Course Outline - HRIS - Fall 10
Course Outline - HRIS - Fall 10
Course Outline - HRIS - Fall 10
Consulting Consulting
Consulting Hour Hour Consulting
Hour (Intern (Intern Hour
Student) Student)
Consulting Consulting
Consulting Hour Hour Consulting
Hour (Intern (Intern Hour
Student) Student)
Course description:
The ever-increasing importance in the application of computer technology to the area of human resource
management, the professionals in this discipline are required not only to be familiar with the traditional area
of payroll and salary administration but with a much wider application base. Areas of relevance include
computer-based training, career development, managerial performance etc. This subject attempts to develop
these skills in conjunction with other essential areas of technology.
This course provides the student with an understanding of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
and how it facilitates the effective management of an organization’s human resources. Through a series of
hands on lab work, lectures and exercises, students will explore the various components of a HRIS, examine
how information can be used to enhance the HR functions and the steps required to implement a HRIS. The
application “Super HR” will be utilized as a tool to apply the course concepts.
Learning Objectives:
This subject develops an understanding of the role of Human Resource Information Systems and emphasizes their
increasing importance as a Human Resource Managers tool. The development, design and maintenance of computer
systems and other associated technologies relevant to Human Resource Management will be fully developed.
After successfully completing the requirements, students will be able to learn:
The basic system requirements from a Human Resource perspective
How to discuss in a knowledgeable way the HR Management issues with IT professions;
The roles of the HRIS sub functions;
The impact and management of technology in the workplace
Text Books:
Human Resource Information System – Michael J. Kavanagh & Mohan Thite
Developing Human Resource Information System – Ashok Kumar Gupta
Additional Reading:
Ceriello, V.R. & Freeman, M.C. (1991) Human Resource Management System: Strategies, Tactics,
and Techniques New York: Lexington Books.
Rampton, G., Turnbull, I. & Doran, J. (2007). HR Manager’s Guide to Human Resources
Management Systems: A Practical Approach. (3rd Edition). Thomson Carswell Publishing.
Please spend time on the net and in the library for related article and books. Presentations will be
from contemporary learning.
Assessment of grades:
Mid-term Final
Quizzes 20% Quizzes 20%
Assignments (2) 20% Term Paper & Presentation 20%
Attendance & Class Participation 10% Attendance & Class Participation 10%
Mid-term Exam 50% Final Exam 50%
Total 100 Total 100
Eventually, Mid-term will be converted into 40% and Final will be converted into 60% to assess the final grade of a
Academic Honesty:
Penalties for academic misconduct will be severe especially in cases of copying assignments and case analysis. Please
note that additionally recycling of previously submitted materials will be also considered as an offence.
Individual Assignments:
There will be at least two individual assignments during the Mid-term and one group Term paper and presentation
during the final session. Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date. Each assignment should be within
1000 – 1500 words with more meaningful explanations. Class will be divided into groups for Term paper and Class
Quizzes will be announced and there will be NO make-up quizzes throughout the semester. For your convenience the
best 2 out of 3 quizzes will be considered in each session of mid-term and final for assessment of grades.
Due Date : During the time of presentation, dates will be announced in the class
Weighting : 20%
Word Limits : 5000.
The Presentation will be based on practical learning of organizational theories of business around and will be presented
in the class. The Term Paper will be based on the learning which is an effort to enhance a student’s ability to write
business reports based on management functions, tools and techniques. Each group will be composed of 5 - 8 (five to
eight), a minimum of 1/2 female members should be in each group and all members of the group members are required
to equally contribute to the report and presentation. Each members of the group will be marked individually during the
time of presentation. Topic of the term paper, date of presentation and other related issues will be discussed in the
Attendance & Class Participation:
Attendance and class participation carries 10 marks in both the sessions. Hence, missing a lecture will affect the grades
of a student. Students are encouraged to attend all the lectures.
Exams will include multiple choices, theories, short analytical questions, comparisons, situational analysis and open
ended essay questions. Students are not allowed to bring any books in mid-term/final exam(s). The examinations will
test your comprehension regarding the concepts discussed in the class, and your ability to apply the concepts in
managerial decision making.
1 Introduction to HRIS
Change Management Implementation & HRIS
8 Application
17 Revision
18 Final Exam