2.0 PhysRevLett.120.190602
2.0 PhysRevLett.120.190602
2.0 PhysRevLett.120.190602
Heat engines should ideally have large power output, operate close to Carnot efficiency and show
constancy, i.e., exhibit only small fluctuations in this output. For steady-state heat engines, driven by a
constant temperature difference between the two heat baths, we prove that out of these three requirements
only two are compatible. Constancy enters quantitatively the conventional trade-off between power and
efficiency. Thus, we rationalize and unify recent suggestions for overcoming this simple trade-off. Our
universal bound is illustrated for a paradigmatic model of a quantum dot solar cell and for a Brownian
gyrator delivering mechanical work against an external force.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.190602
The efficiency η of heat engines operating cyclically and for an effective two-terminal device containing inelas-
between a hot heat reservoir at temperature T h and a cold tic electron-phonon processes [8]. However, as for cyclic
one at T c is universally bounded from above by the Carnot engines, it has recently been pointed out that in certain
value ηC ≡ 1 − T c =T h . Moreover, it was commonly limits Carnot efficiency at finite power can be reached in
believed that reaching Carnot efficiency inevitably comes models of steady-state engines. Specific proposals include
with a vanishing power P since such engines require quasi-
two-cycle engines with diverging affinities [9], a specially
static conditions leading to an infinite cycle-time. This
supposedly universal trade-off between power and effi- designed Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet [10], and sys-
ciency has more recently been challenged by studies tems with a singular transport law [11,12].
hinting at the possibility to come at least arbitrarily close These observations taken together indicate that when
to Carnot efficiency with finite power by a particular searching for a universal trade-off it may not be enough to
coupling between subsystems [1] or by exploiting a work- focus only on the two characteristics power and efficiency,
ing substance at a critical point [2]. On the other hand, a and their relationship if one of them becomes maximal as it
general bound of the type P ≤ AðηC − ηÞ with a system- is typically done, see also [13–28]. As we will show in this
specific amplitude A has been proven for cyclic engines Letter, as a crucial third quantity, power fluctuations enter
both in linear response [3] and beyond [4]. These two quantitatively into this balance. Specifically, we will prove
strands of reasoning can be reconciled only if one allows for a huge class of steady-state heat engines, which includes
for a diverging amplitude A as the efficiency approaches the all thermodynamically consistent machines with a classical
Carnot value. discrete set of internal states and continuous ones modeled
For steady-state heat engines permanently coupled to with an overdamped Langevin dynamics, that there is a
two heat baths like in thermoelectric setups, the common universal trade-off between three desiderata: Finite (or even
argument from above invoking quasistatic conditions and large) power, an efficiency close to the Carnot value, and
hence an infinite cycle time is not directly applicable. It has constancy in the sense of small fluctuations in the power
usually been replaced with the idea that finite currents output are not compatible. Specifically, the bound
necessarily lead to dissipation which should spoil the
option of reaching the Carnot limit at finite power. This η Tc 1
P ≤ ð1Þ
view was challenged by a seminal paper from Benenti et al. ηC − η ΔP 2
[5], who pointed out that if time-reversal symmetry is
broken, like in the presence of a magnetic field, the usual constrains (mean) output power, efficiency, and the power
approach based on linear irreversible thermodynamics does fluctuations in finite time as measured by
not forbid Carnot efficiency at finite power. Subsequent
studies showed with somewhat more specific assumptions ΔP ≡ lim hðPðtÞ − PÞ2 it: ð2Þ
that Carnot efficiency at finite power is not accessible. This
holds true, e.g., for any finite number of terminals in a Here, PðtÞ is the fluctuating power after time t evaluated in
multiterminal set-up within linear response theory [6,7], the steady state, for which h…i denotes averages. Since the
mean output work grows linearly in time as does its if this transition involves the release of an electron to a bath,
variance, converting work fluctuations into power fluctua- baij ¼ −1. In both cases, the chemical potentials enter the
tions requires the additional factor of t to reach a finite limit expression in the exponent providing a contribution to the
for ΔP, with which we characterize the constancy, or total free energy involved in such a transition. The last term
stability [29], of the engine. In particular for nanoscopic in the exponent is nonzero if this transition additionally
heat engines, power fluctuations due to thermal noise are involves a step of length dij against an external force f.
not negligible compared to the mean work output on Generalizations to several species of particles, further
relevant time scales and should therefore be taken into baths, or the case of rotary motion against an applied
account for a thermodynamic description. The crucial role torque should be obvious.
power fluctuations play in the above bound is comple- In the steady state, where state i is realized with
mentary to their effect in the statistics of efficiency in a probability pi, this engine can be characterized by three
finite time [30–33]. important mean currents, the heat current
As a main first consequence of this new bound for
steady-state heat engines, it is obvious that as long as the jh ¼ ðpi khij − pj khji ÞðEj − Ei − bhij μh Þ ð5Þ
power fluctuations remain finite (and T c as well), approach- i<j
ing Carnot efficiency implies that the power has to vanish at
least linearly. The explicit occurrence of ΔP as an ampli- from the hot bath to the engine, the heat current
tude in a putative linear relationship between power and
efficiency gap to Carnot, however, offers a second option. If jc ¼ − ðpi kcij − pj kcji ÞðEj − Ei − bcij μc Þ ð6Þ
the fluctuations blow up, then a finite (or even diverging) i<j
power is not ruled out as η → ηC , which unifies quantita-
tively the various observations recalled above. from the engine to the cold bath, and the “work current”
The bound (1) can be rearranged as a bound on efficiency
jw ¼ jh − jc ¼ P; ð7Þ
η≤ ; ð3Þ
1 þ 2PT c =ΔP which, due to the first law, is the power delivered by the
engine. Running the engine for a finite time t, each of the
determined by mean and fluctuations of the output power.
currents will fluctuate around these mean values with a
Thus, the efficiency of any steady-state heat engine is
dispersion [38]
bounded from above by this simple expression independent
of the specific design of the engine. The formal similarity of
Dα ≡ lim hðjα ðtÞ − jα Þ2 it=2; ð8Þ
(3) with a bound derived for the efficiency of molecular t→∞
motors [34] indicates as common origin of these bounds the
thermodynamic uncertainty relation [35,36], which where α ¼ h, c, w. The mean entropy production rate
describes a universal inequality between entropy produc- becomes
tion and mean and variance of an arbitrary current.
For a proof of the universal trade-off (1), we consider an σ ¼ jc =T c − jh =T h ¼ jw ðηC =η − 1Þ=T c : ð9Þ
engine characterized by a set of internal states fig with
internal energies fEi g. A transition between state i and j Since this Markovian network is thermodynamically
takes place with a rate kcij if it is mediated by the contact to consistent, one can directly apply the thermodynamic
the cold bath and with a rate khij if it is mediated by the hot uncertainty relation, which reads for any of the three
currents [35,36]
bath. One of these rates can be zero, which means that this
particular transition always involves the other bath. For any
σDα ≥ j2α : ð10Þ
nonzero rate, the corresponding backward rate does not
vanish either, and it obeys the local detailed balance
Evaluating this relation for the work current, α ¼ w, leads,
condition [37]
with ΔP ¼ 2Dw , (7) and (9), to the bound (1).
Two related, but not identical, forms of this bound can be
¼ exp½ðEi − Ej þ bc;h
ij μc;h − fdij Þ=T c;h ; ð4Þ derived similarly by applying the thermodynamic uncer-
ji tainty relation to either the heat current from the hot bath or
the one entering the cold bath. Expressed as bound on
where we set Boltzmann’s constant to 1 throughout the power, they read explicitly
Letter. Here, Ei;j are the internal energies of the two states.
If the transition from i to j requires the transport of an P ≤ ðηC − ηÞηDh =T c ð11Þ
electron from the bath with temperature T a ða ¼ c; hÞ and
chemical potential μa to the system, then baij ¼ 1. Likewise, and
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 190602 (2018)
(a) (b)
two states can occur either nonradiatively through inter-
actions with the surrounding phonon bath at temperature T c
with rates kclr and kcrl or are mediated by the black body
radiation of the sun with temperature T h at rates khlr and khrl .
The transition rates to and from the two electron reservoirs
(i ¼ l, r) are chosen according to the Fermi-Dirac distri-
(c) bution as
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 190602 (2018)
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 190602 (2018)
Dw σ Dc σ Dh σ ½cηC ð1 − k=ks Þ2 Carnot (or less than 1 for isothermal machines), can be
¼ ¼ ¼ 1 þ ≥ 1; ð28Þ
j2w j2c j2h ðu1 þ u2 Þ2 ð1 − ηC Þ bounded or shown to vanish. Exploring this issue, using the
techniques introduced here, will be left to future work.
with the entropy production rate σ as defined in Eq. (9). The Finally, it will be interesting to investigate whether and how
resulting bounds on the power and efficiency are shown in constancy enters bounds for genuine quantum heat engines
Fig. 2(b). These bounds become strong when the ratio that exploit coherences—see [54] and references therein.
Dw σ=j2w in Eq. (28) is close to one, as it is the case for
moderate temperature differences or small couplings c with
respect to the parameters u1;2 . For k close to ks , the bounds
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