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Bindusara TS

Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering Department
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad
UNIT - 3

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 2

Define Petrology
Petrology means “STUDY OF ROCKS”
Petro = Rock
Logy = Study
The branch of geology deals with the various aspects of rocks
such as, Origin, Association, Occurrence, Mineral
composition, Chemical composition, Texture, Structure,
Physical properties of rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 3

Define Rock
Rock or stone is a natural substance, a solid aggregate of one
or more minerals combined together in an orderly manner.
Petrography deals with the descriptive part of rocks.
Petrogeny deals with the mode of formation of rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 4

Classification of Rocks

Geological Physical Chemical

Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Stratified Siliceous

Intrusive Extrusive Foliated Unstratified Argillaceous

Chemical Non
Hypabasal Volcanic Foliated Calcareous
Deposits Foliated


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 5

Igneous Rock
Igneous rocks are the primary rocks, which are formed due
to cooling and solidification of magma.
Magma is a hot viscous, siliceous melt, containing water
vapour and gases.
Magma comes out from the greater depth below the earth
surface, such magma is called LAVA.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 6

Classification of Igneous Rock



Intrusive Extrusive

Hypabasal Volcanic


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 7

Igneous Rock
Intrusive igneous rocks
Intrusive igneous rocks are formed from magma that cools
and solidifies within the crust of a planet, surrounded by
pre-existing rock (called country rock).
The magma cools slowly and, as a result, these rocks are
coarse-grained. The mineral grains in such rocks can
generally be identified with the naked eye.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 8

Diorite Granite

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 9

Gabbro Pegmatite
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 10
Classification of Igneous Rock



Intrusive Extrusive

Hypabasal Volcanic


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 11

Igneous Rock
Intrusive igneous rocks
Hypabasel Rock
These Rocks are formed at intermediate depth generally up
to 2 km below the earth surface and exhibits mixed
characteristics of volcanic and plutonic.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 12

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 13
Igneous Rock
Intrusive igneous rocks
Plutonic Rock
These Rocks are formed at considerable depth generally up
to 7-10 km below the earth surface. Because of very slow
rate of cooling at these depth coarse grained rocks are

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 14

Gabbro Pegmatite
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 15
Plutonic Rocks
Gabbro Hypabasel Rock
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 16
Igneous Rock
Extrusive igneous rocks
It is also called as volcanic rocks. These rocks are formed due
to cooling and solidification of magma at the crust surface.
The magma, which is brought to the surface through fissures
or volcanic eruptions, solidifies at a faster rate. Hence such
rocks are smooth, crystalline and fine-grained.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 17

Igneous Rock
Extrusive igneous rocks
Volcanic Rocks

These rocks are formed due to cooling and solidification of

lava erupted from volcanoes. since lava cools down very fast
rate. The grain size of the crystal formed in these rock is fine.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 18

Volcanic Rock
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 19
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 20
Basalt Diorite
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 21
Classification of Rocks






Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 22

Sedimentary Rock
Sedimentary rocks are those, which are formed by the
accumulation, compaction and consolidation of sediments.
The sediments are the particles produced from the
disintegration of pre-existing rocks (Igneous/metamorphic
rocks) through the process of transportation and deposition
by various natural agencies like wind, water and glaciers .

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 23

Sedimentary Rock

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 24

Sedimentary Rock

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 25

Sand Stone Conglomerate

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 26

shale Lime stone

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 27

Sedimentary Rock
Clastic deposit rock
They are mechanically formed rocks. These are formed due
to the process of weathering, erosion, transportation and
deposition of pre-existing rocks.
Rudaceous rocks-If the grain size are more than 2 mm in dia,
Arenaceous rocks-If the grain size is in between 1 and 2 mm.
Argillaceous rocks-If the size of the particle is < 1mm in dia,

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 28

Conglomerate Breccia
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 29
Quartz Sand stone Grit
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 30
Shale and Mud stone
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 31
Sedimentary Rock
Chemical deposit rock
They are formed by precipitation, evaporation or crystallization
from natural aqueous solution.
When water is rich in dissolved salt evaporates and left behind
minerals. (Halite)
Limestone can form when calcite minerals dissolved in lakes,
sea and underground water comes out of solution and form

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 32

Lime Stone Halite
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 33
Sedimentary Rock
Organic deposit rock
Sedimentary rocks which are formed exclusively from remains
of organisms like plant / animals deposited in a thick layer.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 34

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 35
Coal Lignite
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 36
Classification of Rocks

Geological Physical Chemical




Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 37

Metamorphic Rock
The word "Metamorphism" comes from the Greek: Meta =
change, Morph = form, so metamorphism means to change
form. Metamorphic rocks are those rocks that are formed as
a result of transformation that takes place in the pre-existing
rocks (Igneous/sedimentary rocks). When the pre-existing
rocks are subjected to higher temperature, pressure and
chemically active liquids and gases, the minerals present in
the original rocks changes to new environmental condition.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 38

Slate Slate

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 39

Gneiss Gneiss

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 40

Metamorphic Rock
When pressure squeezes the flat or elongate minerals within
a rock so they become aligned. These rocks develop
a platy or sheet-like structure that reflects the direction that
pressure was applied in. Slate, schist, and gneiss are all
foliated metamorphic rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 41

Slate Schist
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 42
Metamorphic Rock
Non Foliated
Non foliated metamorphic rocks are formed around igneous
intrusions where the temperatures are high but the
pressures are relatively low and equal in all directions

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 43

White Marble Marble
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 44
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 45
Classification of Rocks

Geological Physical Chemical

Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Stratified Siliceous

Intrusive Extrusive Clastic Foliated Unstratified Argillaceous

Chemical Non
Hypabasal Volcanic Foliated Calcareous
Deposits Foliated


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 46

Physical Classification
Stratified rocks
These rocks are having layered structure. They possess
planes of stratification or cleavage. They can be easily split
along these planes.
Sand stones, lime stones, slate etc.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 47

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 48
Physical Classification
Un-stratified rocks
These rocks are not stratified. They possess crystalline and
compact grains. They cannot be split in to thin slab.
Granite, trap, marble etc. are the examples of this type of

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 49

Granite Marble

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 50

Physical Classification
Foliated Rocks

These rocks have a tendency to split along a definite

direction only. The direction need not be parallel to each
other as in case of stratified rocks. This type of structure is
very common in case of metamorphic rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 51

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 52
Chemical Classification
Siliceous rocks
These rocks which have silica as the
main constituent.
The silica in the free state is called
sand and in combined state is
Examples: Granite, Quartzite,
Sandstone etc.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 53

Chemical Classification
Argillaceous rocks
These rocks which have clay or
alumina as the main constituent.
Examples: Kaolin, Laterite, Slate

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 54

Chemical Classification
Calcareous rocks
These rocks which have calcium
carbonate or lime as their
leading constituent. These rocks
are readily acted upon by
even dilute HCl.
Examples: Limestone and Marble.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 55

Forms of Igneous Rock
Igneous Rocks

Intrusive Extrusive

Concordant Discordant

Sill Batholith

Phacolith Dyke



Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 56

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies
The magma intrusion is parallel
to the structure of the country
rock, they are called ‘Concordant
intrusive bodies

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 57

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies
It is a concordant intrusive igneous bodies. Sills are formed
due to the penetration of magma into bedding planes of
enclosing sedimentary rock. Their spreading capacity is
mainly depends upon viscosity of magma, its temperature
and the weight of overlaying rocks. The thickness varies
from few centimetres to several kilometres.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 58

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 59

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies
When thick sedimentary strata are folded, along the crust
and trough, some empty space occurs. These spaces are
readily occupied if magmatic intrusion get access to them.
On solidification these appear as lens shaped across the
axial plane.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 60


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 61

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies
This is basin or saucer shaped concordant intrusive igneous
body of enormous size. Its top is nearly flat and bottom is
convex downward bowl-like bodies, which are sagged
downwards due to the weight of the intruded magma.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 62


