GMSD Cold Weather Advisory Guidelines

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Germantown Municipal School District

Coordinated School Health

Cold Weather Advisory Guidelines for Physical Education
& Recess
Time spent outdoors is an important part of the school day. It is difficult to set
guidelines that fit every circumstance and condition in regards to outside activities
during cold weather. Principals are advised to use their discretion and good
judgment as to whether or not students will go outside, as well as, the duration of
the outside activity. Children should be exposed to fresh air and exercise. Time
spent outdoors allows students an opportunity to engage in activities that allow
them to relax from the structure of the classroom for a short while. However, there
are times when it is not safe for students to be outside. Please use the guidelines
below as a guide for when school recess, other outdoor physical activity, or physical
education classes should be modified.

Each school is to determine the criteria for such decisions and who will make the judgment
call on a day‐to‐day basis. The decision making process may vary from grade to grade.

Conditions that should be considered in the determination:

Wind Chill
Age of Students
Length of time outdoors
Adequacy of clothing of the children
Condition of the playground

Recess & Outdoor Physical Activity

1. When properly clothed, elementary school‐aged children can participate in safe, vigorous play in an
outdoor environment in most weather conditions. Increased caution should be practiced when temperatures
reach below 40 degrees including the wind chill factor.
2. When temperature and wind chill falls below 35 degrees including the wind chill, students are kept
3. Each year students and parents should be informed of the school’s cold weather guidelines, along with
reminders about the necessity of wearing appropriate clothing for cold weather activities.
4. Temperature considerations and proper clothing:
a. Below 60 degrees jacket or long sleeves recommended
b. Below 50 degrees coat and long pants recommended
c. Below 40 degrees gloves and hats with previously recommended gear necessary
d. Below 35 degrees indoor recess or physical activity
5. Schools should honor reasonable parent requests that a student be allowed to stay indoors. Requests
based on health reasons must be honored.
a. Particularly asthmatic children may need special accommodation of their needs during cold
weather. The parent and school must work to determine a workable system for when the child
should not participate in outdoor activities due to health.

If a students’ medical condition requires further consideration due to weather conditions, or if you
have other questions or concerns about how and when weather conditions affect your students,
please call 901-752-7895.

Note: A Wind Chill Temperature of ‐25 or colder can freeze exposed flesh.

Germantown Municipal Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color,
creed, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability and adheres to the provisions of the Family Education Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA).

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