CH 3+4+5+6+7 PDF
CH 3+4+5+6+7 PDF
CH 3+4+5+6+7 PDF
The operation of an x-
x-ray tube is
shown schematically in this figure.
7/11/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 5
Instrumentation (cont.)
X-ray tube (cont.)
A thin thoriated tungsten wire, called the filament, contained
within the cathode. A current 3-5 amperes is passed through the
electrical resistance causes the filament to heat up and discharge
electrons through a process called thermionic emission. The
electrons now ready to be accelerated toward the anode when the
anode voltage is applied, producing the tube current (mA). The
filament current directly controls the tube current, which typically
ranges between 50 -1200 mA.
Once the filament current is applied, the tube is ready to
produce x-rays by applying a high voltage (kVp) between the
anode and cathode for a short time.
The tube voltage is typically generated by transforming the
AC line voltage to a higher voltage and then rectifying this
voltage. Typical values for the tube voltage 30-150 kVp .
7/11/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 6
Instrumentation (cont.)
X-ray tube (cont.)
When the tube voltage applied, electrons are accelerated
toward the anode.
The focusing cup containing the filament in the cathode, is
shaped to help focus the electron beam toward a particular
spot on the anode. This target on the anode disk is coated
with a rhenium-alloyed tungsten.
The anode disk itself is made from molybdenum. These
energetic electrons bombard the target transferring energy
by both collisional and radiative transfer. This results in both
characteristic and bremsstrahlung x-rays. This is shown in
the figure in the next slide. The majority of the x-rays
produced by an x-ray tube are from bremsstrahlung.
7/11/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 7
Instrumentation (cont.)
X-ray tube (cont.)
Bremsstrahlung is 1%
Heat is 99%
As the filament current is
applied, the anode is set
into rotation.
Anode rotation is necessary
to avoid melting the anode
target area because of the
high-energy transfer from
the accelerated electrons to
the target.
The anode rotates at 3200-
3600 rpm
7/11/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 8
Instrumentation (cont.)
X-ray tube (cont.)
kVp applied for short duration and controlled by:
Fixed timer (silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)), or
Automatic exposure control (AEC), 5mm thick
ionization chamber triggers SCR
Tube current mA controlled by filament current
mA times exposure time yields mAs
7/11/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 11
Fixed X-
X-Ray Machine Portable X-
X-ray Machine
Image archiving
X-ray high voltage
(optical disc)
7/14/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi MIS 10
CT Instrumentation
The fundamental measurement required by a CT
scanner is the measurement of x-ray attenuation along
a line between an x-ray source and an x-ray detector. In
order to reconstruct an image of a 2-D cross-section, a
collection of such measurements are required along all
lines within the cross-section.
Seven generations of basic CT designs have been
developed to obtain these fundamental data. Roughly
speaking, the seven generations were developed in
sequence to improve overall performance, mostly
toward faster acquisition of both cross-sectional and
volumetric data.
Single x- Fan beam, not Collimated Move linearly Faster than Lower efficiency
2G enough to
Multiple to source and rotate in and larger noise
ray tube 1G because of the
cover FOV direction unison
collimation in
Arbitrary Unit
7/17/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi 30
Pulse Height Analyzer (cont.)
Non-Compton events have higher energy photopeak of
the pulse height spectrum (Z-pulse).
AU = arbitrary unit, can be energy units.
Advantages: reducing Compton photons, reducing multiple
The window’s lower threshold is set to discriminate against
Compton events, which have lower energy than a non-
Compton event.
The window’s upper threshold is set to discriminate against
multiple (simultaneous, summed ) events, which have more
energy than a single event (and for which "position" is a
meaningless concept).
The HR is 50 bpm, so each heartbeat lasts 60/50 = 1.2 sec.
Each frame lasts 75 ms. Therefore, a heartbeat is divided
LSO and gadolinium oxyorthosilicate (GSO) are new detector materials. The decay time
for them is on the order of 50 ns, a very significant improvement over NaI(TI) and BGO.
LSO & BGO have comparable attenuation coefficient, can be made small for good
spatial resolution, and still retain good stopping power.
7/23/2018 Dr. Jamal Al-Nabulsi 18
Combined PET/CT Systems
CT: provides high resolution anatomical information.
PET: Low resolution functional imaging.
Traditional approach:
Obtain CT and PET images separately.
“Mental” image-fusion (registration) of images is done
by the physician.
Combined PET/CT: Acquiring PET and CT images
within the same system without moving the patient
relative to the table more accurate registration.
However, artifacts and registration errors due to
breathing and body motion cannot be avoided.