By Dr.Abdulrauf
a. Galactorrhea.
b. Constipation.
c. Menorrhagia.
d. myxoedema.
e. Papilloedema.
2- All of the following are expected clinical finding in a woman with thyrotoxicosis
a-dry eyes
b-heat intolerance
d-pretibial myxedma
10- a45 years old lady female known case of hyperthyroidism persent to
emergency department by acute loss of oriention she also febrile and agitated.On
examination: pulse: 130 beat/min, irregular TM:39C . All the following are
ture except:
12- A 40 years woman who has goitre for several years presented with a four
months history of losing 5 Kg of weight, palpitations and increased sweating. Free
T4 was within normal range and serum TSH was <0.01 mU/L ( N0.3-4.0 mU/L).
Which of the following statements is true?
13- A 33 year old female patient newly married presented with goitre, loss of
weight, despite polyphagia, and heat intolerance. Clinical manifestation includes
tachycardia, high volume collapsing pulse and fine tremor. The following are true
14-A 25 year old female has a 2 month history of increased nervousness, heat
intolerance and 10Kg weight loss, physical examination demonstrates bilateral
exophthalmous with no extra ocular muscle impairment, diffuse goiter with bruit
auscultated over the gland, serum TSH < 0.03mIu(normal 0.3-4.5), serum T4 is
24.2 µg/dl(normal 4.5-12). Serum Beta HCG test is normal. Whicch of the following
statements is correct :
d-high pulse pressure
e-pericardial and pleural effusion
18- The following are features of hypothyroidism, except:
a. Bradycardia.
b. Pendular Knee jerk.
c. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
d. Constipation.
e. Goiter.
a. Ascites
b. Paresthesia of the hands.
c. Infertility.
d. gaynecomstia.
e. Macrocytic anemia.
22- The following are true about patients with hypothyroidism except:
25- a 40 year old woman presented with l year history of menorrhagia anaemia
tiredness inability to concentrate cold intolerance and weight gain O/E cold dry
skin breasts were normal and without galactorrhoea . chest+ heart+ abdomen were
unremarkable. HR60/min BP110/60 ECG bradycardia with low voltage QRS
complexes.S.prolactine 1500u/L Total thyroxin 20nmol/L free T3<1.0. free
T4<2.5. TSH>61 The most likely diagnosis is:
a- prolactinoma.
B- Primary hypothyroidism.
C- Secondary hypothyroidism.
D- Sub acute thyroditis
26- A 40 year old woman is referred to you because of lethargy, cold intolerance,
constipation, dry and weight gain. Physical examination shows mildly enlarged
thyroid, enlarged tongue and slow reflexes. Which test best confirms the clinical
impression of primary hypothyroidism:
27- A 50 year old house wife presented with a one month history of tiredness,
weight gain of 12Kg, puffiness of the face, hair loss and numbness of the left hand
at night. On examination her pulse was 52/min, cardiac apex beat is not palpable.
ECG shows sinus bradycardia and low voltage QRS complex, all of the following are
true regarding patients cases except:
29- a27- year-old woman present with palpitation tremers anxiety and neak pain.
Her TSH is low free T4 is high consistent with primary hyperthyroidism. 24-hr
radioiodine uptake is low. How would you treat this patient?
a. carbimazol
B. radioiodine
C. propraolol
d. surgery
30- 50 years old Libyan female brought to medical OPD by her husband whose
complain that his wife are sleepy most of the day time there is change of here
voice and also her hearing is poor on examination patient looks depressed over
weight and there is periorbital puffiness+purplish lips and malar flush thyroid
function test result are
a- primary hypothyroidism.
B- Secondary hypothyroidism.
C- Subclinical hypothyroidism.
D- Sub clinical thyrotoxicosis
a. Hypercalcaemia.
b. Psychosis.
c. Constipation.
d. Trousseaus sign.
e. Renal stones with the risk of urinary obstruction.
