Dayshift Activities (03-Jan.2018)
Dayshift Activities (03-Jan.2018)
Dayshift Activities (03-Jan.2018)
Site personnel:-
1.4Fula Field
1.4.1 Site Personnel:
Name Company Position
Dayshift Personnel
Assim Abdelsalam P.E Field Foreman
Fkhrelden Mohamed P.E Field Operator
Mohamed Hamid P.E Field Operator
Yasir Fathelrhman P.E Field Operator
Nightshift Personnel
Abdelrhim Mohamed P.E Field Foreman
Salaheldin Gadelrab P.E Field Operator
Fula Field:-
1.3.1 FPF
1. Patrol check for all production facilities has been done, monitor & record the
2. Cleaning and housekeeping inside FPF.
3. Cooperated with DCS staff to check and calibrate all FPF gas detectors (Ongoing).
1.3.3 Field:
1.3.4 Field personnel:
1. Routine check for all production wells and OGMs has been done.
2. Tested M7-7.
3. Restarted M7-5 at 08:45 after fluid buildup.
AGR Activities:
Name Company Position
Dayshift Personnel
Abdelmunem Alamin P.E AGR Operator
Night shift
Ehab Abdelftah Khalifa P.E AGR Operator
1. Patrol check for engines, vessels and compressors has been done, monitor & record
its parameters.
2. Unit A (PK-2409A) stopped on Feb.03, 2015 due to compressor 2nd stage
piston damage.
3. Unit B (PK-2409B) running normal.
Engine No. Running (hrs.) Outlet Pressure (Mpa) Average Flow Rate(m3/h)
B 15 7.42 2232
1Site Personnel:
Tanks Level:
2.0 Field:-
2.1 Field personnel:
2. Field:-
2.1 Site personnel:-
Nightshift Personnel
Emad Ibrahim P.E Field Operator
Field Activities:-
1. Routine check for all production wells has been done.
2.Continue N2 lifting for JS-15 by (PSNI#2).
3.Continue N2 injection for JS-18 by (PSNI#1).
4.Continue N2 injection for JS-19 by (PSNI#3).
5. Stopped gas lifting from some wells ( JS-4,JS-14, JS-26, JS-28, and JS-35) at 08:30
due to AGR unit D tripped and resumed as following:
JS-14 resumed gas lifting at 09:00.
JS-4, JS-26, JS-28, and JS-35 resumed normally after unit D resume at 10:00.
3.1 Site Personnel:-
Engine No. Running Status Outlet Pressure (Mpa) Average Flow Rate(m3/h)
PK-7402-A Stopped - -
PK-7402-B Stopped - -
PK-7402-C Running 10.79 8353
PK-7402-D Running 10.75 6788
Total Flow Rate 15141
3.3 Jake
1. HP units (A&B) stopped for maintenance due to malfunctions.
2. Handover AGR unit (B) to contractor for 16000hrs (engine) routine maintenance,
Engine No. Running Status Outlet Pressure (Mpa) Suction (Mpa) Average Rate(m3/hr)
PK7403-A Stopped - - -
PK7403-B Stopped - - -
Total Flow Rate -
1.1Site Personnel:-
Name Company Position
Dayshift Personnel
Sirag Omer P.E FPF Foreman
1.2 Musab Ibrahim P.E FPF Operator
Ahmed Hassan P.E FPF Operator
Mohamed Ahmed P.E FPF Operator
Nightshift Personnel
Mohammed Mahdi P.E FPF Foreman
Assad Almosalami P.E FPF Operator
Mozamel Yousif P.E FPF Operator
Ongoing Operations and Evaluation:
1.3 Day Activities:
1. Patrol check for all FPF equipment’s has been done.
2. Continue draining water from Storage Tank TK-6501B.
3. Reclaimed oil from retention pond by vacuum truck.
4. Cooperated with Electric staff to solve the power problem of skimmed oil pump P-
5. Added 1000 kg of Heavy Demulsfier (RSA-7382-A) to chemical tank TK-6913.
Well No. C.P (Mpa) T.P (Mpa) FL.P (Mpa) FLT ( ˚C) Freq. (Hz) Current (A)
K-N-6 0.5 1.2 1.1 N.A 20 46
2. AGR:
3.1 Site Personnel:
Name Company Position
Day shift Personnel
Ahmed Hassan P.E AGR Operator
Mustafa Ahmed P.E AGR Operator
Night shift Personnel
3.2 Day Activities:
1. Telal Hussein P.E AGR Operator
Patrol check for engines, vessels and compressors has been done, monitor& record
2. Unit B shutdown for 2 hours due to cylinder detonation.
3. Units B&C are running normally.
4. Unit A stopped.
3.3 Units Performance:
Engine No. Running Status Outlet Pressure (Mpa) AV-Flow rate (m3/hr.)
A Stopped - -
B Running 8.1 2519
C Running 3423
Site Personnel:-
Dayshift Personnel
Musa Abu Makeen P.E Operation Supervisor
Muaz Awad P.E FPF Foreman
Omer Osman P.E CR Operator
Basil Ahmed P.E FPF Operator
Almahadi Mohammed P.E Field Operator
Nightshift Personnel
Alamin Awad P.E FPF Foreman
Ahmed Ali P.E FPF Operator
Farah Nasir P.E FPF Operator
Hosam Musa P.E FPF Operator
1. Patrol check for all production wells has been done.
2. Tested HN-7 & H3-1.
1. Patrol check has been done, monitor & record the parameter.
2. Mud pumps-B stand by & A out of service.
Sufyan FPF
Site Personnel:-
1. Patrol check for all production facilities have been done, monitor & record the
2. Drain the condensate from fuel gas scrubber (continuously).
3. 36m3 of hot water loaded from EPF to well site.
4. Cooperated with DCS staff to clean solenoid valve of air compressor dryer(PK-
1.4 Parameters:-
2.0 Field:
2.1 Field personnel: