discours de la méthode: texte et commentaire (Paris: J. Vrin, 1967).
196 mind, body, and the laws of nature
between their two notions of continual creation. The Thomist God conserves
the being of a world of substantial forms and essences. . . . But, on the con-
trary, in Cartesianism, there are no substantial forms any more. (Commentaire,
p. 341)
12 The remark in question relates to real qualities, strictly speaking, qualities that follow
directly from forms. But, in his polemics against the Scholastics, Descartes drew no dis-
tinction between substantial forms and real qualities.
13 For a fuller account of this, see §II of Daniel Garber, “Understanding Interaction: What
Descartes Should Have Told Elisabeth,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, XXI supp. (1983):
15–32, essay 8 in this volume.
14 For a recent discussion of the human soul as substantial form in Descartes, see Marjorie
Grene, “Die Einheit des Menschen: Descartes under den Scholastikern,” Dialectica, XL
(1986): 309–322.
198 mind, body, and the laws of nature
But it is significant that Descartes’ world has many fewer forms than
Aquinas’s does, that Descartes rejects all forms but those which pertain
to human beings.15 This raises something of a problem for Descartes,
however. The substantial form was that in terms of which the charac-
teristic behavior of a body of a certain sort was to be explained. But,
without form, what is to explain why horses neigh and fire heats, why
cannon balls fall and smoke rises? In one sense, the replacement for
explanation in terms of form is explanation in terms of size, shape, and
motion – mechanical explanation. Indeed so, but the story does not
end there. In order to explain the behavior of a body (say a cannon
ball) mechanistically, we must know more than just the size, shape, and
motions of its parts and the surrounding medium; we must also know
the relevant laws of motion, how a body as such can be expected to
behave, what results when two bodies of given sizes, shapes, and motions
encounter one another in collision, etc. Descartes replaces the multi-
plicity of Aristotelian substances, each with its own form and distinct
characteristic behavior, with one kind of body which fills the entire uni-
verse and behaves everywhere in accordance with the same laws (cf. Pr
II 23). But, in the absence of Scholastic substantial forms, Descartes
must find some way of explaining the characteristic behavior of mater-
ial substance, the laws of motion. And it is here that God enters as the
“universal and primary [cause of motion], which is the general cause
of all motions there are in the [physical] world” (Pr II 36). God is the
cause of motion, what takes the place of the Scholastic forms Descartes
banished from the inanimate world of nonhuman beings.
But this, of course, leads us back to the question I posed earlier in
this essay: How does God cause motion in the world? And how is God’s
role as cause of motion related to His role as sustainer of body?
To answer this first question, we must, I think, reflect on how souls
and the other forms Descartes attributed to the Scholastics were
thought to cause motion. We must keep in mind here that the issue is
under a cloud, so to speak, and it may turn out that, because of an argu-
ment like the one de La Forge gave, Descartes is not entitled to hold
that the human soul causes motion. But, prima facie and despite the
doubts of a number of his readers, Descartes certainly thought the ques-
tion relatively unproblematic. Writing to Arnauld on 29 July 1648,
Descartes noted:
15 For the still standard account of Descartes’ rejection of forms, see Gilson, Études sur le rôle
de la pensée médiévale dans la formation du système cartésien (Paris: J. Vrin, 1975), pp. 141–190.
how god causes motion 199
That the mind, which is incorporeal, can impel a body, is not shown to us by
any reasoning or comparison with other things, but is shown daily by the most
certain and most evident experience. For this one thing is among the things
known per se, which we obscure when we try to explain through other things.
(AT V 222)
16 This, in any case, is what he insisted on in writing to Elisabeth. See AT III 663–668,
690–695. What exactly he meant here is not entirely clear.
17 The passage raises an obvious question about the relation between an attribute and a sub-
stance, a question the young Burman raised to Descartes in coversation. See AT V 154,
and trans. and ed., John Cottingham, Descartes’ Conversation with Burman (New York:
Oxford, 1976), pp. 15, 77–80.
200 mind, body, and the laws of nature
causes of motion, a mode in bodies assumed to be sustained by the
divine Sustainer who is the unique substantial cause.
God enters Descartes’ physics to do the business substantial forms did
in the Aristotelian system, as he understood it, to cause bodies to behave
in their characteristic ways. And, I claim, when doing the business of
forms, Descartes’ God is understood to cause motion in just the way
forms were taken to do it, that is, on Descartes’ account, in just the way
that we do it: by way of an impulse that moves matter in a way that we
can comprehend only through immediate experience. This is not at all
clear as late as 1644 when, in proving his laws of nature in the Principia,
Descartes’ account of God as cause of motion is deeply (and obscurely)
intertwined with his account of God as sustainer of the world (Pr II
36–42). But, by April 1649, Descartes wrote to Henry More:
Now that we understand something of how God causes motion, we can
return to the question originally posed and offer an answer.
As de La Forge construed Descartes’ views on God, continual re-
creation, and God’s role as cause of motion, Descartes seems pushed
inevitably toward occasionalism and the view that God is the only
genuine cause of motion in the world; if God causes motion by re-
creating bodies in different places at different times, then there seems
to be no room for finite causes to act. But by now it should be clear
why Descartes need not be committed to such a view.
I have argued that, for Descartes, God enters as a cause of motion in
order to replace the Scholastics’ substantial forms, and, in that role, he
can (and, in the More letters, at least, is) construed as acting in just the
way forms were thought to cause motion, that is, in just the way we cause
motion. As such, God both sustains bodies in their being and sustains
bodies in their motion. But, it is important to note, these two activities
seem to be quite distinct; in the one case, God is acting as a modal cause,
in the other, as a substantial cause. This is an extremely important
observation. There is no substantial cause but God, nor can there be,
since no other being has the ability to create and sustain the universe.
But, although God is a modal cause with respect to motion, there is no
reason to hold that God is the only such cause. God is conceived to act
as we do in causing motion; just as the finite cause of motion does not
exclude others, so the fact that God causes motion does not seem to
exclude other causes. This seems true even when we are talking about
causing motion in the same body. Just as two human beings can exert
their contrary impulses on the same bit of matter, so can we impose an
impulse contrary to the one God imposes. Indeed, we do so every time
we life a stone, on which God is imposing an impulse to move toward
the center of the earth.
And so Descartes would have to agree with de La Forge that God
cannot sustain bodies that are in no place at all or in indeterminate
places; the very possibility is absurd. But, I think Descartes might insist,
although God sustains bodies that have place, it is not the act of sus-
taining them that gives them place. What gives them place and the
202 mind, body, and the laws of nature
motion that puts them in different places at different times is impulse
or the lack thereof, a cause quite distinct from that by which bodies are
sustained. These impulses may come from God Himself, but they might
come from other causes, like our own minds [cf. AT V 403/4]. And,
when they come from God, they are not to be identified with the cause
by which He sustains the bodies He moves.
There are a number of important questions relevant to the topic at
hand which space will not permit us to discuss. Most important, it would
be valuable to discuss the relations between the conception of motion
and its divine cause which I have been developing with the discussion
of motion and rest and their laws in Part II of the Principles and in
chapter 7 of The World – the sense in which motion and rest are distinct
and the sense in which they are not, the sense in which motion and rest
are states, and the way in which motion and rest give rise to forces that
come into play at the time of collision. My story will not be complete
until we see how the way in which Descartes’ immutable God causes
motion leads him to the conception of motion (and its associated forces
and laws) which underlies his program in natural philosophy.
But, incomplete as my preliminary sketch of Descartes’ position may
be, it allows us to see one important feature that differentiates
Descartes’ metaphysic of motion and his use of God as cause of motion
from that of his avowedly occasionalist followers. What lies behind occa-
sionalism as advanced by de La Forge and by many Cartesians of his
generation is a deep worry about causality in the world of finite things;
what comes up again and again is the view that finite things are inca-
pable of any genuine causal efficacy, that producing an effect is beyond
the power of any finite thing. God enters as the only being capable of
producing any change in the world.18 Descartes’ view is quite different.
Descartes never rejects finite causes as such; indeed, it is on the model
of one particular finite cause, us, that all causes are understood, con-
servation excepted.19 When God enters as a cause of motion, it is simply
on account of the fact that some finite causes needed to do the job are
not available. But, even when God undertakes this task, it seems to me
that Descartes can quite well hold that finite causes of motion are in
no way squeezed out. Mind, indeed, can remain as direct a cause of
motion for Descartes as God Himself.
18 See especially Nicolas Malebranche, De la récherche de la vérité, bk. VI pt. II, chapter III, and
the XV e Éclaircissement.
19 See Garber, “Understanding Interaction.”
1 For general accounts of occasionalism among the members of the Cartesian school, see,
for example, Joseph Prost, Essai sur l’atomisme et l’occasionalisme dans la philosophie cartésienne
(Paris: Paulin, 1907); Henri Gouhier, La vocation de Malebranche (Paris: J. Vrin, 1926),
chapter III; Jean-François Battail, L’avocat philosophe Géraud de Cordemoy (The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff, 1973), pp. 141–46; and Rainer Specht, Commercium mentis et corporis:
über Kausalvorstellungen im Cartesianismus (Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann
Verlag, 1966), chapters II and III.
204 mind, body, and the laws of nature
And throughout its seventeenth-century career it is closely associated
with Descartes’ followers.2 But to what extent is it really Descartes’ own
view? To what extent is it fair to attribute this view to the founder of the
Cartesian school? This is the question that I shall explore here.
I. A Letter to Elisabeth
I will begin my investigation with a passage from a letter that Descartes
wrote to the Princess Elisabeth on 6 October 1645:
All the reasons which prove the existence of God and that He is the first and
immutable cause of all the effects which do not depend on the free will of
men, prove in the same way, it seems to me, that He is also the cause of all
of them that depend on it [i.e., free will]. For one can only prove that He
exists by considering Him as a supremely perfect being, and He would not
be supremely perfect if something could happen in the world that did not
derive entirely from Him. . . . God is the universal cause of everything in such
a way that He is in the same way the total cause of everything, and thus
nothing can happen without His will.3
This passage would seem to be quite clear in asserting that God is the
real cause of everything in the world; if “nothing can happen without
His will,” as Descartes tells Elisabeth, then surely it is reasonable to infer
that Descartes was an occasionalist.
He may, in the end, turn out to be an occasionalist, but I think that
this passage is not so clear as it may look at first. When reading this, it
is very important to place it in context, and understand what exactly
Descartes was addressing in the passage. In this series of letters,
Descartes is trying to console Elisabeth in her troubles. In a letter of 30
September 1645, she wrote:
2 Indeed, when it first appears, it is closely associated with Descartes himself. It is an integral
part of de La Forge’s commentary on Descartes’ Treatise on Man, and it is one of the central
points of a letter Clerselier, Descartes’ literary executor, wrote to de La Forge in Decem-
ber 1660, a letter that appeals to the authority of “nostre Maistre” on a number of occasions
and that Clerselier published alongside Descartes’ own letters in one of his volumes of
the philosopher’s collected correspondence. On de la Forge, see Gouhier, La vocation de
Malebranche, pp. 93–94; for the Clerselier letter, see Claude Clerselier, Lettres de Mr Descartes
. . . [tome III] (Paris, 1667), pp. 640–46. I am indebted to Alan Gabbey for calling the
Clerselier letter to my attention.
3 AT IV 313–14. This letter appeared in the first volume of Clerselier’s edition of Descartes’
correspondence in 1657.
descartes and occasionalism 205
[The fact] of the existence of God and His attributes can console us in the
misfortunes that come to us from the ordinary course of nature and from
the order which He has established there [as when we lose some good
through a storm, or when we lose our health through an infection in the air,
or our friends through death] but not in those [misfortunes] which are
imposed on us by men, whose will appears to us to be entirely free.4
4 AT IV 302.
5 For a recent discussion of some of this larger theological debate, see Alfred Freddoso,
“Medieval Aristotelianism and the Case against Secondary Causation in Nature,” in Divine
and Human Action: Essays in the Metaphysics of Theism, ed., Thomas V. Morris (Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1988).
6 For a fuller account of Descartes on the laws of motion, see Daniel Garber, Descartes’
Metaphysical Physics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992).
206 mind, body, and the laws of nature
Descartes’ conception of physics must be understood as being in
opposition to an Aristotelian one, as a substitute for the kind of physics
that was taught in the schools. Basic to the physics of the schools was
the notion of a substantial form. According to the Aristotelian physics,
each kind of thing had its own substantial form, and it was through this
that the basic properties of things were to be explained. And so fire
rises and stones fall because of their forms, for example. In this way,
things were thought to have basic, inborn tendencies to behavior;
physics consisted in finding out what these basic tendencies were and
in explaining the manifest properties of things in those terms.
A basic move in Descartes’ philosophy, something he shared with
other contemporary adherents of the so-called mechanical philosophy,
was the elimination of these substantial forms, these basic explanatory
principles. But how, then, are we to explain the characteristic behavior
of bodies? Descartes’ strategy was simple; instead of locating the basic
laws that govern the behavior of things in these forms, he placed them
in God. That is, it is God, not substantial forms, that will ground the
laws that govern bodies.
How God grounds the laws of motion is illustrated in the proofs that
Descartes gives for them. These proofs are grounded in his celebrated
doctrine of continual re-creation. Descartes writes in Meditation III:
All of the time of my life can be divided into innumerable parts, each of which
is entirely independent of the others, so that from the fact that I existed a
short time ago, it does not follow that I ought to exist now, unless some cause
as it were creates me again in this moment, that is, conserves me.7
Now, he argues,
plainly the same force and action is needed to conserve any thing for the
individual moments in which it endures as was needed for creating it anew,
had it not existed.8
Similarly, consider his argument for the law that a body in motion tends
to move rectilinearly, as that argument is given in the Principles:
The reason [causa] for this rule is . . . the immutability and simplicity of the
operation through which God conserves motion in matter. For He conserves
it precisely as it is in the very moment of time in which He conserves it,
without taking into account the way it might have been a bit earlier. And
although no motion takes place in an instant, it is obvious that in the indi-
vidual instants that can be designated while it is moving, everything that
moves is determined to continue its motion in some direction, following a
straight line, and never following a curved line.13
Descartes answered:
I consider “matter left to itself and receiving no impulse from anything else”
as plainly being at rest. But it is impelled by God, conserving the same amount
of motion or transference in it as He put there from the first.16
On this view, what might be called the divine-impulse view, God causes
motion by impulse, by a kind of divine shove.
It is interesting to try to understand how Descartes thought of God
as a cause of motion. But this distinction I have tried to make between
14 For a fuller development of this idea, see Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics, chapter 9,
or Daniel Garber, “How God Causes Motion: Descartes, Divine Sustenance, and Occa-
sionalism,” Journal of Philosophy 84 (1987): 567–80, essay 9 in this volume.
15 AT V 316. 16 AT V 404.
descartes and occasionalism 209
the cinematic view and the divine-impulse view of God as a cause of motion
will come in very handy when we are discussing Descartes’ thoughts on
mind-body causation, to which we must now turn.
17 Louis de La Forge, Oeuvres Philosophiques, ed. Pierre Clair (Paris: Presses Universitaires
de France, 1974), p. 240. A similar argument can also be found in Dialogue VII of
Malebranche’s Dialogues on Metaphysics.
210 mind, body, and the laws of nature
rest. And so, it seems, there is no room for any other causes of motion
in the Cartesian world, in particular, mind; if mind is to have a role to
play in where a given body is from moment to moment, it must work
through God, who alone can sustain a body and who is ultimately
responsible for putting a body one place or another.18
This argument is not decisive, I think. First of all, however good an
argument it might be, I see no reason to believe that Descartes ever saw
such consequences as following out of his doctrine of continual re-
creation. But, more than that, I do not think that the argument is
necessarily binding on Descartes. It is certainly persuasive, particularly if
one takes what I called the cinematic view of God as a cause of motion,
the view in which God causes motion by re-creating a body in different
places in different instants of time. But the argument is considerably less
persuasive if one takes what I earlier called the divine-impulse view of
God as a cause of motion. On that view, God causes motion by provid-
ing an impulse, much as we take ourselves to move bodies by our own
impulses. If this is how God causes motion, then His activity in sustain-
ing bodies is distinct from His activity in causing motion, and there is no
reason why there cannot be causes of motion distinct from God.19
There can be causes of motion for Descartes other than God. But it
still remains to be shown that he thought that there are such causes.
The question comes up quite explicitly in Descartes’ last response to
Henry More:
That transference that I call motion is a thing of no less entity than shape is,
namely, it is a mode in body. However the force [vis] moving a [body] can
be that of God conserving as much transference in matter as He placed in it
18 Though the argument concerns motion, states of body, and their causes, it would seem
to hold for the causes of states of mind as well, insofar as the divine Sustainer must sustain
minds with the states that they have as much as He must sustain bodies in the places that
they occupy. To these arguments from continual re-creation, one might also call attention
to the several passages in which Descartes uses the word occasion to characterize particu-
lar causal relations (see Prost, Essai). But as argued in Gouhier, La vocation de Malebranche,
pp. 83–88, this is hardly worth taking seriously as an argument. See also Jean Laporte, Le
rationalisme de Descartes (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1950), pp. 225–26. For
general discussions of the term, see Battail, L’avocat philosophe, pp. 141–46, and Géraud
de Cordemoy, Oeuvres philosophiques, ed., P. Clair and F. Girbal (Paris: Presses Universi-
taires de France, 1968), p. 322, n. 10; for a general discussion of the language of indirect
causality in Descartes and the later Scholastics, see Specht, Commercium mentis et corporis,
chapters II and III.
19 This argument is developed at greater length in Garber, “How God Causes Motion.”
descartes and occasionalism 211
at the first moment of creation or also that of a created substance, like our
mind, or something else to which [God] gave the power [vis] of moving
a body.20
Descartes is here quite clear that some created substances, at the very
least our minds, have the ability to cause motion. Furthermore, there
is no suggestion in this passage that minds can cause motion in bodies
only with God’s direct help, as the occasionalists would hold. Indeed,
our ability to cause motion in the world of bodies is the very model on
which we understand how God does it, Descartes sometimes argues.
Writing to Henry More in April 1649, he remarks:
It would then be quite strange if Descartes held that minds are only the
occasional causes of motion in the world. At least two passages in the
Principles also suggest that he meant to leave open the possibility that,
in addition to God, minds could cause motion in the world. In defend-
ing the conservation principle, for example, Descartes argues that we
should not admit any changes in nature “except for those changes,
which evident experience or divine revelation render certain, and
which we perceive or believe happen without any change in the
creator.”22 Such a proviso would certainly leave open the possibility
that finite substances like our minds can be genuine causes of motion.
Similarly, in presenting his impact law (law 3) in the Principles II 40,
Descartes claims that the law covers the causes of all changes that can
happen in bodies, “at least those that are corporeal, for we are not now
inquiring into whether and how human minds and angels have the
power [vis] for moving bodies, but we reserve this for our treatise On
Man.”23 Again, Descartes is leaving open the possibility that there may
be incorporeal causes of bodily change, that is to say, motion. And so,
I think, we should take him completely at his word when on 29 July
1648 he writes to Arnauld:
24 AT V 222.
25 See AT V 347.
26 P. H. J. Hoenen, “Descartes’s Mechanism,” in Descartes, ed. Willis Doney (New York:
Doubleday, Anchor, 1967), pp. 353–68, esp. p. 359, claims that he did include bodies
descartes and occasionalism 213
is certainly a position that many of Descartes’ later followers held. But
I see no reason to believe that he himself ever maintained such a view.
The argument is a bit complex, and I cannot develop the details here.27
But briefly, there is no passage in Descartes that suggests in any but the
weakest way that he ever held such a position, and there are other pas-
sages that strongly suggest that he did not. Furthermore, Descartes’
conception of the grounds of the laws of motion in divine immutabil-
ity would seem to impose no constraint on finite causes of motions, like
minds. As I noted earlier, Descartes grounds the laws of motion in God’s
immutability; because God is immutable, He cannot add or subtract
motion from the world. But though the conservation principle may
constrain God’s activity, it does not in any way constrain ours; in our
mutability and imperfection, we are completely free to add or subtract
motion to or from the world.
27 In Daniel Garber, “Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature in Descartes and Leibniz,” Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 8 (1983): 105–33, essay 7 in this volume, I argue that, in fact, the laws
of motion that Descartes posits for inanimate nature do not hold for motion caused by
minds, and that, in this way, animate bodies, bodies attached to minds, stand outside the
world of physics. I argue that the position widely attributed to Descartes, that the mind
can change the direction in which a body is moving but not add or subtract speed (thus
apparently violating the conservation principle) is not actually his view.
214 mind, body, and the laws of nature
writings that settles the question with assurance, there is some reason
to believe that this is a view that Descartes may have come to hold by
the late 1640s, at least.
The evidence I have in mind is connected with the proof Descartes
offers for the existence of a world of bodies. The argument first appears
in 1641 in Meditation VI:28 “Now there is in me a certain passive faculty
for sensing, that is, a faculty for receiving and knowing the ideas of sen-
sible things. But I could make no use of it unless a certain active faculty
for producing or bringing about those ideas were either in me or in
something else.” So the argument begins. Descartes’ strategy is to show
that the active faculty in question is not in me (i.e., my mind), or in
God, or in anything but bodies.
To show that bodies really exist, Descartes will eliminate the latter two
possibilities, and show that the active faculty must be in bodies them-
selves, or else God would be a deceiver.
The argument in Meditation VI clearly asserts that bodies have an
“active faculty” that corresponds to the “passive faculty” of sensation;
the clear implication is that the body that exists in the world is the cause
of my sensation of it. The same basic argument comes up again, a few
years later, in Part II, section 1, of the Principles of Philosophy of 1644,
where it begins as follows:
28 The quotations below all come from AT VII 79–80; for fuller treatment of the argument,
see Martial Gueroult, Descartes’ Philosophy Interpreted According to the Order of Reasons, trans.