32- In Hyperparathyroidism, which of the following statements is false?
a. Hypercalcaemia.
b. Hyperphosphatemia.
c. Raised alkaline phosphatease.
d. Raized PTH.
e. Terminal resortion in the phalanges.
a-metabolic alkalosis
c- malabsorptions
e-chronic renal failure
41- All of the following are used in the treatment of tetany, except:
a. Calcium Gluconate.
b. Rebreathing in a paper bag.
c. Prednisolone.
d. Magnesium sulphate.
e. 1α-Hydroxycholecalciferol.
42- In assessing a 70 year old male patient with polyuria, polydipsia, constipation
and lethargy, the following analysis was performed:
a-weight loss
b-menstrual irregularity
c-myalgia with no wasting
a. Hyperkalemia.
b. Peptic ulcer.
c. Skin bruises.
d. Myopathy.
e. Retinal detachment.
47- A 45 year old female was, seen at the medical outpatient department
complaining of amenorrhea, recent weight gain, difficulty in climbing stairs and
coping with her children. Her husband noticed mood changes and states that she is
depressed most of the time. On physical examination she had central obesity, acne
and hirustism, BP240/110mmHg. The following are true regarding this patient
a. Is an adrenal tumor.
b. The most widely used test in diagnosis is the measurement of
Vallinylmandelic acid (VMA) or Metanephrine in the 24 hours urine collection.
c. Atenolol is the drug of choice in treating hypertension.
d. Surgical resection is the only definitive therapy.
e. Neurofibromatosis is recognized association.
57- A 23 year old female teacher presented with a 3 day history of abdominal
pain, anorexia and vomiting. On examination she was dehydrated, pulse of 110/min,
blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg with pigmentation in the buccal mucosa. Systemic
examination was normal. The following are true about the patient management
58- 45 year old male known case of tuberculosis, presented to medical OPD
complaining from malaise, weakness, anorexia, lethargy and weight loss, on
examination patient looks depressed, there is also hyperpigmentation of elbow knee
and mucus membrane. BP on lying down 115/70 and BP after 1 minute of standing
95/60. All the following are correct except :-
a-blood glucose should be measured for all patients.
b-Adosterone is the mineralocorticoid used.
c-Hydrocortisone is the drug of choice.
d-persistent lethargy is due to an inadequate dose
a. Kyphosis
b. Ostereoarthrosis.
c. Clonic cancer.
d. Decreased heel pad thickness.
e. Diabetes mellitus.
a. Increased sweating.
b. Reduced sebum production.
c. increased heel pad thickness.
d. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
e. Hypertension.
a-progathic mandible
b-decreased sweating
c- thick shiny skin
d-loss of libido and impotence in male
e-gynecomastia may occur in some cases
65- A 40 year old male patient presented with a history of increased headache,
numbness, tingling of his hands especially at night, excessive snoring for the last
one year, examination disclosed a blood glucose of 200mg/dl which of the following
statements is correct.
a. Galactorrhea.
b. Infertility.
c. Importance.
d. Alopacia
e. Amenorrhea.
67- High prolactin typically causes all of the following except:
a. Impotence
b. Hypertension
c. Infertility.
d. Galactorrhea.
e. Reduced shaving frequency in men.
69- a 24 year old woman presents with galactorhea and amenorrhea.a prolactin
level is 450mg/ml {n, 0-19}. Pituitary MRI shows a 25 cm adenoma. How would you
treat her?
72- The following are true statements regarding diabetes insipidus, except:
a. Urineosmolarity> 660mOsm/Kg.
b. Plasma osmolality>300mOsm/Kg.
c. Can be caused by hypokalemia.
d. Water deprivation test is used for confirmation of diagnosis.
e. Desmopressin is the treatment of choice for cranial diabetes insipidus.
