Grade 9 Science Earth 2 DLP

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Content: Earth and Space

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of volcanoes found in the
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change.
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES –IIIc-29
II. Learning Objectives:
 Identify what types of energy can be produced from volcanic eruptions
 Define geothermal power plant and geothermal energy
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Energy from a Volcano
B. Concept: The heat flowing from inside the Earth is tapped as a source of
electricity in the geothermal power plant.
C. Materials: LM, notebook, pen,
D. Reference: LM p.176
E. Process Skills: Identifying, Defining
F. Values Integration: Sometimes even negative things can produce positive
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative
How many volcanoes does Philippines have? Name some of it.

The class will be divided into several groups depending on the number of students.
They will play pass the message but they are not allowed to say anything to one
another. The message/word will be passed by writing the letters at the back of their
groupmates one at a time until it reaches the last person. The last person will write
the word in a show-me-board and give it to the teacher. The first group with correct
answer will receive 2 points. The following are the message/words: ENERGY,
The students will write the meaning of the words using meta cards and post it on the
board. The students will present their answers in class.

The heat from the Earth’s interior is a source of energy called geothermal energy.
The heat of the Earth warms up water which is trapped in rock formations beneath its
surface. Since our country is a home to more than a hundred of volcanoes, energy
has been tapped from them.

Content of the presentation will be graded based on the following criteria (25 points)
Clarity of ideas presented - 20%
Visual materials used - 5%

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about how energy is transformed to generate electricity in a geothermal
power plant.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of volcanoes found in the
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change.
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES –IIIc-29
II. Learning Objectives:
 Summarize through a concept to show how energy is transformed to generate
electricity in a geothermal power plant
 Illustrate how geothermal energy can be harnessed from a volcano using a flow
 Differentiate geothermal power plant and geothermal heat pumps
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: How Geothermal Energy is Generated?
B. Concept: Geothermal energy is generated in two ways: geothermal power plants
geothermal heat pumps. They differ in the depth of heat source to produce
In geothermal power plants, the heat from deep inside the Earth is used to
produce steam to generate electricity compared with geothermal heat pumps that
use the heat coming from close to the Earth’s surface to heat water or provide
heat for buildings.
C. Materials: manila paper, marker
D. Reference: LM pp.176-177
E. Process Skills: Summarizing, Differentiating
F. Values Integration: In life, we need to go through a series of processes for us to
become better.
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative, Inquiry, Interpretative
How is geothermal energy generated?
Use a flowchart to describe how energy is transformed to generate electricity in a
geothermal power plant.

The students will present their flowchart.
The following steps are followed to generate electricity in a geothermal power plant:
1. Wells are drilled deep into the Earth to pump steam or hot water to the
2. When the water reaches the surface, the drop in pressure causes the water
to turn into steam.
3. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces
4. Cooling tower cools the steam which and it condenses back to water.
5. The cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again.
Content of the report will be graded based on the following criteria:
Content - 30%
Mastery of the topic - 30%
Clarity of ideas presented - 30%
Visual materials used - 10%

V. Agreement/Assignment
1. Research on the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
2. Bring drawing and coloring materials tomorrow.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of volcanoes found in the
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change.
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES –IIIc-29
II. Learning Objectives:
 List the negative and positive effects of volcanic eruption.
 Identify some signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
III. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Effects of Volcanic Eruptions to Society
b. Concept: Volcanic eruption is often associated with negative effects. It can
cause loss of lives and properties. But volcanoes also affect people positively.
c. Materials: short bond paper, drawing and coloring materials
d. Reference: LM pp.177-178
e. Process Skills: listing, identifying, creativity
f. Values Integration: Awareness and readiness for disaster like volcanic eruption
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Reflective

How do volcanic eruptions affect society?
1. Research on the signs of an impending volcanic eruption. They will share their work in
class by reporting.
2. Poster making: (Individual)
Learners will list down some positive and negative effects of volcanic eruption through
1. What are the commonly observed signs that a volcano is about to erupt?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages that people get from a volcanic

Are you prepared when a certain volcano erupt? What are the best things to do to avoid
negative impact of a volcanic eruption?
List down some precautionary measures before, during, and after volcanic eruption.

