Bselt Syllabus

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Course Code

GEC Elec. 21.4



Term First Semester SY 2020-2021 Class Schedule BSELT-2A
10:30-12/1:00-2:30 M
07:30-10:30 M
Revision Date August 7, 2020 Co-Requisite/s NONE
Credit 3 Units Pre-Requisite/s NONE
Course Placement BSELT 2 Type of course Lecture
College: Faculty Consultation
Bicol University Polangui Campus EMMANUEL S. MOLINA Hours 7:30-5:30 Monday
Department: Technology and Entrepreneurship Department Contact Details 09152358075 MARY JOY B. CATANGUI, Ed. D.
Program: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology Department Chair EDEN M. LLAMERA, Ed. D.
A world-class university producing leaders and
Vision change agents for social transformation and Core Values Scholarship, Leadership, Character, Service
Give professional and technical training, and Bicol University commits to continually strive for excellence in instruction, research and
provide advanced and specialized instruction in extension by meeting the highest level of clientele satisfaction and adhering to quality
Mission literature, philosophy, the sciences, and arts Quality Policy standards and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
besides providing for the promotion of scientific and
technological researches (RA5521, Section 3.0)

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Every BU graduate should:
1. Demonstrate critical thinking and integrative skills to solve problems and to support lifelong learning;
2. Communicate effectively and appropriately orally and in writing for various purposes with the responsible use ICT tools;
3. Collaborate with diverse people ethically and with mastery of knowledge and skills in given disciplines; and
4. Create knowledge and innovation to promote inclusive development as well as globalization.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Graduate in BS Electrical Technology can:

1. Effectively and efficiently work with electrical engineers and technicians alike, demonstrating technical skills and competence in practical electrical
engineering theories and principles.

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2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills on electrical product designs, testing development and implementation especially in the areas of electro-magnetic
power efficiency, motors, lighting and utility-power transmission.
3. Apply knowledge of magnetics, science, engineering and technology in decision making in the operations and functions in electrical industry.
4. Manage and supervise electrical industry operations.
5. Be globally competitive in engaging in electrical technology operations and continuously contributing to knowledge through research and development.
6. Demonstrate awareness and knowledge of electrical technology ethical standards in the practice of profession.
7. Be effective in oral and written communications in receiving and synthesizing information in the field of electrical technology and in relating or
collaborating with other technology industries.

Course Description:

This course focuses on science, culture and ethics of information technology, its influence on modern living and human relationships, and uses for
personal, professional, and social advancement.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Course Learning Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
1. Introduction to Information and Communications Technology, Orients students
to concepts of ICT. It also examines the different parts of the computers / / / / / / /
system, and the categories of computers peripherals, and assesses why
computers are considered powerful thinking machine.
2. Computers in our Daily Life, highlights the types of networks, wired and
wireless connections used in a computer system, as well as the desktop / / / / / / /
applications and mobile applications and their relevance to day-in-day
3. The Internet and the World Wide Web, traces the origination of the Internet
and its evolution, describes how it works, and illustrates how it used (e.g., how / / / / / / /
to search on the web).
4. Information, Control, and Privacy, it tackles the issues on information control and
privacy with reference to the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines and the / / / / / / /
Data Privacy Act of 2012.
5. IT, Culture, and Society, the Internet of Things and automation are discussed in
detail. The influence of IT on culture and social behavior is likewise analyze with / / / / / / /
emphasis on both the proper netiquette and code of conduct for IT professionals and

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the negative practices in social media such as cyberbullying.
6. IT Trends, Issues, and challenges, features text and articles that reinforce the
use of IT and the issues and challenges surrounding its application and / / / / / / /
various fields such as banking, education, health, and business among others.
Legend: I - Introduced concepts/principles; P - Practice with supervision; D - Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision

Course Outline:
Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Instructional Resources Performance Standard Assessment Tim
Delivery Tasks/Outputs e
The students should be able I. Introduction to Information Lecture Syllabus 85% of the students Question & Answer
to: and Communications Discussion using; become
 define ICT Technology Book knowledgeable of the 9hrs
Flexible Learning A. Group activity
 trace the evolution of a. Terminologies Information &
technology b. Overview of ICT Communications
Blended Learning Cellphone
 identify the computer c. IT versus ICT Technology
system, and categorize d. Evolution of Technology Synchronous Video Presentation Prepare a 5-10
the different computer e. History of Computer Platform Can recall, react and minutes oral report
peripherals f. Components of a Computer Learning Module reflect on the possible your group’s assigned
 assess why computers g. Why Computers are Asynchronous expectations in the
are considered electronic device by
Powerful Platform PowerPoint presentation course
powerful thinking answering the
h. Classifying Computers Through;
machines. Facebook Page following question:
i. Digital Age, Information Age,
 Explain the role of Messenger (GC)
and Computer Age 1. Is the device part of
technology in media Google Meet
and how it effects
j. Media in the Digital Age a computer
communication; and k. Evolution of Media peripheral? If not,
 Recognize the current l. Overview of Current Trends how this device
trends in information m. Impact of ICT on Individuals, Flash drive classified?
technology Organizations, and Society 2. Where do you
n. Ethical Issues in ICT usually see or use
Internet Access
this devised? Do
you find this useful
in your daily
activities? Why or
Why not?

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B. Individual Activity

Search online for

media outlets that use
two or more modes of
communication with
their customers.
Examples are a news
program on TV and a
radio broadcast over
the AM frequency:

Do a comparative
analysis of the types
of outlets the
network currently uses
in terms of following:

1. Content
2. Audience .
3. Your personal

The student should be able to: II. Computers in Our Daily Lecture Syllabus Majority of the class A. Group activity 9hrs
Life Discussion using; would be able to know
 Familiarize themselves Book how the computer I. Work with the same
with the computer a. Terminologies Flexible Learning works and became grouping. Discuss
number system Laptop among yourselves
b. How Computers Work more aware what the
 Discuss the role of the Blended Learning Cellphone how the Pass the
c. How Computers Interpret impact of the computer
ASCII code in computer
Data in their daily life Message game
systems and explain Video Presentation
how computers use it; d. How Computers Synchronous relates to the chapter

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 Examine how Communicate with One Platform Learning Module discussion by
computer’s system bus Another answering the
works; e. How Computers Connect to Asynchronous PowerPoint presentation following questions:
 Identify th different Other Computers Platform Through;
computer network Facebook Page 1 What was the
f. How Humans Communicate
systems and the wired Messenger (GC) pass code in the
with Computers Google Meet
and wireless game for? Why is
g. How Computers Impact Zoom
connections it importannt to
Everyday Life LMS
 Distinguish between have a “pass
system software and code” in a
application software; Flashdrive computer system?
 Compare and contrast 2 How was the
a desktop apps and Internet Access concept of wire
mobile app in terms of and wireless
content layout and connections
design; and applied in the
 Explain the impact of game? Which one
computers on daily life. o you consier
wired? Wireless?
II. Imagine life without
computers. How is it
like? Now imagine the
future with everything
going computerized or
digital. How is it like?

B. Individual
Search online for
an application that
has both a web
version and a
mobile version.
Compare and
contrast the
versions in terms
of content, layout,

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and design. For
class presentation,
create a poster
highlighting the
between the two.

The student should be able to; III. The Internet and World Lecture Syllabus Most of the students Question 9hrs
Wide Web Discussion using; have identified the and Answer
 Trace the history of a. Terminologies Book internet, world wide Recitation
internet ; b. The Internet Flexible Learning web and able to
 Identify the ways to c. Jobs the Internet Can Do Laptop understand how data
access and connect Blended Learning Cellphone
d. How Data Travels the travels the internet as
Internet Synchronous Video Presentation well as how does the
 Analyze how data
travels through the e. What Computers Do on the Platform web reflect the society
internet; Internet Learning Module and individuals.
 Perform search f. The World Wide Web Asynchronous
functions on the web; Platform PowerPoint presentation
and Through;
Create a personal Facebook Page
webpage. Messenger (GC)
Google Meet
Zoom Chapter Quiz