73- a 25 year old male investigated for polyuria and polydepsia and diagnosed as
having nephrogenic diabetes insipedus. The treatment of choice is :
77- The following statements about diabetes mellitus(DM) are true except:
a. Genetic factors are more important in the aetiology of Type 1 rather than
Type 2 diabetes.
b. Glucose Tolerance test when blood-glucose are elevated is not diagnostic
of diabetes.
c. More than 70% of Type II diabetes are under weigh at presentation.
d. Leucocytosis in diabetic ketoacidosis indicate infection.
e. Glycosylated haemoglobin indicates an accurate glycaemic control over
weeks to months.
e-renal tubular damage
a. The fasting blood sugar is above 126 mg/day in more than one reading .
b. The blood sugar is over 200 mg/dl two hours after a meal.
c. Glycosuria is presented & high RBS .
d. Hemoglobin A 1c is over 15% of the total haemoglobin.
e. High fasting triglyceride concentration.
83- All of the following establishes the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus except:
a. Level is useful for assessing the overall blood glucose level in the past 3
b. A level of 9% in a diabetic patient indicates the glycemia control is within
the target.
c. Measurement renders blood glucose monitoring unnecessary.
d. Falsely high values are found in thalassemia.
e. Low values indicate recurrent hypoglycaemia.
86- A 45 year old obese woman with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus on Metformin
with a fasting blood sugar of 250mg/dl. The following is the best appropriate
management for this patient:
a. Add a sulphonylurea.
b. Add bedtime isophane insulin.
c. Add a thiazolidinedione.
d. Urgent admission to hospital.
e. Life style modification.
a. Addison’s disease.
b. Glucagonoma.
c. Uremia.
d. Hepatocellular failure.
e. Insulinoma.
b-cold extremities
d-air hunger
e-dry skin
93- A 38 year old male presented with polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss 8Kg
over 3 months. On examination pulse 70/min, B.P 120/80mmHg, and no pallor, rest
of clinical examination was unremarkable, random blood sugar 220mg%. The
following are true except:
94- A 50 year old obese man with a 5 year history of type-2 DM currently on
Metformin tablets was found to have blood pressure around 145/90 mmHg in
several repeated measurements, which of the following statements is correct?
95- A 67 year old gentleman with type 2 diabetes mellitus for the last 20 years on
glibenclamide 5 mg once per day was admitted with a right foot infection for 3
days duration. He was found to have a blood pressure of 160/104 mmHg and edema
of both lower limbs. His fasting blood sugar was 280mg/dl, serum albumin was 2.8
g/dl and urea of 45mg/dl. All the following statements are true except :
96- a55 years old male comes to medical OPD complaining from tingling and
numbness in the hands and feet (glove and stocking distribution) since 1 mounth. He
has a history of diabetes , hypertension, there is decrease soft touch, vibration,
and postion sense in the feet. All the following are true except:-
97- a 64 year old man with type II diabetes for 15 year is admitted to the
hospital with hyperosmolar coma , on admission his plasma is 900 mg/l. Which of
the following treatments should be given first ?
b-normal saline
c-5% dextrose
e-subcutaneous heparin
98- A 45 year old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus for 6 years, on diet control
and Metformin 850mg twice daily. His post-prandial sugar ranges from 140-
160mg/dl, HbA1c is 6.8 %(normal is 4-6%). He was admitted to the medical ICU
due to severe pneumonia. His blood pressure is 100/65mmHg; random blood sugar is
378mg/dl. The most appropriate treatment to control his blood sugar is:
99- A 24 year old female, diagnosed 5 year ago with type 1 diabetes mellitus. She
is on morning dose of NPH insulin of 26u/day. She lost 15kg of her weight and she
is non-compliant to her treatment and follow-up. She attended the diabetic clinic
for a pre-employment check-up. Her fasting blood sugar was 220mg/dl, and random
6pm blood sugar was 118mg/dl. All of the following are true except:
100- A 27 year old women with IDDM since the age of 10 and irregular follow up,
has recently married and attended diabetic clinic on her husband’s insistence. Her
blood pressure 160/90mm.Hg, 24 hour urine for albumin 2g and her haemoglobin
A1c is 9%. The following are true except: