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Control of the antisymmetric mode (m = 1) for high Reynolds axisymmetric turbulent separating/reattaching flows
Physics of Fluids 23, 095102 (2011); 10.1063/1.3614481
FIG. 1. Sketch of the geometry exhibiting the mesh, velocity vectors upstream from the separated area, characteristic dimensions, and the mean organization
of the flow.
diameter D equal to 100 mm. This body has a 120 mm long cation exists between the shear layer and the separating
extension which provides a L / D ratio of 1.2, where L is the boundary layer for laminar separation. In contrast, they ar-
emergence length, a diameter of 40 mm, and a height h for gued that this is not true for high Reynolds number turbulent
the axisymmetric step equal to 30 mm. The configuration is boundary layer. This conclusion is supported by several of
placed into a flow with a free stream Mach number of 0.702 their experiments. Among them, cross-correlation magni-
yielding a Reynolds number based on the forebody diameter tudes between velocities measured in the boundary layer and
ReD ⬇ 1.2⫻ 106. The initial external boundary layer thick- in the entrainment stream is a strong indication that a cou-
ness ␦ was obtained by modeling the necessary length for the pling does not exist between the two regions. One can notice
forebody to have a ␦ / D ratio equal to 0.2. that in these experiments, the separation is directly due to the
The approach used to model the flow is zonal detached abrupt change in geometry and that the Reynolds number is
eddy simulation 共ZDES兲 proposed by Deck18,19 which be- high which is also the case in our study.
longs to the RANS/LES 共Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes/ The finite-volume solver FLU3M for the compressible
large eddy simulation兲 approaches 共for more details, see the Navier–Stokes equations developed by ONERA has been
discussion of Sagaut et al.20兲. ZDES has been proven to be used to perform the simulations on multiblock structured
efficient in such high Reynolds number configurations to grids. The approximation of time derivatives was carried out
simulate complex turbulent phenomena 共see Ref. 1 or Refs. using the Gear scheme presented by Péchier et al.25 which is
21 and 22兲. ZDES lets the user select RANS and DES areas. backward in time and second-order accurate. The spatial
In our present case, the motivation related to the use of scheme is a modified AUSM+ 共P兲 scheme proposed by Mary
ZDES was to model the area downstream the separated point and Sagaut.26 The accuracy of the solver for DNS, LES, and
of the boundary layer, which is geometrically defined, with hybrid RANS/LES purposes has been assessed in various
LES. Finally, the upstream part is computed using a URANS applications including transitional flows around a two-
共unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes兲 model, which dimensional wing profile in near-stall conditions 共Ref. 26兲,
ensures a boundary layer with the expected integral proper- afterbody flows 共Ref. 27兲, cavity flows at high Reynolds
ties. As can be seen in Fig. 4共a兲, instable structures start to number 共Ref. 28兲, and synthetic jets in a cross flow 共Ref. 29兲.
grow at the corner of the larger cylinder 共y / D = 0.5兲, where In these last references, the numerical results are thoroughly
RANS solutions enter the LES domain. In other words, the compared to the available experimental data including spec-
coupling of URANS and LES ignores possible interaction of tral and second-order analysis.
coherent structures from the oncoming boundary layer over The mesh includes almost 12⫻ 106 hexaedric cells, with
the cylinder and the separation bubble. However, this pos- 240 cells in the azimuthal direction 共i.e., 1.5° per plan兲. The
sible interaction is assumed to be negligible which is broadly mesh represented in Fig. 1 is the part of interest of the whole
accepted for high Reynolds number massively separated mesh which is wider in all directions. Downstream the rear
flows. Indeed, on the experimental side, the issue of the re- body, an O–H topology has been set to avoid singularity
action of turbulent flows to a sudden change in wall bound- problem near the axis. Furthermore, as advised by Simon et
ary conditions was investigated by Morris and Foss.23 They al.,21 the early stages of the vorticity thickness development
emphasized that Holmes et al.24 suggested that a communi- are modeled with a 15-point-resolution which then rapidly
075103-3 On the dynamics of axisymmetric turbulent separating/reattaching flows Phys. Fluids 21, 075103 共2009兲
冋 冉 冊册
proach. As a consequence, no turbulent structure results from
the upstream flow and the coherent structures observed in the m2
+ ¯共␣Ūx − 兲2M 2 − ␣2 + p̂ = 0 . 共2兲
recirculation zone are directly due to the unstable character r2
of the separated zone and/or of the mixing layer. Besides, the
The boundary condition imposed in the present problem ex-
high Reynolds number flow and the inflectional profile na-
presses that fluctuations do not vary far from the afterbody
ture justify the inviscid approximation for the stability analy-
and the viscosity is not considered at the wall.