Roger Ariew (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), vol. II, chapter XIV;
Daniel Garber, “Semel in vita: The Scientific Background to Descartes’ Meditations,” in
Essays on Descartes’ Meditations, ed. Amélie Rorty (Los Angeles and Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1986), essay 11 in this volume, pp. 251–53.
descartes and occasionalism 215
As in the Meditations, Descartes goes on to examine the question as to
whether the sensation might proceed from me, from God, or from
something other than bodies. Talking about that from which the
sensory idea proceeds, he says:
[W]e clearly understand that thing as something plainly different from God
and from us (that is, different from our mind) and also we seem to ourselves
clearly to see that its idea comes from things placed outside of us, things to
which it [i.e., the idea] is altogether similar, and, as we have already observed,
it is plainly repugnant to the nature of God that He be a deceiver.
And so, Descartes concludes, the sensory idea proceeds from a body.
The argument is the Principles is obviously similar to the one in the
Meditations. But there is at least one crucial difference. The argument
in Meditation VI starts with the observation that I have “a certain passive
faculty for sensing”; what we seek is the active faculty that causes the
sensations I have, and the ultimate conclusion is that that active faculty
is found in bodies. But, interestingly enough, in the argument of the
Principles there is no appeal to an active faculty. Indeed, the terminol-
ogy Descartes uses to describe the relation between our sensation and
the body that is the object of that sensation seems studiously noncausal;
we all believe, Descartes tells us, that “whatever we sense comes to us
[advenit] from something which is distinct from our mind,” that the
idea of body “comes from [advenire] things placed outside of us.” The
concern I have attributed to Descartes here is suggested further by a
variant that arises between the Latin version of Principles II 1, which we
have been discussing, and the French version published three years
later in 1647. In the Latin, the crucial phrase reads as follows:
We seem to ourselves clearly to see that its idea comes from things placed
outside of us.29
Nothing reaches our mind from external objects through the sense organs
except certain corporeal motions. . . . But neither the motions themselves
nor the shapes arising from them are conceived by us exactly as they occur
in the sense organs, as I have explained at length in my Dioptrics. Hence it
follows that the very ideas of the motions themselves and of the shape are
innate in us. The ideas of pain, colors, sounds, and the like must be all the
more innate if, on the occasion of certain corporeal motions, our mind is to
31 See the reference given in note 18 above in connection with the word occasion.
32 On the relations between the Meditations and Part I of the Principles, see, for example,
AT III 233, 259; AT V 291; and AT IXB 16.
descartes and occasionalism 217
be capable of representing them to itself, for there is no similarity between
these ideas and the corporeal motions.33
The use of the word “occasion” in this context (as well as in a previous
sentence on the same page) does lend some support to the claim that
the use of the corresponding French word in the French translation of
the Principles, published in the same year, is no accident, and may be
significant for the way in which Descartes is thinking about body-mind
causality. But it is important to recognize that the claim that the sensory
idea is innate in the mind is, I think, irrelevant to the issue of Descartes’
occasionalism. His worry here is not (primarily) the causal connection
between the sensory stimulation and the resulting sensory idea; what
worries him is their utter dissimilarity, the fact that the sensory idea is
nothing like the motions that cause it. To make an analogy, consider,
for example, a computer with a color monitor capable of displaying
complicated graphics and pictures. Suppose that if I tap in a certain
sequence of keystrokes, a picture of the Notre Dame in Paris appears
on the screen. One might perhaps want to point out that the actual
sequence of motions (i.e., the keystrokes) that causally produce the
picture in no way “resembles” the picture, and one might reason from
that fact to the claim that the picture must be innate in the machine,
that is, stored in its memory. But one probably would not want to reason
from that that the keystrokes are not in some sense the direct cause of
the picture’s appearing, that the keystrokes did not really elicit the
picture; and one certainly would not want to infer that it was God who
somehow connected the keyboard with the screen of the monitor.
I think that the situation is similar with respect to Descartes’ point in
the passage quoted from the Notae in Programma; in this case, as in the
computer case, Descartes’ main point is simply that sensory ideas
cannot come directly from the motions that cause them, but must, at
best, be innate ideas that are elicited by the motions communicated to
the brain by the sense organs.
But even though this passage does not lend much support to the view
that Descartes may have come to see God as connecting bodily motions
with sensations, neither does it detract from the evidence I presented
earlier. And so, while the evidence is not altogether satisfactory, it seems
reasonable to think that while Descartes may have seen bodies as
genuine causes of sensations at the time that the Meditations was
33 AT VIIIB 359.
218 mind, body, and the laws of nature
published in 1641, by the publication of the Principles of Philosophy a few
years later he may have changed his view, holding something closer
to what his occasionalist followers held, that God is the true cause of
sensations on the occasion of certain motions in bodies.
34 Clerselier, Lettres de Mr Descartes . . . [tome III]. p. 642. Clerselier argues that while a finite
incorporeal substance, like our mind, cannot add (or destroy) motion in the world, it can
change its direction, because, unlike motion itself, “the determination of motion . . . adds
nothing real in nature . . . and says no more than the motion itself does, which cannot be
without determination” (ibid.). This, though, would seem to conflict with what Descartes
himself told Clerselier in the letter of 17 February 1645, that motion and determination
are two modes of body that “change with equal difficulty” (AT IV 185).
descartes and occasionalism 219
be infinite; he concludes by saying that “our weakness informs us that
it is not our mind which makes [a body] move,” and so he determines
that what imparts motion to bodies and conserves it can only be
“another Mind, to which nothing is lacking, [which] does it [i.e., causes
motion] through its will.”35 And finally, the infinitude of God is central
to the main argument that Malebranche offers for occasionalism in his
major work, De la recherche de la vérité. The title of the chapter in which
he presents his main arguments for the doctrine is “The most danger-
ous error in the philosophy of the ancients.”36 And the most dangerous
error he is referring to is their belief that finite things can be genu-
ine causes of the effects that they appear to produce, an error that,
Malebranche claims, causes people to love and fear things other than
God in the belief that they are the genuine causes of their happiness
or unhappiness.37 But why is it an error to believe that finite things can
be genuine causes? Malebranche argues as follows:
As I understand it, a true cause is one in which the mind perceives a neces-
sary connection between the cause and its effect. Now, it is only in an infi-
nitely perfect being that one perceives a necessary connection between its
will and its effects. Thus God is the only true cause, and only He truly has
the power to move bodies. I further say that it is not conceivable that God
could communicate to men or angels the power He has to move bodies.38
39 Portions of this essay have also appeared in Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics.
And with this, the project has begun. Descartes’ meditator quickly
begins by rejecting the commonsense epistemological principles on
which everything he formerly believed rested, and quickly sets about
putting the world back together again. Of course, one of the central
projects undertaken in this connection must be the replacement of the
epistemological principles rejected with new, more trustworthy prin-
ciples. Just as Descartes’ meditator undermined his former beliefs
by undermining the epistemology on which they were based, he will
rebuild his world by rebuilding its epistemology. New epistemological
principles thus seem to be the very “first foundations” on which he will
build something “firm and lasting in the sciences.” But an obvious ques-
tion to raise about this, the opening sentence of the Meditations, and
about the project that follows out of it, is why? Why does Descartes
believe it necessary even once in life to rebuild all of our beliefs in the
way he suggests? Why does Descartes feel called to such an epistemo-
222 mind, body, and the laws of nature
logical project? Why is any genuine knowledge, anything “firm and
lasting in the sciences” not possible without entering into such a
Herculean labor, cleaning out and rebuilding from the bottom up the
cluttered stable-stalls of the mind?
There is an answer to this question that has been put forward by a
wide variety of commentators, and has become, perhaps, the standard
account of Descartes’ motivation for taking up epistemology in the Med-
itations. In that view, one sees Descartes as engaged in a debate with
radical skepticism; the claim is that the call to new foundations is pri-
marily a call to find epistemological principles immune to skeptical
attack.2 This is a reading for which there is a great deal of support; both
the general intellectual climate, the revival of skeptical thought in the
sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and the details of Meditation
I where Descartes presents a number of arguments derived from the
skeptical tradition for later response, point to skepticism as a major
intellectual problem for Descartes in the Meditations.
But, I claim, this is not the whole story. In a letter Descartes wrote to
his close friend Marin Mersenne on 28 January 1641, while he was com-
posing the Replies to the Objections submitted to his Meditations, and
preparing the whole work for publication, Descartes confided:
I may tell you, between ourselves, that these six Meditations contain the entire
foundations for my physics. But it is not necessary to say so, if you please,
since that might make it harder for those who favor Aristotle to approve them.
I hope that those who read them will gradually accustom themselves to my
principles and recognize the truth in them before they notice that they
destroy those of Aristotle. (AT III 297–298)3
2 For recent developments of this reading, see Harry G. Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and
Madmen (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970), esp. pp. 174–175; Richard H. Popkin, The
History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of
California Press, 1979), chapter 9; and Alexandre Koyré’s introductory essay in E.
Anscombe and P. T. Geach, Descartes: Philosophical Writings. E. M. Curley’s Descartes Against
the Skeptics (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978, pp. 8–9) also suggests such
a view. But in private communication, Curley has emphasized that in stressing the attack
on skepticism, he did not mean to deny that the Meditations plays other equally important
roles in Descartes’ philosophy, most prominently in the grounding of his physics. See his
chapter 8. For a valuable discussion of Descartes’ attitude towards skepticism, see Henri
Gouhier, La Pensée Métaphysique de Descartes (Paris: Vrin, 1978), chapter 1.
3 On the importance of the Meditations project as the first step in building his new science,
see also the introduction to the French edition of the Principles of Philosophy (AT IXB 13–17).
The importance of the program of the Meditations as a foundation for the sciences is also
suggested by Descartes’ critique of the apostate Henricus Regius. See, e.g., AT IXB 19–20
and AT IV 625.
S E M E L I N V I TA 223
Descartes, thus, is absolutely clear that the program of the Meditations
is not an autonomous philosophical project, but the prelude to a larger
scientific program; his remarks to Mersenne suggest that the motiva-
tion for the Meditations cannot be merely the refutation of skepticism,
a problem that, it would seem, is of no pressing concern to the prac-
ticing scientist.4 The Meditations is, as it were, a Trojan horse that
Descartes is attempting to send behind the lines of Aristotelian science.
Now, there are a number of ways in which the Meditations can be seen
to lay the foundations for Cartesian science. One can see, for example,
in the discussions of body, its distinction from mind and its nature
as extension and extension alone, hints of Descartes’ mechanistic
accounts of the human body, and the world of physics, as we shall later
see. But I think that Descartes meant something deeper still. I shall
argue that the Meditations are intended to give the epistemological foun-
dations of the new science as much as its metaphysical foundations;5 the
account of knowledge, of clear and distinct perception, imagination,
and sensation that forms the backbone of the Meditations is, I claim,
intended to undermine the epistemology that underlies Aristotelian
physics, and lead directly to its replacement by a Cartesian conception
of the way the world is. It is in this sense, too, that the Meditations con-
tains “the entire foundations for my physics.”6
This, then, is what I’ll try to do in this essay – set the epistemologi-
cal project of the Meditations into the broader context of the Cartesian
program for science,7 and show why Descartes thought that such an
epistemological project was a necessary preliminary to scientific inves-
4 For an account that suggests that skepticism was a problem for practicing scientists, see,
e.g., Philip Sloan, “Descartes, the Skeptics, and the Rejection of Vitalism in Seventeenth-
Century Physiology,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 8 (1977):1–28. But see also
my discussion of this essay in Studia Cartesiana 2 (1981):224–225.
5 I don’t intend, in putting the matter this way, to suggest that there is a radical distinction
between metaphysical and epistemological concerns. Descartes’ epistemology strongly
depends on issues relating to the nature of mind, its relation to the body, and its relation
to the benevolent God who created it.
6 For similar readings of Descartes’ project, see, e.g., Étienne Gilson, Études sur le Rôle de la
Pensée Médiévale dans la Formation du Système Cartésien (Paris: Vrin, 1975), Part 2, chapter 1;
and Margaret D. Wilson, Descartes (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978), 3–4; 104.
Wilson’s point of view is contrasted with Curley’s in Willis Doney’s “Curley and Wilson on
Descartes,” Philosophy Research Archives, Jan. 1, 1980.
7 It should be noted that I am using the term science in an anachronistic way here, and mean
it to refer to areas of inquiry that we call scientific, physics, biology, etc. In Latin, science,
scientia, means just knowledge. Thus Descartes wrote in Rule II of his early Rules for the Direc-
tion of the Mind: “All science is certain and evident cognition” (AT XI 362).
224 mind, body, and the laws of nature
tigation. I shall begin with a brief discussion of the Cartesian program
in physics, and the conception of the world against which it was explic-
itly directed. I shall argue there that Descartes saw both the Aristotelian
and common views of the world as closely connected with certain deeply
held but very mistaken epistemological views. I shall then try to show
how both the skeptical arguments of Meditation I and the more posi-
tive arguments of the succeeding Meditations function in the overthrow
of the commonsense epistemology and the Aristotelian metaphysics it
supports, and in the establishment of epistemological foundations for
the Cartesian science. In this way, I hope to show one motivation, over
and above any worries about skepticism, for entering into the episte-
mological project of the Meditations.
8 For general accounts of the so-called mechanical philosophy, see, e.g., Richard Westfall,
The Construction of Modern Science (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1971); Marie Boas,
“The Establishment of the Mechanical Philosophy,” Osiris X (1952):412–541; or E. J.
Dijksterhuis, The Mechanization of the World Picture (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1961), esp. Part 4, chapter 3.
9 For some general accounts of Cartesian physics, see, e.g., Paul Mouy, Le Développement de
la physique Cartésienne (Paris: Vrin, 1934), 1–71; J. F. Scott, The Scientific Work of Descartes
(London: Taylor and Francis, 1952); and E. J. Aiton, The Vortex Theory of Planetary Motions
(New York: Neale Watson, 1972).
10 The principal statements of Cartesian physics are the Le Monde of 1632 (in AT XI; trans-
lated by Michael Mahoney as René Descartes: The World [New York: Abaris Books, 1979]);
the Dioptrics and Meteors of 1637 (in AT VI translated by Paul J. Olscamp in René Descartes:
Discourse on Method; Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology [Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965]),
and Principles of Philosophy of 1644. The Principles is the only attempt Descartes made at a
complete and systematic exposition of his physics.
S E M E L I N V I TA 225
which, as he says, “does not consist in weight, hardness, color, or the
like, but in extension alone” (Pr II 4; cf. Pr II 11), and an account of
the modes of body, shape, size, and motion. Of these, motion, defined
as “the translation of one part of body, or of one body, from the neigh-
borhood of those bodies which immediately touch it . . . and into the
neighborhood of others” (Pr II 25), gets special attention. Descartes is
careful to distinguish motion, a mode of extension, so he claims, from
its principal cause, God, who, in continually re-creating the world from
moment to moment, is responsible for the changes in place bodies are
observed to have.11 And from the activity of God, “not only because He
is a Himself immutable, but also because He acts in as constant and
immutable a way as possible” (Pr II 36), Descartes derives the laws of
motion, the laws that govern bodies as such, the conservation of quan-
tity of motion, the persistence of size, shape, and rectilinear motion,
and the laws bodies obey in impact (cf. Pr II 36–42).12 And with this,
the mechanist program is off and running. Since all matter is of the
same sort and obeys the same laws, we have no choice but to explain
the special behavior that individual bodies exhibit (the heaviness of
stones and the lightness of air, the color of milk and the attractive prop-
erties of lodestones) in terms of the differing size, shape, and motion
of the smaller bodies (or corpuscles) that make them up, and the laws
of geometry and motion that govern them (cf. Pr II 22–23). Descartes
thus wrote in his Principles II, 64, after this analysis of motion and just
prior to the execution of his program in III and IV:
I openly acknowledge that I know of no other matter in corporeal things
other than that which is divisible, shapable, and movable in every way, and
which the geometers call quantity, and take as the object of their demon-
strations; and that there is nothing in it to consider except those divisions,
shapes, and movements; and that nothing concerning these can be accepted
as true unless it is deduced from these common notions, whose truth we
cannot doubt, with such certainty that it must be considered as a mathe-
11 See Pr II 36 and AT V 403–404. This latter passage suggests that God is not the only cause
of motion in the world, and that mind can be a genuine cause of at least some motion.
On this see my essay 7 in this volume. “Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature in Descartes
and Leibniz”. On the role of God plays in the derivation of the laws of motion in Descartes,
see, e.g., Gary Hatfield, “Force (God) in Descartes’ Physics,” Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science 10 (1979):113–140; and Martial Gueroult, “The Metaphysics
and Physics of Force in Descartes,” in Stephen Gaukroger, ed., Descartes: Philosophy,
Mathematics, and Physics (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes and Noble, 1980), 196–229.
12 For an account of the derivation of the laws of motion, see, e.g., Alan Gabbey, “Force and
Inertia in the Seventeenth Century: Descartes and Newton,” in Stephen Gaukroger,
Descartes, 230–320.
226 mind, body, and the laws of nature
matical demonstration. And because all natural phenomena can thus be
explained, as will appear in what follows, I think that no other principles of
physics should be accepted, or even desired (Pr II 64. Cf. AT II 542; AT
III 686)
And thus Descartes observes in his Sixth Replies that, in his physics, all
of the sensible properties that bodies seem to have, all color, sound,
heaviness, and lightness are to be eliminated from the physical world,
leaving only geometry and the laws of motion behind:
I observed that nothing at all belongs to the nature [ratio] of body except
that it is a thing with length, breadth, and depth, admitting of various shapes
and various motions; that its shapes and motions are only modes which no
power could make to exist apart from it; that colors, odors, tastes, and the
like are merely sensations existing in my thought, and differing no less from
bodies than pain differs from the figure and motion of the weapon that
inflicts it; and finally that heaviness [gravitas], hardness, the powers [vires] of
heating, attracting, purging, and all other qualities which we experience in
bodies consist solely in motion or its absence, and in the configuration and
situation of their parts. (AT VII 440)
13 See, e.g., the commonsense mistakes that Descartes calls attention to in Pr I, 46, 66–68.
14 On the commonsense conception of resistance, see, e.g., Pr II 26: AT II 212–213. It is in
this sense that Descartes denies “inertia or natural tardiness” to bodies, a tendency to come
S E M E L I N V I TA 227
This much is common sense, what most people take the world to be.
But, Descartes thinks, it is this that underlies the principal opponent
to his mechanism in the learned world, the Aristotelian worldview
common to the Scholastics that Descartes was taught at La Flèche, what
he called on occasion the “vulgar philosophy,” in recognition of its
widespread acceptance (cf. AT I 421; AT III 420; AT IV 30). Late
Scholastic Aristotelianism, the philosophy taught in the universities
and colleges in Descartes’ day, was a phenomenon of great complexity,
encompassing a number of different schools of thought with important
differences on a number of different issues.15 But Descartes was not
interested in the fine points of the Scholastic debates. Descartes writes
in a letter to Mersenne from 1640:
I do not think that the diversity of the opinions of Scholastics makes their
philosophy difficult to refute. It is easy to overturn the foundations on which
they all agree, and once that has been done all their disagreements over detail
will seem foolish. (AT III 231–232)
to rest or a resistance to being set in motion from rest (AT II 466–467), although Descartes
is perfectly willing to admit as a consequence of his conservation law that one body moving
another will lose some of its own motion (AT II 543; AT II 627). On commonsense
conceptions of heaviness, see, e.g., AT III 667; AT VII 441–442. On the commonsense
prejudices that lead to a belief in vacua, see, e.g., Pr II, 17–18.
15 For a survey of some aspects of late Scholasticism relevant to the foundations of physics,
see William A. Wallace, “The Philosophical Setting of Medieval Science,” in David C.
Lindberg, ed., Science in the Middle Ages (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978),
91–119. For an account of the diversity of seventeenth-century Scholasticism on
some of the issues about substance relevant to Descartes, see A. Boehm, Le “Vinculum Sub-
stantiale” chez Leibniz: ses Origines Historiques (Paris: Vrin, 1962), 33–81. For an account of
Descartes’ relations with late Scholasticism, see Gilson, Rôle, and the extremely valuable
collection of Scholastic texts that Gilson published in his Index Scolastico-Cartésien (Paris:
Vrin, 1979).
16 It should be noted that Descartes’ representation of Scholastic doctrine is not always accu-
rate. As Gilson notes (Rôle, 163), Descartes’ view is that the Scholastic form is a substance
(AT III 502), a conception that is a matter of some controversy among Scholastics. Also,
Descartes draws no distinction between the Scholastic conceptions of form and real
quality. Cf., e.g., Descartes’ defintion of form in AT III 502 with the conception of real
228 mind, body, and the laws of nature
diate principles of action of things,” introduced “so that through them
we can explain the actions proper to natural things, of which the form
is the principle and source” (AT III 503, 506). And so, corresponding
to salient qualities or characteristic kinds of behavior, the Scholastic
posits a form whose function it is to explain the quality or behavior
observed. Eustachius a Sancto Paulo, a seventeenth-century Scholastic
whose work Descartes knew and considered representative of the tra-
dition, thus wrote:
There are individual and particular behaviors [ functiones] appropriate to
each individual natural thing, as reasoning is to human beings, neighing to
horses, heating to fire, and so on. But these behaviors do not arise from
matter. . . . Thus, they must arise from the substantial form.17
quality expressed, e.g., in AT III 648; AT III 667; AT V 222; AT VII 441–442. Consequently,
I shall draw no distinction between form and quality. The account of the Scholastic con-
ception of substance given in the text is not intended to be an accurate account of Scholas-
tic doctrine. It should be read as a representation of what the Scholastic opponent looked
like to Descartes.
17 Gilson, Index, sec. 209. See also Eustachius a Sancto Paulo, Summa Philosophica . . . (Cam-
bridge: Roger Daniel, 1648), 123–124, 127, 140; and a passage from Suarez, Disputationes
Metaphysicae . . . given in Gilson, Index, sec. 211. For Descartes’ judgment of Eustachius,
see AT III 232.
