Self-Care Activities

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Simple self-care activities that high school students can attempt on the spot:

1. Take five deep breaths.

2. Stretch your body.
3. Write down three things you're grateful for.
4. Go for a short walk outside.
5. Listen to your favorite song.
6. Write a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself.
7. Have a dance party in your room.
8. Draw or doodle in a sketchbook.
9. Practice a short mindfulness meditation.
10. Write a letter to your future self.
11. Read a few pages of a book you enjoy.
12. Take a power nap.
13. Do a quick workout routine.
14. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
15. Drink a glass of water.
16. Practice deep breathing exercises.
17. Have a healthy snack.
18. Do a quick yoga routine.
19. Call or video chat with a friend.
20. Organize your workspace or backpack.
21. Create a gratitude jar and add a note of appreciation.
22. Watch a funny video or show to boost your mood.
23. Write down your goals for the day.
24. Create a calming playlist of your favorite songs.
25. Take a hot shower or bath.
26. Practice progressive muscle relaxation.
27. Do a mini digital detox and take a break from screens.
28. Look at old photos that bring back happy memories.
29. Try a new hobby or activity for a few minutes.
30. Write down three things you love about yourself.
31. Engage in a DIY arts and crafts project.
32. Play a quick game or puzzle.
33. Have a healthy snack, like fruits or nuts.
34. Watch the sunset or sunrise.
35. Practice self-massage or use a foam roller.
36. Try a guided meditation app or video.
37. Have a cup of herbal tea and savor the warmth.
38. Watch a motivational TED Talk or inspirational speech.
39. Do a brain teaser or crossword puzzle.
40. Take a moment to appreciate nature or a beautiful view.
41. Declutter and organize a small area of your room.
42. Write down your worries and then let them go.
43. Take a few minutes to daydream or visualize your goals.
44. Do a random act of kindness for someone else.
45. Give yourself a mini spa treatment with a face mask or foot soak.
46. Sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.
47. Practice positive self-talk and affirmations.
48. Practice mindful eating and savor each bite of your meal.
49. Watch a motivational or inspiring YouTube video.
50. Write down one thing you accomplished today.
51. Take a few deep breaths to relax.
52. Stretch your neck and shoulders.
53. Close your eyes and listen to calming music through earphones.
54. Use a stress ball or fidget toy to release tension.
55. Write down one thing you appreciate about yourself.
56. Give yourself a gentle hand massage.
57. Practice mindfulness by focusing on the sensation of your breath.
58. Do a quick shoulder roll to release tension.
59. Use scented hand lotion and take a moment to enjoy the fragrance.
60. Do a mini gratitude exercise by listing three things you're grateful for.
61. Practice progressive muscle relaxation by tensing and releasing different muscle groups.
62. Write down one positive affirmation and repeat it silently to yourself.
63. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a peaceful place.
64. Take a few minutes to doodle or draw something simple.
65. Use a calming essential oil, like lavender, and take a deep breath in.
66. Give yourself a gentle scalp massage with your fingertips.
67. Practice a few simple yoga poses, like seated forward fold or tree pose.
68. Write down your current thoughts and feelings in a journal.
69. Chew a piece of gum mindfully, paying attention to the taste and texture.
70. Take a moment to look out the window and observe the environment around you.
71. Use a guided meditation app on your phone for a few minutes.
72. Do a quick self-reflection by asking yourself how you're feeling in that moment.
73. Take a sip of water and focus on the sensation of it entering your body.
74. Use a hand-held massager to relieve tension in your hands or forearms.
75. Look up inspirational quotes or affirmations online and read a few.
76. Take a quick walk around the classroom or stretch your legs.
77. Write down one small goal you have for the day or week.
78. Practice deep breathing by inhaling for a count of four, holding for four, and exhaling for four.
79. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you, focusing on each one.
80. Give yourself a gentle neck or head massage.
81. Write down one thing you're proud of accomplishing recently.
82. Use a grounding technique by noticing five things you can see, four things you can touch,
three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
83. Practice a quick guided relaxation exercise, focusing on relaxing each part of your body.
84. Write down one thing you're looking forward to in the near future.
85. Use a hand-held fan or small paper fan to create a cooling breeze on your face.
86. Take a moment to notice and appreciate the texture of the surface you're sitting on.
87. Use a stress-relief app on your phone that offers quick exercises or games.
88. Give yourself a gentle hand or wrist stretch.
89. Write down one thing that made you smile or laugh recently.
90. Use a gel eye mask or place a cool cloth over your eyes for a few moments.
91. Take a sip of herbal tea and focus on the taste and warmth.
92. Write down one thing you're excited about in the coming week or month.
93. Use a small handheld mirror and practice saying positive affirmations to your reflection.
94. Take a moment to observe your breath, noticing its rhythm and depth.
95. Write down one small act of self-care you can do for yourself today.
96. Use a small portable fan or handheld electric fan to create a gentle breeze.
97. Take a few moments to reflect on a happy memory

Ideas for a booth promoting simple self-care activities for high school students that they can attempt
on the spot:

1. Meditation and Mindfulness: Set up a comfortable space with cushions or mats where
students can try a brief guided meditation or practice mindfulness exercises.

2. Breathing Techniques: Provide instructions and visuals on different breathing techniques,

such as deep breathing or box breathing, and encourage students to try them out at the

3. Stress Ball Station: Offer stress balls or other fidget toys for students to squeeze and release
tension while discussing the importance of stress relief.

4. DIY Aromatherapy: Provide essential oils with different scents and encourage students to
make their own aromatherapy sprays or roller blends to help promote relaxation.

5. Calming Coloring: Set up a table with coloring sheets and colored pencils for students to
engage in coloring activities that can help reduce stress and improve focus.

6. DIY Positive Affirmation Cards: Have blank cards or sticky notes available, along with markers
or colored pens, for students to write their own positive affirmations and take them as
reminders of self-care.

7. Mini-Massage Station: Offer hand or shoulder massages using handheld massagers or stress
relief balls, teaching students simple techniques they can use on themselves or others.

8. Gratitude Jar: Provide slips of paper and a jar, encouraging students to write down
something they are grateful for and place it in the jar as a reminder of positivity.

9. Self-Care Wheel: Create a wheel or spinner with different self-care activities listed, such as
"take a walk," "listen to music," or "practice yoga." Students can spin the wheel and try the
activity it lands on.
10. Relaxation Corner: Set up a cozy corner with comfortable seating, soft lighting, and calming
music, where students can sit and relax for a few minutes.

11. Sensory Station: Offer sensory activities like stress balls, squishy toys, textured objects, or
kinetic sand for students to engage with and experience tactile sensations.

12. Self-Care Challenge Board: Create a bulletin board with different self-care challenges written
on sticky notes, and students can take a challenge and share their experiences or reflections.

13. Guided Stretching: Have a designated area where students can follow along with a guided
stretching video or a printed guide to release tension and promote physical well-being.

14. Hydration Station: Set up a water station with infused water options, encouraging students
to stay hydrated and explaining the importance of drinking water for self-care.

15. Tech-Free Zone: Create a designated area where students can disconnect from their devices
and spend a few moments engaging in activities like reading books, solving puzzles, or
practicing origami.

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