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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013

ISSN 2250-3153

X-Rays and Scattering from Filters Used in Diagnostic

Odeh Daniel, G Ogbanje, Prof. S. A. Jonah
Department of Physics, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria

Abstract- Incorporation of filters between the X-rays source and

the patient in Computed Tomography helps to optimize the
radiation dose and prevent unnecessary radiation; however the
filters use can act as a source of secondary radiation due to
angular scattering. The process of X-rays scattering, the energy
transmitted and the scattered photons from such filters has is
presented. This shows that the scattered photons that can
contribute to unnecessary radiation are due to Compton
Scattering. Only by understanding and proper collimation of the
X-rays, can it be useful in diagnosis without affecting image
quality or contributing to unwanted radiation to the patient and
laboratory staff.
Index Terms- X-rays scattering, filters, filtration, and diagnostic


-ray radiation is of increasing interest in the diagnosis of

ailment and therapy. This is because of its ability to deliver
dose to a specific area under consideration while sparing most

normal tissues surrounding the organ of interest. It is used in

instruments like computed tomography (CT) scanner and others.
Computed Tomography is one of the most commonly used
diagnostic procedures in modern medicine. It contributes a large
percentage of radiation doses to the patients during medical
procedure. Also, it is estimated that worldwide CT contributes
5% of the radiological examination and makes 34% contribution
to the collective dose (Poonamet al, 2011).
A radiation attenuating material is incorporated in the path
of the radiation beam to absorb preferentially the less penetrating
components of the useful beam. It may consist of a permanent
filter, which is an integral part of the X-ray tube housing and
which cannot be removed by the user, and/or an added filter that
is intended to increase the total filter thickness.
The delivery of the required dose is minimized by the use of
these filters materials between the source and the patient without
affecting the image quality. The filter commonly used is
aluminum, but others materials of atomic number between 12
and 39 can be used e.g. magnesium, silicon and zinc.

Table 1: Minimum total filtration for X-rays tubes

Maximum rated tube potential (kVp)
Less than 70
70 to and including 100
Above 100
These filter materials are meant to reduce the dose to only
acceptable energy values and intensity without scattering the
radiation. This is because the scattered radiation can cause

Minimum total filtration (mm Al)

unnecessary exposure to the patient and even staff in the
radiation laboratory.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 1 A typical X-rays source showing the filter

(=10-10m), frequency of order 1018 and they travel with the speed
However, the use of such filters can act as a source of of light (~3x108m/s).
secondary radiation by angular distribution (Compton
A typical X-ray source has the following characteristics
15 - 150 kV, rectified AC Power
2 x 103eV = 1.2 keV energy
50 - 400mA anode current
Tungsten wire (200 m) cathode, heated to 2200C
X-rays is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is
Anode rotating at 3000 rpm made of Molybdenum
emitted when a solid target (atom or electron) such as copper or
tungsten-rhenium a
tungsten is bombarded with electrons whose kinetic energy is in
the kilo electron-volt range. Their wavelength is of order of 1

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 2: The emission spectrum for X-rays for tungsten target

motion of the photons is called the fluence, . The fluence in a
From the figure above, it can be seen that the overall curve vacuum decreases following the inverse square law, given by
is smooth shaped. The X-ray production starts at
approximately15 keV and increases rapidly to 30-40% of
maximum energy (peak of the curve). After the peak, there is a
gradual downward slope to the x-axis (maximum energy)
X-rays propagation
Similarly to visible light, X-rays propagate linearly. The
rays from a point source form a divergent beam. The number of
photons passing per unit area perpendicular to the direction of

where r is the distance from the point source and (1) is

the fluence at r=1 (relative units). The inverse square law is
illustrated in Fig 2 below.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

Figure 3. The fluence, of X-rays decreases with the square of the distance from the source.
The Intensity of x-rays
The intensity of the X-ray beam is attenuated by absorption
and scattering process as it passes through the filter and patient.
The degree of attenuation depends on the energy spectrum of the
X-ray, path and (x) i.e.the X-ray linear attenuation coefficient
which varies for different materials and tissues and hence is a
function of distance x through the medium.
The integral of the attenuation coefficient is given by

The attenuation coefficient is

where, Io is incident beam intensities

It is transmitted beam intensities
L is the length of X-ray path
(x) is X-ray linear attenuation coefficient, which
varies with tissue type and hence is a function of the distance (x)
through the patient.

