eStatement_04 Aug 2024_1722935389987
eStatement_04 Aug 2024_1722935389987
eStatement_04 Aug 2024_1722935389987
Dear Customer
e - statement
Our dear customer please be advised that interest rates on current and saving accounts in local currency are changed according to
the bank's internal policies and based on Central bank of Egypt's interest rate adjustments. For more information visit bank's
§F Tz ¶´¦P©¥©¦¶ اr¥âC V´w±G¥ت اâCâZO¶ و³رâM¥ت اâCâZP¥¦· اq ةTéâx¥ر اârYن أAC §¦r¥· اLV³ ¹ W³Wr¥ اâ-¦´©q
«¨ T³W©¥ .ةTéâx¥ر اârY ا²w يVf©¥ي اW¢V©¥ ا،-D¥ت اû³TrF ·¦q ءâ-C¦´¶ وRاT¥ ا،-D¥¶ اYâ´Z¥ â|w و⮦³TrF ²¬وVG£¥ù اâ-rz±¨ رةâ³· زLV³ ت⨱¦r©¥ا
IBAN : EG710046010400000059100422074
If you don't submit your written protest to the bank on any of those transactions within 15 days ¶zدâf¨ وâ´é⮬ اراVz¶ اCâJ©C ،¥ ذTr´w بâZP¥ اvc£¥ §£¨ûGY اQ³رâF «¨ ⨱³ Vcq ¶Z©R لûR بâZP¥ اvc£C ¶|wV©¥ت اû¨âr©¥¦· أى ¨« اq ·CâG£¥§ ا£hاVGq§ ا³T|F مTq ¶¥âO ·w
commencing from the receiving date of the bank statement, this will be considered as a final بâZP¥ اvc¢ ارTe اQ³رâF ·GO بâZP¥ اvc£C ¶Ph±©¥ة اTeرë اT´eV¥¶ اPfC §£-¨
undertaking and acknowledgement of balance(s) confirmation and accuracy until the issuance date
." «³û¬ق أوVc©¥â" ·¦q حâG©¥ " ا²¢U¥ق اVc©¥ اTqâZ©" لûR «¨ â-r¨ ¤eا±G¥· اLV³ ¹راتâZxGYت أو ا⨱¦r©¥ ¨« اT³W©¥
of the bank statement
For more information or any inquiry, please chat with us through “Mashreq Virtual Assistant”
available on “Mashreq Online”. ¹BéاVi¥¶ اP¦f¨ ·¥ اâ°T³ر±F´¶ وDZ-¥¶ اu¨T¥´©¶ اz «¨ §£Fدâ´Y ¶fO §fSC م±|³ ف±Y â-wVf¨ نâw ¹¯Fû³TrF و1980 ¶-Z¥ 111 §z¶ رu¨T¥¶ اD³Vh ن±¬â|¥ â|wو
Pursuant to Stamp Duty Law no. 111 of the year 1980 and subsequent amendments, the Bank will
recover your share of the ¯Fâ|P¦¨ p´©MC «³T©¥ اT´eV¥§ ا¢ادTY مâ©F ·GO وûD|GZ¨ Ez· أى وw ن±¬â|¥ اâ°رV|³ ·G¥¶ اDZ-¥âC أو¹V®b¶ أIûI ¤¢ «³T¨ T´e¦· رq ¨« أ0. 005 pzا±C رT|F ¶fP¥ه اU°و
proportional Stamp Duty to be paid to the Egyptian Tax Authority. This share is calculated at the rate ،-C ¶l¦Z¥ â|w وVRë Ezل ¨« وTrF ز أن±M³ ·G¥¶ و ا³رâZ¥وط اVc¥م و اâ£Oë· ا¥ اVf¨ قVc©¥ ا،-C ءû©q ¤Dz «¨ ¶C±¦l©¥´¶ اwVf©¥ت اû¨âr©¥¶ اw⢠piSF
دةVx-©¥¶ ا³V³T|G¥ اVf¨ قVc©¥ا
of 0.05% on the highest debit balance in a quarter or any other calculation determined by the law
in the future until full settlement of the facility and, associated fees and charges.
All banking transactions requested by Mashreq customers are governed by Bank’s Terms and
Conditions that might change from time to time according to Mashreq Bank’s sole discretion.
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Consolidated Statement p©M¨ بâZO vc¢
¤´©r¥ى اW³Wq
¶´¥وT¥¦´¶ و اP©¥¯ اqوVw ¶wâ£C ،-D¥ اâ®C ¤©r³ ·G¥ول اT¥ اp´©L ²w قVc©¥ ا،-C pDG³
د أن±¬ وyDlF ²G¥ت اâC±|r¥©¶ واo¬ëا¬´« وا±|¥ اp´©MC ¤¨â£¥ام اWG¥ïâC §ZGF ¶Yâ´Y
.تâC±|r¦¥ ¶rhâS¥ان اT¦D¥âC y¦rG©¥ء اû©r¥ط اâc¬ ·¦q د±´z ¯³T¥ ،-D¥ن اAC â-éû©q V¢U¬
¶´¥â©c¥ اâ³ر±¢ ان اوV³àC ¶|¦rG¨ أوp¨ تû¨âr¨ ¶³ أU´x-GC ،-D¥م ا±|³ ù
.(¶¦©r¥« اq Vo-¥ اguD)
دان±Z¥ ا¹ ¹â³ر±Y ) ¶´Fùول اT¥âC ¶zûq ⮥ رûوT¥âC تû¨âr¨ ¶³اء أVL§ إG³ ù
مTrC ¯éû©q امWG¥ق إVc©¥ ا،-C pz±G³ ¯´¦q م )وV|¥ة اV³WL ¯Db و¹âC±¢ ¹ر⩬⴨
¹·£³V¨ùر اûوT¥âC رة±¢U©¥ول اT¥âC ¶¦e ذاتV³TfF اد اوV´GYت اâ´¦©q اء ايVLا
·¥ى اVR©¦¶ أrC اردة±¥ت اû¨âr©¥ه اU° «¨ ات أيTéâq ¤³±PF مTrC Nf-³ â©¢
. ،-C لûR «¨ â®®´L±F و²£³V¨ëر اûوT¥â.
«xY ت وâ¬â´£¥ص واâSbë اp¨ تû¨âr¨ أيU´x-GC قVc©¥ ا،-C N©Z³ ù
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²G¥درات( اâf¥اردات أو ا±¥ ا،¥ ذ²w â©D) . تû¨âr¨ اى²w قVc©¥ ا،-C كVGc³ ù
اضVtë ⮨اTSGY« ا£©³ ²G¥دوج واW©¥ام اTSGYù ذات اVeâ-q ·¦q ي±l-F
¶P¦Yë وا¹ وي±-¥ر اâcG¬ù ا²w ⮨اTSGY« ا£©³ ²G¥دوات اë ا¤J¨ ¶´¨±M°
Q¥ ا. VéâRU¥وا
،-D¥ ا¹ ءû©r¥ â³VfO ¶´wVf©¥ت اâ¨TS¥§ ا³T|F ·¦q قVc©¥ ا،-C ¶Yâ´Y d-F
H¥âI . افVk «q ¶Câ´¬ §®GCâZO ²w تû¨âr¨ اءVLم إTrC ءû©r¥ اNf-³ اU¥
yDY â©C ¶éû©q امWG¥ق اVc©¥ ا،-C pz±G³
If you don't submit your written protest to the bank on any of those transactions within 15 days §£-¨ ¶zدâf¨ وâ´é⮬ اراVz¶ اCâJ©C ،¥ ذTr´w بâZP¥ اvc£¥ §£¨ûGY اQ³رâF «¨ ⨱³ Vcq ¶Z©R لûR بâZP¥ اvc£C ¶|wV©¥ت اû¨âr©¥¦· أى ¨« اq ·CâG£¥§ ا£hاVGq§ ا³T|F مTq ¶¥âO ·w
commencing from the receiving date of the bank statement, this will be considered as a final بâZP¥ اvc¢ ارTe اQ³رâF ·GO بâZP¥ اvc£C ¶Ph±©¥ة اTeرë اT´eV¥¶ اPfC
undertaking and acknowledgement of balance(s) confirmation and accuracy until the issuance date
of the bank statement ." «³û¬ق أوVc©¥â" ·¦q حâG©¥ " ا²¢U¥ق اVc©¥ اTqâZ©" لûR «¨ â-r¨ ¤eا±G¥· اLV³ ¹راتâZxGYت أو ا⨱¦r©¥ ¨« اT³W©¥
For more information or any inquiry, please chat with us through “Mashreq Virtual Assistant”
available on “Mashreq Online”. ¹BéاVi¥¶ اP¦f¨ ·¥ اâ°T³ر±F´¶ وDZ-¥¶ اu¨T¥´©¶ اz «¨ §£Fدâ´Y ¶fO §fSC م±|³ ف±Y â-wVf¨ نâw ¹¯Fû³TrF و1980 ¶-Z¥ 111 §z¶ رu¨T¥¶ اD³Vh ن±¬â|¥ â|wو
Pursuant to Stamp Duty Law no. 111 of the year 1980 and subsequent amendments, the Bank will ¯Fâ|P¦¨ p´©MC «³T©¥ اT´eV¥§ ا¢ادTY مâ©F ·GO وûD|GZ¨ Ez· أى وw ن±¬â|¥ اâ°رV|³ ·G¥¶ اDZ-¥âC أو¹V®b¶ أIûI ¤¢ «³T¨ T´e¦· رq ¨« أ0. 005 pzا±C رT|F ¶fP¥ه اU°و
recover your share of the
proportional Stamp Duty to be paid to the Egyptian Tax Authority. This share is calculated at the rate ،-C ¶l¦Z¥ â|w وVRë Ezل ¨« وTrF ز أن±M³ ·G¥¶ و ا³رâZ¥وط اVc¥م و اâ£Oë· ا¥ اVf¨ قVc©¥ ا،-C ءû©q ¤Dz «¨ ¶C±¦l©¥´¶ اwVf©¥ت اû¨âr©¥¶ اw⢠piSF
دةVx-©¥¶ ا³V³T|G¥ اVf¨ قVc©¥ا
of 0.05% on the highest debit balance in a quarter or any other calculation determined by the law
in the future until full settlement of the facility and, associated fees and charges.
All banking transactions requested by Mashreq customers are governed by Bank’s Terms and
Conditions that might change from time to time according to Mashreq Bank’s sole discretion.
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