Flash drive

Internet Access

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the students should be able to; IV. Information, Control, and Lecture Syllabus 95% of the students Question
Privacy Discussion using; distinguished and Answer
 distinguish a physical a. Terminologies Book information, control, and Recitation 9hrs
resource from a b. Introduction Flexible Learning
privacy. Understands the
conceptual resource; c. Information as Resource Laptop
importance of Intellectual
 identify the d. Information Economics Blended Learning Cellphone Quiz
characteristic of e. Information Overload Property Code of the
information as a f. Information Control Synchronous Video Presentation Philippines (Republic Act
resource; g. Information Privacy Platform No. 10372).
 analyze the Learning Module Assignment:
phenomenon of Asynchronous
information overload Platform PowerPoint presentation Write a self- reflection
brought by high Through; on cyberbullying
internet penetration; Facebook Page
 explain the major Messenger (GC)
points of the revised Google Meet
Intellectual Property Zoom
Code of the Philippines LMS
( Republic Act No.
10372); and Flash drive
 highlight the
importance of the Internet Access
information control and
privacy by creating a
video advertisement
/awareness campaign.
The students should be able V. IT, Culture, and Society Lecture Syllabus Most of the students Question
to; a. Terminologies Discussion using; familiarized themselves and Answer
b. The Impact of IT on the Society Book with and demonstrate the Recitation 9hrs
 Recall the current c. Internet of Things (IoT) Flexible Learning imperatives of
trends in the field of d. Automation Laptop
professional conduct for
information technology e. The Influence of IT on Culture Blended Learning Cellphone Quiz
and Social Behavior IT professionals and .
 Discuss the Internet of
Things and its f. Influence on Culture Synchronous Video Presentation

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influence on the g. Influence on Social Behavior Platform avoid cyberbullying.
society; Learning Module
 Analyze how IT Asynchronous Assignment:
influences culture and Platform PowerPoint presentation
social behavior; Through; Write a self- reflection
 enumerate the rules of Facebook Page on cyberbullying
netiquette Messenger (GC)
 describe cyberbullying Google Meet
and identify the steps Zoom
to combat it; and LMS
 familiarize themselves
with and demonstrate Flash drive
the imperatives of
professional conduct Internet Access
for IT professionals

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The students should be able VI. IT Trends, Issues, and Lecture Syllabus 97% of the students Quiz
to; Challenges Discussion using; would be able to deal
a. Terminologies Book with the IT Trends,
 Describe how the given b. Trends Flexible Learning Issues and challenges
IT trends affect the c. Issues and Challenges Laptop Research further on 9hrs
Blended Learning Cellphone for the better future.
Filipino’s way of living; the influence of IT on
 Discuss the issues and any of the following
challenges in IT that Synchronous Video Presentation
the different sectors Platform
face; and Learning Module
 Research further on Asynchronous  Banking
the influence of IT on a Platform PowerPoint presentation  Education
specific sector Through;  Health
Facebook Page  Business
Messenger (GC)
Google Meet

Flash drive

Internet Access

Course Requirements:
Type of Requirements Specific Requirements Modality of Submission Due Date
Tests and Examinations Long Quiz ONLINE AS SCHEDULED
Midterm Examination ONLINE AS SCHEDULED

Written Work Reflection Paper ONLINE AS SCHEDULED


Outputs/Homework Research ONLINE AS SCHEDULE

Individual Homework ONLINE AS SCHEDULE

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Class Participation Online-class/Activity Participation/Attendance ONLINE AS SCHEDULE

Lifelong Learning Opportunities

Ability to work with proficiency in the field of Information Technology
Manifest competence in the field of technology
Obtain knowledge and able to identify the different parts of computers.
Has a competitive ability in the Information Technology Era.

Course Assessment:
BU Grading System (To include performance standards)

Participation 20%
Written Work/Output 20%
Report Reflection/Homework/Assignments 20%
Term Examination 40%

System of Computing Grades:

Midterm Grade 30%
Tentative Grade 70%
TOTAL 100%

Final Grade = 1/3 (Midterm Grade) + 2/3 (Tentative Grade) =100%


Coyli, J., & Associate Press. (2017, May 26). Is Twitter the news outlet for 21st century? Retrieved from

Pepito, C. P. (2002). Introuction to computer funamentals. Manaluyong City: National Bookstore

Selterman, D. (2012, April 16). Science of Relationship. Retrieved from http: / /


Shelly, G. B, Cashman, T. J., & Vermaat, M. E. (2011). Discovering Computers 2005: A gateway to information

(Web Enhanced). Thomson Course Technology.

