Curriculum Map 9

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VISION: LMSOL envisions every learner to be globally competitive in the challenges of life and changing times.
MISSION: To promote the holistic development of the child, the man to be.

Q1 Respiratory The learners The learners The learner should be
Week and demonstrate should be able to: able to…
1-2 Circulatory understanding (1) conduct an Explain how the  Identify the parts of A1. Labeling A1. Video - https://ww Knowledg
Systems of: (1) how the information respiratory and the breathing A1.1. Answering viewing and e
Working with different dissemination circulatory systems process and Worksheet Analysis .com/watc
the other structures of activity on effective work together to describe the A1.2. Filling Out A1.1. h?
Organ the circulatory ways of taking care transport nutrients, function of each A1.3. Exercises/ Individual v=mOKm
Systems and respiratory of the gases, and other part; (A) Essay Activity jYwfDGU
systems work respiratory and molecules to and from  Trace the pathway A1.4. Recitation A1.3. Reading - Textbook
together to circulatory systems the different parts of the of oxygen from the A1.5. Graphic lecture - Learner’s
transport based on data body; nose to the alveoli; Organizer A1.4. KWL Module
oxygen-rich gathered from the (T) Activity (Genyo)
blood and school or local  Explain how the A1.5.Powerpoin - http://vtai
nutrients to the health workers respiratory and t Presentation
different parts (2) make a circulatory systems (Discussion) g/respirato
of the body; multimedia work together to A1.6. ryF.htm
(2) the presentation of a transport nutrients, Identifying - Science
prevention, timeline of gases, and other components of Module
detection, and extinction of molecules to and Circulatory (DepEd)
treatment of representative from the different System
diseases microorganisms, parts of the body; A1.7. Video - http://vide
affecting the plants, and animals (M) Viewing
circulatory and (3) design and  Describe the parts m/firstaid/
respiratory conduct an and function of How-to-
systems investigation to circulatory system Perform-
(3) how provide evidence Infer how one’s lifestyle in supplying Hands-
genetic that plants can can affect the oxygen to all parts Only-
information is manufacture their functioning of of the body;(A) A2. Group CPR.htm
organized in own food. respiratory and A2. Role Playing Activity
genes on circulatory systems; A2.1. Making a A2.1Discussion
Week chromosomes  Understand how wall poster or (Zoom) - Textbook Creativity
2 (4) the one’s lifestyle can placard A2.2. - Science
different affect the A2.2. Self Check Information Module Knowledg
patterns of functioning of Dissemination (DepEd) e
inheritance respiratory and A2.3. Video pp. 21-22
(5) how circulatory system; viewing - PEAC Influence
changes in the Explain the different (M) LM pp.
environment patterns of non- A3. Reading 17-19 Collaborat
may affect Mendelian inheritance; lecture ion
species A3. Answering A3.1. DNA
extinction Worksheet Extraction
Week 2. Heredity: (6) the  Describe the A3.1. Answering (Virtual Lab) - https://lear Wisdom
3-4 Inheritance structure and structural unit of guide questions A3.2. n.genetics.
