Morse-Neal Poll
Morse-Neal Poll
Morse-Neal Poll
18-29 7%
30-44 20
45-54 16
55-64 25
65+ 32
Yes 100%
No -
Not sure -
3. Are you registered as a Democrat, an Independent, a Republican, or something else?
Democrat 62%
Independent 37
Republican -
Something else 1
Not sure -
4. How likely are you to vote in the September 1st Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, Congress
and other offices:
Please note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100% and “total”
columns may be one point more or less than the sum of their parts. BR #9510
6. In the primary for Congress, did you vote for:
------Favorable------ -----Unfavorable-----
Some- Some- Never Can’t
TOTAL Very what TOTAL what Very heard of rate
7. Congressman Joe Kennedy 3rd 63% 27 36 28 18 10 - 9
8. Senator Elizabeth Warren 72% 54 18 26 9 17 - 1
9. Congressman Richard Neal 56% 32 23 38 18 20 2 5
10. Senator Ed Markey 63% 33 30 29 15 14 - 8
11. Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse 51% 26 25 35 13 22 1 13
12. If the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate were today, would you be more inclined to vote
13. If the Democratic primary for Congress were today, would you be more inclined to vote for:
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14. Have you heard or read anything in the past week about an issue involving Alex Morse and a
group of College Democrats at UMass Amherst?
Yes 85%
No 14
I’m not sure 1
15. Did what you hear or read make you:
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