Wang, V. C. (Ed.). (2015). Digital age, information age, and computer age. Handbook of Research on Learning Outcomes

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and Opportunities in the Digital Age, 2. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9577-1.ch19

Zuppo, C. M. (2012) Defining ICT in a boundaryless world:The development of a working hierarchy. International

Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT), 4(3), 13-22. Retrieved from http:/ /


Haynes, M. & Brown, R. (n.d.). Everything computers of S.C., Inc. Retrieved from http:/ /


Hope, C. (2017, August 8). Computer vs Smartphone. Retrieved from https:/ /

IDC. (2017, August 2). Smartphone OS market share, 017 QI. Retrieved from http: / /


Rouse, M. (2005, April). ASCII (American Standard code for information interchange). Retrieve from http: / /


Rouse, M. (2007, May). Personal area network (PAN). Retrieved from http: / / searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.som


Schindler, E. (2017, July 17). The best online survey tools of 2018. PCMag. Retrieved from http: / /


Sharma, V. (2016, November 2). Top 10 uses of computers in our daily lives. Retrieved from http: / /

/uses-of-computer-in-our-daily-life (2003-3017). Conversion calculator. Retrieved from http: / /

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Required Readings:
“Living in the Information Technology Era”
By: Ronina R. Caoili-Tayuan and Mia V. Eleaza

Further Readings:

Internet. (n.d.). Retrieved from http: / /

Internet2. Retrieved from https: / /

Johnson, A. (2016, February 21). WAN Technologies. Retrieved from http: / /


Kemp, S. (2018, January 30). Digital in 2018: World’s internet users pass the 4 billion mark. Retrieved from https: / /

Mitchell, B. (2017, May 5). What is a server in computer networking? Retrieved from https: / /


Suggested Websites:

Course Policies:

Ethical Policies:

Every students regardless of the circumstances of birth, sex, religion and other factors shall”
Uphold the integrity and good name of Bicol University.

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Academic Integrity Policy:

The students shall not commit dishonesty: the act of concealing or distorting truth, showing a lack of integrity or a character to defraud, cheat, deceive or betray or
betray and intent to violate the truth. Activities inconsistent to Policy Statement on Academic Integrity (Please refer to BU Students Handbook-Scholastic Deficiency)

Policies on Absences and Tardiness:

Any students who for unavoidance cause absents himself from classes must obtain an excuse letter from earlier the adviser of the guidance coordinator to be
presented to the instructors concerned not later than second session following his return.

Language of Instruction:

English Language

Use of the Learning Management System:

In lieu of the pandemic COVID_19 incidence a platform of Synchronous or Asynchronous of Learning Management may be adapted. Face to face and classroom
discussion may be allowed if time permits in accordance to recommendation of the Higher Education and the BU Administration.

Use of Mobile Phones and Gadgets:

In a distance education using the internet mobile phones and computers are essential tools for learning.

Special/Make-Up Quiz/Examinations/Work:

Students shall comply all the requirements of the course stated in the syllabus. Make-up class may be conducted upon approval of the Permit to Conduct a Make-
up class.

Dress and Grooming Codes:

Students should wear prescribed uniform of the college while inside the campus. In case of free day the student are not allowed to wear inappropriate attire. PE
Uniform is to be worn only during PE classes not during the academic classes.

Statement on Student Wellness:

The Bicol University Medical and Dental services will provide the basic wealth services to the students and personal as scheduled by the Bicol University clinic office.

Advising and Support:

the college office of the Students affairs and Guidance Office, Medicak and Dental Services are available in the college to provide an arrar of services to cater the
needs of the students

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Caveat: this syllabus will adopt asynchronous/blended learning flat form of instruction due to Pandemic COVID 19 where safety and health is a priority. Further,
adjustment will be considered when face to face or classroom session will be allowed, in like manner during legal holidays, typhoon, transport strikes and other school
activities that may arise during the first School 2020-2021.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:


Instructor Department Chair-TED Dean

Date: August 9, 2020

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