18 Cf. Gilson, Rôle, 159–162.
S E M E L I N V I TA 229
amounts to the attribution of a “tiny mind,” as he put it, linked with
specific behavior, to inanimate bodies, in order to explain that behav-
ior (AT III 648; cf. AT VII 441–442). And so, for example, Descartes
thinks of the Scholastic notion of heaviness as something mental, a sub-
stance linked to body that “bears bodies toward the center of the earth
as if it contains some thought of it [i.e., the center of the earth] within
itself ” (AT VII 442). This allows Descartes to appeal to the Scholastic
account of heaviness to convince confused correspondents that insofar
as they find the philosophy they learned in school comprehensible, they
should have no particular trouble with Descartes’ own conception of
mind-body interaction; the Scholastic account of gravity is, in essence,
a misapplication of a notion that “was given us for the purpose of con-
ceiving the manner in which the soul moves the body” (AT III 667), a
projection of our dual nature onto the inanimate world.19 And thus
Descartes wrote in a letter in 1641:
The first judgments that we have made since our childhood, and since then,
the vulgar philosophy [i.e., Scholasticism] have accustomed us to attribute to
bodies many things which only pertain to mind and to attribute to mind many
things that only pertain to body. One ordinarily mixes the two ideas of
body and mind, and in the compounding of these ideas, one fashions real
qualities and substantial forms, which I think should be entirely rejected.
(AT III 420)
19 See also the discussion of this question in sec. 2 of my essay, “Understanding Interaction:
What Descartes Should Have Told Elisabeth,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, supplement to
vol. 21 (1983):15–32, essay 8 in this volume.
20 One trace of Scholastic ontology is the notion of tendency that is essential to Descartes’
derivation of the laws of motion. On this and the closely related notion of force, see, e.g.,
Gueroult, “Metaphysics and Physics,” and Thomas L. Prendergast, “Motion, Action, and
Tendency in Descartes’ Philosophy,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (1975):453–462.
Another trace of Scholasticism is in his notion of the relation between mind and body.
Descartes sometimes claims that mind can be regarded as the substantial form of the body,
the only such form he recognizes. See, e.g., AT III 503, 505, AT IV 168, 346. On this see,
e.g., Gilson, Rôle, 245–255; Geneviève [Rodis-]Lewis, L’Individualité selon Descartes (Paris:
Vrin, 1950), 67–81. It is also possible to assimilate Aristotelian ideas to Cartesian in the
other way, by interpreting Aristotle as a Cartesian. This was an idea that attracted the young
Leibniz. See his letter to Jacob Thomasius, April 20/30, 1669, in Leroy Loemker, ed. and
trans., G. W. Leibniz: Philosophical Papers and Letters (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1969), 93–103. In
that letter, Leibniz cites a number of his lesser known contemporaries in connection with
this view.
230 mind, body, and the laws of nature
point of view, at least, a clear contrast between the two. Thus Descartes
writes in Le Monde, comparing his own theory of combustion with that
of the Scholastics:
When it [i.e., fire] burns wood or some other such material, we can see with
our own eyes that it removes the small parts of this wood, and separates them
from one another, thus transforming the more subtle parts into fire, air, and
smoke, and leaving the grossest parts as cinders. Let others imagine in this
wood, if they like, the form of fire, the quality of heat, and the action which
burns it as separate things. But for me, afraid of deceiving myself if I assume
anything more than is needed, I am content to conceive here only the move-
ment of parts. (AT XI 7)
21 For example, in the quasi-autobiographical account of the origin of his views on the phys-
ical world in the Sixth Replies (AT VII 441–442), Descartes makes no real distinction
between the commonsense world, and the Scholastic account of the behavior of body.
See also AT II 213 where the opinions of the common people are linked to those of “la
mauvaise Philosophie,” and AT III 420 where the “vulgar philosophy” is linked to “the
earliest judgments of childhood,” where Descartes thinks that the commonsense faith
in the senses derives, as we shall see. See also Gilson, Rôle (pp. 168–173), “La psycholo-
gie de la physique aristotélicienne.”
22 In seeing the errors of Scholasticism as deriving from the errors of commonsense episte-
mology, Descartes does not mean to suggest that the Scholastic metaphysics is a completely
uncritical translation of commonsense sensory beliefs into metaphysics. Contrary to
common sense, for example, the orthodox Scholastic would deny that there are vacua.
23 For a more explicit development of what is much the same idea, see Nicholas Male-
branche, De la Recherche de la Vérité, Bk. 1, chapter 16, and Bk. 6, Part 2, chapter 2, in
Thomas M. Lennon and Paul J. Olscamp, trans., Nicolas Malebranche: The Search After Truth
(Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1980), 73–75; 440–445.
232 mind, body, and the laws of nature
of the prejudices that cloud the adult mind and make it difficult to
apprehend the truth. Descartes writes in the Principles:
And indeed in our earliest age the mind was so immersed in the body that
it knew nothing distinctly, although it perceived much clearly; and because
it even then formed many judgments, it absorbed many prejudices from
which the majority of us can hardly ever hope to become free. (Pr I 47; cf.
Pr I 71; AT IV 114; etc.)
24 Descartes’ account of sensation and imagination as deriving from the connection between
the mind and the body, see, e.g., Pr IV 189–197; Passions of the Soul, 19–26. Sensation and
imagination are, for Descartes, both faculties we have by virtue of which we can have
mental pictures, and differ only as to whether those pictures derive from the sense organs
(sensation) or the brain (imagination). On our early confusion between mind and body,
see, e.g., AT III 420; AT III 667; AT VII 441–442.
S E M E L I N V I TA 233
randomly this way and that and happened to pursue something pleasant or
to flee from something disagreeable, the mind adhering to it began to notice
that that which it sought or avoided exists outside of itself, and attributed to
them not only magnitudes, figures, motions, and the like, which it perceived
as things or modes of things, but also tastes, smells, and the like, the sensa-
tions of which the mind noticed were produced in it by that thing. . . . And
we have in this way been imbued with a thousand other such prejudices from
earliest infancy, which in later youth we quite forgot we have accepted without
sufficient examination, admitting them as though they were of the greatest
truth and certainty, and as if they had been known by sense or implanted by
nature. (Pr I 71; cf. Pr I 73)
In our earliest years, then, aware of only what the bodily faculties tell
us, but, through our dealings with the world, aware that there are things
outside of our immediate control and thus outside of us, we came
almost spontaneously to the belief in a world of external objects similar
to our sensations. These judgments became so natural to us, Descartes
thinks, that we confused them with the sensations themselves, and we
came to believe that it is our sensory experience itself that gives us the
belief in an external world of sensible properties. As Descartes wrote to
the authors of the Sixth Objections:
In this way, we come, in our adulthood, to put our trust in the senses
as an accurate representation of the way the world is.
The prejudice in favor of the senses, the belief that the senses rep-
resent to us the way the world of bodies really is, gives rise to a multi-
tude of prejudices, as this passage suggests. In an obvious way, it leads
us to think that “seeing a color, we saw something which existed outside
of us and which clearly resembled the idea of that color which we then
experienced in ourselves” (Pr I 66). Similarly, when we have a painful
or pleasant sensation, this epistemological prejudice leads us to believe
25 The discussion of sensation in the Sixth Replies from which this passage is excerpted
makes it clear that, strictly speaking, the prejudice for the senses which for Descartes is
characteristic of common sense is a prejudicial judgment about the cause or content of
our ideas of sensation. That is, what is wrong is the judgments we make about sensory
ideas; the ideas themselves, Descartes is clear, are neither true nor false.
234 mind, body, and the laws of nature
that it is “in the hand, or in the foot, or some other part of our body”
(Pr I 67. Cf. Pr I 47, 68). Such prejudices also lead us to posit vacua
where we sense no objects (cf. Pr II 18; AT V 271), to think that more
action is required to move a body than to bring it to rest (Pr II 26), that
bodies in motion tend to come to rest (Pr II 37), and that bodies have
an internal resistance to motion (AT II 213–214). And with these
prejudices, which make up what I earlier called the commonsense
worldview, we have laid the groundwork for Scholastic physics, the meta-
physicalization of this commonsense world of sensible properties and
tendencies and the positing of forms and qualities.
At this point we can turn back to the Meditations. These prejudices,
grounded in the epistemological prejudices of youth are, I think, chief
among the “many false things I have admitted as true from my earliest
age” that Descartes has in mind in the opening sentence of Meditation
I, and one of the chief purposes of the Meditations is to eliminate those
prejudices and replace them with a true picture of the way the world
is. It is in this sense that the Meditations is intended to lay the founda-
tions for Cartesian science and eliminate the foundations of the Aris-
totelian. But in order to overturn these prejudices, we must find a way
of setting aside the prejudice for the senses that we have had since
youth, and replace our dependence on the senses with an altogether
different epistemological principle; Descartes’ revolution in physics
must begin with a revolution in epistemology. It is in this sense that
Descartes holds that “once in life [semel in vita] everything ought to be
completely overturned, and ought to be rebuilt from the first founda-
tions,” from our epistemology up, “if I want to build anything firm and
lasting in the sciences,” if I want to find out how the world really is. This
project, as Descartes carries it out in the Meditations, involves two prin-
cipal stages. We must first break the hold of the senses and of all the
prior beliefs we have held that are based on our faith in the senses; what
is called for is a kind of intellectual infanticide, to use Gouhier’s some-
what violent image, the elimination of the child that remains within
us.26 This, I shall argue below, is one of the important functions of
Meditation I. And, second, we must carefully reexamine the epistemo-
logical foundations of knowledge, and replace our exclusive depen-
dence on the senses and the imagination with a more sophisticated view
of knowledge that puts the senses in their proper place and subordi-
Skeptical Therapy
So far I have concentrated on the opening sentence of the Meditations,
and offered an interpretation of it in terms of what Descartes wrote
outside of the Meditations itself. I have argued that the Meditations must
be read not merely as a philosophical project to defeat skepticism but,
more generally, as an epistemological preparation for science. It is now
time to turn to the Meditations themselves and work out some of the
details of the reading I propose. The first question to be taken up must
be the skeptical arguments of Meditation I. Meditation I seems to
announce skepticism as the problem of the Meditations. But, I claim, it
does more than that. Meditation I, I claim, is the first step in building
a new epistemology, the destruction of the prejudice in favor of the
senses and in favor of the closely related faculty of imagination, which
constitutes a necessary first step in the construction of an epistemology
appropriate for Cartesian science.
In the previous section, I emphasized Descartes’ account of our intel-
lectual development, our initial trust in the senses and the conception
of the world that grows out of it. These prejudices, Descartes thinks,
interfere with our perception of the way things are, and must be
removed before we can find true and certain knowledge; we must, as
Descartes puts it, withdraw our minds from the senses, from the body,
from the things we formerly believed. And so Descartes wrote in the
Second Replies that, even though the account of the foundations of the
world that he is attempting to outline in the Meditations is, to the open
mind, even more obvious than geometry,
yet being contradicted by the many prejudices of our senses to which we have
since our earliest years been accustomed, they cannot be perfectly appre-
hended except by those who give strenuous attention and study to them, and
withdraw their minds as far as possible from bodily matters. (AT VII 157;
cf. AT I 350–351; AT IV 114; AT VI 37)
236 mind, body, and the laws of nature
And thus Descartes tells a correspondent in 1638, “those who want to
discover truth must distrust opinions rashly acquired in childhood”
(AT II 39).27
It is with this in mind that we should approach the skeptical argu-
ments that are the main business of Meditation I. Much of the content
of the Meditations had been made public some four years earlier, in Part
4 of the Discourse. But some readers had problems following the argu-
ments there. Part of the problem derived from the brevity of treatment
in the Discourse. But Descartes acknowledged another problem as well.
In a letter written in 1637, Descartes sympathizes with one such reader
and confesses that “there is a great defect in that work you have seen,
and I have not expounded the arguments in a manner that everyone
can easily grasp.” But, Descartes continues,
I did not dare to try to do so, since I would have had to explain at length the
strongest arguments of the skeptics to show that there is no material thing
of whose existence one can be certain. Thus I would have accustomed the
reader to detach his thought from sensible things. (AT I 353)
In the First Meditation, I present the reasons why we can doubt generally of
all things, and particularly of material things, at least as we have no other
foundations of the sciences than those that we have had up until now. Even
though the utility of such a general doubt is not apparent at first, it is,
however, quite considerable, since it delivers us from all sorts of prejudices,
and prepares for us a very easy way to accustom our mind to detach itself
from the senses. (AT VII 12).
27 This claim offers Descartes an interesting reply to objectors not convinced by his argu-
ments. Descartes can claim that his objectors are still dominated by the prejudices of
youth, and for that reason cannot see what is present to their mind’s eye (cf., e.g., AT III
267 and AT VII 9–10).
28 In a sense, all of Part 1 of the Discourse can be read as a skeptical argument. But the explicit
skeptical arguments that occupy a full Meditation in the later work occupy just a few lines
in Part 4 of the Discourse. Furthermore, the Meditations contains two arguments missing in
the Discourse, the deceiving-God argument and the hypothesis of the evil demon.
S E M E L I N V I TA 237
Similarly, when Hobbes grumbled that he “should have been glad if our
author . . . had refrained from publishing these matters of ancient lore”
(AT VII 171),29 Descartes replied that the arguments were put there
quite deliberately. The skeptical arguments that open the Meditations
set up questions answered in the course of the work, and provide a stan-
dard of certainty for later arguments, Descartes explains. But the very
first reason Descartes gave Hobbes for rehearsing them at such length
is that they “prepare the minds of the readers to consider intellectual
things and distinguish them from corporeal things, for which those
arguments always seemed necessary” (AT VII 171–172). The separation
of the intellectual from the corporeal is an obvious reference to the dis-
tinction between mind and body, which is one of the central conclu-
sions of the Meditations. But it also refers to the distinction between the
intellectual faculties and the corporeal, between reason and sense,
whose confusion underlies the confusion between the mental and the
material, as noted earlier. The skeptical arguments of Meditation I,
then, are to eliminate prejudice and prepare us to see things as they
are, as reason, the intellect sees them, as opposed to the way things
appear to us through our corporeal faculties.
And it is clear when one reads Meditation I that the trust in our cor-
poreal faculties, our senses, the most fundamental prejudice we have
from youth, is a central focus of Descartes’ attention. The task of Med-
itation I, as Descartes puts it, is the “general overthrow of my opinions”
(AT VII 18). This task is to be accomplished not by eliminating them
one by one, as his later metaphor of the apple basket suggests (cf. AT
VII 481), but by eliminating the foundations on which all those preju-
dices rest:
Since the destruction of the foundations by itself brings about the downfall
of that which is built on it, I shall now attack only those principles on which
all that I once believed rested. (AT VII 18)
29 It is interesting to note that when, somewhat later, Hobbes presented his own philosophy,
he made use of a device similar to hyperbolic doubt, though without the full battery of
skeptical arguments that Descartes used. See De corpore, chapter 7, sec. 1.
238 mind, body, and the laws of nature
with the observation that the senses sometimes deceive (cf. AT VII 18).
Descartes then continues with the consideration of a second epistemic
principle, again concerned with sensory knowledge:
But it may be that although the senses sometimes deceive us concerning
certain things that are small or remote, there are yet many others about which
we clearly cannot doubt, although we take them in by their means [i.e., by
means of the senses]. (AT VII 18)
30 See Margaret Wilson, Descartes (chapter 1, secs. 4 and 6) for an account of the main lines
of interpretation in the literature and an extremely plausible proposal for reconstructing
the argument.
S E M E L I N V I TA 239
images [imagines] of things, whether true or false, are made, just as all of
them are made from true colors. The nature of body in general, its exten-
sion, and also the shapes of the extension of things, quantity . . . , the place
in which it exists, and the time through which it endures, and the like seem
to be of this sort. (AT VII 20)
31 Cf. Frankfurt’s explication of this passage in Demons (pp. 74–76). While I am not certain
that I can agree with everything he says about the treatment of mathematics in Medita-
tion I (see Demons, chapters 7–8), I do agree with Frankfurt that, in the particular pas-
sages under consideration, the meditator is clearly thinking of mathematics as a science
that pertains to certain features of an external world. (In general, I should point out that
my account of the arguments in Meditation I owes an obvious debt to Part 1 of Demons.)
240 mind, body, and the laws of nature
While the third and fourth principles of evidence may appear to have
little to do with our faith in the senses, there is, in Descartes’ mind, an
intimate connection. What we are dealing with in these two principles
is sensation taken in the very most general way, knowledge about the
makeup of the world which we claim to derive from sensory images,
considered apart from any assumptions about their immediate causal
history; what we are dealing with are our mental images of bodies con-
sidered irrespective of the question as to whether they are genuine sen-
sations, images that derive from the sense organs, or mere imaginations,
mental pictures that we have from some other source.32 In this way,
then, when the final skeptical argument of this series, the deceiving-
God argument, eliminates the third and fourth epistemic principles, it
eliminates (among other things, perhaps) what appears to be the last
hope of knowledge from the senses and, more generally, from all the
corporeal faculties, both sensation and imagination, those that arise
from our connection to our body.33
The skeptical arguments of Meditation I, then, are carefully directed
at the youthful prejudice in favor of the senses that, Descartes argues,
must be eliminated before we can attain real knowledge. Their func-
tion as therapy intended to withdraw the mind from the senses is under-
scored in the final pages of the Meditations. Descartes writes:
But it is not sufficient to have made these remarks; we must also be careful
to keep them in mind. For these habitual opinions will still frequently recur
in my thoughts, my long and familiar acquaintance with them giving them
the right to occupy my mind against my will. (AT VII 22)
As strange as this account of mathematics may seem, it may well have been the way in
which Descartes himself thought about mathematics in his earlier years. On this see John
A. Schuster, “Descartes’ Mathesis Universalis: 1619–28,” in Stephen Gaukroger, Descartes,
41–96. Schuster’s suggestion seems to be that in the late 1620s, Descartes thinks of the
primary objects of mathematics as imaginative pictures, mental representations of
physical impressions in the brain.
32 Dream images, under consideration in this context, are, for Descartes, a kind of imagi-
nation, one that derives from the activity of the brain. (See Passions of the Soul, 21, 26.)
But this portion of the argument is intended, I think, to deal with imagination of all
varieties, both involuntary (like dreams) and voluntary, all of which derive from the union
of mind with a body, and any knowledge that we may claim to have from imagination.
33 I don’t mean to suggest that this is the only thing that the deceiving-God argument elimi-
nates. It is plausible to read it, as most commentators have, as eliminating all the medi-
tator’s former beliefs, both those from the senses as well as those beliefs he may have had
from reason, thus setting up the problem that is ultimately resolved in Meditation IV with
the validation of clear and distinct perception. But this is a question that relates to the
function of Meditation I as setting skeptical questions to be answered in the later Medi-
tations, a question that goes beyond the scope of my interest in Meditation I here.
S E M E L I N V I TA 241
It is for this reason that Descartes proposes the famous demon hypoth-
esis, to fix the elimination of prejudice that the skeptical arguments
I will therefore suppose that not the best God, who is a fountain of truth, but
some malignant demon, no less deceitful than powerful, has bent all his
efforts to deceive me. (AT VII 22)34
34 In presenting the demon hypothesis in this way, as a therapeutic device, I mean to reject
Martial Gueroult’s celebrated reading, in accordance with which the demon hypothesis is
intended as a genuine argument, distinct from the deceiving-God argument. According
to Gueroult, the demon argument is answered by the causal argument for the existence
of God in Meditation III, whereas the deceiving-God argument is answered by the
ontological argument in Meditation V. For a clear and concise statement of Gueroult’s
position, together with the defense of a position much like the one I am advancing here,
see Henri Gouhier, “L’Ordre des Raisons selon Descartes,” in Cahiers du Royaumont:
Descartes (Paris: Éditions de minuit, 1957), 72–87.
35 Cf. Gilson, Rôle, 186.
242 mind, body, and the laws of nature
weeks, to this, before going on further; for in this way the rest of the work
will yield them a much richer harvest. (AT VII 130)
36 For similar readings of the aim of Meditation I, see Gilson, Rôle, 184–190; Gouhier, Pensée
Métaphysique, chapter 2; Wilson, Descartes, chapter 1, sec. 3; and Mike Marlies, “Doubt,
Reason, and Cartesian Therapy,” in Michael Hooker, ed., Descartes: Critical and Interpretive
Essays (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978).
S E M E L I N V I TA 243
of the Meditations there is, I claim, a series of arguments very carefully
and systematically directed against the commonsense prejudice for the
senses; the disease treated by skeptical therapy in Meditation I is sub-
jected to the light of reason in the Meditations that follow. The careful
treatment of the prejudices of the senses throughout the epistemologi-
cal discussions of the Meditations demonstrates, I think, that Descartes
was concerned not only with the refutation of skepticism, but with the
elimination of a false epistemology and its replacement by the true, with
the elimination of the commonsense dependence on the faculties of sen-
sation and imagination that lead toward Aristotelianism, and their
replacement with a conception of knowledge appropriate to grounding
the new, mechanical philosophy.
Before entering into these arguments, it will be helpful to say some-
thing about how the Meditations is written. The authors of the Second
Objections asked Descartes to set out his principal arguments more geo-
metrico, with formal definitions, postulates, axioms, and with careful
formal proofs (cf. AT VII 128). While Descartes complied with their
request (cf. AT VII 160–170), he was not entirely comfortable doing
so. For reasons obvious from the discussion of the previous section, he
told the objectors that, while the Euclidean mode of exposition is fine
for geometry, it is unsuited to the material at hand, which requires, for
its proper comprehension, the therapeutic withdrawal from the senses
which, I have argued, is an important function of Meditation I. It is in
this context that Descartes tells his objectors a bit about how the Med-
itations themselves were written. “In my Meditations I have followed only
analysis, which is the true and best way for teaching,” Descartes wrote
(AT VII 156). Analysis, in contrast to the more usual mode of argument
(ratio demonstrandi) in geometry, what Descartes calls synthesis, is pre-
sented as the mode of argument that shows “the true way by which a
thing was methodically and, as it were, a priori discovered” (AT VII
155).37 Descartes’ conception of analysis and its precise distinction from
synthesis is obscure and has given rise to much discussion.38 But an
37 “A priori” seems meant in an epistemic rather than in the usual metaphysical sense. For
a short discussion of the textual problems this sentence raises, see Daniel Garber and
Lesley Cohen, “A Point of Order: Analysis, Synthesis, and Descartes’ Principles,” Archiv
für Geschichte der Philosophie 64 (1982):136–147, esp. n. 5, and the references cited there.
This appears as essay 3 in this volume.
38 For discussions of Descartes’ conception of analysis and synthesis, see Garber and Cohen,
“Point of Order,” and E. M. Curley, “Analysis in the Meditations,” in Amélie Rorty, ed., Essays
in Descartes’ Meditations (Berkeley and Los Angeles’. University of California Press, 1986).
244 mind, body, and the laws of nature
examination of the six Meditations shows one clear sense in which they
can be read analytically, showing how one might actually come to dis-
cover for oneself the conclusions reached. Actual discovery involves
false steps as well as true, bad arguments considered and rejected as
well as good arguments that ultimately lead to enlightenment. This, I
claim, is an important aspect of the expository strategy of the Medita-
tions. In the course of reestablishing the epistemic foundations of
knowledge and showing the inadequacy of common sense, Descartes
allows the commonsense bias for the senses to have its turn at trying to
establish the way the world is. As a consequence, woven through the
texture of positive arguments in the Meditations is a genuine dialogue
between the claims of common sense and the claims of reason, between
the prejudices of youth and the wisdom of Cartesian maturity, a dia-
logue all too easily missed by the reader who focuses too closely on the
validation of clear and distinct perception and the refutation of skep-
ticism. While the dialogue pervades much of the text, I would like to
emphasize two important exchanges, the discussion of the wax example
in Meditation II, and the aborted proof for the existence of body from
our adventitious ideas of sensation in Meditation III, before showing in
some detail how the claims of sensation and reason are finally resolved
in the discussion of the existence of body that Descartes presents in
Meditation VI and in the discussion of the teachings of nature that
immediately follows.
The path to knowledge begins, of course, in Meditation II, with the
cogito and the sum res cogitans, arguments that establish the existence of
the knowing subject as a thinking thing, “the first and most certain of
all that occurs to one who philosophizes in an orderly way,” as Descartes
puts it in the Principles (Pr I 7). But as soon as that first step in the argu-
ment is taken, there is an objection from common sense: Certainly
bodies, things that we are acquainted with by way of the corporeal fac-
ulties of sensation and imagination, are better known to us than the
mind, which can be conceived through neither of those faculties. As
the meditator puts it:
But nevertheless it still seems to me and I cannot keep myself from believing
that corporeal things, images [imagines] of which are formed by thought,
and which the senses themselves examine, are much more distinctly known
than that something I know not what of myself which does not fall under the
imagination. (AT VII 29)
39 Descartes claims here that we are deceived by our ordinary ways of speaking into think-
ing that we literally see the wax, just as we are, strictly speaking, mistaken when we say that
we see people in the street below the window; if we can be said to see anything at all, it
is coats and hats.
246 mind, body, and the laws of nature
of the existence of the mind is prior to the knowledge of the existence
of body. For whether or not the wax I see or imagine really exists, the
sensations or imaginations themselves entail that mind exists; and
however sensory experience may serve to establish the existence of
body, any such sensory experience demonstrates, with certainty and
immediacy, the existence of a mind (cf. AT VII 33). It is in this precise
sense that mind is “better known than the body,” as Descartes puts it in
the title of Meditation II.
The wax example tames the unruly prejudices of childhood, but only
temporarily. Although the meditator seems to accept the priority of
knowledge of mind over knowledge of body, he keeps on pressing the
insistent claims of commonsense knowledge of body. Meditation III
begins with a kind of introduction, where Descartes reflects on the
conclusions reached so far and lays out the strategy of the argument
to come. Descartes tells us that having established the existence of the
knowing subject, we must establish the existence and nature of its
creator before anything can be known for certain (AT VII 34–36). But
after this introduction, Descartes returns to the argument proper: “and
now good order seems to demand that I should first classify all my
thought into certain types and consider in which of these types there
is, properly, truth or falsity” (AT VII 36–37). That is, having established
the existence of mind as a thinking thing, we must see what can be
drawn from an examination of the thoughts themselves. And at this
point, almost as soon as the order of argument is resumed, the claims
of common sense assert themselves again. The meditator again
attempts to show that the senses lead us directly to a knowledge of the
external world of bodies.
The meditator begins by distinguishing ideas, properly speaking,
thoughts that are like images of things (tanquam rerum imagines) insofar
as they are representative, unlike volitions or emotions (AT VII 37).40
The ideas are then broken down into three categories, the innate ideas
that seem inborn, the adventitious ideas that seem to come from
without, and the factitious ideas that seem to have been created by me
(cf. AT VII 37–38). Of particular interest to Descartes’ meditator are
40 This passage naturally enough misled Hobbes into thinking that all ideas are mental
images for Descartes, i.e., that the only cognitive faculties are sensation and imagination.
In his reply to Hobbes, Descartes is clear that this is not the intention in this passage. (See
AT VII 179–181.) Ideas are tanquam rerum imagines only insofar as ideas and images are
representative of things other than themselves.
S E M E L I N V I TA 247
the adventitious ideas: “If I now hear some noise, if I see the sun, if
I feel heat, I have hitherto judged that these sensations proceeded
from some things which exist outside of myself . . . and resemble those
objects” (AT VII 38). The reasons given for these commonsense judg-
ments are three: (1) Nature seems to teach me so; (2) the sensations I
have are independent of my will; and (3) “nothing is more plausible
[obvium]” than that the external thing imposes its own likeness (simi-
litudo) on me rather than anything else (AT VII 38; cf. AT VII 75–76).
The claim is a familiar one; it is, in essence, a reprise of the second prin-
ciple of evidence from Meditation I, the claim that our senses give us
access to the familiar world of middle-sized bodies around us.
And, once again, common sense is rejected. Descartes first of all dis-
tinguishes the teachings of nature from the light of nature, the faculty
to which he will appeal in his own argument for the existence of God,
later in that same meditation (AT VII 40). The teachings of nature,
what causes me to judge that my sensory ideas derive from body, is a
mere inclination to believe (quodam impetu . . . ad hoc credendum) rather
than an irresistible impulse to belief, a faculty, like the light of nature,
which is indubitable in the sense that “there can be no other faculty
which could teach me that what this light of nature shows me as true
is not so, and in which I could trust as much as in the light of nature
itself ” (AT VII 38–39).41 And, Descartes notes, since natural inclinations
have in the past led me astray in distinguishing good from bad, I should
not trust them uncritically in this case either (cf. AT VII 39). As for the
fact that sensations are involuntary, this too is insufficient reason for
thinking that they derive from something external to us. Recalling the
dream argument of Meditation I, Descartes suggests that, for all I know,
there might be some faculty in me independent of my will that I do
not, at this point, know of, which is responsible for my present sensory
ideas, without the need for an external cause, just as some such faculty
may cause the dream experiences I have in sleep (AT VII 39).42 And
41 It is interesting here that Descartes says of the light of nature at this stage, before it has
been validated in Meditation IV, that it “shows me that which is true.” The teachings of
nature seem to be the customary judgments connected with the senses from early youth,
which we have mistaken for direct deliverances of the senses. (See AT VII 436–439 and
the discussion above in Part 1.)
42 This objection relates closely to the dream argument of Meditation I as interpreted in
Wilson’s Descartes (chapter 1, sec. 6). According to Wilson, in Meditation I Descartes is
not worried about our supposed inability to tell whether or not we are awake. Rather, she
claims, the question is why, since we are not tempted to think that our dream experiences
represent an external reality, do we think our waking experiences are any different on
248 mind, body, and the laws of nature
finally, Descartes challenges the claim that our ideas of sense resemble
external things, even if it is conceded that they are caused by things
external. The claim is that the idea we have of an object from our senses
is different from the idea we have of the same object through reason
(“certain innate ideas”), and that “reason persuades me that the idea
that seems to come directly from the thing is that which least resem-
bles it” (AT VII 39). Although the example he uses here is different
(the sun as regarded by the senses and by the astronomers), the point
here is largely the same as the one he made earlier in connection with
the wax example.
At this point in the argument, Descartes puts aside the ideas of sense
and the question of external bodies, and initiates a train of argument
that leads in a fairly direct way to the existence of God in Meditation
III and to the validation of reason in Meditation IV. While the preju-
dices of youth are addressed on a number of occasions in the course
of these arguments,43 it isn’t until Meditation V that the question of
our knowledge of the external world is addressed again and, in fact,
becomes the focus of Descartes’ attention:
having noticed what must be avoided or done in order to arrive at the knowl-
edge of the truth, my principal task now is to attempt to escape from the
doubts into which I have fallen in these last few days, i.e., in the previous
[Meditations] and to see if we can know anything certain about material
things. (AT VII 63)
this score? The objection to the commonsense reason for believing in an external world
is similar. The fact that our sensations are involuntary is no indication that they proceed
from something external, since our dream experience, which is also involuntary, may not
require an external cause.
43 In the course of the causal argument for the existence of God in Meditation III Descartes
examines the ideas of sense, attempting to persuade common sense that these ideas are
obscure and confused. (See AT VII 43–44 and Wilson, Descartes, chapter 3, sec. 2.) Later
in that same Meditation, after concluding the first causal argument for the existence of
God, Descartes raises and answers three objections (AT VII 45–47). At least two of those
objections depend on the belief that any ideas we have of infinity and perfection must
derive from ideas we have of the finite and imperfect, a belief quite natural to the sen-
sualist, for whom every idea derives from sensory experience of finite and imperfect
things. And in Meditation IV, the question of the grounds of our belief in corporeal things
comes up in the course of an analysis of error (AT VII 58–59). Descartes there contrasts
the spontaneous and irresistible urge to believe in the existence of the mind with the less
strong inclination to believe in body, arguing that only the former is a proper use of the
faculty of judgment, in a passage that recalls the distinction between the light of nature
and the teachings of nature in Meditation III.
S E M E L I N V I TA 249
Descartes begins the project in Meditation V, with an account “of the
essence of material things” (AT VII 63), an explicit statement of some
ideas first introduced in the wax example of Meditation II. The “some-
thing extended, flexible, movable” that is the nature of wax, inaccessi-
ble to sensation or imagination (AT VII 31), is identified in Meditation
V with the nature of body itself: what I “imagine distinctly” in bodies
and what must, therefore, constitute their nature is “extension in
length, width, and depth,” together with various modes that pertain to
individual extended things, “sizes, shapes, positions, and motions”
together with duration (AT VII 63).44 This settles part of the debate
between reason and common sense; the argument of Meditation V is
intended to give us a definitive refutation of the commonsense claim,
prominent in earlier discussions, that bodies resemble our sensory ideas
of them. And once this question is settled, Descartes turns to the ques-
tion of the existence of material things in Meditation VI. Here, though,
the treatment of common sense is more subtle. Like common sense,
Descartes believes in the existence of bodies external to the mind, even
though his geometrical conception of body is quite distant from the
sensuous world of common sense. And, like common sense, Descartes
believes that sensation and imagination and the teachings of nature
have roles to play in our coming to believe in a world of bodies, even
though the roles they play are importantly different from the roles
assigned them by common sense. The final move in the dialogue
between truth and prejudice is not so much a refutation of common
sense as it is a reinterpretation, an attempt to find what is right in
common sense and show how at least some of our youthful convictions
can find their place in the Cartesian system. It is in this way that the
dialogue is finally concluded.
The final reconciliation begins in Meditation VI with a consideration
of imagination, and a discussion of the extent to which imagination can
establish the existence of an external world of bodies. Imagination,
Descartes points out, the faculty we have for forming mental pictures, is
something quite different from pure intellection, the faculty we have for
44 Duration seems new here. It is also interesting that the starting place for Descartes’ analy-
sis of the idea of body is an idea of imagination, a mental picture of body. He begins the
analysis with the claim that “ I imagine quantity distinctly” (AT VII 63). When a short
while later an example is considered (AT VII 64), it is the idea of a triangle in imagina-
tion (“And when, for example, I imagine a triangle . . .”).
250 mind, body, and the laws of nature
grasping the concepts of, say, geometrical objects in a nonsensuous way.
This faculty, Descartes claims, “is in no way necessary to my essence”
and thus “depends on something other than myself ” (AT VII 73).
And, Descartes continues, appealing to a conviction, presumably from
common sense, a conviction suggested earlier in Meditation II, “I readily
conceive that if some body exists with which my mind is so joined that it
can consider it whenever it wishes, it could be by this means that it imag-
ines corporeal things” (AT VII 73; cf. AT VII 28).45 The passage con-
cludes with an appeal to an argument from the best explanation: “I easily
conceive, I say, that the imagination can work in this fashion, if indeed
bodies exist, and because I cannot find any other way in which this can
be explained equally well, I therefore conjecture that bodies probably
[probabiliter] exist” (AT VII 73). But, Descartes notes, “this is only
probable, and although I carefully consider all aspects of the question,
I nevertheless do not see that from this distinct idea of the nature of
body which I find in my imagination, I can derive any argument which
necessarily proves the existence of any body” (AT VII 73).46 The faculty
of imagination can, indeed, lead us to a belief in body, Descartes seems
to concede. But, the claim is, not in the way that common sense might
originally have thought. The argument Descartes offers is very different
from the kinds of arguments suggested in the third and fourth princi-
ples of evidence in Meditation I, where the meditator suggested that a
consideration of our dream experience, a variety of Cartesian imagina-
tion, might give us access to some of the general features of an external
reality. The argument Descartes offers to common sense in its place is
an argument from the very faculty of imagination, and Descartes sug-
gests, somewhat dogmatically, this is the only argument we are to get from
imagination. Furthermore, the consideration of imagination will give us
only probability, only a belief in the plausibility of an external world, and
not the real conviction that we thought we had.
45 The passage from Meditation II reads: “to imagine is nothing but to contemplate the shape
of a body or its image.” It is not clear here whether Descartes is claiming that imagina-
tion is the contemplation of a mental picture, or the contemplation of a physical picture
in the brain (the pineal gland), which is the cause of the mental picture. (Cf. the account
of sensation and imagination in the Treatise of Man [AT XI 174–177], in Thomas Steele
Hall, trans., René Descartes: Treatise on Man [Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972],
84–87. In Descartes’ account there, sensation and imagination are literally the contem-
plation of a shape in the pineal gland, a shape that is isomorphic to an external body in
the case of sensation.)
46 The conclusion here is probable, plausible rather than certain, because of the hypo-
thetical form of argument, presumably.
S E M E L I N V I TA 251
For real certainty we must turn to the senses, Descartes thinks. The
final argument for the existence of external bodies, the argument that
Descartes finally and unambiguously endorses is an argument that
appeals crucially to sensation and the teachings of nature, considera-
tions prominent in the abortive Meditation III argument, but now used
in a way that is not open to the objections raised earlier. The argument
goes as follows.47 I find in myself “a certain passive faculty of sensing,
that is, of receiving and recognizing the ideas of sensible objects.” From
this it follows that there must be a certain “active faculty for producing
or forming these ideas, either in me, or in something else.” This active
faculty cannot be in me, Descartes argues. While this step of the argu-
ment is obscure, it seems to depend on two doctrines assumed or estab-
lished earlier. One such doctrine is the claim that the mind contains
only two faculties, a cognitive faculty for the apprehension of ideas, and
volition. While this doctrine is not argued for explicitly in the Medita-
tions it seems to underlie the analysis of error that leads to the epistemic
principle of clear and distinct perception in Meditation IV (cf. AT VII
56f.; Pr I 32; Passions of the Soul, 17). The second assumption necessary
for this step is the claim that all cognitive faculties, like imagination and
sensation, are modes of pure intellection. This is suggested in the argu-
ment from imagination, earlier in Meditation VI, where Descartes
distinguishes imagination from pure intellection, and argues that imag-
ination (presumably unlike intellection) is not essential to mind. In a
passage immediately preceding the argument we are now considering,
Descartes extends this conclusion to sensation, and clarifies the status
of both. Sensation and imagination are, he claims, distinct from pure
intellection in the same way that shapes are distinct from extension, as
modes from that of which they are modes: “thus in the notion that we
have of these faculties . . . they contain some sort of intellection, from
which I conceive that they are distinct from me as figure, motion, and
other modes or accidents of body are from the bodies which sustain
those modes” (AT IXA 62).48 The implication here is that all cognitive
faculties must be modes of pure intellection.49 From these two doctrines
47 All quotations from Descartes’ statement of the argument are from AT VII 79–80.
48 I quote here from the French edition, which in this instance is much clearer than the
Latin. The significance of the difference between the two texts suggests Descartes’ own
hand in this passage of the French edition.
49 On this, see Wilson, Descartes, chapter 4, sec. 2. In this important discussion, Wilson argues
for the primacy of the pure intellect in Descartes’ conception of the mind, as against the
view that all mental events, sensations, imaginations, and pure intellections are on the
252 mind, body, and the laws of nature
Descartes can establish that the active faculty that causes sensations in
me is not, itself, in me. That active faculty “plainly presupposes no intel-
lect,” Descartes claims, from which it follows that it cannot, like sensa-
tion and imagination, be a mode of the cognitive faculty of intellection.
And since the sensations I have “are produced without my cooperation
and often against my will [invitae],” they cannot derive from my will.50
Thus they must derive from something outside of me. But, Descartes
argues, God would be a deceiver if they derived from Himself or from
anything other than from bodies themselves:
For since He plainly gave me no faculty to know that [i.e., that ideas of sensa-
tion come from something other than body] but on the contrary a very great
propensity [propensitas] to believe that they come from corporeal things, I do
not see how God could for any reason fail to be a deceiver if they [i.e., the ideas
of sensation] come from anything but corporeal things. (AT VII 79–80)
same footing. I think that Wilson goes too far, though, when she claims that “Descartes
regarded his mind as essentially only intellect” (p. 181). While the intellect may be the only
passive faculty that pertains essentially to mind, Descartes also recognizes an active faculty,
volition, which is distinct from the intellect.
50 It is because the imagination is, at least sometimes, under our voluntary control, that the
argument must proceed from sensation rather than from imagination.
51 It is interesting to compare this argument with the parallel argument for the existence of
body in Pr II, 1. That version lacks the twist at the end, that if my inclination to believe
in bodies were mistaken, the veracious God would have given me a faculty to correct it.
In Pr II. 1 the claim is that we “seem to see clearly that the idea [i.e., of a material thing]
comes from something outside of us.” The claim is that God would be a deceiver if this
clear idea were mistaken. This seems to be a direct application of the validation of clear
and distinct perceptions to our inclination to believe in bodies, as opposed to the Medi-
tations version of the argument, where the inclination to believe is an ingredient in a more
complex reasoning, and where Descartes never makes the claim that we clearly perceive
the external existence of bodies.
S E M E L I N V I TA 253
for believing in bodies. In the Meditation VI argument the involun-
tariness of sensation gives us only a piece of the argument, the claim
that the active faculty causing sensation is external to mind. And even
this weaker conclusion is endorsed only in the context of certain claims
about mind and its faculties, claims that undermine the hidden-faculty
objection Descartes raised against the appeal to the involuntariness of
sensation in Meditation III. The final argument also makes use of the
teachings of nature, the strong inclination we have to believe that our
sensations derive from bodies, which was presented as one of the prin-
cipal supports of our belief in the external world in Meditation III. In
Meditation III the inclination to believe is taken as, itself, grounds for
belief, grounds that are rejected because of the known untrustworthi-
ness of inclinations in other circumstances. But in Meditation VI, the
inclination to believe in bodies as the cause of my sensations is used
only in the context of a careful examination of when such inclinations
are reliable and when they are not. The claim is that if, in any particu-
lar case, the teachings of nature were untrustworthy, then the veracious
God would have given us the means to correct it. Because, in the spe-
cific case at hand, he didn’t, and only because he didn’t give us any-
thing to correct the belief our inclination leads us to, we can, in this
specific instance, trust the teachings of nature and believe that our sen-
sations proceed from bodies, in spite of the fact that our inclinations
are not always trustworthy. But when another faculty, reason, of course,
gives us the means to correct the teachings of nature, then they must
be rejected. Such is the case with the inclination we have to believe that
objects resemble the sensations we have of them, an inclination that is
explicitly noted in the abortive Meditation III argument, and is closely
connected to the wax example of Meditation II. In the end, while
Descartes uses sensation to establish the existence of bodies, he is very
careful to claim that sensation, by itself, does not establish the nature of
bodies. Immediately after concluding that bodies exist, he wrote:
That is, the bodies whose existence the argument from sensation has
proved, are not the objects of sensation, colored, warm or cold, salty or
sweet, but the extended things of Cartesian science.
254 mind, body, and the laws of nature
It should be clear that implicit in the argument for the existence of
bodies, which Descartes finally endorses, is a general principle of
evidence that pertains to all the claims of common sense, a principle
of evidence that can guide the use of sensation, imagination, and the
natural and habitual inclinations to belief which Descartes calls the
teachings of nature. And just as Descartes draws the principle of clear
and distinct perception from the example of the cogito argument in the
beginning of Meditation III, he draws his new principle of evidence for
the teachings of nature from the example of the argument for the
existence of bodies in Meditation VI (cf. AT VII 35).52 In the paragraph
following the proof, Descartes writes:
As for the rest, there are other beliefs which are very doubtful and uncertain,
as that the sun is of such a size or shape, etc., or less clearly understood, as
light, sound, pain, and the like. But however dubious and uncertain they are,
from the fact that God is not a deceiver, and that consequently He has not
permitted any falsity in my opinions, without my having some faculty to
correct them, I have a certain hope of learning the truth about these things
as well. (AT VII 80)
52 I don’t mean to claim that in the Meditations the principle of clear and distinct percep-
tion is derived from the example of the cogito alone. At the beginning of Meditation III
the cogito suggests the principle to the meditator. But in Meditation IV it is given a careful
derivation from an analysis of the proper use of the faculty of judgment and the veracity
of God. (See AT VII 56–60.) In that derivation, the earlier statement of the principle plays
no role whatsoever.