and Variation function of DNA; (A) A3.2. Recitation Powerpoint Autonomy
2.1 Location plant parts and  Distinguish DNA, A3.3. Venn (Discussion ontent/lab
of genes on organelles genes, and Diagram presentation) s/extractio
chromosomes involved in chromosomes (A) A3.4. Answering A3.3. Nature Vs. n/
2.2 Non- photosynthesis  Describe the sample problems Nurture
Mendelian (7) the location of genes in using punnet - Textbook
inheritance structure and chromosomes;(A) square;
2.2.1 function of  Distinguish the - PEAC
Incomplete mitochondrion difference between LM pp.
dominance as the main incomplete 108-109
2.2.2 Sex- organelle dominance and
linked traits involved in Mendelian law of
2.2.3 Multiple respiration Dominance; (A)
alleles (8) the
 Identify the
2.3 Multiple structure and
different sex-linked
genes function of
traits and describe
plant parts and
each; (A)
 Explain the
involved in
occurences of
photosynthesis multiple allelism;
(9) the (M) A4. Individual
structure and  Solve a problem Activity
function of Relate species extinction involving sex- A4.1. Reading
mitochondrion to the failure of linked traits and lecture/article
as the main populations of multiple allelism; A4.2.
organelle organisms to adapt to (A) A4. Answering Classifying
involved in abrupt changes in the Worksheet organisms
Week 3. respiration. environment;  Measure species A4.1. Exercise A4.3. Drawing - Textbook Autonomy
5 Biodiversity richness and A4.2. Chart Generalizations https://www.t
and evenness; (A) A4.3. Forum Creativity
Evolution  Identify natural A4.4. m/environmen
3.1 Causes of way of extinction; Multimedia t/2015/jun/19/ Knowledg
Species (A) Presentation of a humans- e
Extinction  Classify species Timeline of creating-sixth-
3.1.1 natural into categories of Extinction great-
3.1.2 extinction;(A) A4.5. Forum extinction-of-
anthropogenic  Communicate the animal-
causes of species-say-
extinction;(T) scientists
Differentiate basic  Explain how the - PEAC
features and importance government and LM
of photosynthesis and other civic A5. Picture pg.126
respiration; organizations can Analysis
protect and A5.1. Video
conserve viewing and
biodiversity;(M) Analysis
A5. Labeling A5.2. Group
A5.1. Recitation Activity
 Describe how
Week 4. Ecosystem A5.2. Concept (Watching/Read Collaborat
leaves are adapted
6-7 4.1.1 Map ing assigned link - Textbook ion
to perform the
Photosynthesi A5.3. Essay on their group) - http://den Creativity
function of
s A5.4 Reporting dro.cnre.v Knowledg
photosynthesis; (A)
4.1.2 A5.5. Chart e
 Distinguish the
Respiration A5.6. Venn tbiology/p Responsib
difference between
Diagram hotosynth ility
light and dark
A5.7. Recitation esis.swf
reactions of
A5.8. Flow Chart - https://ww
photosynthesis; (A)
 Explain the light
and dark reactions .com/watc
(Calvin Cycle) of h?
photosynthesis; v=mQrlg
(M) H97v94
 Design an - http://ww
experiment using a w.sites.ext
virtual activity on
the effects of light tualforest/
on the modules/p
photosynthetic rate; hoto.html
 Differentiate basic
features and
importance of
 Differentiate
aerobic and
 Describe the role of
mitochondria in
producing ATP;(A)
 Identify and
describe the events
on the three stages
of cellular
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E mail Add.: [email protected]


