S) MXP T/M Okv: D) T'M M°Fpss Txyi (I Vbv°V

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s]mXp t\m´okv


RßfpsS D]t`m‡m°fnte°p≈ MOST VALUED CUSTOMERS
tkh\w GIoIcn°m\pw i‡ns∏Sp In our endeavor to consolidate and strengthen
Øm\pap≈ {iaØnepw Nne AUvan\n our services to our customers and due to
kvt{S‰ohv kuIcy߃ sa®s∏SpØm\pw
\nehn¬ {]h¿Øn®psIm≠ncn°p∂ ap≥ certain administrative conveniences of
hnPbm _m¶ns‚ Kpcphmbq¿ imJ, erstwhile Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch
\w.101/9˛10, Ingt° \S, Kpcphmbq¿, presently functioning from NO 101/9-10, East
Xr»q¿˛680101 C\n apX¬ _m¶v Hm^v Nada, Guruvayoor, Thrissur District - 680101
_tdmU, Kpcphmbq¿ imJ, ]n._n. \w.28, will be shifted to Bank of Baroda, Guruvayoor
Fantd‰v k v tImwπIv k v , Ingt° \S, Branch situated at P B No.28, Emirates
Kpcphmbq¿, Xr»q¿˛680101 F∂ hnemk Complex, East Nada Guruvayoor, Thrissur
Øn¬ 27-01-2020 F∂ Xob-Xn-tbm-Sv ASp-
∏n®v {]h¿Ø\w Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Sn District - 680101 around by 27-01-2020. It shall
ÿeØv \n∂v F√m Xc- Ø n- e p≈ function and cater all types of banking
_m¶nwKv tkh-\-ßfpw e`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. business/ services from the said premises
\n¿±njvS ÿe-tØ°v tem°-dp-Iƒ am‰p- thereon. We also wish to inform that all the
ºmƒ AXoh Pm{KX ]pe¿Øpsa∂v Rß- locker holder/ customers of our erstwhile
fpsS ap≥ hnPb _m¶nse tem°¿ D]- Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch that utmost
tbm-Kn-°p∂ F√m D]-t`m-‡m-°-sfbpw care will be taken while shifting the lockers
Adn-bn-°-∂p. Xm¬∏cyap≈ D]t`m‡m
°ƒ tem°dnep≈ km[\߃ ssIhi to the proposed premises. However if any
saSpØv ]n∂oSv \n¿±njv S ÿeØv customer with locker facility decide to take
]q¿Æambn tem°¿ am‰nbXn\v tijw possession of the contents of the locker and
ho≠pw \nt£]n°p∂Xn-\mbv ap≥ hnPbm redeposit the same after shifting of the lockers
_m¶ns‚ imJbpambn 24-01-2020 t\m to the proposed location, he/she is requested
AXn\v aptºm _‘s∏tS≠XmWv. to contact the branch (eVB, Guruvayoor
IqSpX¬ hnhc߃ °v RßfpsS ap≥ Branch) on or before 24-01-2020. Our
hnPbm _m¶ns‚ Kpcphmbq¿ imJbpsS
amt\Pcpambn _‘s∏SpI. t^m¨: erstwhile Vijaya Bank, Guruvayoor Branch
0487-2550717. Sn am‰Øn¬ \n߃°v may also be contacted on 0487-2550717.
D≠mIp∂ AkuIcyØn¬ R߃ We sincerely regret the inconvenience
Bflm¿∞ambn tJZn°p∂p. XpS¿∂pw caused to you and assure you that best
F√mbvt∏mgpw RßfpsS anI® services will be offered all the time.
tkh\߃ \n߃°v Dd∏v \¬Ip∂p. Place: Ernakulam Regional Head,
ÿew: FdWmIpfw doPnbW¬ slÕv
XobXn: 10˛12˛2019 FdWmIpfw doPnb¨ Date: 10-12-2019 Ernakulam Region

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