The Energy of X-rays

The production of X-rays causes electrons gain kinetic
energy, which is the product of their charge and the potential
difference. The unit of 1 eV is used and this is a measure of the
kinetic energy of the electrons and X-ray photons. One electron
volt (1 eV) is the kinetic energy of an electron that has been
accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt.
For example, If the potential difference is 100 kV, each electron
gets a kinetic energy of 100 keV (i.e. 1000ev = 1 keV).
When the electron reaches the anode it imparts the main
part of its energy to the atoms of the anode by ionizations and
excitations. This energy will finally appear as heat energy. If an
electron passes close to an atomic nucleus, it will change its
direction of motion, i.e., exhibits acceleration. At each such
acceleration there is a small probability that the electron looses
energy in the form of a photon. These photons are called
Bremsstrahlung photons and constitute the main part of the Xrays being used in X-ray diagnostic imaging.
Bremsstrahlung is generated when an electron with high
energy changes its direction of motion in the neighborhood of an
atomic nucleus and thereby looses energy.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

Fig. 4: Characteristic of X-rays

From figure 3 above, it shows the energy chart from The
energy of X-rays and their wavelength are inversely proportional
(higher energy = lower wavelength), and the continuous
spectrum minimum wavelength decreases as the accelerating
voltage (kV) of the X-ray source increases. It is important to
understand that an increase in filament current (ma) and kV
(beyond the minimum value required to produce characteristic
radiation for the target) will result in an increase in the intensity
of the generated X-rays, but will not change their energy.
The bremsstrahlung photon can obtain an arbitrary energy
between zero and the whole of
the kinetic energy of the electron, ET.

The relative amount of bremsstrahlung emitted increases

with increasing electron kinetic energy and with increasing
atomic number, Z, of the anode material. Since the major part of
the energy of the electrons is converted into heat in the anode
(about 1% will appear as X-rays), the anode material should have
a high melting point and good heat conduction ability. To get a
high relative amount of X-ray energy, the anode material should
be of high atomic number. Tungsten is the dominating anode
material and is in modern X-ray tubes often mixed with rhenium
(ZW=74; ZRe=75). Modern X-ray imaging requires a small focal
spot and high X-ray fluence rates (number of photons per unit
area and unit time). To meet these requirements, technical
solutions with a line shaped focal spot and rotating anode have
been introduced.
History of X-rays
X-rays was discovery by Professor Wilhelm Conrad
Roentgen as a new, invisible and unknown ray in November
1895 hence the name (X-unknown).
He continued to experiment doggedly to test its properties.
He noted quickly that solid objects placed in the beam between
the Crookes tube and the fluorescent screen serving as an image
receptor attenuated or blocked the beam, depending upon their
density and structure.

Then, in a heart-stopping moment, he chanced to pass his

hand through the beam. As he looked at the screen, the flesh of
the hand seemingly melted away, projecting only the outlines of
the bones. The hand was intact, unharmed. But on the screen,
only the bones showed up. With that observation, the science of
medical radiology was born.
The discovery of a new form of energy that could penetrate
solid objects and record their structure excited Roentgens
scientific contemporaries. But it was the skeletal hand that
captured the imagination of the public and of physicians, who
recognized instantly that this discovery could change medical
practice forever.
Roentgens discovery was artificial ionization radiation.
Two years later, a French physicist Henri Becquerel, discovered
that certain rocks emitted natural ionizing radiation with
characteristics much like Roentgens X-rays. Pierre and Marie
Curie refined the natural radioactive ores to derive uranium,
polonium and radium. Then radium was perceived the most
valuable due to its use in cancer treatment. But with the coming
of World War II, uranium and polonium was considered of
primary interest since they could be used to make atomic bombs.
But continual experiment, results and data have been presented to
prove its immense benefit of X-rays to man. Medical usage of Xray photon is more likely to be formed by the process of transfer
of an electron from higher energy to lower energy level
(Cunningham et al). This process occurs in the X-ray tubes, to
produce characteristic X-ray with different energy and intensity.
The spectra widely used are those given by Fewell et al. This is
due to its reliability and popularity among diagnostic imaging
community (Ay et al). According to Ay et al, the spectra by
Fewell et al were measured without adding filtration. Thus,
giving the opportunity to continuously modify the spectrum
using known attenuation properties of any particular material as
additional filter.
Linton W. O reported that trials in the treatment of cancers
with neutrons melted away due to the high energy and different
biological characteristics than high energy X rays. Advancements
in medical radiation uses came from gradual improvements in
equipment and techniques. The availability of X-ray machines in
hospitals can be used to diagnose more ailments such as

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

tuberculosis, cancer and bone abnormalities or fractures. With

the advances in Fluoroscopy, radiation can be fed directly unto
screens, which help to view and record motion e.g. heartbeat.
For most physicians diagnostic radiology made a huge leap into
cross-sectional imaging with the development of computed
tomography (CT). The rapid development of the computers
which saw them shrank in size, grew in power, dropped in price
and began to be available in research centers helped scientist
understand the application of X-rays. And with the complex
mathematical algorithms of computers, three-dimensional images
could be drawn in seconds by reconstructing the body.
In less than a decade from the 1970s, magnetic resonance
(MR) imaging burst on the scene with even more promising-and
even more expensive- technology. MR image analysis
technology was comparable to CT but no X rays were needed.
Instead, MR units relied on strong magnets, as much as 8000
times as strong as the earths magnetic field.
However the high cost of MR scans is factor that will see
the continuous use of the CT scan and other instruments in
demand. Also, the characteristic of the radiation used is
necessary for radiation protection and especially if it is ionizing.
Applications of X-rays
The uses of X-rays are as diverse as the whole of the
scientific world. Some major applications include
1. Medical Imaging
2. X-rays diffraction in the study of crystals and other solids

Experts available


High-spatial resolution
Excellent imaging of
hard tissues (bones)

Radiation exposure
Difficulty in imaging softtissues
2D projection, hidden parts

Energy transfer
There are two basic types of energy transfer that may occur
when X-rays interact with matter:


Ionization, in which the incoming radiation causes

the removal of an electron from an atom or
molecule leaving the material with a net positive
Excitation, in which some of the X-rays energy is
transferred to the target material leaving it in an
excited (or more energetic) state.

Theoretically there are twelve processes that can occur

when X-rays interact with matter,
Which process dominates is dependent on the mass
absorption characteristics of the target (directly related to the
atomic weight, Z) and the energy of the X-rays. The fig 4 below
shows the most important of these.

Table 2: The advantages and disadvantages of using X-rays

in medical imaging is given below

Fig 5: Photon interactions as a relation between photon energy and atomic number of filters
The major interaction between X-rays and matter occurs in
the following ways;
Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering
The photoelectric effect
The Compton effect

Pair Production

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering

This is a photon to photo interaction usually at a lower
energy strikes by an electron, to produce a characteristic X-rays.

Low-energy radiation is thus produced. It constitutes about 5 - 10

% of tissue interactions.

Fig. 6: Diagram of Rayleigh scattering

The Compton effect or Compton scattering (C), also known
as incoherent scattering occurs when the incident x-ray photon
Compton Scattering
Compton scattering occurs when the incident X-ray photon ejects an electron from an atom and an x-ray photon of lower
is deflected from its original path by an interaction with an energy is scattered from the atom. Relativistic energy and
electron. The electron gains energy and is ejected from its orbital momentum are conserved in this process1 and the scattered x-ray
position while the X-ray photon losses energy. The X-ray photon has less energy and therefore greater wavelength than the
continues to travel in a different path with less energy than the incident photon. Compton Scattering is important for low atomic
incident photon and is known as incoherent scattering because number specimens. At energies of 100 keV -- 10 MeV the
the photon energy change is not always orderly and consistent. absorption of radiation is mainly due to the Compton effect.
At energies of 100 keV -- 10 MeV the absorption of radiation is
mainly due to the Compton effect.