The learner should be able to conduct an information Students on their own and in the long run will be able to GRASPS: You are a graphic artist and your job is to create public
dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of present helpful information to the public about effective informational materials. You have to think of ways to disseminate
the respiratory and circulatory systems based on data ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory information to the public regarding a lifestyle that ensures healthy
gathered from the school or local health workers. systems based on gathered data. The challenge is how condition of the respiratory and circulatory systems. You have to
they will be able to lead the people to take action rather gather information from the school or local health workers about
than merely accepting the presented information. The how poor lifestyle affects the performance of the respiratory and
students must consider obstacles to overcome such as the circulatory systems. Your task is to design a wall poster or placard
reluctance and pre-conceived notion of people upon that that will make members of school community aware of how
changing lifestyle to promote health. they can effectively take care of their respiratory and circulatory
systems. Any medium may be used for their artwork.


4 3 2 1
The poster clearly communicates The poster communicates some of The poster indirectly communicates The poster does not sufficiently
the main idea and strongly the important ideas and slightly the idea and hardly promotes communicate any idea that can
promotes. promotes awareness. awareness. promote awareness.

All of the graphics used on the Most of the graphics used on the The graphics were made by the The graphics were not made by
Creativity and poster reflect an exceptional degree poster reflect student ingenuity in student but were copied from the the student.
Originality of student ingenuity in their their creation. designs or ideas of others.
Accuracy and All the graphics in the poster are Most graphics in the poster are Some graphics in the poster are The graphics in the poster re
Relevance of accurate and related to the topic. accurate and related to the topic. accurate and related to the topic. neither accurate nor related to the
the Content topic.
The poster includes all required All required elements are included. Few required elements are included. Required elements are missing.
elements as well as additional
Q2 1.Electronic The learners The learners Explain how the  Describe how the A1.Answering A1.Reading https://www.o Learning
Week Structure of demonstrate should be able to Quantum Mechanical Bohr model of the guide questions lecture Authentici
1-2 Matter understanding analyze the Model of the atom atom improved A1.1. Essay /cmntumMech ty
of: percentage describes the energies Rutherford’s anics/lib5/CA
(1) the composition of and positions of the atomic model; (A) 01000794/Cen
development different brands of electrons. tricity/Domain
of atomic two food products /863/QuaalMo
models that led and decide on the  Explain the del.pdf
to the products’ Recognize the different formation of ionic
description of appropriate kinds of compounds and covalent bonds; A2. Recitation A2. Discussion - http://ww
Week the behavior of percentage (ionic or covalent) based (M) A2.1 Answering A2.1 w.chemgu Observant
2 electrons composition. on their properties such  Recognize different sample problems Worksheets Learning
within atoms; as melting point, types of A2.3. Chart A2.3. atoms/bon Creativity
(2) how atoms hardness, polarity, and compounds (ionic A2.4. Answering Comparing ding/metta
combine with electrical and thermal or covalent) based guide questions properties of llic.html
other atoms by conductivity; on their properties A2.5. Practice ionic and - Science
transferring or such as melting Exercise covalent Module of
by sharing point, hardness, A2.6. Filling out compounds DepEd
electrons; polarity and A2.7. Self Check A2.4. - Textbook
(3) forces that electrical and A2.8. Quiz Experiment - PEAC
hold metals thermal (PEAC) A2.5. LM pg. 27
together; (4) conductivity; (A) Discussion
the type of  Explain how
bonds that metallic bonds are
carbon forms formed; (M)
that result in  Draw the electron
the diversity of dot representations
carbon of compounds and
compounds; molecules and
and (5)the unit, predict the type of
mole, that bonding involved;
quantitatively Explain how the (T)
measures the structure of the carbon
number of very atom affects the type of  Explain the
small particles bonds it forms; properties of
Week 2. The of matter. carbon; (M) A3. Determining - https://ww
4-5 Variety of  Draw the structure organic or A3. Picture Creativity
Compounds of hydrocarbons inorganic Analysis .com/watc Wisdom
2.1 Carbon including those A3.1. Oral A3.1. Video h? Authentici
Atoms with single, double Presentation viewing and v=hfH4JX ty
2.2 Organic and triple bonds, A3.2. Modeling analysis ixa1s
Compounds and infer from and drawing A3.2. Individual - Textbook
Recognize the general these the strength structure Activity - http://ww
classes of and uses of of the bonds; (T) w.easynot
organic compounds;
 Name the general g/6736
classes of organic - http://mat
Week compounds A4. Reporting ch the
6 (hydrocarbons, A4.1. Venn A4. Spot the memory.c
alcohols, ethers, Diagram difference om? Knowledg
aldehydes, A4.2 Games (Group Activity) Functional e
ketones,carboxylic A4.3. Practice A4.1. Compare Groups Collaborat
acids and amines; Exercise and contrast ion
Use the mole concept to (A) A4.4. Answering A4.2. Curiosity
express mass of Sample Problems Powerpoint Boldness
substance;  Define mole and its presentation
use in chemistry;
 Solve for molar A5. Answering
Week 3. Mole mass and formula guide questions A5. Experiment
7 Concept mass; (A) A5.1. Filling out A5.1. Mole Intro
3.1 Mass  Describe the A5.2.Practice A5.2.
3.2 Moles compositions of a Exercise Determining the Responsib
3.3 Percentage compound by A5.3. Practice mass of the ility
Composition percentage mass; Exercise substance Curiosity
of a Determine the (A) (Discussion) Creativity
Compound percentage composition A5.3. Knowledg
of a compound given its  Differentiate Computing the e
chemical formula and empirical and mass/mole of
vice versa; molecular formula; the substance
(A) (Discussion)
 Compute the
empirical and
8 A6. Practice
molecular formula
Exercise A6. Solving - Textbook
of compounds; (A)
A6.1 Using percentage - https://allf
mobile composition
Application A6.1 Applying m/the-
A6.2 Answering mole concept mole- Curiosity
guide questions A6.2. Individual concept,4 Wisdom
A6.3.Answering Activity 93336/ Knowledg
sample problems A6.3. - Workshee e
A6.4. Crime Discussion t
Scene A6.4. Problem - http://ww
Investigation Solving w.learning
A6.5. Essay A6.5.
Writing Application of oc/131706
empirical and 2/f0f8748
molecular 1f7f5735f
formula 31a960d0
- http://kdic
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E mail Add.: [email protected]


