1) The Vijaya Bank branch in Guruvayoor will be shifting locations and operations to the Bank of Baroda branch nearby on January 27th, 2020.
2) All banking services and locker facilities will continue to be provided from the new premises.
3) Customers are requested to contact the branch by January 24th if they need assistance accessing their lockers before or during the shift.
1) The Vijaya Bank branch in Guruvayoor will be shifting locations and operations to the Bank of Baroda branch nearby on January 27th, 2020.
2) All banking services and locker facilities will continue to be provided from the new premises.
3) Customers are requested to contact the branch by January 24th if they need assistance accessing their lockers before or during the shift.
1) The Vijaya Bank branch in Guruvayoor will be shifting locations and operations to the Bank of Baroda branch nearby on January 27th, 2020.
2) All banking services and locker facilities will continue to be provided from the new premises.
3) Customers are requested to contact the branch by January 24th if they need assistance accessing their lockers before or during the shift.
1) The Vijaya Bank branch in Guruvayoor will be shifting locations and operations to the Bank of Baroda branch nearby on January 27th, 2020.
2) All banking services and locker facilities will continue to be provided from the new premises.
3) Customers are requested to contact the branch by January 24th if they need assistance accessing their lockers before or during the shift.
{]tXyI {i≤vbv°v FOR THE KIND ATTTENTION OF RßfpsS D]t`m‡m°fnte°p≈ MOST VALUED CUSTOMERS tkh\w GIoIcn°m\pw i‡ns∏Sp In our endeavor to consolidate and strengthen Øm\pap≈ {iaØnepw Nne AUvan\n our services to our customers and due to kvt{S‰ohv kuIcy߃ sa®s∏SpØm\pw \nehn¬ {]h¿Øn®psIm≠ncn°p∂ ap≥ certain administrative conveniences of hnPbm _m¶ns‚ Kpcphmbq¿ imJ, erstwhile Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch \w.101/9˛10, Ingt° \S, Kpcphmbq¿, presently functioning from NO 101/9-10, East Xr»q¿˛680101 C\n apX¬ _m¶v Hm^v Nada, Guruvayoor, Thrissur District - 680101 _tdmU, Kpcphmbq¿ imJ, ]n._n. \w.28, will be shifted to Bank of Baroda, Guruvayoor Fantd‰v k v tImwπIv k v , Ingt° \S, Branch situated at P B No.28, Emirates Kpcphmbq¿, Xr»q¿˛680101 F∂ hnemk Complex, East Nada Guruvayoor, Thrissur Øn¬ 27-01-2020 F∂ Xob-Xn-tbm-Sv ASp- ∏n®v {]h¿Ø\w Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Sn District - 680101 around by 27-01-2020. It shall ÿeØv \n∂v F√m Xc- Ø n- e p≈ function and cater all types of banking _m¶nwKv tkh-\-ßfpw e`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. business/ services from the said premises \n¿±njvS ÿe-tØ°v tem°-dp-Iƒ am‰p- thereon. We also wish to inform that all the ºmƒ AXoh Pm{KX ]pe¿Øpsa∂v Rß- locker holder/ customers of our erstwhile fpsS ap≥ hnPb _m¶nse tem°¿ D]- Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch that utmost tbm-Kn-°p∂ F√m D]-t`m-‡m-°-sfbpw care will be taken while shifting the lockers Adn-bn-°-∂p. Xm¬∏cyap≈ D]t`m‡m °ƒ tem°dnep≈ km[\߃ ssIhi to the proposed premises. However if any saSpØv ]n∂oSv \n¿±njv S ÿeØv customer with locker facility decide to take ]q¿Æambn tem°¿ am‰nbXn\v tijw possession of the contents of the locker and ho≠pw \nt£]n°p∂Xn-\mbv ap≥ hnPbm redeposit the same after shifting of the lockers _m¶ns‚ imJbpambn 24-01-2020 t\m to the proposed location, he/she is requested AXn\v aptºm _‘s∏tS≠XmWv. to contact the branch (eVB, Guruvayoor IqSpX¬ hnhc߃ °v RßfpsS ap≥ Branch) on or before 24-01-2020. Our hnPbm _m¶ns‚ Kpcphmbq¿ imJbpsS amt\Pcpambn _‘s∏SpI. t^m¨: erstwhile Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch 0487-2550717. Sn am‰Øn¬ \n߃°v may also be contacted on 0487-2550717. D≠mIp∂ AkuIcyØn¬ R߃ We sincerely regret the inconvenience Bflm¿∞ambn tJZn°p∂p. XpS¿∂pw caused to you and assure you that best F√mbvt∏mgpw RßfpsS anI® services will be offered all the time. tkh\߃ \n߃°v Dd∏v \¬Ip∂p. Place: Ernakulam Regional Head, ÿew: FdWmIpfw doPnbW¬ slÕv XobXn: 10˛12˛2019 FdWmIpfw doPnb¨ Date: 10-12-2019 Ernakulam Region