Fig. 7: Diagram of Compton scattering

The energy of shift depends on the angle of scattering and
original photon energy and not the nature of the scattering
The change in wavelength of the scattered photon is given

Where is wavelength of the scattered photon

is wavelength of the incident photon

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

h is Plancks constant
mo is rest mass of electron
c is the speed of light
is the scattering angle
The quantity hme is known as the Compton Scattering of
the electron; it is equal to 2.431012 m. The wavelength shift
is at least zero (for = 0) and at most twice the Compton
wavelength of the electron (for = 180).
The Compton effect will occur with very low atomic
weight targets even at relatively low X-ray energies. The effect
may be thought of as a scattering of the photons by atomic
electrons. In the process, also called Compton scattering, the
incident X-ray changes direction and loses energy, imparting that
energy to the electron (now called a Compton electron).
The Compton electron will typically interact with other
atoms producing secondary ionizations. Since they possess
relatively low energy, the x-rays produced will generally be low
energy also.
The maximum possible energy, E, of a Compton electron
(the Compton edge) is equal to:

Where Ex is the energy of the incident photon.

Qualitatively, it is easy to see that the Compton electrons will be
significantly less energetic than photoelectrons for an equal value
of Ex.
In x-ray diffraction, Compton scatter will contribute to the
overall background in the x-ray data produced, but because of the
relatively low energies of the incident x-rays and the higher mass
of the specimens and specimen holders, the contribution will
usually be very small.
The Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect occurs when photons interact with
matter with resulting ejection of electrons from the matter.
Photoelectric (PE) absorption of x-rays occurs when the x-ray
photon is absorbed resulting in the ejection of electrons from the
atom. This leaves the atom in an ionized (i.e., charged) state. The
ionized atom then returns to the neutral state with the emission of
an x-ray characteristic of the atom. PE absorption is the dominant
process for x-ray absorption up to energies of about 500 KeV. PE
absorption is also dominant for atoms of high atomic numbers.

Fig. 8: Diagram of photoelectric effect

The photoelectric effect is responsible for the production of
characteristic x-rays in the x-ray tube, but the process is also
important as a secondary process that occurs when x-rays interact
with matter. An x-ray photon transfers its energy to an orbital
electron, which is then dislodged and exits the atom at high speed
with a kinetic energy equal to:

Where T is the kinetic energy of the photoelectronExis the

energy of the incident X-ray photon andP is the energy required
to remove the electron. This is equivalent to its binding energy in
the atom.
The energy equivalent of the rest mass of an electron is
moc2, and is equal to about 0.51 MeV (mois the rest mass of an
electron and c is the speed of light). When Exis much lower than
this value, the electron will exit at a high angle to the incident

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153

beam; when Ex is closer to this value, the electron will exit at

close to parallel with the beam.
When the photoelectron is ejected, it has the capability,
depending on its energy, to interact with subsequent electrons in
other molecules or atoms in a chain reaction until all its energy is
lost. If that interaction results in the ejection of an outer orbital
electron, this is known as the Auger effect, and the electron
called an Auger electron. The probability of producing a
secondary photoelectron vs. an Auger electron is directly
proportional to the T of the photoelectron.