The learner should be able to analyze the percentage Students on their own and in the long run will be able to GRASPS:
composition of different brands of two food products and
decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
Q3 1.Volcanoes The learners The learner should The learner:
Week 1.1 Type of demonstrate be able to: Describe the different  Identify volcanoes A1. Socialized A1. Experiment - Textbook Creativity
1 volcanoes understanding (1)participate in types of volcanoes and in the community Recitation A1.1. Reading - Science Knowledg
1.2 Volcanic of: activities that volcanic eruption; or region; (A) A1.1. Two- lecture (TB) Links 9 e
Eruption (1)volcanoes reduce  Describe the major column note A2. Reading - http://ww Learning
1.3 Energy found in the risks and lessen parts of a volcano; A1.2. Modeling article/lecture w.phivolc
from Philippines; effects of climate (A) volcanoes A3. Model
volcanoes (2)factors that change; and  Describe the A1.3. Venn making .ph/index.
affect (2) discuss whether different types of Diagram php?
climate, and or not popular volcanoes; (A) A1.4. option=cp
the effects of beliefs and  Explain the Summarization m_content
changing practices with relationship A1.5. Guide &view=ar
climate and regard to between volcanism questions ticle&id=
how to adapt constellations and and hotspots; (M) A1.6. Cycle map 59:inactiv
accordingly; astrology have  Distinguish e-
and scientific basis. between active, volcanoes
(3) the dormant and &catid=55
relationship extinct; (A) Itemid=11
between the  Identify active and 6
visible inactive volcanoes
constellations in the Philippines;
in the sky and (A)
 Create a model of
position along
volcanic eruption;
its orbit.

 Explain how
Explain what happens
volcano provides
when volcanoes erupt;
information about
the interior of the
Earth; (M)
Week A2. Recitation A2. Video Knowledg
2 viewing and - http://ww e
analysis w.cosmeo.
 Show how energy A2.1. Picture com/brain
from volcanoes
may be tapped for study games/virt
Illustrate how energy human use; (T) ual_volca
from volcanoes may be no/media/
tapped for human use; volcanom
 Explain causes of A3. Reading ain.swf
climate; (M) A3. Forum lecture (TB) Autonomy
Week  Discuss how A3.1. Checking - https://ww Learning
3-4 Explain how different climate is of SPLASH
factors affect the classified; (M) .com/watc
climate of an area;  Explain how h?
different factors v=MEI1B
affect the climate A4. Video Tjxmok
of an area; (M) A4. Guide viewing Curiosity
Week 2. Climate questions A4.1. - https://ww Learning
5-6 2.1 Factors  Discuss among the A4.1. Recitation Experiment
that affect different types of A4.2. .com/watc
climate Describe certain climatic changes; Discussion h?
2.2 Global climatic phenomena (M) A4.3. Video v=4by3N
climate that occur on a global  Recognize why viewing Mycz7s
phenomenon level; climatic changes
occur; (M)
 Participate in
activities that
reduce the risks and A5. Video
Week lessen the effects of A5. Video viewing Knowledg
6-7 climate change; (T) analysis A5.1. Q and A e
A5.1. Recitation (Cloud) - https://ww Responsib
 Identify factors that
A5.2. Concept A5.2. Video ility
affect climate, and
web design viewing and .com/watc Meaningf
effects of the
A5.3.Differentiat analysis h? ul work
changing climate
ed Activity (SL) A5.3. Reading v=f6r5BL
and how to adapt
lecture (TB and bPwcw
accordingly. (A)
Link) - https://ww
Show which .com/watc
constellations h?
 Identify
may be observed at v=QAqeF
different times of the Sa60TE
constellations in the
year using models; - Science
night sky; (A)
 Infer that the Links 9
arrangement of - http://ww
stars in a w.wncvita
constellation does lityindex.
not change; (M) org/weath
 Observe that the A6. Flashcard er-and-
Week 3. position of a A6. Two- A6.1. climate/cli Knowledg
8-9 Constellation constellation Column Note Discussion mate- e
s changes in the A6.1. Recitation A6.2. Article change Creativity
3.1 course of the night; A6.2. Chart reading Autonomy
Characteristics (A) A6.3. A6.3. Sci- - Science
of stars  Discuss whether or Constellation Builder Links 9
3.2 not popular beliefs design A6.4. Reading - https://ww
Arrangement and practices with lecture (TB)
of stars in a regard to public/the
group constellation and mes/const
3.3 Changing astrology have any ellations/
position of scientific basis; (M) - https://ban
constellations  Discuss the gkanixiao.
during the relationship files.word
night and at between the visible
different times constellations in the /2012/09/a
of the year sky and Earth’s mbrosio-
3.4 Beliefs position along its stars-of-
and practices orbit; (M) philippine
about  Relate Filipino -skies-
constellations culture to inquirer.p
and astrology constellations y df
researching - https://ww
traditional names w.wwu.ed
and beliefs of some u/skywise/
indigenous groups greekmyth
regarding celestial .html
objects. (M)


Tel. #: (043) 404-0727 / 741-6576
E mail Add.: [email protected]

The learner should be able to participate in activities that Students on their own and in the long run will be able to GRASPS: Your school is having a Science Month Celebration
reduce risks and lessen effects of climate change. use their understanding about the impacts of climate with a theme: Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
change to mitigate and adapt them. Adaptation. You have to come up with a presentation that can
disseminate and educate your classmates about the impacts of
climate change and on how to reduce its effects. You may refer
from the different suggested task below:
1. Comic sketch
2. Jingle or song
3. Newscasting
4. Poster and slogan
5. Poem


CRITERIA Description
4 3 2 1
The presentation had a clear topic, purpose, The presentation had a topic, but its The presentation had a topic, but its The presentation’s topic was not
and theme. All the parts of the presentation purpose and theme were only purpose and theme were not clearly clear and its theme and purpose
contributed to the clear and interesting somewhat clear. All the parts of the conveyed. Most of the parts of the were not at all presented. Many
Purpose presentation of topic, purpose, and theme. presentation said something rather presentation said something parts of the presentation needed
important about the topic and vaguely important about the topic, improvement because they did not
appropriate to the topic, purpose, and purpose, and theme. contribute to the making of a clear
theme. presentation.
The presentation was made up of unique, The presentation included some The presentation included a few There was nothing unique,
imaginative, and surprising features and unique, imaginative, and surprising unique, imaginative and surprising imaginative and surprising about
components which elicited a high degree of features which elicited a moderate features which elicited a degree of the presentation and did not impart
Creativity interest and excitement from the audience, degree of interest and excitement from interest and excitement from the any clear information about the
and loaded the presentation with a lot of the audience, and loaded the audience. However, these features topic.
information. presentation with just enough gave very little information about
information about the topic. the topic.
The presentation introduced the topic in an The presentation introduced the topic The presentation simply introduced The presentation inadequately
interesting way, built up the theme in a in an interesting way, but built up the the topic, did not build up a clear introduced the topic and was so
logical manner, and ended with a slide theme in a somewhat confusing theme, and ended with a slide disorganized that the audience did
Organization presentation that left the audience with a manner, and ended with a slide presentation that did not state the not understand what was its theme
clear purpose to think about and act on it. presentation that left the audience with purpose of the presentation for the and purpose.
a rather unclear purpose to think and audience to think about.
talk about.
Oral Presentation The reporter spoke clearly, with the right The reporter spoke clearly, with the The reporter sometimes did not The reporter did not speak clearly
modulation, and in an engaging manner. right modulation, but in a not so speak clearly and, at times, too and too softly for the greater part of
engaging manner. softly. He was oftentimes looking the presentation. Nothing of what
up at the ceiling or over the he/she said caught the audience’s
audience’s head and did not at all interest in the least bit.
elicit the audience’s interest.
Q4 1. Motion in The learners The learner should The learner…
Week Two deIllmonstrate be able to: Describe the horizontal  Identify the A1. Guide A1. Picture - https://ww Curiosity
1 Dimensions understanding (1) propose ways and vertical motions of different types of Questions Analysis w.physics Wisdom
1. Projectile of: to enhance a projectile; projectiles; (A) A1.2. Recitation A1.1. classroom
Motion  projectile sports related  Differentiate A1.3 Practice Experiment .com/mme
1.2.Impulse, motion, to projectile horizontally and Exercise A1.2. Projectile dia/vector
Momentum impulse motion; non-horizontally Animation s/mzg.cfm
and Impulse and (2) create a device launched A1.3. - https://ww
1.3.Conservati momentu that shows projectiles; (A) Discussion w.physics
on of Linear m, and conservation of  Solve problems A1.4. Problem classroom
Momentum conservati mechanical involving Solving .com/class
on of energy; horizontally and A1.5. /vectors/L
linear (3) analyse how non-horizontally Horizontally esson-
momentu power plants launched Launched 2/What-is-
m; generate and projectiles; (T) Projectiles a-
 conservati transmit  Propose ways to Projectile
on of electrical enhance sports - PEAC
mechanica energy; related to projectile LM
l energy; Investigate the motion; (T) pp.11-12
 the relationship between the
Week relationshi angle of release and the  Observe the
2 p among height and range of the relationship A2. Answering Autonmy
heat, work, projectile; between the angle Guide Questions A2. Reading - Textbook Learning
and of release and the A2.1. Practice Lecture - PEAC
efficiency; height and range of Exercises A2.1. Sci- LM pp. 13
 generation, the projectile; (A) Builder
transmissi A2.2. Practice
 Illustrate an
on, and Exercises
understanding of
distributio projectiles fired at
n of an angle by solving
electrical Relate impulse and
associated with
energy momentum to collision
such projectiles;
from of objects (e.g.,
power vehicular collision);
plants  Connect the
Week (hydroelec impulse and A3. A3. Video - Science Curiosity
3 tric, momentum to Brainstorming Presentation Links 9 Learning
geothermal collision of objects; A3.1. Answering A3.1. Flash - https://ww
, wind, (M) guide questions Card
nuclear) to A3.2. .com/watc
home. Experiment h?
A3.3. Picture v=NBaFIi
Infer that the total Analysis BGjpI
momentum before and - Textbook
after collision is equal; - Science
Link 9
 Predict that the LM pp.
A4. Recitation A4.1. 34-35 Knowledg
Week total momentum A4.1. Practice Discussion e
3 before and after Exercise A4.2. Problem
collision is equal; - https://ww Opennesss
A5. Size Up solving
Perform activities to  Examine effects A5. Sport-
and predict causes .com/watc
demonstrate minded talk h?
conservation of collision related A5.1. Collision
damages/injuries; v=Q0LBe
of mechanical energy; Analysis gPWzrg
- Textbook
 Explain energy - Science
transformation in Links 9
various - PEAC
Week 2. Work, A6. A6. Video Authentici
activities/events; LM pp. ty
4 Power, and Brainstorming viewing and
Energy (M) A6.1. Answering analysis 36-38 Curiosity
2.1 Changes in  Analyze situations guide questions A6.1. Confidenc
form of involving A6.2. Picture Wordstorm - Textbook e
mechanical conservation of analysis A6.2. - https://ww
energy mechanical energy; A6.3. Practice Experiment
2.2 (M) Exercise A6.3. Picture .com/watc
Conservation  Solve problems A6.4. Analysis h?
of energy involving Brainstorming A6.4. v=Q0LBe
conservation of A6.5. Show and Discussion gPWzrg
mechanical energy; Tell A6.5. Problem
(T) A6.6. Essay solving
 Infer that the total A6.6. Video
mechanical energy presentation
remains the same A6.7
during any process; Demonstration
 Create a device that
shows conservation
of mechanical
Construct a model to energy; (T)
demonstrate that heat  Analyze the
can do work; different rides in an
amusement park
and explain how
each can show
conservation of
energy; (M)