53 It is interesting that this principle of evidence for sensation seems missing from the Prin-
ciples, a fact closely related to the version of the argument for the existence of body in Pr
II, 1. See the discussion of this argument in note 51. It is not clear to me whether this
represents a change in Descartes’ position, or whether it is a consequence of the fact that
Descartes intends only a simplified presentation of the contents of the Meditations in the
S E M E L I N V I TA 255
Common sense, sensation, imagination are not eliminated. They
remain part of Cartesian epistemology, but under the watchful eye and
domination of reason. Thus Descartes writes in Meditation VI:
But I do not see that it [nature] teaches me that I should conclude anything
from these sense perceptions concerning things outside of ourselves unless
the intellect has previously examined them. For it seems to me that it is the
business of the mind alone, and not of the being composed of mind and
body [from which derives sensation and imagination] to decide the truth
concerning such matters. (AT VII 82–83; cf. AT VII 438–439)
With this, the new epistemology is in place. All that remains is to work
out the details of the new world that reason will show us with the
assistance of the senses.54
In the Meditations, Descartes is thus interested in more than the refu-
tation of skepticism. This is not to deny that the refutation of skepti-
cism is important; until the skeptical challenges to knowledge are
settled, we can have no genuine knowledge. But Descartes is interested
in more than the possibility of knowledge. He is interested in the actual
pursuit of knowledge, in formulating the true account of the way the
world is. The Meditations is intended both to establish the possibility of
knowledge, against the skeptics, and to set knowledge on its proper epis-
temic foundations. By delineating the proper path to knowledge, the
priority of the intellect and its clear and distinct perceptions over the
deliverances of the senses, Descartes is intending to lay the epistemic
groundwork for his revolution in physics, and for the arguments that
establish the world of mechanism and allow us to set aside the com-
monsense and sense-bound world that the Aristotelians have mistaken
54 The fact that sensory knowledge is admitted, under appropriate circumstances, is crucial
to reconciling Descartes’ demand for certainty in science with his frequent claims to being
an experimental scientist. For a discussion of this question, see my essay, “Science and
Certainty in Descartes,” in Hooker, Descartes, 114–151. The breakdown in certainty comes,
I claim, not with experiment, which can, if used properly, under the control of reason,
lead to certain knowledge, but with the use of something like hypothetico-deductive
method, which can never lead to certainty. (For more recent reflections on these ques-
tions, see essays 5 and 6 in this volume.) For another recent attempt to deal with these
questions, see Desmond M. Clarke, Descartes’ Philosophy of Science (University Park: The
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982). Clarke, arguing from Descartes’ scientific writ-
ings rather than from his philosophical writings about science (see p. 2), also emphasizes
the proper use of experience in Descartes’ science, under the control of reason (see
chapters 2 and 3). But Clarke argues that Descartes’ actual method in science is largely
hypothetico-deductive (chapters 5 and 6).
256 mind, body, and the laws of nature
for the world we live in. It is this project, the dethroning of the senses
that, from our earliest years, ruled the mind, and the elevation of
reason, the rightful sovereign of the intellect, which must be under-
taken, once in life, lest we remain trapped in the false world we have
from our earliest years imagined ourselves to inhabit.55
55 I would like to thank Amélie Rorty and E. M. Curley for helpful comments on earlier
The Sixth Objections, like the Second Objections, were collected by Father
Marin Mersenne, and purport to represent the views of the group of
philosophers and theologians who belong to the so-called Mersenne
circle.1 The very first objection that Mersenne and his friends make to
the Meditations in the Second Objections concerns the real distinction
between mind and body; Mersenne and his friends simply do not under-
stand how Descartes’ arguments exclude the possibility that thought is
not a kind of motion, and why a body cannot think (AT VII 123).
Descartes, of course, attempts to answer this question in the Second
Replies (as well as in the Third and Fifth Replies), but evidently not to
Mersenne’s satisfaction. For in the Sixth Objections, the very same ques-
tion is raised yet again (AT VII 413). Mersenne goes on to suggest that
even the Church Fathers believed that thought “could occur by means
of corporeal motions” (AT VII 413). The Sixth Objections ends with an
appendix and a letter “from some philosophers and geometricians to
M. Descartes” in which these very same doubts are voiced again:
However much we ponder on the question of whether the idea of our mind
(or a human mind), i.e., our knowledge and perception of it, contains any-
thing corporeal, we cannot go so far as to assert that what we call thought
1 The Sixth Replies were composed some time between 23 June 1641 (at which time Descartes
complains that he has not received all the sheets Mersenne sent him), and 22 July 1641;
see Descartes’ letters to Mersenne on these dates, AT III 385 and 415. Descartes seems to
have received the objections from Mersenne in bits and pieces, and arranged them himself,
probably adding a few sentences here and there to Mersenne’s texts; see Descartes to
Mersenne, 22 July 1641, AT III 415.
258 mind, body, and the laws of nature
cannot in any way belong to a body subject to some sort of motion. . . . We
have read what you have written seven times, and have lifted up our minds,
as best we could, to the level of the angels, but we are still not convinced.
(AT VII 420–21)2
That in the end is the problem: Mersenne and his friends simply do
not find Descartes’ arguments convincing. Though in the end they have
no specific objections to bring, they are simply not convinced.
Descartes takes these last worries seriously. But rather than respond-
ing with yet another version of the argument to distinguish mind and
body, in the Sixth Replies Descartes offers something very different: an
intellectual autobiography of sorts, an account of how he came to dis-
cover that the mind and the body are distinct, that thought and exten-
sion are different, and how he overcame his natural propensity to
confuse the two. We shall return to the details of this account later. But
for the moment I would like to point out an interesting feature of the
account. After discussing how in his youth he had confused mind and
body, Descartes makes the following remarks:
2 The appendix appears to summarize objections made by R. P. de la Barde; the letter which
follows appears to be from a different source. Both documents seem to be distinct from
the text that Mersenne gathered as the Sixth Objections, and seem to have been added to
that text by Descartes himself. See Descartes to Mersenne, 23 June 1641, AT III 385, and
Descartes to the Abbé de Launay (?), 22 July 1641 (?), AT III 420.
forms and qualities 259
3 For a fuller account of the issues discussed in this section, see my Descartes’ Metaphysical
Physics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), chapter 4, from which this section is
largely drawn.
260 mind, body, and the laws of nature
same matter which is heavy, having the form of water, loses this quality of
heaviness and becomes light when it happens that it takes on the form of air.
(AT II 223)
4 At least there are no such forms in the world of inanimate bodies. Descartes does explic-
itly hold that the human soul is the form of the body; see, e.g., Descartes to Regius, January
1642, AT III 503, 505.
5 In his responses to Arnauld’s Fourth Objections, Descartes does suggest that there may be
real accidents that God can separate from a substance, without our being able to under-
stand how that could happen; see AT VII 249. But that would seem to contradict what he
says elsewhere, for example in the Sixth Replies, AT VII 434–35.
forms and qualities 261
necessarily be in it, and so I am content to limit my conception to the motion
of its parts. (AT XI 7)
But even though Descartes boldly attacks his teachers in the World,
it is extremely important to point out that this attack remained unpub-
lished in Descartes’ lifetime. In general Descartes is very careful to avoid
explicitly contradicting the Scholastic view in public, at least after the
condemnation of Galileo. Typical is Descartes’ treatment of the ques-
tion in his Discourse and Essays. The only mention of forms and quali-
ties in the entire book occurs in the following passage from the Meteors,
which Descartes himself cites a number of times as an example of his
caution in dealing with the issue. Descartes writes:
You should know . . . that, in order not to disrupt the peace with the philoso-
phers, I in no way want to deny what they imagine in bodies over and above
what I have said, such as their substantial forms, their real qualities, and
similar things. But it seems to me that my reasons should be all the more
accepted if I make them depend on fewer assumptions. (AT VI 239)6
There is an implicit argument here against forms and qualities, but only
an implicit one, that they are not needed for explaining things in the
world. And, at the same time, Descartes can deny (as he does) that he
rejects the philosophy of the Schools. It is important to remember just
6 These words were chosen with great care, and Descartes cited them elsewhere; see Descartes
to Regius, January 1642, AT III 492 and the Fourth Replies, AT VII 248. Furthermore, it is
interesting to note that in the Discourse and Essays, Descartes does not say that the essence
of body is extension, or that the sun is at the center of the planetary system.
262 mind, body, and the laws of nature
how controversial it was to deny the basic Aristotelian metaphysics of
form and matter while Descartes was composing and publishing his first
works. As late as 1624, a group of maverick philosophers was officially
condemned and exiled by the Parlement of Paris for publicly contra-
dicting the philosophy of Aristotle, and their denial of the doctrine of
matter and form was at the heart of the official displeasure.7 In late
1641, after the Meditations were out, the Dutch theologian Gisbertus
Voëtius was to attack Descartes’ philosophy, in good part because of
its implications for the Aristotelian metaphysics of matter and form.
Descartes knew well that any challenge to the accepted doctrines of the
Schools could cause serious difficulties, and he was in general very
eager to avoid such problems.
But in the Sixth Replies one finds, for the first time, an explicit and
public attack on forms and qualities, and an argument quite different
from any found even implicitly in Descartes’ earlier writings.
7 See Jean-Baptiste Morin, Réfutation des thèses erronées . . . (Paris: 1624), reprinted in part in
Le Mercure françois, t. X (1625), pp. 503–12. It is interesting to note that Mersenne was a
very visible critic of this group as well; see Mersenne, La vérité des sciences (Paris: 1625), pp.
78–84, 96–113.
forms and qualities 263
therefore show us . . . that it is self-contradictory that our thoughts should be
reducible to these corporeal motions? (AT VII 413)8
In the third section of the Objections, the objectors note that several
Church Fathers held that both angels and the rational soul are corpo-
real, but yet that they think:
[The Church Fathers] appear to have believed that [thought] could occur
by means of corporeal motions, or even that angels were themselves corpo-
real motions; at any rate they drew no distinction between thought and such
motions. (AT VII 413–14)
8 I am following the Latin text in this last sentence. The French translation is somewhat
weaker: “Can you therefore show us . . . that it is self-contradictory that our thoughts are
spread out [répandues] in these corporeal motions?” A very similar remark can also be
found in the Second Objections that Mersenne also collected; see AT VII 122–23.
9 This section of the Sixth Objections was constructed by Descartes from (at least) two dif-
ferent objections that Mersenne had sent him; see Descartes to Mersenne, 22 July 1641,
AT III 415. It is possible that the point about animal thought was originally a separate
question, which Descartes is responsible for connecting to the question of the identifica-
tion of thought and motion in the Church Fathers. It is also possible that it was Mersenne
himself who linked the two, and that the point Descartes added was a third and different
point discussed in this section, that “there are plenty of people who will say that man
himself lacks sensation and intellect, and can do everything by means of mechanical struc-
tures” (AT VII 414). One wonders who exactly they had in mind.
10 Using the term in this way is, I acknowledge, somewhat anachronistic; cf. Olivier Bloch,
Le matérialisme (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985) for a history of the term.
But I don’t think that this seriously distorts the historical issues under discussion.
11 There seem to be two distinct varieties of materialism at issue here. In the first quotation,
the identification of thought and motion seems to entail that properly speaking, “you are
not thinking at all” (AT VII 413). Presumably, the objectors mean to suggest that if
264 mind, body, and the laws of nature
But there may be another kind of alternative suggested in the text
of the Sixth Objections. In the appendix to the Sixth Objections, the objec-
tor asks: “How do I know for certain that this idea [i.e., the idea of the
soul] contains nothing of a corporeal nature?” (AT VII 420). In the
letter that follows and ends the objection, the objectors remark that “we
cannot go so far as to assert that what we call thought cannot in any
way belong to a body subject to some sort of motion” (AT VII 420).12
Similarly, they ask Descartes: “how can you possibly have known that
God has not implanted in certain bodies a power or property enabling
them to doubt, think, etc.?” (AT VII 421).
While it is not entirely clear what they are suggesting, it is possible
that these objectors have in mind something quite different from the
sort of radical materialism that we saw earlier. On the standard Scholas-
tic view, body, properly speaking, is made up of matter and form; matter
is properly just a constituent of body, and form is as well.13 And thus,
insofar as the human body has a rational soul, which is its form, it is
the human body that can properly be said to think, reason, will, doubt,
etc., and not just the soul. It is possible that these last objections are
meant to present this kind of Scholastic alternative to Descartes’ radical
dualism of extended body and thinking soul.
I think that it is fair to presume that Descartes’ answer at the very
end of the Sixth Replies is intended to answer not only the specific
passage that elicits the response, the appendix, and supplementary
letter to the Sixth Objections, but the general worries behind all of the
difficulties that the sixth objectors had in being convinced by the argu-
thought and motion are identical, then there is no thought, strictly speaking. (This sug-
gests a variety of what has been called eliminative materialism in recent analytic philoso-
phy.) But the rejection of exactly such a view seems to be the point of a later passage from
the Sixth Replies, cited above, in which the objectors argue that although animals are purely
corporeal, yet we must appeal to thought to explain their behavior. The point here seems
to be that although thought is a kind of motion, it is still proper to attribute thought so
understood to animals. (This suggests a variety of what has been called the identity theory
in recent analytic philosophy.) Given that the Sixth Objections is a compilation, we should
not be too surprised to discover certain internal contradictions.
12 I follow here the Latin; the French translation makes reference to “a body agitated by
secret motions.”
13 For an interesting polemical use of this view, see J.-B. Morin’s Réfutation des thèses erronées.
. . . Morin appeals to this conception of body to argue against a group of anti-Aristotelians
who had denied that there are forms. Morin claims that since body is matter and form,
if they deny forms, they must also deny the existence of bodies in the world. This, of
course, conflicts with the Bible, since at the Last Supper Christ held up the bread and
declared: “this is my body,” something false if there were no bodies (Morin, pp. 36–49).
forms and qualities 265
ment for the distinction between mind and body. Whether or not
Descartes recognized distinctions among the different kinds of objec-
tions raised in the Sixth Objections, Descartes offers one general response
to those who claim to be unconvinced by his arguments.
Descartes admits that when he first came to the conclusion that the
mind and body are radically distinct, he, too, was unconvinced, like
astronomers, “who have established by argument that the sun is several
times larger than the earth, and yet still cannot prevent themselves
judging that it is smaller, when they actually look at it” (AT VII 440).
But after he reflected a bit on the question, he came to see that his
resistance to the arguments came not from their weakness, but from
his own prejudice. When young, Descartes notes, “the mind employed
the bodily organs less correctly than it now does, and was more firmly
attached to them; hence it had no thoughts apart from them and
perceived things only in a confused manner” (AT VII 441). Descartes
Although it [i.e., the soul] was aware of its own nature, . . . it never exercised
its intellect on anything without at the same time picturing something in the
imagination. It therefore took thought and extension to be one and the same
thing, and referred to the body all the notions which it had concerning things
related to the intellect. Now I had never freed myself from these precon-
ceived opinions in later life, and hence there was nothing that I knew with
sufficient distinctness, and there was nothing I did not suppose to be corpo-
real. (AT VII 441)
But, Descartes reports, as a fact about his own particular history, “later
on I made the observations which led me to make a careful distinction
between the idea of the mind and the ideas of body and corporeal
motion . . . and thus I very easily freed myself from all the doubts that
my critics here put forward” (AT VII 442–43). Once he realized that
he resisted the arguments for the distinction between mind and body
only because of this childhood error, this confusion between the mental
and the material, the doubts he had simply fell away.14 No doubt he
expects his readers to have the same experience that he had; as in the
Discourse on the Method, the first-person narrative, the “histoire ou fable”
(AT VII 4) constitutes a kind of argument to persuade his readers, an
example for them to follow to lead them to the kind of enlightenment
that Descartes, himself, has achieved.
In this passage, and in the passage from the Sixth Replies that it sum-
marizes, Descartes offers an implicit argument against the forms and
qualities of the Schoolmen, something very different from what he (or
anyone else) had offered earlier. But the argument is complex, and
requires some careful unpacking.
15 See, again, my Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics, chapter 4, for a fuller account of these issues.
forms and qualities 267
As I understand it, the argument has three distinct stages. (1)
Descartes begins by interpreting the notions of form and quality in
terms of his own ontology of mind and body. In short, in the Sixth Replies
Descartes Cartesianizes the Scholastic ontology. (2) Once understood
in his own terms, Descartes has an explanation for how we come to
believe in the Scholastic ontology of form and matter, a sort of psy-
chological account of how we come to hold the Scholastic view of the
world. According to Descartes, the Scholastic view is a consequence of
the confusions we have in our youth; just as we project colors and pains
out onto the world, we project other qualities and tendencies, and in
that way, come to believe in the forms and qualities of the Schoolmen.
And (3), this leads Descartes to a new argument against the School-
men, or, at least, a sort of therapy. Once we realize the errors involved
in our belief in form and matter, we will be cured of the temptation to
believe in them any more. Let me explain in more detail.
First, the understanding of form and quality. In the Sixth Replies
Descartes gives an account of how he used to think of the notion of
heaviness (pesanteur), as an illustration of how we confuse mental and
corporeal things in our youth. This example is not lightly chosen. It is
important to remember here that heaviness is one of the basic quali-
ties that distinguishes the Aristotelian elements from one another; by
their nature, the elements earth and water are heavy, while the elements
air and fire are light. Descartes writes:
For example, I conceived of gravity as if it were some sort of real quality, which
inhered in solid bodies; and although I called it a “quality,” thereby referring
it to the bodies in which it inhered, by adding that it was “real” I was in fact
thinking that it was a substance. In the same way clothing, regarded in itself,
is a substance, even though when referred to the man who wears it, it is a
quality. Or again, the mind, even though it is in fact a substance, can nonethe-
less be said to be a quality of the body to which it is joined. And although I
imagined gravity to be scattered throughout the whole body that is heavy, I
still did not attribute to it the extension which constitutes the nature of a
body. For the true extension of a body is such as to exclude any interpene-
tration of the parts, whereas I thought that there was the same amount of
gravity in a ten foot piece of wood as in one foot lump of gold or other metal
– indeed I thought that the whole of the gravity could be contracted to a
mathematical point. Moreover, I saw that the gravity, while remaining co-
extensive with the heavy body, could exercise all its force in any one part of
the body; for if the body were hung from a rope attached to any part of it, it
would still pull the rope down with all its force, just as if all the gravity existed
268 mind, body, and the laws of nature
in the part actually touching the rope instead of being scattered through the
remaining parts. This is exactly the way in which I now understand the mind
to be coextensive with the body – the whole mind in the whole body and the
whole mind in any one of its parts. But what makes it especially clear that my
idea of gravity was taken largely from the idea I had of the mind is the fact
that I thought that gravity carried bodies towards the center of the earth as
if it had some knowledge of the center within itself. For this surely could not
happen without knowledge, and there can be no knowledge except in a
mind. (AT VII 441–42)
Scholastic account of form, quality, and matter. See, e.g., Descartes to Hyperaspistes,
August 1641, AT III 424; Descartes to Elisabeth, 21 May 1643, AT III 667–68; Descartes
to Clerselier, 12 January 1646, AT IXA 213; Descartes to Arnauld, 29 July 1648, AT V
222–23. It is not clear that this view of form and matter corresponds to any Scholastic
account in particular. But this, in a way, is not the right question to ask. Descartes’ char-
acterization of the Scholastic view here should be regarded as polemical rather than
exegetical, a kind of rational reconstruction (and probably something of a caricature) that
precedes a rational rejection of the foundations of Scholastic physics.
270 mind, body, and the laws of nature
think, or that everything in the human body is explicable in purely
mechanical terms. Rather, he concludes that human beings have minds,
immaterial souls distinct from their bodies, which think and, under
appropriate circumstances, guide the behavior of the unthinking body.
But, we might ask, why can’t the Scholastic argue in a parallel way to
his position? Descartes’ argument shows that thought is not in bodies
but in the soul. This shows that a body, strictly speaking, an extended
thing, cannot contain knowledge of the center of the earth, nor can
it will itself to move in that direction. But why can’t we infer from that
that heavy bodies must have tiny souls, souls distinct from their
bodies, in order to think about the place they would rather be and will
the bodies to which they are attached in the appropriate direction? And
so, a Scholastic might respond to Descartes’ argument, the claim that
the essence of body is extension no more establishes the mechanical
explicability of the behavior of a falling stone than it establishes the
mechanical explicability of the behavior of the human being who
dropped it.
To put it another way, from the point of view of the Scholastic oppo-
nent, Descartes can show, perhaps, that if hylemorphism is true, it
involves attributing tiny immaterial souls to extended bodies. But if the
argument is to refute the doctrine of hylemorphism, Descartes must
show why there are not or cannot be such tiny souls in nature, why
human bodies are to be treated so differently from their inanimate
cousins, why outside of humans there is no thought, in body or in mind.
Descartes might well have an answer to that; in essence, this is the
problem he confronts when he is attempting to argue that there are no
souls in animals, a question into which I don’t want to enter right now.
But it is important here to see that to refute the Scholastic account of
body, it is necessary to draw a real distinction not only between mind
and body, but between human bodies, which have minds, and other
bodies in nature, which don’t. And this is something that goes far
beyond the account Descartes gives in the Sixth Replies.
19 One might include Hobbes here, too. But in 1641 Hobbes’ materialism would not have
been nearly so well known to Descartes as Gassendi’s Epicureanism. At that point,
Gassendi, friend of Mersenne and a well known figure, would have been the obvious
materialist opponent for Descartes to attack.
forms and qualities 273
Given Descartes’ past practices, this passage is quite remarkable. After
years of caution, Descartes announces that he will discuss, explicitly and
in public, his differences with the philosophy of the Schools.
Descartes soon gave up the plan to write a commentary on
Eustachius; Eustachius died the very next month, in December 1640,
and Descartes thought it inappropriate to attack him after his death.
But by the end of December 1640, Descartes was at work on Part I of
his new book at the very same time he was answering the objections
made to the Meditations. And even though he had abandoned the idea
of an explicit response to Eustachius, there is every reason to believe
that Descartes continued to think of his Principles as an answer to the
philosophy of the Schools for some time thereafter, at least until the
end of 1641.20 It is in this context that I think Descartes first came up
with the idea that the Scholastic theory of form and quality rests on the
confusion of mind and body, and the projection of the Cartesian soul
onto nature as a whole. And so when in early 1641 Mersenne and his
friends queried him about the distinction between mind and body, it
is not surprising that his thoughts would turn to substantial forms
and real qualities; though forms and qualities may not have been on
Mersenne’s mind, they were very much on Descartes’ at that moment,
and very much linked to the question of mind and body.
In the end, following his own practice in the Discourse and Essays,
Descartes seems to have decided not to attack his Scholastic opponents
so directly. Perhaps Descartes’ instinctive caution returned to him, or
perhaps his celebrated problems with Voëtius reminded him of the
dangers of attacking the “vulgar philosophy,” as he called it from time
to time. Although Part I of the Principles as it comes down to us con-
tains much of the psychology of Aristotelianism that we find in the Sixth
Replies (see particularly Principles I 71ff.) it contains nothing of the dis-
cussion of forms and qualities; indeed, nowhere in the book Descartes
published in 1644 is there the direct attack on forms and qualities that
he seems to have envisioned when he first planned the Principles in
December 1640. (See, though, Principles IV 200ff.) But in the Sixth
Replies we have, perhaps, the first draft of the doctrine of the Principia,
directed explicitly against its intended target, the forms and qualities
of the Schoolmen.
20 It is not until December of 1641 that there is any indication that Descartes has given up
the idea of explicitly attacking Scholastic philosophy. See Descartes to Mersenne, 22
December 1641, AT III 470.
René Descartes (1596–1650) aimed to sweep away the past, and start
philosophy anew. Much of what made Descartes important for his con-
temporaries, and for us as well, concerns the contents of his philoso-
phy. Descartes’ philosophy was directed squarely against the
Aristotelian philosophy taught in the Schools of his day. For the Aris-
totelians, all cognition begins in sensation: Everything in the intellect
comes first through the senses. Descartes’ philosophy, on the other
hand, emphasizes the priority of reason over the senses. Furthermore,
Descartes substitutes a purely mechanical world of geometric bodies
governed by laws of motion for an almost animistic world of Aristotelian
substances with innate tendencies to different kinds of behavior. These
original doctrines, together with his work in metaphysics, optics, math-
ematics, the theory of the passions, among other areas, made Descartes
a central figure in his age.1
But in this essay I would like to concentrate on something different.
Descartes opposed himself not only to the content of the philosophy of
the Schools, but to their very conception of what knowledge is and how
it is to be transmitted. Connected with the new Cartesian philosophy is
a genuine philosophy of education, a conception of the aims and goals
of education very different from the one that dominated the School
where Descartes himself had been educated as a youth. My project in
this essay is to tease out some aspects of this philosophy.
1 This is not the place to present a full picture of Descartes’ philosophical and scientific
accomplishments. For a recent overview of Descartes’ thought, see John Cottingham, ed.,
The Cambridge Companion to Descartes (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992).
278 larger visions
Rejecting Authority
Let us begin with one of Descartes’ most important texts, the Discourse
on the Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking the Truth in
the Sciences, published in 1637 as the introduction to three scientific
texts, the Geometry, the Dioptrics, and the Meteors. The Discourse is pre-
sented as the autobiography of the author, outlining the path he took
to the discoveries that he outlines later in the Discourse (Parts IV and
V), and selections of which he gives in the three treatises with which it
appeared. But though presented as an autobiography, the Discourse is a
kind of moral tale, “a history or, if you prefer, a fable” as Descartes puts
it [AT VI 4 (CSM I 112)].2 Let us leave aside the question of historical
veracity and simply call the protagonist of the Discourse “RD.”
Part I of the Discourse is largely concerned with RD’s adventures in
school; it gives an interesting account of what school might have been
like for the young Descartes. (Descartes attended the Jesuit college of
La Flèche.) The account begins:
From my childhood I have been nourished upon letters, and because I was
persuaded that by their means one could acquire a clear and certain knowl-
edge of all that is useful in life, I was extremely eager to learn them. [AT VI
4 (CSM I 112–13)]
The young RD was thus eager for learning, eager for school. The school
he was sent to was “one of the most famous schools in Europe, where
I thought there must be learned men if they existed anywhere on earth”
[AT VI 5 (CSM I 113)]. Furthermore, he thought himself among the
best of the students there, and did not doubt that “the age in which we
live [is] as flourishing, and as rich in good minds, as any before it”
(Ibid.). But yet, all he found was disappointment:
But as soon as I had completed the course of study at the end of which one
is normally admitted to the ranks of the learned, I completely changed my
opinion. For I found myself beset by so many doubts and errors that I came
to think I had gained nothing from my attempts to become educated but
increasing recognition of my ignorance. [AT VI 4 (CSM I 113)]
2 References to Descartes’ writings will generally be given in the text of the essay, with the
original language edition followed by the translation, in parentheses.
the cultivation of the intellect 279
That is why, as soon as I was old enough to emerge from the control of my
teachers, I entirely abandoned the study of letters. Resolving to seek no
knowledge other than that which could be found in myself or else in the great
book of the world, I spent the rest of my youth traveling. [AT VI 9
(CSM I 115)]
3 For an excellent treatment of Meditation I that emphasizes the rejection of the senses, see
Harry Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen (Indianapolis, IN, Bobbs-Merrill, 1970),
esp. chapters 1–9.
4 On the place of Aristotle and Aristotelianism in the School curriculum in this period, see
L. W. B. Brockliss, French Higher Education in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Cul-
tural History (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987) and Charles B. Schmitt, Aristotle and
the Renaissance (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1983).
the cultivation of the intellect 281
and Roman antiquity, seeking to introduce into the canon new texts, lit-
erary and philosophical. Like Scholasticism, Humanism was grounded
in a respect for the past. To be educated, then, in the early seventeenth
century, was to know the wisdom of the past, to understand the differ-
ent intellectual traditions.5
It is in this context that we must read Part I of the Discourse and the
opening of the Meditations. Descartes seems to be rejecting an entire
intellectual tradition, Scholasticism and Humanism, the idea that we
must begin with the wisdom of the past, as well as the authority of those
who teach the tradition. What Descartes seems to be telling his con-
temporaries (and us as well) is that the tradition and those who teach
it are not relevant to real knowledge. It is significant here that an admir-
ing disciple reports that Descartes gave all his books away when he left
La Flèche.6 While this is probably not true, it says something about the
way in which some of Descartes’ contemporaries read him. If there is a
philosophy of education in Descartes this would seem to be it: True
education must be done by the individual alone, outside of history,
outside of tradition, outside of school.
But all this is rather negative; it tells us something about what Carte-
sian pedagogy is not, but it tells us little if anything about what it is, what
Descartes thinks the schools and their students should be doing. It is
that to which we must turn.
5 For a recent survey of the Humanist tradition, see Jill Kraye, ed., The Cambridge Companion
to Renaissance Humanism (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996).
6 The report is contained in the notes of Frans van Schooten the elder, given in AT X 646.
282 larger visions
writings, the Rules for the Direction of the Mind (Regulae ad directionem
ingenii). This work is a treatise on the method of finding truth, which
Descartes probably wrote between 1620 and 1628, abandoning it
incomplete approximately ten years before he published his Discourse,
though it is summarized in Part II of that work. The main focus of
the book is the development of a procedure for investigation which,
Descartes claimed, will lead us to genuine knowledge. As a preliminary
to this investigation, Descartes begins with an account of the nature of
knowledge, the goal of this inquiry. Rule 3 reads:
Concerning objects proposed for study, we ought to investigate what we can
clearly and evidently intuit or deduce with certainty, and not what other
people have thought or what we ourselves conjecture. For knowledge can be
attained in no other way. [AT X 366 (CSM I 13)]
True knowledge thus can come neither from teacher nor from tradi-
tion. This has obvious consequences for Descartes’ conception of
education. True education, then, must involve not the transfer of infor-
mation, doctrine, or dogma, but simply the cultivation of the
This idea, that we need to practice having intuitions and making deduc-
tions before beginning the process of following Descartes’ method and
seeking knowledge in earnest, appears again in the Discourse, in only
slightly different form. There the cultivation of the intellect is not a
preparation for using the method. Rather, Descartes recommends in the
voice of RD that we accustom our minds to having intuitions and
making deductions by practicing the method itself in the domain of
mathematics, where intuitions and deductions seem easier to come by.
He writes:
Reflecting, too, that of all those who have hitherto sought after truth in the
sciences, mathematicians alone have been able to find any demonstrations –
that is to say, certain and evident reasonings – I had no doubt that I should
begin with the very things that they studied. From this, however, the only
advantage I hoped to gain was to accustom my mind to nourish itself on
truths and not to be satisfied with bad reasoning. [AT VI 19 (CSM I 120)]
But what pleased me most about this method was that by following it I was
sure in every case to use my reason, if not perfectly, at least as well as was in
my power. Moreover, as I practised the method I felt my mind gradually
become accustomed to conceiving its objects more clearly and distinctly. [AT
VI 21 (CSM I 121)]7
7 When Descartes here talks about mathematics as an appropriate subject for cultivating the
intellect, he doesn’t mean Euclidean geometry, the kind of mathematics taught in the
Schools. RD was no happier with the mathematics taught in School than he was with any
other subjects. See AT VI 17–18 (CSM 119–20). The kind of mathematics Descartes has in
mind here is his own analytic geometry. For a discussion of Descartes’ mathematics, see
Stephen Gaukroger, “The nature of abstract reasoning: Philosophical aspects of Descartes’
work in algebra,” in Cottingham, ed., Cambridge Companion to Descartes.
the cultivation of the intellect 285
A view very similar to that of the Discourse and the Rules is also found in
one of Descartes’ latest and most self-consciously pedagogical texts. In
the 1640s, after having published the Discourse and the Meditations,
Descartes began to ruminate about how to get his own philosophy into
circulation in the Schools, and how to get it to replace Aristotle as the
new master. It is with this in mind that he undertook to write a book, the
Principles of Philosophy, published in Latin in 1644 and in French in 1647.8
While it is not exactly like any textbook in philosophy then in use, it is a
more systematic presentation of his philosophy than is found elsewhere
in the corpus. For the French translation, Descartes composed a preface
that addresses explicitly the question of how one ought to learn philos-
ophy. The idea of the method as a kind of mental exercise for training
the intellect is very prominent there as well. After providing for ourselves
a code of behavior to govern our actions while we are rebuilding our
beliefs, Descartes recommends that we study logic:
I do not mean the logic of the Schools, for this is strictly speaking nothing
but a dialectic which teaches ways of expounding to others what one already
knows or even of holding forth without judgment about things that one does
not know. Such logic corrupts good sense rather than increasing it. I mean
instead the kind of logic which teaches us to direct our reason with a view to
discovering the truths of which we are ignorant. Since this depends to a great
extent on practice, it is good for the student to work for a long time at prac-
ticing the rules on very easy and simple questions like those of mathematics.
Then, when he has acquired some skill in finding the truth one these
questions, he should begin to tackle true philosophy in earnest. [AT IXB 13
(CSM I 186)]
The true logic, he tells us later in the preface, is just the doctrine of
method as taught in Part II of his Discourse, itself a summary of the
method as taught in the Rules [see AT IXB 15 (CSM I 186)]. In this
preface to the Principles, as in the Rules and the Discourse, Descartes
suggests that we begin by cultivating reason, practicing finding truth.
In recommending the cultivation of the intellect through practice in
intuition and deduction, Descartes set himself squarely against two
features of the Scholastic educational regimen that were intended to
exercise the intellect: the study of formal logic and the practice of dis-
8 On the conception of the Principles as a textbook for the classroom, see, e.g., Descartes to
Mersenne, 31 December 1640, AT III 276 (CSMK 167).
286 larger visions
A course on logic, based on Aristotle’s Organon, digested into sim-
plified form and rules of thumb by many generations of pedagogues,
was a central part of the arts curriculum (i.e., the course of studies pre-
liminary to advanced work in law, medicine, or theology) in every
school in Europe in the early seventeenth century.9 As taught in the
Schools, Aristotelian logic was very formal and abstract. Learning logic
was a matter of memorizing numerous rules to enable the student to
recognize valid and invalid syllogisms.
While on occasion Descartes felt that he had to mute his public rejec-
tion of formal logic, just as he had to tone down his opposition to other
aspects of Scholastic doctrine and practice,10 it is clear that Descartes
thought little of formal logic as a part of the education of the young.
First of all, Descartes argues, the kind of logic taught in the Schools is
of extremely limited utility. Unlike his method, which Descartes some-
times refers to as logic, the Aristotelian logic of the schools cannot help
us find new truths, but only to arrange truths that we have already dis-
covered by some other means. He writes in the Rules:
On the basis of their method, dialecticians are unable to formulate a syllo-
gism with a true conclusion unless they are already in possession of the sub-
stance of the conclusion, i.e., unless they have previous knowledge of the very
truth deduced in the syllogism. It is obvious therefore that they themselves
can learn nothing new from such forms of reasoning, and hence that ordi-
nary dialectic is of no use whatever to those who wish to investigate the truth
of things. Its sole advantage is that it sometimes enables us to explain to
others arguments which are already known. [AT X 406 (CSM I 36–37); cf.
AT VI 17 (CSM I 119); AT IXB 13 (CSM I 186)]
9 See Brockliss, French Higher Education, pp. 194–205 for the teaching of logic in France.
10 See, e.g., Descartes’ answers to the Jesuit Father Bourdin’s Seventh Objections to the Medi-
tations, AT VII 522, 544 (CSM II 355, 371). Descartes at that moment was particularly
keen to get the Jesuits, his old teachers, on his side, and bent over backwards not to offend
them. This was not an isolated incident. In writing to his then disciple Henricus Regius
in January 1642, Descartes explained his general policy of tempering his views in delicate
situations so as not to cause unnecessary hostility; see AT III 491–92 (CSMK 205). Regius
had recently gotten in some trouble at the Protestant University of Utrecht for present-
ing his Cartesian views with too much boldness, and Descartes was trying to tell him how
to avoid future troubles of this kind.
the cultivation of the intellect 287
almost as difficult to distinguish them as it is to carve a Diana or a Minerva
from an unhewn block of marble. [AT VI 17 (CSM I 119)]
And so, Descartes suggests in his dialogue, The Search after Truth, we
should set formal logic aside, and cultivate the light of reason directly:
When this light operates on its own, it is less liable to go wrong than when it
anxiously strives to follow the numerous different rules, the inventions of
human ingenuity and idleness, which serve more to corrupt it than render
it more perfect. [AT X 521 (CSM II 415); cf. AT X 439–40 (CSM I 57)]
But even in his apparent praise, there are criticisms of the practice. First
of all, insofar as the aim of the disputation is to convince the listener
of the truth of one side of the disagreement, the emphasis is generally
not on certainty, but on the probable syllogisms used in rhetoric, syllo-
gisms whose premises are not necessarily certain, but only plausible to
the intended audience. This, Descartes argues in the Discourse, if any-
thing only undermines the student’s ability to discern the truth, unlike
the kind of cultivation of the intellect that he proposes in its place.
He writes:
11 For the rules concerning disputations in the Ratio studiorum of 1599, which governed La
Flèche while Descartes was studying there, see Edward A. Fitzpatrick, ed., St Ignatius and
the Ratio Studiorum (New York, McGraw-Hill, 1933), pp. 144ff.
288 larger visions
Nor have I ever observed that any previously unknown truth has been dis-
covered by means of the disputations practiced in the Schools. For so long
as each side strives for victory, more effort is put into establishing plausibil-
ity than in weighing reasons for and against; and those who have long been
good advocates do not necessarily go on to make better judges. [AT VI 69
(CSM I 146)]
In an era very much aware of the religious wars that plagued France in
the late sixteenth century and still plagued Europe during Descartes’
lifetime, this was a powerful consideration. Descartes’ hope was that in
a world in which every student was taught to cultivate reason and seek
only certainty, disagreement would end and harmony would reign.
This consists in the search for the first causes and the true principles which
enable us to deduce the reasons for everything we are capable of knowing.
. . . I am not sure, however, that there has been anyone up till now who has
succeeded in this project. [AT IXB 5 (CSM I 181)]
12 On the relations between Descartes and the Schoolmen on the question of starting with
first causes and the order of knowledge and instruction, see Daniel Garber, Descartes’
Metaphysical Physics (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1992), pp. 58–62.
292 larger visions
Descartes was very much aware of this paradox. His answer lies in the
personae that he adopts to present his philosophy. In Descartes’ day, it
was common for the teacher to stand in front of the class, his lectures
carefully written out, and dictate them to the students, who would copy
them word for word into their copybooks, to be carefully studied. In
such a classroom, it was clear who was the master, and who was the
student, who had the knowledge and wisdom, and who was receiving
it.13 The Principles is a textbook, written for the classroom in the hope
of being used in teaching children, and it shares the didactic qualities
of other textbooks of the era. But Descartes’ personae in others of his
writings, in the Search after Truth, the Discourse, and the Meditations,
Descartes’ stand-in Eudoxus, as well as RD and the Meditator, as I have
called them, are not teachers of this sort.
In the Search after Truth, Descartes begins in his introduction to the
dialogue with a discourse about how we should not judge opinions on
the grounds of who it is that holds them. He writes:
I hope, too, that the truths I set forth will not be any less well received for
their not being derived from Aristotle or Plato, and that they will have cur-
rency in the world in the same way as money, whose value is no less when it
comes from the purse of a peasant than when it comes from a bank. More-
over I have done my best to make these truths equally useful to everybody. I
could find no style better suited to this end than that of a conversation in
which several friends, frankly and without ceremony, disclose the best of their
thoughts to each other. [AT X 498 (CSM II 401)]
13 Many such copybooks survive, which provide a window into the early seventeenth-century
classroom. A number of such books of notes are listed as “courses” in the bibliography of
manuscripts in Brockliss, French Higher Education, pp. 486ff. For some excerpts from
philosophy courses that particularly concern seventeenth-century Scholastic reactions
to Descartes’ philosophy, see Étienne Gilson, Études sur le rôle de la pensée médiévale dans la
formation du système cartésien (Paris, Vrin, 1975), pp. 316–33.
the cultivation of the intellect 293
literary devices for presenting his thought in non-dogmatic ways. In the
Discourse, Descartes’ protagonist RD emphasizes that he does not have
any special talent or wisdom that sets him above others: “For my part,
I have never presumed my mind to be in any way more perfect than
that of the ordinary man” [AT VI 2 (CSM I 111)]. Rather, he claims, it
was luck that led him to his discoveries, the method that he will outline
in Part II of the Discourse and the scientific discoveries that he will
present in the three “essays” that the Discourse introduces:
[T]he diversity of our opinions does not arise because some of us are more
reasonable than others but solely because we direct our thoughts along dif-
ferent paths and do not attend to the same things. For it is not enough to
have a good mind; the main thing is to apply it well. . . . I consider myself
very fortunate to have happened upon certain paths in my youth which led
me to considerations and maxims from which I formed a method whereby,
it seems to me, I can increase my knowledge gradually and raise it little by
little to the highest point allowed by the mediocrity of my mind and the short
duration of my life. [AT VI 2, 3 (CSM I 111, 112)]
14 On the background to Descartes’ use of the meditation as a literary form for his
philosophy, see the essays by A. Rorty and G. Hatfield in A. Rorty, ed., Essays on Descartes’
Meditations (Berkeley, CA, University of California Press, 1986).
the cultivation of the intellect 295
fresh, new voice in the 1630s and 1640s, when he burst upon the scene,
the philosopher who sought to liberate philosophy from the past, has
over the years become one of the classics himself, one of the ancient
authors from which we must liberate ourselves, if we are to follow his
own advice.
In his important and influential book, How Experiments End,1 Peter
Galison discusses how it is that scientists decide when a given experi-
ment is finished and when the supposed fact that it purports to estab-
lish can be accepted as fact and not a mistaken reading of the apparatus,
not a result of a malfunctioning piece of equipment, not a misinter-
pretation of a given observation, and so on. This epistemological ques-
tion – the transition between individual observations, individual runs
of a complex experiment, and the experimental fact that they are sup-
posed to establish – is a matter of some discussion in the recent litera-
ture in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science.2 It is this
question that Galison (and others) have called attention to that I would
like to explore in this article.
What strikes me as interesting here is that the very question under
scrutiny has a history; while, in a sense, the question has been with us
as long as people turned to experience to try to figure out how the
world is, people were not always interested in or aware of the question,
and when they were, the answers that they suggested were not always
experiment, community, and nature 297
the ones that we find most comfortable now. That is what will interest
me here, the history of the notion of an experimental fact, if you will,
or, as Lorraine Daston has dramatically dubbed it, the “prehistory of
objectivity.” In Robert Boyle and his generation in the Royal Society, as
Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer have emphasized, we have much of
what we take for granted in experimental life, experiments performed
on complex and temperamental equipment that often goes wrong, the
centrality of the idea of reproducibility, the idea of a community of sci-
entists, and so on. But a generation before Boyle, much of this famil-
iar landscape was missing. What I would like to do is give a preliminary
sketch of the way all that came to be. What I would like to do is sketch
how the experimental life, as we now think of it, began. In particular,
I am interested in the way in which the establishment of experimental
facts became social. Recent writers have emphasized the role played by
the community of investigators in deciding what counts as an experi-
mental fact and what does not. This is a very prominent feature of the
account of experimental facthood in the Royal Society. However, I shall
argue, this is a very recent development.
