ICEBREAKER Dos and Donts

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ICEBREAKER Do’s and Don’ts


Do use icebreakers to create a more relaxed environment.

Do use icebreakers as topic lead-ins during class and meetings.
Do choose the right game for the right group.
Do make sure that you have the right amount of people for the game that you choose.
Do make the instructions for the icebreaker as simple as possible.
Do keep your eye on the participants. Make sure that they are having fun.
Do be ready to improvise if necessary.
Do have a back-up plan. If the icebreaker isn’t working, you will need it.


Don’t introduce an icebreaker game that will make others uncomfortable- physically or
Don’t underestimate the time it will take to complete the icebreaker game or activity.
Don’t forget to bring all of the materials that you need.
Don’t limit icebreakers to the beginning of a meeting/class. Use them to revitalize the
group at any time.
Don’t force people to participate.
Don’t forget to keep track of which ice breakers work and which ones don’t.
Don’t choose complicated icebreakers. Keep it simple.

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