sis 共see Refs. 30 and 31 for the justification of the inviscid
The compressible Rayleigh equation is integrated using
approximation兲. An analysis without the inviscid approxima-
a spectral collocation based on the Chebychev Gauss-
tion 共not shown here for the sake of brevity兲 has been per-
Lobatto points. Details of the numerical method used to dis-
formed that yields identical results to the inviscid case. In the
cretize Eq. 共2兲 are specified in Ref. 37. The resulting com-
present configuration, the flow is fully turbulent. The steady
plex nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue problem is solved
axisymmetric base flow, i.e., the flow that would be observed
by using the direct LAPACK eigenvalue solver, which com-
if all perturbations were damped, is not accessible. In addi-
putes the whole spectrum of eigenvalues of the discretized
tion, continuation methods associated with the Newton algo-
operator. Newton–Raphson algorithm is eventually used to
rithm, widely used at low Reynolds numbers to compute the
follow spatial branches of solutions.
base flow beyond the threshold of instability, cannot be pur-
sued to such large Reynolds numbers. Only the mean flow
can be used to assess the stability properties, keeping in mind III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
that this mean flow is not a solution of the steady axisym-
A. Validation
metric Navier–Stokes equations. If the nonlinear feedback is
important, the stability properties differ between base and The unsteady aerodynamic field is time-averaged during
average flows. Some authors such as Hammond and the calculation. The mean streamwise pressure coefficient at
Redekopp,32 Pier,33 Barkley,34 and Barkley and Tuckerman35 the wall Cp = 共P − P⬁兲 / 21 ⬁U⬁2 is depicted in Fig. 3共a兲 as a
already studied the stability of average flow for laminar flow function of the location along the emerging body nondimen-
at low Reynolds number. Although the Reynolds number is sioned by three characteristic length scales, i.e., D the diam-
much higher than critical Reynolds number, the stability eter of the larger cylinder, h the step height, and Lr the reat-
analysis of the average flow allows to determine accurately tachment length. This figure allows to differentiate three
the global frequency of the system. However, at this regions described in Ref. 1 on the same axisymmetric con-
Reynolds regime, the stability analysis of base flow does not figuration with a supersonic jet. For x / Lr ⱕ 0, a slow de-
always allow to obtain the right flow dynamics, see Refs. 33 crease in Cp as the streamwise location increases highlights
and 36 for a detailed discussion. the upstream influence of the recirculation region on the
In the present paper, the mean flow 关Fig. 4共b兲兴 is com- main body. The second region shows a small decrease in Cp
puted by a double average both in time t and in azimuth of in the separation region from x = 0 up to x = Lr / 2 due to the
the ZDES solution. The general equations of motion for the acceleration of the backflow. The last region is characterized
instantaneous flow are the inviscid flow equations, the en- by a strong recompression process where the amplitude
ergy equation, written for the total energy, and the equation Cpmax is reached downstream the mean reattachment point at
of state for a perfect gas. The mean flow is supposed to be x / Lr ⬇ 1.15. The location of the reattachment is xr ⬇ 1.15D
075103-4 Weiss et al. Phys. Fluids 21, 075103 共2009兲
FIG. 4. 共a兲 Snapshot of the coherent structures downstream of the step flow
with their rotation visualized with an isosurface of QU⬁2 / D2 = 50 colored by
the sign of streamwise vorticity 共white for positive and gray for negative兲.
共b兲 time-averaged flow field. 共– –兲 Iso-Cp with ⌬C p = 0.02 between two
lines, 共–兲 isovelocity U / U⬁ = 0.01, and 共䊊兲 velocity profiles at several
streamwise locations.
FIG. 8. 共a兲 Spectral sheet of the azimuthal pressure mode Cr,1 for every
streamwise location along the emergence in function of nondimensional
frequencies; 共– –兲 spatial limits of the absolute area for m = 1. 共b兲 m = 0 and
m = 1 modes for the axisymmetric case; 共– –兲 Im共兲m=0 = f共x / D , x / Lr , x / h兲,
共–兲 Im共兲m=1 = f共x / D , x / Lr , x / h兲, 共䊊兲 StDm=0 = f共x / D , x / Lr , x / h兲, and 共〫兲
StDm=1 = f共x / D , x / Lr , x / h兲.
g = 0共Xs兲 and = 0, 共5兲