Alg 2 Resource Ws CH 2 PDF
Alg 2 Resource Ws CH 2 PDF
Alg 2 Resource Ws CH 2 PDF
Resource Masters
Consumable Workbooks
Many of the worksheets contained in the Chapter Resource Masters booklets
are available as consumable workbooks.
Study Guide and Intervention Workbook 0-07-828029-X
Skills Practice Workbook 0-07-828023-0
Practice Workbook 0-07-828024-9
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 066 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03
Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Lesson 2-6
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 87–88
Lesson 2-1 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 57–58 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Lesson 2-7
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 93–94
Lesson 2-2 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 63–64 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Chapter 2 Assessment
Chapter 2 Test, Form 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99–100
Lesson 2-3 Chapter 2 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . . 101–102
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 69–70 Chapter 2 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . . 103–104
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Chapter 2 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . . 105–106
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Chapter 2 Test, Form 2D . . . . . . . . . . . 107–108
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Chapter 2 Test, Form 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 109–110
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Chapter 2 Open-Ended Assessment . . . . . . 111
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Test/Review . . . . . . . 112
Lesson 2-4 Chapter 2 Quizzes 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 75–76 Chapter 2 Quizzes 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Chapter 2 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Chapter 2 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Chapter 2 Standardized Test Practice . . 117–118
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Standardized Test Practice
Lesson 2-5 Student Recording Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 81–82
ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–A32
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Vocabulary Builder Pages vii–viii Practice There is one master for each
include a student study tool that presents lesson. These problems more closely follow
up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms the structure of the Practice and Apply
from the chapter. Students are to record section of the Student Edition exercises.
definitions and/or examples for each term. These exercises are of average difficulty.
You may suggest that students highlight or
star the terms with which they are not WHEN TO USE These provide additional
familiar. practice options or may be used as
homework for second day teaching of the
WHEN TO USE Give these pages to lesson.
students before beginning Lesson 2-1.
Encourage them to add these pages to their Reading to Learn Mathematics
Algebra 2 Study Notebook. Remind them One master is included for each lesson. The
to add definitions and examples as they first section of each master asks questions
complete each lesson. about the opening paragraph of the lesson
in the Student Edition. Additional
Study Guide and Intervention questions ask students to interpret the
Each lesson in Algebra 2 addresses two context of and relationships among terms
objectives. There is one Study Guide and in the lesson. Finally, students are asked to
Intervention master for each objective. summarize what they have learned using
various representation techniques.
WHEN TO USE Use these masters as
reteaching activities for students who need WHEN TO USE This master can be used
additional reinforcement. These pages can as a study tool when presenting the lesson
also be used in conjunction with the Student or as an informal reading assessment after
Edition as an instructional tool for students presenting the lesson. It is also a helpful
who have been absent. tool for ELL (English Language Learner)
Skills Practice There is one master for
each lesson. These provide computational Enrichment There is one extension
practice at a basic level. master for each lesson. These activities may
extend the concepts in the lesson, offer an
WHEN TO USE These masters can be historical or multicultural look at the
used with students who have weaker concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on
mathematics backgrounds or need the mathematics they are learning. These
additional reinforcement. are not written exclusively for honors
students, but are accessible for use with all
levels of students.
WHEN TO USE These may be used as
extra credit, short-term projects, or as
activities for days when class periods are
Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 2.
As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description.
Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to
your Algebra Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.
Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page
absolute value function
constant function
family of graphs
identity function
linear equation
line of fit
one-to-one function
piecewise function
point-slope form
prediction equation
scatter plot
slope-intercept form
standard form
step function
Lesson 2-1
Graph the equation y 2x 3 and find the domain and range. Does
the equation represent a function?
Make a table of values to find ordered pairs that x y
satisfy the equation. Then graph the ordered pairs.
1 5
The domain and range are both all real numbers. The
graph passes the vertical line test, so it is function. 0 3
O x
1 1
2 1
3 3
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine
whether the relation or equation is a function.
1. {(1, 3), (3, 5), 2. {(3, 4), (1, 0), 3. {(0, 4), (3, 2),
(2, 5), (2, 3)} (2, 2), (3, 2)} (3, 2), (5, 1)}
y y y
O x
O x
O x
O x
O x
O x
a. f(3)
f(x) x2 2x Original function
15 Simplify.
b. f(5a)
f(x) x2 2x Original function
Find each value if f(x) 2x 4.
Find each value if f(x) 2x and g(x) 0.4x 2 1.2.
7. f(0.5) 5 8. f(8) 16 9. g(3) 2.4
10. g(2.5) 1.3 11. f(4a) 8a
2a b2
12. g 1.2
13. f 6
14. g(10) 38.8 15. f(200) 400.01
17. Compare the values of f(2) f(5) and f(2 5). f (2) f (5) 343, f (2 5) 199
1. D R yes 2. D R no
100 50 1
200 100 3
300 150 5
Lesson 2-1
3. x y
yes 4. y no
1 2
2 4
3 6
O x
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine
whether the relation or equation is a function.
5. {(2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 1)} 6. {(2, 6), (6, 2)}
y y
O x
O x
O x
O x
1. D R no 2. D R yes
21 5 105
25 10
8 30 15 110
3. x y
yes 4. y no
3 0
1 1 O x
0 0
2 2
3 4
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine
whether the relation or equation is a function.
O x
Find each value if f(x) and g(x) 2x 3.
7. f(3) 1
8. f(4)
2 12
9. g 2
10. f(2) undefined 11. g(6) 15 12. f(m 2)
13. MUSIC The ordered pairs (1, 16), (2, 16), (3, 32), (4, 32), and (5, 48) represent the cost of
buying various numbers of CDs through a music club. Identify the domain and range of
the relation. Is the relation a function? D {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, R {16, 32, 48}; yes
14. COMPUTING If a computer can do one calculation in 0.0000000015 second, then the
function T(n) 0.0000000015n gives the time required for the computer to do n
calculations. How long would it take the computer to do 5 billion calculations? 7.5 s
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 60 Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Lesson 2-1
must always be greater than the average longevity.
2. a. Write the domain and range of the relation shown in the graph.
(0, 4)
(–3, 2)
(3, 1)
(–2, 0) O x
2-1 Enrichment
There are three special ways in which one set can be mapped to another. A set
can be mapped into another set, onto another set, or can have a one-to-one
correspondence with another set.
A mapping from set A to set B where every element of A is mapped to one or more
Into mapping
elements of set B, but never to an element not in B.
A mapping from set A to set B where each element of set B has at least one element of
Onto mapping
set A mapped to it.
One-to-one A mapping from set A onto set B where each element of set A is mapped to exactly one
correspondence element of set B and different elements of A are never mapped to the same element of B.
State whether each set is mapped into the second set, onto the second
set, or has a one-to-one correspondence with the second set.
1. 2. 3. 4.
2 7 4 0 a 1 10
4 0 12 –3 g 3 –6
–1 2 6 9 k 7 24
–4 7 l 9 2
q –5
5. 6. 7. 8.
1 –2 15 1 –2 1 –2
4 9 10 –3 4 9 4 9
–7 12 2 –7 12 –7 12
0 5 0 5 0 5
9. Can a set be mapped onto a set with fewer elements than it has? yes
10. Can a set be mapped into a set that has more elements than it has? yes
Lesson 2-2
4x 5(0) 20 Substitute 0 for y.
Example 2 Is 2x xy 3y 0 a x5 Simplify.
linear function? Explain. So the x-intercept is 5. y
No; it is not a linear function because Similarly, the
O x
the variables x and y are multiplied y-intercept is 4.
together in the middle term.
State whether each equation or function is linear. Write yes or no. If no, explain.
18 x
1. 6y x 7 yes 2. 9x No; the 3. f(x) 2 yes
y 11
variable y appears
in the denominator.
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph
the equation.
4. 2x 7y 14 5. 5y x 10 6. 2.5x 5y 7.5 0
x-int: 7; y-int: 2 x-int: 10; y-int: 2 x-int: 3; y-int: 1.5
y y y
O x O x
O x
Linear Equations
Standard Form The standard form of a linear equation is Ax By C, where
A, B, and C are integers whose greatest common factor is 1.
Write each equation in standard form. Identify A, B, and C.
1. 2x 4y 1 2. 5y 2x 3 3. 3x 5y 2
2x 4y 1; A 2, 2x 5y 3; A 2, 3x 5y 2; A 3,
B 4, C 1 B 5, C 3 B 5, C 2
3 2
4. 18y 24x 9 5. y x 5 6. 6y 8x 10 0
4 3
8x 6y 3; A 8, 8x 9y 60; A 8, 4x 3y 5; A 4,
B 6, C 3 B 9, C 60 B 3, C 5
7. 0.4x 3y 10 8. x 4y 7 9. 2y 3x 6
2x 15y 50; A 2, x 4y 7; A 1, 3x 2y 6; A 3,
B 15, C 50 B 4, C 7 B 2, C 6
2 1
10. x y 2 0 11. 4y 4x 12 0 12. 3x 18
5 3
6x 5y 30; A 6, x y 3; A 1, x 6; A 1,
B 5, C 30 B 1, C 3 B 0, C 6
13. x 7 14. 3y 9x 18 15. 2x 20 8y
9x y 63; A 9, 3x y 6; A 3, x 4y 10; A 1,
B 1, C 63 B 1, C 6 B 4, C 10
16. 3 2x
4 5x2
17. y 8
18. 0.25y 2x 0.75
8x y 12; A 8, 10x 3y 32; A 10, 8x y 3; A 8,
B 1, C 12 B 3, C 32 B 1, C 3
19. 2y 4 0 20. 1.6x 2.4y 4 21. 0.2x 100 0.4y
x 12y 24; A 1, 2x 3y 5; A 2, x 2y 500; A 1,
B 12, C 24 B 3, C 5 B 2, C 500
1. y 3x 2. y 2 5x
yes yes
3. 2x y 10 4. f(x) 4x2
yes No; the exponent of x is not 1.
3 1
5. y 15 6. x y 8
x 3
No; x is in a denominator. yes
7. g(x) 8 8. h(x) x 3
yes No; x is inside a square root.
Lesson 2-2
9. y x x y 0; 1, 1, 0 10. y 5x 1 5x y 1; 5, 1, 1
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph
the equation.
O x
O x
17. x y 5 5, 5 18. 2x 5y 10 5, 2
y y
O x
O x
Linear Equations
State whether each equation or function is linear. Write yes or no. If no, explain
your reasoning.
1. h(x) 23 yes 2. y x yes
3. y No; x is a denominator. 4. 9 5xy 2 No; x and y are multiplied.
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph
the equation.
9. y 2x 4 2, 4 10. 2x 7y 14 7, 2
y y
O x
O x
13. MEASURE The equation y 2.54x gives the length in centimeters corresponding to a
length x in inches. What is the length in centimeters of a 1-foot ruler? 30.48 cm
LONG DISTANCE For Exercises 14 and 15, use the following information.
For Meg’s long-distance calling plan, the monthly cost C in dollars is given by the linear
function C(t) 6 0.05t, where t is the number of minutes talked.
14. What is the total cost of talking 8 hours? of talking 20 hours? $30; $66
15. What is the effective cost per minute (the total cost divided by the number of minutes
talked) of talking 8 hours? of talking 20 hours? $0.0625; $0.055
a. x 2y 5 No; A is negative.
Lesson 2-2
b. 9x 12y 5 yes
c. 5x 7y 3 yes
d. 2x y 1 No; B is not an integer.
2. How can you use the standard form of a linear equation to tell whether the graph is a
horizontal line or a vertical line? If A 0, then the graph is a horizontal line. If
B 0, then the graph is a vertical line.
2-2 Enrichment
The last nonzero remainder is the GCF of the two coefficients. If the constant
term 72 is divisible by the GCF, then integers x and y do exist that satisfy the
equation. To find x and y, work backward in the following manner.
72 6 12
6 [120 36(3)] Substitute for 12 using (4)
6(120) 18(36)
6(120) 18[156 120(1)] Substitute for 36 using (3)
18(156) 24(120)
18(156) 24[432 156(2)] Substitute for 120 using (2)
24(432) 66(156)
24(432) 66[588 432(1)] Substitute for 156 using (1)
588(66) 432(90)
Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points.
1. (4, 7) and (6, 13) 3 2. (6, 4) and (3, 4) 0 3. (5, 1) and (7, 3) 2
2 1
4. (5, 3) and (4, 3) 5. (5, 10) and (1,2) 2 6. (1, 4) and (13, 2)
3 2
5 2 3
7. (7, 2) and (3, 3) 8. (5, 9) and (5, 5) 9. (4, 2) and (4, 8)
Lesson 2-3
4 5 4
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope.
10. slope 11. slope 2 12. slope 0
passes through (0, 2) passes through (1, 4) passes through (2, 5)
y y y
O x
O x O x
3 1
13. slope 1 14. slope 15. slope
4 5
passes through (4, 6) passes through (3, 0) passes through (0, 0)
y y y
O x
O x
O x
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
In a plane, nonvertical lines with the In a plane, two oblique lines are perpendicular if
same slope are parallel. All vertical and only if the product of their slopes is 1. Any
lines are parallel. vertical line is perpendicular to any horizontal line.
y y
slope m
slope m
O x O x
slope m
slope m
Example Are the line passing through (2, 6) and (2, 2) and the line passing
through (3, 0) and (0, 4) parallel, perpendicular, or neither?
Find the slopes of the two lines.
The slope of the first line is 1.
2 (2)
40 4
The slope of the second line is .
03 3
The slopes are not equal and the product of the slopes is not 1, so the lines are neither
parallel nor perpendicular.
Are the lines parallel, perpendicular, or neither?
1. the line passing through (4, 3) and (1, 3) and the line passing through (1, 2) and (1, 3)
2. the line passing through (2, 8) and (2, 2) and the line passing through (0, 9) and (6, 0)
3. the line passing through (3, 9) and (2, 1) and the graph of y 2x parallel
4. the line with x-intercept 2 and y-intercept 5 and the line with x-intercept 2 and
y-intercept 5 parallel
5. the line with x-intercept 1 and y-intercept 3 and the line with x-intercept 3 and
y-intercept 1 neither
6. the line passing through (2, 3) and (2, 5) and the graph of x 2y 10
7. the line passing through (4, 8) and (6, 4) and the graph of 2x 5y 5 parallel
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope.
O x
O x
O x O x
Lesson 2-3
Graph the line that satisfies each set of conditions.
14. passes through (0, 1), perpendicular to 15. passes through (0, 5), parallel to the
1 graph of y 1
a line whose slope is
y y
O x
O x
16. HIKING Naomi left from an elevation of 7400 feet at 7:00 A.M. and hiked to an elevation
of 9800 feet by 11:00 A.M. What was her rate of change in altitude? 600 ft/h
Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points.
5 5
1. (3, 8), (5, 2) 2. (10, 3), (7, 2) 3. (7, 6), (3, 6) 0
4 17
5 7
4. (8, 2), (8, 1) undefined 5. (4, 3), (7, 2) 6. (6, 3), (8, 4)
3 2
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope.
7. (0, 3), m 3 8. (2, 1), m
y y
O x
O x
9. (0, 2), m 0 10. (2, 3), m
y y
O x
O x
11. passes through (3, 0), perpendicular 12. passes through (3, 1), parallel to a line
3 whose slope is 1
to a line whose slope is
y y
O x
O x
13. Find the average rate of change in value (depreciation) of the machine between its
purchase and the end of 3 years. $2700 per year
14. Find the average rate of change in value of the machine between the end of 3 years and
the end of 8 years. $940 per year
15. Interpret the sign of your answers. It is negative because the value is decreasing.
Lesson 2-3
Negative The line falls to the right.
2. a. How are the slopes of two nonvertical parallel lines related? They are equal.
b. How are the slopes of two oblique perpendicular lines related? Their product is 1.
2-3 Enrichment
(2, 1)
Step 3 Find U, the sum of the upward diagonal products
(from left to right).
U (2 7) (2 5) (6 1) (5 3) (6, 3)
14 10 6 15 or 45
(5, 7)
Step 4 Use the formula A (D U) to find the area.
A (75 45)
(30) or 15
The area is 15 square units. Count the number of square units enclosed by
the polygon. Does this result seem reasonable?
Use the coordinate method to find the area of each region in square units.
1. y 2. y 3. y
O x
O x O x
Lesson 2-4
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for each graph.
5. y 6. y 7. y
(1, 6) (5, 2)
(4, 5) (–4, 1)
O x
(0, 0)
(3, 0) O x
O x
5 1 4
y 3x 9 y x y x 1
4 9 9
Use the slope and the given point to write y 5 3(x (1)) (x1, y1) (1, 5), m 3
the equation. y 5 3x 3 Distributive Prop.
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of
1 1
1. passes through (4, 2), parallel to the line whose equation is y x 5 y x 4
2 2
2. passes through (3, 1), perpendicular to the graph of y 3x 2 y x
3. passes through (1, 1), parallel to the line that passes through (4, 1) and (2, 3)
y 2x 3
4. passes through (4, 7), perpendicular to the line that passes through (3, 6) and (3, 15)
5. passes through (8, 6), perpendicular to the graph of 2x y 4 y x 2
6. passes through (2, 2), perpendicular to the graph of x 5y 6 y 5x 12
7. passes through (6, 1), parallel to the line with x-intercept 3 and y-intercept 5
y x9
1 1
8. passes through (2, 1), perpendicular to the line y 4x 11 y x
4 2
4 3
5. 7y 4x 7 , 1 6. 3x 2y 6 0 , 3
7 2
7. 2x y 5 2, 5 8. 2y 6 5x , 3
9. y 10. y 11. y
(1, 2) (0, 3)
O x O x
(–3, –1) (4, –1) O x
(–1, –4)
(3, –3)
y 3x 1 y 1 y 2x 3
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of
12. slope 3, passes through (1, 3) 13. slope 1, passes through (0, 0)
y 3x 6 y x
Lesson 2-4
14. slope 2, passes through (0, 5) 15. slope 3, passes through (2, 0)
y 2x 5 y 3x 6
16. passes through (1, 2) and (3, 1) 17. passes through (2, 4) and (1, 8)
3 7
y x y 4x 4
2 2
18. x-intercept 2, y-intercept 6 19. x-intercept , y-intercept 5
y 3x 6 y 2x 5
20. passes through (3, 1), perpendicular to the graph of y x 4. y 3x 10
7. y 8. y 9. y
(4, 4)
(–3, 3)
(0, 2)
O x
O x O x
(3, –1)
(0, –2)
3 2
y2 y x2 y x1
2 3
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of
10. slope 5, passes through (3, 8) 11. slope , passes through (10, 3)
y 5x 23 y x 11
12. slope 0, passes through (0, 10) 13. slope , passes through (6, 8)
y 10 y x4
14. passes through (3, 11) and (6, 5) 15. passes through (7, 2) and (3, 1)
2 1 1
y x9 y x
3 4 4
16. x-intercept 3, y-intercept 2 17. x-intercept 5, y-intercept 7
2 7
y x2 y x7
3 5
18. passes through (8, 7), perpendicular to the graph of y 4x 3 y x 9
19. RESERVOIRS The surface of Grand Lake is at an elevation of 648 feet. During the
current drought, the water level is dropping at a rate of 3 inches per day. If this trend
continues, write an equation that gives the elevation in feet of the surface of Grand Lake
after x days. y 0.25x 648
20. BUSINESS Tony Marconi’s company manufactures CD-ROM drives. The company will
make $150,000 profit if it manufactures 100,000 drives, and $1,750,000 profit if it
manufactures 500,000 drives. The relationship between the number of drives
manufactured and the profit is linear. Write an equation that gives the profit P when
n drives are manufactured. P 4n 250,000
b. Write the point-slope form of the equation of a line. Then explain the meaning of each
of the variables in the equation. y y1 m(x x1); m is the slope. x and y
are the coordinates of any point on the line. x1 and y1 are the
coordinates of one specific point on the line.
2. Suppose that your algebra teacher asks you to write the point-slope form of the equation
of the line through the points (6, 7) and (3, 2). You write y 2 3(x 3) and
your classmate writes y 7 3(x 6). Which of you is correct? Explain. You are
both correct. Either point may be used as (x1, y1 ) in the point-slope form.
You used (3, 2), and your classmate used (6, 7).
3. You are asked to write an equation of two lines that pass through (3, 5), one of them
Lesson 2-4
parallel to and one of them perpendicular to the line whose equation is y 3x 4.
The first step in finding these equations is to find their slopes. What is the slope of the
parallel line? What is the slope of the perpendicular line? 1
2-4 Enrichment
Example 1 x y
Draw the graph of 1. y
3 6
The graph crosses the x-axis at 3 and the y-axis at 6. Graph
(3, 0) and (0, 6), then draw a straight line through them.
O x
1. a 2, b 4 2. a 1, b 8
3. a 3, b 5 4. a 6, b 9
y y y
O x O x O x
Example BASEBALL The table below shows the number of home runs and
runs batted in for various baseball players who won the Most Valuable Player
Award during the 1990s. Make a scatter plot of the data.
Home Runs Runs Batted In MVP HRs and RBIs
33 114
Runs Batted In
39 116 100
40 130 75
28 61
41 128
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
47 144
Home Runs
Source: New York Times Almanac
Make a scatter plot for the data in each table below.
1. FUEL EFFICIENCY The table below shows the average Average Fuel Efficiency
fuel efficiency in miles per gallon of new cars 36
manufactured during the years listed. 30
Miles per Gallon
SALARIES The table below shows the years of experience for eight technicians at
Lewis Techomatic and the hourly rate of pay each technician earns. Use the data
for Exercises 1 and 2.
Experience (years) 9 4 3 1 10 6 12 8
Hourly Rate of Pay $17 $10 $10 $7 $19 $12 $20 $15
1. Draw a scatter plot to show how years of experience are Technician Salaries
related to hourly rate of pay. Draw a line of fit. See graph. 24
Hourly Pay ($)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Experience (years)
1. x y
1a. y
1 1 12
3 5 9
4 7 6
6 11
7 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
8 15
1b. Sample answer using (1, 1) and (8, 15): y 2x 1
10 ?
1c. Sample answer: 19
2. x y
2a. y
5 9 32
10 17 24
20 22 16
25 30
35 38 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x
40 44
2b. Sample answer using (5, 9) and (40, 44): y x 4
50 ?
2c. Sample answer: 54
3. x y
3a. y
1 16 30
2 16 24
3 ? 18
4 22
5 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
7 34
Lesson 2-5
8 36 3b. Sample answer using (2, 16) and (7, 34): y 3.6x 8.8
3c. Sample answer: 19.6
1. FUEL ECONOMY The table gives the Weight (tons) 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.8 2 2.1 2.4
approximate weights in tons and estimates
for overall fuel economy in miles per gallon Miles per Gallon 29 24 23 21 ? 17 15
for several cars.
Fuel Economy Versus Weight
1b. Sample answer using (1.4, 24) and 30
2b. Sample answer using (7500, 61) and 55
(9700, 50): y 0.005x 98.5 50
2c. Sample answer: 38.5°F 45
3. HEALTH Alton has a treadmill that uses the time on the treadmill and the speed of
walking or running to estimate the number of Calories he burns during a workout. The
table gives workout times and Calories burned for several workouts.
Time (min) 18 24 30 40 42 48 52 60
Calories Burned 260 280 320 380 400 440 475 ?
• If a man runs 7.5 miles per hour, about how many Calories will he burn
in half an hour? Sample answer: 397 Calories
2. Suppose that tuition at a state college was $3500 per year in 1995 and has been
increasing at a rate of $225 per year.
3. Use this model to predict the tuition at this college in 2007. $6200
The points on a scatter plot are broken up. In a scatter plot, the points
are scattered or broken up. In the graph of a linear equation, the points
are connected to form a continuous line.
2-5 Enrichment
Median-Fit Lines
A median-fit line is a particular type of line of fit. Follow the steps below to
find the equation of the median-fit line for the data.
1. Divide the data into three approximately equal groups. There should always
be the same number of points in the first and third groups. In this case, there
will be three data points in each group.
2. Find x1, x2, and x3, the medians of the x values in groups 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. Find y1, y2, and y3, the medians of the y values in groups
1, 2, and 3, respectively. 1982, 1988, 1994; 35, 31, 29
3. Find an equation of the line through (x1, y1) and (x3, y3). y 0.5x 1026
7. Use the median-fit line to predict the percentage of juvenile violent crime
offenders in 2010 and 2020. 2010: about 21%; 2020: about16%
Lesson 2-6
below lists some special functions you should be familiar with.
The greatest integer function is an example of a step function, a function with a graph that
consists of horizontal segments.
Identify each function as a constant function, the identity function,
or a step function.
a. f(x) b. f(x)
O x O x
Identify each function as a constant function, the identity function, a greatest
integer function, or a step function.
O x O x O x
Special Functions
Absolute Value and Piecewise Functions Another special function is the
absolute value function, which is also called a piecewise function.
Absolute Value Function f(x) x two rays that are mirror images of each other and meet at a point, the vertex
To graph a special function, use its definition and your knowledge of the parent graph. Find
several ordered pairs, if necessary.
First, graph the linear function f(x) 2x for x 2. Since 2 does not
satisfy this inequality, stop with a circle at (2, 4). Next, graph the
linear function f(x) x 1 for x 2. Since 2 does satisfy this O x
inequality, begin with a dot at (2, 1).
Graph each function. Identify the domain and range.
3 if x 0
1. g(x)
2. h(x) 2x 1 3. h(x )
2x 6 if 0 x 2
1 if x 2
y y y
O x
O x
O x
Lesson 2-6
1. y 2. y 3. y
O x O x
O x
4. f(x) x 1 5. f(x) x 3
f(x) f(x)
O x
O x
O x O x
O x
O x
Special Functions
Graph each function. Identify the domain and range.
O x
O x
O x
O x
2 x if x
5. f(x) 6. h(x) 42x 2 if x 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lesson 2-6
Read the introduction to Lesson 2-6 at the top of page 89 in your textbook.
• What is the cost of mailing a letter that weighs 0.5 ounce?
$0.34 or 34 cents
• Give three different weights of letters that would each cost 55 cents to
mail. Answers will vary. Sample answer: 1.1 ounces,
1.9 ounces, 2.0 ounces
a. 3 3 3 3
2. Tell how the name of each kind of function can help you remember what the graph
looks like.
2-6 Enrichment
3 3
2 2
1 1
–4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x –4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x
–1 –1
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4
0.5x 1 x
3. y 4. y
0.5x 1 x
y y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
–4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x –4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x
–1 –1
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4
Lesson 2-7
choose if the boundary does not pass through the origin.
3. If a true inequality results, shade the half-plane containing your test point. If a false
inequality results, shade the other half-plane.
Example Graph x 2y 4. y
Graph each inequality.
1. y 3x 1 2. y x 5 3. 4x y 1
y y y
O x
O x O x
4. y 4 5. x y
6 6. 0.5x 0.25y 1.5
y y y
O x O x
O x
Graphing Inequalities
Graph Absolute Value Inequalities Graphing absolute value inequalities is similar
to graphing linear inequalities. The graph of the related absolute value equation is the
boundary. This boundary is graphed as a solid line if the inequality is or , and dashed if
the inequality is or
. Choose a test point not on the boundary to determine which region
to shade.
Graph each inequality.
O x O x O x
4. y x 3 5. x y 4 6. x 1 2y 0
y y y
O x
O x
O x
7. 2 x y
1 8. y 3x 3 9. y 1 x 4
y y y
O x
O x
O x
1. y
1 2. y x 2 3. x y 4
y y y
O x O x
O x
Lesson 2-7
4. x 3 y 5. 2 y x 6. y x
y y y
O x O x
O x
7. x y
2 8. 9x 3y 6 0 9. y 1 2x
y y y
O x O x O x
10. y 7 9 11. x
5 12. y
y y y
O x O x O x
Graphing Inequalities
Graph each inequality.
1. y 3 2. x
2 3. x y 4
y y y
O x O x
O x
4. y 3x 5 5. y x 3 6. y 1 x
y y y
O x O x
O x
7. x 3y 6 8. y
x 1 9. y
3x 1 2
10. Write an inequality that describes this situation.
1000d 1200n 80,000 40
11. Graph the inequality.
Lesson 2-7
Reading the Lesson
1. When graphing a linear inequality in two variables, how do you know whether to make
the boundary a solid line or a dashed line? If the symbol is or , the line is
solid. If the symbol is
or , the line is dashed.
2. How do you know which side of the boundary to shade? Sample answer: If the test
point gives a true inequality, shade the region containing the test point. If
the test point gives a false inequality, shade the region not containing
the test point.
a. y
2x 3 iii b. y 2x 3 iv c. y 2x 3 ii d. y 2x 3 i
O x O x
O x O x
4. Describe some ways in which graphing an inequality in one variable on a number line is
similar to graphing an inequality in two variables in a coordinate plane. How can what
you know about graphing inequalities on a number line help you to graph inequalities in
a coordinate plane? Sample answer: A boundary on a coordinate graph is
similar to an endpoint on a number line graph. A dashed line is similar to
a circle on a number line: both are open and mean not included; they
represent the symbols
and . A solid line is similar to a dot on a
number line: both are closed and mean included; they represent the
symbols and .
2-7 Enrichment
Algebraic Proof
The following paragraph states a result you might be asked to prove in a
mathematics course. Parts of the paragraph are numbered.
01 Let n be a positive integer.
02 Also, let n1 s(n1) be the sum of the squares of the digits in n.
03 Then n2 s(n1) is the sum of the squares of the digits of n1, and n3 s(n2)
is the sum of the squares of the digits of n2.
04 In general, nk s(nk 1) is the sum of the squares of the digits of nk 1.
05 Consider the sequence: n, n1, n2, n3, …, nk, ….
06 In this sequence either all the terms from some k on have the value 1,
07 or some term, say nj, has the value 4, so that the eight terms
4, 16, 37, 58, 89, 145, 42, and 20 keep repeating from that point on.
1. Use the sentence in line 01. List the first five values of n.
2. Use 9246 for n and give an example to show the meaning of line 02.
3. In line 02, which symbol shows a function? Explain the function in a sentence.
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the domain of the relation {(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0)}. Then determine
whether the relation is a function.
A. {0, 1, 0}; function B. {0, 1, 0}; not a function
C. {0, 1, 2}; function D. {0, 1, 2}; not a function 1.
2. The table shows the annualized percent return of a mutual fund for
several years. Find the range of the relation. Then determine whether
the relation is a function.
Year 1 3 5 10
Percent Return 20.9 22.8 20.0 20.5
A. {20.9, 22.8, 20.0, 20.5}; not a function B. {1, 3, 5, 10}; not a function
C. {20.9, 22.8, 20.0, 20.5}; function D. {1, 3, 5, 10}; function 2.
3. Find f(1) if f(x) 3x 5.
A. 9 B. 8 C. 2 D. 2 3.
4. Find f(0) if f(t) t2 2t 2.
A. 2 B. 4 C. 0 D. 2 4.
5. Which equation is linear?
A. xy 60 B. 3x 2y 5
C. y x2 3x 1 D. y2 1 x 5.
6. Which function is a linear function?
A. f(x) x3 x B. g(s) 1 4s
C. h(t) 2t 1 D. f(r) r 6.
13. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that has a slope of
4 and passes through (0, 7).
A. y 7x B. y 7x 4 C. y 4 x 7 D. y 4 x 7 13.
5 5 5
14. Write an equation for the line that passes through (0, 1) and is
perpendicular to the line whose equation is y 2x.
A. y 2x 1 B. y 2x 1 C. y 1x 1 D. y 1x 1 14.
2 2
A. y x 50 B. y 10x 25 250
C. y 5x 50 D. y 5x 22 150 16.
17. A banquet hall has tables that can seat 50 x
8 people. The number of tables needed O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
depends on the number of guests. Floor Area (ft2)
What type of special function models
this situation?
A. linear function B. step function
C. absolute value function D. constant function 17.
19. The graph of the linear inequality y 2x 1 is the region __?___ the
graph of the line y 2x 1.
A. on or above B. on or below C. above D. below 19.
20. Which inequality is graphed at the right?
A. y x 3 B. y x 3
C. y x 3 D. y x 3 20.
O x
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the range of the relation {(2, 3), (1, 3), (1, 5)}. Then determine
whether the relation is a function.
A. {2, 1}; function B. {2, 1}; not a function
C. {3, 5}; function D. {3, 5}; not a function 1.
x 4 2
2. Find f(1) if f(x) .
A. 5 B. 3 C. 1 D. 3 2.
5. Write 3y 1 5x in standard form.
A. 5x 3y 1 B. 5x 3y 1
C. y 5x 1 D. 3x 5y 1 0 5.
6. Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of 3x 2y 12.
A. (4, 6) B. 4; 6 C. (2, 3) D. 6; 4 6.
7. Find the slope of the line that passes through (2, 6) and (7, 8).
A. 5 B. 2 C. 2 D. 9 7.
2 5 9 2
10. The graph of the line through (2, 3) that is perpendicular to the line with
equation y 1 also goes through which point?
A. (0, 1) B. (1, 4) C. (2, 4) D. (2, 3) 10.
11. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that has a slope of
4 and passes through (1, 2).
A. y 2x 4 B. y 4x 6 C. y 4x 2 D. y 4x 9 11.
12. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that passes through
(1, 2) and (3, 7).
A. y 9x
B. y 9x
C. y 2x
D. y 2x
2 2 2 2 9 9 9 3
13. Write an equation for the line that passes through (0, 5) and is parallel to
the line whose equation is 4x y 3.
A. y 1x 5 B. y 4x 3 C. y 1x 5 D. y 4x 5 13.
4 4
14. The table shows the relationship between height and growing times for
8 plants of the same species. Use a scatter plot to determine which data
point is an outlier.
Height (inches) 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 25
Growing Time (weeks) 6 14 16 17 18 21 23 24
16. Evaluate f 3 if f(x) 1 2x. Hard Drive Size (MB)
A. 0 B. 2 C. 1 D. 1 16.
19. The graph of the linear inequality y 2 x 2 is the region ___?___ the
graph of y 2x 2.
A. above B. below C. on or above D. on or below 19.
Bonus Find the value of k so that the slope of the line through B:
(2, k) and (1, 4) is 3.
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the range of the relation {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 5)}. Then determine
whether the relation is a function.
A. {1, 2, 3}; function B. {1, 2, 3}; not a function
C. {4, 5}; function D. {4, 5}; not a function 1.
x 6x
2. Find f(1) if f(x) .
x 2
A. 5 B. 5 C. 7 D. 7 2.
3 3
7. Find the slope of a line that passes through (2, 4) and (7, 8).
A. 4 B. 4 C. 5 D. 9 7.
9 5 4 4
10. The graph of the line through (2, 3) that is perpendicular to the line with
equation x 1 also goes through which point?
A. (0, 1) B. (2, 3) C. (2, 4) D. (1, 4) 10.
11. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that has a slope of
3 and passes through (1, 2).
A. y 3x 1 B. y 3x 5 C. y 5x 3 D. y 3x 5 11.
12. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that passes through
(1, 2) and (3, 7).
A. y 5x 3 B. y 4x 6 C. y 4x 6 D. y 5x
4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4
13. Write an equation for the line that passes through (0, 2) and is parallel
to the line whose equation is 3x 5y 3.
A. y 3x 2 B. y 3x 2 C. y 3x 2 D. y 3x 2 13.
5 5
14. The table shows the relationship between the number of hours practiced
and the number of free throws made by 6 players. Use a scatter plot to
determine which data point is an outlier.
Hours Practiced 1 3 4 6 7 12
Free Throws Made 0 4 6 9 16 18
16. Evaluate f 3 if f(x) 2x 1.
A. 1 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2 16.
C. x 1 if 1 x 1
D. 2x if x 1 18.
19. The graph of the linear inequality y 3x 1 is the region ___?___ the graph
of y 3x 1.
A. above B. below C. on or above D. on or below 19.
Bonus Find the value of k so that the slope of the line through B:
(2, k) and (1, 4) is 4.
1. y
1. Graph the relation {(3, 3), (3, 2), (3, 1), (3, 0)} and 1.
find the domain and range. Then determine whether the
relation is a function.
O x
O x O x
Find each value if f(x) 10x 3x2 and g(x) 5x2 8x.
4. f(3) 5. g(a) 5.
For Questions 6 and 7, state whether each equation or
function is linear. If no, explain your reasoning. 6.
6. f(x) 1 7. y 3x 10 7.
11. f(x) 1 x if x 2
11. f(x)
3 if x 2
O x
12. x 2 1 y
12. y
O x
O x
14. Find the slope of the line that passes through (7, 9) and 14.
(6, 5). y
15. Graph the line passing through (2, 4) that is perpendicular 15.
to the graph of y 3.
O x
16. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that 16.
has a slope of 2 and passes through (1, 5).
17. Write an equation for the line that passes through (2, 3) 17.
and is parallel to the line whose equation is 3x 2y 6.
For Questions 18 and 19, use the set of data in the table. 17 p
The table below shows the relationship between the number of 15
Points Scored
19. Use two ordered pairs to write a prediction equation. Then 19.
use your prediction equation to predict the number of
points scored when 20 field goals are attempted.
20. Determine whether the graph 20.
represents a step function,
a constant function, the identity
function, an absolute value
O x
function, or a piecewise function.
Then identify the domain and range.
Bonus Find the value of k so that the slope of the line through B:
(2, k) and (1, 4) is 1.
1. Graph the relation {(0, 0), (2, 4), (4, 0), (4, 0)} and find the 1. y
domain and range. Then determine whether the relation is
a function.
O x
O x O x
Find each value if f(x) 3x 2x 2 and g(x) 4x 2 2x 3.
4. f(2) 5. g(a) 5.
2x 1
8. Write 8y in standard form. Identify A, B, and C. 8.
11. f(x) 2 if x 2
11. f(x)
x 3 if x 2
O x
12. x 2y 4
12. y
O x
13. y x 1 13. y
O x
14. Find the slope of the line that passes through (2, 18) and 14.
(4, 2).
15. Graph the line passing through (3, 2) that is 15. y
perpendicular to the graph of x 3.
O x
16. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that 16.
has a slope of 1 that passes through (4, 3).
17. Write an equation for the line that passes through (2, 5) 17.
and is parallel to the line whose equation is 5x 2y 6.
For Questions 18 and 19, use the set of data in the table.
The table below shows the relationship between the number of 18.
30 t
phone calls made and the number of tickets sold during a 28
fundraising campaign by 6 callers. 26
Tickets Sold
Bonus Find the value of k so that the slope of the line through B:
(2, k) and (4, 1) is 2.
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 108 Glencoe Algebra 2
O x
2x 4x
3. Find f(2) if f(x) . 3.
5. State whether each equation or function is linear. 5.
3x 14
A. f(x) B. 3x xy y
2.5x 0.3 1
6. Write y in standard form. Identify A, B, and C. 6.
3 6
9. y
For Questions 9 and 10, graph each equation.
9. 2y 1 0.8x O x
10. y 1x 1 10. y
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 109 Glencoe Algebra 2
13. Write an equation for the line that passes through (5, 4) 13.
and is perpendicular to the graph of 5x 2y 6.
through 1, 5 and 1, 4 .
4 3 3 15.
15. Sweets Bakery charges $12 for each pie and $15 for each
cake. Yesterday, the bakery took in no more than $360 for
sales of pies and cakes. Write an inequality to represent
the situation, where p is the number of pies sold and c is p
the number of cakes sold. Then graph the inequality.
16. Write an equation in standard form for the line that is 16.
perpendicular to the graph of 1x 2y 0.05 and has the
5 5
same y-intercept as the graph of 0.8x 1.2y 0.6.
For Questions 17 and 18, use the set of data in the table. 17. 160 t
Time (min)
The table below shows the relationship between distance 120
traveled and elapsed time. 80
Distance d (km) 40 75 110 150 160 200 60
Time t (min) 30 60 80 110 150 150 20 d
0 60 100 140 180 220
Distance (km)
17. Draw a scatter plot for the data. Then identify any outliers.
O x
4. Suppose you are looking at a scatter plot and the graph of a line
of fit for the data points. The horizontal axis is labeled 1990,
1991, …, 2000. The vertical axis is labeled 0, 10, …, 100. You use
a prediction equation to predict values for the years 1994 and
2005. Which prediction do you think would be more accurate?
Why ?
Write the letter of the term that best describes each example.
2. 3x 5y 2 b. point-slope form
4. y 5x 10 d. range
x2 3x ifif xx 00
h. absolute value function
8. f(x)
i. standard form
85 3
9. j. slope
3 (1) 4
O x 4.
1. 50 y
For Questions 1 and 2, use the set of data in the table. 1. 45
x 2 5 10 15 20 30 35
y 1 25 21 32 41 ? 30
1. Draw a scatter plot for the data. Then state which of the x
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
data points is an outlier.
O x
(Lesson 2–7)
O x
(0, 1)
O x
3. y
2. y 2
3. 6 2y 3x 4. y
4. y 2x
O x
Part I Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Which of the following relations is not a function?
A. y B. y C. y D. y 1.
O x
O x
O x
3. Write an equation in standard form for the line that is parallel to the graph
of 8x 5 4y and has y-intercept 0.5.
A. x 0.5y 0.25 B. 10x 5y 2.5 C. 4x 2y 1 D. 2x y 1 3.
4. Find the slope of the line that passes through 4.5, 7 and (3, 3.5).
A. 1 B. 6 C. undefined D. 0 4.
7. y 2x 3
7. y
O x
8. f(1) 2
9. f 1 8.
7a 2c
1. Evaluate 2 if a 3, b 2, and c 5.
a b
(Lesson 1-1) 1.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that 10.
has a slope of 4 and passes through (3, 5). (Lesson 2-4)
12. Identify the domain and range of the piecewise function 12.
4x if x 2
O x
C. 12 D. 144 3. A B C D
4. In a group of 20 students, 12 belonged to the band,
7 belonged to the choir, and 5 belonged to both the band and
the choir. How many students did not belong to either the
band or the choir?
E. 1 F. 2 G. 6 H. 14 4. E F G H
7. Which is equal to x3 8?
A. (x 2)(x2 4x 4) B. (x 2)(x2 2x 4)
C. (x 2)(x2 4x 4) D. (x 2)(x2 2x 4) 7. A B C D
8. In the sequence 1, 3, 12, 60, 360, ___, ___, ___, the eighth term
is __?___.
E. 2520 F. 2880 G. 20,160 H. 181,440 8. E F G H
9. If mABD 65
, mEBC 70
, and
mABC 115
, find mEBD. E D
A. 5° B. 20°
C. 45° D. 50° C 9. A B C D
10. 8 less than a is 6 more than c. Thus, c
expressed in terms of a is __?___.
E. F. a 2 G. a 14 H. 2 a 10. E F G H
Part 2: Grid In
Instructions: Enter your answer by writing each digit of the answer in a column box
and then shading in the appropriate oval that corresponds to that entry.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
13. The histogram 13. 14.
shows the
10 / / / /
distribution of . . . . . . . .
mid-term exam 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
scores for 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
50 60 70 80 90 100
Ms. Hawkins’ Exam Scores
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
three algebra classes. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
What percent of her students scored at least 70? 6
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
14. If 3x2 81, what is the value of 22x7? 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Column A Column B
16. 87y
2y 2 4y 10 16. A B C D
18. b˚
a˚ c˚
, a b c 4a
c b 18. A B C D
1 A B C D 4 A B C D 7 A B C D
2 A B C D 5 A B C D 8 A B C D
3 A B C D 6 A B C D 9 A B C D
10 12 14 16
/ / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
11 13 15 17
/ / / / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
18 A B C D 20 A B C D 22 A B C D
19 A B C D 21 A B C D
2-1 Study Guide and Intervention 2-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
A function is a relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one To evaluate a function, or find a functional value, means to substitute a given value in the
element of the range. You can tell if a relation is a function by graphing, then using the domain into the equation to find the corresponding element in the range.
vertical line test. If a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the
relation is not a function.
Example Given the function f(x) x2 2x, find each value.
Example Graph the equation y 2x 3 and find the domain and range. Does
the equation represent a function? a. f(3)
Make a table of values to find ordered pairs that y f(x) x2 2x Original function
x y
satisfy the equation. Then graph the ordered pairs. f(3) 32 2(3) Substitute.
1 5
Lesson 2-1
The domain and range are both all real numbers. The 15 Simplify.
graph passes the vertical line test, so it is function. 0 3
O x
1 1 b. f(5a)
2 1 f(x) x2 2x Original function
3 3 f(5a) (5a)2 2(5a) Substitute.
25a2 10a Simplify.
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine Exercises
whether the relation or equation is a function.
Find each value if f(x) 2x 4.
1. {(1, 3), (3, 5), 2. {(3, 4), (1, 0), 3. {(0, 4), (3, 2),
(2, 5), (2, 3)} (2, 2), (3, 2)} (3, 2), (5, 1)} 1. f(12) 20 2. f(6) 8 3. f(2b) 4b 4
y y y
O x
Let f(x) 2x2 1.
