SI Footing Rec B

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Name of Project: hhghh General Notes:

Job No.: hhghh gkg

Client: yyy uyuu
Designed by: uuu hgh
Date: tyyuy
Sheet: 2 Of 2
Jerv Works Const. Ref: Reinforced Concrete Design, pg.416 by: Besavilla
*Input data in green cells

Footing, rectangular

footing no. ghh

fc' 21 MPa
fy 276 MPa
wt. of concrete 23.5 kN/m3
earth unit weight 15.7 kN/m3
q, allowable soil pressure 250 kPa

service load
service Dead load 159.75 kN
service Live load 56.2 kN

overburden 1 m

h, along footing long direction 400 mm
b, along footing short direction 300 mm

footing OK
B , least side 1.3 m.
assume side L 1.6 m > = 0.78 OK - soil pressure
assume footing h (min. .20m) 0.25 m. OK - footing depth but may lessen by 25.1%
concrete cover 70 mm

R-bars to use
Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars

footing reinforcement
r-bar no. OK - soil pressure
column dowels
16mm 4 min. 4 OK - 2-way shear
OK - beam shear
OK - ld at long direction
OK - no. of column dowels
use ld min 200 mm into both column and footing
0.15 m. 1.3 m. 0.15 m.

400 mm

1.3 m 300 mm
6 - 16mm longitudinal bars

6 - 16mm 0.5 - 16mm

transverse bars at center transverse bars at outer
strip strip

long direction

6 - 16mm longitudinal bars

0.5 - 16mm 6 - 16mm 0.5 - 16mm

transverse bars at outer transverse bars at center transverse bars at outer
strip strip strip

short direction

6 - 16mm longitudinal bars 1 m overburden

0.25 m

1.3 m

wt. of assume footing 12.22 kN

wt. of overburden 24.649 kN
total load = wt. of footing +overburden+ column load 252.819 kN
required footing area = total load / q 1.011276 m2
required footing L = 0.78 m
actual footing L 1.6 m
actual footing area 2.08 m2
Pu = 1.4(DL+overburden) + 1.7LL 353.6986 kN
qu, actual upward soil pressure = Pu/actual foot. area 170.0474 kPa

qa ,allowable value of soil pressure = q* Pu /(DL + LL) 409.4682 kPa >>== 170.0474
OK - soil pressure

check d by punching shear

actual d = 172 mm
min c = 300 mm

d/2 c d/2

actual punching shear, vn = Vu/Фbod

actual Vu =qu* [L2 - (c+d)2] 315.8148 kN
actual shear vc = Vu / Фbod 1144.15 kPa

allowable punching shear

βc = long side of column / short side of column 1
allowable punching shear, vc = (1+2/βc)√fc'/6 2291.288 kPa
allowable punching shear = √fc'/3 1527.525 kPa
use min. vc = 1527.525 kPa >> == 1144.15
OK - 2-way shear
OK - footing depth but may lessen by
% 25.1

check for beam shear

actual beam shear
r = L/2 - c/2 -d 0.478 m
Vu = qu*B*r 105.6675 kN
vn = Vu/θBd 555.9689 kPa

allowable beam shear

va = 1/6√fc' 763.7626 kPa >>== 555.9689
OK - beam shear
% 27.21
r d

Bending moment
long direction

x=( L-h)/2 0.6 m
actual bending moment Mu = qu*B*x2/2 39.79109 kN-m
Mn = Mu/.90 44.21233 kN-m
m = fy/.85fc' 15.46218
Rn = Mn/Bd2 1149.59 kPa
ρ = 1/m(1-√1-2mRn/fy) 0.004309
ρmin = 1.4/fy 0.005072
required ρ = 0.005072
As = ρ (actual B*d) 1134.203 mm2
no. of bars 16mm longitudinal bars 6 ea.

check ld
required ld = .02Ab*fy/√fc' 242.2376 mm
or ld = .06dbfy 264.96 mm
required ld = 264.96 mm

actual ld = x - concrete cover 530 mm >>== 264.96

OK - ld at long direction
short direction


x' = (B - b)/2 0.5 m.
actual bending moment Mu = qu*L*x'2/2 34.00948 kN-m
Mn = Mu/.90 37.78831 kN-m
m = fy/.85fc' 15.46218
Rn = Mn/Ld2 798.3266 kPa
ρ = 1/m(1-√1-2mRn/fy) 0.00296
ρ min = 0.005072
required ρ = 0.005072
As = ρ (actual L*d) 1395.942 mm2
no. of bars 16mm 7 ea.
for centerstrip 16mm transverse bars at center strip 6 ea. 1.3 m
for outerstrip 16mm transverse bars at outer strip 0.5 ea. 0.15 m
check ld
required ld = 264.96 mm
actual ld = x' - concrete cover 430 mm>>== 264.96
OK - ld at short direction

check bearing stress of footing

allowable = θ*.85fc'A1√(A2/A1) ACI Code
A1 area column = 0.12 m2
A2 area of square footing at center strip 1.69 m2
√(A2/A1) = 3.752777
or max √(A2/A1) = 2
required √(A2/A1) 2
θ= 0.7
allowable = θ*.85fc'A1√(A2/A1) ACI Code 2998.8 kN
actual bearing load = 1.4DL + 1.7LL 319.19 kN <<== 2998.8
OK - bearing load of column to footing
required min area of dowels = .005*area column 600 mm2
actual area of dowels 4 - 16mm 804.4 mm2 >>== 600
OK - no. of column dowels
check development length of dowels (in compression)
min. Ld = .04db*fy 176.64 mm
or min = 200 (ACI 318-83 Section 12-3-1) 200 mm
Ld = db/4(fy/√fc') 240.9126 mm
required Ld = Ld(As required/ As actual) 179.6961 mm
hence, required min Ld = 200 mm
use ld min 200 mm into both column and footing
footing bar column dowels
Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars
r-bar area dia. r-bar area dia.
6mm 28.27 6 6mm 28.27 6
10mm 78.54 10 10mm 78.54 10
12mm 113.10 12 12mm 113.10 12
16mm 201.1 16 16mm 201.1 16
20mm 314.2 20 20mm 314.2 20
25mm 491.90 25 25mm 491.90 25
28mm 615.75 28 28mm 615.75 28
32mm 804.25 32 32mm 804.25 32
201.1 16 201.1 16

ASTM Standard Reinforcing Bars

Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars

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