Netwrorking 2
Netwrorking 2
Netwrorking 2
We envision SIBTECH to be the acknowledge premier learning institution in the fields of business and technology, anchored on innovative ideals,
global competitiveness, and technological advancement.
Guided by its vison we provide responsive and relevant academic programs that can serve as a guide and model for similar educational institutions.
We develop research capabilities through the establishment and maintenance of research laboratories that will generate new and innovative
We hone continuously the capability and capacity of its faculty and staff by developing and implementing programs that will harness and consolidate
all resources to firm up its commitment as a center of excellence.
1. Discipline
2. Accountability
3. Professionalism
4. Humility
DESCRIPTION: In this course students will learn what networks are and how they work. Students also learn about planning, designing, and installing
networks in many different situations. This subject introduces you to networking theory and makes the theory come alive through interactive Hands-On
Activities. An important element of the hands-on approach is the ability to immediately apply and reinforce what you have learned.
To provide relevant and quality instruction research and extension.
Understand best practices and standards and their application to ensure the quality of service.
Analyze complex problems, identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an appropriate solution.
Effectively design, develop, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs using system level
perspective to meet desired needs and requirements under various constraints.
Articulate, discuss and apply knowledge through the use of appropriate modem techniques, skills, computing tools and practices necessary for the
IT Profession.
well-being (i.e. safety, security, etc.)
11. Understand and act in recognition of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the efficient utilization of
information technology.
12. Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional
development and articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
13. Effectively lead and participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects that address the needs of the
community to support local and national development agenda or goals.
14. Preserve and promote "Filipino historical and cultural heritag
At the end of the course, the students would be able to:
Discuss and argue about the importance of a network system and its applications in our present and future generations.
Use different types of reasoning to justify the implementation of multiple networks, how computers are interconnected and the use of routing and
switching equipment.
Discuss the different networking terms used today.
Use and execute different commands in routers and switches using remote administration.
Install and configure routers and switches for interconnecting different network systems.
Use of load balancing in routers and switches used in finance, voting, health and medicine, business, environment, arts and design and recreation.
Appreciate the nature and uses of network system in everyday life.
Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of network systems to various human endeavors.
Week Course Outcomes Topics Teaching / Assessment
Learning Activities
At the end of the unit, TOPIC
the learners must Visual Learning Quiz
Week 1 - 3 have: Communications Media Types Hand Outs Hands On
Explain network cable Coaxial Cable Performance Activities
media, including Thick Coax Cable Activities
coaxial, twisted-pair, Thin Coax Cable Interactive
and fiber-optic media, Twisted-Pair Cable Discussion
and identify which to Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable
use in a particular Unshielded Twisted-Pair Cable
network configuration Fiber-Optic Cable
Discuss high-speed Hybrid Fiber/Coax Cable
technologies for 100 High-Speed Technologies for Twisted-Pair and
Mbps, 1 Gbps, Fiber-Optic Cables
10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, Fast Ethernet
and 100 Gbps Gigabit Ethernet
Week 4 - 6 At the end of the unit, Visual Learning Quiz
the learners must Connecting Computers to a Cabled Network Hand Outs Hands On Activities
have: The NIC Connector Performance
Explain the use of a The Role of Firmware and NIC Drivers Activities
NIC for connecting Using a Transceiver Interactive
devices to cabled The Role of the MAC Controller Unit Discussion
Half- and Full-Duplex NIC Communications
Buses and NICs
Design a cabled
Choosing a NIC
Week 7