One cannot tell the whole story in these few pages, though, and I
will have to be selective. I will begin with a brief discussion of experi-
mental facthood in late Renaissance thought before turning to Bacon
and Descartes and showing the extent to which their conception of
experimental facthood is radically individualistic. I will then discuss the
self-consciously social conception of experimental facthood found
in the writings of the early Royal Society. After a digression about some
recent issues concerning the rhetoric of scientific experiments in the
period, I will end with some speculations about why the transition
occurred when it did. The transformation in the philosophical view
about the role of community in the establishment of experimental facts,
I suggest, is closely connected with the emergence of a community enti-
tled to make the judgments necessary to establish such facts.
Before beginning my story, I should comment briefly on the notions
of experiment and observation. It is important to many discussions to
distinguish between observation and experiment, between information
we get about the world from observing it as it follows its own natural
course and information we get from torturing nature, as Bacon put it,
setting up situations not normally found in nature and observing what
happens. Important as this distinction is in the seventeenth century,
it will not be relevant for my story. And so I will speak indifferently of
observation, experiment, and experience.
298 larger visions
3 This, of course, will not work for astronomy, where the events observed are radically unique,
the observation of a particular heavenly body in a particular position in the sky at a given
time. Different strategies evolved for dealing with the fallibility of astronomical observa-
tions, generally involving numerous observations made over long periods of time. See, e.g.,
the discussions of the determination of mean motions of heavenly bodies in N. Swerdlow
and O. Neugebauer, Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus’s De revolutionibus (2 vols.) (New
York: Springer-Verlag, 1984), passim.
4 Franciscus Anguilonius, Opticorum libri sex (Antwerp, 1613), pp. 215–16, quoted and trans-
lated in Peter Dear, “Narratives, Anecdotes, and Experiments: Turning Experience into
Science in the Seventeenth Century,” in Peter Dear, ed., The Literary Structure of Scientific
Argument: Historical Studies (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991), pp.
135–63, quoted on p. 139.
experiment, community, and nature 299
that are many in number form a single experience.”5 Aristotle’s
meaning here is by no means clear.6 But it is not too implausible to see
Aristotle as standing behind Aguilonius’ statement. The point is that
Aristotelian science is grounded not on individual events of sensory
experience, particular observations made on particular occasions, but
on the general course of experience, on common assent. It is not suf-
ficient for an Aristotelian science that we have a particular observation
that it snowed on the morning of January 23, 1979, in Chicago, Illi-
nois, or that on a September 26, 1664, a particular apple was observed
to fall from a tree and hit one Isaac Newton on the head. What is nec-
essary for Aristotelian science is that it be generally accepted that it
snows in northern climes in the winter months or that heavy bodies fall;
this is what constitutes experience, properly speaking, as opposed to
mere perception. And to go from perception, the individual deliver-
ance of the senses on a particular occasion, to what Aristotle and Aguilo-
nius call experience, what we might call an experiential fact, requires
the repetition of these individual perceptions. Should these individual
perceptions speak with sufficient unanimity, then memory will trans-
form them into experiential facts, facts that can be acknowledged by
common consensus and used as the foundation of a genuine body of
knowledge. In this way an experimental fact can be regarded as a kind
of low-level general statement established by repetition.
Now, these perceptions can be repeated by many different observers,
of course. But (and this is something I want to emphasize) it is suffi-
cient for them to be repeated by one observer alone; one observer,
repeating the observation a sufficiently large number of times, is
capable of constituting an experiential fact, on this conception. This
conception of facthood is reflected in quite a number of figures in early
modern science and represents what might well be considered the
commonsense view on the question at hand, the question as to how
experimental facts are to be constituted. Consider, for example, William
Gilbert, one of the most obviously experimental of the very early
moderns. Gilbert writes in the preface to his De Magnete of 1600, “Let
whosoever would make the same experiments, handle the bodies
carefully, skillfully, and deftly, not heedlessly and bunglingly; when an
5 Aristotle, Posterior Analytics II.19, 100a 5–7, trans. in Jonathan Barnes, Aristotle’s Posterior
Analytics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975), p. 81. See also Metaphysics I.1, 980b
6 See Barnes, Posterior Analytics, p. 253 for some indications of the complexities.
300 larger visions
experiment fails, let him not in his ignorance condemn our discover-
ies, for there is naught in these Books that has not been investigated
and again and again done and repeated under our eyes.”7 Gilbert is
very aware that the complexity of the experiments he has performed
and the temperamental nature of the equipment he used may make it
difficult for others to get the same outcomes that he did on his trials.
Indeed, he begins the book proper by reporting on the mistaken results
that others have gotten from antiquity to the present, mistakes that are
corrected by his own, more careful experiments. Gilbert is completely
convinced that his own results are correct, that he has captured genuine
experimental facts by virtue of the fact that he repeated his trials over
and over again: “There is naught in these Books that has not been inves-
tigated and again and again done and repeated under our eyes,” Gilbert
writes, and these repetitions give him the authority to present his obser-
vations as fact.
Gilbert is hardly unusual here. Dear reports finding the same thread
going throughout a number of other writers of the period, including
Galileo and Marin Mersenne:8 “I did the trial a hundred times, and it
came out the same on every occasion” is a phrase that for these
natural philosophers (and for many others, too, I strongly suspect) con-
stitutes the ultimate justification for their confidence in a given exper-
imental fact.
This may look a great deal like modern notions of the repeatability
of an experiment as a criterion for accepting the experimental fact
that it purports to establish. It is. But it is important to emphasize
here that what is at issue is not repeatability in general but repeatabil-
ity by the individual experimenter; to constitute a genuine fact, it must
be possible for an experiment or observation to be reproducible, but
to establish reproducibility, it is sufficient for the individual investiga-
tor to be able to reproduce the result a sufficiently large number of
times. And so the individual investigator speaks with complete author-
ity. If you the reader are not convinced, you can, of course, try the
experiment yourself. But the benefits of this repetition accrue to you
and you alone; as far as the investigator is concerned, the numerous
repetitions that he did suffice to establish the result of his experiment
as fact.
7 William Gilbert, De Magnete, trans. P. Fleury Mottelay (New York: Dover Books, 1958),
p. xlix.
8 See Dear, “Narratives.”
experiment, community, and nature 301
So much for common sense. Although natural philosophy and med-
icine had depended on observation of nature and experiment for many
years before the new philosophers of the seventeenth century, with
the new science, the increasing dependence on experience, and the
increasingly sophisticated forms that the appeal to experience took,
there came a new attention to the notion of experiment and experi-
ence. I would like to turn now to a number of such accounts. I shall
begin with some reflections on the premier theorist of experimental
science in the seventeenth century, Francis Bacon, and then turn to
René Descartes before confronting the thought of the early members
of the Royal Society.
9 Novum organum II.10. In the Novum organum itself, Bacon gives little guidance as to how
we might plan a series of experiments. On this see the discussion in the De augmentis
(1623) V.2, in Bacon, The Works of Francis Bacon, ed., J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D.
Heath (Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press, 1863), vol. IX, pp. 71ff.
10 Novum organum II.10.
302 larger visions
ops in most detail in the Novum organum. Bacon begins with what he
calls the table of “Instances Agreeing in the Nature of Heat,” or “Table
of Essence and Presence,” in which are listed a variety of circumstances
in which heat may be found, including fiery meteors, quicklime sprin-
kled with water, iron dissolved in acid, and fresh horse dung.11 The
second table is what Bacon calls “Instances in Proximity Where the
Nature of Heat Is Absent.” In this table, Bacon examines one by one
the entries in the table of essence and presence and tries to find similar
circumstances in which heat is absent. So, for example, connected with
the observation that iron in acid produces heat, Bacon notes that softer
metals such as gold and lead do not give off heat when dissolved in
acid. The third table is what Bacon calls the “Table of Degrees.” Here,
Bacon makes observations about things that contain the nature of heat,
for example, in greater or lesser degree. And so he observes that while
old dung is colder than fresh dung, it has what Bacon calls a potential
for heat insofar as it will produce heat when enclosed or buried, he
claims. Similarly, Bacon observes that different substances burn with
different degrees of heat.12
Once we have compiled the natural history and arranged it into the
proper tables, we are ready for the inductive step, at least the first induc-
tive step, what Bacon calls the first vintage. At this point, Bacon says,
“The problem is, upon a review of the instances, all and each, to find
such a nature as is always present or absent with the given nature, and
always increases and decreases with it.”13 That is, in the case of heat, we
want to find that which is always present when heat is present and always
absent when heat is absent. This proceeds in two stages. First, Bacon
uses his tables to exclude possible natures. And so, for example,
although Bacon thinks that heavenly bodies are hot, being a heavenly
body cannot be part of the nature of heat, since there are terrestrial
bodies that are hot as well.14 Once we have excluded candidates for the
nature of heat in this way, we can then examine what is left and say what
it is that all hot things have in common. What Bacon suggests in the
case at hand is that heat is a particular kind of motion: “Heat is a
motion, expansive, restrained, and acting in its strife upon the smaller
particles of bodies, . . . not sluggish, but hurried and with violence.”15
This, Bacon claims, is what all instances of heat found in the tables of
our natural history have in common. After this, the Novum organum is
16 See Novum organum II.10, where Bacon suggests that the interpretation of nature involves
both deriving axioms from experience and deducing and deriving “new experiments from
17 Bacon, The Advancement of Learning and New Atlantis (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1906), p. 273.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid., p. 274. These thirty-six investigators are, of course, assisted by helpers and servants
of various kinds.
304 larger visions
A great deal of attention has been given to the inductive stage in
Bacon’s method, what it is and why it does not really work. But I would
like to focus instead on the first and apparently less problematic stage,
the collection and construction of natural histories, in particular, on
the way Bacon thinks that the empirical facts contained in a natural
history are to be established and checked.
In Advancement of Learning (1605), and later in the expanded and
Latinized version of that work, De augmentis (1623), Bacon offers a cat-
egorization of all human learning based on his conception of the mind:
“The best division of human learning is that derived from the three fac-
ulties of the rational soul, which is the seat of learning. History has ref-
erence to the Memory, poesy to the Imagination, and philosophy to
Reason.”20 Of most interest to us here is Bacon’s conception of the
category of history. Bacon recognizes a number of different kinds of
history; in addition to natural history, Bacon recognizes civil, ecclesias-
tical, and literary history. Unlike philosophy proper, which deals with
abstractions and generalities, history deals with particulars, on Bacon’s
conception, particular events in nature that happened at particular
times. But, Bacon suggests in De augmentis, matters are somewhat com-
plicated here. He writes, “History is properly concerned with individu-
als, which are circumscribed by place and time. For though Natural
History may seem to deal with species, yet this is only because of the
general resemblance which in most cases natural objects of the same
species bear to one another; so that when you know one, you know all.
And if individuals are found, which are either unique in their species,
like the sun and moon; or notable deviations from their species, like
monsters; the description of these has as fit a place in Natural History
as that of remarkable men has in Civil History.”21 History is the domain
of atomic facts, as it were. But Bacon recognizes that some of these facts
are more general than others. When we are dealing with knowledge
about specific individuals, the sun, the moon, Julius Caesar, and so on,
then history deals with statements keyed to particular places and times:
The sun or moon was observed to be at such and such a position in the
sky from such and such a place at such and such a time; Julius Caesar
was observed to have uttered such and such words at a particular place
at a particular time. But when dealing with natural historical matters,
20 De augmentis II.1 (Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, p. 407); cf. Advancement of Learning II.I.1
(Bacon, Advancement, pp. 75–76). See also the account in the Descriptio globi intellectualis
(Bacon, The Works, vol. X, p. 404).
21 Ibid. See also The Works, vol. X, p. 407.
experiment, community, and nature 305
a certain kind of generality can creep in. One can drop a certain piece
of gold in a particular vat of aqua regia at a given time and note that
it dissolves. This, of course, might happen because of the particulari-
ties of the situation, the particular characteristics of the samples of
gold or aqua regia, or, indeed, the observer may be mistaken in think-
ing that the gold dissolved on that occasion. But, given the general
similarity of samples of gold and aqua regia and the general reliability
of observers, at least with respect to events such as this, “it would be a
superfluous and endless labor to speak of [each individual case]
severally,” as Bacon put it elsewhere.22 And so, in compiling natural
histories it is permitted to speak generally and include as a fact
that gold dissolves when put in aqua regia. In general, this is exactly
the sort of entry one finds in Bacon’s own natural histories.23 Although
the facts are based on observation and experiment, Bacon includes
not the reports of the particular observations and experiments he (or
others) might have made at some particular place and time but the
report of the general fact that came out of the particular events of
observation or experiment. In this I suspect that Bacon exemplifies
what I called the commonsense conception of how experimental
facts are to be established. For Bacon, as for the commonsense view,
experimental facts seem to be just the unproblematic generalization
of repeated experience, similar instances repeated, that constitute a
general experience.
But there is a further complexity in Bacon’s account worth noting.
Bacon’s natural histories are compiled from a number of sources, from
his own observations and experiments, from those others have made
and either published or related to him, from accounts travelers have
brought back, from books, encyclopedias, ancient accounts, and even
from common sayings and proverbs.24 Bacon suggests that we should
25 Parasceve III (Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, p. 360). See also the Plan of the Instauratio magna
(Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII. p. 49).
26 Parasceve VIII (Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, pp. 366–68).
27 Parasceve VIII (Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, pp. 366–68); see also Novum organum I.118.
28 Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, p. 43.
experiment, community, and nature 307
fact is established as a fact through repetition alone; one begins with
the individual occurrence, the particular observation, the single run of
an experiment and repeats the event until it is certain that there is no
mistake of any sort. But to this Bacon adds another criterion, at least
when we are dealing with doubtful results. Facts, as embodied in a
natural history, determine theory. But, Bacon holds, theory determines
fact as well; for a purported experimental or observational fact to enter
the body of knowledge, it must conform to theory.
As interesting to me as the account Bacon hits upon is the one that
he misses. One presumes that in at least many of the doubtful cases that
Bacon has in mind, at least one investigator has done the experiment
in question numerous times and has established to his own satisfaction
that he has identified a genuine experimental fact. It would be a natural
suggestion that the doubtful results could be checked by having other
investigators try the experiment as well. But Bacon does not suggest
this. It is quite striking to me that in Bacon’s elaborately organized
House of Salomon, among the thirty-six investigators employed full-
time in exploring nature, not one is ever asked to redo an experiment
originally done by another investigator. As we shall see, matters are
quite different when the House of Salomon is actually organized a gen-
eration later as the Royal Society. But, before turning to the question
of experiment in the Royal Society, I would like to turn to another
important theorist of method in early seventeenth-century natural
philosophy, Descartes.
29 References to Bacon can be found in AT I 109, 195–96, 251. On the relation between
Bacon’s and Descartes’ writings, see A. Lalande, “Sur quelques textes de Bacon et
Descartes,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale 19 (1911), 296–311. Unless otherwise noted,
the translations are from Descartes, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, ed. and trans.,
John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch, and Anthony Kenny (3 vols.)
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984–91), where they are keyed to the page
numbers of AT.
30 The account of the rainbow can be found in AT VI 325–44; it is identified as a product
of the method on p. 325, line 7, the only reference to the method of the Discours in any
of the three Essais that accompany it. Furthermore, it is identified as “a brief sample of
the method,” the only example so identified, in a letter, Descartes to Vatier, 22 February
1638, AT I 559.
31 Descartes to Huygens(?), June 1645(?), AT IV 224.
32 See, for example, AT VI 63, 65, 73.
33 For a fuller account of the method of the Regulae, see Garber, Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), chapter 2, or Garber, “Descartes and
Experiment in the Discourse and Essays,” essay 5 in this volume. The discussion here
borrows liberally from the discussions in those two places.
experiment, community, and nature 309
itive connections between some propositions known and others; this is
what he calls deduction. All knowledge properly speaking, scientia, must
come from intuition and deduction; completed science will have the
structure of conclusions deduced from initially intuited premises. His
method is a procedure for constructing such a science.34
The precise method Descartes has in mind is nicely illustrated by an
example he gives of methodical investigation in Rule 8 of the Regulae.
As illustrated in that example, Descartes’ method has two parts: a reduc-
tive step, leading us from a question posed to an intuition, and a con-
structive step, in which a deduction of the answer to the question is
presented. The problem Descartes poses for himself in Rule 8 is that
of finding the anaclastic line, that is, the shape of a surface “in which
parallel rays are refracted in such a way that they all intersect in a single
point after refraction.”35 Now, Descartes notices – and this seems to be
the first step in the reduction – that “the determination of this [ana-
clastic] line depends on the relation between the angle of incidence
and the angle of refraction.”36 But, Descartes notes, this question is still
“composite and relative,” that is, not sufficiently simple, and we must
proceed further in the reduction. Rejecting an empirical investigation
of the relation in question, Descartes suggests that we must next ask
how the relation between the angles of incidence and refraction is
caused by the difference between two media – for example, air and glass
– which in turn raises the question as to “how the ray penetrates the
whole transparent thing, and the knowledge of this penetration pre-
supposes that the nature of the illumination is also known.”37 But,
Descartes claims, in order to understand what illumination is we must
know what a natural power (potentia naturalis) is. This is where what we
might call the reductive step of Descartes’ method ends. At this point,
Descartes seems to think that we can “clearly see through an intuition
of the mind” what a natural power is.38 Other passages suggest that this
intuition is intimately connected with motion.39 Once we have such an
intuition, we can begin the constructive step and follow, in order,
through the questions raised until we have answered the original ques-
tion, that of the shape of the anaclastic line. This would involve under-
standing the nature of illumination from the nature of a natural power,
the ways rays penetrate transparent bodies from the nature of
illumination, and the relation between angle of incidence and angle
41 AT X 394.
312 larger visions
the nature of light to the rainbow, but poking about with water droplets,
flasks, and prisms may suggest a path our deduction might follow.
Descartes’ science is not grounded in natural history in the direct
way that Bacon’s is, yet the sorts of tables that Bacon recommends are
not altogether irrelevant to Descartes’ procedure. Writing to Mersenne
May 10, 1632, Descartes notes that “it would be very useful if some . . .
person were to write the history of celestial phenomena in accordance
with the Baconian method . . . without any arguments or hypotheses.”42
Such tables of phenomena and their correlations with one another,
independent of any theory, are precisely what Descartes needs to
determine the relations of dependence of one phenomenon on
another necessary to perform the reductive step of the method. But
what status do the experimental facts that go into a natural history have
for Descartes?
Descartes, of course, is well known for his distrust of the senses. And
distrust them he did; he warns us that things are not at all as our senses
tell us they are, that they are not red and green, sweet or salty, that our
naive belief that all our knowledge derives ultimately from our senses
is a prejudice of sense- and body-bound youth, a prejudice that must
be rejected before we will be able to penetrate to the true nature of
things. But it is important to recognize that he did not reject experi-
ence altogether.
The fullest account of the senses is in Meditation 6. Descartes’
account there is complicated, but, in brief, the strategy is as follows.
Descartes is here dealing with something that God gave us, just as He
gave us clear and distinct perceptions. As such, Descartes argues, they
must be in some sense true: “It is doubtless true that everything that
nature teaches me [and this includes the senses] has some truth in it.”43
When it is truth about the nature of things that we are interested in, it
is the light of reason, clear and distinct perceptions, that we must turn
to first. And so, while some of the teachings of nature will turn out to
be true, it is only the intellectual examination of them that will estab-
lish this. In this way, Descartes rejects the hyperbolic rejection of
the senses that begins the Meditations and, indeed, goes on to reject
even the dream argument that is so prominent in Meditation 1.44 But,
although the teachings of nature – what we learn from our senses – are
restored, they are subordinate to reason; they may be trusted to some
45 See the letter to Mersenne, 29 January 1640, AT III 7, where he suggests that in order to
have complete assurance, a given observation with respect to the declinations of a magnet
should be performed “a thousand times” rather than just three, as another investigator,
John Pell, had done. We can presume that this is a standard that he would have adopted
for his own work, in principle if not in practice.
46 AT VI 340.
314 larger visions
to two right angles by way of some faulty square rule.”47 Observation
and experiment may play an important role in establishing an experi-
mental fact, but it is reason that must confer the ultimate status of fact-
hood on an observation. While there are important differences in
detail, of course, Descartes’ account here is not unlike Bacon’s; for both
there is an important sense in which theory must constitute experi-
mental facts.
There is one further feature of Descartes’ attitude toward experi-
ment and experimental facts that I would like to call attention to here.
One of Descartes’ basic commitments, indeed, one of his obsessions, is
the rejection of authority and the consequent centrality of the individ-
ual over community. In the Regulae Descartes emphasizes that only what
an individual intuits and deduces is real knowledge for him; knowledge
by authority is no knowledge at all (Rule 3). The whole message of the
Discours de la méthode is the rejection of authority and the importance
of the individual’s building a world for himself.48 This is the project that
is actually taken up in the Meditations, where the meditator begins by
obliterating the world around him and, starting from scratch, builds a
world from the cogito, the thought of a solitary self. This radical indi-
vidualism is also reflected in Descartes’ attitude toward experimental
science. Part 6 of the Discours de la méthode is concerned with the need
for additional experiments in order to complete Descartes’ scientific
program. Descartes begins by reporting the attitude he took in his
youth. Originally, he reports, he believed that he should publish the
details of his foundations for physics and the full system based on those
in order to stimulate the work of others, to get others to build on the
foundations he had laid and make the new observations necessary to
finish the job. And so, Descartes thought, publishing his thoughts
would convince others to “assist me in seeking those [observations]
which remain to be made” (i.e., send money). At that time Descartes
also hoped that others would “communicate to me the observations
But in what sense was Bacon an inspiration? Certainly Sprat and his
colleagues were attracted by his emphasis on experiment and natural
history as the basis of all natural philosophy and by his emphasis on the
cooperative and communal nature of scientific investigation. Thus,
Joseph Glanvill writes in his Plus ultra (1668), a sympathetic, although
not-quite-authorized, account of the Society:
The deep and judicious Verulam [i.e., Bacon] . . . proposed . . . to reform and
inlarge Knowledge by Observation and Experiment, to examine and record
Particulars, and so to rise by degrees of Induction to general Propositions,
and from them to take direction for new Inquiries, and more Discoveries,
56 Thomas Sprat, The History of the Royal-Society of London for the Improving of Natural Knowl-
edge (London: 1667; reprinted Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1958),
pp. 35–36. The “excellent Friends” Sprat mentions in this passage are the other members
of the Royal Society. Sprat’s History was closely supervised by the Society, and it is fair to
read it as a representation of their collective views; on the history of the History, see
Margery Purver, The Royal Society: Concept and Creation (London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 1967), pp. 9–19; P. B. Wood, “Methodology and Apologetics: Thomas Sprat’s History
of the Royal Society,” British Journal for the History of Science 13 (1980), pp. 1–26.
experiment, community, and nature 317
and other Axioms . . . So that Nature being known, it may be master’d,
managed, and used in the Services of humane Life. This was a mighty Design,
groundedly laid, wisely exprest, and happily recommended by the Glorious
Author, who began nobly, and directed with an incomparable conduct of Wit
and Judgment: But to the carrying it on, It was necessary there should be
many Heads and many Hands, and Those formed into an Assembly, that
might intercommunicate their Tryals and Observations, that might joyntly
work, and joyntly consider. . . . This the Great Man desired, and form’d a
SOCIETY of Experimenters in a Romantick Model; but could do no more:
His time was not ripe for such Performances.57
57 Glanvill, Plus ultra: or, the Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since the Days of Aristotle
(London: 1668), pp. 87–88. On the status of Glanvill’s Plus ultra, and its relation to the
Royal Society, see Purver, The Royal Society, pp. 13–14.
58 Sprat, The History, p. 89. 59 Sprat, The History, p. 36.
318 larger visions
their way into his natural histories; although Bacon initially takes “all
that comes,” he does eventually choose what to base his induction on
and does eventually reject observations that conflict with the general
principles arrived at by induction. But, Sprat suggests, one must be
more selective in the first place and weed out bad observations before
they find their way into one’s natural history. Such careful attention to
the establishment of experimental facts is basic to the mission of the
new Royal Society, Sprat argues; indeed, it is built into the very struc-
ture of that community.
The Royal Society was interested in gathering experimental facts
from all who had them to contribute. But, Sprat writes, “I shall lay it
down, as their Fundamental Law, that whenever they could possibly get
to handle the subject, the Experiment was still perform’d by some of
the Members themselves.”60 It is crucial here that the experiment be
performed not by one of the members, but by some of the members.
When the Royal Society took it on itself to sponsor an experiment or
series of experiments, it was a matter of policy, Sprat reports, that
a number of different members be involved. Experiments were
organized, Sprat writes,
either by allotting the same Work to several men, separated one from
another; or else by joyning them into Committees. . . . By this union of eyes,
and hands there do these advantages arise. Thereby there will be a full com-
prehension of the object in all its appearances; and so there will be a mutual
communication of the light of one Science to another: whereas single labours
can be but as a prospect taken upon one side. And also by this fixing of several
mens thoughts upon one thing, there will be an excellent cure for that defect,
which is almost unavoidable in great Inventors. It is the custom of such
earnest, and powerful minds, to do wonderful things in the beginning; but
shortly after, to be overborn by the multitude, and weight of their own
thoughts; then to yield, and cool by little and little; and at last grow weary,
and even to loath that, upon which they were at first the most eager. . . . For
this the best provision must be, to join many men together.61
60 Sprat, The History, p. 83. When reporting this as “their Fundamental Law,” Sprat is report-
ing what they agreed to do; what they actually did is quite another question, of course. In
what follows I shall limit myself to a discussion of what the Royal Society thought of
themselves as doing, their avowed practice, and shall not be concerned with what they
actually did.
61 Sprat, The History, pp. 84–85; cf. 100. See also Glanvill, Plus ultra, pp. 108–9, 114.
experiment, community, and nature 319
number of different people are involved in carrying out experiments
and replicating the experiments that others submit that we can avoid
the errors that inevitably creep in if only one experimenter is involved,
even if he repeats his experiment numerous times.
In addition to the claim that experiments must be repeated by a
variety of hands, Sprat further reports that facts must be established
through the consensus of the community as a whole. He writes:
[After the performance of an experiment] comes in the second great Work
of the Assembly; which is to judg, and resolve upon the matter of Fact. In this
part of their imployment, they us’d to take an exact view of the repetition of
the whole course of the Experiment . . . ; never giving it over till the whole
Company has been fully satisfi’d of the certainty and constancy; or, on the
otherside, of the absolute impossibility of the effect. This critical, and reiter-
ated scrutiny of those things, which are the plain objects of their eyes; must
needs put out of all reasonable dispute, the reality of those operations, which
the Society shall positively determine to have succeeded. . . . There is not any
one thing, which is now approv’d and practis’d in the World, that it is con-
firm’d by stronger evidence, than this, which the Society requires; except
onely the Holy Mysteries of our Religion.62
64 See Shapin and Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump, pp. 55ff. I should emphasize that the
questions that most interest me are different from the questions that Shapin and
Schaffer attempt to answer in Leviathan and the Airpump. Their questions concern the
history of experimental philosophy as such, why experimental philosophy as such arose in
England when it did, and how and why it came to triumph over a different and nonex-
perimental conception of science, such as that represented by Hobbes. To answer this,
they appeal to the political context of the debates, and the way Hobbes’s and Boyle’s posi-
tions fit into that context. The answer they offer is interesting and worth taking seriously;
experiment, community, and nature 321
what I want to emphasize is that this communitarian view of experi-
mental facthood was something quite new, a self-conscious innovation
introduced by the Royal Society in the 1660s. One might possibly be
able to find precedents for this, although I doubt it. But what is impor-
tant is that it is an idea that is not found in the important theorists of
scientific practice in the generations immediately preceding the foun-
dation of the Royal Society and was regarded as an innovation by the
Royal Society itself, a new and improved way of thinking about experi-
ment. Which is to say that the social conception of experimental facthood is
an idea with a history; it arises at a particular time, in particular con-
tingent circumstances.
but it isn’t an answer to the questions that interest me most. Shapin and Schaffer seem
to take it for granted that the very idea of experimental science carries with it a social
criterion of experimental facthood. See, e.g., Shapin and Schaffer, Leviathan and the
Air-Pump, pp. 25ff., 77–78, 225–26, 281–82. My interest is in the circumstances under
which this criterion first arose.
65 Sprat, The History, p. 108.
322 larger visions
Dear has been particularly insistent on this point in a series of
penetrating articles.66 Dear relates this change to the rejection
of an Aristotelian conception of natural philosophy. He writes:
“Experience” as an element of scholastic natural philosophical discourse
took the form of generalized statements about how things usually occur;
as an element of characteristically seventeenth-century, non-scholastic
natural philosophical discourse it increasingly took the form of statements
describing specific events. . . . For the scholastic natural philosopher, writing
his commentaries on Aristotle, the grounding in experience of the physical
facts debated in his discussions was guaranteed by their generality as experi-
ential statements – “heavy bodies fall” is a statement to which all could assent,
through common experience embodied in authoritative texts. . . . The new
“experience” of the seventeenth century . . . established its legitimacy in his-
torical reports of events, often citing witnesses.67
This apparently stylistic difference between the old and the new is actu-
ally quite substantive, Dear argues. When experience functions as the
illustration of the universal statements that constituted the starting
place of a scientific syllogism, as it does in Aristotelian science, there is
little reason to expect controversy; all will agree that stones fall and fire
rises. But in the new experimental science, particularly as practiced in
the Royal Society, experiment functions to create novel facts. And here
the situation is quite different. And when we are dealing with novel
facts, there is a possibility for controversy that simply did not exist in
earlier, Aristotelian science. Dear writes, “Controversy, however, or the
threat of controversy, demanded more radical measures, and at the
same time placed greater emphasis on discrete events as justification
for assertions.”68 When experiment makes novel claims, Dear argues,
then the reporting of an observation or an experiment has a new func-
tion, not that of reminding the reader of something already known but
that of actually convincing the reader that the conclusion reported actu-
ally happened. This was done, Dear claims, by particularizing the report
66 Peter Dear, “Totius in verba: Rhetoric and Authority in the Early Royal Society,” Isis
76(1985), pp. 145–61; Dear, “Jesuit Mathematical Science and the Reconstitution of
Experience in the Early Seventeenth Century,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
18(1987), pp. 133–75; Dear, “Narratives,” See also Shapin and Schaffer, Leviathan and the
Air-Pump, pp. 60ff.
67 Dear, “Jesuit Mathematical Science,” p. 134. The quotation is offered by Dear as a
summary of the main argument of Dear, “Totius in verba.”
68 Dear, “Jesuit Mathematical Science,” p. 169.
experiment, community, and nature 323
and making it the report of a particular witness on a particular occa-
sion, a procedure that bears an obvious relation to legal reasoning, as
Shapin and Schaffer note.69 Shapin and Schaffer go on to argue that
an important point of this new style of presentation is to give the reader
faith in the truth of the outcomes reported by giving him faith in the
scientist producing those outcomes. In the case of Boyle, they argue,
“It was the burden of Boyle’s literary technology to assure his readers
that he was such a man as should be believed. He therefore had to find
the means to make visible in the text the accepted tokens of a man of
good faith.”70 And what made Boyle a credible witness was detail upon
detail that made the story credible as a report of something that actu-
ally happened in the world in a particular place and at a particular
The phenomenon that Dear, Shapin, and Schaffer are pointing to
is certainly quite real; although one can certainly find earlier writers
who appear to be presenting direct reports of actual events and later
writers who present their experimental results in general terms, there
is certainly a general trend in the experimental literature toward more
and more particularity in reporting the results of experiments. And
Dear has certainly made the case that in some circumstances, at least,
this increased particularity is connected with the problem of convinc-
ing an audience to accept novel and unexpected results.72 But, I think,
novelty and the rejection of an Aristotelian conception of the function
of experience in natural philosophy are not the only factors at
work here.
Let me begin by noting that the use of general statements in report-
ing the outcomes of experiments is not necessarily connected either
with an Aristotelian conception of the use of experience or with the
reporting of non-novel facts. Take the case of Francis Bacon. Bacon
73 De augmentis II.1, Bacon, The Works, vol. VIII, p. 407; see also ibid., p. 406.
74 Gilbert, De magnete, p. 1. 75 Ibid., p. 159. 76 Ibid., p. 137.
experiment, community, and nature 325
apparatus, and so on – all the features that we can find in later Royal
Society experiments, such as those of Boyle. Yet, what Gilbert was relat-
ing was decidedly novel, as he fully recognized.
The new importance of novel facts in science cannot completely
explain the new forms that experimental reports took; the importance
of novel facts was recognized without necessarily resulting in any
changes in the way in which experimental results were reported. What
other factors are relevant here? Why did the Royal Society find it nec-
essary to couple novelty of results with a new form of presentation for
those results? My suggestion is that we look to the change in the con-
ception of experimental facthood that I have been developing in this
I have tried to show that with the Royal Society, we have a new
conception of experimental facthood. For earlier investigators, it
was possible for an individual working entirely alone to establish an
experimental fact, either through simple repetition of a trial or through
reasoning. And so, when a Gilbert or a Bacon or a Descartes reports
the outcome of an experiment, he can report it as fact; others may chal-
lenge what he claims to have established, but the epistemology of exper-
imental facthood does not in any way demand the concurrence of
others to constitute a fact. But, I have argued, matters are entirely dif-
ferent with respect to the conception of experimental facthood in the
Royal Society. There it is essential that others perform the experiment
and witness the results before a purported experimental fact can enter
the register of attested facts. And so, when an experimenter reports the
outcome of an experiment, or even a series of experiments, he is not
reporting anything that could possibly be an experimental fact; facts
cannot be established in that way. And so, the best that can be reported
is, as Sprat puts it, “present appearances,” the way things looked to an
individual at a given time in a given place. Only by putting this together
with the observations of others can we constitute a fact. And so, I
suggest, it is no surprise that new conventions for reporting the
outcomes of experiments come at the same time as the Royal Society
is explicitly rethinking how it is that experimental facts are to be
77 Sprat, The History, p. 344, claims that virtually anyone, no matter how idle or industrious,
how learned or ignorant, can participate in the program of experimental science. But, of
course, in practice, this was not so.
experiment, community, and nature 327
experiments. This is not to say that such communities could not have
arisen before then. Descartes might perhaps have transformed the
Jesuit fathers of La Flèche or the Collège de Clermont or the members
of the Mersenne Circle into such a group. But he did not, and no one
else did either. Such a community might also have come with Bacon as
well. But even though Bacon dreamed of a community of gatherers of
facts and gave it many tasks and an elaborate organization, he never
dreamed that they would cooperate with the production of facts, and
the structure he proposed assumed that the many workers in the
House of Salomon would work alone. This suggests to me that we
must view the rise of the new communal conception of experimental
facthood, a feature of the way practitioners thought about their natural
philosophy, as intimately connected with the social transformation of
the institutional structure in which science (natural philosophy) is
done. I do not know which, if either, came first – the social transfor-
mation or the philosophical transformation. But it seems clear that the
two must go hand in hand. Thus, of course, does not answer the ques-
tion as to why the social conception of experimental facthood arose
when it did. But it does suggest a direction in which we might look for
an answer: The rise of the social conception of facthood must go hand
in hand with the emergence of the institutions appropriate to its
This leads me to a final moral. It has recently become very fashion-
able to press the social factors in experimental facthood and the role
that the community plays in the establishment of experimental facts.
Indeed, the importance of social factors in recent experimental science
has led some to the view that the establishment of experimental
facts can be explained entirely in sociological terms. On their view,
establishing an experimental fact is simply a matter of social negotia-
tion among members of the relevant community. With regard to the
concept of experimental facthood in the Royal Society, Shapin and
Schaffer write that “the objectivity of the experimental matter of fact
was an artifact of certain forms of discourse and certain modes of social
solidarity.”78 Indeed, they go so far as to claim that matters of fact
are “social conventions,” the result of “negotiations between experi-
menters.”79 “A fact,” Bruno Latour writes in a similar spirit, “is what is
collectively stabilized from the midst of controversies when the activity
78 Shapin and Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump, pp. 77–87; cf. p. 25.
79 Shapin and Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump, p. 226; see also pp. 281–82.
328 larger visions
of later papers does not consist only of criticism or deformation but
also of confirmation.”80
While I have considerable sympathy for the view, I think that it has
some historical limitations. One might take it for an almost a priori
truth: Belief in experimental facts, as in everything, must simply be a
function of some communal agreement or other, explicit or tacit; belief,
one might claim, as with the language in which it is framed, is by its
nature social, and whatever Descartes or Bacon or anyone else might
have thought about it, they, too, were caught up in the invisible web of
social structure. Understood in this way, the thesis would seem to be
grounded in very, very general facts about language, belief, and society,
largely independent of any particularities about history and circum-
stance. Regarded in this way, though, the thesis is a general philo-
sophical claim, one largely without any special interest to the historian
or philosopher of science. But if the sociological claim is taken to be a
thesis with real content and relevance for the historian of philosophy
and science, then I think that, at best, it can only be an account that
holds for experimental science as practiced in the last 350 years or so,
since the appropriate social (and intellectual) structures were simply
missing before then.
But, even when the social constructivist is suitably historicized, I have
my doubts. The thesis that the world of facts established by science is
simply a matter of social agreement has an obvious deflationary con-
sequence for the whole enterprise of science, turning what was thought
to be objective fact into the collective illusion of a particular commu-
nity. It would be a great irony if the social criterion of experimental fact-
hood that, in a sense, marks the beginning of modern experimental
science also marks the beginning of its demise.
80 Latour and Woolgar, Laboratory Life, p. 243; Bruno Latour, Science in Action (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), p. 42. For the more general account, see Latour
and Woolgar, Laboratory Life, pp. 174–83, 236–52; and Latour, Science in Action, pp. 41–44.
This, of course, is at one extreme of those who call themselves social constructivists. There
is a wide variety of such views in the literature, many too many to survey in this short
I. Historiographical Preliminaries
1. “Does History Have a Future? Some Reflections on Bennett and
Doing Philosophy Historically” was originally published in P. Hare, ed.,
Doing Philosophy Historically (Buffalo: Pergamon Press, 1989), pp. 27–43.
It is reprinted with permission.
Alquié, F., 56n, 57n, 59n, 164n and Descartes, 102, 307–308, 312,
Amesius, Guilelmus, 195n 314, 315–316
analysis, 243–244 Baillet, A., 71n
digressions in, 45 Barnes, Jonathan, 299n
and the Meditations, 52–63 Battail, J.-F., 203n, 210n
and synthesis, 35n, 52–63, 78–84, Beck, L.J., 35n, 39n, 46n
87n Beeckman, Isaac, 2, 47–48
synthesis and the Principles, 52–63, Belgioioso, Giulia, 114n
79, 84 Bennett, Jonathan, 6, 13–30
Anguilonius, Franciscus, 298–299 Bérule, Cardinal Pierre de, 67
animals, Cartesian conception of, 270 Beyssade, J.-M., 56n, 57n, 84, 193–194
Anscombe, E., 222n Bizer, Ernst, 195n
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 16, 195–198, Bloch, Olivier, 263n
280 Boas, Marie, 224n
Ariew, Roger, 59n, 214n body
Aristotle, 16, 222–223, 229n, 280, existence of, 45, 105–106, 214–216,
298–299, 305n, 324 244–255
Armogathe, J.-R., 83n, 95n, 114n nature of, 26–27, 112, 179–180, 253
Arnauld, Antoine, 172n wax example, 45, 244–246
astrology, 66–67 Boehm, A., 227n
astronomy, 298n Bourdin, Father, 286n
atomism, 66, 69 Boyer, Carl, 95n, 108n
temporal, 193–194 Boyle, Robert, 2, 297, 320n, 323
authority, 70n, 314–315 Brahe, Tycho, 66
Descartes on, 278–281 Broad, C.D., 143n, 150n
and the teacher, 291–295 Brockliss, L.W.B., 280n, 286n, 292n
Averroes, 17 Broughton, Janet, 179n
Ayers, Michael, 5 Brunschwig, J., 56n, 57n
334 index
cause (cont.) and social structure, 326–327
secundum esse vs. secundum fieri, and theory, 109–110
192–193, 195 external world, see body, existence of
total, 204–205
certainty, 7, 111–129, 287–288, 306 fact, experimental, 296–328
childhood, 231–233, 266 in Bacon, 301–307
Clair, Pierre, 189n, 210n in Descartes, 108–109, 307–316
Clarke, Desmond, 38n, 91n, 92n, in the Royal Society, 316–321, 325
110n, 114n, 255n Fitzpatrick, Edward, 287n
Clauberg, J., 149n, 203 Fontialis, Jacobus, 200n
clear and distinct perception, 105–107 form, substantial, 112, 196–200,
validation of, 49–50 207–208, 219–220, 227–231,
Clerselier, Claude, 149n–150n, 203, 257–273
204n, 218 Frankfurt, Harry, 222n, 239n
Cohen, Lesley, 7, 35n, 52n, 106n, Freddoso, Alfred, 205n
Columbus, Christopher, 305n Gabbey, Alan, 137n, 149n–150n,
Copernicanism, 69, 76 225n
Copernicus, Nicholas, 66 Gale, George, 139n
Cordemoy, G. de, 203, 218–219 Galilei, Galileo, 2, 180n, 290
Costabel, Pierre, 37n, 65n, 89n, 136n, condemnation of, 120
137n Galison, Peter, 196
Cottingham, John, 54n, 59n, 114n, Gassendi, Pierre, 2, 67, 70, 172n, 272
199n, 277n, 284n Gaukroger, S., 34n, 93n, 137n, 164n,
Couturat, Louis, 56n 190n, 225n, 240n, 284n
Curley, E.M., 57–58, 59n, 63n, 84, Geach, P.T., 222n
222n, 223n, 243n Geulincx, Arnold, 203
Gilbert, William, 299–300, 305n,
Daston, Lorraine, 297 324–325
Dear, Peter, 298, 300n, 322–325 Gilson, Étienne, 39n, 147n, 175n,
deduction, see intuition and deduction 195–196, 198n, 223n, 227n,
Dijksterhuis, E.J., 224n 228n, 229n, 231n, 242n, 292n
disputation, academic, 287–288 Girbal, F., 210n
distinction Glanvill, Joseph, 316–317, 318n
mind-body, 257–273 God
Doney, Willis, 134n, 159n, 181n, 212n, arguments for the existence of, 56,
223n 58, 71, 74–78
Drake, Stillman, 180n and divine sustenance, 163–164,
189–202, 206–208, 209–210
education, Descartes on, 20–23, and the laws of nature (motion),
277–295 155–167, 181–186
Elisabeth, Princess, of Bohemia, 134, and motion, 136, 163–165,
172, 176n, 204–205 181–186, 189–202, 206–210
Eustachius a Sancto Paulo, 63n, 228, as total cause, 204–205
272 Gouhier, Henri, 48n, 57n, 169n, 171n,
experiment, 7, 41–43, 85–110, 179n, 203n, 204n, 210n, 222n,
111–129, 296–328 234n, 241n, 242n
index 335
Goujet, C.-P., 67n intuition and deduction, 35, 48,
gravity, see heaviness 86–87, 91–94, 99–103, 107, 117,
Grene, Marjorie, 197n 119, 120–121, 124n, 281–283,
Grimaldi, N., 95n 308–309
Gueroult, Martial, 7, 26n, 54n–55n, intuition, 90–91, 305n
56–57, 84, 139n, 164n, 190n, validation of, 49–50
214n, 225n, 229n, 241n Iwanicki, Joseph, 71n