Assisting With Dilatation and Curettage Procedure
Assisting With Dilatation and Curettage Procedure
Assisting With Dilatation and Curettage Procedure
Assisting in expansion of cervical canal of uterus and scraping the surface lining of the uterine wall
using a metal instrument called curette. This procedure is done during the premenstrual phase.
1. Infertility.
2. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
3. Pathologic amenorrhea.
4. Endometrial tuberculosis.
5. Endometrial carcinoma.
6. Postmenopausal bleeding.
7. Chorion epithelioma.
1. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
2. Endometrial polyp.
3. Removal of IUD.
4. Incomplete abortion.
5. 5. Evacuation of hydatidiform mole.
6. prior to insertion of intrauterine radium implants.
7. To prevent cervical stenosis in Manchester operation for uterine prolapse.
8. To drain pyometra.
1. Vaginal and cervical infection.
2. Pelvic infection.
3. Suspected uterine pregnancy.
procedure is carried out in the OT.
Special instruments used
1. Dilators (Different sizes of Hegar's dilators).
2. Vulsellum.
3. Uterine sound.
4. Curette.
1. Explain procedure to patient.
2. Obtain, informed consent from patient.
3. Instruct patient to empty the bladder prior to operation.
4. Maintain NPO for six hours before procedure.
5. Administer premedication as per physician's order.
6 Start IV line.
7. Maintain lithotomy position and clean the perineum with antiseptic solution.
8. Physician performs vaginal examination to note condition of vulva, vagina and cervix, including
the size, consistency, position and mobility of the uterus
9. Assist the physician in administering anesthesia.
10. Physician introduces Sim's vaginal speculum inside the vagina.
• In nulliparous women, the blade of the speculum is lubricated with savlon solution and introduced
from the side of the vaginal outlet after separating the labia minora with the other hand till the entire
blade is introduced inside the vagina.
• In parous women, the blade is introduced on separating labia minora.
11. The anterior lip of the exposed cervix is grasped by the toothed vulsellum and pulled down near
the vaginal introitus.
12. An uterine sound is introduced with the tip directed forward into uterus.
13. Assist in dilatation of the cervix. The tip of the dilator should be directed anteriorly or posteriorly
according to position of the uterus.
14 After the desired dilatation, the uterine cavity is curretted by uterine
curette either in clockwise or anticlockwise direction in a smooth
15. Take out the vulsellum and curette.
16. Clean the cervix with antiseptic solution and check for any unusual bleeding.
17. The curetted material is preserved in 10% normal saline, labeled properly and sent for
histological examination.
18. Record the data and time of procedure with patient's reactions.
1. Check the vital signs.
2. Instruct patient to rest in bed until the anesthtic effect is reversed.
3. Check the amount of bleeding.
Immediate Complications
1. Injury to the cervix.
2. Uterine perforation.
3.Bowel Injury
4.Pelvic inflammation
Remote Complications
1.Cervical incompetence due to injury to internal os, resulting in midtrimester abortion.
2. Uterine adhesion due to injury to uterine muscle resulting in secondary amenorrhea.
1. Annamma Jacob.Clinical Nursing Procedures: The Art of Nursing Practice. 3rd edition.
New Delhi Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2015