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100 50 1 21 5 105
200 100 3 2
25 10
300 150 5 8 30 15 110
3. x y
yes 4. y no
3. x y
yes 4. y no
1 2
3 0
2 4 x
1 1 O
Lesson 2-1
3 6
O x 0 0
2 2
3 4
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine
whether the relation or equation is a function.
Graph each relation or equation and find the domain and range. Then determine
5. {(2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 1)} 6. {(2, 6), (6, 2)}
(2, 4) (2, 6)
5. {(4, 1), (4, 0), (0, 3), (2, 0)} 6. y 2x 1
y y
O x (6, 2) (0, 3)
(2, –1)
O x (4, 0) O x
(2, –3) O (2, 0) x
(–4, –1)
D {2}, R {3, 1, 4}; no D {2, 6}, R {2, 6}; yes
(Lesson 2-1)
7. {(3, 4), (2, 4), (1, 1), (3, 1)} 8. x 2 D {4, 0, 2, 4}, D all reals, R all reals; yes
y y R {1, 0, 3}; yes
(–2, 4)
(–3, 4) 5
Find each value if f(x) and g(x) 2x 3.
O x x2
O x 7. f(3) 1 8. f(4) 9. g 2
(–1, –1) (3, –1)
2 12
D {3, 2, 1, 3}, D {2}, R all reals; no 10. f(2) undefined 11. g(6) 15 12. f(m 2)
R {1, 4}; yes
13. MUSIC The ordered pairs (1, 16), (2, 16), (3, 32), (4, 32), and (5, 48) represent the cost of
buying various numbers of CDs through a music club. Identify the domain and range of
Find each value if f(x) 2x 1 and g(x) 2 x2. the relation. Is the relation a function? D {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, R {16, 32, 48}; yes
9. f(0) 1 10. f(12) 23 11. g(4) 14 14. COMPUTING If a computer can do one calculation in 0.0000000015 second, then the
12. f(2) 5 13. g(1) 1 14. f(d) 2d 1 function T(n) 0.0000000015n gives the time required for the computer to do n
calculations. How long would it take the computer to do 5 billion calculations? 7.5 s
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deer, the average longevity is 8 years and the maximum correspondence with another set.
longevity is 20 years.
A mapping from set A to set B where every element of A is mapped to one or more
• Suppose that this table is extended to include more animals. Is it possible Into mapping
elements of set B, but never to an element not in B.
to have an ordered pair for the data in which the first number is larger
A mapping from set A to set B where each element of set B has at least one element of
than the second? Sample answer: No, the maximum longevity Onto mapping
set A mapped to it.
must always be greater than the average longevity.
One-to-one A mapping from set A onto set B where each element of set A is mapped to exactly one
correspondence element of set B and different elements of A are never mapped to the same element of B.
Reading the Lesson
Lesson 2-1
1. a. Explain the difference between a relation and a function. Sample answer: A
relation is any set of ordered pairs. A function is a special kind of State whether each set is mapped into the second set, onto the second
relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly set, or has a one-to-one correspondence with the second set.
one element in the range.
1. 2. 3. 4.
b. Explain the difference between domain and range. Sample answer: The domain 2 7 4 0 a 1 10
of a relation is the set of all first coordinates of the ordered pairs. The 4 0 12 –3 g 3 –6
range is the set of all second coordinates. –1 2 6 9 k 7 24
–4 7 l 9 2
2. a. Write the domain and range of the relation shown in the graph.
q –5
y into, onto into, onto into, onto, into, onto
(0, 4)
(–3, 2)
(3, 1)
(–2, 0) O x 5. 6. 7. 8.
(Lesson 2-1)
1 –2 15 1 –2 1 –2
4 9 10 –3 4 9 4 9
(–1, –5) (3, –4) –7 12 2 –7 12 –7 12
0 5 0 5 0 5
D: {3, 2, 1, 0, 3}; R: {5, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4} into into, onto into, onto into, onto,
b. Is this relation a function? Explain. Sample answer: No, it is not a function one-to-one
because one of the elements of the domain, 3, is paired with two
elements of the range.
9. Can a set be mapped onto a set with fewer elements than it has? yes
Helping You Remember 10. Can a set be mapped into a set that has more elements than it has? yes
3. Look up the words dependent and independent in a dictionary. How can the meaning of
these words help you distinguish between independent and dependent variables in a 11. If a mapping from set A into set B is a one-to-one correspondence, what
function? Sample answer: The variable whose values depend on, or are can you conclude about the number of elements in A and B?
determined by, the values of the other variable is the dependent variable. The sets have the same number of elements.
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2-2 Study Guide and Intervention 2-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Write each equation in standard form. Identify A, B, and C.
A linear function is a function whose ordered pairs satisfy a linear equation. Any linear
function can be written in the form f(x) mx b, where m and b are real numbers. a. y 8x 5 b. 14x 7y 21
If an equation is linear, you need only two points that satisfy the equation in order to graph y 8x 5 Original equation 14x 7y 21 Original equation
the equation. One way is to find the x-intercept and the y-intercept and connect these two 8x y 5 Subtract 8x from each side. 14x 7y 21 Add 7y to each side.
points with a line. 8x y 5 Multiply each side by 1. 2x y 3 Divide each side by 7.
Lesson 2-2
O x
8x 6y 3; A 8, 8x 9y 60; A 8, 4x 3y 5; A 4,
the variables x and y are multiplied
y-intercept is 4. B 6, C 3 B 9, C 60 B 3, C 5
together in the middle term.
7. 0.4x 3y 10 8. x 4y 7 9. 2y 3x 6
2x 15y 50; A 2, x 4y 7; A 1, 3x 2y 6; A 3,
Exercises B 15, C 50 B 4, C 7 B 2, C 6
State whether each equation or function is linear. Write yes or no. If no, explain. 2 1
10. x y 2 0 11. 4y 4x 12 0 12. 3x 18
(Lesson 2-2)
5 3
18 x 6x 5y 30; A 6, x y 3; A 1, x 6; A 1,
1. 6y x 7 yes 2. 9x
No; the 3. f(x) 2
B 5, C 30 B 1, C 3 B 0, C 6
variable y appears
in the denominator. y
13. x 7 14. 3y 9x 18 15. 2x 20 8y
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph
the equation. 9x y 63; A 9, 3x y 6; A 3, x 4y 10; A 1,
B 1, C 63 B 1, C 6 B 4, C 10
4. 2x 7y 14 5. 5y x 10 6. 2.5x 5y 7.5 0
y 3
16. 3 2x 17. y 8 18. 0.25y 2x 0.75
x-int: 7; y-int: 2 x-int: 10; y-int: 2 x-int: 3; y-int: 1.5 4 5x2 4
y y y 8x y 12; A 8, 10x 3y 32; A 10, 8x y 3; A 8,
B 1, C 12 B 3, C 32 B 1, C 3
O x O x 19. 2y 4 0 20. 1.6x 2.4y 4 21. 0.2x 100 0.4y
O x 6
x 12y 24; A 1, 2x 3y 5; A 2, x 2y 500; A 1,
B 12, C 24 B 3, C 5 B 2, C 500
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yes yes 5
3. y No; x is a denominator. 4. 9 5xy 2 No; x and y are multiplied.
3. 2x y 10 4. f(x) 4x2
yes No; the exponent of x is not 1. Write each equation in standard form. Identify A, B, and C.
3 1
5. y 15
6. x y 8
3 3
5. y 7x 5 7x y 5; 7, 1, 5 6. y x 5 3x 8y 40; 3, 8, 40
No; x is in a denominator. yes 8
2 3
7. 3y 5 0 3y 5; 0, 3, 5 8. x y 28x 8y 21; 28, 8, 21
7. g(x) 8 8. h(x) x 3 7 4
yes No; x is inside a square root.
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph
the equation.
Write each equation in standard form. Identify A, B, and C.
9. y 2x 4 2, 4 10. 2x 7y 14 7, 2
9. y x x y 0; 1, 1, 0 10. y 5x 1 5x y 1; 5, 1, 1 y y
(0, 4)
Lesson 2-2
(–2, 0) O (7, 0) x
13. 5y 9 0 5y 9; 0, 5, 9 14. 6y 14 8x 4x 3y 7; 4, 3, 7 O x
Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of the graph of each equation. Then graph 11. y 2x 4 2, 4 12. 6x 2y 6 1, 3
the equation. y y
y y
13. MEASURE The equation y 2.54x gives the length in centimeters corresponding to a
(0, –6) length x in inches. What is the length in centimeters of a 1-foot ruler? 30.48 cm
17. x y 5 5, 5 18. 2x 5y 10 5, 2 LONG DISTANCE For Exercises 14 and 15, use the following information.
y y For Meg’s long-distance calling plan, the monthly cost C in dollars is given by the linear
(0, 5) function C(t) 6 0.05t, where t is the number of minutes talked.
(0, 2) 14. What is the total cost of talking 8 hours? of talking 20 hours? $30; $66
O (5, 0) x
O (5, 0) x 15. What is the effective cost per minute (the total cost divided by the number of minutes
talked) of talking 8 hours? of talking 20 hours? $0.0625; $0.055
Glencoe Algebra 2
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equation. We could try guessing a few times, but this process would be time
1 consuming for an equation such as 588x 432y 72. By using the Euclidean
to study chemistry? 1 hours
2 Algorithm, we can determine not only if such integers x and y exist, but also find
• Suppose that Lolita decides to stay up one hour later so that she now has them. The following example shows how this algorithm works.
5 hours to study and do homework. Write a linear equation that describes
this situation. x y 5
Example Find integers x and y that satisfy 588x 432y 72.
Reading the Lesson Divide the greater of the two coefficients by the lesser to get a quotient and
remainder. Then, repeat the process by dividing the divisor by the remainder
1. Write yes or no to tell whether each linear equation is in standard form. If it is not, until you get a remainder of 0. The process can be written as follows.
explain why it is not.
588 432(1) 156 (1)
a. x 2y 5 No; A is negative. 432 156(2) 120 (2)
156 120(1) 36 (3)
b. 9x 12y 5 yes 120 36(3) 12 (4)
36 12(3)
c. 5x 7y 3 yes
The last nonzero remainder is the GCF of the two coefficients. If the constant
Lesson 2-2
term 72 is divisible by the GCF, then integers x and y do exist that satisfy the
4 equation. To find x and y, work backward in the following manner.
d. 2x y 1 No; B is not an integer.
72 6 12
e. 0x 0y 0 No; A and B are both 0. 6 [120 36(3)] Substitute for 12 using (4)
6(120) 18(36)
6(120) 18[156 120(1)] Substitute for 36 using (3)
f. 2x 4y 8 No; The greatest common factor of 2, 4, and 8 is 2, not 1.
18(156) 24(120)
(Lesson 2-2)
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2-3 Study Guide and Intervention 2-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Slope Slope
Slope Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
change in y y y In a plane, nonvertical lines with the In a plane, two oblique lines are perpendicular if
2 1
Slope m of a Line For points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where x1 x2, m same slope are parallel. All vertical and only if the product of their slopes is 1. Any
change in x x2 x1
lines are parallel. vertical line is perpendicular to any horizontal line.
y y
slope m
Example 1 Determine the slope of Example 2 Graph the line passing slope m
the line that passes through (2, 1) and 4
through (1, 3) with a slope of .
(4, 5). 5 O x O x
Graph the ordered y
y y 1
m 1 Slope formula pair (1, 3). Then, slope m
x2 x1 slope m
according to the
5 (1) slope, go up 4 units
(x1, y1) (2, 1), (x2, y2) (4, 5) O x
4 2 and right 5 units.
6 Plot the new point
1 Simplify. (4,1). Connect the Example
6 Are the line passing through (2, 6) and (2, 2) and the line passing
points and draw
The slope of the line is 1. through (3, 0) and (0, 4) parallel, perpendicular, or neither?
the line.
Find the slopes of the two lines.
Exercises 62
The slope of the first line is 1.
2 (2)
Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points. 40 4
The slope of the second line is .
03 3
1. (4, 7) and (6, 13) 3 2. (6, 4) and (3, 4) 0 3. (5, 1) and (7, 3) 2
The slopes are not equal and the product of the slopes is not 1, so the lines are neither
parallel nor perpendicular.
2 1
4. (5, 3) and (4, 3) 5. (5, 10) and (1,2) 2 6. (1, 4) and (13, 2)
3 2
5 2 3 Exercises
7. (7, 2) and (3, 3) 8. (5, 9) and (5, 5) 9. (4, 2) and (4, 8)
4 5 4
Are the lines parallel, perpendicular, or neither?
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope.
1 1. the line passing through (4, 3) and (1, 3) and the line passing through (1, 2) and (1, 3)
10. slope 11. slope 2 12. slope 0
3 perpendicular
Lesson 2-3
(Lesson 2-3)
passes through (0, 2) passes through (1, 4) passes through (2, 5)
y y y
2. the line passing through (2, 8) and (2, 2) and the line passing through (0, 9) and (6, 0)
O x
3. the line passing through (3, 9) and (2, 1) and the graph of y 2x parallel
O x O x
4. the line with x-intercept 2 and y-intercept 5 and the line with x-intercept 2 and
y-intercept 5 parallel
3 1
13. slope 1 14. slope 15. slope
4 5
passes through (4, 6) passes through (3, 0) passes through (0, 0) 5. the line with x-intercept 1 and y-intercept 3 and the line with x-intercept 3 and
y y
y-intercept 1 neither
O x 6. the line passing through (2, 3) and (2, 5) and the graph of x 2y 10
O x
7. the line passing through (4, 8) and (6, 4) and the graph of 2x 5y 5 parallel
O x
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Slope Slope
Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points. Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points.
2 5 5
1. (1, 5), (1, 3) 4 2. (0, 2), (3, 0) 3. (1, 9), (0, 6) 3 1. (3, 8), (5, 2) 2. (10, 3), (7, 2) 3. (7, 6), (3, 6) 0
3 4 17
5 7
3 4. (8, 2), (8, 1) undefined 5. (4, 3), (7, 2) 6. (6, 3), (8, 4)
4. (8, 5), (4, 2) 5. (3, 5), (3, 1) undefined 6. (2, 2), (10, 2) 0 3 2
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope.
6 3
7. (4, 5), (2, 7) 1 8. (2, 4), (3, 2) 9. (5, 2), (3, 2) 0 7. (0, 3), m 3 8. (2, 1), m
5 4
y y
Graph the line passing through the given point with the given slope. O x
y y
O x
(0, 4)
O x
(2, –4)
9. (0, 2), m 0 10. (2, 3), m
O x y y
(0, 2) O x
O x O x
(–2, –1) Graph the line that satisfies each set of conditions.
11. passes through (3, 0), perpendicular 12. passes through (3, 1), parallel to a line
(–3, –5) 3 whose slope is 1
to a line whose slope is
Lesson 2-3 2
(Lesson 2-3)
y y
O x
Graph the line that satisfies each set of conditions. (–3, –1)
O (3, 0) x
14. passes through (0, 1), perpendicular to 15. passes through (0, 5), parallel to the
1 graph of y 1
a line whose slope is
y y
DEPRECIATION For Exercises 13–15, use the following information.
(0 ,1) O x A machine that originally cost $15,600 has a value of $7500 at the end of 3 years. The same
machine has a value of $2800 at the end of 8 years.
O x
(0 ,–5) 13. Find the average rate of change in value (depreciation) of the machine between its
purchase and the end of 3 years. $2700 per year
14. Find the average rate of change in value of the machine between the end of 3 years and
16. HIKING Naomi left from an elevation of 7400 feet at 7:00 A.M. and hiked to an elevation the end of 8 years. $940 per year
of 9800 feet by 11:00 A.M. What was her rate of change in altitude? 600 ft/h
15. Interpret the sign of your answers. It is negative because the value is decreasing.
Glencoe Algebra 2
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of 1000 feet? 4% for the areas that need to be photographed from the air. These
(2, 5)
maps provide information about the horizontal and vertical
• What is the grade of a road that rises 525 meters over a horizontal features of the land.
distance of 10 kilometers? (1 kilometer 1000 meters) 5.25% (6, 3)
(2, 1)
Step 1 List the ordered pairs for the vertices in
counterclockwise order, repeating the first O x
Reading the Lesson
ordered pair at the bottom of the list.
1. Describe each type of slope and include a sketch.
Step 2 Find D, the sum of the downward diagonal products (5, 7)
Type of Slope Description of Graph Sketch
(from left to right).
Positive The line rises to the right. y D (5 5) (2 1) (2 3) (6 7) (2, 5)
25 2 6 42 or 75
O x
(2, 1)
Step 3 Find U, the sum of the upward diagonal products
(from left to right).
Zero The line is horizontal. U (2 7) (2 5) (6 1) (5 3) (6, 3)
14 10 6 15 or 45
O x (5, 7)
Step 4 Use the formula A (D U) to find the area.
A (75 45)
Negative The line falls to the right. y 1
(30) or 15
O x
The area is 15 square units. Count the number of square units enclosed by
Lesson 2-3
the polygon. Does this result seem reasonable?
(Lesson 2-3)
O x Use the coordinate method to find the area of each region in square units.
1. y 2. y 3. y
2. a. How are the slopes of two nonvertical parallel lines related? They are equal.
b. How are the slopes of two oblique perpendicular lines related? Their product is 1. O x
O x O x
Helping You Remember
3. Look up the terms grade, pitch, slant, and slope. How can everyday meanings of these 20 units2 14 units2 34 units2
words help you remember the definition of slope? Sample answer: All these words
can be used when you describe how much a thing slants upward or
downward. You can describe this numerically by comparing rise to run.
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2-4 Study Guide and Intervention 2-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Point-Slope Form y y1 m(x x1), where (x1, y1) are the coordinates of a point on the line and
of a Linear Equation m is the slope of the line
Example 1 Write an equation of the Example 2 Write an equation of the
line that passes through (8, 2) and is line that passes through (1, 5) and is
Example 1 Write an equation in Example 2 Write an equation in perpendicular to the line whose parallel to the graph of y 3x 1.
equation is y x 3. The slope of the given line is 3. Since the
slope-intercept form for the line that slope-intercept form for the line that 2
has slope 2 and passes through the 1 slopes of parallel lines are equal, the slope
has slope and x-intercept 5.
3 1 of the parallel line is also 3.
point (3, 7). The slope of the given line is . Since the
y mx b Slope-intercept form Use the slope and the given point to write
Substitute for m, x, and y in the slopes of perpendicular lines are negative
the equation.
slope-intercept form. 0 (5) b (x, y) (5, 0), m
reciprocals, the slope of the perpendicular
Point-slope form
13 line is 2. y y1 m(x x1)
y mx b Slope-intercept form 5
0b Simplify. Use the slope and the given point to write y 5 3(x (1)) (x1, y1) (1, 5), m 3
7 (2)(3) b (x, y ) (3, 7), m 2 3
the equation. y 5 3x 3 Distributive Prop.
7 6 b Simplify. 5 5
b Subtract
3 from both sides. y y1 m(x x1) Point-slope form y 3x 8 Add 5 to each side.
13 b Add 6 to both sides. 3
5 y 2 2(x 8) (x1, y1) (8, 2), m 2 An equation of the line is y 3x 8.
The y-intercept is 13. The equation in The y-intercept is . The slope-intercept Distributive Prop.
3 y 2 2x 16
slope-intercept form is y 2x 13. 1 5 y 2x 14 Add 2 to each side.
form is y x .
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of Exercises
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of
1. slope 2, passes through (4, 6) 2. slope , y-intercept 4
3 1 1
y 2x 2 y x4 1. passes through (4, 2), parallel to the line whose equation is y x 5 y x 4
2 2 2
(Lesson 2-4)
(1, 6) (5, 2) 1
5. passes through (8, 6), perpendicular to the graph of 2x y 4 y x 2
(4, 5) (–4, 1) 2
O x 6. passes through (2, 2), perpendicular to the graph of x 5y 6 y 5x 12
(0, 0)
(3, 0) O x 7. passes through (6, 1), parallel to the line with x-intercept 3 and y-intercept 5
O x 5
y x9
5 1 4 1 1
y 3x 9 y x y x 1 8. passes through (2, 1), perpendicular to the line y 4x 11 y x
4 9 9 4 2
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4. 3y 7 0, 5. 3x 15 5y , 3 6. 2x 3y 10 ,
2 2 3 3 5 3 3
3. y x , 0 4. 3x 4y 4 , 1
3 3 4 Write an equation in slope-intercept form for each graph.
4 3 7. y 8. y 9. y
5. 7y 4x 7 , 1 6. 3x 2y 6 0 , 3
7 2 (4, 4)
(–3, 3)
5 (0, 2)
7. 2x y 5 2, 5 8. 2y 6 5x , 3
2 O x
O x O x
(3, –1)
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for each graph. (0, –2)
9. y 10. y 11. y
3 2
y2 y x2 y x1
(1, 2) (0, 3) 2 3
O x O x Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of
(–3, –1) (4, –1) O x conditions.
(–1, –4) 10. slope 5, passes through (3, 8) 11. slope , passes through (10, 3)
(3, –3) 5
y 5x 23 y x 11
y 3x 1 y 1 y 2x 3 2
12. slope 0, passes through (0, 10) 13. slope , passes through (6, 8)
Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of y 10 y x4
14. passes through (3, 11) and (6, 5) 15. passes through (7, 2) and (3, 1)
(Lesson 2-4)
12. slope 3, passes through (1, 3) 13. slope 1, passes through (0, 0) 2 1 1
y x9 y x
3 4 4
y 3x 6 y x
16. x-intercept 3, y-intercept 2 17. x-intercept 5, y-intercept 7
14. slope 2, passes through (0, 5) 15. slope 3, passes through (2, 0) 2 7
y x2 y x7
3 5
y 2x 5 y 3x 6
18. passes through (8, 7), perpendicular to the graph of y 4x 3 y x 9
Lesson 2-4
16. passes through (1, 2) and (3, 1) 17. passes through (2, 4) and (1, 8)
19. RESERVOIRS The surface of Grand Lake is at an elevation of 648 feet. During the
3 7 current drought, the water level is dropping at a rate of 3 inches per day. If this trend
y x y 4x 4
2 2 continues, write an equation that gives the elevation in feet of the surface of Grand Lake
5 after x days. y 0.25x 648
18. x-intercept 2, y-intercept 6 19. x-intercept , y-intercept 5
20. BUSINESS Tony Marconi’s company manufactures CD-ROM drives. The company will
y 3x 6 y 2x 5
make $150,000 profit if it manufactures 100,000 drives, and $1,750,000 profit if it
1 manufactures 500,000 drives. The relationship between the number of drives
20. passes through (3, 1), perpendicular to the graph of y x 4. y 3x 10 manufactured and the profit is linear. Write an equation that gives the profit P when
n drives are manufactured. P 4n 250,000
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
y 5400 1.37x, what is the fixed cost? What is the variable cost a b
x-intercept a and y-intercept b. This is called two-intercept form.