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 63

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies
This is a mushroom like concordant intrusive igneous
bodies. It is nearly flat bottom but it is convex upward i.e.
dome shaped. When viscous magma is injected along the
bedding plane, as it cannot spread easily, it pushes up the
overlaying rocks and piles up more at the place.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 64

Forms of Igneous Rock
Concordant intrusive bodies

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 65


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 66

Forms of Igneous Rock
Discordant intrusive bodies
These are the largest known discordant intrusive igneous
bodies mainly occurring in mountain ranges. Batholiths
have side sloping away from each other which makes them
larger and larger downwards and they have extended to
very great depths covering several kilometres.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 67


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 68

Forms of Igneous Rock
Discordant intrusive bodies
Dykes are discordant igneous body of more or less tabular
shape and exhibit a cross –cutting relationship with the
country rocks they occur commonly n the forms of wall like
masses of exactly or nearly vertical attitude. If the rocks
constituting the dyke are hard and compact, they can resist
weathering and Erosional process.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 69

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 70


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 71

Forms of Igneous Rock
Discordant intrusive bodies
Volcanic neck
The vents of quiet volcanoes have become sealed with the
igneous intrusions and is called volcanic necks/plugs.
These forms may be circular, semi circular or irregular and
in varying diameter.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 72

Volcanic neck

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 73

Structure are physical features associated with the rocks.
They are primary in nature they occurs along with the
formation of rocks
 Structure contribute the strength and weakness of the
 Structure helps to distinguishing features of rock group.
 Structure reveals the mode of formation.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 74

Structure of Igneous Rock
Vesicular Structure
 Structure is porous in nature.
 Commonly observed in Volcanic rocks.
 Magma is a mixture of rock melts and volatiles, (Gases).
 The gases present in the magma are lighter and escape
into atmosphere.
 Empty cavity of various sizes and shapes are formed on
surface. These cavity called Vesicles.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 75
Structure of Igneous Rock
Vesicular Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 76

Structure of Igneous Rock
Amygdaloidal Structure
 The empty vesicles in the vesicular structure are filled by
surface water or under ground water or sediments.
 The in filled cavity are called Amygdales.
 When empty cavities are filled with amygdales that
structure is called Amygdaloidal Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 77

Structure of Igneous Rock
Amygdaloidal Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 78

Structure of Igneous Rock
Columnar Structure
The volcanic igneous rock appears to be made up of
numerous parallel polygon prismatic column bundled
together. This results of the contraction of lava during

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 79

Structure of Igneous Rock
Columnar Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 80

Structure of Igneous Rock
Sheet Structure
The rocks appears to be made up of a number of sheets,
because of the development of nearly horizontal crack .
Plutonic rocks are formed at a great depth which means
under the great pressures. When erosion takes place in the
over laying strata gradually dis appear ultimately exposing
of plutonic rock in the form sheet.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 81

Structure of Igneous Rock
Sheet Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 82

Structure of Igneous Rock
Flow Structure
These structures are linear and nearly parallel features
occurring in volcanic rocks which develops as a
consequence of the flow of lava.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 83

Structure of Igneous Rock
Flow Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 84

Structure of Igneous Rock
Pillow Structure
The Volcanic igneous body appears as a pile of numerous
overlapping pillows.
It occurs only in soda rich basalt rock.
The pillows are generally interconnected vesicular and
glassy tops.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 85

Structure of Igneous Rock
Pillow Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 86

Textures of Igneous Rock
Texture mainly refers to Mutual relationship with
constituent minerals of rocks in addition to crystallinity,
granularity and shape of minerals in the rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 87

Textures of Igneous Rock
Equigranular Texture
In this type, the mineral grains are all of approximately
same size. This is because all the minerals are
simultaneously get consolidated. Ex: Granite, Basalt

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 88

Textures of Igneous Rock
Equigranular Texture

Granite Basalt
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 89
Textures of Igneous Rock
In Equigranular Texture
In this type, the mineral grains show marked difference in
their grain size. This is because different mineral grains
consolidate at different level and hence different minerals
exhibit different sizes.
Ex: Syenite

