When Precise Numerical Predictions Come To The Rescue of Liquid Lubrication

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When Precise Numerical Predictions Come to the Rescue of

Liquid Lubrication
J. D. Wheeler 1, V. Bruyere1, P. Namy1

1SIMTEC, Grenoble, France


Whereas some bearings designed in the 19th century are still working properly nowadays,
some others which were recently designed encountered premature failures. Tribological
applications, such as journal bearings or rolling element bearings, are generally ruled by
complicated multiphysical phenomena. Consequently, the predictions on the lifespan or
the efficiency of these applications are sometimes not reliable and occasionally totally
An appropriate numerical model is one of the most efficient mean to better understand
the physics of these applications. This is particularly true when it is combined with other
approaches such as experimental measurements. An appropriate model involves the
solving of the Reynolds equation with a relevant modelling of the cavitation. The lubricant
may also show piezo-viscous and non-Newtonian response which should be included in
the constitutive relations. When high hydrodynamic pressure is encountered, solid
deformations may also play a role. The contact would then follow an elastohydrodynamic
behaviour. Moreover, the lubricant shearing is very likely to generate a significant heat.
This implies that the temperature distribution should also be computed in the solids and
the fluid to predict the actual system behaviour.
A simple tribological application, the lubricated pad, is presented in this article. The
potential impact of the different physical phenomena is evaluated thanks to a numerical
model built with COMSOL Multiphysics®. Providing a precise and quantitative prediction
on film thickness, friction, lifespan or efficiency is beyond the scope of this article.
However, its goal is to address the different challenges that may be involved under
different working conditions. A COMSOL application based on the model developed for this
tribology case is also developed. It can be used with COMSOL Server™.
Figures used in the abstract

Figure 1 : One of the pad geometries that the app can model

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