Multiphysics Modeling of Spring-Supported Thrust Bearings For Hydropower Applications
Multiphysics Modeling of Spring-Supported Thrust Bearings For Hydropower Applications
Multiphysics Modeling of Spring-Supported Thrust Bearings For Hydropower Applications
2 559
3 authors:
Andreas Almqvist
Luleå University of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Xavier Borras on 16 March 2018.
Abstract: The present work is an attempt in point restricts heavily the degrees of freedom of
predicting the performance of spring-supported the pad.
thrust bearings. Thorough research has been
done into the existing theories in order to
incorporate them into the COMSOL
Multiphysics software. The results proved the
capability of coupling partial differential
equations (PDE) to form a complex non linear
system and thus obtaining proper results. The
Reynolds equation is solved taking into account
pad and collar elastic deformation and thermal
expansion. The importance of including these
phenomena has been evaluated. Linking the
bearing material properties with the pressure and
temperature developed in the assembly has been
seen to play an important role. The result of this
research is a hydrodynamic model taking into Figure 1. Tilting pad thrust bearings performance
account the main variables involved in a spring-
supported thrust bearing performance. The
model developed can be used when designing or To allow tilting and at the same time avoid
modifying thrust bearings. this punctual fixed contact point, the spring-
supported thrust bearings were created. This
Keywords: thrust bearings, Reynolds, spring- second kind of thrust bearings allows working
supported, elastic deformation, thermal under a wide range of operating conditions
expansion. maintaining a good efficiency. The pads lie on a
spring mattress that handles the applied load.
The spring-supported thrust bearings follow the
1. Introduction same principles, however with a different tilting
The main feature of the thrust bearings is to
system (Figure 2). The springs-supported thrust
provide for separation between the shaft and the
bearing has good self adjustment and heat
support, something essential when working with
dissipation. It is also of benefit with respect to
hundreds of tones spinning at hundreds of
vibration in running.
revolutions per minute. A physical contact
between both surfaces would represent the
destruction of the machine.
A highly pressured, micrometre thin, lubricant
film is located between the collar or runner
(dynamic part) and the pad (static part). The
static piece is compound from a number of
segment shaped pads. Figure 2. Spring supported thrust bearing
The most common type for hydropower performance.
applications are the tilting pad thrust bearings
(TPTB). In this kind of thrust bearings, each pad It is well-known the argument between
is placed over a spherical pivot that allows tilt to tilting-pad and spring-supported thrust bearings
the surface (Figure 1). A fixed defined pivot supporters. It is not clear which grants better
2. Model
The study carried out is a
thermoelastohydrodynamic analysis (TEHD)
which requires a high computational capacity to
solve a complex FEM non lineal system (Figure
9. Acknowledgements
Figure 10. Comparison of a) film thickness, and b)
pad temperature along the midline of the pad when This project would not have been possible
using two different lubricants (ISO VG68, ISO without the help from Patrick Issakson, Ivar
VG32). Kjelberg and Fredrik Nääs.