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about climate and weather.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIe-30
II. Learning Objectives:
 Differentiate weather and climate
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Weather and Climate
B. Concept: Climate is the general pattern of weather in a certain area over a long
period of time. On the other hand, weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a
specific place and time.
C. Materials: manila paper, marker, reading comprehension sheets
D. Reference: LM p.182
E. Process Skills: Differentiating, Comparing, Reading Comprehension
F. Values Integration: Ang buhay ay “weather, weather lang”.
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative, Inquiry, Reflective

The students will answer a reading comprehension sheet about Weather and

The students will make a Venn diagram of Climate and Weather.

The students will present their work on the board.

Climate is the general pattern of weather in a certain area over a long period of time.
On the other hand, weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a specific place and

Content of the presentation will be graded based on the following criteria: (25 points)
Content - 10%
Clarity of ideas presented - 10%
Visual materials used - 5%

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about the role of latitude in varying climate of different places.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIe-30
II. Learning Objectives:
a. Describe how latitude affects climate
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: How Latitude Affects Climate
B. Concept: As the latitude increases, the smaller the angle of the sun’s rays strike the
C. Materials: LM,
D. Reference: LM p. 185
E. Process Skills: Describing
F. Values Integration:
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Inquiry, Interpretative

Vocabulary Building

Learners will do Explore 1 (When the Sun's Rays Strike!) to explain how latitude
affects climate.
1. Which part of the earth receives most of the sun's rays?
2. Why does the amount of heat receive by places far from the equator becomes less?
3. Why are places with high temperature found near the equator?

The closer the place to the equator, the warmer the climate; the farther the place is from
the equator the colder the climate.

Quiz (Fill in the blanks)
1. The __________ receives much of the radiant energy released by the sun.
2. Thae areas closer to the poles receive _______ amount of heat.
3. Sun's rays strike ____________ in places neat the equator.
4. As the latitude increases, the air temperature is _____________.
5. When the place is __________ to the equator, the air temperature is higher.

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about the role of altitude in varying climate of different places.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIe-30
II. Learning Objectives:
 Discuss how altitude affects climate
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: How Altitude Affects Climate
B. Concept: Air temperature decreases when altitude increases.
C. Materials: LM
D. Reference: LM p. 186
E. Process Skills: Discussing
F. Values Integration:
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Inquiry, Interpretative, Reflective
Vocabulary Building

Learners will do Explore 2 (The higher, the colder) to explain how altitude affects
1. Based from the table, which place is the coldest? Hottest?
2. What is the relationship between altitude and temperature of a place?


Mt. Kilimanjaro is located in Africa and found near the equator. It

stands 5895m above sea level. The peak of this mountain is
covered by ice. How is this possible?

Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it that during summer, many people visit Baguio City?
2. Why do mountain climbers wear jackets and thick clothes when they go up the

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about how topography affects climate.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIe-30
II. Learning Objectives:
 Summarize how topography affects climate
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: How Topography Affects Climate
B. Concept: Mountainous areas greatly affect the amount of precipitation in a
certain region.
C. Materials: LM, illustration of the windward and leeward side
D. Reference: LM pp. 191-192
E. Process Skills: Summarizing
F. Values Integration:
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Inquiry, Interpretative

Vocabulary Building

Learners will do Explore 4 (Which should I choose, Windward or Leeward?) to
explain how topography affects climate.
1. What happens to water vapor as it rises over the mountain?
2. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature? High temperature?

Mountainous areas greatly affect the amount of precipitation in a certain region.
1. The area in which wind blows is called the windward side.
2. The dry region on the leeward side is called rain shadow.

How does topography affect climate?

V. Agreement/Assignment
Bring a world map tomorrow.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIe-30
II. Learning Objectives:
 Explain how distance from the ocean affects climate
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: How Distance from the Ocean Affects Climate
B. Concept: Areas near bodies of water have moderate climate. Places far from bodies
of water usually have extreme climate.
C. Materials: LM, world map
D. Reference: LM pp. 193-194
E. Process Skills: Explaining
F. Values Integration:
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Inquiry, Interpretative

Vocabulary Building
Learners will do Explore 5 (Temperature of Different Cities around the World) to
explain how latitude, altitude, and topography affect climate.
1. Which city had the highest temperature? Lowest temperature?
2. What factor do you think is the cause of low and high temperature in that city?

 Countries found near the equator have tropical climate. Countries that are
somewhat farther from the equator have temperate climate.
 Regions with high altitude have colder temperatures than those in low-lying
 Areas near bodies of water have moderate climate. Places far from bodies of
water usually have extreme climate.