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 90

Textures of Igneous Rock
In Equigranular Texture

Syenite Basalt
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 91
Textures of Igneous Rock
Porphyritic texture
It is a type of inequigranular texture, where tabular or
large sized minerals called phenocrysts are fully
embedded within the fine grained minerals known as
Ex: Syenite Porphyry

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 92

Textures of Igneous Rock
Porphyritic texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 93

Textures of Igneous Rock
Poikilitic texture:
This is the converse of porphyritic texture, which is
characterized by the presence of fine grained crystals
within the body of large sized crystals. Ex: Peridotite

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 94

Textures of Igneous Rock
Poikilitic texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 95

Textures of Igneous Rock
Ophitic texture
This is similar to porphyritic texture, which shows the
phenocrysts are partially embedded within the matrix.
This is observed in dolerite rock whose lath shaped of
mineral Augite enclosed within small Plagioclase mineral.
Ex: Dolerite

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 96

Textures of Igneous Rock
Ophitic texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 97

Textures of Igneous Rock
Pegmatitic / intergrowth texture
Two or more minerals crystallize simultaneously in a
limited space. Here one crystal intrudes another. An
alternate bands of dark and light coloured minerals are
seen (quartz and feldspar).
Ex: Pegmatite

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 98

Textures of Igneous Rock
Pegmatitic / Intergrowth texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 99

Textures of Igneous Rock
Vesicular Texture
Most lavas are heavily charged with gas which escapes as
soon as it comes in contact with Earth’s atmosphere. The
escape of these gases leads to the formation of different
sizes / shapes of holes in the cooled volcanic rocks.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 100

Textures of Igneous Rock
Vesicular Texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 101

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Stratification and Lamination
The sedimentary rocks are bedded in nature. A bed is
called stratum and a number of beds are called Strata.
A bed is generally homogeneous in composition, texture
and colour. These are called Bedding planes. The different
layers of beds may vary in grain size, mineral composition,
colour, texture etc., depending upon the environment and
formation. This feature is called stratification.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 102
Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Stratification and Lamination

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 103

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Graded Bedding
In some beds at the bottom, there will be bigger particles
and very fine particles at the top. There is a gradual
decrease in the size of the particles from bottom to top.
This phenomenon is called Graded bedding. Here
individual layer is said to be graded with different particle

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 104

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Graded Bedding

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 105

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Current Bedding
Generally, the sedimentary beds are parallel to one
another. Some times the beds are deposited slightly
inclined to the major bedding plane because of change in
the velocity and direction of flow of stream. This structure
is known as Current Bedding.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 106

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Current Bedding

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 107

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Ripple Marks
This is a minor structure in sedimentary rocks formed due
to mechanical origin. They are the undulations structure
formed on the surface of loose sediments due to action of
wind in a shallow water body. It is also called wave marks. If
the ripple marks are formed by stagnant water then the
feature will be symmetrical and if they are formed by
moving water then they are asymmetrical.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 108
Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Ripple Marks

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 109

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Mud Cracks
These are common structural features of fine grained
sedimentary rocks. The development of mud cracks is
because of the drying of huge masses of fine grained
sediments under sub-aerial condition. It is also called Sun
cracks since they are formed due to the effect of solar heat.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 110

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Mud Cracks

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 111

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
‘Tracks and Trails, Rain Prints
The movement of organisms on the surface of loose
sediments develops a marking or impression and is called
‘tracks and trails’. On the other hand ‘Rain prints’ are formed
on the top surface of loose sediments due to impact of
‘drops’ of rainwater.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 112

Structure of Sedimentary Rock
Tracks and Trails, Rain Prints

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 113

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Clastic Texture
Grains do not interlock but rather are piled together and
cemented. Boundaries of individual grains may be another
grain, cement or empty pore space. Overall rock is generally
porous and not very dense. Because Clastic are only
cemented together, grains are relatively easy to “scrape off"
using a rock hammer point or metal nail.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 114

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Clastic Texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 115

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Microclastic texture
This texture is the same as the Clastic texture except that the
clasts are not visible to the eye. Because the grains are
invisible, examining the ease in which grains (silt or clay)
may be knocked off is the best test to perform.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 116

