Chapter 17

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Unit 5: Participating in


Lesson 1: Development of Political Parties

Functions of Political Parties

A political party is a group of people organized
with common interests to win elections

When political parties when on election the job

then becomes how to implement their promises
The Constitution does not provide for political
parties or even mentions them

Functions of Political Party-Educating the Public

Political parties bring important issues to the
public attention
Each party published its position on important

Candidates in the 2012 election used social media

to educate the public
To inform the people on the issues political
parties have simplified the election to key points
Political party affliction helps voters asses s
which candidate will be more acceptable

Functions of Political Party-Operating the Government

Political parties play key role in running and

staffing the executive and legislative branches
A party also acts a link between the legislature
and a chief executive

Functions of Political Party-Dispensing Patronage

Political parties dispense patronage (favors) to their loyal members
These favors could include jobs, contracts, or political appointments

Patronage allows the party in power to have loyal people in key positions of

One-Party System
This system is usually found in an
authoritarian government
The party leaders run the government and set
all policy
This government uses force when political
parties or the military take power

There is de factor one-party systems, in which

there are multiple parties but one party wins
all the time

Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems

Only about a dozen nations have a two-party
The multi-party system is more common (5-7
political typically)
Multi-party systems do not allow for as much
opposition as it may appear

Sometimes a multi-party system can operate

as a one-party system
In a multi-party system, one party rarely gets
enough support to control the government

Minor or Third Parties

A third party is any party other than one of
the two major parties
Third Parties believe that the two major
parties do not meet certain needs
A third party runs candidates who propose
ways to remedy this situation

Types of Third Parties

Sing-issue parties: Focus on one major social,
economic, or moral issue
Ideological parties: have particular set of
ideas about how to change society
Splinter party: which splits away from one of
the major parties because of some
disagreement, like the failure of a political
figure to gain the major partys presidential

The Impact of Third Parties

They have influence over the outcome of an
They bring voters attention to urgent
Third parties can often influence politics by
promoting new ideas
If third parties gain enough support, the
major party adopts their issues

Obstacles of Third Parties

The two-party system makes third parties
have more difficulties on the ballot
The electoral college system makes it difficult
for third parties

Third parties often have problems with

financing campaigns
Third party candidates also get less media
If voters dont think they can win, they dont
vote for them

Lesson 2: Party Ideology and Identification

Political Ideology
Most Americans fall between the two
spectrums of politics
Liberals believe that the government should
take a more active role in lives of Americans

Conservatives typically believe in limiting

governments role in peoples lives
Political ideology can give a persona
framework for looking at government & policy
Political ideology can give a person a clue
about which political party they identify with

Republican Party

Republicans supports individual rights to big

Republicans believe that we should take a
significant role in world affairs
Republicans usually oppose taxing the rich,
increase military spending, support
restrictions on labor unions

The Democratic Party

Democrats believe that the government

should be more involved in social services
They encourage a variety of government
regulations to protect the consumer
Democrats are less like to become involved in
military conflicts around the world

The Minor Parties

The Green, Libertarian, and Constitution
Party are the most prominent third party
Green party is generally more liberal, and
focuses on environmental issues

The Libertarian party believes in personal

responsibility and minimal government
The Constitution Party is more conservative
than the Republican party

Party Identification
This measures a voters sense of psychological attachment to a political party, its a
state of mind
Voting is a behavior because one person may identify themselves as one party but
vote another

The Republican party tends to have more white, male, educated, and religious
Democratic party tends to have more women, minorities, and young members

Political Party Polarization

This means that party members and elected officials are more likely to stay true to
their parties beliefs and not cross party lines on key issues
The parties are also more dominated by people with strong ideological beliefs

One proposed solution is to expand the electorate so that the third parties have more
Some argue that there doesnt need to be change that this is just a phase and will

Lesson 3: Party Organization and Nominating


Party Organization
Both parties have a small paid staffs around the
Local level parties just choose people to run
under their name
State level parties choose help candidates get
elected to state government office
The national party organization consists mainly
of representatives from the 50 state party
Each party has a committee to help members
who run for Congress get elected

Party Membership
In many states citizens must declare their party
preference when they register to vote
Joining a political party is not required in the US

Party membership involves no duties or

obligations beyond voting
Members do not have to attend meetings or
contribute to the party
Success of a political party relies in the
contributions of willing volunteers

Selecting Candidates to Represent the Party

The parties want to nominate candidates that

share the partys values
They also want to select someone who will work
to promote and implement the parties polices
Members of the party do give their opinion to
help decide on who should be nominated

The process for which states collect this

information varies

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