Earth and Life Science DLL
Earth and Life Science DLL
Earth and Life Science DLL
C. Learning Objectives:
Competencies After discussing the subject matter, students should be able
K: define the concept of a system; and recognize the Earth
as a system composed of subsystems
S: make a concept map and use it to explain how the
geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere
are interconnected
A: show interaction among others
II. CONTENT Origin and Structure of the Earth: Earth and the Earth Systems
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG for SHS, Earth and Life Science, pp.
2. Learner’s Material Pages None
3. Textbook Pages None
4. Additional Materials from LR
Carleton College. (n.d.). Earth System Science. Retrieved from
C. Presenting
Instances of
the New
1. Define the term system as a set of interconnected components
that are interacting to form a unified whole.
2. Present this diagram that enumerates the subsystems of the
3. Explain that the Earth system is essentially a closed system. It
receives energy from the sun and returns some of this energy
to space. The arrows in the diagram indicate the interaction
among the components.
D. Discussing
Concepts and
New Skills #1
Group I: Atmosphere
- makes up of all the gases on Earth
- thin gaseous layer that envelopes the lithosphere
- composed of 78% nitrogen (N), 21% oxygen (O2), 0.9% argon,
E. Discussing
and trace amount of other gases
New Concepts
- constant exchange of heat and moisture between the
and Practicing
atmosphere and the hydrosphere through the hydrologic cycle
New Skills #2
Group II: Geosphere/Lithosphere
- includes all the soil, rocks, and
minerals present in the crust to the
core of the Earth
- divided into 3 layers (crust, mantle,
and core)
Guide Questions:
1. How the Earth’s subsystems interact?
2. What will happen if matter or energy does not change from
one form to another?
3. What is the importance of studying the interactions among the
four subsystems?
1. Each group will post their graphic organizer in the designated
learning station and shall be given 10 minutes to go around the
different stations.
2. One representative from each group should remain in their
station and will serve as the reporter to answer questions from
F. Developing other students.
1. Ask the class to think of 2 questions from the concepts they
learned and write it down in a ¼ sheet of paper.
2. After 5 minutes, ask the class to find a partner and share his/her
3. The teacher will choose few pairs to report their works.
G. Finding 1. Which do you prefer, to be alone or to interact with others in
Practical order to accomplish a certain task?
Applications 2. What are the importance of social interactions?
of Concepts 3. What are the substantial benefits of being with others?
and Skills in (boosted mood, less risk for depression, sharper mind and
Daily Living reduced risk for chronic conditions)
H. Making
Generalizations 1. What are the four subsystems of Earth?
and 2. Describe each subsystem.
Abstractions 3. Say, matter and energy move and cycle between the four
about the subsystems to make life on Earth possible.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter that
corresponds to your choice.
1. Which of the following is not included in Earth’s subsystems?
A. Biosphere B. Atmosphere
C. Geosphere D. Mesosphere E. Hydrosphere