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Microclastic texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 117

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Bioclastic texture
The texture is similar to Clastic texture except that all of the
clasts or grains are fossils.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 118

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Bioclastic texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 119

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Crystalline texture
Crystals are visible and form an interlocking network.
Unlike igneous crystalline textures, however, sedimentary
crystalline textures are typically formed from one mineral
throughout the entire rock.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 120

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Crystalline texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 121

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Microcrystalline texture
No crystals are visible but the rock is composed of
interlocking microscopic crystals. Such rocks are dense and
typically nonporous. Microcrystalline rocks break with a
characteristic Conchoidal fracture. That is, the broken
surface may smooth concentric lines resembling the inside
of an oyster shell or broken glass.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 122

Texture of Sedimentary Rock
Microcrystalline texture

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 123

Structure of Metamorphic Rock

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 124

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Porphyroclastic Structure
It is produced under stress and in absence of high
temperature, where by rocks are subjected to shearing and
fragmentation. Only the durable mineral partly survive the
crushing force and the less durable ones are powdered.
Thus, when resistant minerals and rock fragments stand out
in a pseudo porphyritic manner in the finer materials, it is
known as 'porphyroclastic’ structure.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 125
Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Porphyroclastic Structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 126

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Maculose structure
It is produced by thermal metamorphism of argillaceous
rocks like shale. Here, larger crystals of cordierite and
biotite are sometimes well developed giving a spotted
appearance to the rocks. The well developed crystals are
known as 'porphyroblasts' with increasing degree of
metamorphism, the spotted slates pass into extremely fine
grained granular rock known as Hornfels.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 127
Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Maculose structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 128

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Schistose structure
Here the platy or flaky minerals like the micas and other
Inequidimensional minerals show a preferred orientation
along parallel planes, under the effect of the stress
dominating during metamorphism. The longer directions
are parallel to the direction of maximum stress. Schistosity
is the property or tendency of a foliated rock, whereby it can
be readily split along foliation plane.
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 129
Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Schistose structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 130

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Granulose structure
This is found in the rocks composed of equidimensional
minerals like quartz, feldspar and pyroxenes. They are formed
by the recrystallization of pre-existing rocks, under uniform
pressure and great heat. The typical texture is coarsely
granoblastic. These structures are also known as
Quartzite's and marbles are typical examples of this structure.

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 131

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Granulose structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 132

Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Gneissose structure
It is a banded structure due to alter nation of schistose (dark
coloured) and granulose (light coloured) bands and is
produced by highest grade of metamorphism, typically by
regional metamorphism. The bands differ from are another in
colour, texture and mineral composition.
Gneisses typically show this type of structure, hence the
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 133
Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Gneissose structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 134

Texture of Metamorphic Rock
Gneissose structure
It is a banded structure due to alter nation of schistose (dark
coloured) and granulose (light coloured) bands and is
produced by highest grade of metamorphism, typically by
regional metamorphism. The bands differ from ore another in
colour, texture and mineral composition.
Gneisses typically show this type of structure, hence the
Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 135
Structure of Metamorphic Rock
Gneissose structure

Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 136


Eng- Geo [6K473]-Unit1 137










Uplift MAGMA
Weathering SEDIMENT



Uplift MAGMA


Volcanic Deposition




Uplift MAGMA


Volcanic Deposition




Uplift MAGMA


Volcanic Deposition


Plutonic Increased P&T


Uplift MAGMA


Volcanic Can you see Deposition


Plutonic Increased P&T

Uplift MAGMA


Volcanic Deposition


Plutonic Increased P&T

Uplift MAGMA
In Conclusion…
• The rock cycle demonstrates the
relationships among the three
major rock groups
• It is powered by the interior heat of
the Earth
• As well as earth’s momentum
• The energy from the sun
• It involves processes on the
Earth’s surface as well as the
Earth’s interior
• It connects the “hydrologic cycle”
with the “tectonic cycle”.


Volcanic Deposition


Plutonic Increased P&T

Uplift MAGMA

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