Explain how latitude, altitude and bodies of water affect the climate in Metro Manila.

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about Climate Change.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIf-31
II. Learning Objectives:
 Share prior knowledge and experiences related to climate change
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Climate Change
B. Concept: Climate change brings drastic effects to some people and animals.
C. Materials: Bingo card with questions, ballpen/pencil
D. Reference: LM pp. 196-198
E. Process Skills: Assessing
F. Values Integration: Awareness of the changes happening in our environment.
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative, Inquiry, Interpretative, Reflective

Explain the message behind the picture:

Learners will do Explore 7 (Getting Ready!) to learn about climate change.
1. What does 3 Rs stand for?
2. What type of gas is released in landfills?

Climate change brings drastic effects to some people and animals.

What are the major causes of climate change?

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about the major causes of climate change.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIf-31
II. Learning Objectives:
 Interpret the relationship of carbon dioxide and temperature
 Explain how greenhouse gases trap heat.
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Greenhouse Effect
B. Concept: Greenhouse gases prevent heat to escape from earth making earth's
temperature higher.
C. Materials: A small glass tank or an aquarium with thin walls or shoe box, 2
laboratory thermometers with cover setup, Sunlight (if not available, you may use
study lamp)
D. Reference: LM pp.
E. Process Skills: Interpreting
F. Values Integration: Awareness about the major causes of climate change.
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative, Inquiry, Interpretative

Vocabulary Building

Learners will do Explore 8 (It's getting hot in here) to learn about one of the major
causes of climate change.
1. Which thermometer shows a faster rise in temperature?
2. What happened to the temperature inside the aquarium?
3. How does the wall of the aquarium relate to greenhouse gasses?

What will happen to the areas found in temperate region, tropical region and polar region
if there will be a significant increase of the temperature on earth?
Give 5 examples of greenhouse gases. Discuss how each of these gases are produce.

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about El Nino and La Nina.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIf-31
II. Learning Objectives:
 Differentiate El Nino and La Nina
 Cite some impacts of climate change to people and animals
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Impacts of Climate Change
B. Concept: El Niño is an abnormal and lengthy warming in the eastern part of the
Pacific Ocean. La Niña is the opposite climatic disturbance to El Niño.
C. Materials: task cards, thermometer, plastic bottle
D. Reference: LM pp.
E. Process Skills: Differentiating, citing impacts, observing
F. Values Integration: Awareness about the major causes of climate change.
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Collaborative
Vocabulary Building

The class will be divided into 3 groups and will be given the following tasks:
TASK 1. GREENHOUSE GROUP – They will be tasked to perform an activity
entitled “Your Own Greenhouse”. They will report to the class what they observe in
the activity and perform it in a creative way.
TASK 2. EL NIÑO GROUP – They will make a short TV news program about the
causes/ effects of El Niño.
TASK 3. LA NIÑA GROUP- They will make a short skit about La Niña and its impact
to the community, environment etc.
The students will perform the assigned task.

How can you lessen the effects of climate change?

Please refer to LM pp.207-208

V. Agreement/Assignment
List ways on how you can reduce the effects of climate change as a student.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School
Content: Earth and Space
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks
and lessen effects of climate change
I. Learning Competencies: S9ES-IIIf-31
II. Learning Objectives:
 Make a strategic plan to help mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change
 Calculate personal carbon emission
III. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Carbon Footprint
B. Concept: Anyone can be a contributor in changing our climate.
C. Materials: Carbon Footprint Calculator /Checklist, Manila paper, Short bond paper
D. Reference: LM pp.202-204
E. Process Skills: Calculating
F. Values Integration:
IV. Learning Task
Pedagogical Approach: Reflective
Many experts say that human activity is the reason why climate change happens.
Why is this so? What crime did humanity commit? Are you part of this crime?

The students will compute for their carbon footprint using Activity no.10 “Am I Hero
or a Climate Culprit?”

1. Which member gets the highest carbon footprint?
2. Which member gets the lowest carbon footprint?
3. What is the average carbon footprint of the group?
4. What is your highest source of carbon emission?
5. What is your lowest source of carbon emission?

Video watching

What can you do to lessen your carbon footprint?

V. Agreement/Assignment
Research about force, motion and energy.

Prepared by: Ms. Louise A. De Gusman, SST -1

Langkaan II National High School

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