(for each item produced)? $5400; $1.37
• Write a linear equation that describes the following situation: Example 1 x y
Draw the graph of 1. y
A company that manufactures computers has a fixed cost of $228,750 and 3 6
a variable cost of $852 to produce each computer. The graph crosses the x-axis at 3 and the y-axis at 6. Graph
y 228,750 852x (3, 0) and (0, 6), then draw a straight line through them.
coordinates of one specific point on the line.
You used (3, 2), and your classmate used (6, 7). 3. a 3, b 5 1 4. a 6, b 9 1
3 5 6 9
3. You are asked to write an equation of two lines that pass through (3, 5), one of them Write each equation in two-intercept form. Then draw the graph.
parallel to and one of them perpendicular to the line whose equation is y 3x 4.
The first step in finding these equations is to find their slopes. What is the slope of the 1 1
5. 3x 2y 6 6. x y 1 7. 5x 2y 10
1 2 4
parallel line? What is the slope of the perpendicular line? y y y
3; x x x
3 1 1 1
2 3 2 4 2 5
Lesson 2-4
y y y
Helping You Remember
4. Many students have trouble remembering the point-slope form for a linear equation.
How can you use the definition of slope to remember this form? Sample answer:
y2 y1 O x O x O x
Write the definition of slope: m
x2 x1 . Multiply both sides of this
equation by x2 x1. Drop the subscripts in y2 and x2. This gives the
point-slope form of the equation of a line.
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2-5 Study Guide and Intervention 2-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Modeling Real-World Data: Using Scatter Plots Modeling Real-World Data: Using Scatter Plots
Scatter Plots When a set of data points is graphed as ordered pairs in a coordinate Prediction Equations A line of fit is a line that closely approximates a set of data
plane, the graph is called a scatter plot. A scatter plot can be used to determine if there is graphed in a scatter plot. The equation of a line of fit is called a prediction equation
a relationship among the data. because it can be used to predict values not given in the data set.
To find a prediction equation for a set of data, select two points that seem to represent the
Example BASEBALL The table below shows the number of home runs and data well. Then to write the prediction equation, use what you know about writing a linear
runs batted in for various baseball players who won the Most Valuable Player equation when given two points on the line.
Award during the 1990s. Make a scatter plot of the data.
Home Runs Runs Batted In MVP HRs and RBIs Example STORAGE COSTS According to a certain prediction equation, the
150 cost of 200 square feet of storage space is $60. The cost of 325 square feet of
33 114
125 storage space is $160.
39 116 100
a. Find the slope of the prediction equation. What does it represent?
40 130 75
Since the cost depends upon the square footage, let x represent the amount of storage
28 61
Runs Batted In
space in square feet and y represent the cost in dollars. The slope can be found using the
41 128 y y 160 60 100
2 1
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 formula m . So, m 0.8
47 144 x2 x1 325 200 125
Home Runs
Source: New York Times Almanac The slope of the prediction equation is 0.8. This means that the price of storage increases
80¢ for each one-square-foot increase in storage space.
Exercises b. Find a prediction equation.
Using the slope and one of the points on the line, you can use the point-slope form to find
1. FUEL EFFICIENCY The table below shows the average Average Fuel Efficiency y y1 m(x x1) Point-slope form
fuel efficiency in miles per gallon of new cars 36 y 60 0.8(x 200) (x1, y1) (200, 60), m 0.8
manufactured during the years listed. 30 y 60 0.8x 160 Distributive Property
y 0.8x 100 Add 60 to both sides.
Year Fuel Efficiency (mpg) 24
18 A prediction equation is y 0.8x 100.
1960 15.5
1970 14.1
1980 22.6 0
1960 1970 1980 1990
1990 26.9 Year
SALARIES The table below shows the years of experience for eight technicians at
Source: New York Times Almanac
Lewis Techomatic and the hourly rate of pay each technician earns. Use the data
for Exercises 1 and 2.
2. CONGRESS The table below shows the number of Women in Congress Experience (years) 9 4 3 1 10 6 12 8
women serving in the United States Congress during 70
Hourly Rate of Pay $17 $10 $10 $7 $19 $12 $20 $15
the years 19871999. 56
Congressional Session Number of Women 42 1. Draw a scatter plot to show how years of experience are Technician Salaries
28 related to hourly rate of pay. Draw a line of fit. See graph. 24
100 25
14 20
101 31
Number of Women
0 2. Write a prediction equation to show how years of experience 16
100 102 104
102 33 (x) are related to hourly rate of pay (y). Sample answer 12
Session of Congress
103 55 using (1, 7) and (9, 17): y 1.25x 5.75 8
Hourly Pay ($)
104 58 4
105 62 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Lesson 2-5
Experience (years)
Source: Wall Street Journal Almanac
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Modeling Real-World Data: Using Scatter Plots Modeling Real-World Data: Using Scatter Plots
For Exercises 1–3, complete parts a–c for each set of data. For Exercises 1–3, complete parts a–c for each set of data.
a. Draw a scatter plot. a. Draw a scatter plot.
b. Use two ordered pairs to write a prediction equation. b. Use two ordered pairs to write a prediction equation.
c. Use your prediction equation to predict the missing value.
c. Use your prediction equation to predict the missing value.
1. 1a. y
1. FUEL ECONOMY The table gives the Weight (tons) 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.8 2 2.1 2.4
x y approximate weights in tons and estimates
for overall fuel economy in miles per gallon Miles per Gallon 29 24 23 21 ? 17 15
1 1 12
3 5
for several cars.
9 Fuel Economy Versus Weight
1b. Sample answer using (1.4, 24) and 30
4 7
(2.4, 15): y 9x 36.6 25
6 11
0 20
7 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 1c. Sample answer: 18.6 mi/gal
8 15 10
1b. Sample answer using (1, 1) and (8, 15): y 2x 1
10 ? 5
Fuel Economy (mi/gal)
2. 2a. y 2. ALTITUDE In most cases, temperature decreases with increasing altitude. As Anchara
x y drives into the mountains, her car thermometer registers the temperatures (°F) shown
5 9 32
in the table at the given altitudes (feet).
10 17 24 Altitude (ft) 7500 8200 8600 9200 9700 10,400 12,000 Temperature
Versus Altitude
20 22 16 65
Temperature (F) 61 58 56 53 50 46 ?
8 60
25 30
0 2b. Sample answer using (7500, 61) and 55
35 38 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x
(9700, 50): y 0.005x 98.5 50
40 44 2c. Sample answer: 38.5°F 45
2b. Sample answer using (5, 9) and (40, 44): y x 4
Temperature (F)
50 ?
2c. Sample answer: 54 0 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000
(Lesson 2-5)
Altitude (ft)
3. HEALTH Alton has a treadmill that uses the time on the treadmill and the speed of
3. 3a. y walking or running to estimate the number of Calories he burns during a workout. The
x y
36 table gives workout times and Calories burned for several workouts.
1 16 30
Time (min) 18 24 30 40 42 48 52 60
2 16 24
Calories Burned 260 280 320 380 400 440 475 ?
3 ? 18
4 22 Burning Calories 3b. Sample answer using (24, 280) and
6 500
5 30 (48, 440): y 6.67x 119.92
0 400
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 3c. Sample answer: about 520 calories
7 34
8 36 3b. Sample answer using (2, 16) and (7, 34): y 3.6x 8.8 200
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Lesson 2-5
Time (min)
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• If a woman runs 5.5 miles per hour, about how many Calories will she
Approximate Percentage of Violent Crimes Committed by
burn in an hour? Sample answer: 572 Calories
Juveniles That Victims Reported to Law Enforcement
Year 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996
• If a man runs 7.5 miles per hour, about how many Calories will he burn
Offenders 36 35 33 32 31 30 29 29 30
in half an hour? Sample answer: 397 Calories
Source: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
Reading the Lesson 1. Divide the data into three approximately equal groups. There should always
be the same number of points in the first and third groups. In this case, there
1. Suppose that a set of data can be modeled by a linear equation. Explain the difference will be three data points in each group.
between a scatter plot of the data and a graph of the linear equation that models that
data. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Sample answer: The scatter plot is a discrete graph. It is made up just of Year Offenders Year Offenders Year Offenders
the individual points that represent the data points. The linear equation
has a continuous graph that is the line that best fits the data points.
2. Suppose that tuition at a state college was $3500 per year in 1995 and has been
increasing at a rate of $225 per year. 2. Find x1, x2, and x3, the medians of the x values in groups 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. Find y1, y2, and y3, the medians of the y values in groups
a. Write a prediction equation that expresses this information. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. 1982, 1988, 1994; 35, 31, 29
y 3500 225x
3. Find an equation of the line through (x1, y1) and (x3, y3). y 0.5x 1026
b. Explain the meaning of each variable in your prediction equation.
(Lesson 2-5)
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2-6 Study Guide and Intervention 2-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Function Written as Graph Absolute Value Function f(x) x two rays that are mirror images of each other and meet at a point, the vertex
Constant f(x) c horizontal line
To graph a special function, use its definition and your knowledge of the parent graph. Find
Lesson 2-6
Identity f(x) x line through the origin with slope 1 several ordered pairs, if necessary.
one-unit horizontal segments, with right endpoints missing, arranged
Greatest Integer Function f(x) x
like steps
Example 1 Graph f(x) 3x 4. f (x )
x 3x 4
The greatest integer function is an example of a step function, a function with a graph that Find several ordered pairs. Graph the points and 0 4
consists of horizontal segments. connect them. You would expect the graph to look
1 1
similar to its parent function, f(x) x.
O x
Example 2 2
Identify each function as a constant function, the identity function,
or a step function. 1 1
2 2
a. f (x ) b. f (x )
Example 2 f (x )
Graph f(x) x2xif1xifx2 2.
First, graph the linear function f(x) 2x for x 2. Since 2 does not
O x O x
satisfy this inequality, stop with a circle at (2, 4). Next, graph the
O x
linear function f(x) x 1 for x 2. Since 2 does satisfy this
inequality, begin with a dot at (2, 1).
(Lesson 2-6)
O x
O x O x O x O x
O x
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Lesson 2-6
O x O x O x
O x
O x
4. f(x) x 1 5. f(x) x 3 O x
f (x) f (x)
O x
O x
x 2 if x 2 x if x
5. f(x) 6. h(x)
3x if x
2 42x 2 if x 0
D all reals, R all integers D all reals, R all integers f (x) h (x)
O x
(Lesson 2-6)
O x O x
D all reals, R all reals D all nonzero reals, R all reals
D all reals, D all reals, R {yy 1} 7. BUSINESS A Stitch in Time charges 8. BUSINESS A wholesaler charges a store $3.00
R nonnegative reals $40 per hour or any fraction thereof per pound for less than 20 pounds of candy and
for labor. Draw a graph of the step $2.50 per pound for 20 or more pounds. Draw a
8. f(x) 2x ifif xx 00 9. h(x) 3x if x1 if x1> 1 function that represents this situation. graph of the function that represents this
Labor Costs situation. Candy Costs
f (x) h (x) 280 105
240 90
200 75
O x 160 60
120 45
Cost ($)
O x
Total Cost ($)
80 30
40 15
D all reals, D {xx 1 or x
1}, 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
R {yy 0 or y 2} R {yy
2} Hours Pounds
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$0.34 or 34 cents pen or pencil.