The production of photoelectric and Auger electrons is

shown diagrammatically in the following figure from Jenkins and
Snyder (1996). In the diagram (a) shows the incident X-ray
photon, (b) shows the production of a high-energy primary
photoelectron. In (c) a lower energy electron moves into the
vacated K-shell resulting in the production of an X-ray photon
that leaves the atom, and in (d) the X-ray photon is absorbed by
an outer shell electron resulting in the emission of a Auger

Fig. 9: Photoelectric interaction wrt energy

It is easy to see how the photoelectric (and Auger) effect
can significantly damage the molecular structure of soft tissues
encountered by an X-ray beam.
Pair Production
Pair Production (PP) can occur when the x-ray photon
energy is greater than 1.02 MeV, when an electron and positron
are created with the annihilation of the x-ray photon. Positrons
are very short lived and disappear (positron annihilation) with the
formation of two photons of 0.51MeV energy. Pair production is
of particular importance when high-energy photons pass through
materials of a high atomic number.
Pair production is a rare process and only occurs at high Xray photon energies with high atomic weight targets. It is
virtually nonexistent at the low-energies involved in X-ray
diffraction work. Pair production is impossible unless the
incident X-rays exceed 1.02 MeV and does not become
important until this exceeds about 2 MeV.
Pair production is not a significant process at the X-ray
energies involved in X-ray diffraction.
Other Effects
Thomson scattering (R), also known as Rayleigh, coherent,
or classical scattering, occurs when the x-ray photon interacts
with the whole atom so that the photon is scattered with no

change in internal energy to the scattering atom, nor to the x-ray

photon. Thomson scattering is never more than a minor
contributor to the absorption coefficient. The scattering occurs
without the loss of energy. Scattering is mainly in the forward
direction. This effect is minor to when related to absorption, but
is the primary effect, which makes x-ray diffraction possible.
Photodisintegration (PD) is the process by which the x-ray
photon is captured by the nucleus of the atom with the ejection of
a particle from the nucleus when all the energy of the x-ray is
given to the nucleus. Because of the enormously high energies
involved, this process may be neglected for the energies of xrays. It is the process harnessed in the development of nuclear
Of all these processes, Compton scattering is of prime
importance to radiology, as it is the most probable interaction of
gamma rays and high energy X-rays with atoms in living beings
and is applied in radiation therapy. It is also the main process that
contributes to unnecessary radiation to the patient and laboratory
staff during computed tomography scan.
According to Okunadeet al For optimum benefit from Xrays in diagnostic radiology, the entire imaging process must be
assessed objectively. These processes which involve precise
steps in succession have been studied over time and outlined as
X-rays production

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013
ISSN 2250-3153


Photo interaction with the object (patient)
Anti-scatter device



Image detection

Fig. 10: Characteristics X-rays 1- Spectrum out of anode

2- After window tube housing (INHERENT filtration)
3- After ADDITIONAL filtration

What radiation effect will be dominant is a function
primarily of the energy of the radiation and the mass of the
absorbing medium. The photoelectric effect, Compton scattering,
pair production, Thomson or Rayleigh scattering, and
photodisintegration are the main processes that can occur. At the
low energies involved in X-ray diffraction, the processes are
limited to Compton scattering, Thomson/Rayleigh scattering and
the photoelectric effect.
The common product of these types of x-ray interaction
with matter is the production of high-speed electrons and x-rays
that can cause secondary effects in the matter with which they
interact. The end effect (which can cause significant damage in
tissues, particularly at the low X-ray energies involved in
diffraction) of heat production is preceded by interactions, which
create excited atoms, additional free electrons from ionization,
and low-energy X-rays. These can do significant molecular
damage (including chromosomal damage in tissues) leading to a
number adverse health effects. Also to note is that the kV
determines type of interaction in the body
As kV increases photoelectric decreases (everything is
As kV decreases photoelectric increases (more absorption
by thicker or denser tissues)

As kV increases Compton increases but Compton occurs

throughout the diagnostic range.
When the X-ray is scattered within a cone of 15 or less
(i.e. Rayleigh Scattering), it will contribute to useful beam with
comparable energy of primary source. But photons that undergo
Compton interactions (wide-angle scattering) can cause
unnecessary dose. This will contribute to radiation of other
sensitive part of the patient and or staff if not properly





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First Author Odeh Daniel Odeh - Department of Physics,
Nigerian Defence Academy, [email protected]
Second Author G. O Ogbanje, Department of Physics,
Nigerian Defence Academy
Third Author Prof. S. A. Jonah, Department of Physics,
Nigerian Defence Academy

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