Top 100 Aerospace Companies by Revenue 2018 PDF
Top 100 Aerospace Companies by Revenue 2018 PDF
Top 100 Aerospace Companies by Revenue 2018 PDF
Special report
2018 was a good year for Boeing as well as dollar terms than the three main regional air-
Airbus, with revenues starting to come in craft players. ■
5 ATR 1,770 -6.4%
6 Gulfstream 8,460 4%
7 Bombardier (business aviation} 5,000 1.2%
8 Textron (including military) 4,970 6.1%
9 Dassault Falcon 3,060 -13.4%
10 Embraer (business aviation) 1,100 -13.8%
Growth in revenue for top 20
Operating margin
11.3% 12.8%
poses of our Top 100 ranking), a company
that specialises in advanced materials, avion-
ics, and sensors and systems. Additions to its
portfolio in 2018 included Extant and Skandia.
Earlier this year, TransDigm stood accused
of making excess profits on a number of US
Department of Defense contracts, because Average Top 100 Increase in top 10 operating
several of its subsidiaries were sole-source operating margin profits to a total of $48.1 billion
suppliers of a particular component on certain
Aviation makes up 18% of Garmin’s rev-
enues – the company is also a major player in
the fitness, outdoor and automotive markets
– but 26% of its operating income. The com-
pany says that 2018 was “another remarkable
year of revenue and operating income growth
driven by strong performance” in the aviation
and other segments.
Family-owned Martin-Baker, making a return
to the Top 100, is in third place, and has previ-
ously featured among the most profitable com-
panies. Its ejection seats may have competitors,
but the strength of the UK manufacturer’s brand
and reputation mean they are a specialised
product that commands a premium.
Fourth placed Crane Aerospace is another
grouping of legacy brands, including Eldec,
Lear Romec, Signal Technology, Keltec, and
Interpoint, that compete in the sensing,
power, fuel and braking systems markets.
Part of the industrial group Crane, the aero-
space business recorded operating margins
of 22% in 2018. ■
Gary Dawson/Shutterstock
growth for their defence activities and three 1 Lockheed Martin 53,800 7.6%
split revenues
For the purposes of this sub-ranking we Northrop had the strongest bounce in 2018. 4.4% uplift, despite problems with the
have split – as far as is possible – sales from Boeing, number one in the main ranking, A400M programme.
the defence sector from revenues derived comes in at three with defence revenues of The two other European companies in the
from commercial and other markets. $23 billion – just under a quarter of its entire top 10 – BAE Systems and Leonardo – had
Lockheed Martin, a company almost en- business – followed by commercial aircraft less than impressive years. The Italian com-
tirely devoted to defence, continues to top rival Airbus, which is less of a direct competi- pany did manage a 4.3% uplift in revenues
the list with defence sales of $53.8 billion, tor in Boeing’s key defence markets. Boeing, – the second lowest in the top 10 – but its UK
followed by Northrop Grumman and largely dependent on a resurgent domestic counterpart suffered a 9.3% drop in defence
Raytheon – two other suppliers with essen- customer base, enjoyed a 12.8% rise in de- sales, alongside an even larger, 11.3% de-
tially defence-only portfolios. Of the two, fence revenues, while Airbus’s sales had a cline, in its overall turnover. ■
Data source
■ METHODOLOGY leasing. Joint ventures have been important companies, and we the figures for AVIC Aircraft and
Companies have been ranked included in the financial data. have used our industry knowl- Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation
for their financial year 2018 or Inter-segment sales have edge and best estimates to ar- Industry, rather than AVIC
2018-19. As far as possible, been excluded from operating rive at estimated sales figures. International. We believe that
we have sought to obtain rep- results and profits for divisions ■ Chromalloy is part of Sequa this combination gives a better
resentative figures for aero- where possible. Where that is Corporation, which is owned representation of AVIC’s aero-
space turnover. Companies not possible, divisional results by Carlyle. space sales.
involved predominantly in avi- have been presented inclusive ■ Hutchinson is a subsidiary of
ation services, maintenance, of divisional sales, which may French oil company Total. In ■ OPERATING RESULTS
repair and overhaul and fi- result in aerospace revenues the aerospace sector, it is a sig- Generally the profit (or loss) is
nance been excluded. greater than group sales. nificant supplier of equipment before interest, tax and excep-
Sectors involved with aircraft, When looking at all compa- across airframes, engines and tional items, and after deduc-
aero engines, avionics, missiles, nies, we have revisited our as- cabin systems. tion of depreciation.
space and aerostructures are sumptions on what should be ■ Nordam, a private US com- Discontinued or discontinuing
relatively straightforward, but included as aerospace sales, pany, is a major supplier of na- operations have been included
telecommunications, network- and in some cases we have celles, transparencies and where they fall in fiscal year
centric and C4I systems and changed our assumptions. business jet interiors. 2018 for that business.
some overhaul operations have Where we have done this, we ■ Precision Castparts, a US
been included only where these have used the same assump- company that is owned by ■ EXCHANGE RATES
are largely concerned with aer- tions for 2017 and 2018. Berkshire Hathaway. An average exchange rate for
ospace activities. Where a busi- In some companies that re- ■ Sierra Nevada, a private US the period 1 January to 31
ness’s divisional structure port the proportion of their corporation that has a range of December 2018 as been used
clearly separates its aerospace sales which are aerospace, the businesses in space systems, for all non-US companies, re-
activities, we have taken that aerospace sales are spread avionics and cybersecurity. gardless of fiscal year defini-
figure. In other instances, we across business units, which do Two Russian companies, tions. The source for the
have excluded elements of the business across a number of United Aircraft and Rostec, had exchange rate information was
business that are not involved in sectors, of which aerospace is not released their 2018 results the US Internal Revenue
aerospace, but in some cases, just one. In such cases, it is not at time of going to press so we Service. The percentage an-
where the company’s revenues possible to give a profit figure have assumed the same results nual changes in the financial
primarily derive from aerospace which corresponds to aero- in 2017 in the local currency. figures have been given in lo-
manufacturing, we have includ- space sales. However, due to currency cal currency terms in order to
ed the top-line revenue total. Five companies in this year’s movement these companies avoid unnecessary distortions.
Satellite services have been survey do not produce any esti- are showing sales increases in To eliminate exchange rates
excluded whenever possible, as mates for aerospace sales, dollar terms. effects, we have calculated
have companies and divisions which are in the public domain. The numbers for AVIC are percentage increase in reve-
that derive more than half their We have included them be- different from last year’s. This nues and profits for companies
revenues from services such as cause they are sizeable and year we have used the sum of in local currencies.