SI Footing Rec B
SI Footing Rec B
SI Footing Rec B
Footing, rectangular
fc' 21 MPa
fy 276 MPa
wt. of concrete 23.5 kN/m3
earth unit weight 15.7 kN/m3
q, allowable soil pressure 250 kPa
service load
service Dead load 159.75 kN
service Live load 56.2 kN
overburden 1 m
h, along footing long direction 400 mm
b, along footing short direction 300 mm
footing OK
B , least side 1.3 m.
assume side L 1.6 m > = 0.78 OK - soil pressure
assume footing h (min. .20m) 0.25 m. OK - footing depth but may lessen by 25.1%
concrete cover 70 mm
R-bars to use
Phils. Standard Reinforcing Bars
footing reinforcement
r-bar no. OK - soil pressure
column dowels
16mm 4 min. 4 OK - 2-way shear
OK - beam shear
OK - ld at long direction
OK - no. of column dowels
use ld min 200 mm into both column and footing
0.15 m. 1.3 m. 0.15 m.
400 mm
1.3 m 300 mm
6 - 16mm longitudinal bars
long direction
short direction
0.25 m
1.3 m
qa ,allowable value of soil pressure = q* Pu /(DL + LL) 409.4682 kPa >>== 170.0474
OK - soil pressure
d/2 c d/2
Bending moment
long direction
x=( L-h)/2 0.6 m
actual bending moment Mu = qu*B*x2/2 39.79109 kN-m
Mn = Mu/.90 44.21233 kN-m
m = fy/.85fc' 15.46218
Rn = Mn/Bd2 1149.59 kPa
ρ = 1/m(1-√1-2mRn/fy) 0.004309
ρmin = 1.4/fy 0.005072
required ρ = 0.005072
As = ρ (actual B*d) 1134.203 mm2
no. of bars 16mm longitudinal bars 6 ea.
check ld
required ld = .02Ab*fy/√fc' 242.2376 mm
or ld = .06dbfy 264.96 mm
required ld = 264.96 mm
x' = (B - b)/2 0.5 m.
actual bending moment Mu = qu*L*x'2/2 34.00948 kN-m
Mn = Mu/.90 37.78831 kN-m
m = fy/.85fc' 15.46218
Rn = Mn/Ld2 798.3266 kPa
ρ = 1/m(1-√1-2mRn/fy) 0.00296
ρ min = 0.005072
required ρ = 0.005072
As = ρ (actual L*d) 1395.942 mm2
no. of bars 16mm 7 ea.
for centerstrip 16mm transverse bars at center strip 6 ea. 1.3 m
for outerstrip 16mm transverse bars at outer strip 0.5 ea. 0.15 m
check ld
required ld = 264.96 mm
actual ld = x' - concrete cover 430 mm>>== 264.96
OK - ld at short direction