Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Jake Ferdinand
SEED 302
Secondary and Middle Level Content Methods: Physical Education
Fall, 2016
November 2, 2016
Table of Contents
How School Security Policies will be Enforced
Indoor Facilities
Outdoor Facilities .
Permission Forms .
Transportation of Students ..
Environmental Conditions
Equipment .
Facility Layout ..
Health Hazards ..
Here is a risk management plan for physical education. I will follow this plan for all physical
education classes.
All physical educators will follow this plan. The plan will be available in the office.
The plan will be part of orientation for new employees and will be reviewed at start of
each year for all PE teachers.
Each physical educator will be certified to teach physical education and First Aid/CPR
certification will be kept up to date.
Physical education teachers will be assigned to a grade level they are comfortable with.
Assistance will be provided for students with severe disabilities.
Class sizes will be follow the school policy for physical education.
Locker rooms will be used for physical education. The gym, track, and football field will
all be used for class. The teacher is responsible for supervising activities in each of those
Drug and/or alcohol abuse
All doors of the building will be locked once students are done dressing and are into the
Students are only allowed in the locker room for dressing at the beginning and end of the
Each student will have their own locker to protect their personal belongings
Students will not be given a lock, and are encouraged to bring their own
Indoor Facilities
No student will be in the weight room without supervision from a coach or teacher
The gym will always be open, but all equipment closets and the weight room will be
locked unless it is needed for a class
Outdoor Facilities
All outdoor equipment will be stored indoors when not being used by a physical
education class
Outdoor facilities (baseball field, football field, track, playground, etc.) will remain open
but students are not allowed to use them during school hours unless it is for practice or a
physical education class.
Injured Students
Permission Forms
Students and parents will fill out an emergency medical treatment permission form during
the first weeks of classes
The permission forms will be turned in to the main office and kept on file
The physical educator will keep a list of names of student who do NOT have permission
for emergency medical treatment
Each physical education teacher will have an emergency first aid backpack available
every physical education class
The kit will include emergency phone numbers for each student, ambulance, police, and
If any students have an epipen for allergies, inhalers for asthma, or any other device, it
will be stored in the backpack. Students are responsible for bringing their devices to class
each day.
If a student is diabetic, they need to have their emergency supplies and items that contain
sugar in case of a low blood glucose
School policy will be followed relating to natural disasters, runaway students, and
If class is outdoors during a tornado or fire drill at the school, class will take shelter at the
nearest building.
The instructor will have a cell phone or a walkie talkie with them at all times so they can
communicate directly with the office.
The physical educator will complete an accident report for any student that sustained an
injury within 24 hours of the accident.
Copies of the accident report form will be made and kept on file in the office. Upon
request, a copy will be given to the parent(s) of the injured student.
All games, activities, and skills will be taught in an appropriate progression based on
students current skills, knowledge, and experience levels
Proper safety and etiquette will be included in all units
Students will be required to wear proper fitting safety equipment during all appropriate
games and activities. Equipment will be properly checked by the physical education
teacher prior to use
Rules for participation and safety will be taught, practiced, and enforced. Students will be
removed from participation if they are not following rules properly.
Safety will be specific to the activity performed in class. Safety warnings will be posed in
the appropriate facility (pool, weight room) and stated verbally prior to performing the
Students and their parents or guardians will be required to sign an agreement form stating
their child is allowed to participate and they understand the risks that come with
participating in the PE program.
The signature verifies that the student and parent/guardian understand the risks of
participating in the PE program and that accidents may occur. The signature also verifies
they agree to follow safety procedures.
This form will need to be filled out at the beginning of the semester. A student will not be
allowed to participate without a signed consent form.
Transportation of Students
The school policy will be followed for transportation of students to and from field trips, and
other Physical Education and athletic activities.
Environmental Conditions
Appropriate equipment will be used for each activity.
Each student will be fitted and provided with proper safety equipment.
Students will be held responsible for following safety instruction from the teacher.
A maintenance record will be kept to keep track of all equipment that has been checked.
Worn out or broken equipment will be thrown away or recycled.
New equipment will be inspected prior to use and manufacturer warranties will be filled out.
Students will be expected to make the instructor aware of any potential problems with
If a student brings their own equipment, it will be inspected prior to use in class.
Equipment will be stored under suggested conditions by the manufacturer.
Facility Layout
All Physical Education teachers and coaches will be familiar with areas where students may be.
This includes the gym, the weight room, locker rooms, outdoor activity areas, and nearby streets.
Educators will also be familiar with security issues with facilities, safety hazards in all areas, and
barriers for students with disabilities.
Students will make the instructor aware of any potential hazards they encounter on any of
the activity fields or in the gym.
Health Hazards
School policies will be consistent with OSHA standards and will be followed related to:
Cleaning up of blood
Hazardous chemicals
Care of inflammables
Sanitation of locker rooms and bathrooms