 Infer that heat

transfer can be used
Week 3. Heat, to do work and that A7. SAFI A7. Wordstorm Curiosity
5 Work, and work involves the A7.1. Answering A7.1. Learning
Efficiency Explain how heat release of heat; (M) Guide Questions Experiment Authenicit
transfer and energy  Discuss the concept A7.2. Recitation A7.2. Reading y
transformation make of mechanical A7.3 Journal lecture - Textbook
heat engines work; equivalent of heat; writing A7.3. Video - Science
(M) viewing and Links 9
 Explain why Analysis - https://ww
machines are never A7.3. w.enginee
100 percent Demonstration ringtoolbo
Explain how electrical efficient; (M) A7.4. The First
energy is generated, Law and cific-heat-
transmitted, and Thermodynamic capacity-
 Analyze how
distributed. Processes
power plants
generate and ml
Week A8. A8. Show and PEAC LM pp. Collaborat
transmit electrical
6 Brainstorming Tell 66-67 ion
energy; (M)
A8.1. Oral A8.1. Knowledg
 State and explain
presentation Discussion e
the second law of
A8.2. Geothermal A8.2. Group - Science
Pop-Up Activity Links 9
A8.3 Net - Textbook
Exploration - PEAC
 Explain how pp.70-71
4. Electricity
Week and electrical power is
6-7 magnetism generated in A9. Essay A9. Wordstorm Collaborat
4.1 Power powerplants; (M) A9.1. Answering A9.1. Video ion
generation and  Discuss energy loss guide questions watching and Confidenc
energy loses and its impact on A9.2. Three analysis e
4.2 electrical power Words A9.2. Buzz
Transmission consumer; (M) A9.3. Debate Group - Textbook
and  Infer on the A9.3. - https://ww
distribution importance of Discussion
of electrical efficient A9.4 Reading .com/watc
energy from transmission and article h?
power plants distribution of A9.5. Putting v=kjpp2M
to homes electrical energy. the Right Pieces Qffnw
(M) Together - PEAC
LM pp.
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The learner should be able to analyse how power plants Students on their own and in the long run will be able to GRASPS: A certain power company has once again asked the
generate and transmit electrical energy. create a multimedia presentation focusing on one Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to grant its petition for
particular energy source. increases in its power charges. With the looming rate hike and the
threat of rotational brownouts, a non-government organization
(NGO) is inviting all concerned citizens to create multimedia
presentations on the different energy sources in the hope of finally
stabilizing power distribution in the country. This presentation
will be presented to the commissioners of the ERC.
Hence, your group’s task is to create a multimedia presentation
focusing on one particular energy source. This presentation should
present where this source of energy can be taken, how energy is
transformed, and how it can be effectively distributed to its
consumers. Part of this presentation should be your research on
the viability of building a power plant for the energy source.


Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
The information presented is accurate and The information presented is accurate The information presented is The information presented is
detailed. Contains a short history of power and detailed. Contains a brief history of inaccurate but detailed. Does not inaccurate and not detailed. Does
generation using this alternative and how power generation using this alternative contains a history of power not contain a history of power
much electricity this power generation but contains an inaccurate computation generation using this alternative but generation using this alternative
contributes. It also traces how electricity is of how much electricity is generated. contains an inaccurate computation and has an inaccurate
Accuracy of Information
generated, transmitted, and distributed from Traces how electricity is generated and of how much electricity is computation of how much
this method. transmitted but lacks a way of generated. Traces how electricity is electricity is generated. Does not
distributing it to individual homes. generated using this method but show how electricity is
does not show how it is transmitted generated, transmitted and
and distributed to individual homes. distributed.
Depth of Analysis The presentation contains all possible The presentation contains all possible The presentation contains all The presentation sparsely
advantages and disadvantages of using a advantages and disadvantages of using possible advantages and contains the advantages and
method of power generation. It also this method of power generation. It disadvantages of using this method disadvantages of using this
considers the feasibility of building a power considers the feasibility of building a of power generation. However, it method of power generation. It
plant and the sites where it can be power plant but does present possible does not consider the feasibility of does not consider the feasibility
constructed. sites where it can be constructed. building a power plant and the sites of building power plants and
where it can be constructed. where these can be built.
The presentation is creatively done using at The presentation is creatively done The presentation is creatively done The presentation is creatively
least 4 media of presentation. Color using 3 media of presentation only. using 2 media of presentation only. done with only 1 medium of
Creativity combination is well observed that enhances Color combination is well observed Color combination is a little bit presentation. Color combination
the presentation. that enhances the presentation. distracting and does not blend well. is very distracting and does not
blend well.

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