Lesson 2-6
• Give three different weights of letters that would each cost 55 cents to
mail. Answers will vary. Sample answer: 1.1 ounces, Graph each function.
1.9 ounces, 2.0 ounces x
1. y 2x x 2. y
y y
Reading the Lesson 4 4
a. 3 3 3 3 2 2
1 1
b. 6.2 6.2 6.2 6
–4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x –4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x
c. 4.01 4.01 4.01 5 –1 –1
2. Tell how the name of each kind of function can help you remember what the graph –2 –2
looks like.
–3 –3
change. The y-values of a constant function do not change, so the
graph is a horizontal line.
b. absolute value function Sample answer: The absolute value of a number
tells you how far it is from 0 on the number line. It makes no difference
whether you go to the left or right so long as you go the same 0.5x 1 x
3. y 4. y
distance each time. 0.5x 1 x
(Lesson 2-6)
y y
c. step function Sample answer: A step function’s graph looks like steps 4 4
that go up or down. 3 3
2 2
d. identity function Sample answer: The x- and y-values are always
identically the same for any point on the graph. So the graph is a line 1 1
through the origin that has slope 1.
–4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x –4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3 4x
–1 –1
Helping You Remember
–2 –2
3. Many students find the greatest integer function confusing. Explain how you can use a
–3 –3
number line to find the value of this function for any real number. Answers will vary.
Sample answer: Draw a number line that shows the integers. To find the –4 –4
value of the greatest integer function for any real number, place that
number on the number line. If it is an integer, the value of the function is
the number itself. If not, move to the integer directly to the left of the
number you chose. This integer will give the value you need.
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2-7 Study Guide and Intervention 2-7 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
to shade.
To graph a linear inequality, follow these steps.
1. Graph the boundary, that is, the related linear equation. If the inequality symbol is Example Graph y 3x 1. y
or , the boundary is solid. If the inequality symbol is or
, the boundary is dashed.
2. Choose a point not on the boundary and test it in the inequality. (0, 0) is a good point to First graph the equation y 3x 1.
choose if the boundary does not pass through the origin. Since the inequality is , the graph of the boundary is solid.
3. If a true inequality results, shade the half-plane containing your test point. If a false Test (0, 0).
inequality results, shade the other half-plane. 0 30 1 (x, y) (0, 0) O x
0 31 1 1
Lesson 2-7
Example Graph x 2y 4. y 0 3 true
The boundary is the graph of x 2y 4. Shade the region that contains (0, 0).
1 x
Use the slope-intercept form, y x 2, to graph the boundary line. O
The boundary line should be solid. Exercises
Now test the point (0, 0). Graph each inequality.
0 2(0) 4 (x, y) (0, 0)
y y
Shade the region that does not contain (0, 0).
O x O x O x
Graph each inequality.
1. y 3x 1 2. y x 5 3. 4x y 1
(Lesson 2-7)
y y y 4. y x 3 5. x y 4 6. x 1 2y 0
y y y
O x
O x
O x O x
O x
O x
4. y 4 5. x y
6 6. 0.5x 0.25y 1.5
2 7. 2 x y
1 8. y 3x 3 9. y 1 x 4
y y y
y y y
O x O x
O x
O x
O x O x
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1. y 1 2. y x 2 3. x y 4 1. y 3 2. x 2 3. x y 4
y y y y y y
O x O x
O x O x O x
O x
4. y 3x 5 5. y x 3 6. y 1 x
4. x 3 y 5. 2 y x 6. y x y y y
Lesson 2-7
y y y
O x O x
O x O x
O x
O x
7. x 3y 6 8. y x 1 9. y 3x 1 2
y y y
7. x y 2 8. 9x 3y 6 0 9. y 1 2x
O x
y y y
O x
O x O x O x
(Lesson 2-7)
11. Graph the inequality.
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consider a good game? The first one: 168 yards and 01 Let n be a positive integer.
3 touchdowns
02 Also, let n1 s(n1) be the sum of the squares of the digits in n.
• Suppose that in one of the games Dana plays, Moss gets 157 receiving
yards. What is the smallest number of touchdowns he must get in order 03 Then n2 s(n1) is the sum of the squares of the digits of n1, and n3 s(n2)
for Dana to consider this a good game? 3 is the sum of the squares of the digits of n2.
04 In general, nk s(nk 1) is the sum of the squares of the digits of nk 1.
Reading the Lesson 05 Consider the sequence: n, n1, n2, n3, …, nk, ….
1. When graphing a linear inequality in two variables, how do you know whether to make 06 In this sequence either all the terms from some k on have the value 1,
Lesson 2-7
the boundary a solid line or a dashed line? If the symbol is or , the line is
solid. If the symbol is
or , the line is dashed. 07 or some term, say nj, has the value 4, so that the eight terms
4, 16, 37, 58, 89, 145, 42, and 20 keep repeating from that point on.
2. Use 9246 for n and give an example to show the meaning of line 02.
n1 s(9246) 137, because 137 81 4 16 36
3. Match each inequality with its graph.
a. y
2x 3 iii b. y 2x 3 iv c. y 2x 3 ii d. y 2x 3 i 3. In line 02, which symbol shows a function? Explain the function in a sentence.
s(n); the sum of the squares of the digits of a number is a function
i. y ii. y iii. y iv. y of the number
(Lesson 2-7)
O x O x
Helping You Remember 6. Use n 31 and find the first four terms of the sequence. 31, 10, 1, 1
4. Describe some ways in which graphing an inequality in one variable on a number line is
similar to graphing an inequality in two variables in a coordinate plane. How can what 7. Which sentence of the paragraph is illustrated by n 31? sentence 06
you know about graphing inequalities on a number line help you to graph inequalities in
a coordinate plane? Sample answer: A boundary on a coordinate graph is
similar to an endpoint on a number line graph. A dashed line is similar to 8. Use n 61 and find the first ten terms. 61, 37, 58, 89, 145, 42, 20, 4, 16, 37
a circle on a number line: both are open and mean not included; they
represent the symbols
and . A solid line is similar to a dot on a
number line: both are closed and mean included; they represent the
9. Which sentence is illustrated by n 61? sentence 07
symbols and .
Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key
Form 1 Form 2A
Page 99 Page 100 Page 101
1. C 13. D 1. D
2. B
14. D
3. D
2. C
15. C
4. C
3. C
4. D
5. A
16. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
6. B
17. B
A 8. B
8. D
18. C 9. B
9. C
19. A
10. C
10. B
A 20. D 11. B
12. B 12. A
B: k 10
13. D 1. C 13. A
2. D
14. A C 14. C
4. A
B 5. B
15. D
6. D
16. C
7. A 16. B
17. B
8. D A
9. C
18. C
10. B 18. B
D 11. D 19. C
20. C
20. B
B: k 16
B: k5
( 3, 0) O x
O x
O x
4. 3
5. 5a 2 8a
No, because a 16. y 2x 7
variable appears in
6. the denominator. y 3x
17. 2
7. yes
17 p
8. 5x 16y 18; A 5, 16
B 16, C 18 15
Points Scored
9. x-intercept is 3; 11
y-intercept is 2 10
10. y 8 a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Field Goals Attempted
O x
19. Sample answer using
(6, 9) and (10, 15):
11. f (x ) p 3a; 30
20. step function;
D all reals,
O x R all integers
12. y
O x
B: k 7
( 4, 0) (4, 0)
O (0, 0) x O x
3. yes 15. y
O x
4. 14
16. y x 1
5. 4a 2 2a 3
y 5x
17. 2
6. yes
y-intercept is 3 20
10. 18
O x 12 n
0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Calls Made
O x
B: k 3
16. 4x 2y 1
3. 8
4. 3x 5
17. 160 t
5. A. yes 140
Time (min)
B. no 100
6. 25x 5y 3; 20 d
A 25, B 5, C 3 0 60 100 140 180 220
Distance (km)
x-intercept is 2; (160,150)
7. 7
no y-intercept
18. Sample answer using
absolute value (40, 30) and (200, 150):
function t 3d; 120 min; much
19. y x 2
9. y
2x if x 1
O x
f (x) 0 if 1 x 2
20. x if x 2
10. y
O x
k 3
5.6 B: 5
12. $15.22 per year
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A27 Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 2 Assessment Answer Key
Page 111, Open-Ended Assessment
Scoring Rubric
1. Students should describe two situations: 5. Students should state that all of the
If given as a mapping, a set of ordered graphs have the same shape, that the
pairs, or a table, determine whether graph of g(x) is the graph of the parent
each member of the domain is paired function f(x) translated, or shifted, left
with exactly one member of the range. 2 units, and that the graph of h(x) is the
If given as a graph, determine whether graph of f(x) translated right 3 units.
the graph passes the vertical line test. The graph of y x 500 is the graph
Functions must satisfy both of these of f(x) translated left 500 units.
6. Alessia needed a test point to determine
2. Sample answer: The speed of a car which side of the line to shade. Students
decreases as you apply the brakes. Thus, should indicate that Alessia made a
the rate of change of the speed with poor choice since the point (1, 7) lies
respect to time is negative. on the graph of the boundary line and,
therefore, does not provide the
3. slope-intercept form: y 1 x 5 information she needs to complete the
2 graph.
standard form: x 2y 10
Sample answer: The slope-intercept 7. The graph of the relation is an infinite
form is most useful when graphing since set of points represented graphically as
the slope and the y-intercept can be a shaded region. Any vertical line will
easily determined. therefore pass through an infinite
number of points in the region. Thus,
4. Students should indicate that the value the relation is not a function.
for 1994 is likely to be more accurate
than the value for 2005 because values
in the future may vary considerably
from the known data.
1. D all reals;
e 1. 50 y
1. 45
R all reals; yes 40
2. i 35
3. h 20
2. no 15 x
4. g 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3. 5 (5, 25)
5. a
4. 5x y 10; A 5, 2. Sample answer using
c B 1, C 10 (10, 21) and (20, 41):
y 2x 1; 61
7. b 5. x-intercept is 4;
3. y
y-intercept is 3;
8. f y
9. j
O x
10. d O
D all reals;
11. Sample answer: The R {y y 0}
vertical line test lets
you use the graph
of a relation to tell
whether the relation
is a function. Each Quiz (Lesson 2–7)
vertical line must Quiz (Lessons 2–3 and 2–4)
intersect the graph Page 114
Page 113
in at most one
point. 3 y 3x 1
1. 2
12. Sample answer: A 2. y
4. B 4. y
5. y 2x 11
O x
1. D 1. 1
2. Q, R
3. {3, 11}
2. C
4. {x x 1} or (, 1]
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
C 5. {y 2 y 6} or [2, 6)
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
D {2, 3, 4};
6. R {7, 0}; no
4. D
7. 119
x-intercept is 8;
B 8. 3
y-intercept is 2
y (2, 4)
9. 2
(0, 3) (1, 3)
O x 10.
(4, 2)
D all reals;
R all reals; yes
8. 5 y
9. 8
y 1x 1 O x
10. 3
13. 14.
3. A B C D 7 5 3 2
/ / / /
. . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
4. E F G H 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
5. A B C D
6. E F G H
7. A B C D
15. A B C D
8. E F G H
16. A B C D
17. A B C D
9. A B C D
10. E F G H
18. A B C D